Beta64 - SpongeBob: Battle for Bikini Bottom feat. Dev's Answers!

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well hello there this episode is sponsored by no one that's [Music] it spongebob squarepants wow a character known and loved all over the world and has quite a few eh games like uh like oh one of my favorites uh spongebob uh tickler i'm not even gonna but of all the spongebob games some might even go as far as to say of all licensed game in general there is one that stands supreme it is the one the only the classic spongebob squarepants battle for bikini bottom a childhood classic of mine that i really need to wash off now this game was a staple of my childhood i played it so many times so i am honored to say that this video on its development was brought to you by the original devs who were kind enough over several months to answer some of my burning questions about the game like you know where did it all start why did certain things get scrapped what about the ice cream dream what's the deal with muscle bob or what about text with seemingly no meaning what is the meaning of it and if you have no idea what i just said that's perfect i'm going to explain everything in this video and if you do know what i said there's still some new info coming straight from the devs so on this episode of beta64 i'm going to bring to you this video on the development of spongebob squarepants battle for bikini bottom development of battle for bikini bottom began just as heavy iron studios was finishing up their current project scooby-doo night of 100 frights so i'll be around mid-2002 meaning that battle for bikini bottom was only in development for roughly one single year which was really only possible because it was built on the same engine that knight of a hundred freights used shiraz akumal was the director for both of these games and i was lucky enough to get into contact with him for this video so seriously thank you for that during our messages back and forth he recounted the exact moment that he learned he would be directing battle for bikini bottom now imagine this lao hall who just came on as general manager and would later run heavy iron itself was having lunch with shiraz and the soon-to-be corporate producer petro this was all going down at a thai restaurant in marina del rey known as and i'll try my best to pronounce this sean duret i tried to find a photo of the place but they closed down around 2006 and was replaced with a high-rise so i literally couldn't find anything it's a tragedy really but anyway during lunch there petrol asked them if they'd be interested in taking on spongebob squarepants as their next big project and of course they said yes and very soon after that because they were just so freaking excited they began working on what would become battle for bikini bottom now they needed a plan to get this done asap and part of that plan was having the levels created in waves due to the limited amount of level designers on the team kelp forest was included in that first wave of three but before that first wave even started joel goodsell who had just been hired as the game's lead designer began working on the game's first level jellyfish fields while most of the team was still finishing up night of 100 frights each of battle for bikini bottom's levels had to go through a few steps before they could be considered complete concept art basic level layout first pass and then a second pass in art and design now you know here on this beta64 show that we love concept art and while the game does include a lot of viewable art in the theater a lot of which is scrapped robot enemies like bug robots flying shark robots robot townsfolk and even a giant robot that was meant to destroy the entirety of downtown bikini bottom the best way to view concept art is on heavy irons website or at least it was until the art got taken down for unknown reasons and while a good chunk of it was saved there's quite a few that were lost to the sands of time and speaking of sand let's start with sand mountain which shows spongebob riding some clam lifts to the top of the mountain in order to tongue slide down and yes i will have to say tongue slide multiple times in this video we're both just gonna have to get used to it this isn't really anything out of the ordinary spongebob tongue slides all the time for some reason or another but what we can see that's not normal are these shiny objects which instead of looking like flowers look like jewels here we've also got some art of rock bottom with a nice look at some early sleepy time robots plus a default wooden tiki that's apparently asleep much like the tikis are known to do and i guess it is possible that this is an early tiki just with the design of a wooden tiki that didn't make it into the final game and speaking of not in the final game take a look at these enemies over here from the looks of the area these giant fish may have been meant for rock bottom but i'm not 100 confident on that you'll also notice that spongebob has some mermaid man gear on even though in the retail build spongebob never changes out of his regular clothes though i will say in the game's concept art section there are full-blown models of this too along with a prehistoric sponge rob that was also scrapped according to the developers these were meant to be unlockable costumes just for you know funsies and even though they weren't added to battle for bikini bottom they were brought back for the team's next game the spongebob squarepants movie which included both of these scrap costumes with new sleek designs but what about something that never got a single model made for it and i'm not talking about just costumes i'm talking an entire world glove world now i know what some of you are already typing in the comment section andrew that's not true glove world was modeled and used in the game it's called gu lagoon pier see it's both on a beach these are rides and carnival things and it's on a pier so it's like the same thing as this concept art right well to be honest i don't blame you i thought the exact same thing too that is until joffrey black one of the game's artists went on record saying that glove world was never developed past the concept art phase and he would know he worked on gulagoon pier himself he created the tents and the signs and other props like that he does go on to admit though that the pure most likely came from the idea of glove world but less like let's put glove world assets into goo lagoon and more like let's grab glove world completely and just use that idea of a carnival setting in goo lagoon glove world isn't just referenced in this concept art though it can be found in the final game referenced in an early unused menu in the game's files which sadly when loaded into the game still has the final menu on top of it so it's kinda hard to see but thanks to this recreation we can get a much better look at it if we scroll all the way down yeah there it is glove world this menu also features task names in spanish for some reason as well as some early pineapple arrows that were replaced with jellyfish and some 2d spatulas that were eventually made into 3d models there are other places that were scrapped too but unlike glove world these didn't get any concept art to my knowledge this info actually comes from the spongebob complete season 3 dvd of all things in it there's a fun facts option for a couple episodes and in the no weenies allowed one towards the end it says getting into the salty splatoon is one goal of the spongebob game battle for bikini bottom and it continues on saying that another goal was to destroy weenie hut jr now i never heard of that before i was dm'd about it by youtuber crispy bacon so i decided as she ross to which he replied not sure to quote him exactly shira said we wanted to include as many characters and locations as possible but cut so many of them due to time resources etc so yes it is possible that it was planned at some point early on but if it was it was also scrapped so early that nothing was created for it but my question is how on earth did the dvd know that like why did it state it as if it was fact this dvd came out two years after the game on my birthday to be exact now the episode that this fun fact shows up in aired a year and a half before the game's release so it's possible that they were working on this dvd for a while but it's still a mystery as to how this obscure info made into the final dvd release now technically this could be referencing the game boy advance version of battle for kini bun which does have the salty spittoon but pink but you still can't get into it like the dvd says and there's no weenie hut jr either so still scrapped now back to the concept art following in the same footsteps as glove world we've got robo squidward a scrap boss for the game that only appears in concept art nothing was made for it and i genuinely wish i had more to say about this i mean it kind of appeared in the game boy advanced version it was brought back and rehydrated but it's unknown where it was meant to be in the original version if they had even planned a place for it to be to begin with it's a mystery and so is this next piece of concept art labeled as jellyfish feels on the cutting room floor but from the looks of it it seems more like kelp forest even a couple that devs weren't entirely sure where it was but were leaning towards kelp forest the problem is that if it is kelp forest what the heck is this peanut butter if it was jellyfish fields i could see it as being an early ointment for squidward stings i mean the image is called peanut butter antidote there are a lot of mixed signals here it looks like kelp forest logically makes more sense as jellyfish fields and the devs i talked to have no idea i'm just gonna move on from this and maybe something else later on will give us a hint so moving on let's look at this last piece of concept art that i wanted to show you it's for patrick's dream one of the most infamous scrap levels in battle for bikini bottom's history and it still exists in the game's files though of course unused this level is playable and was built on july 23 2003 and it's missing a skybox so it makes things a little hard to see let me put a template on real quick there we go much better this ice cream dream features mrs puff at the beginning who you can't talk to followed by sundays to jump on cherries onions and pickles to avoid and a long line of enemies that just stand there menacingly you can get them to attack you if you stun them first which will cause them to revert to their attacking phase once they recover let's just leave them be for now we don't want them to attack us so we can focus on that golden spatula on top which