Spirit, Soul, and Body Part 1

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[Music] Jesus Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we questioned see [Music] how's everybody doing today it's good to see everybody I'm glad you were able to join us today don't forget good good to see everybody too so well it is good to get things back going where they're supposed to be going we won't I will tell you from the out start beginning whatever you want to have a say I do not believe in a new normal normal normal as normal if it's new it ain't normal alright so I refuse to participate with the new normal so if you want to keep their social distancing it's up to you cuz I ain't gonna worry about where you are right so I'm not gonna dodge you what I'm trying to find something at the grocery store alright good thing about this is if you really want something oh you got this move toward it everybody will flee it but it away from them so see imagine what Christmas is gonna be like you ever see Christmas everybody fighting over everything and in there and everybody's trying to get the last thing it'd be interesting this year okay so well if you have your Bibles grab your Bibles and let's go to 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 we're gonna look at we're actually starting soon we are starting a new series this morning on spirit soul and body you know there's some good stuff out there if I didn't believe that we could add something to it then I wouldn't be teaching on it I just tell you to listen to that cuz I know dr. Summerall has some good teaching called the total man series and he has a book called spirit soul and body Andrew Wommack has good some good teaching on spirit soul and body so there's some good stuff out there right now we just want to just like we did with a new man when we started talking about the new man the new creation we want to talk about this spirit soul and body and how it works together and some of the details of it so we're going to get as far as we can today and we will see where we go from there 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 14 now it says now we exhort you brethren warn them that are unruly well that's something you don't hear much of anymore warn them that are unruly comfort the feeble-minded support the weak be patient toward all men see that none render evil for evil and Danny man but ever follow that which is good both among yourselves and to all men among yourselves means among Christians and to all men means everybody else I rejoice evermore notice these are commands it's nothing when you feel like it it says rejoice evermore pray without ceasing in everything give things I look at a lot of different things in the sense of doing some research and because you're if we're gonna talk about spirit soul and body we're gonna talk about everything because everything touches your spirit soul embody everything how you know it no matter what you're doing in this world it's gonna have something to do with your spirit soul or body sometimes even more you know two or more and one at one time and so we really talked a lot about a lot of different things I've done a lot of research in different areas and we're going to actually look at these different areas and you know there are some things and now I'm sure I have to make qualifying statements you know disclaimers maybe at times because we're gonna talk about some things and I hope that because the 9 o'clock is supposed to really it's supposed to be for church members it's supposed to be for training it's supposed to be for teaching and hopefully we'll be able to go deeper than just an open service because many times when you just we just have a lot of people and you don't know their spiritual maturity level sometimes you can't say things as bluntly as you can when you're sitting around a table with people that you know where they are spiritually and so you have to be able to share these things so I'm gonna be laying these things out and I'll be mentioning some things now just because I mention them doesn't mean that I believe it all right let me say this is some people even Jesus like they believe in Santa Claus okay in other words they believe he exists or they believe is it's something good but they don't change their life actually much many people change their life more about Santa Claus than they do Jesus yeah yeah what if it was people will change their life more to meet their belief in Santa Claus than they do to change their life to meet their belief in Jesus because Jesus has a very specific way of living that he said we should live so if you say you believe in him then your life should match that way of living and with Santa Claus you know most people say well I don't believe in Santa Claus yeah but come Christmas you oh sure act like it even deceiving children lying to him okay we're not gonna get on that today but anyway lines us into anyway no so all I'm saying is that when I say I believe something or we have to differentiate what believing means believing technically means that you alter your life in accordance with what you believe if you don't alter your life in accordance with what you believe you don't really believe it it's just that simple and that's that right there should have been you know Christianity 101 for most people yeah well for everybody actually but still so what I'm saying is this there are things that I notice and there are things actually from when I was way back in the world and you know there's a lot of things I investigated a lot of things I looked at things that I'd know about that that actually it's kind of funny because there are things that are out there that the fact that they're not truth actually helped me see truth right I'll give you an example when John Lake was when he moved to Spokane and then especially when he moved to Portland he mentioned how the new thought people were flocking to him now new thought people were at that time what we would call today New Age people right their whole thing was about positive thinking about they were trying to harness the spiritual laws to use apart from God right so we're talking about people like marianne williamson we're talking about people like john thinks and the other quick names i'm not well some tony robbins is a good one it takes biblical principle but leaves got out right which is actually one of the forms of definition i said last week about witchcraft and so these things now are the