Wilt Thou Be Made Whole

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[Music] rise up in jesus name open eyes and heal the land rise up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] rise up do what he said [Music] it's time to rise well good morning again again good to have everybody here yes we have had uh actually i want to read some testimonies to you real quick also these are some of the ones that just come in on my phone uh first off uh y'all remember that we were in minnesota as we just had one testimony from minnesota uh we were there a couple weeks ago and uh just talked to tom skerella who we were there with it was his annual camp meeting and convention so we were there ministering and he said since that time many have been reporting healings from the minnesota meeting the heatings are coming in so we'll start getting some more of the testimonies from that also usually we hear testimonies for up to six weeks afterwards and then it kind of drops off and then we hear again about usually about six months later we'll hear other things that have happened because sometimes people go through things and honestly just sometimes people just forget to write them in and tell us about them so kind of like the ten that were healed only one came back to testify so talking about the lepers of course that jesus ministered to so last in the last two weeks we have had five cases of cancer that was healed uh confirmed healed and we're talking about mostly terminal what they call terminal cancer uh that's been the last two weeks amen i've been ministering to amen amen there we go amen god is working he is confirming his word and uh matter of fact just this morning one of the ones i got on my phone back there was that uh they were released well it says they were released from the spirit of fear this morning when brother curry spoke during the 9 am service amen amen amen all right so one of the things that people need to realize is that when you hear the word faith comes with the word it's right there with it when the word is preached faith is there and all you have to do is decide to take that and at that point act on it in some way even if it's a a decision and when you act upon that then faith is activated in that word and that word comes to pass in your life so but remember if a word is if the if the word of god has been preached faith always is there faith you cannot preach the word without faith being present now people may not grab it they may not act on it but the power faith is is present to bring to pass the word that is preached every word of god the bible says it will actually say that the other way says no word of god is void of fulfillment god watches over his word to perform it so when the word goes out god is there watching and his eyes roam to and fro upon the face of the earth seeking whom in whom he may show himself strong on their behalf so when that word comes out he is there faith is there and all you have to do is decide to agree with him and at that moment you activate that faith in your life and that thing happens whatever the word is being preached now you can eat well we can go on about that but we'll just come to the faith conference we're going to have a great time amen we're going to have a great time so also respiratory disease had respiratory disease for 12 years was healed last sunday during the internet broadcast they were listening by internet last sunday and got healed of respiratory disease 12 years standing amen now here's another one it says you may remember her from the dht or swat they sent this in from south africa she has two sons with a rare virus that attacks the immune system since renewing their minds during from yeah from what i taught during the last visit is what it says they have had incredible breakthrough and the boys are both healed in fact the one son after being told will have no teeth even has teeth growing amen amen amen so god is an amazing god is that right all right well we want to get right into the word uh if you want to you can turn with me to matthew chapter 8. matthew chapter 8. while you do that i'm going to pray father your word is true and we believe your word we believe you we trust you and our faith is in you and we thank you our faith is not in healing our faith is in you and you're the healer and we thank you father we thank you that the word that we hear we can act upon because it's your word it is your truth we thank you father that as we act upon your word that your word will come to pass in our life and that as doing so we will become more and more like jesus so father today i thank you that the word that goes forth will be words by your spirit it will be words of truth it'll be words of power the power to set people free so father we thank you even now that as the people that are under the sound of my voice now whether they be here present or whether they be by internet or any other means even in the future hear these messages your word is alive and it's sharper than a two-edged sword and it's able to continue to work even by recording that you are there watching over your word everywhere that it is spoken so father in the name of jesus i thank you that those hearing these words will have the courage and the intestinal fortitude to be able to move forward in your word to obey your word to do your word and to cause your word to come to pass in their life so father we thank you we trust you we trust your son we trust your holy spirit to bring to pass all that you have for us both in this life and in that to come in the name of jesus amen amen all right remember faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word just like we just said so as i speak grab hold of it decide if you hear it you know it's the word of god agree with it when you agree with it then at that moment it starts to work in your life i fully expect people to be healed while i'm speaking that they would not need to wait to the end for me to lay hands on them because that brings jesus even more glory amen and that's why we're here so if you hear something that pertains to you specifically then just take take it from me now i'm talking to you specifically amen and grab it just as if if you were up here in the healing line it's the same thing amen it's just this is a healing line you're just sitting down how's that that's even better amen you're not sustaining weight so all right matthew chapter 8 verse 1 when he was come down from the mountain great multitudes followed him and behold there came a leper and worshiped him saying lord if thou wilt thou canst make me clean now that is the same question that people have people are always saying if you will if it's god's will if it be thy will and that's where people get hung up because they have not determined god's will and if you can't determine god's will you can't operate in faith before you now you might hear a testimony and you might say hmm that's interesting that could help uh i need that that at that point that's not faith that's hope so the word when you heard the word hope when especially when you hear testimonies hope rises hope is not faith hope is necessary to faith but it's not faith so you need hope so it's good to hear testimonies the things that have encouraged me the most in my faith obviously i read the scriptures i'm going to the bible regularly i'm reading other good uh spiritual books in the sense of other sermons usually by men of god that lived a long time ago and but there's also when i hear testimonies that's probably been the number one thing that has helped uh not just fire me up but keep me fired up and i'll go back and it just last night i was watching uh some jackco services under the tent and it was a mate well he was under the tent i wouldn't under the tent he was under the tent and so uh but tremendous tremendous miracles i was watching some of allen's the other day and just different people but then i will tell you by far lately the two people will say three because it's hard to distinguish between the three people that have encouraged me the most has been john alexander dowie whose life didn't end well uh but you can even learn from that you can learn what to do in the early years and you can learn what not to do that he did wrong in the latter years but we can't discount everything good that he did in the early years just because of how he ended up necessarily now i still believe that he went to be with the lord whenever he died but he didn't have to go out that way he died young and he also died of a stroke as a matter of fact and but and a lot of the work that he did was dismantled after that but the testimonies of the things that happened under his ministry early on were phenomenal and i read those testimonies and the whole time