for some reason is internally called bubble wand i don't know why spongebob is one with a bubble wand maybe you collected a bubble one but that's just that's really stretching it i have no proof of any of that now for those of you who don't know this stage was completely replaced with the enigma of patrick's mind in the final game but this ice cream stage does have a link to the final stage meaning that they both may have been connected at some point or at least both been planned to be in the final game now i don't know that for sure but i do happen to know why this level was scrapped in the first place according to shiraz it was simply a matter of the team running out of time and budget so what's simpler than a literal void and that's what they did there are a couple more levels besides patrick's ice cream dream but we'll get to those later instead let's head over to may 15 2003 which happens to be e3 time and during that time ign uploaded some footage of an early build of battlefront king bottom which shows like a lot of changes some of which are still in the game's files so let's take a look at that okay okay it's fine i found a backup of the video before it was deleted that is something that i always feared would happen and i never thought it actually would jeez louise here's that b-roll footage which starts us out in spongebob's house but before we look at that location check out that hud oh every single icon here is different the spatula the shiny objects which were quite literally random shiny objects with the word shiny object written on them then we got these uh undie pants which are unused in the game's files along with the spatula and a random anchor which appears in the spot where normally a level specific collectible is like how in downtown bikini bottom there are wheels there or in kelp forest it's the campers so i guess that means there were originally anchors that you needed to collect but unlike wheels and campers it wasn't limited to one location the anchor counter appears in other levels too like sand mountain plus it doesn't even have a set goal of how many to collect like all the others in the game do so maybe this was supposed to be like socks where you collect a bunch throughout all the levels in the game or of course it could just be a placeholder now with the hud done let's check out spongebob's house which lacks any of the damage you'd see in the final game but how are we going to compare this to the final version when it's already destroyed by the time we can even move around easy we can compare it to the intro cut scene which shows what spongebob's house would have looked like before all this happened just do a little free cam work and there we go that's pretty good the thing is though the only thing that's really different here is gary's photo and chair were moved to the other wall but what's really interesting is what's on the chair it's a sunday a smelly sunday to be specific you know the one with ketchup onion the plant the classic turns out that sunday was originally going to be a power-up in the game but how do we know that i mean spongebob never picks it up in the footage or any other footage for that matter well that's because it's still in the game's files and its functionality is there too so this is the sunday i put back in the game and as you can see it's rotating nicely if you collect it you get super strength enough to break stone tikis plus you get stinky breath and you can run quite a bit faster and speaking of running faster if we go back and check out that early footage you'll notice that spongebob's running animation is faster than the final version and he even plays the running for your life animation since there's a hammer in here which is weird because there shouldn't be a hammer in here also gary doesn't belong over there either and that gary sign despite it being adorable was removed and replaced with a simple moving question mark sign later in development heading back into the kitchen it's got the same general layout except for the sign moving and there's also no typewriter for mr krabs to speak through which i never questioned until now how the frick does he talk through a typewriter not to mention the window over there is smaller in the early footage and so is the beach ball underneath the table though it's kinda hard to see with those chairs being in a different position other than that the missing cabinets and different looking shelf that's pretty much it for spongebob's house though i should say that this shelf here is still in the final version just out of bounds so we can't see it now what about squidward's place well pretty much nothing changed other than the music stand moving the talk box and the talk button prompt not being there and the tiki's being gone though i guess those could have been just destroyed earlier the biggest change here is the fact that squidward is wearing his uniform in his house how about we go outside and check out bikini bottom next which requires spongebob to go through an early toll gate which by the way is still in the game's files but for some reason the toll gate is both opened and closed weird there's a lot of weird stuff in this footage and mostly i attribute that to it being an early development build of the game not really fit for the public to play i will say though this is direct feed footage from e3 2003 but the game itself was not shown on the show floor instead it was like tucked away in the corner more or less what i'm trying to say is despite this build of the game being available to play it was not a polished e3 build it's got a lot of oddities i mean seriously look at all this nautical nonsense the hammer spawns back immediately after destroying it the player just sometimes doesn't get hurt even though they clearly should text is thrown on the screen to tell you to press the button and spread it straight up falls through the world not to mention look closely in front of the krusty krab there is a line of tens hundreds maybe probably not hundreds but a lot of golden spatulas why i mean maybe just maybe the golden spatulas you collect were supposed to show up here so that way you could see your collection but personally i don't think that was the case i think they're just simply here for debugging purposes and they just decided not to take it out of the very in development build they showed off at e3 and speaking of development builds did you know that's where the spongeball power-up came from according to jason horoner lead programmer of battle for bikini bottom this transformation came from a specific debug build of the game where the player could control a boulder rolling it around in order to test the physics engine and it turns out it was way too much fun to play around with so the idea was paste it onto spongebob and add it into the game now before we move on to a different area let's finish looking around the krusty krab and as you can see the place is pretty empty mr krabs plankton bubble buddy none of them are here the flags in front of the krusty krab missing the chum bucket robo headquarters sign gone and just like in spongebob's house there is no robo damage to be found also uh where the frick is the taxi pickup spot like anywhere in this footage how did you get the levels in this build wait hold up i see a little gate over there i guess that's how you got to the dutchman's graveyard but that doesn't really explain why it's not at sand mountain probably to quit the level through the menu or something to get out but that's just speculation i would like to take a look at sand mountain though which surprisingly doesn't look that much different except for the massive amount of tikis here that aren't animated plus there's no squiver to be seen and no taxi pickup spot of course further down in this area you'll notice this poor destroyed snowman or i guess sandman moved over onto the ice and also the robo duplicatortron was pushed over to the right and check out what happens when sandy gets close to it see that green arrow that was later replaced with a hand pointing to the object or enemy that cindy can grab with her lasso but here's the thing about that she can't grab the duplicated tron with her lasso in the final game which was probably changed because it would be way easier to destroy the machine and they wanted to make it a challenge what else what else but we do get to see a really nice look at these early shiny objects which don't gravitate towards the player when walking near them or even when destroying a tiki there it simply flies up to the counter all by itself further along in this footage sandy then attempts to beat larry's best time on the slopes but no one's here to watch except larry not even the tikis the only thing that's here is the environment which is pretty much the same really the only thing to note here is that sandy used to slide on her tail rather than on a shell other than that some missing signs is pretty much the same now over to spongebob in the flying dutchman's graveyard who's using his bubble moves to take down the flying dutchman himself uh mr dutchman sir oh yeah that's right you just talked to him at the beginning not fight him but to be fair you usually talk to him back there i guess they moved him over just a little bit so that way when you walk through the entrance you can see that cutscene introducing our new robo friend going back to where spongebob is fruitlessly attacking the dutchman some of you perceptive viewers may have already noticed that spongebob's bubble attacks changed you know the one with the feet going yeah here their shoes not feet and the viking helmet well before that it was just kind of a generic helmet next up the myrmalaire entrance area which likes sand mountain is missing its props but mermaid man and barnacle boy are here so that's cool doesn't look like spongebob can talk to them but i'm sure that was just going to be added in later now spongebob's model which is shown very nicely here is ever so slightly different from the final version just in the fact that he doesn't really smile this model is also in the final game under the name 1 2803 spongebob bind which stands for january 28 2003 now besides spongebob's model there also happen to be changes to the myrmilator itself some differences here include lots of steam and the dance floor which normally is supposed to cycle through his panels automatically in this footage it only changes when the player jumps either that or it's extremely slow in this version and by some strange coincidence it only changed when spongebob jumped now why don't we check out patrick who's fighting robo se wow she's fast in this build and he's dead i guess they didn't really have a death animation yet so the screen kind of just