Customizing a Rubik's Cube

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[Music] hey it's me and today i'm doing something that is the result of harassment once again no i'm just kidding it's okay this is gonna take a little bit of a backstory so bear with me quite some time ago there was a group of people who decided that they wanted me to do the specific video idea called fixing the unfixable they were copying and pasting this comment demanding that i do it over and over again bombing my comment sections with the same comment until finally i actually just did it and as soon as i post that video somebody else comes up with the next idea once again people were copying and pasting the same comment to try to get me to do the next idea that some brilliant person had and so what am i gonna do this time i guess i'm here to do it again i don't know how long this is going to go on on the other side there are many people who are super annoyed at this and who are complaining about the people who are copying and pasting comments and telling them to please stop harassing me and please stop telling me what to do i appreciate the passion on both sides it's fine i don't feel harassed to the point where it makes me upset so don't worry about me am i super excited about this idea um we'll see about that i'm willing to do it for you now that we've gotten that out of the way what the mob wants this time is for me to paint every square of a rubik's cube with a different character i'm going to be honest when i first read this idea i was like funny i'm never going to do that not gonna do it have you seen a rubik's cube each square is smaller than my fingernail and i have to paint every single square with an intricate character guys that's not gonna happen but then i thought about it for a little bit longer because i had to because i saw this comment over and over and over again for several weeks you know what maybe there is a way to do this without going completely insane you'll see what i have in mind let's get into this amazingly wonderful process here is my rubik's cube i actually do have an old one of these from high school but i wanted to keep that one for sentimental reasons so i got this new fresh one to do this do people do asmr with these they should if you don't know what a rubik's cube is it's a puzzle so you're supposed to mix it all up and then try to get each side with all the same color which i will not be demonstrating because i never actually had the patience to figure out how to solve one completely there is the second layer but i have issues solving the last one i'm not quite sure how to do it but for our purposes it's a collection of tiny canvases this thing has one two three four five six sides each with nine squares which gives us a total of 54 squares so you guys wanted me to do 54 micro paintings in one video mean very mean this is gonna take some planning so i've got my sketchbook sketchbook and it looks like i filled out every single page with messy nonsense already this one's dead new sketchbook sketchbook welcome oh so fresh i'm going to start by drawing out all the squares and separate them into groups for each side and then plan out which characters i want to use specifically by drawing out every single one just doing this part of it seemed to take forever i was genuinely scared of what i've gotten myself into why did i agree to this here's my complete plan and don't forget page two oh don't look at that that was actually a sketch that i did around the same time for my shoes that i painted in a video so that gives you an idea of how long i've been working on this the sketches are kind of sad looking toward the end especially but i know what they are now here's the twist i'm going to be doing this digitally not with actual paint i can hear the whining the complaining nobody's happy is it exactly what you asked for no does it make the thumbnail slightly misleading yes but you might still like this give it a chance i'm gonna be using procreate and in order to set up my document properly i need to do some quick measurements and i'm entering precisely the dimension of one individual square and now we are ready to go we're gonna start with the purple section boom purple i think it only makes sense to start by drawing the most classic character of mine pickle the dinosaur so i'm drawing him i want to do a good job but it's best to keep these simple the image is ultimately going to be so small tiny details are definitely out of the question you won't even be able to see them so i want to stick to really thick outlines and keep the design very bold and exaggerated to make sure that you can still see everything very clearly even when it's tiny and yay one down 53 more to go moving on to the next character this is gonna be cousin derp and oof this is the even derpier version of derp also probably one of the only times that you'll see him without food which i know is very difficult for him i'm sorry derp when you live inside a one by one centimeter square there's just not room for your cheeseburger okay little derpy you're done next it's pickle again i'm actually gonna reuse this pickle file and just change the colors around because i want to create pickled pink you get it like tickled pink but pickled who actually my mom created she likes to do crochet and she has invented crochet patterns modeled after some of my characters if you know how to crochet she actually does have her patterns for sale on her store but pickled pink was her idea word around the street is she's pickle's girlfriend but that's just a rumor you didn't hear it from me now we're moving on to another classic and my personal favorite georgie and this is georgie with the big lips whoa i did end up coming back to this several days later and fixing those lips but in the meantime please enjoy georgie with botox now for anyone who is disappointed that i'm not actually painting the designs directly on the rubik's cube i'm sorry i definitely would not have even attempted this idea with actual paint some people enjoy the tiny little paintings for me personally i find painting on a super small scale to be incredibly frustrating and i would have hated every second of it and i love you guys but ah let's compromise i'm gonna just change it and tweak it a little bit so that i'm not wanting to die the whole time obviously doing this digitally i have way more space to work with as i'm going along i'm crossing off each character that i've finished in order to keep myself organized we have so far to go i need to pick up the pace i am slightly confused about how this idea got spread around who paints on a rubik's cube that's not a thing like where in the world did this come from oh there's bert bored as usual okay done with that next clearly with a rubik's cube the squares of each side have to have something in common otherwise you're not going to be able to solve it and so even though i'm putting a different character on every single square i'm keeping each side with the same background color this way it is still technically a functional rubik's cube that you could solve now fun story that's actually not that fun at all and it's kind of a minor tragedy the original bomb of comments did say make a rubik's cube with a different character on every single square but over time the comment had been reposted and