principles they say true yep because it came right out of the bottle most of them right now there's some error mixed in there but the fact is that's what most people have done because you have two kinds of people in this earth you have people who are truly born again in people who are not it's real simple now unborn again people have some of these same abilities that born-again people have but born-again people have some abilities that non born-again people don't have right so there's an overlapping there now you'll see as we go on so i'm gonna try to lay this out really simply so i don't know like i don't know how far we will get today but for instance right here where he says verse 16 rejoice evermore right in verse 18 in everything give thanks in everything doesn't say for everything it says in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you now that right there that give thanks giving things is being thankful and it's being grateful and so there's a is it's a fact I guess you could say it's a fact basically the human body operates and everything operates at varying levels of frequency and generally the higher the level of frequency the less you can see it and so as the frequency slowed down you can see them more right now for instance there is a frequency called five to eight which is a frequency that happens your brain actually functions at a five to eight frequency whenever you give thanks or you become or something and at that point they've noticed that this freak was when your brain is working in this frequency diseases start to die in your body things can't live in your body is not supposed to be there when your brain is functioning at a five to eight frequency all right now and as they've done research they've taken people that were praying Christians and even some non-christians different things like that that when they were praying some were quote-unquote meditating some were doing meditative prayer which is the overlap in-between then they at a certain point usually they will hit that five to eight frequency at least for a short period of time now there's all kinds of other things that we can talk about and we will talk about all these things over a period of time we're going to talk about the implications of the pineal gland and how that it is a connection and actually helps connect your soul and spirit with the spirit realm and that there are things that you can do which the Bible tells us to do which actually causes the pineal gland to function at a higher level so there's all these things that we can talk about now I understand when I'm talking about this here's the thing that I know for a fact and we are spirit we are let me say we are spirits okay we live in the body we have a soul this is way most people understand it okay it's a decent definition now the fact that we have a body that we live in this body this is what connects us to this physical realm and that's why it's important that we keep our bodies healthy because if your body isn't healthy before long you have to evict vacate from your home from your body right and your only effective for God on this earth as long as you're in your body you're not effective for God once you leave your body not on this earth right so that's why he says in first Thessalonians in the verse 23 we'll get down there actually it says and the very God of peace sanctify you wholly that's WH Oh lol holy completely sanctify you separate you unto himself completely and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ now there's a lot of stuff even this weekend I put out a question on Facebook just wanted to see what kind of response where everybody was that just kind of you know check the post check the temperature mainly of the church and it's amazing the response I got actually is pretty close to 50/50 and the question was do you believe in what is generally taught as or called the rapture and it was literally 50/50 we're almost exactly 50/50 of people who say yes people who say no now so whenever you look at that all right and and there was some interesting things my wife showed me a video this weekend and I watched it and I really liked the guy but again I look at things and just cuz I like this doesn't mean I agree with everything right you have to be able to as brother Hagin used to say you gotta be able to choose a good and spit out the sticks good old McKinney boy okay that's that's the way they talk so but in this now and so when I was growing up I was heavily involved in martial arts it was pretty much everything all that I did and because of that and you know I've made statements before about the martial arts and it was based on that because I went about it wrong I'd over in 100% and even to the point where when I was training and things ended up getting over I had to study to go higher ranks I had to study Chinese herbalism which nothing necessarily wrong with that in and of itself unless you just start making potions which is the definition of witchcraft er one of the definitions so you can get over to that to a degree now but I also got involved I knew the limits but I couldn't but it sometimes it was very blurry and I couldn't tell when I was moving over into the spirit side of it and but yet things started happening and I even told some stories about some of the things that happened and then years later whenever I knew that God wanted me to begin ministering there was several incidents you know I don't know why I maybe I'm just a slow learner but it took God several different incidents that intense overtime to get my attention about some things and so because of that I withdrew from martial arts now I will tell you I don't technically speaking if you're looking at martial arts for the fitness and the technique and this and the skill like I don't there I don't see anything wrong with it necessarily it is whenever you start moving into the spirit side which is the bad part is it's easy to do and then all of a sudden you're over there and you look back and go oh wait how did I get here that's the danger now it took me a period of about 30 days almost to get rid of 22 demons that I had right and that was all self deliverance but there were specific moments that I knew certain things left and so there were that came because of my involvement in the spiritual side of it even though if you'd asked me I would have said I was a Christian and even though I would have said no I don't get involved in the spiritual side they say the devil