fades out and back in the arena here is definitely much more basic but of course that's not really much of a change as much as it is they were working on it at the time and since we've seen one robo boss might as well see another like robo patrick wait where the freak is he all we've got here is this extra dense steam and some random robot enemies that aren't even functional yet and what the heck are they even doing here patrick's the only robot that's meant to be here well i guess we got to at least see spongebob's early bubble wand attack which produces way less bubbles next up kelp forest and the first thing you should definitely notice is that it's not nighttime here though according to joffrey this wasn't intended the footage was just taken before the lighting pass still it's nice to see the place a little bit brighter than we used to but we don't really get to enjoy too much of the area since the footage spends the entire time filming patrick fruitlessly fighting two blade enemies that he can't hurt and he can't get hurt by well i guess that's not entirely true if they use their giant freaking laser attack fold closely by their giant freaking explosion attack all of which looks very unfinished this whole battle takes place near the very beginning of kelp force where you meet up with mrs puff but she is nowhere to be seen but you know who can be seen three different art bots all in this one small area see one two and three they are not supposed to be here all right let's check out that goo lagoon neck shall we all right good way to start spongebob has now returned to us from the clutches of death thanks to hans who was coming from the top of the screen instead of the right by the way now we can see a good look at the beach no spongebob do not fall through the floor okay rewinding here you can see that despite a ton of missing props enemies characters it doesn't look all that different we do get to see a stone tiki which isn't supposed to be over there and there's also a thunder tiki over to the right three to be exact that's both in early design and blue for some reason sitting right by a blue chair that was made green later and you know since spongebob fell through the world we can also check what's under the world he compared too and it's pretty much the same down here too of course well actually those poles over there those are in the final game yeah but they don't appear from this location since the final game hides objects that are far enough distance away from the camera in order to save on resources see how it fades out the further i move away well that's how the final gamecube build does it which means one of two things one this whole fade out fade in system wasn't implemented to the same degree in this early build or two this early footage shows the xbox version of the game which allows objects to start appearing way further ahead than in the gamecube version i'm used to but there's a problem with that this isn't the xbox version ign labeled this footage as ps2 gameplay and after some thorough testing it turns out that the ps2 and the gamecube versions fade out assets at the exact same distance away so that means it's confirmed this spill just doesn't fade out objects nearly as much as the final build does now something very interesting related to this is that some characters in the game have unused lod models or level of detail these models are supposed to replace the highly detailed ones when the object or character is too far away that that extra detail doesn't matter but because they fade out before that in the final build or at least the gamecube version of the game they never get seen by the player but we don't really have to worry about that fade out in this early footage from the top of this tower we can see nearly everything that this beach has to offer including this intense animated water other than that well look for yourself there ain't that much different here though the water does recede enough in the e3 build to show off a removed sandy area for the player to walk on there's one more glaring difference though that you've probably already noticed the watermelon was originally a soccer ball but why well according to joffrey it was simply because of haha funny it's a soccer ball it was not planned to be kept in before we leave this area though spongebob does take a few moments to show off his cruise bubble which has no animation and includes a very hard to see filter place on the screen which i thought was scrapped but it turns out it's actually in the xbox version of the game though it's not nearly as difficult to see through also despite hitting the robot down there nothing happens that is until the bubble hits the ground which results in an explosion which causes the robot to fall apart which presents spongebob with some shiny objects and speaking of robots if you look closely down there you'll see some monsoon enemies which do show up for the first time in gu lagoon but instead of flying here they walk on the ground with their umbrella okay we're a little over 20 minutes now and just about getting to the end of that first early footage but we still have one more area to look at jellyfish fields where we get to see patrick open a shiny object gate and i know it's called that because it's written on the thing this happens to be one of the earliest versions of the gate and was obviously a placeholder in the game's files there's another version of this object but as a donation box and that was ultimately also scrapped in favor of a simple clam design calling in a transport plane to drop the bridge down to allow the player to cross now here's something uh interesting to note patrick shouldn't be here you start jellyfish fields as spongebob right and the bus stop to change to patrick isn't until much further in the level so yes i guess technically you could backtrack to this area as patrick but the gate would be open if that was the case also for some reason the gate doesn't take away any of his shiny objects and not to mention patrick himself gets shiny for a bit after walking through the gate and i have no idea why patrick also has a couple of other miscellaneous changes too the most apparent of which is instead of his signature belly attack he freaking hardcore headbutts into the enemies fairy metal i like it but it's not just patrick who appears in this footage of jellyfish fields we've also got spongebob running around near the start of the level and it looks pretty much the same except for tons of white sea urchins as well as that area back around the trees plus if you look closely you can also see an early flying tiki over there with big old lips now this early tiki is still in the game's files under the name tiki lovey dovey but it wasn't used in favor of a more generic design and the reason for that according to one of the developers was because nickelodeon had a problem with sex appeal on their tikis there also happened to be some unused voice clips of spongebob patrick and sandy reacting to the appeal way too much makeup that's pretty high up it's almost too pretty to break almost now some of you cheaters out there may remember that last voice clip because it is used in the game when using one of the cheat codes in the pause menu all right so i've got the game booted up and we need to unlock the bubble bowl move in order to hear the sound so to do that in the pause menu you hold l and r you're going to do x y x y x x y y almost too pretty it's as simple as that now you actually have to do it pretty quickly to register so it's not really as easy as i made it look i mean legitimately i have been practicing do you want to see one of the hardest codes in the game so to unlock hard mode and i'm gonna i'm gonna have to read it here eleanor again x x x y y x x x y x y y y y x y y who's gonna look cool i was gonna say something really cool that i dropped it's fun all right let's go back to jellyfish fields and really there isn't a whole lot left to look at here as spongebob continues his trek up the mountain you'll notice that the pufferfish launching cannon was originally just a bunch of hammer enemies and they are definitely not supposed to be there yet the introduction cutscene is just a little bit past the cannons you know the cutscene the one where the robot could just demolishes this dude who is still in this early footage just much earlier in the stage right after the first bridge and i guess he's right next to a hammer enemy too so it is possible that the robot's introduction was meant to happen here right after the bridge instead of further up the mountain next spongebob takes this opportunity to use his bubbable move on these wooden tikis and it looks pretty unfinished the area around it looks the same though except for missing rocks goo and the bowling area and there's also a tartar robot or i guess tartar because there's a dash there well anyway like the hammer that we talked about earlier it was not supposed to be here this early in the level and last on our journey through this densely packed ign footage is the jellyfish field slide presented by mermaid man or at least that's who it should have been but no in this build larry's here instead now the slide itself unlike a lot of areas that we've already looked at actually does have a difference the secret path here requires a jump in the final version to reach but in this build it does not boom bam ign footage done holy frick that was long so that was all the b-roll footage from ign for being like four and a half minutes long that thing had a lot of freaking info but we're not done with early footage yet you know how in the gamecube era there used to be like these game trailers packed in with games like how luigi's mansion had pikmin trailers or how lego batman had well it turns out a lot of the nick games had uh trailers for battle for bikini bottom at least ones that were released during the development of the game in total we've got a couple more minutes of footage since a lot of them reuse footage from the ign build just in a little bit higher quality so let's take a look at that shall we okay so like i said we've got a couple minutes of new early footage but we also happen to have some higher quality clips from what we've already seen in the ign footage like the zoom of patrick this bit of sandy in the air spongebob in his house this shot of patrick running this bit of spongebob spawning patrick opening the shiny object gate spongebob with squidward spongebob rolling around near the krusty krab and speaking of the krusty krab thanks to this higher quality we get a nice look at those spatulas all lined up in front of the restaurant and there's also a bunch in front of the police station too now of course it's not just footage that