rewritten so many times it's like the most chaotic game of telephone that never ends and so it ended up kind of mutating into paint a rubik's cube with a different character on every side but of course by the time they had changed the demand i've already started all the drawings if i just did a different character on each side that's only six different characters instead of 54 i could have saved myself so much time but whatever and oh boy it's my current obsession it's cupey she's the human cupcake please be quiet i always want to sing about her for some reason also let me take the time to reiterate this because you guys are kind of starting to scare me just because you bomb my comment sections with a demand that doesn't mean i'm just going to keep on doing it i'm just making that clear after this video i'm gonna need to take like a 40 hour long nap because this was so much work let's give me a break for a second here this is the last member of the purple squad it's the classic angry pig in a bunny costume whose original design actually doesn't look all that angry but we know he's got the attitude problem what so i'm just going to redesign him kind of and go with that okay the purple side is complete oh we've got a long road ahead one step at a time we're gonna move to the pink side and you know what i think i just want to get a little bit more comfortable just adjusting my tail there i'm in my derp onesie i'm in my slippers and i'm gonna sit on the couch for this next batch okay just doing some light reading real quick here we go on to the pink side i'm now working on fred the plant with the most personality then we've got the grateful monkey with the biggest bow of all time we've got grumpy cherry berry who's just kind of a bummer and oh the hair is coming out be free and here comes the polar bear family watch as papa alfred morphs into mama marlowe and then into baby nat we've got the classic squishy ghost coming at us yes he's back and one of my most precious baby wee i'm sorry you couldn't bring your lollipop and oh we're on to the orange side it's happening we're moving faster now when i say this was time consuming you do not even understand i had spent days on these and i felt like okay i've got to be nearly done now counted and i had only done 25. i thought about quitting many times but i was like nope i've just spent so much time on this already i have to see it through okay we're gonna buckle down now that's right get your blanket out and we're moving into the yellow section this whole experience did make me appreciate just how many characters i've created over the years i thought it was going to be difficult to find 54 characters but actually there were a lot that i wanted to include that i didn't get to and obviously i was working on these drawings for much longer than i was sitting on that couch so i have this drawing footage that continues on forever so if you are new here you've probably already gathered this but yes these are all completely original characters of mine that i've created throughout my videos many of them came from squishy designs lots of drawings and you know other miscellaneous art projects that i've done if you recognize all of these you either have a freakishly good memory or you are a truly invested viewer all right so many days weeks years okay not years but a long time later i've finally finished all the designs that i need for this project and i'm not gonna lie i was just sitting here basking in this right now because it was such a good feeling to have all these done finally i did notice the monkey duck and not georgie kind of looked similar and they're both in the green section same with the cookie narwhal and cow dog over here in the orange section so i just did a quick little switcharoo of the background colors just to solve that little issue and there so we have to magically transport these out of the ipad bippity boppity whatever and boom they've been printed out and i've printed these all on sticker paper which getting them to this point where they were all formatted and ready to be printed like this wasn't ordeal within itself but i won't bore you with that the reason i printed them all separately in columns on the side like this is because this sticker paper is incredibly difficult to peel from the corner it's super annoying the only way i could figure out how to peel the backing off was by creating a big messy rip and then using the rough edges to peel the layers apart now you see sticky sticky first i'm going to apply a strip of packing tape over top of the whole column to give them a nice protective coating smooth that down pulling out my cutting mat i'm going to slice all the way down the left edge and then use some scissors to cut apart each square like a little fringe then i'm making my big and nasty rip down the middle that way i can peel off the backing easily and just trim out each little square sticker bringing back the rubik's cube hi it's been a while and sticking the first square in place oh it's a moment and it's magical then of course i had to repeat the whole taping slicing cutting ripping and trimming process over and over and over again until i felt like i was losing brain cells but let's just focus on the interesting part which was actually sticking the stickers in place just the assembly of this thing took almost a full day but this was actually kind of satisfying to do i had already gotten used to the idea that this video was a huge time commitment so whatever and it was such a relief to see this thing finally coming together and being on the last step all of my hard work finally wrapping up and getting put to use i wasn't sure if i was ever gonna finish this and okay i just threw my cube at the camera good job so here is the final result this was such a crazy idea and so much work but i feel actually really happy and accomplished at the end of all of it it's somehow really satisfying just to hold so many characters in my hand i feel like i have the power of them all of course this is not as practical because it's definitely harder to see which square goes where but i think that's okay it is technically still solvable and i think it's kind of more like a novelty item anyway i wanted to mix it up and see what it looked like but i still can't solve it so i'm thinking i need to learn how to do that if i could go back i wouldn't because i wouldn't want to go through it again but if i had to go back i would change that the purple and the pink are too similar in color i think that purple needs to be much darker so that it stands out more from the pink but i won't be too nitpicky because you know what i really love this i think it looks awesome i know it's not exactly what you guys expected but i hope you're happy with it anyway thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next week and no more comment bombs at least for a couple weeks give me a break [Music] bye
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 21,987,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: painting on things, cool things to paint, fun things to customize, tiktok painting compilation, digital art timelapse, how to use procreate beginner, digital art procreate project, how to use digital art
Id: yooMQ5ypIlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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