i'm reading them inside i'm saying lord you can do it again you can do it again and every time i hear back i'm just looking for a people that'll let me and so lord we're those people amen that's what i'm i'm constantly going through the second person is mother etter mariah woodward that her amazing woman amazing i mean just she she was definitely a female apostle uh functioned as that and uh her testimonies especially now she's got testimonies from all over the world all the united states anyway and tremendous testimonies the miraculous signs and wonders not just healings but signs and wonders but then her meetings here in dallas of course were probably the best recorded and she said they were the best meetings that she ever had and so i go through that quite a bit in her materials and go through her book called signs and wonders and as i'm going through it i read the different testimonies all over but the ones in dallas really stand out also and then of course the third person is smith wigglesworth wigglesworth was phenomenal he did not really have a he never started a bible school even though he taught in bible schools there was a lot of things about him he was never really a part of an organization even though the assemblies of god ordained him so that he could speak in their churches and so he had tremendous miracles he didn't he never really had a a formal successor but most people would agree that dr sumrall was his protege he trained under him for a bit and was with him quite a bit and he was the only person that i know of that um ever laid his hands that that smith woodsworth laid his hands on and actually prayed and said let the faith that is in me being this young man and he went in and said some other things also uh and so that's one of the reasons um i went to be with dr sumrall was so that i could glean both from his experiences with dr with the smith woodsworth but also because i knew that he had a grit and he had i didn't know what it was at the time but i knew he had something that i needed and then when i got there i found out what it was and it was really just the grit and the knowing that god was with him and he was he was phenomenal in that area so but i've been going through these things and they've been encouraging me so i always want to encourage you is to read through these things read through the testimonies we have some in the bookstore someone online but we are republishing dowie's material we're going to republish some of mother etter's material and with smith wigglesworth's material because we we can the things that we're getting is in public domain so we'll be able to do that i'm not going to touch what they said but i will probably add comments and point out things almost make it like a commentary and so um that's what i'm planning on doing eventually anyway so now in um well we're in in matthew chapter eight verse two he said and behold there came a leper and worshiped him saying lord if thou wilt thou cast make me clean now this is the position of most people lord if you will and they even say lord well you know whatever lord wants to do he can do it whatever he wants to do he can do it and but we all generally people will say well lord if you will lord or we'll say it lord if it be thy will and it's the only time we use the word die because it's king james and we get real religious when we start saying that stuff if you say if it be thy will you've already moved over into religion why two reasons one you're using king james uh to speak to god who speaks better than you do doesn't need king james to understand and number two you're saying if it be his will that's religion that's not god that's not the spirit of god people who know the spirit of god know his will his will has been made known to us he tells us not to be unwise but wise knowing the will of the lord so his will has been revealed to us now the problem is this is the position of most people including unfortunately most christians if there's ever anybody that should know the will of god it should be christians christians should not be guessing they should not be wondering it's amazing you could talk to some people and say well i'm trying to figure out god's will well and then they tell them some sentence that sounds real good and if you chased it back you'd find out buddha said it and the christian wouldn't even know that it that it was buddha that it wasn't god it wasn't jesus and oh yeah that's what i need to do no you need to get your faith in the bible find out what god said and then talk to him about it and when is he i mean if you're going to talk to somebody that's written a book read the book all right read the book first right don't go talk to them and ask them the same thing well what's your will on this well i've already told you that well what god what's your will on this thing well i've already told you that too see why would you go why would you waste his time asking him questions he's already told you the answer to and all you're doing is proven that you have not studied his word and that you don't know his will so the key is to get in to know his will now in verse 3 and jesus put forth his hand and touched him saying i will be thou clean and immediately his leprosy was cleansed let's look at this lord if it be thy will lord if thou will you can make me clean and like i said that's where most people are lord if it be thy will then you can heal me lord if it be thy will you can take this cancer out of my body nobody that says that's going to get healed why because if it was his will it was his will before you ask him if it was his will and he could do it then he would already done it based on how you're saying it does that make sense so the fact is you have to know his will then and then he tells jesus tells us to pray thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven that's not necessarily a question do you give that that will be done on earth as it's a command and they're right i mean look at how it's written thy will be done that's a command it's not well lord if thou will be done lord if you want your will done no he didn't say that he said thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven right so now notice if his will is going to be done on earth guess what your body is made out of according to genesis the dirt of this earth isn't that right so if his will is going to be done on earth as it is in heaven his will has to be done on your body amen because why we go from dust to dust ashes dashes isn't it right now notice he says here well first off i'm gonna hit these two things lord if thou wilt what did jesus say i will do you realize that forever answered the question if it's his will see here's the problem people make they look at that and go well that was his will for that person okay you just denied the bible you just said god's a respecter of persons so god doesn't have a different will for every person god doesn't have a different will for every person sitting in this audience today he has the same will for everybody number one it's his will and all should that that nun should perish but all should come to know jesus christ am i right that all should be saved so we know that's the will of god then we also know that his will for us is that we be conformed to the image of christ is that right now if you're going to be conformed to the image of christ that means that what that doesn't mean okay well i mean i'll tell you both first off that means you're going to look just like him in the spirit when you got born again you were recreated in his likeness in his image in the spirit and in the spirit you look just like him now that means of the same essence it does not mean that if you stepped out of your body that you're going to look like jesus looked and we couldn't tell you the part from jesus and you you're still going to look like you you're still going to have the features of you but of his essence and who he is you're going to be of that same essence and who he is but you're going to still have your appearance does that make sense now what that means also is that we are to be just like him in our soul that means why because we have the mind of christ so we should think his thoughts speak his words and when you think his thoughts and speak his words now you are operating in the mind of christ and you'll say what he said you'll think like he thought and therefore you will talk like he talked and you will act like he acted it's that simple now in the body see for some reason we can go along with all that with the spirit and soul when you get to the body we think oh the body's different no his your body is important to jesus that's why he bore those stripes see he went to the cross for your spirit he went to the whipping post for