I Recreated My Squishy in Real Life | Bake With ME #8

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[Music] foreign [Music] hey it's me hey it's me hey it's me I don't know it but it's already been a long journey to get this video started an hour and a half just getting the um the equipment set up here the lighting situation was really annoying today it still doesn't look exactly right I look like a ghost which light is doing this you you're the one and the sound oh is echoey I'm not an audio expert I'm not a lighting expert but here I am but our mediocre audio mediocre lighting and mediocre baking welcome to my video today I'm back with another baking video it usually takes me like four to six months to do another one of these failure is something that's hard for me to deal with so it takes me a long time to recover from that because it's so traumatizing every single time finally I've gotten over it and I'm ready to go back and fail again but you know what today is coming with an attitude shift I think at this point everyone knows I am not a professional I know very little about baking and it's just something that I do as a fun Series so that you guys can make fun of me basically okay I still look like a ghost even though everyone knows that this is not my forte I still put this pressure on myself to like make a masterpiece in the end and of course it doesn't ever happen that way and then I just am really annoyed about it but you know what we are changing attitudes I'm gonna chill look how relax We're Gonna Bake and if it doesn't turn out well that's okay it's fine we will not get first we will not get second we will not get third but we will get that participation award okay so let me explain what I'm doing today I'm gonna try to bake this which is one of my original squishy Creations based on the cheeseburger I have created out of my imagination a dessert Burger this is not something that is really in existence so is there already a set recipe for the dessert burger no no there's not so once again I am making things up putting things together that don't necessarily Belong Together basically recipe for disaster but but but we're gonna chill we're gonna relax we're gonna have a good time and it's gonna be fine let's explain what we are looking at here we have the burger bun which I'm not gonna use a regular burger bun in a dessert because that would be disgusting so we're gonna make a dessert kind of Sweet Roll whatever that is instead of a meat Patty we have a brownie pink frosting in there I don't know uh looks like some sort of white drippy ganache and a huge mound of frosting on the top so I'm gonna try to recreate this and see if this fantasy dessert of mine is actually any good doubtful let's get started first step I'm gonna make the bun I found a recipe for it best basic sweet bread can be made into dinner rolls dinner rolls that's not sweet cinnamon rolls or sticky buns in a small saucepan over medium heat I have to work over there that's fine why am I getting stressed don't get stressed okay okay okay okay okay small saucepan milk medium Heat oh that feels good my fingers are cold I feel like we could do this in the microwave just as easily but I know nothing one cup of milk why does that look really good to me okay one cup of milk sugar one third of a cup okay and one third of a cup of butter oh here it probably should have left this out I rarely do things correctly one third of a cup chunk it up so it melts a little faster oh idiot that's okay don't cry over splashed milk oh gosh looks good we're doing good guys okay we're gonna need to heat this up and then stir in the yeast where's the yeast it's nice it's ready I'm gonna go Heat this up this is looking good and so yummy okay it's warm to the touch add the yeast stir that in why does it smell like macaroni and cheese let's stand about 10 minutes 10 minutes it's standing in a large bowl is this large enough together flour and salt okay [Music] one cup two cups three and so uh one half a teaspoon of salt okay wait what mix in the eggs oil and the yeast mixture oh okay two eggs no and vegetable oil by the way a lot of people were very sketched out by my vegetable oil last time because it doesn't have a label I just took the label off because actually I was using this in a video that was sponsored don't be afraid I'm not gonna make you eat it anyway oh I just splashed water on my face oh weird oh ew oh ew it looks like a rotting brain and fluid I hate that I'm getting an itch right under my bun I can't take the rotting brain no mix in two eggs wow that's really loud they're coming two tablespoons of vegetable oil and mix this disgustingness it makes me so uncomfortable pour this sickness in here it kind of smells like rotten eggs I feel like I just want to get in there with my hands is this unprofessional okay put dough onto floured surface and continue to knead for 10 minutes flour my Surface okay give it a nice massage here nine minutes left starting to smell good now now it smells like bread amazing oh my gosh it's only been three minutes [Music] I've been kneading for 10 minutes and now I need to stop what do I do with this Grease the bowl like that is that is that what you want nice looking dough ball place in bowl and turn cover this let that rise for an hour put in a warm place uh what if I just like stick it in the microwave I don't know I guess I could put it in the oven at like the lowest setting I don't know okay so we have about an hour to move on to something else remember this got the Roll Part it's doing its thing I think I'm gonna start on the brownie now oh gosh I'm gonna be making a whole pan of brownies I'm gonna eat them all I'm just trying to prepare myself for self-control brownie time now I have made brownies from scratch before multiple times it's not that hard I get it but also got a lot of things to do so I'm just gonna use the Box [Music] oh what's that what is that with a pouch of chocolate syrup what do you do with that all right this is how I like to bake I want to make nice and thick brownies grease the pan starting the oven in with the brownie mix in with the chocolate goo wow it really looks like worms kind of slithering down interesting oh I almost slipped and broke my neck water one two three one third of a cup of oil okay let's just pour a little bit out way too much whoopsies one egg Stir It Up my friend [Music] all right that's looking good oh it smells heavenly transfer them to the pan wait a second no this is not going to be thick enough I need a thick brownie but if I put it instead in here I'm gonna do that oh I need a spatula okay good yay for dirtying up way more dishes than necessary so what I've done here is I have options one where the brownie will be a little thinner and one where we get something real thick um yes oh okay only problem is I have no idea how long these are supposed to bake because the Box doesn't tell you about weird sizes of cake pans gonna have to monitor them closely let's put them in the oven okay those are gonna take at least 30 minutes I think what can I