doesn't care what you say and he tries to deceive you and you believe in certain things now you know to this day if I'm going to exercise which I do fairly regular and I'm gonna hit a bag I'm going to you know punch kick that comes because that's to me that's part of the fitness aspect flexibility and all kind of stuff so it's just part of it but now I know the difference between the spirit realm and the physical realm and anything you do enough of will become spiritual you take a guy like LeBron James right I listen I'm not a basketball guy okay probably cuz I'm you know five six and that's what boots on anyway but what I'm saying is that you take somebody like that I mean I know the names you know Magic Johnson all these people that you heard about especially when I was growing up in different people and they they were doing a commercial camera who was now they were doing a commercial and he was gonna be making baskets for the commercial and he had miss and they had to retake the commercial some 30 times because he wouldn't miss ya think about that he couldn't miss and they kept him in you gotta miss and he was just because and he didn't even think about it he just did what he had done thousands and thousands of times over but when you do something enough then it starts to blend over into the spirit realm and your spirit gets involved and when that happens now you've entered you've taken that thing into the spirit realm right and so because of that whatever you do if you do it enough becomes spiritual whether you try to make it or not why because it has something to do with your spirit and when you do that now this is also in sports they call this in the zone there's all kinds of different aspects of it you can see it in military and Special Forces they are taught how to literally tap into the spirit and they don't call it that but it is through discipline and so through discipline they learn how to tap into the spirit and by way of the spirit they can do phenomenal things and they realize that their body can do whatever is necessary as long as they can tap into the spirit and go on so basically say your body will quit way before your mind does now they as far as they know it's the mind but it has to do with the will and the will and we're going to don't know if I'll draw it out today but I am gonna write some things I plan on writing some things I will need a dry erase marker if we can find what I've got oh there we go thank you yes good so in saying that there's a lot of research that I've done in the past that as I started looking at some of these things a spirit soul and body I remember certain things and I'd look it back up again and make sure the details were there but it's really amazing the the correlation between things now I want to say this first afterward when you when you find truth the first thing you should do is prove it because you know what do you do with it where do you try it no you do it but first you have to prove it before you can dedicate yourself to it but once you find truth you dedicate yourself to that truth and you should function in that truth now here he says in verse 23 that God would the God of peace would sanctify you completely and I pray your whole spirit and soul and body then notice the preserved blameless be preserved for it to be preserved means you have to already have it right you can't and it has to be sanctified but it has to be preserved has we kept right and now notice 2 so that means that every because he's talking to Christians and that notice the order spirit soul body that is the order the Spirit is supposed to be in charge the soul hears from the spirit and commands the body for what it's supposed to do and then the body is supposed to obey that's the order it's supposed to be in a lot of people will say body soul and spirit that is that's out of order that's the way usually carnal people are carnal people put their body first then they're sold then their spirit spiritually minded Christians put the spirit first and then they're so and then their body now you got to get this in order or your lawyers be messed up if you don't get this in order you will always be carnally minded and to be carnally minded is death the Bible says and they're right but to be spiritually minded is life and peace right okay so now notice here I want to hit just a couple of things and we'll move into it in Romans chapter 12 in verse 1 he says I beseech you therefore brethren so he's talking to brethren notice in the first S alone ian's 5:14 he said now we exhort you brethren Romans 12:1 says I beseech you therefore brethren so he's talking about Christians right by the mercies of God that you you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God for I say through the grace given unto me to every man that is among you not to think of himself more highly than you ought to think but to think soberly according as God has dealt to every man the measure of faith now Paul also said that all men do not have faith but here he says that God has dealt to every man the measure of faith why well God hasn't dealt the faith to every person on the earth but he has dealt it to every Christian because you don't get to be a Christian without faith does that make sense so if you're a Christian you have faith that's good news amen if you're a Christian you have faith know then he says in Romans chapter 1 verse 9 it says for God is my witness whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his son that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers right God is my witness whom I serve with my spirit yeah there are different schools of thought mainly to the one school of thought says that you're a soul okay and you have a body and then when you get born again you receive a spirit the Spirit of God and receive that spirit now your spirit soul and body that's one school of thought it's almost died out it's really not as prevalent as it used to be now in this I'm going to make some statements here so I'm just going to start reading some things that I wrote down and we'll talk about and what we have to realize first and foremost is this and now some of this came about the other day actually while back I was talking with my friend George Tanner in Australia and we had some we talk almost every night literally and so we were talking about so many things about the human spirit and then I've been talking also with Martine Nystrom from Canada our jejunum Canada leaders there and we've