your body that's why he said present your bodies a living sacrifice isn't that right blameless holy isn't that right now think about that your body is supposed to be blameless just like your soul is supposed to be blameless just like your spirit is supposed to be blameless but for some reason we think that god stops part of that is because early on in the not in the christian church but early on when christianity was uh becoming more established there were groups that raised up that separated themselves and said oh the the body doesn't matter it's it's it's trash it's no good because they talk about referring what the bible says about the flesh the flesh isn't about the body the flesh is about your carnal soul so he would talk about this and they would separate themselves and they would do things to themselves to discipline their body and that's where a lot of things even came out of the roman catholic church where they would whip themselves it didn't start with the roman catholics it started with other groups that were non-christian and they started beating themselves to punish themselves and then they would say they're entering into the sufferings of christ no he finished his work and you can't pick it up and try to carry it on the sufferings of christ that you will suffer is persecution by doing and living godly in christ amen so but your body is important to him he expects your body to be blameless and he expects us to be blameless spirit soul and body to be kept blameless until the coming of the lord so our bodies are supposed to be blameless before meaning having no fault in it right which would preclude sickness or disease being in it if you're going to be like jesus spirit soul and body it does not mean that your body is going to metamorphous somehow to look like a 30 roughly 33 year old man a jewish man walking around jerusalem right that's not what's going to happen you're going to look like him you're going to be of his essence in your body meaning let's look at how jesus was in his body was he sick no then you shouldn't be either why because as he is so are we even if he had gotten sick which is impossible because of his faith and because of his trusting god even if he could have gotten sick even if he had gotten sick the bible doesn't say that as he was so are we it says as he is today can jesus get sick then neither should you you understand that that but before you can walk in that you have to first believe it see it and agree and say that's truth and many times there will be a path of getting there just like in anything else now notice here lord if thou wilt you can make me clean he had no doubt about god's power about jesus's power working and god's power working through jesus he had no doubt about that he said if you want to in that word if many of you've been through the dhd you've heard me talk about this word because the word here will is a greek word ethelo which literally means it is a intense desire out of your innermost being based on who you are and you're in the nature and character of who you are so when he said if thou wilt jesus if you really want to if it's really in you to do this you can make me clean now that's where many christians are today and the funny thing is back in jesus day on when he was walking in his flesh on this earth he was people said oh yeah he can heal the sick that's not a problem forgive sins oh we can't do that no now we're getting into blasphemy and now the church is completely upside down and we believe that oh forgive sins of course no problem well i'll go tell anybody that their sins are forgiven and they can come to jesus and and jesus has forgiven and they all got to do his acceptance i'll tell anybody that but tell him that by his stripes they were healed well we're not sure well if you're not sure then you don't believe the bible or you hadn't studied it hadn't read it hadn't gone through it so but he said if thou wilt if you strongly desire based on who you are you can make me clean and then jesus forever settled the question of his will concerning anyone's healing for anything he also forever settled the father's will concerning anyone's healing because he said i will is that right right there in verse three jesus put forth his hand touched him saying i will be thou clean be thou clean he didn't say get clean he didn't say get healed he said be healed right now notice if this now this man obviously probably wouldn't have known at the time but if he had known what we know and especially if he had gotten born again and could have gotten born again at that time jesus's word be thou clean we would say means what does it mean be thou healed same thing and they're right so that may that means that that thing could never come back on that man again why or he would not have been in a state of being clean jesus didn't say become clean hope you stay that way no he said be clean so from that time on that man should have been in a state of clean does that make sense to you it's the same thing with healing of any sickness or disease now so jesus forever settled the question of his will concerning anyone's healing and he forever settled the father's will or the question of the father's will concerning anyone's healing why because in john chapter 8 you don't have to turn there but you can write it down or go there if you want to i don't care i'm going to come right back to verse 4 here in a minute but in john 8 29 jesus said for i do always those things that please him referring to the father so if he does always those things that please him then when he healed the leper he was doing what pleased the father and notice it is impossible to please god without faith that right so that means jesus even in healing had to operate in faith do you get that now what that means is you can never again say well if it be thy will because he's already settled that it is always his will matter of fact i want to read oh i'll read the rest of the scripture here in verse 4 he says and jesus sayeth unto him see thou tell no man but go thy way show thyself to the priest and offer the gift that moses commanded for a testimony unto them and when jesus was entered into capernaum there came unto him a centurion beseeching him and saying lord my servant lieth at home sick of the palsy grievously tormented and jesus saith unto him i will come and heal him now stop right there notice this centurion hadn't said a word asking jesus to do anything is that right all he's done is state the problem and isn't that what he said he said lord my servant lies at home sick of a palsy grievously tormented he didn't say will you heal him he didn't say come to my house like the jews were doing this was a gentile he didn't even want him to come to his house jesus jumped at the chance to go heal this servant didn't even question didn't even take a second to father is this your will now think about that he jumped at the chance and said i will come and heal him matter of fact if you look up the word will here the word will didn't even there because i was looking it up as a matter of fact and the word will technically even in the greek the word is come meaning in accompanying you we will go so he wasn't saying will at that point but he said i will come and heal him the centurion answered and said lord i am not worthy that you that thou should come under my roof but speak the word only speak the word only that's what i'm doing right now right now i'm just speaking the word only in a little while we'll be laying hands but if you don't need hands because you took the word that was spoken then you can get what you need right now and not wait amen he said but speak the word only and my servant shall be healed in other words you don't have to come to my house this can be at a distance we don't know how far it was but we know it was it was somewhere else and jesus he's well the centurion says in verse 9 for i am a man under authority having soldiers under me i say to this man go and he goes and to another come and he comes to my servant do this and he does it when jesus heard it he marveled and said to them that followed verily i say unto you i have not found so great faith no not in israel what was he saying well he was in israel so he wasn't talking about the place he was talking about the people so what was he saying i have not found this kind of faith in the people of god the people that know god i hadn't found it in them but here's this centurion a non-covenant person a person who doesn't even know god but he said if you just speak the word my servant will be healed now notice this is like i said these are the people of god that he was talking he said i haven't found this kind of faith in the people of god today we'd say christians how many christians do we know