we've already seen here we get to take a look at sandy's tree dome for the first time but the only difference here is that they forgot to put the wheel on the door so i guess spongebob's never leaving here oh well also if we take a look back at industrial park robo patrick's finally here and ready to fight though his toxic ice cream attack thingy isn't glowing in this version and it doesn't look like sandy's texan lasso hook thingies are here either either that or just the cameras more zoomed in than normal and speaking of sandy next up we've got sandy's texan slide which looks pretty much the same but spongebob can't slide here like the footage shows because of the swing that needs to be made at the beginning which is impossible to do i think i've tried a couple million times myself with no luck but you never know what speedrunners are capable of i mean speedrunners are known for finding lots of ways to exploit games so i don't know maybe this jump could be nothing to them oh and i almost forgot spongebob managed to get his toes back huh that's not a sentence i ever thought i'd have to say let's forget that happened to move on to downtown bikini bottom all right right here we're missing a lot of objects the fence the arrow the sign the dude spongebob's house the lamppost it's pretty barren here to be honest but the world itself looks pretty much the same seems like for a lot of this footage the main topography is pretty much done it's just the objects that are far from being finished the ui also has parts that aren't quite finished yet like uh check out this checkpoint text that shows up when spongebob walks towards that placeholder shiny object gate also can we just take a moment to appreciate this beautiful up close and personal look at an early shiny object just look at that it's a purple square with text on it genius at this point in the video we've looked at two of the three trailers for the game the third of which has footage from a build much closer to the final game but the explosions on the robots are pretty different and there's also this strange toy teeth icon above the sign instead of it being like the button you need to press it's really weird and i don't like it if we just move past that after patrick throws the melon and gets launched he does this sick trick that was removed from the final version other than that there are some texture changes like buttons instead of having hands on them just say push which is still left over in the final game plus we can also see sandy's boss health meter which has a different texture too this one is not in the final game though sadly now i bet you think we've seen all the trailers now right no we actually have a commercial with early footage of the game that we need to watch and for the sake of this video not being like extremely extremely long let's just watch it right now why is he doing that can't get into that now it's a new spongebob video game and it's on a bunch of different game systems and it's rated everywhere we're getting kicked out of this apartment aren't we from the uh brief glimpse we get the only differences here are the lighter font and the duplicated tron's controls and also an early version of robo spongebob's first phase though other than the health meter changing there isn't much different except for this giant thing on his hands what is that at first i thought it was like grabbing one of the platforms to chuck it at you but no if we take the camera and we move our focus to robobob's hand buttons you'll notice that they're the same on both sides so take a screenshot of this zoom enhance stretch there it is that is the giant thing on its hand it's literally just a giant deformed button that was most likely just a random little bug they decided to leave in the footage because no one's gonna notice i noticed at this point you must be thinking that surely that was the last bit of early footage for us to look at okay then what's left well it turns out one last thing back in the day a site called video detective uploaded almost three minutes of footage of battle for bikini bottom it's all just nice clear clean b-roll footage with no commentary and very little music so we can actually hear some of the early sounds like for picking up a shiny object an early bubble bash sound or sometimes just no sounds and then other times you get to hear this monstrosity other than that we've pretty much seen all the changes present here already except for like four things first up are the tiki explosions which look much different than what the final shows us we've also got the hammer but in this version of the cutscene the body is see-through likely due to an issue with the asset and the text box for the instructions about diving have a very nice placeholder look to it and then there's this last thing the thing that finally answers the question that we've had since the beginning of this video what is the deal with the peanut butter was it from kelp forest or jellyfish fields well even though the art looks like kelp forest it was indeed jellyfish fields as originally king jellyfish's health meter was peanut butter or i guess technically sean butter and also i didn't notice this until just now but king jellyfish's shower curtains have seen a butter drawings on them too even in the final game so yeah that pretty much settles it seen a butter looks to have been the original antidote that you would have tried to get for squidward before being replaced with king jellyfish jelly and that is all of the footage we've got [Music] well it turns out we've got one more thing early ps2 footage of the game though it's mostly the same stuff the lasso pointer is still an arrow and the tikis are still using the old design but there are other differences like fish npcs in the hub area pressure plates that say step on this to make sure you absolutely know what to do and king jellyfish's animations are a bit wonky too but the most interesting thing of all mime reveal and also an early logo which is still pretty cool but that's cool is the mime and that is all the footage we've got right right well okay there are still two early demo versions of the game that were actually released to the public one was from the ps2 demo disc 2-12 spring 2004 version and the other one was from xbox magazine january 2004. now i personally went through the xbox game myself and there wasn't really that much to look at even in the files of it there wasn't really much just because it only includes the first two sections of jellyfish fields and that's basically it well actually there is something interesting we could talk about it's a file called sb.ini which controls a bunch of various things in the game there's things like cheats that make you invincible there's initial shiny object values camera settings fruit bounciness move speeds gravity settings etc etc there's also some very interesting settings here that go unused like e3 move speeds special move settings left over from scooby-doo night of 100 frights plus settings for the scrapped sunday power-up which is where we learned that it would last for 10 seconds and increase power by 1.5 times plus there's also some debug settings for recording footage that i couldn't get to work but hey at least i can do this hey that's pretty cool i should mention that this config file isn't exclusive to this demo it's also in the final game so basically in short in summary this demo doesn't really have that much to it now the other demo the ps2 one yeah it's pretty much in the same boat as the xbox one most of the files are dated after the final build of the game so the differences are very not here except there are some files that were from june 25th 2003 and in those we can find early save icons which are way crustier than the ones the final game uses the differences that we do see here though are pretty much all the ones we've already seen from earlier footage like sandy's early boss health meter a brighter kelp forest and we've even got steam in the robopatrick fight but there is one thing one thing that is so incredibly interesting this crusty jpeg shows us an unused phase of the robo spongebob fight that i've been purposely putting off to the end since it's just so freaking interesting i bet some of you all thought i forgot i didn't forget i'd take my researching job seriously if i missed this freaking this whole video would have been a wash now let's get back to that giant robotics kitchen sponge wearing a speedo with muscle uh inflatable thingies so back when we were looking at early footage i skipped over one you know tiny bit that was in pretty much every single trailer this barely even one second clip of a scrapped final boss phase and to start our journey into this why don't we talk about all that we currently know about this muscular phase of the robo spongebob fight in the final game remember how after you blow up these dots roboplankton will give robo spongebob inflatable anchor arms this was the point that the next phase was set to begin with spongebob fighting robo spongebob muscle buff pants though i'm not exactly sure how plankton changed him from wearing pants to a speedo and that is really all the info we can get from this footage alone but lucky for us a lot and i mean a lot of assets for this fight are still in the game's files and we can put it back in the game with just a little tweaking to make sure it doesn't crash so muscle bob has two attacks one is a jumping attack that shoots out a shockwave and the other has him slamming into the ground with the anchor arms neither of these do any damage though when pudding game but i'm fairly confident when i say it was supposed to hurt now during the slam attack patrick is able to throw some rocks from around the area at the arms themselves to deflate them which is all good and fine except for the fact that it doesn't end the battle so it just goes on forever also it is kinda weird that patrick is the one who's supposed to beat the boss since in the early footage it shows sponge while fighting him not to mention spongebob is in the files for this battle too but obviously can't do much since you have to pick up objects to win and he can't do that there's also a model for a dumbbell which uses part of a texture called weight machine both of which can't be seen in the level and there are also npcs too like mr krabs which is weird since he isn't in any of the cutscenes leading up to this point so i don't exactly know why he'd be here there's also data for roboplankton other robots and even some bikini bottom citizens who may have been there to cheer you on but we don't know that for sure since they aren't actually placed in the world and that's the battle there sure is a lot here but as you know they completely