been he's really been delving into spirit soul and body and especially into the area of the soul and so we're excited also to hear some of the things that he's going to be sharing over over sometime and so here as I was as we were talking about these things because George and I have very similar backgrounds in a lot of areas and so we generally talk about spiritual things at a generally much higher level then I can just talk to the average Christian that you know doesn't come from the same background just that simple now I say that because of this in in growing up physically right I have always been an optimist no matter what never I was raised my parents really helped me in that area they've already always said you know whatever you put your mind to you can do whatever you can do it you can do it don't let him make you can't do it if you want to do it go do it I mean yeah all within the bounds my dad was a cop so there were certain legal bounds that he would talk about my mother was Pentecostal so there were spiritual or religious boundaries that she was on right so I understood what it meant that it meant that yes I could do anything above my mind to knowing that God was with me and he would always be there to help me and I wasn't doing things necessarily separate right now at that time I didn't know God that well for sure and so I didn't know at what point I was doing things on my own and at what times he was actually helping right you know some things you do if you're gonna do them gotta say don't do it you do it anyway you can do it on your own right so yeah so they but what we started talking about was how because as I did research over the years I saw some correlations especially from natural man right and what the Bible says about natural man and then how natural man when he gets born again God's Spirit in the natural man the difference that it makes and the difference that he should make now the problem is most Christians don't allow the Spirit of God to make any difference in their life when they get born again it's like they just get their ticket punched and they're ready to go be with Jesus and they're just waiting for him to come or waiting for something and that's pretty much it and they don't really let the Spirit of God do anything with them here right especially in any development spiritually so here's what a wrote the recreated human spirit filled with the Spirit of God okay working in conjunction with a renewed mind is the most potent force on earth he said well I don't I believe God's a most potent force now God works through people that's why he is constantly trying to convince us to yield to him so that he can work through us that's the same thing the devil does the same thing he tries to get you to agree with him so that he can work through you right and God is doing exactly the same thing so that's why I said especially yeah and listen to things that you know yeah I really never heard some of the stuff whenever I was growing up in church for instance that God could speak to a sinner well they used to tell us long time if you're a sinner God doesn't hear you and and the corollary to that was if he can't hear you he can't speak to you but that's not true Bible spoke to people Bible God spoke to people in the Bible all through the Old Testament people they were not born yet people that were not even with him people that weren't even godly right I mean he God's boat up suppose it showed up he showed up okay and he spoke to Abimelech a pagan king and said you're a dead man because you took abraham's wife right and what did Abimelech did he argued with God God is not my fault yeah he didn't tell me told me he was his sister right so he gots his great prophet abraham lying giving up his wife to be a concubine to a pagan king and yet we're supposed to follow the faith of abraham in Jude shows God can use anybody Amen I mean think about it you go through it I'm not gonna go through the list of everybody's failures in the Bible but we all know everybody had something I mean let's just talk about David had a few failures right had some great victories I had a few failures he's known for two things Goliath and Bathsheba his greatest victory and his greatest failure in their right and yet God said he's a man after my own heart hmm and he said there I'm gonna reestablish your throne and it'll be forever think about that as much as he messed up which should give us hope right so you have these people that and then I'm gonna read another suspended but I want you to understand your human spirit now unborn again didn't born again feel the Spirit of God having your mind renewed now unborn again when you talk about the unborn again human spirit now you can talk about people like Tony Robbins people out there that take these principles to do these things and they take the principle the Bible and look at what they're able to achieve he feeds more people on a regular basis than most churches matter of fact most than most several churches put together what because he is able to do that now is he does he have a you know philanthropy mindset yeah so it shows that his mindset isn't always evil but it's not toward God so in a matter of fact he has a documentary somebody told me about it and said you got to watch this so I watched it and it was going to his seminar - which is what the documentary is about it is as close to a charismatic church services you can get it is religious and that's why it's so dangerous sometimes to get involved in things because the most thing okay the things that will help you are usually spiritual but they're also the most dangerous if you don't go at it the right way and there's all kinds of things you know we could and I know I'm kind of bounce around a bit but this is such a big topic that we're going to narrow it down that's why I says gonna be a series because we're gonna be talking about it quite a bit but when you look at how powerful the human spirit deaf you know connected with God how powerful the human spirit is it's phenomenal and the enemy the devil has for centuries tried to take the recreated human spirit and pervert it to be used for what he wants to do because he knows that if he could get natural man he I mean he's already got natural man that their nature is the his okay and but if he can take the recreated with the power of the Spirit of God in them and get them to use what's been given to them for his purposes now he knows he's got a winning hand and so