SPORE - Perfectly Balanced Meme Generator - SpaceHamster

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hey hey hammy here today we'll be talking about the cult classic game Spore it's really the only game I can think of that completely encapsulates the craziness and creativity of people well it provides you with an incredible unique obvious and Voxx gameplay experience so what exactly is Spore well to put it shortly it follows your custom created creature all the way from cellular stage to spacefaring nation wait did I say nation what I meant to say was Empire along the way you continuously upgrade your creature giving them various plug-and-play parts and even design other things like their vehicles and homes as you eventually set out to other planets to make fat stacks of cash in wage war on Mickey Mouse that capitalistic scumbag being super hyped for this I was always watching videos of pre-release gameplay there's footage of stages out there that never made it to the final version of the game and honestly I'll never forget the first time I found out how big the scale of the game truly was honey but eventually you earn the interstellar drive so we plot again [Applause] that might sound antiquated now but my 2007 mind was blown I mean it was this moment that I knew I was gonna love the game an entire procedurally generated universe to explore it's like a folk art man if Picard has like three extra arms in a big floppy dick the generation in the game is constantly pulling from other people's creations their nightmarish and erotic creations the game was designed by Will Wright of SimCity and The Sims bang the basic pitch of the game is that it's a life simulation not completely unlike the sims but taking a more scientific evolutionary approach if my evolution amazed hey what exactly do I mean by that well let's just say I don't think there's another game I've played where I Massacre entire races of creatures asserting your dominance over them and the land by collecting their parts only to have part of your party be abducted by a UFO fidget spinner and then you and your companions discover and then die - epic Ridley it's awesome the game is split up into five different stages at the very start of the game you simply click on a planet and name it whatever you want after deciding if you want to start out as an herbivore or a carnivore I've got the perfect name for this planet welcome to the Li tofu life begins on burrito mill as an asteroid crashes into the planet and thus begins the first stage of the game [Music] the cellular stage the only thing you're really doing in this stage is swimming around and getting crude you could be an herbivore an omnivore or objectively the best only because I was kind of shoehorn into it your current of war this way you're a hardcore mofo who goes around killing everyone in sight to turn them to meat chunks which then equals meat money yeah that's what I said meat money once you get enough meat money you can find a mate and procreate that's when you're introduced to the creature editor where you can plop some more parts onto your creature adjusting the way it looks and functions with the other parts you collect and then of course you can name your creature mine are called lore bows [Music] [Applause] he's coming you better watch out you can find new parts by killing creatures with those parts aren't by stumbling upon them through meteorites what's great is that every part has a very specific purpose for your creature you can be anything from nimble and mobile just slow and aggressive just watch out for the huge guys Oh God get away from me Oh I need that heart go tell my god he's still chasing me this stage is the most simplistic but it is still kind of important because it determines the type of creature you're going to have throughout the different phases of the game you get these special abilities or perks and they're all completely dependent on whether you're an herbivore carnivore or omnivore so at least there's some kind of planning to be had which I kind of forgot about before I murdered most of the cellular world what looks like we're carnivores well it wasn't that long before all that murdering caught up with me and now I have a pea-sized brain you know what that means it's time for the creature phase it's time to check out our guy and head to land I'll just give him a leg adjust a few things here and there Petworth to land Lobos we will conquer this world you know I've always thought that the creature stage although simple was one of the best more fleshed out segments of the game the objective of this part of the game becomes exploring gathering new parts and getting enough DNA points to make your creature whatever you want them to be in order to get DNA points you have to go around the friending the locals communicate with them in their native tongue or you can go for the easier route murder them every time you either befriend or take out a colony of creatures you usually get a few parts to play around with in some DNA points to spend so you know what that means that's right it's back to the creature creator you'll actually be here quite a bit throughout this phase of the game because you're constantly getting new parts to play with it's almost like you're a sidewalk or something who digs up parts from both vials in your enemies and attaches them to yourself you are next and a lot of those parts that you find are actually significantly better stat wise the game tracks all the changes you make to your creatures so you get this really cool history of how your creature changed over time Melora Bou