scrapped his face and just had spongebob skip ahead from the first phase right into the robohead one and speaking of the robo head face according to alex chavez who was an artist on the game we now have some early info on this place too apparently instead of a laser cannon plankton was going to shoot snot yeah that was his original attack making uh snot splatter decals was one of alex's earliest tasks on the game's development cycle that idea honestly thankfully was scrapped though you can see this weird green goo in some places around here i don't know if that has anything to do with it but it does look gross so maybe but you know i never did answer the question why not in relation to the scrapped attack but why was this boss condensed and an entire face removed well it's pretty simple really they needed more time to develop it and they did not have that time was running out and they needed to scrap something and this just so happened to be one of the things that was on the chopping block according to the files in the game the last time the scrap phase was touched by developers was on august 7 2003 which is a little more than a month before the first phase of the battle was finalized so it seems like they really tried to get this in but in the end they just ran out of time rest in peace mr muscle bob rest in peace all right folks we made it we have reached the time to start looking at unused findings in battlefield bikini bottom i mean i guess technically we've already seen you know a few of them but that just like scrapes the tip of the iceberg is that a saying it's probably a saying basically we've still got plenty more to look at like for instance these leftover cinematics from scooby-doo night of 100 frights as well as some other leftover text as well but i don't really want to dwell too much on the leftovers what unused text in battle for bikini bottom was meant for battle for bikini bottom well let's just take a look then and i actually have our first piece of unused text lovingly written out on this sheet of paper for absolutely no reason it was meant to be said by our bubbly friend bubble buddy so let's see what our what our good pal has to say welcome to my nightmare hey the hench though spongy freak what about get out of here didn't you understand i said beat it thanks for leaving me alone repeat as needed well done spongebob now die yeah that's some real creepy pasta like stuff isn't it but of course it wasn't meant to be in the game it seems like someone was just trying to have a little bit of fun while testing text fields to be honest there is a lot of weird text that goes unused in this game so let's look at some of that unused text if we skip over things like compiler logs and build information we can find a handful of text that was meant just as chit chat between the developers like how dan k said he'll come over and hurt me if i delete a file called aura2.png oh gosh there's other much less ominous text referring to dan 2 as well as ryan and neil two other game programmers for battle for bikini bottom or i'm sorry according to this text the game's actual name is spongebob when robots attack seems like this could have been the original name for the game before battle for bikini bomb was decided on but there's actually an even earlier name found in some early nickelodeon sales documents where it called it spongebob mechanical mischief right next to riverdeep spongebob typing which i did have as a kid i remember it being fun so let's uh let's take a quick look hello what's this what's all the rocket this cash register is broken and i can't get me money out huh now how about we look at some texts that had to do with game tasks like getting golden spatulas turns out sandy's dream slide was originally going to be a time task that had to be beaten within 190 seconds some placeholder text alongside that shows what would have happened if you had succeeded or failed and speaking of place order texts there happens to be some for the robot sandy and robot patrick boss battles which told the player to press a button in order to leave after winning instead of just auto warping them out plus there's also some text that would have appeared when each new round started too turns out though robo sandy and robo patrick happen to have different names in some of the unused text you know how each task has its own title in the game well robo sandy's one called rumble at the poseidon was originally called defeat sandy bossbot in fact all the early names for these bosses follow the same format like patrick bossbot and spongebob boss bot except spongebob has one more early name specifically to be used during the scrapped muscle phase of the boss battle robo spongebob muscle pants that is the official name for this phase of the battle and along with these early task names we can also learn that the myrmal layer was originally called barnacle cave the swing along spatula task was called a leap of faith from the slide the spongebob arena is referred to as the playground in various files and then there's this task which isn't in the final game at all it's called screaming for ice cream and i bet you already know what this task was gonna be for i mean there's only one ice cream based level in the dream world yeah that's right patrick scrap dream at this point i do want to take a closer look at the playground or spongeball arena turns out there's some unused warp text in bikini bottom for the arena where it refers to it as the playground though the file name for this references the wrong level referring to pg01 instead of the final id for the arena pg-12 you know i guess i kind of just threw out a bunch of info at once didn't i let me let me break it down first off what are warps basically whenever you use a gate or a door or almost anything that takes you to a new area that's a warp and that text that tells you what button to press that's the warp text and the fact that the warp was going to take you to pg01 instead of the final pg-12 means that there would have been around 12 test rooms with only the 12th one being included in the game for the players to play around in now i do want to say that there are plenty more unused warp techs first we've got a couple for the barnacle caves we you know the mermalayer and we've also got a few for spongebob's house too like for the attic the bedroom the living room and outside but the way that the outside one is phrased go back outside it makes it seem like the game wouldn't have started in spongebob's house but instead outside of it in bikini bottom and then the player would go inside and then back outside turns out though that's not true according to joel goodsell the game's lead designer the scrapped go back outside text was part of a scrapped idea where warps would have different texts depending on different circumstances this is the way that joel put it the go outside versus go back outside was just a simplification of the branching logic based on whether it was really necessary to have two different messages we always started inside spongebob's house a lot of simplification is based on is it necessary to make this feature great or will putting that effort elsewhere makes something else great that really needs to be pretty interesting huh you know what else is interesting this early warp text for when you complete the flying dutchman's boss battle where it says to bubble bounce on the bounce pad to return to the entrance area now there are two things about that one there is no bounce pad there in the final game instead a boat takes you back to the first area in the graveyard and second it tells the player that they have to specifically use the bubble bounce move on the bounce pad to return to the entrance which is weird because there's nowhere in the final game that doing that will cause a warp to happen but this isn't the only piece of unused text that says bubble bouncing on these trampolines does something special if you manage to clip through the lighthouse in downtown bikini bottom rooftops you'll find a sign post just hanging out that says this if you bubble bounce this springboard it will spring you higher than normal so originally these springboards or bounce pads or trampolines or whatever the heck they're called they were originally going to let the player bounce higher than normal sometimes even warping them to new areas when they did the bubble bounce move on them but there is nowhere in the final game where this feature is enabled not that i remember from being a kid well it turns out that's not entirely true in fact another way to put it is that's not true at all there is one trampoline that does this it's behind the food and drink stalls in gulagoon pier first though you gotta kind of finagle your way back there where you'll find a few shiny objects to reward your curiosity along with this mystical trampoline which is really only here because the player without it can't get out they have to jump into the goo to continue on with the level but if you do get back there and bubble bounce on that trampoline it will send you a much higher in the air than normal just like that sign inside the lighthouse said so this special trampoline function isn't technically unused but that's only because the devs accidentally left the function enabled on one single trampoline in the final game even after they scrapped the feature now signs are cool and all but what about some unused text that's said by an actual character in the game not to worry there is plenty of that too quite a bit of it is just placeholder stuff though nothing too interesting well except for this line said by larry and sandy's dream well said larry of course there is more than just placeholder dialogue here there's some stuff that was definitely meant to be said by some characters in the game but for some reason or another was cut most of the times on purpose but not this one though this one line went unused completely by accident at the beginning of the game after getting out of spongebob's house you'll find bubble buddy who teaches you how to destroy flying tikis after going through that tutorial and talking to him again he'll simply remind you that you need to press that button and you both move on with your life but that wasn't how it was supposed to be spongebob was supposed to say after that gotcha bubble buddy i'm sorry my splendor impression is awful why don't we just hear the actual voice actor do it so why was this text scrapped why doesn't it show up well that's because spongebob's line was accidentally put into a completely new text asset and you can even see the assets name is part of the code to make the text work and we can easily fix this with this beautiful program known as industrial park a battle for bikini