that's why it's so dangerous when we look at these example and there's we see it in movies we see it in in history and it's really amazing when you look at some of these things because as far back you know what's his name Napoleon Hill came out with think Think and Grow Rich and it was supposed to be a self-help book if not get this it was published in 1937 now what was going on in 1937 the rise of Hitler and they write from 33 who actually started in 23 with the beer hall push and eunuch but then he went from 33 he was made Chancellor of Germany and then from 33 to 39 he was gathering and building and but that whole time and you have to realize he was he was born to be an evangelist you look at the way he preached look at his sermons and what he was doing was he was preaching and he should have been a Christian evangelist if he would have been he would have been the first Reinhard Bonnke because if you watched bunkie he preached like Hitler spoke many times what because his manner is phenomenal if you want just mannerism so but Hitler came along preaching what what what what did he really preach during those years the superior master race and then you had all kinds of other things that were coming out at the exact same time about this master race and the bad part is some people back then actually well the history of humanity is people there has always been a group of people trying to be a master race and the way they prove they were the master race was they had to conquer other people and that's exactly what happened in World War two and unfortunately there's still people around today that have the same mindset had the same philosophy I know better than you you you don't know well enough how to do your own thing so I'm going to do it for you because you're too Stu to handle your own stuff okay there that is a philosophy that is out there and so this whole I didn't if you but if you look at what is preached in the Bible especially in the epistles and everything that Paul is talking about was what a master race but what kind of master race a master race based on love based on grace based on mercy not based on ruling or lording over because Jesus said they won't be among you like it is among the Gentiles were you lord over he said if you're gonna be in this kingdom you're gonna serve which is see it takes the recreated human spirit to be able to do that if your human spirit is not recreated you will not serve you will Lord it's just that simple because you still have the nature and character of your father who is the devil it's just that simple so you have to have that that change now here's the thing though the human spirit it's a there's a you got the unborn again and then the born-again and they are identical in their faculties and in the way they the ways things are done the difference is the empowerment because with the when the unrenewed or unborn again human spirit it is empowered to the degree that yields more and more to the nature of Satan now but it was born with a power okay when Adam was created he was created amazingly right and had accessed definitely two more parts of the brain than even we do today and you can see how things were amazingly sophisticated and then after the fall his mind was darkened and things started degenerating but he took a long time for that to really happen then it kind of reached the bottom point at one point in time and then started moving kind of back the other direction towards sophistication but if you look at some of the things back in the counties and as I've talked about this before they had hot and cold running water they had indoor plumbing you might say is you know we would talk about today and yet there was several hundred years thousands of years when none of that was in existence here because it was lost because man's mind was darkened and over time those things fell away and that's why many times when they go back and find them they're like wow look at this they had this then so well all I'm really want to emphasize today especially is the limitlessness of your human spirit connected to God now the best way to talk about this sum is this your human spirit is your connection to God because especially if you were filled with the Spirit of God it is as if your human spirit and and please understand I'm just having to use certain words that if we had more time I would be able to give a lot more definition to them and we will over time but we don't have so much time and so I just have to kind of say some things and then we'll maybe clear it up if you have questions you can write them out and get them to me and we'll and we'll include that in the teaching over the next few weeks but the human spirit is much like a computer now when you are and we could even say a computer the unborn again human spirit is like a computer that's connected to the dark web you know what the dark web is that's the bad side of the web right it's all the bad side but whenever you are born again and especially whenever you have the Holy Spirit and you've received what Jim is termed the Baptist Holy Spirit it is as if your computer has been connected to the Internet no I don't have a phone or iPad or computer with me but if I ask somebody what is the temperature in Moscow in 15 seconds I probably have a dozen of you tell me what it was what good are you do this go to your phone and you can find out what it is now but let me ask you this does anybody here right now without looking at your phone can you tell me the temperature in Moscow no okay yeah well it's always cold yeah that's the thing yes that's true that's true once that has anything to do with I hadn't been there yet anyway so so yeah what's the different in other words is the knowledge available yes do you have it right now no but you have it available in there right and so you could actually access that now you're a human spirit now here's the thing and this is what people like Napoleon Hill Tony Robbins all these different people this is what they've tapped into is they to learn because we have to remember we're talking about the unborn again human spirit the unborn again human spirit is tapped into the web but everything in other words you take a Christian and when a Christian looks up something on the web they're gonna look up one thing but an unborn again person will look up something else what because of the nature of the person operating the computer that makes sense and so that's really the difference between born