that would say we'll just send the word no you don't have to come to my house no you don't have to do this just send the word you you speak it you give the command and i'll do it john dowie every morning at nine o'clock he would get up and he would take all the prayer requests that were telegramed to him or uh you know sent to him in different ways letters different things he would pile them all up and he would begin to pray and they actually had a thing like a clock that was a like a map actually that said for different hours and they would prayer around the world at certain times but every morning at nine o'clock he would pray and john lake's wife once was dying and they sent a telegram to dow and said pray my wife is dying now he sent a telegram back very short and he said i am praying she will live that's it two sentences he didn't even pray right then he didn't send some prayer he just said i am praying she will live they knew that he prayed every morning at nine o'clock the next morning they were all gathered around her bed when the clock hit nine she looked up and said it's nine o'clock dowie must have prayed so i must be well and got out of bed and she was healed now think about that this was in a time of no mass means communication all they had was newspapers was about the best they had and yet and they had telegram but again not mass communication and so but they believed that when this man prayed god would hear and he would heal what if this man prayed but it wasn't god's will think about that that wasn't even a question why because they knew this man see people don't think about these things like this but they knew this man knew god's will and if he said i'm praying and she will live that's god's will amen so now notice again i want to emphasize that if thou will i will he answered do you understand he answered that question so there's never a need to ever again ask the question if it's his will on any thing relating to healing of the human body amen now he said now watch this in verse 11 and i say unto you this is the people that were following him the jews that were sitting there with him that many shall come from the east and the west and shall sit down with abraham and isaac and jacob in the kingdom of heaven but the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth you hear that the people of god would be rejected but others would come from the east and the west and would be received and jesus said unto the centurion go thy way and as thou hast believed so be it done unto thee and his servant was healed in the self same hour now notice here i looked this up i was going into detail on this because he said go your way you can go as you have believed he didn't even say as you go believing what does that mean that means this man this centurion had settled it there was no if ands or buts he was going home to see a well servant he wasn't going home to check and he didn't stop by the doctor's office on the way to get the latest report he was going home to see a well servant amen like we said in the morning service too many people miss their healing with god because they don't settle it that it's god's will that it's going to happen that it is done that it was accomplished by jesus by his stripes and they don't settle when it's going to be done you have to settle that it is it you have to settle it see this is the thing it has to be settled in you this has to be something that you will not back off of it has to be something that you go into and people say well but you know if i felt better then i would believe it well so would any dog why because anybody can believe anything once they see it or feel it that's not what we're called to do we're called to believe him we're the people of god we're the ones to have faith amen not be wishy-washy not be you know well you know i just don't want to i don't want to cause any trouble bless god one of the greatest prophets at one time of israel was called the troubler of israel maybe we need some new troublers amen maybe we need some people that'll start standing you know what i expect to cause some trouble why because it's right to rebel against the wrong things amen if something's wrong it's right to rebel against it it's right to have your voice heard on the subject of abortion why because it's wrong it's it's never right amen it's it's right to stand up and be able and have your voice heard because of some injustice that is being done to someone because we stand for righteousness amen but if you're not going to stand if you're not going to stand for your own healing do you really think you'll stand for someone else's if you won't stand for your own if you have doubt about your own then you're not going to stand for somebody else's one first sign of trouble you'll quit and one of the things see people always say well i just don't know if i have enough faith well the smallest amount ever mentioned is a mustard seed and that'll move a mountain so if you ain't got that you ain't got faith at all so it ain't about well i don't know if i have enough no you either do or you don't kind of like being pregnant you either is or you ain't right there's no in between amen and so in the beginning you don't even look pregnant but if you are you'll be showing before too long amen are you getting a hold of this you have to stand you have to decide this is the way it's going to be what his word like he said before according to your word be it done unto me according to your word that's that's all you ever really need to say by his stripes you were healed there you go according to your word be it done unto me and then you stand and then you have to decide because there are going to be people that go what makes you think that you're healed you don't look any different you say well the bible says that my faith is the substance of things hoped for right the fact that i believe this is what is causing that substance to come into being you understand right now you don't see it why because i'm gathering the substance but when you get all this nothing that you can't see together you see something and that's something and so you have to realize that you have to make that stand now he says here go your way as you have believed he settled it he said as you have believed in other words don't think about this don't change as you have believed if somebody meets you along the way and says oh i heard your servant got worse don't change as you have believed remember whenever the man came to jesus said my daughter's dying she's she's even now at the point of death and jesus started to go toward and that's when the woman with the issue of blood came up behind him and grabbed his hem of his garment and stopped him and then he had to deal with that and that was taking up time and you know the that man was standing there going hey come on man i'm sure he wasn't doing that but you know time you know time we ain't got time for this man that woman 12 years she's been like this we can come back to her later just come with me my daughter's dying now come with me and but yet it took a little bit of time there and then as they start to go again somebody comes and says don't trouble the master anymore your daughter's dead and the first thing jesus said it doesn't say the man said anything at that point the next thing it said is that jesus said only believe fear not only believe in other words is it keep your mouth shut i told you i'm going to come heal her keep your mouth shut amen see that's the problem most people don't know how to keep the mouth shut they tell every bad thing and they have to share it with everybody oh have you heard the news oh have you heard that oh yeah it's oh it's bad it's getting worse yeah oh and then they try to hide it when they realize they're getting into doubt and unbelief but but you know we're believing god for a miracle well don't talk about the devil for 45 minutes then talk about god for two turn that around amen you might say well here's what the devil's trying to do but here's what god said and here's what he's going to do why because be it unto me according to his word here's what's going to happen you have to learn to keep your mouth shut and quit talking about it you know it's amazing the more you talk about something the more it festers and the more it builds and that's what it is what you look at you become what you listen to you become that's why so many christians are double-minded they hear the word of god for you know a short period of time on sunday and the rest of time their faces in television either movies tv shows something or news which is probably the worst of all you got all that stuff and then you want to i don't know why i just find it so hard to believe it's because you're feeding yourself a