bottom editing tool created by the legend known as igor zebra 4. so here we are in bikini bottom and here's bubble buddy over here all we got to do is go to the hip file and find bubble buddy reminder text and here's that broken text asset let's open the edit window and the header window as well now watch this we simply copy and paste the asset name into the reminder text asset replace the underscore with a semicolon seeing as semicolons can't be used in names then we just add a question mark to the end and then copy and paste the data from the other text asset all right let's see if it works don't forget there we freaking go that took like what 30 seconds i mean it's not like they couldn't have fixed it it's just no one knew it was a problem i mean honestly if we hadn't looked through the files no one would have known this small piece of unused text would have been lost to history you know since i've already got industrial park open i might as well just put the rest of the unused dialogue we have to look at back in the game you know so that way we have some nice comparisons and on that note let's check out some more of that scrapped dialogue we'll start by going over to the box office in bikini bottom and talk to the guy working there normally we don't get much dialogue here just uh may i help you followed by generic prompt but going unused in the game's files is an entire conversation between spongebob and this dude there is so much scrapped here that the dialogue that made it into the final game just feels like an early version of what actually went unused so basically like flipped like the final version seems like it should be unused and the unused version seems like it should be in the final game and that might not be that far off because the unused text asset is called bow attendant or box office attended underscore begin underscore text which sounds normal it fits the filename standard of pretty much everything else npc related the text asset that is used though all starts with boat attendant original it's not only misspelled it's also called original and unlike any other naming convention used in the rest of the game i mean it sure seems like the text used in the final game was the original early dialogue but if that's the case why was it kept in why was such nice well-written dialogue left unused i don't know i i really don't know it could be just because you know it's a small character and they didn't want to give him too many lines but if that's the case poor guy my friend you deserve better and while we're here let me tell you another way that this guy was screwed over he only gets a few voice lines in the game but they still felt the need to scrap one of them and it's a very interesting one because it mentions that you would have originally been able to view past cinematics in the theater and not just concept art each time you see a new movie it will appear here on this list for you to view again at your own leisure okay why don't we check out jellyfish fields now there's two things i want to mention here dialogue wise the first of which is when patrick talks to mr krabs at jellyfish lake well it turns out it was originally going to be spongebob talking to him and it's fully voiced too oh hi there spongebob squidward tells me you're looking for the king jellyfish yes sir mr krabs good thing too that monster has been stinging all my good customers in their poop decks i hear that you can find him up top of old sport mountain here go hook that beast sailor all right mr krabs in the final game the conversation is pretty much the same but of course with patrick instead but the interesting thing is that patrick's voice lines that are used here are used in other places in the game too oh boy mr krabs i'll see what i can do so it's possible that this change to have patrick talk with mr krabs instead of spongebob could have happened last minute and then they didn't have the time or perhaps even the money for patrick's voice actor to record new lines so they just you know borrow clips from elsewhere the other thing i want to talk about in jellyfish fields happens to be the cutscenes the ones with spongebob and king jellyfish turns out there's dialogue for these scenes as if they weren't going to be cut scenes at all the first part isn't too interesting it's the same as the final cut scene but in text form basically but the dialogue from after the fight differs quite a bit from the cutscene see instead of king jellyfish grabbing the jelly tossing it over spongebob and leaving for vacation the unused dialogue has spun up say wow that was close and then king jellyfish spits up jar of jellyfish jelly i could do a bed for this but no that sounds no all right off to the dream worlds we go we still got quite a bit more unused dialogue to check out but first fun fact did you know that bubble buddy is right here in spongebob's dream but you just can't see him if we literally just rename him using the industrial park editor he appears complete with a task for us to do now what is this task i have no freaking idea i tried collecting all the gold spatulas nothing i tried collecting all the socks nothing i tried using a cheat to give myself 200 spatulas still nothing i downloaded a 200 complete save file and oh my gosh the task is finished are you kidding me i literally collected every single collectible in spongebob's dream world by hand and didn't do anything but now it's just it's okay no there's one last thing i want to look at in the dream world specifically in patrick's ice cream dream here you'll find mrs puff at the entrance and it sure seems like you'd be able to talk to her right well yeah you're right you should be able to talk to her i mentioned her before but now i want to go in a bit more detail she's missing her task box that's why you can't talk to her basically whenever an npc has a task for you they have something called a task box which points to different text assets for whenever you fail succeed whatever it also points to something called a talkbox 2 which includes settings like should the player be allowed to quit the conversation and see here's the thing all the text for mrs puff is right here but the talking text boxes aren't so she won't talk to you i did get it to work though i just kind of like duct taped a fix in the game so that way we could at least see the conversation in action even if these assets had to be you know forced in to make it work i'll let you read this for a little bit though it's not really much more than uh miss puff trying her best to talk with patrick him going up and then mrs puff will just ask please please just get the spatula she even has some reminder text too in case you just really need to be reminded about this and also text for success after you succeed than text for failure but sadly even if you collect that golden spatula you can't finish the task so yeah so that's quite a bit of unused text on but uh we still got a little bit more but very little we only have three more things sunday stall key and bus ticket those are three unused names for pickups in the games executable and they don't have any files associated with them so we can't even see them in game except for the sunday that one that was obvious we've already seen in the game all the files are there for that but not for stall key and bus ticket in fact we've actually got nothing we can learn about it we're pretty much stuck if there's no files in the game right what we were there is actually something we can learn about these two scrap pickups thanks to a little help from joffrey so what's there to learn well for starkey not a whole lot even joffrey didn't remember that much about it in fact he thinks it might have just been a temp name for something different but doesn't know what now for bus tickets he did remember something very interesting apparently there was a point in development where in order to swap characters at the bus stop you needed to collect a bus ticket of course in the final game you don't need a ticket you just walk up to the thing and you can swap it will but i guess at first it was going to be a bit more difficult than that requiring you to scour the level for a ticket before you could play as someone other than spongebob and that was all the unused text and text based dialogue that we're going to look at but there's still some unused voice clips that don't have any text associated with them at all in fact there are quite a few of them and we're gonna take a deep dive in there not too deep though because they're what as i said quite a few of them now over 20 of them happen to be from an earlier build of the game where spongebob and his playable friends would comment on the bosses that they were facing now none of that appears in the final game so i'm not sure if this was supposed to play before the boss fight or maybe even during it but here's the thing some of the characters who aren't even going to be able to fight the boss in the final game still have unused voice clips reacting to it so let's take a listen wow king jellyfish the grandest granddaddy jellyfish of them all and he's after me oh that's the biggest scariest jellyfish i've ever seen you're just a bag full of jelly a giant sandy robot i'm doomed that's the biggest sandy i've ever seen except when she was hibernating well don't that beat all he looked a lot bigger on tv come on out and fight like a crustacean prawn i'm bringing you in the bigger they are the harder they hit wow i'm huger than normal today he may be shinier than the real patrick but he's not any brighter oh i'm being shanghaied please don't shy guy me mr dutchman mr dutchman you just got on my last nerve oh this is so creepy i don't think this is good good gracious but that sponge big as if the small version weren't enough he's only big if you think he is that's the orious robot yet now for spongebob we happen to have a few more reactions but this time for golden spatulas have you ever seen a more perfect spatula of shiny golden goodness wow really for me oh you shouldn't have victory screech there also happen to be voice lines for every single character reacting to tikis now we've already seen the ones for the flying lovey-dovey tikis but since we're here let's take a listen to the rest of them okay that's creepy ooh wooden presents stop you're staring at me gotta watch out for the boom oh this one goes boom like a texas thunderstorm i'll just sneak up on him i don't sneak very well cowardly little fellas hmm now how to get this one open hard as a rock ma'am's tough nuts to crack now it's possible these voice lines were removed because if they played every single time you saw a tiki it could get you know a bit okay okay okay repetitive now interestingly enough there