Spore but evolution has failed

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hey there friends has gone my name is Kevin and today we were playing some spore it's been a while it's been a great number of years since I played this game and I didn't even play that much back then but I always meant to come back to it so here we are I'm gonna call him puck that's gonna be his name description' puck like tanks [ __ ] it'll put his eye like down here I think it'll be handy oh no oh no we don't want that give him another eye up here there we go I gave him little eyelids isn't he cute oh they're not quite eyelids there on his actual eyeball let's give him some more eyes down here now we can keep an eye on his eyes you know Tandy give him some neat eyes even a little double-sided eye there on the top man here's a lot of eyes his kneecaps are also eyes somebody's there and I'll stalk four eyes there there we go now good luck sneaking up on me bad guys name your planet I just like to call it name your planet please thank you oh my god they are terrifying now you are a creature surrounded by your nest mates to evolve you will need to meet that yeah earned DNA that's fine yeah yeah I don't need to be taught how to play don't worry about me oh it looks like he's staring at me he kind of looks like a fish like if you look at his butt as being the the front of the fish all right let's go attack other species we are clearly the dominant ones oh that's my mating call apparently who's this you met a new species care to make them a friend eat him in front of his family don't even dare try sneaking up on me cuz it won't work I'll tell you that much honey I'm home oh my god no yeah I can't unsee him being a fish now oh no all right we get to evolve him now I used like all my things I'm buying eyes maybe I'll just changed his legs to like that he's got like that Michael Jackson thing going on oh wait I took his feet off how is he gonna work now but now his eyes are floating oh no his legs are coming off oh Jesus what's happening there we go so now even in his mouth there's another I imagine that getting eaten by something that's watching you inside its own mouth waylynn eats you now he is beautiful I think we should change his legs every time he evolved because like I mean it's clearly not working so I guess it's nature trying to figure out what's going on Jesus Christ I'm falling over everything let's go buddy I evolved this on my mouth is in a useful place now now you're in trouble and look your family don't even care they're just running away that were my family they wouldn't be able to run because look at the state of us that's why we stick together cuz we don't have any other choice oh my god these things like nasty maybe I shouldn't fight these ones you were a disaster look at the state of you I'm no one to talk here but seriously nineteen health I don't know why you're scared actually no I do know why you're scared I'm terrifying these things can fly oh there's a baby one wait there's another one attacking me why I'm attacking your child's not you are good this one hasn't learned how to fly yet look it's dead now just let me beast off for God's sake run run oh my I I'm standing on my own eyes Oh God oh Jesus I didn't like that sound at all I was scary why does it make me hunt these ones these are the most adorable of all of them well aside from me of course I mean look at me it does kind of look like I evolved from a fish though that I just came out of the water and went straight up onto land with these lakes oh they went extinct well that kind of sucks anyway back home so I can evolve what are you doing oh well hey family I am home hey don't really they say you gotta want any competition now you hear me out of my way I'm getting rid of my little brother I want all the attention oh my god this thing could swim impressive oh there's an island out there wait oh no no no no no no no no no no no no we don't want this oh my god what a horrible beast and the thing that attacked me was ugly - oh man imagine being in a world where this thing is top of the food chain that's depressing well actually no I guess that thing out on the lake is top of the food chain but then me right after that it goes all of these random animals me missing link sea monster oh my god did I just grow like three times my size what is happening oh I don't like what he's becoming I don't like what he started from either though I mean another creature go extinct my bad you my mating call pretty sure even my species wouldn't respond to that oh wait no I have a taker hello would you like to do the Diddley yo baby let's evolve something together ah well I'll have nightmares for days oh okay let's evolve this mothertrucker I think we need more legs that's what we need and arms actually we need balance up the front that's what we need we're moving his mouth onto his knees instead and get rid of this thing so we can give him some arms I'm running out of real estate on this guy to be honest there we go his arms are right up the front can we move these things maybe make them a bit wider ah there we go now we've more real estate to put more eyes on are there we go it looks like he's trying to block a point for basketball or something all right perfect that'll do and we have a bit of money to add some more eyes wait I've got too many parrots explain how do I have too many parrots Hey look these can't really see any more so I want to take those there we go there's some more eyes up there perfect I want to make him more wise these eyes say wise and Oh No I'll take the one eye there oh I don't know if I like to look at that to be honest where'd I put his mouth oh yeah I put it on the back of his knees you know what yeah I'm curious I want to see how that works we'll put a rhino horn right down there move like a bee sting like beat oh I had a little shorter like a legit kind of shiver there when I saw him it kind of creeped me out on a subconscious level oh yes look at this for a beast what is that thing I'm gonna fight you even though you're much stronger oh Jesus I don't like it this is going o and you're getting back up that's not fair no stop stop run make use of those legs come on look at the size of them look how small he is run are you serious I got caught by that thing look at me look at that leg span oh it's alright these things are breathing like rabbits maybe we what rabbits evolved from that makes sense actually and it explains why you both are so damn cute oh he's the alpha bean I'm gonna attack him anyway that is kind of cute though Jesus