doubt and unbelief on purpose you're sitting there doing it on purpose get your face out of that put it in the bible listen to good stuff that'll build your faith stuff that says what god and agrees with what god has said and she said well but if i do that you know i mean that's all i should do yeah that's pretty much what god told joshua meditate there in day and night when you get up in the morning when you go to bed at night that's pretty much it don't don't let anything keep this word in your mouth all the time in other words always be saying don't ever let this mouth this word depart from your mouth never let there be a time when his word is not in your mouth now sit there and speak the word of god and try to watch some stupid tv show see how that goes right or if you are going to watch it at least quote every scripture that denies everything they're saying right you do that enough you'll get tired of watching that garbage amen so listen i'm just telling you what what works i'm not i'm not trying to set some legalistic type thing which it's funny because people call discipline legalism and it's not legalism if i tell you to be a member of this church you have to do this and not do that and if i catch you doing that we'll kick you out of the church that would could be a form of legalism but telling you this is how you should live if i'm quoting the bible that's not legalism that's preaching the truth right and then you have to decide if you're going to discipline your life in accordance with it so there has to come that in you where you decide this is how you're going to live but remember this it has always been settled since jesus since matthew chapter 8 when jesus met that leper and the leper said if thou wilt you can and jesus said i will done if thy will should never come out of your mouth on anything somebody says when they're praying if it be thy will you ought to shut them down why not let that go unchallenged why because the devil will always try to say things around you and see if you'll challenge it and if it doesn't he gains an upper hand you have to challenge things that deny what you believe well we're just going to try to get along no there's no getting along without an unbelief why because it will infiltrate you it will get into your soul and it will eat away until you have nothing but doubt and unbelief amen so he says as you have believed so he settled it so be it done unto thee and his servant was healed in the self same hour john chapter 5 john chapter 5 verse 1. after this there was a feast of the jews and jesus went up to jerusalem now there is at jerusalem by the sheep market a pool which is called in the hebrew tongue bethesda having five porches in these lay a great multitude of impotent folk a blind hall withered waiting for the moving of the water for an angel went down at a certain season into the pool and troubled the water whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had now notice and i've taught him this before so i'm not going to belabor it now it's part of the dht but you notice they went to the pool and we know there was a bunch of people lying there waiting for the troubling of the water and noticed all these people had different diseases why because he said whoever got in first got healed of whatever they had that means that god did not determine who got healed he did not determine what disease they got healed of all of that was up to the sick person if you got up close when the water was troubled if you got in you got healed it didn't matter who you were it didn't matter what you had it didn't matter how long you had it didn't matter how you got it they got healed of whatever they had that means that god is not playing favorites god is not keeping you sick so you can learn something he's not not healing you so that he can teach you something he's not doing these things amen these were unborn again people to for somebody say well but and let me just think about this everything that determined whether this person got healed was whether they got in first or not what does that mean they determined i'm getting in first i wouldn't be surprised if fights hadn't broken out over who could get in first and they started getting oh no you don't this is mine i've been waiting here pushed somebody back and you know what they could have pushed them back and if they stepped in they'd have got healed why because god said now would that have been proper and all that no but god said it's amazing how many things god did for people of faith that weren't necessarily living proper or doing proper you go back and read it's amazing the whole list i mean you can start with well you can start with adam amen and then you go right on through noah and abraham and all of them and all of them and just see how god treated people and he said i will not alter the thing that's gone out of my mouth or the words that come out of my mouth why in other words this is the way it is even in the blessings remember whenever the blessings and they said they they came to uh who the jacob i think was came to him and he said you know bless us no i've already blessed esau okay i can't i can't bless you remember that and so even then i mean think about that they'd already given a blessing he couldn't take it back even though it was given under deception that's how solid god's word is and yet we want to tiptoe around it and think well maybe it's his will maybe it's not i don't know you know i wasn't the best christian last week so i don't know maybe he he might not heal me this week i don't know what you make change god doesn't right he never changes amen he's the same yesterday today and forever he is the lord he will he does not change amen even when it not even even tells us even whenever we're faithless he's faithful now if you're faithless don't make don't think that you're going to receive anything of him because then you're being double-minded but that doesn't mean he hadn't that he's changed you changed you get faithful guess what you'll get from him what he said faith will bring from him why because faith is how we get it we get it because of grace but we get it through faith that makes sense faith is what brings it to you amen right now notice he says no witches and a certain man was there okay now notice he says whoever first whoever then whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had and a certain man was there which had an infirmity 38 years that's a long time people get used to an infirmity after they've had it a long time they start making allowances for it does that make sense they start making allowances they start baiting it they start cuddling it well this is this is my arthritis you know my arthritis is kicking up well give it back to the devil where it came from don't take it amen you don't say well this is my problem well you know my heart's acting up or this is that really no you have to realize what jesus said is what counts now listen when you start saying what jesus said people look at you like you're crazy but if you say what he said and you stand what he said in a little while they'll be looking at you healed like you were crazy so you have to decide what's more important people's approval or whether you get well or not amen so he says now watch this man have been there 38 years when jesus saw him lie and knew that he had been now a long time in that case he saith unto him will thou be made whole there's the question isn't that right wilt thou be made whole now that word will is that greek word ethelo like i said it is number 2309 strong's concordance it means an intense desire based upon nature in other words this is who you are okay so jesus said do you have an intense desire to be made whole so that's a little bit different than you're saying well do you want it no he said do you have an intense desire to be made whole now this man was laying next to the pool of bethesda where people went to get healed and that right but he'd been there 38 years or had been sick in this condition 38 years and it and had been there a long time it said so now notice this is the question that jesus asked this is amazing to me so the eternal question remember what we said in the beginning the eternal question is not if it be thy will now when i say eternal i mean eternal so think about it in an eternal light the eternal question is not if it be thy will or even lord if thou wilt like we saw with the man before the eternal question and look at this the eternal question is not god jesus will you do this the eternal question is jesus and the father and the spirit of god as he's doing now asking you will you be made whole not will you make me whole but he's asking you will you be made whole do you have an intense desire have you come for this reason