happen to be some unused voice clips that aren't even new voice clips at all i mean they're different recordings of the same line like with a different inflection like hey how's it going versus hey how's it going now normally that wouldn't mean you know that big of a difference but there is one that makes a huge difference you remember that famous mrs puff line from the game don't ask questions you aren't prepared to handle the answer to yeah that one now here it is with the unused inflection don't ask questions you aren't prepared to handle the answers to see what i mean she went from like a reasonable nice teacher to being one that just freaking in a snap becomes completely unhinged and you know that's actually pretty on brand for the character out of all of these unused clips though there is one that i think is the most interesting and it takes place in the murmur lair it's an unused conversation between spongebob and mermaid man that seemingly maybe could be possibly be implying that it wasn't just patrick who can throw fruits but also spongebob but mermaid man you're the best thrower there is true but i already threw something what i just threw out my back to finish off here let's check out a few generic unused sounds they're not voice lines and they are perhaps the most irrigating sounds i have ever heard on this channel let me share these with you okay so first is the death sound for the monsoon enemy okay next is an early version of the bubble feet move this next sound is potentially an early version for collecting a golden spatula oh that one wasn't too bad okay this last one is for the buzz bot enemies and it's just a clapping ah okay no i'm good next i want to take a bit of time talking about something called triggers which are basically invisible objects that when touched will do something there's a lot of unused ones scattered through the game's levels and most were just meant for debugging purposes and were disabled but not removed from the final version for instance there's a trigger above where you spawn when leaving spongebob's house and if we enable it it'll prompt you to press r1 in order to enter the playground now we already know that the playground is called pg01 internally but this trigger points to a different level tl01 which sadly isn't in the game so even if you press the button at once it will freeze also inside that trigger is another disable trigger that after touching will enable a cheat that allows spongebob to enter the theater without spending a single shiny object if we head over to jellyfish fields you can find a trigger from e3 way outside the field of play so far out that even if you enable it you're not going to get very far without han stepping in so i moved it over here and if you walk into it you instantly turn into patrick with a text box appearing showing that yeah this is an e3 demo feature it's basically just there to let you try out throwing fruit and if you leave the area boop you're right back to spongebob moving on to rock bottom there are five yes a five disabled unused triggers that were all meant for testing purposes like getting free artwork free shiny objects this one over here opens the gate up there so i kind of had to move the trigger because it was in the wall and then there's one for arming the lasers near plankton now here's a fun little game to bust out at a party which trigger is the one that starts these lasers is it test t trig or is it test lasers if you said test cheat trig you're right because the test lasers does nothing with the lasers if you get inside that trigger all it does is poof out smoke but specifically the smoke that appears when the laser shoots the rock so there is a bit of a connection with the name now there is one more unused trigger at the beginning of rock bottom but i didn't include it with the other five because it's technically labeled as a pickup and even has a shiny object model attached to it so we can see it in game with a little free cam work let me just get over there with a bit of cheating and after picking up this pickup which is called test puff success there's no longer need to collect any artwork mrs puff will just give us the golden spatula without questioning a thing now in spongebob stream the trigger that's used to enter patrick stream has a little secret to it turns out inside that trigger is another disable trigger which leads to patrick's craft ice cream dream so if we disable the used one and enable the unused one it works just like it was meant to with the ice cream dream front and center looking as beautiful as ever unless you move the camera i do want to say that just because most of these triggers are disabled doesn't mean that they all are there are a few unused triggers that were left enabled just out of reach so that way you wouldn't hit them in normal gameplay what the development team didn't count on though were speedrunners using some different techniques throughout the game speedrunners are able to hit a variety of triggers that you aren't supposed to like this one in the mermaid layer that ends prawn's boss battle early and a similar situation exists for the flying dutchman battle both of these triggers can be reached utilizing a little trickery like using cruise boost which is performed by using a cruise bubble and bubble bowl on the same frame twice when next to a wall while doing a strafe in between both of those inputs you got that well now you can just forget all of it because the next trigger doesn't utilize it at all it's when fighting robo spongebob the first phase all you got to do here is stand on the right platform get spongebot to karate chop it and that's the end of the phase of the battle fantastic work all right at this point we've looked at a lot of unused stuff well i guess maybe look at is the wrong way to put it because we've listened to a lot of clips we've seen triggers but they're also invisible and why don't we look at something that we can actually look at unused graphics and we can start with the ui now a lot of it we've already seen because you know it was in earlier footage like the anchor the 2d shiny objects the early golden spatula icon but there are few more interesting things for instance let's start with early unseen credits for the game that were meant mostly for developers to see not us but since they've already got it here how do we uh read it out live shall we spongebob squarepants in a battle for bikini bottom was made by heavy iron studios who day lead emailer shiraz akmal general mayhem lyle hall art detector jeff burton lead problem jason horner gay designer joel goodson lead animosity the gecklend oh yeah and a bunch of other dudes word there's some other strange unused graphics in the game too like this doodle spongebob which has a separate texture that goes with it in order to fill it with color now it looks a lot like the classic spongebob logo but i'm not exactly sure what it was going to be used for and the same goes for this unused krabby patty unless it was collectible which i guess is pretty likely now what about this a bubble blowing bottle called ui bubble meter i asked joffrey about this one and he said that as far as he recalls this was meant to limit your bubble moves by reducing the meter after using a move and collecting some kind of collectible would refill the bottle it's kind of like in super mario sunshine where you can't use flood unless you've got water and you can collect little bottles to fill it up here it's just like that you couldn't use your bubble moves without bubble juice is that what that's called bubble juice guess it is other ui related stuff includes a couple of early text boxes one of which was meant for signs and the other was just a temporary one found in the jellyfish fields assets and now quickly moving away from ui there are some placeholder textures that we can check out too like this one for platforms in rock bottom's museum some sandy arrows meant for tongue sliding told you i was going to say that word again a really crusty flag that was kept along with the pressure pads and this x which was used to tell the player hey you can uh you can bubble bash this and was replaced with a much nicer icon in the final build now this x does have a bit more to it it's found in a folder called new folder meaning they didn't even bother to name this one so there's got to be more unused textures for us to look at in there right yeah there is just one more one more unused texture in this folder called fruit leaves and it gives us some interesting info about the fruits patrick can pick up turns out they were going to be in more than one color in fact they were going to be a bunch of different colors both inside the fruit along with the leaves that surrounded it too now for our final unused texture i want to talk about sky cinematic mourn it's found in the intro cutscene you know the one where plankton does all the things he does and spongebob and patrick do all the things that they do then they all go to bed and destruction of the world happens well this texture was meant to be used when sponge rob wakes up in the morning to see all the damage and it's placed in the scene but set to be invisible so if we simply change the visibility flag to true we can see what it was supposed to look like but here's the interesting thing this morning skybox is only used in the beginning part of the cutscene and the zoom out from the chum bucket both of which happen at night you'd think it would be in the you know morning part of the cutscene you know the part where it shows all the damage from the robot right before spongebob wakes up but no the one place it should be it's not there alright those were the textures but what about unused objects we talked about a few of them already like almost an hour ago at this point but there's still plenty more to see take this worm for instance its model is found in shady shoals but it's never actually put into the level itself when you spawn this guy in it has four animations two of which are idle one is for when hit by an attack and the other is just walking or i guess crawling now um what is this like i know it's a worm but why is it in the game well that ring around it may be the key to solving this mystery because it's not a ring it's a leash meaning that this could have been mr krabs worm mr doodle or i guess it technically could be rex who was spongebob's worm for like 20 seconds in the dumped episode either way it is an untextured pet npc worm that for some reason can only be found in shady shoals now there are some more unused npcs found in the game too like these two fish whose models each have an unused beach variant there's also an early raft guy here whose only difference is different colored pants and not