there really about loyalty everything they all just played immediately I can see you over there I have high eyes now so I can see when you run away well I just saw him glitch off into the sky there what was that I guess he's ascended he's reached his final form unlike me I have many more forms to go unfortunately oh my god what is that how is even doing that oh he's picking up with his hands and then feeding it to the back of his knees what a horrible creature oh no that was his chair attack that was terrifying what is this oh oh oh this beast was not meant to fly oh wait I can heal up where I make people you're extinct that is awesome being a murderer pays off for once oh those things are pissed at me I did kill their baby earlier yeah well I'll move on oh I love long walks on the beach I like it that one's just watching like he knows he's gonna be next surely enemy spotted I know their enemy extinct there's gonna be nothing left soon I'm not seeing you yet alright I'll be seeing you soon brah right it's time for a major change in our evolution baby let's do this here it comes oh yes look at them go waiting running oh they're same farewell they're afraid of their own offspring like well we are [ __ ] we don't deserve to involve anymore your species is migrating to a new nest follow them those things moving left to right like a metronome those are legs by the way I guess they just can't figure out the like geometry of the whole ordeal I don't think that lake in the middle is actually doing anything but look at him I gave him a little pincer on the top so it looks like he's a wicked sick haircut and he's got those little mischievous eyes he's really cute look at his little haircut isn't it cool yeah I thought so too anyway best we get going come on ah look at him handling this terrain he is an all-terrain vehicle at this point just gonna walk right out of here voice hello my lady hello my honey hello my right town tell me would make anyway Oh don't jump that's not good for you you're gonna break something oh my God look at them I bet they just all wanna die yeah sure go ahead I love ya come here oh no oh look at that little legs come on let's go back to my place honey beat they're just watching like Oh God they rustle my jimmies all right these legs just won't work let's try and just make them bigger that might solve it oh my God look at him just those eyes then that face it makes him look like the kind of guy you know he always shows up for the parody but you don't want to show up hey guys what's up I didn't bring any drinks but I'll just finish all yours oh I can make him two little animations groovy let's just dance on the floor you'll only take up 90% of the dance floor it's fine oh Jesus Christ okay I've had enough I had enough I don't want any more of it I want his legs to all be like really close so that he has no balance but the way evolution is handling it is it just keeps giving him more legs I'm sorry ice you've done me well but you need to go I need more legs it's either feast or a famine ehi there is none of something or he is loads of them if you ever see this thing fall then I have failed but I don't see how you could be coordinated enough to not trip yourself with his many legs he's given all test runs yeah everything appears normal I get it's all about evolution but I imagine the two previous iterations just you know make babies and this thing comes out Oh Oh No Oh as legs are going all tangley dance with him dance with him make friends he's like a pair sorry I'm not much of a dancer you might say I have 16 left feet I don't know how to make friends I wasn't raised this way I just need everything oh my god they're like rotating I could possibly swim with them though they're like oars they almost has many lakes as me hey buddy friends I don't think he wants to be friends run go into a narrow space I ran into a tree I think we're okay oh he's looking for me good thing I blend in so well with the terrain I'm so glad I evolved to be this shade of purple why are you scared have you a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior Oh what is wrong with you they're just getting more elaborate and more ugly alright let's see if I can fly now oh yeah ha ha look at me go I find it hard to believe that not even one of his legs would have broken there here I have this stick will you be my friend you can have it that's it fighter come on we're gonna go geez he's a monster run run oh well he finished me off fast there's no point even eating me I'm all skin and bone look at those legs you know what I'm gonna evolve into those monsters in spider-man the game I was playing I'm just bringing them away somewhere I'm kidnapping him oh my god what the hell are you seriously what the hell is this thing is terrifying you don't deserve to live oh god they're ganging up on me this is scary this is really scary actually oh I can hear it behind me I can hear behind me it's still scary this stuff stop please oh god there's another style of them run door to the water we're going back to Ireland I see land no I didn't have a chance alright well I think I've proven that my creature cannot evolve to be any sort of useful so I guess you'll just stay like this forever you know this could actually be the missing link in humanity they could go like Neanderthals this and then man but that's just the theory an idiotic theory but yeah I hope you enjoyed watching the video I sure as hell enjoyed making my little creature to be the best little thing he can be and tell them that I'll see you next time so thanks for watching and bye bye quick shout out pay transporters lieutenant collet America's Epson James R England show unlock ship American catherine libyan NOAA Shasha andrew urban check even the character Brooklyn Louise Callan Christine Nathan normal Nadine Kamel Josh Delton mr. Ozzy Deadpool 97 Jack she's Jack Toland Liam McTaggart Nancy Kirk ViCAP Linda left Kailyn Valencia Sarah Wilkins Luke Jagger's cap again Anaconda Kiwi steward Steven firstly thanks guys
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 2,415,123
Rating: 4.937438 out of 5
Keywords: star wars, rp, roleplay, gmod, garry's mod, serious roleplay, troll, annoying, how to annoy, stormtrooper, empire, imperial, funny montage, how to, free, mod, callmekevin, call, me, kevin, city rp, santos rp, santos roleplay, spore, spore pc game, spore funny moments, spore gameplay, spore 2018, spore funny, spore funny creations
Id: _RZ_hn98M28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2018
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