did you have an intense desire to be made whole or are you just going to leave without it you know if the line's too long don't want to wait through the line you know because it's getting near lunch and you got to eat well if that's the case then you probably already made provision for your sickness you probably probably already uh you know coddled it enough made all the arrangements got all the gadgets that makes your sickness easier to live with see if this was 100 120 years ago you'd be a little more serious about getting healed because you wouldn't have the comforts of modern medicine in many cases which that's all they are comfort they don't heal but you would have the comfort you you wouldn't have the comforts back then so people were serious but nowadays kind of well if i get it not if i if i don't get it you know i got already got my surgery scheduled for you know day after tomorrow so you're willing to go along with that rather than say no you know what he said this bless god this is why i come into this world and i'm keeping all my parts when i go out i'm gonna have all the same parts i came in with i mean not letting somebody take them out and sell them or experiment on them and charge me for the pleasure of getting cut on amen but you have to decide is there an intense desire in me to get this in other words what did you come for did did you come to get healed because the bible says they came to hear jesus and to be healed and some people well what are you here for well i came to be prayed for but then go home i can pray for you there why uh no don't come to be prayed for come to be healed does that make sense when you come to be healed you'll get it but you have to decide when i get up there if that's the way it's going to be when i get up there when brother curry lays his hands or whoever lays hands away when they lay hands on me bless god i'm getting it because that's the will of god see once you know the will of god you can't be ambivalent about it you can't well you know i mean yeah i know it's god's will no once you know god's will it's god's will across the board imagine if i thought the way some people think about healing well there you know i'm sure there's some of you here that god would like to see well but i don't know who that is and i'm not sure so you know when i pray i'm just gonna lay hands say lord if it be thy will lord if it be thy will lord if it be thy will do what you can and but lord if if it be not thy will then go ahead and let him die lord yeah if it be thy will if not kill them go ahead and kill them just get them out of here imagine that no you know why you come here because you know i'm sure because you know i've settled it i'm not questioning i'm not guessing i'm not lord what about this one can i pray for this one is this one okay no i don't i don't even talk i've already talked to god about every person's healing that i will ever minister to the rest of my life and i've told them i see it is your will and your will is that i do this the rest of my life is that i set the captives free why because i'm to be conformed to the image of christ and that's what he did and he's the same yesterday today and forever and so i've already settled that in me and i'm settled that when i touch you you will recover you will be healed that's what i believe why because that's his promise to me why because i'm a believer he said believers lay hands on the sick and they shall recover is that right so that's his promise to me now his promise to you if you're the sick is that when i lay hands on you you're going to get well so you get to decide now you can spread that out and say yep i'm going to get well two years from now after brother curry lays hands on me or you can say matter of fact even as he touches me i'm getting it and then it's up to you now here's the thing what you have to decide is whenever i touch you or however we do this that what what is it that you have not been able to do because whatever it was you have been able to do that's what you've got to do otherwise how will you know and if you believe that whenever i lay hands you're going to be healed then of course you're going to do what you can't do now because you want to be free and be able to do everything that you can't do everything that the devil that's the sickness the disease has kept you from doing that's why you're here is to get this thing off of you so you can do those things amen get awful quiet okay we'll see if you're thinking or rejecting we'll see okay so okay so the question is not you asking god well if i if it be thy will you can heal me no the question is will you be made whole you have to decide so if i ask you will you be made whole what are you going to say amen okay didn't sound too sure but we'll see don't make me go around the mountain again i i got nowhere to go i can be here all day long okay so verse seven the impotent man answered him sir i have no man when the water is troubled to put me into the pool now is that what jesus asked him did he say why are you still lying here beside the pool he didn't say that he said wilt thou be made whole. the man sure looked up and said yep now in his mind he might have thought as soon as i get in that water but the first thing he did like most good christians the first thing he did was start complaining well i i would have got healed last week but the line was so long i didn't want to wait that long and everybody got in line ahead of me and you know you'd think they would have had some christian courtesy so but that's how people think so the question is will thou be made whole amen he says well but while i'm coming another steps down before me jesus sayeth in him rise take up your bed and walk now it's amazing how many times jesus did this and it was always on a sabbath he had uncanny timing right i think sometimes he might have waited just you know oh yeah that's a sabbath let's go see how many pharisees we can upset right we'll see who has the spirit of religion by who gets mad when somebody gets healed and see that could be a pharisee saying not not the right way not the right time or it can be somebody saying well god why didn't you heal me they got healed why don't you heal me i've been prayed for now i didn't get healed why do you why don't you say it's the same thing spirit of religion anytime you start pointing the finger at god and blaming him that's religion that's what religion does well it might not be god's will that's what religion does so he said take up your bed rise take up thy bed and walk now number one we know this man had been this way for 38 years and had never walked at least in the last 38 years i don't know if he was 38 years old or what but he had not walked so he was telling him to do what something impossible do something you cannot do right and he said now watch this he said and immediately the man was made whole took up his bed and walked and on the same day was the sabbath the jews therefore said unto him that was cured it's the sabbath day it's not lawful for you to carry your bed now think about that they didn't go wow this is amazing miracle 38 years tell us what happened no they said why are you carrying your bed you can't do that it's the sabbath think about that more interested on the day than the fact that this man had been held captive for 38 years and now he's set free and he said it's unlawful it is not lawful for you to carry your bed jesus not only told him to do what was impossible he told him to do what was unlawful do you hear that to break the religious tradition now jesus never told anybody to break the law per se isn't that right he never told them to violate the law because that would be sin but these things were the interpretation of the law that people were putting in to be religion at the time and jesus did matter of fact he violated that every time he turned around right so he did not hold to their interpretation amen matthew chapter 15 last scriptures we're going to matthew 15. then jesus went thence and departed unto the coast of tyre and sidon and behold a woman of canaan came out of the same coast and cried unto him saying have mercy on me o lord thou son of david my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil but he can you imagine what this woman must have been through what she had gone through her daughter has a devil she knows it's a devil can you imagine knowing that your child has a devil and can't do anything to set them free i deal with people like that all the time and they don't know what to do so they come to me and i'm glad they do but i wish they didn't have to i wish they knew what to do and you know we were in minnesota just recently and the last night i was ministering and i was sharing some things and uh i had a word and