again and unborn again is what your faculties are put toward now it is the essence of God it is his life in your spirit that makes you recreated that makes you born again but you still have the same faculties you did before now when you receive the Holy Spirit now those faculties are super energized and you can do things that before you couldn't necessarily do you could do them but not as good or as strong or as fast okay that's easiest way I can say it right now now in this I want you to rise because you can go to sleep and before you go to sleep you can have a problem and you can think about that problem and you can actually stop and say you know what I want to know the answer to this problem and while you sleep say your spirit doesn't sleep and if you command your spirit in other words if you decide that you want that answer your spirit will spend all night looking for that answer it'll search the web so to speak right and when you wake up in the morning usually the first thought you haven't be the answer to that problem what because your human spirit is that powerful now I'm going to talk about born again but when you're born again you have the Holy Spirit now you have access and a Bible says and you know all things in there right so you know all things put in the first John chapter 2 verse 20 verse 27 so you know all things so it's there now God knows all things but now notice if God knows all things he also said go down and see remember whenever Abraham drew back the knife what did he say stop stay your hand don't kill the lad and they're right he said now I know well why I thought he already knew but see he can know all things but he doesn't have all things in his mind presently at all times that makes sense because he also said I will no more remember your sins so that means that the knowledge is there he just refuses to remember it does that make sense so he didn't say they were gone I want you to get this he said I won't remember him think about that so you have in your spirit I would say by your spirit you have the ability to find answers to things that your mind doesn't know now the real key is getting it to translate from the spirit to your mind and the more your mind is renewed the easier that translation goes on right now I want to try to hurry here the human spirit is limitless it's like the Internet has access to all knowledge now we're gonna and I'm gonna be laying out some of the things when we talked about well if you read some of the books like Napoleon Hills Think and Grow Rich and all these different things and there's all kinds of different things out there some move more and more across a spectrum into the bad okay and you can get over into things like the law of attraction and then you get into witchcraft because these are channeling spirits and that kind of stuff and getting these informations concerning the law of attraction there's a whole section on that which is basically mysticism which is another word for witchcraft for the most part and so they tap into it now this is the basis and one of the books that is amazing it's a new age book wouldn't book but it swept through the church like it was you know that next the revelation part - and and it has and it was called the secret and it went through what the Christian book right but people saw biblical principles so they thought it was a Christian book but it wasn't it was a new age book right now in saying oh that did it would it work yeah why because it is a biblical principle it's just without God right so you take God out of it and when you take God out of it of a principle then you end up with witchcraft that's what it does so you have these different things and even people like Napoleon Hill and people like that they would use terms like the subconscious mind and they talk about how powerful your subconscious is and there's a whole genre of authors and people talk that talk about the subconscious mind and how it helps you achieve the things you want to achieve and all these different things well the bottom line is this technically your subconscious mind that's only true if you're not born again because I mean even then it's not the best words technically the subconscious should have been called the super conscious because sub means below consciousness right and it's not below it's actually above consciousness do you understand what I mean so these things that why because it's out of your spirit your consciousness is out of your soul and so the things of the Spirit your what most people call the subconscious is actually dealing with the spirit and the spirit is super conscious in other words it's above the conscious mind so as we talk about these things I'm we're very specific and some of the words that I use it's we kind of narrow it down you're going to see how this goes but I want to show you how the enemy has counterfeited things I'm going to show you how the truth when you see the truth how that it how if you're connected to God how it will function through you know I read this real quick and then we'll have to stop for this morning session Genesis chapter 6 verse 1 and it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all which they chose and the Lord said my spirit shall not always strive with men for that he is he also is flesh yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years there were giants in the earth in those days and also after that in those days and after that when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and they bare children to them the same became mighty men which were of old men of renown and what were they doing they were mingling as we would say the bloodlines right between the sons of God and the daughters of men right now then he says in God in verse five and God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually do you hear that right and of course what did this precipitate the flood right and it repented the Lord look at the here that the Lord repented and it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth and it grieved him at his heart so now God can be grieved in his heart okay and the Lord said I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth both man and beast and the creeping thing the fowls of the air for it repenteth me that I have made them but look at verse eight but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord through that Grace in the Old Testament well yeah before the law okay but still great same in now so what we're