wearing a shirt no wait a second zoom enhance here okay sorry he is wearing a shirt but it's the exact same color as his skin i can see why they changed that next let's take a look at this early thunder tiki which is included with patrick's ice cream dreams files and can be seen in this very early screenshot though it looks to be like frozen or something because instead of being you know bright red it's blue wait no that's not right we already talked about this it was blue in the ghoulagoon footage so there's no way that these are frozen you can't be like frozen on the beach and we can confirm this thanks to this piece of concept art where we also get to see some interesting looks for the other tikis especially the lovey-dovey one the screenshot from before also shows us one of the highest quality views of these super early shiny objects though i haven't mentioned it yet there is another early version of shiny objects unused in the game's files that's a mixture of the blocky ones with the text and the final flower design you can see them in action in this early screenshot one that i remember like distinctly from my childhood and this is where i remember it the most the summer 2003 free take one nintendo booklet of just like a bunch of different games there it is right there they didn't even have a logo for it at the time did they it was just spongebob squarepants fresh from the frost frostus f-a-r-c-a-s let's listen freakis freakis i love that other than that there's not a whole lot left to see we've got an exit sign that was meant for sand mountain which is still in the final game just invisible and named after the playground for some reason plus there's also a version of the taxi used in the game but modeled on both sides instead of just one not to mention get this squidward's model comes with a clarinet but he never holds it or plays it or anything like that it's just there but it never gets used so you never see it and speaking of squidward's model not only is there an unused clarinet attached to it but he also has an unused walking animation too in fact so does mr krabs and mrs puff and bubble buddy gary larry mermaid man barnacle boy even plankton though his animation is a bit crusty compared to the others so why did all these walking animations go unused well it's because none of them walk in the final game npcs in battle for bikini bottom pretty much just always stood in the same place outside of you know cut scenes so were npcs originally supposed to walk around surprisingly no the answer to this question comes right from the director of the game shiraz himself usually an animator would generate the basic character cycles walk idol etc so that way if we chose to use it we could or use them in cinematics cut scenes though those tended to be custom animations the whole way through a lot of the characters were signposts effectively to direct you and triggered the ui box so in short these are all made for a just in case scenario that never happened shiraz mentioned more than just walking animations were generated but also idle and other generic animations too and on that note here are some unused idol animations for bubble buddy and a scared walking animation for mermaid man or i guess running would've been a better term to say it scared running animation mrs puff also has a couple of scared idol animations or at the very least they make me scared and they go completely unused now we can't forget about the star of the show spongebob squarepants who has an interesting unused walking animation that was later used in the movie game while he's drunk on ice cream of course there also happens to be unused idol animations for the bosses too like robo spongebob doing a little dance and there's even one for patrick standing there menacingly oh wait already used that joke dang it sandy also happens to have an unused idol animation that can only be found in the files for patrick's scrapped ice cream dream which is starting to become a big treasure trove of unused stuff at this point plus there's an animation of sandy getting hit as an npc and the only place in the final game where sandy is an npc is in the treedom but there she's wearing a swimsuit and is also a completely different model so this animation was not meant for there turns out it was meant for the unused robo spongebob anchor arms phase where she would have stood on the side as an npc and would have been able to get hit and speaking of getting hit not only does sandy have an unused hit animation but so does the mime outside the krusty krab now was that interesting enough to be worth mentioning in the video no not who am i kidding this is such a nice animation i couldn't leave it out now how about we check out the opposite of nice animations like oh i don't know nightmare inducing animations well have i got you covered let's take a look at some absolutely terrifying unused animations from mr musclepants in total there are three of these to look at and we'll be stepping up the fear factor each time all right first we have the uh robot mane kissing his giant muscles or less like kissing and more like just stretching his lips oh yeah that's not too bad then we've got this funny little animation of his arms which were deflated beating his chest i personally am not a fan of the arms and if you agree with me on that i hope you enjoy this last one here musclepants is uh i guess kissing his fingers and looking at his deflated okay we're done here well we've made it to the end everyone congratulations you did it well i've only got one thing left to show you but it's pretty darn good it's in the files for goo lagoon in fact there are actually two folders in there that go and use one is called new folder and the other is called working now both of them don't get any use but inside them are two early versions of goo lagoon one was dated may 11 2003 and the other one was built on may 12 2003 so one day apart but that is more than four months before the final build date now to get it back in the game it does take a bit of finagling and you can thank minecraftfreak73 for that one and mk2 for sending it my way thank you both in fact thank you to the whole modding community for making just all of this possible now what do you say we uh head to the beach so this is an early goo lagoon and to give you a time frame of when this was made the e3 footage of gulagoon that we saw at the very beginning of this video was shown just a few days after this version of the level was built so it's safe to say that the build that we saw at e3 and this unused version are going to be fairly similar but hey now we can actually walk around and see some stuff up close so let's get going the first thing you're probably going to notice here are those early tikis now fully animated and ready to be destroyed there's also some familiar sights like button saying push on them but only after you push them this gary sign was still being used back then instead of the question mark one and not to mention the big old fish that we saw and used just a bit earlier while he's here now there also happen to be some early toe gates with stop written on them that early shiny object box and not to mention the soccer ball that we've seen patrick carry in early footage and screenshots it's here too i always wonder what would happen if you picked it up in time right now because you know the fruit explodes in the final version does the ball explode here let's find out and no it just disappears great okay mystery solved looking around some more i was also half expecting the hammers in the stage to use this unused attack animation since it's found with the early ghoulagoon files but no the final animation is already being used here though if we turn around and use the bubble bash move on this platform we can get an early sound effect [Music] other than that the lighting oh my gosh is it different i mean i could tell something was different from the early footage but i thought that might have been you know just bad quality no it turns out the lighting was just that flat originally and the textures certainly don't help that they look way more basic in this version and sometimes they're even just missing entirely i mean look at the inside of the sand castle side by side with the final version the development team really put a lot of time and effort making this game sparkle and shine and it shows i mean to be honest despite some small differences here and there the level layout in this early version isn't all that different from the release build that means they spent an additional four months on what could already be considered an almost complete level just to make sure it looked as best as it could possibly be and i think that's why we all love battle for bikini bottom so much you can tell this wasn't like a simple cash grab like a lot of other licensed games out there battlefront battle for bikini bottom is different like there's a lot of love and passion in this game from the writing the animation the story even when talking to the devs after all of these years after the game released you can still tell the passion they had for it and the memories that they made along the way they love this game and i love it too as well as many many other people so honestly cheers to you developers thank you so much for putting all that work in all those years ago and for helping me out in this video seriously you made some of the best memories for me as a kid and i'm sure for many other people too this didn't work at all well hi there i'd like to thank a few people quite a few people minecraft freak 73 joey aaron 5015 sheriff the great double h mk2 thank you for reviewing the video helping me out with things and thank you especially to the devs i know i've thanked you like 50 times in this video but seriously i couldn't have done this without you and to all the patrons who have been supporting my dreams for the past year you all are just awesome thank you have a good one
Channel: Beta64
Views: 684,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beta, beta64, beta 64, spongebob, spongebob squarepants, battle for bikini bottom, developers, gamecube, xbox, ps2, demo, early, unused, muscle, boss, robo-spongebob, musclepants, unused boss, animations, scrapped, e3, e3 2003, ign, video detective, hd, documentary, levels, stages, robots, glove world, rehydrated, remake, original, nintendo, heavy iron, speedrunning, speedrun, cruise boost, shift, patrick's dream, ice cream dream, ice cream, patrick, dream, mg64, bfbb, tiki, sb, meme, goo lagoon, secrets, switch, lovey
Id: A98qyENJP-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 47sec (4787 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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