actually we had many words of knowledge and every one of them were accurate nailed it down bound and that right you were there yeah and it was very accurate and then the strange thing happened and as soon as i said it i should have said what i thought because i said there's there's two people are two couples here that have wanted to have a baby but haven't been able to and god said if you come down right now then you can have that baby we'll pray and so nobody came nobody moved right it looked like i had missed it right and it was so funny because i'm like okay and but in my head i knew that the reason they weren't coming and i almost said actually i might have said this i don't remember if i said or not but i might have said um one of it's like one of you one of the couples one of the spouses didn't want to have it is that i said that yeah one of the spouses didn't want to have another baby but one spouse did and that's why the one spouse wouldn't and i almost said that how i did say it uh that that's why you you don't want to come down so we left it at that but it looked like either i had missed it or something so then that night as we were ministering to everybody and then before we left that night a lady came to me on the side and she said pray for me she said i was sitting back there she had four four or five kids four five kids i think it was already and she said her husband had said that's it no more and when she goes but when you said that word i knew that was for me because i i want another child i want another child and so she said my heart was pounding in my chest and she said but i was afraid to come down because i didn't want to start a fight and i said okay but she came to me afterwards and prayed her husband actually stood over and i don't know what she told him she was coming for but he stood at he stood at a distance and um and so when she came i said okay we'll pray and i prayed and i prayed that they have a child and that god changed his heart because god wants people to have children he wants that and so why because he wants to populate his kingdom and so we did that so that was one and i thought okay i still wasn't satisfied because i knew i knew god has had two two different couples and then the next day which was the saturday i was i pulled up in the parking lot and as i parked there the uh i was sitting there in my car because if i go in people start talking to me so i sit in my car and i would just read pray a little bit and this woman walked up and i'm reading and you know a lot of times i see people come in and i'm reading and i purposely kind of don't look at them because then they want to stop and talk or sometimes you know it's like oh my phone looks like i need to read my phone you know and different things i know i'm giving away the secrets but um now if you were going to go are you really on the phone you're just holding it to your ear what's really good so anyway okay if i am that means i don't want to talk leave me alone either way okay but i'm standing there i'm sitting there reading and this lady came up stood outside the window for a few minutes a few minutes and i'm standing there she ain't going away so finally and i didn't want to open the door and i knew i had to go in so i just rolled down the window and i said yes ma'am connection she said i needed to tell you i was one of those people that was supposed to come down last night because i've been praying for a baby but my husband he said that they had had a miscarriage and she wanted to try again and have another baby and the husband said i'm not going through that again and so he did not want to try for another child it was their first child and she said but i want a baby and i said well he doesn't want it because of fear and because of the pain i said so i'm going to pray for you that you will have the baby so that but there will be no fear and no pain and this baby will come to fruition and it'll be a good good pregnancy strong healthy child she said please and so i prayed with her before i went inside and so god vindicated himself to me i'll be honest with you by having that woman come up and so god has been doing that more and more and he's been pushing me to stretch even further and function more in the gifts because we've established the truth that you can minister healing without functioning technically in gifts and without word or not of that kind of stuff but now for my own personal uh growth and to do other things that god wants me to do that's an area i have to grow in now and so we're moving in it i just i'll be honest with you i don't like doing it i don't like to do it i'd rather teach but i also have to obey god so we will move these ways amen all right so and i know okay so finally notice he says my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil a matter of fact at those meetings we had two dramatic deliverances one night and which god again was showing me something basically saying get back to this do what you do this because i've gotten i've gotten pretty calm and i know that i can release faith and release power being calm but there's reasons i guess that he wants me at times to not be so calm and to be a little more not dramatic but aggressive just be aggressive and so that's what happened that night and it was instantaneous and the change was instantaneous and you could see them that it was an instantaneous change in them that they one minute they were demon-possessed to the point they were growling and not even talking but growling at us and we just gave the command i just said cease shut your mouth in jesus name and they instantly stopped and then i grabbed them and ministered to them rather aggressively and they both one by one went down on the floor and when they came up they were completely totally changed and free amen and so amen so we um i'm just giving you a heads up that that's see when i go off when i go off i don't um how can i say i don't care what people think because i know i'm leaving there anyway you know but but this is kind of home you know so i'll be honest i've played it safe a lot of times when i shouldn't have uh so i'm just telling you and you know and if all of you hate it and you never come back then that's you but i'm gonna do what god wants me to do amen so so amen amen so anyway all right so let's finish this up he says uh but she but he answered not a word and his disciples came in beside him saying send her away for she cries after us but he answered and said i am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of israel then came she now he was answering them he was saying no i don't have to go to her i'm saying this is my mission i'm coming to them right now i'm coming to the lost sheep of the house of israel then came she so while they're there she comes to him before she was at a distance but now it says then came she and worshipped him saying lord help me but he answered and said it's not meat it's not right okay it's not right to take the children's bread and to cast it to dogs now we look at that see in the culture we're in today we go well how dare him talk to someone like that why because we think we have to talk to everybody a certain way but there are certain times wigglesworth did this too you talk to some people certain ways why to wake them up it's kind of like slapping them verbally and you wake them up and get them out of their you know their mindset and jesus here he was telling he said it's not right to take the children's bread and to cast it to dogs why because the people of tyre and sudden at that time were seen syrophenician women were seen as dogs in other words they were outcasts and not part of israel and jesus was sent to israel why because he had to fulfill the abrahamic covenant that first god would bring the the truth the gospel to abraham's children and then it would be rejected and then it would go to the gentiles does that make sense so that's why jesus did this he wasn't being cruel he wasn't being you know racist all right he was saying i i'm focused i have to do my job see that's why i get a lot of slack sometimes because a certain ways i do things because people think ought to do it people think i ought to be a customer service expert and i'm not amen and i don't intend to be why because i'd rather get the job done and if that means sometimes slapping you verbally to wake you up to get you to a place where you'll fight for your healing i will do it amen now i'll try not to call you names but something flips out it just slips out i wasn't gonna say anyway so but he said here but now notice this woman's daughter had devils amen at least one had a devil right and so but jesus said it's not right to take the children's bread so deliverance is the children's bread if you're a