do now oh frosting time I am not making the frosting from scratch you will forgive me [Music] just cracked the can we have this weird pink layer in there and then we have the top frosting going on I think I'm gonna scoop like a third of the can it's a very light pink so let's try to use restraint with the dye that's actually about the right lightness and you know what it's close enough I'm gonna put all my frosting into piping bags darn it I just realized this brownie has sprinkles in it and I did not add the sprinkles to the brownie batter I guess I'm gonna have to stick them in there by hand back to what I was doing all right frosting in here okay all of this ha all right my frostings are ready oh my counter is so sticky well I can prepare the baking sheet for the rolls is this okay I just have to um grease it oh I am not good with the oil man all right the Pan's ready for the rolls but the rolls are not ready for the pan so I'm gonna do all the dishes that have to be done and I'll be back shortly can you not do that weird thing with the plastic he always does this weird thing with plastic it's about time for things to get rolling again the dough ball should have now doubled in size and I did get my thin brownies out of the oven thick boy is taking his sweet time so we're gonna have to wait on that so let me go get the dough ball oh he has grown substantially for rolls punch down the dough punch the dough punch okay yuck I mean did I do it I want big fat rolls what do we think about like that obviously it's going to rise maybe I could make some of different sizes I know that's not what you're supposed to do supposed to get them uniform but I just need one good roll oh this was a lot of work what am I gonna do if this fails obviously we are not filling the pan here it says they should be touching but I don't think they necessarily need to be touching do they I don't know I know nothing I know nothing these actually have to rise again okie dokie my brownie the thick boy finally finished baking so I got that out it's cooling now and the rolls should be done with their thing now too do they look any bigger are these gonna be too small I'm gonna leave them for like 10 more minutes and see if they rise more I really want big rolls I cannot emphasize that enough okay waiting again I gave him an extra 10 minutes and they have done nothing productive with their time I can't wait all day for this I gotta we're gonna have to go into the oven guys sorry going into the oven so we wait again [Music] I think the buns are done they smell amazing let me go get them wow wow okay they feel quite heavy owie owie yeah they look they look a little bit misshapen maybe and it's time for the real show to begin give me my rolls give me my brownies I'm feeling the tightness in my chest should I use C uh oh Don't Panic it's all right I stuck these in the freezer um to try to cool them down and um might have taken that a little too far because they kind of are Frozen now clearly that's a little bit thinner so let's check out the thick one um um it's just nice moist brownies there we go yes I believe that is more of the thickness that we are going for I have to select the bun that I'm going to use as well clearly this is the biggest one this is the closest in size to what we've got going on here let me just cut through this all righty so now I have to cut my brownie to size and use the bread as a template hi are you just gonna watch you are yes we have a live audience carefully trimming around this why is there like a rock in my brownie what is that hard spot in there pulling off the trimmed section here look at that you want to try it on brownie trim to size oh good job it is looking just as it should this is where it actually gets pretty scary chocolate melts I've used these in the past and it didn't go well at all I hated it but I think I found a way that can improve the technique so this is going to go right over our brownie that's the idea according to what I've read online if you add whipping cream that does something it makes it smoother we do three parts chocolate one part cream one two three two one you just heat them up separately and then mix them together and you should have a magical Perfection let's do it all right heat up the cream now we just combine them that makes it super liquidy I'm just gonna wait a little while and see if it starts to thicken a little bit now is probably a good time to add these little sprinkles that are in the brownie so I have my sprinkles and we get to place these one by one now this is gonna take forever [Music] all right that took forever meanwhile this stuff has made a little to no change Plan B let's try adding a little powdered sugar to this I don't know y'all are gonna come in the comments with all the tips and all the criticism and all the advice at that point it's too late I've already I've already done it sorry let me just add a little bit of this is that working should we give it a try see if it gives us those nice delicate drips okay it's not bad but I think it's too runny I'll try a little bit more of this let's go even thicker come on boy you can do it let's just let's just go see if this has a better more controlled drip okay all right not bad not bad let's continue with this I think we are on the right track here [Music] these drips back here do not look the best they're a little scary but it's not the worst I've ever produced so next a random pink layer of frosting which I prepared right here whoa that's a lot of frosting we have even more coming please don't collapse very good okay last step is the mound of frosting on top all right before that starts to dry I'm just gonna sprinkle some sprinkles on there look at that I'm actually happy with this one this actually came out pretty darn cool I think it looks really really similar to the original squishy the only thing that I'm not extremely happy with is the drips I feel like they could have been smoother but it's pretty darn close and for me not a bad effort I consider this a success how many calories is in that it didn't turn out being as much frosting on the top as I thought so it's not a whole can of frosting it's only a half a can there is only one thing left to do here taste my creation I'm not exactly sure um how to eat a dessert Burger the size of my head how do I let's try a fork it's really weird I think I like it the bread kind of keeps it from being too sickly sweet and then you get the chocolate chewiness with the Brownie and then the frosting just gives it a nice soft extremely sugary thing I like it I feel like if you made this in a much smaller more reasonable scale it might actually be kind of a good thing well we had some bumps along the way of course of course but I think things came together in the end I like it we are done for today thank you so much for watching I hope that you've enjoyed this video and I'll see you next week bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 11,463,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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