Lego Marvel Super Heroes Glitches - Son of a Glitch - Episode 60

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son of a Lego Marvel superheroes it's time to suit up and take to the skies with more superheroes and villains than you can shake a Lego briquette an ambitious sandbox style lego adventure with your favorite Marvel characters sounds amazing but it doesn't take superpowers to find a glitch or two in this game and man these are some of the most fun crazy and laugh-out-loud funny glitches in a game already packed with humor so let's kick things off about the Helicarrier where we can easily get out of bounds you can do this glitch fairly early in the game and you'll need a flying character so we'll use Iron Man in the control room of shields Helicarrier if you fly up to this compartment like area to the left side of the room you can fly into this opening flying around inside here you'll quickly realize you can go straight through this wall no messing no special setups you can just fly straight through it without any resistance it seems somebody forgot to close it off with any solid collision detection and so now you're able to fly outside the inside of the Helicarrier you can view all the rooms at the same time from up here and you'll also be able to see some of the menu icons used in the character creator it's a really common thing in games for certain assets to be stored just outside of where they would be used far enough off screen so the player doesn't see them and yet here they are in the ps4 Xbox one Wii U and PC versions this wall is solid like it's meant to be and so you're unable to just fly out of bounds which brings me nicely to the alternate method of getting this glitch sometimes seemingly randomly when you enter this side of the Helicarrier switching characters can put the secondary character on the other side of the control room load trigger and moving towards the camera you'll see this and once again you're able to fly out of bounds and explore now this is simple to do by accidents so simple in fact I'm surprised they missed this during testing on to the next simple glitch and this one is pretty fun usually you're able to jump from the Helicarrier and skydive down to New York City once you reach a certain distance from the ground non-flying characters are equipped with a parachute that opens automatically and they float safely down to the ground unless of course you play as Howard the Duck all you have to do is jump from the Helicarrier and press and hold the dive button all the way down towards the ground Howard the ducks parachute doesn't trigger for some reason until you about here and okay now the parachute stays open while you run around which manages to look ridiculous and slightly impractical all at the same time I guess at the very least it's like a portable parasol strangely you won't be able to enter any vehicles with this glitch in effect but you can easily switch characters to cancel the glitchy return to normal I did manage to get this glitch to work on ps4 but I honestly don't know how and I wasn't able to trigger it again except for this one time so it does work just not as easily as the ps3 or xbox 360 version of the game it's also worth noting that this glitch also works with rocket racoon so do with that what you will HAPI glitchy landings in a world full of superheroes sometimes you just want to be a normal completely average Lego person and now you can fulfill that destiny with this amazingly simple glitch you need to unlock Thor who you get during the course of the game and classic Thor who you can unlock with this cheat as classic Thor charged off your hammer and then simply change to the other thought crazy I know you'll get this super long character transformation where the game seemingly gets confused and then eventually he'll just turn you into a citizen look at this guy he's just so normal well except that was pretty cool I guess as you'd expect he doesn't fly and he doesn't have any abilities unless having an old-school Justin Bieber haircut is your superpower then more power to you okay okay now again I had trouble getting this one to trigger on ps4 but I found a surefire way of getting it to work on the new urgent calls simply go to the Helicarrier charge up regular or classic Thor's hammer and then take the elevator down to enter the Helicarrier now head back up to the flight deck and then switch to the other Thor then you'll get the same long transformation and then regular guy this glitch can also be performed with green goblin and green goblin ultimate with the same results so hey go be normal for a bit cuz that's why we play games right to be regular everyday people I'll tell you what's not regular and certainly not everyday mr. fantastic well more specifically the Future Foundation version of mr. fantastic you can unlock in the game so things seem ordinary at first well as ordinary as a man with an elastic body can be but then you jump into a car or a bike when you jump back off immediately you got this hum running thing I don't even know what I'm looking at oh but wait it gets better let's go get ourselves a bicycle something doesn't seem right with this picture I know you're mr. fantastic but your arms are a fantastic distance away from your body look no hands out of my way superhero business we can take this glitch to the next level if we go to the character creator on the Helicarrier create any character but they must have mr. fantastics abilities and naming them is optional seems appropriate so this custom character looks completely normal until you what is this kill it with fire turns out when you attack the arms disappear completely and if you jump inside any vehicle and then get out again the arms are gone forever also he has no face this is just too perfect I shall call him glitch boy and when you use the glide ability he turns into a regular mr. fantastic for a second wandering around New York you may have found these remote control cars which feature in a minigame to get a gold brick usually these RC cars are confined to a small area where the minigame takes place but if you ran one into a barrier you can then use a few more to push that first car over the barrier once the first one is on top of the barrier if it's far enough over you can jump on and drive out of the minigame you're now free to drive it around the city which is cool and all the only problem is when you reach a certain distance from the minigame the RC car will disappear ah man I was enjoying that another beautiful day in New York City I hold that thought for a second yeah I thought as much what on earth is happening over here for some reason everyone's going along just fine and then they shoot up into the air I have no idea what causes this but it's definitely fun to watch it turns out there are a ton of places in the game where NPCs just do the most glitchy things for example I found these three just hanging out up here by Grand Central Station maybe these guys all have superpowers too who knows this dude's superpower is the ability to move through the ground oh wait it's not that special she can do it hey I might be way off here but I think you're doing it wrong okay I'm gonna walk away from this one wherever you turn something weird is happening the other character got stuck on this wall so he's freaking out