The Fastest Collapse of The Axis Ever - Hoi4 MP In A Nutshell

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second I'm planning something here you gonna be able to hold that a per I should be able to fit more units once that Russian Valentin air moves out of there I'm gonna plan I'm gonna do this oh oh oh oh oh oh did I get it I got it oh all Soviet volunteers and circle boys Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny please baby come on baby come on baby come on baby yes Donna Moyes is 25 divisions right there generals level 8 attack though oh my god why is India just attacking this what Timmy anime does oh my god this is actually this is a this is not this is not this David oh my god he does attack it was lost her fault lighted signal immediately did he try to attack a cross he attacked me we battle planned me what is this [ __ ] honestly oh I understood the moment I attend the moment you started it like battle point this is what Timmy the moment you started battling me Malaya that was he's level six now [ __ ] is he better than your motto that [ __ ] submarine guy he's literally on the same skill each toss is like the lowest [ __ ] Japanese guy at he's level six now it's always level seven this guy's blessed well all of it is fleet coordination that's so stupid Eastern Front still looking bad now Leningrad snot taking Stalingrad snot take this is looking like it through 40 freeze scenario I'm not even kidding look at the casualties you see don't don't focus on behaved you're literally at Kursk there's literally a salient at Kursk this is literally a historical [ __ ] if it'll be a little more to the right it would be a Kentucky historical [ __ ] great success and I didn't lose an army group in Stalingrad okay oh my god yeah I'm getting destroyed here you got wrecked in the Battle of Kursk oh my god college exposed in the center for actually Oh God what the [ __ ] college so that was your allies Russia doesn't hurt me please don't lose this man they poured another ceiling I'm gonna crush it you've gotten so far north as well how do you have this amount of mils you have more militant Flavius ok Greg like Hess like almost like to funds a fatality Italian economy ah I love slam on college oh my god oh my god where's the southern front college there's nothing holding you back did you do the sudden situation in Nexus I am reinforcing the home islands with 20 new divisions and I leave this faction enjoin yours I mean theoretically college what the [ __ ] is going on right now we lost we and then I lost my whole army to 50 Soviet tanks they just came out of nowhere what do you mean you didn't kill that many units college you haven't killed that many subs only 9 million these tanks appeared on my front you can recover from this this this is Stalingrad this is Stalingrad you still yeah you're not out of this yet as long as the Allies aren't on your shores you can still win this get your [ __ ] together College get your [ __ ] together Japan is making moves money moves I tell you what do you mean hear me out hear me out look I know you lost a lot of clay in the East so I bounced out by taking some clay in the West all right I took an island off the British coast look I got the Scottish Highlands guys you're just trying to film your [ __ ] empire please tell me you're holding please tell me you're holding please tell me oh my god is so many of this so many of them why heavy tanks in there kill them kill the Americans kill them all okay they're gonna get their tanks in if you don't take those goddamn poles the first hours of the invasion are going to be the most important ones College remember literally Goering right now you can still come back d-day its officers played Germany Germany Germany you need to Garris my [ __ ] frontline I can't send you 50,000 is that enough oh my god I swear to god guys you guys can control this take make sure detai gets kicked out then fo you can lose a little ground of the social comeback note oh my god oh my god oh my god look at the casualties of Italy's only off the frontline in Russia what is this oh my god please that goes oh my god that goes like 20 tower divisions well that lights are just not existed this no bed College where are they there is no know that for there's like two cavalry division's that's bad I sent you 30,000 you literally threw them into the Russians they lose order two to seven and April 19th of April we're good guys okay all right we're gonna win this one we're gonna win this one you had operations if no right that means that you'll produce a lot of Tanks were the tanks I am currently working on my contingency plan it takes time to work this out you guys didn't give me anything I it's gonna take 30 months for 30 days satellite Frost us full power I want everything we have for the last remnants of hope area this is gonna be really bad man I got an idea I got a crazy idea I know how you need to handle that Ron and then we redirect these 50 divisions to San Francisco Moyes you ready right oh no Ron they know that they noticed they noticed Ron are we holding the men sheron's fall of Los Angeles boys here we go oh we're about to lose our part we lost the port the race is over we lost all 50 divisions [Music]
Channel: Bokoen1
Views: 536,463
Rating: 4.9479113 out of 5
Keywords: Hoi4 MP in a nutshell, Hoi4, Hoi4 MP, Hoi4 in a nutshell, Hearts of iron 4 MP in a nutshell, Hearts of iron 4 multiplayer in a nutshell, Hearts of iron 4 multiplayer diplomacy, Hearts of iron 4, Hoi4 mp in a nutshell, Bokoen1, Hearts of iron in a nutshell, Hoi4 memes, bokoen, Hearts of iron multiplayer, Hearts of iron 4 multiplayer, Hoi mp in a nutshell, Waking The Tiger, Braun, Man The Guns, Warsaw pact
Id: MEZ78VpzFXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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