ended up going through a lot of different transformations at what point even looked like grew from Despicable Me completely by accident towards the end in the creature phase though bore bows were looking like this they have anime eyes to see into their opponents souls they sprouted wings to jump and glide higher than any before them and they have nipples that spit poison those babies played an integral part in the great war against epic ridley well that in the fact that he definitely got stuck on something but gosh dang it if we didn't win [Music] to consume epoch Wiggly you know this game is probably better explained through the stories and events that happen throughout your journey more than just actually talking about it so I'm gonna spit off a few things that happen one of the first nests that I encountered was the Chu Kahn who I befriended with my wily charms but it wasn't long until they were set upon by the great brew clan they're what I like to call Nightmare Moon so I definitely had to murder them all to make my new friends feel safe I'd say that's a job well done the booze although terrifying aren't even some of the worst things that I ran into at one point I ran to a race of creepy-looking Furbys one time I was running from a fight that I definitely didn't start only to be set upon and murdered by a bunch of red pigment no no no no no no stay away big Yoshi he's done to me stop stop it he's so relentless I was just out here minding my own business and suddenly I'm dealing with the mario odyssey ship girl my god it's abducting things what kind of experiments are you performing up there Mario you sick son of a yeah there's a bunch of events that can happen to you throughout your time in the creature phase well I mean UFOs can show up you can find old meteorites or crash-landed alien ships and honestly I didn't even know that if you tried to swim out into the ocean you just died to a huge sea creature well it looks like it's that time again it's time for the war bows to migrate to a new nest farewell you brave and mighty blammo one day we will reunite but probably not when we look like grew so I guess I haven't even really covered what's going on here the game has actually become kind of a survival game you have to actively manage your hunger which means you got to eat from trees if you're an herbivore or you got a kill stuff if you're a carnivore once you've survived for a while and gathered enough DNA once you'll eventually get smarter and that means a big brain so you're gonna want to go out and make some big brain plays until your big brain can't get no big there are some last-minute things that we'll want to do before finishing up this stage you'll want to keep gathering parts so we can customize the final form of our creature this can actually be a bit grinding secondly you can actually take a few friends with you to the next stage well kind of the things that you take with you will actually become your pets Avengers Assemble we have Bloor bow King Dedede Murdo and Po knock knock we're here till you meet Marnie I couldn't find anyone else that I really wanted that I hadn't already eradicated so uh hopefully he gets abducted before long they'll or Beau discovers stick my god it's beautiful yeah I guess they discovered fire too [Music] now it's off to the tribal stage and to be honest this stage and the civilization stages respectively are probably the worst in the game they're the least fleshed out and the simplistic nature that works in favor of the first two stages seems like more of a hindrance in these two because I mean in reality these stages are just really simplistic realtime strategy games and not even good ones that but hey at least you can start closing your creature though more most have really ascended as a race my guide do wield shields for maximum armor class bonus okay I lied their hats they're just swish tats well the good news is is that I've befriended the guns that were nearby after my pet pug got abducted by a fitted spinner casualties of war are just a fact of nature but it's moments like this that give me hope so the objective of this mode is to again befriend or wipe out the different villages that spring up on the map randomly it can be pretty unpredictable and you can quickly get overwhelmed early on if you're taking it slow and you don't know exactly what's going on none of the other villages actually interact with each other and if you leave them alone they eventually turn aggressive so when all's said and done they just start sprinting to attack you as soon as they show up so you inevitably have to deal with multiple attacks back to back to back just leave me alone gosh dang oh good the pumpkin tribe that I've befriended is sending a meat basket yay there's such nice neighbors so you have your own village now and you can customize the nodes with different buildings that act as equipping bowls for your tribe if you want to make some real friends you're gonna have to get some musical instruments and show off your epic skills all those GarageBand practices aren't finally paying off you can also just grab a bunch of axes and completely wipe out the villages it doesn't really matter what you do either wait you'll get some new schematics for buildings so the choice is really up to you you're also rewarded with a murderer's keepsake in the form of a totem that represents the choices you've decide to make along the way honestly no regrets but we all know that the best part about this mode is that you can do this that's so cool cool it's the right word right no no no no not again Luigi's trying to get to mine