trying to follow me I mean I don't know about you but I could watch this all day and the further away I went the crazier became somebody's up this thing having trouble with your automobile is it damaged beyond all repair has it taken a hit from a superhero saving the day well come on down to super mutants auto repair we'll fix up your sorry-looking personal transportation for all your travel needs is your vehicle in pieces all over the roads well sorry about that we only deal in nearly destroyed automobiles super mutants auto repair we put the care in repair so it seems Wolverine beasts than any other clawed characters in the game can seemingly repair cars for no reason so that's cool all you have to do is lock onto the vehicle and then instead of breaking it down they build it back up again strange here's an interesting glitch that puts you under the map of New York for this glitch you'll need the Hydra tank and preferably a flying character then you just need to drive up against any solid wall you then need to exit the tank and then jump into the higher turret section and fire off some rockets until the Hydra tank explodes once the tank is destroyed it'll fall through the ground and then you need to jump out of the Hydra tank this now puts you under New York and now you can fly around underneath the city this will also allow you to cross over to the other side of the bridge where you're usually restricted by an invisible wall if you fly low enough under the map by the bridge you can reach a very low polygon low-res textured backdrop of New York somewhere you're never intended to reach welcome to Lego Marvel superheroes Nintendo 64 edition if you fly out far enough the game will become blank with the map disappearing too don't panic just simply head back the way you came and you'll see new york load back into view if you fly directly downwards under Central Park you'll eventually reach the interior of the Helicarrier which is located on the same map as New York so that's pretty cool this glitch is also handy for reaching gold bricks in places you'd perhaps need to have finished the game or have the right characters unlocked again so this glitch is useful in some respects also this game is so well made there's an even simpler way to get under the map just head to this storefront by the scrapyard area of New York where you'll see this gold wall it hard to miss now just go towards the store and you'll fall through the ground and now you're under the mat Wow how did they miss that yet another way to get under the map is with a character super scroll when playing a super scroll you may notice when you get next to a vehicle two options appear at the same time for instance on ps3 you'll see a circle and a triangle well in version 1.1 of the game pressing circle and then triangle immediately afterwards make super scroll do this he tries to enter the car at the same time he picks it up and so the game just kind of freaks out and for some reason you always end up going under the map by exiting the vehicle you can return the game to normal well almost the vehicle will now be stuck to super scroll wherever you fly this glitch is just insane to watch look at that bus fly here's another equally ridiculous looking glitch players venom and then enter a flying vehicle aboard the Helicarrier now all you need to do is exit the vehicle while it's in flight and then this will happen you'll have a big character awkwardly placed inside a Quinn jet or whatever they're flying it'll keep flying as expected but venom will be stuck in his walking animation so you get this visual goodness I love this game if you've been busy completing the game 100% you'll probably have rescued Stanley more than a few times after saving him 50 times he becomes an unlockable character and we can perform another fun glitch play as Stanley and then go to the Helicarrier take the elevator down to the control room and as you're heading downwards change Stanley into the Hulk version during his change the control room will load and now you'll have Stanley half transformed into the Hulk so he'll be regular-sized just more green this is merely a visual glitch as it behaves the same as ever but now we all know your secret Stan although we probably shouldn't make him angry and now for my all-time favorite glitch in the game it's possible to be any vehicle in the game no I don't mean drive or unlock I mean be that vehicle for this you need to be in two-player mode and one player should go to one of the blue vehicle stations around the city and the other player needs to open up the map and choose an area to travel to with one player highlighting the vehicles menu and the other one highlighting the green tick for the travel to area on-screen both now need to select them at the same time if done correctly the vehicles menu will now open in an unintended way and now you can select whichever vehicle you'd like to be so I chose to be a police car and now my character has turned into a police car I'm not entirely sure what causes this but I'm not sure I care because this glitch is amazing the game thinks you're still a character and not a car so this means you can be a car driving a car or a car driving a bus or a bus driving a car or a bus driving a bus although this one didn't work out too well as for some reason you're unable to move now so yeah you still have the hitbox of a normal character so ramming into things won't destroy them as you'd expect the other player can also drive you too so that's weird but this glitch isn't just limited to land vehicles you can do it with boats and planes too so now you can have a boat on land that can also drive a car now this is how you get around in style when they try to get the boat to drive the bus this happened so maybe maybe don't do that because I fell through the map and the Helicarrier interior is just underwear I fell I managed to get the boat inside the Helicarrier but it wouldn't go through the doors if you've ever wanted to see a boat skydiving this is your lucky day coming in for landing it's a perfect 10 again you can do this same glitch with planes and helicopters but they mostly just take up the whole screen but you have to agree this looks amazing this glitch is easily one of the most fun in the game and its really easy to pull off and who knows what crazy things will happen but that wraps this episode up with some amazing glitches you can try out in Lego Marvel superheroes and if you like this episode hit that like button share it with everyone you know and love but most importantly please subscribe if you want to see more from the series head over to the Facebook page for the show I post updates and sneak peeks to upcoming episodes and keep you guys in the know about all things son of a glitch or you can follow me on Twitter and keep updated that way you know if you want to [Music] [Music] you
Channel: A+Start
Views: 3,840,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lego Marvel Super Heroes Glitches, Lego Marvel Super Heroes, Lego Glitches, PS4 Glitches, Retro Glitches, Glitches and bugs, Glitch, Son of a Glitch, A+Start, Lego Games, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Unlock Citizen Glitch, Parachute Glitch
Id: URjxkyTaRug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 16 2016
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