child of god deliverance is your bread give us this day our daily bread our daily deliverance our daily freedom amen if you get free stay free every day is a day to be free amen did you get this so he said here it's not right to take the children's bread that's you see this woman isn't in a position you're in if you're born of god if you're a child of god this is your bread this is what he gives you daily and if he gives it to you daily if you're sick you get well and if you're well guess what you just stay well why because it's your daily bread so you have to decide this is my daily bread this is mine this is my i have a heavenly father he knows what i need and he feeds me daily amen but you have to get that in you now well i just take a crumb from the master's table then you ain't one of his kids why because it's only the dogs that get the crumbs not the children amen decide that you are a child of god and matter of fact decide to grow up and become a son of god and then you'll be able to give away the children's bread and give it out to the people that need it amen so he says and she said in verse 27 and she said truth lord yet the dogs eat are the crumbs which fall from their master's table then jesus answered and said unto her o woman great is thy faith in other words i just told you no and look at you you're standing here and you have decided to fight for this and you're even coming you want something from me i'm telling you no and you're telling me you're going to get it anyway isn't that what she said i mean think about that here her answer said no and she said no i'm not taking no i came for this i'm getting this right i mean think about that now watch he said great is your faith be it unto you even as you will even as you intensely desire i'd say she's got some intense desire she just disagreed with the word of god amen she just disagreed with the son of god and so she's got some intestinal fortitude she's got that intense desire why because it's her daughter and she wasn't gonna go home well sorry daughter i you know well what happened well he said no well what'd you say oh well i just walked off why didn't you fight for me why didn't you say something you maybe you could have said something see people don't fight they don't fight for what god has given them sometimes because it's only now the beauty of this is only the devil says no now why because jesus bore the stripes he what he said yes to he can never say no to do you get that what he said yes to he can never say no to and all the promises are in him yes and in him so be it amen but you have to decide uh devil shut your mouth don't talk to me this is mine and you have to get that into you where you will not bend off of that to read well you know maybe and you go well and the problem is sometimes when the fight is long you tend to start wavering well the next time the pain comes back what are you going to do you're going to take the pain killer are you going to go no no get out of my body you're not coming back you have to make that decision i'm not going to do this i'm going to do this amen so he says be it unto thee even as i wilt same word 2309 ethelo intense desire and her daughter was made whole from that very hour and jesus departed from thence and came down to the sea of galilee and went up into a mountain and sat down there and great multitudes came unto him having with them those that were lame blind dumb maimed and many others and cast them down at jesus's feet and he healed them every one of them in so much that the multitude wondered when they saw the dumb to speak the maimed to be whole the lame to walk and the blind to see and they glorified the god of israel notice they did not glorify god while they were sick they didn't glorify god because they were maimed because they were sick and blind and halt and all these different things they glorified god when god delivered them amen now let me ask you this i'm going to ask you one question maybe one maybe two if you're going to do what's right you've got to give praise and glory to whoever heals you or gets you well is that right so you have to decide what it is that gets you well because if it's god then give him the glory amen if it's doctors give them the glory don't give god the glory for what doctors do if i was a doctor and i performed some surgery on you and it saved your life i would get offended if you gave credit to a spirit that did not help you and by the same token if i was god and i healed you by the stripes of my son's back and then you gave credit and even participated with the medical means and you gave credit to your healing for that i'd get offended see everybody wants the old-time religion why because they want the old-time power but they want a new age philosophy and theology and it won't get you there what gets you there is what the bible said and what these old guys that knew something that had some results what they did and what they taught and what they believed and you're gonna have to make that same decision or you can be a nominal christian the rest of your life and run around and you know run to every other arm of the flesh that's your choice and if you do i'm not going to say anything about it because i don't know any of your cases so i'm not talking to anyone in particular here and i'm not going to say anything to you or whatever else it is all i'm saying is i know for a fact i hadn't had a lot of visions but i know one that god showed me and he showed this merry-go-round and a child on it and the child kept going faster and faster and faster and there was a person over here watching them and i'm watching this and then this child's going around and all of a sudden they just get slung off of that thing and man their knees are all skinned and bloody and their arms and their hands where they fell and then that child jumps up and starts running and you see two people standing in front the father is there closest and the child was running toward that way but then there's another person over here in a white coat and this child comes running toward them and the father because the baby's crying you know the child is crying and bloody and the father gets down on one knee and holds his arms out and the baby the child runs right past him runs through the arms of the guy in the white coat and god showed me the hurt in his heart how would you feel because that's what god asked me how would you feel if your child was hurt and crying and banged up and you wanted to take them and help them but they ran past you and ran into the arms of another man and i said it would tear my heart out and he said that's how i feel when they run right past me and go to somebody that will charge them to help them just saying so yes i hate sickness and disease and i don't see now i will admit modern science can do better than it used to but never say that god has decided that doctors are his way of healing it's not that's the arm of the flesh now can it keep you alive possibly and if it does hope it keeps you alive long enough to get faith in god because he's the one you're going to stand in front of he's the one you're going to and he is your help amen so is the question god if it be thy will or is it what do you will because i believe i've shown you today that the question now is what he's asking us will thou be made whole not lord will you make me whole is that right because i can prove it also from healing and the atonement we could go through all that but you have to decide have you decided that or did you just come here hoping if you did when you got here hoping hopefully i've given you faith so now you can stand in faith amen but the key is to make a decision because no decision is making a decision but it's the wrong one so we're going to pray father i thank you for your word i thank you that even as i've been speaking that your spirit has been working that in the name of jesus you will receive all glory for all that has been done by your son by your spirit in the bodies and hearts minds of these people so father in the name of jesus we bless you and we bless them and we say in the name of jesus let this word abide in you let it settle in you until you settle it and let it be how you live so father we thank you in the name of jesus right now for the healing the freedom that you have already provided and that you are asking us will we be made whole and our answer is yes and amen in jesus name amen
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
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Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: myZC7DiGvGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 22sec (4642 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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