going to talk about notice the the the heart of man was continually even all the imaginations continually evil all right now so I'm going to give you a list I'm just gonna write them down but I'll just give them to you at this point maybe right now later we're going to talk about the conscience what how the current what the conscience is and how it functions now notice when we talk about spirit soul and body so I'm gonna give you a list of things that sometimes pure spirits sometimes pure soul sometimes pure body sometimes overlapping sometimes the mixture between three right but these are some of the topics we're going to look at over the next few weeks conscience intuition where it comes from okay will the human will mind what is the mind right intellect emotions memory imagination we're gonna talk about dreams yeah there's two kinds of Dreams there's a dream you have while you sleep at night right and then there's your goals your aspirations things that you want to accomplish you know the American dream or whatever it is right so there's two kinds there and we'll talk about both of those and how they apply and in some cases how they don't we're to talk about visions we're going to talk about focus we're in talk about where visions can come from okay some can come from God some can come from the devil some can come from pizza okay so we're gonna figure out where those come from we're gonna talk about focus we're gonna talk about your mindset or your viewpoint and how that can cloud things all right we're going to talk about the fruit of the Spirit we're going to talk about your experience with God and how that will not taint things but how it would definitely color things and you're dealing we're gonna talk about physical health we're going to talk about divine healing we're going to talk about divine help how to walk in divine health why because this all has to do with spirit soul and body we're gonna end up talking about nutrition believe it or not okay we're gonna talk about it we're not going to practice it we're just going to talk about it we're going to talk about it we're going to talk about how nutrition can affect your spirit your soul and your body right because we know that your nutrition or lack thereof can affect your moods it can affect cravings it can affect all kinds of things right so we're into we're going to talk about these things yeah definitely tack that deals with your sleep right we're going to talk about the different and I know this is gonna sound very you're really on top of that we're gonna talk about the difference between natural and organic what it actually means and how it is and what it didn't there's a reason I was well you'll see here in just a second we're talking about things that are called non-gmo most of you heard about it you say well I don't know if I want to hear that or not then don't come the nine o'clock service we're gonna talk about that at some point all right you know in saying that well yeah and we're going to talk about the falseness of what people think is non-gmo right also and look at all this stuff now here's here's why we're gonna bring this in we're going to talk about how other religions have influenced Western society and the church and one of the ways that it has greatly influenced Western society and the church we're going to talk about certain diets that come from Eastern religions that are now practiced and promoted among Christians and some of it has to do with the Ayurvedic some of these different Hindu type things we're gonna look at these things I'm going to show you how your diet is one of the first steps to you falling into a new religion right because you'll know okay what what is one of the key components of Christianity fasting jesus said when you fast not if when you fast which has to do with what has to do with you tying your spirit soul and body together right for God's use but so the enemy also knows that if he can get into your diet then he can also alter your viewpoint on certain things because and it's funny because well I just get right into this I'm trying not to okay because I don't have time this morning I'm really got a hurry here but we're going to talk about how your how your diet can become your religion okay we're gonna I'm gonna show you because there is a spiritual connection between even the types of foods that you can eat right that you eat and do different things and it will actually open up doors in you for demonic presence just based on the types of food you eat right this okay let me give an example do you think it's a just a fluke that they said don't eat things that were sacrificed to idols now why would they do that did you just have to do with the fact of oh as sacrifice to an auto that's a false god so I'm not gonna eat it because I don't want to recognize that God or when they sacrifice something to an false God did that God's nature and character somehow inhabit that thing so that when you ate it it would actually influence you right let me ask you this do you pray over your food as a Christian do you bless it do you think it does any good okay do you not think that Hindus do the same thing do you think what they say doesn't do any good well maybe not from God's viewpoint but from the Hindu viewpoint of you know hundreds of millions of gods then guess what you can if you believe that things can be imparted if you believe that things can can actually start to have something to do with your physical being based on the words you use then guess what foods have been offered to idols you could have something to do with it we're going to talk about that stuff this is why some of these that's why if you need to know the source of the particular diet that you follow okay you want to act like a caveman eat paleo [Music] okay but we're going to talk about everything from Hindu veganism all the way over to the carnivore diet which is actually we're kind of where I have been staying okay we're gonna talk about the Mediterranean diet right paleo adkins low carb high carb low fat high fat high protein out you name it it's all in there right and you'll see the effects on each one four and we will also be talking and this is also will depend on how much interaction you want on this even in the areas of supplementation because even supplementation you know you have to know what you're doing ya think you know it definitely can but we're also been talked about how even exercise exercise affects your spirit soul and body