eats - head up with the nipples sprint that'll teach him that'll teach him good honestly there's not much to say about this mode you just kind of spam units and take everything over and once you've defeated all the villages it's time to go to the the sieve stage well I hate to be the one to break it to you but the SIP stage is basically the tribal stage again but instead of controlling people you now control vehicles boats and aircrafts in an attempt to take over spice geysers he who controls the spice controls the world because that's how you make all your money and money's pretty important because that's how you create all your burrito buddies alright so instead of designing and upgrading your creature you now get to create buildings for your cities and cars and I've got the perfect idea but Reed oval city capital will be Taco Bell the other cities will cower in fear of my burrito buggies they are completely unstoppable okay maybe they're not the best so just spam a bunch quantity over quality the Taco Bell motto there is something quite satisfying about seeing the Taco Bell I spent an hour creating show up in a cutscene where the bore bows are wearing chef hats like I said before this mode works and essentially the same way as the tribal stage only this time you're trying to take over the entire world you can do that in a few different ways you can capture cities you can convert them with religion or you can completely and utterly annihilate your enemies the power of my Bowser jr. aircraft army supplemented by my burrito buggies oh and my sharks will completely destroy all their hopes and dreams bow down to the bow eventually you take over the whole planet and now we can finally go to the last phase of the game [Music] that's right it's time for the space stage it's by far the coolest stage in the entire game if only because of the scope of it all just like in the pre-release gameplay you're basically allowed to go wherever you want and explore an entire galaxy the game basically becomes a huge sandbox where all the mechanics start to come together you can eventually shape worlds terraform and populate planets with new life : eyes in customized new cities trade with with yoda yes so it turns out the first sentient creature i ran into in the universe was the yoda empire a normal contradictions of that aside we became good friends and established trading routes for the betterment of both species well I mean I guess his ecosystem does get ravaged by disease every once in a while but I mean I just go down there and zap it with a laser and everything's good at least they're like way better than the My Little Pony race that I ran into I can't stand their voices [Applause] shut up - me I'll be back you got good prices on stuff you see more boats have become sophisticated beings more space travelers now have you seen the hat and beard we've denounced our carnival ways in search of a greater peace through learning and of course capitalism meeting new sentient races terraforming as many planets as I possibly can optimizing spice production rates and controlling all known spice trade in the galaxy well that was until Mickey showed up the Mickey Mouse Empire has been nothing but trouble for the Bloor Bo's well first it was the giant space bunnies but we sure did eventually show them what happens if you mess with the bore bows and maybe now the other galactic races will get in line no everyone's pissed at me to annihilate your race you know I feel like I'm barely scratching the surface of what is actually possible in this mode I don't want to downplay how genuinely cool a lot of the game's elements actually are that sense of exploration and discovery is there and it's only made better by the fact that you're running into people's creations from all over the world you truly never know what you're gonna find all I know for certain is that it'll be a sad day once the server's eventually go down it's just a really weird unique and fascinating game and honestly even with all its flaws and even the fact that it's a bit repetitive towards the end I still can't recommend the game enough not very often are there games that are this ambitious create your own creature and take them to the stars and hey you know maybe you'll see some really cool stuff along the way and I can think of no better way to end our burrito ville journey than with this hey guys thank you so much for watching this video hope you guys enjoyed it I've been meaning to talk about this game for a super long time so I'm really glad to have gotten around to it and in fact I streamed the entire game over on my twitch channel so if that's something you're interested in be sure to go give that a follow like the video subscribe for more videos like this and of course thanks as always to all the artists out there drawing me on all the patrons out there supporting me and if you just can't wait for more videos I got two more videos for you right there all right imma go now bye [Music]
Channel: SpaceHamster
Views: 595,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spore, Spore Creepy & Cute, Spore Galactic Adventures, Spore Funny, Spore Gameplay, Funny, Spore Funny Moments, Spacehamster Spore, SpaceHamster, Spore Review, Cell Stage, Cellular Stage, Creature, Creature Stage, Tribal Stage, Civilization Stage, Space Stage, Galaxy, Memes, Maxis, Will Wright, The Sims, Sim City, Sim Games, Simulation Games, Blorbo, Blorbo's
Id: wEOAn4vpxtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 52sec (1072 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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