not just your because they know that whenever you do something physically it releases endorphins which changes your mood so it has to do with your soul so and then that also ties into the spirit so we're going to about all these things how they come together we're going talk about the components of exercise strength cardio flex a bit we're in talked about now I'm not saying we're going to spend an inordinate amount of time on it I'm just saying we're gonna lay some things out facts truth those kind of things but the spirit soul and body includes every part of your human existence so we're going to talk about all these things and we're gonna show you some things that I believe will help you honestly one of the main things that I see lacking in Christians is one of the fruit of the spirit called temperance also known as self-control also known as discipline right and because that is lacking then you well the bad part is when you live is at a certain level so long and you think that's normal and you don't know what real normal is and so many times that's what has happened because of certain ways mindsets things that we have allowed we've got on cruise control and we've just been floating through life more or less and looking for the next comfort as opposed to discipline my wife and I were watching a Western you know I realized that they have become my father I used to go there house all-time they'd be watching some Western you know and backed and I watched him a lot too you know John Wayne you know I cut stuff and everything but there was a movie and some of my wife and I said Anna watches Western very clean very eyes and it's a new movie which is shocking that is so clean and that's what stood out to me and so but there was a part where the guy was sleeping next to a fire Oh cowboy he was sleeping next to a fire in this Native American to be politically correct come up and he said do it you know here have some food here's what's going on you said okay yeah you're welcome to sleep here tonight if you want camp here with me he said no no sleeping next to a fire makes a man soft think about that he's he's talking to the guy that's laying next to a fire right and he but and I thought I was it man look at that here look at how rough that life was they had to live and here's this Indian guy saying living sleeping sleeping under the stars next to a campfire will make you soft well if that's true my god how soft are we today amen and that you ate it just hit me again how little we emphasize self-control temperance discipline it doesn't have to be bad not to do it sometimes you need not to do it just to prove you cannot do it that's called discipline amen so Jung anything else this morning I know it's just the beginning it's an introduction but we're going to cover these things if you have questions on any of these things write them down we're going to cover the questions we'll go through them but I really think it's gonna be interesting and I think it's gonna be a lot of fun and I'm excited to see what how it develops so all right well we're going to kick off and come right back I guess in about two minutes sorry about that so so anyway good to see everybody here this morning and we will be right back because you know get up get around you know the Bible says real surprise you did nothing okay the world says keep your social distance the Bible says greet one another with a holy kiss Europeans they got that down all I'm saying is at some point you're gonna have to decide who you're gonna listen to right and left him to get up and start slobbering on everybody I'm telling you okay at some point we got to realize the Bible is God's Word Amen all right god bless hey guys I just wanted to welcome you I'm Cree Blake general it was here janja Lake ministries we are so glad that you have decided to take the step to investigate life teams becoming a certified divine healing technician getting plugged in and taken the responsibility to enter into the life that Jesus has actually died to give us so the next step now since you've come this far is to simply sign up that's how to get started just sign up and when you do now you're going to go and check your email box and you're going to get instructions on how to become certified DHT how to start a life team but you know and maybe some of you are already within JJM and you're already a leader at some level and you're saying okay why do I have to do this well it's very simple we're putting everybody into the same system so that it works like a well-oiled machine like we've talked about because we want to make sure everything is working very well together so if you are an existing leader within jgm we can tell you nothing's going to change we're just gathering the information so it's all in one database and we are going to be able to communicate with you a lot better this is this is going to really solve the communication problems that we've had over the past but there's a new day and you get to get right into it so sign up do it now don't wait do it now and then check your email box it's just that simple so listen I really appreciate this Jesus appreciates this because you're plugging in and you're wanting to take responsibility so I look forward to working with you we're gonna have a great time advancing the kingdom god bless you we would like to thank our partners and friends for making today's broadcast possible if you enjoy today's message or would like more information and resources please visit our website at jg LM o RG [Music] present and be the present bidding fight the [Music] if you are considering partnering with us and would like to support our mission please visit JG LM da o RG /of partners proceeds will go toward the cost of the television broadcasts and our mission work around the world [Music] [Applause] [Music] visit jklm mediacom to watch this program and more at any time subscribe for full access to our entire library or you can rent buy and watch for free select resources with over 700 hours of teaching to watch and more being added we've got your needs [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] crushin see it's time to [Music] you
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 15,862
Rating: 4.8804779 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: vGUmKaGbUzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 3sec (3603 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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