God is in You

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[Music] [Music] good morning good morning again that's give me a little bit of a late breakfast back there it's some crackers and a coke no actually club club crackers I had talked to you last night with chilly that's right yeah so it's getting cooler got a crank up the chili all right so if you have your Bibles go ahead and turn them into second Corinthians chapter five we're going to be finishing soon and it's got anthem more to it but believe we're only finishing this this week this is a third obviously have a three-part series that we had been teaching two weeks ago we started with the first one which was God is for you and he is for you right and we brought that out from Romans 8:31 and we found out that if God is for you and not against you then who can successfully be against you nobody right so these are three keys these are three keys you know it even to is we would say to constant victory these are three things that you've got to get settled in you you've got to know that God is hit for number one he's for you he's not against you if he was believe me if he was against you it would be bad you say well it's bad now no no it would be bad right a lot worse than it is now if God was against you so you know thank goodness you you've got the lesser after you in the sense that that's against you that's the devil he's against you but his power is severely limited mostly by pretty much the same way God's powers limited about what you say has a lot to do with it right there so now so first off we have to know and hopefully I taught you two weeks ago that God is for you and not against you right so if you were here then or maybe you've heard this sin sin so the first thing to do is to recognize that do you believe that God is for you okay that's really weak all right we're now gonna have to go back and read preach that again heron get you okay do you believe God is for you all right do you remember and if it got was for you that's why I sent Jesus amen if he wasn't for you he wouldn't have sent Jesus so so say that way God is for me now saying like you mean it there you go alright God is for you good the second one we taught on is that God is with you maybe that one that was the second one right and out of that one okay first off let's just a couple of things we didn't cover in that one but we're I'm gonna mention him now how do we know that God is with us how do we know that well first off Emmanuel Jesus's name his name shall be called Emmanuel what does that mean God with us ain't that right God with us he's with us right so that's that's the key so G if Jesus's name means God with us and you know God's with us amen he is with us right all right never so you know and as we point out there was two aspects of God being with you one is he is with you and whatever storm you're going through right which is good news like I said God doesn't necessarily make your life storm free but he does make him storm proof amen so he can help you walk through the storm or whatever you need to do now also if God is with you then he is not just with you in your storm but he's also with you so that you can carry him with you as you go now we know this out of acts 10:38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and power who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil for God was with him the reason that is given for Jesus healing all that were oppressed in the devil was God was with him and we know he did it back compassion he was moved back compassion but the reason he could do it is because God was with him you got that so the the miracles and all the things here here's something I've been meditating on a lot lately it actually brings us to the to the next point we're gonna be looking at is that if it's even Jesus himself said the work that I do I'm not doing the father in me he does it works and they're right so even Jesus didn't take credit for the ability to do those things but he also never failed to take the opportunity to do them he never said wait wait let's wait and see you know we gotta wait on the Holy Spirit we got a widow god we got to wait and see what he wants he never did that somebody to say hey my servant sick I'll come here I mean just that quick so there was no doubt there was no hesitation right why cuz he knew God was with him right so now notice this matter of fact he talked about it more than anybody else actually of he and his father were one which goes beyond just God being with him and it actually brings us to what we are going to talk about today now so if God is with us right and we learned that first till we found out that he God is for us now we know that God is with us and they're right that was the second one say that woman say God is with me he's with me right now he's always with me okay that's a good statement right there just anything he's always with you know right it's a good thing to know but just because God's always with you now you've got to go to the next step which is what a Christian is see God was with Christ and Jesus even told the disciples he said when you talk about the Holy Spirit he said when the Spirit of Truth has come he said you know you know him because he is with you and shall be in you so in other words there was a difference between being with and being in right now he was with the disciples the Holy Spirit was with them no notice whenever they went out to heal the sick the Holy Spirit was with them but then Jesus went to the Father he said if I don't go to the Father he said it's better for you that I go to the father because if I don't go to the father then what's going to happen well he said if I do go what's gonna happen I'm gonna send the spirit back to you he said so it's better for you that you have the spirit then if you actually have me hear myself say most Christians don't believe that right they'll quote it but they don't believe it but now see Christianity is a step above what Jesus had his disciples walking in when they were with him what because he's no longer just with you now he's in you and that's what we want to talk about today so these three things you got to know God is for you not against you he is with you and he is in you right now well we talked about in it doesn't just mean that he came in and sat down inside of you and just there so now he's in you he's still with you no it's no one's talking about when he says he is in you it literally means to be intermingled it means to be joined together it means to cease being to and becoming one right so we have the same relationship with the Father that Jesus had with the father we're the same righteousness one because we have his righteousness right we don't have our own righteousness if you're still in your own righteousness you're still in big trouble because your righteousness ain't enough ain't good enough amen but we aren't we have his righteousness so the you have the same standing before God Jesus had you have the same prayer ability you have the same speaking ability the words of Jesus in your lips are just as powerful as the words of Jesus were in his lips right but you have to be able to know this decide to believe it start living like you believe it which means all the time not just when you're in church right it means that you start speaking the right way Jesus is wait all the time and because of that now we're going to look at this I told you to go to me to second Corinthians 5:17 actually I don't think I told you I told you think rate it's 5 verse 17 says therefore if any man be in Christ so notice for him to be in us we must be in him right he is is present tense a new creature new creation old things are passed away behold all things are become new now this is something you have to realize if you're gonna keep talking about who you used to be you'll never truly be who you are now and you'll never truly become who God wants you to be so you have to quit talk about who you used to be and start talking about who you are right now in Christ right so get you off your mind and get Christ in your mind then you have the mind of Christ in you talk like Christ amen now this is you know people it's amazing people come from all over the world they'll come to this little building here to be prayed for ministered to and they come usually you know honestly for me to pray for and that's fine but we have to realize what I'm what I teach here is what I've learned that allows me to be able to do what I do all over the world and it's why God sends people here from all over the world right it's not because I'm you know I don't have any special talents none of that stuff you know the only if I have a gift it's a gift of grit you know I just stuck I just refuse to quit I'm not saying yet true grit there you go now you got all these things coming through my head that's it mighty bold talk for one I bet anyway that's a whole lot so but what our teacher is what I what I do and what I've done which is why people come so if you learned this God is no respecter of persons he will do the same thing through anybody the only name that means anything is the name of Jesus not John Lake not Currie Blake not with none of that that means nothing all that counts is the name of Jesus and at that name everything that has a name has to balance need to that name amen and it doesn't matter who uses that name as long as you have faith in that name that's the only thing that counts so let's look at this now yeah we want to finish reading up here it says old things are passed away behold all things are become new so this is the old you that's gone and the new you that's there now let's talk about in your spirit that's why you have to renew your mind because the old things that were parked see your spirit was bad and your body followed your mind your soul and your soul in your mind was bad because it followed your spirit so it was just trickled down right to you to where you did bad things because your spirit was bad but now in your spirit your spirit is made right with God and the old things that were in your spirit now out there gone but you still have your mind and your body follows your mind more than your spirit right so you have to be able to take what's in your spirit now push all the other junk out of your mind so that it's just like well you know it's funny because people talk about brainwashing in a bad way but on offense what you need you need your brain washed amen and but it needs to be washed with the pure Word of God amen and as you continue to push that water of the Word of God out of your spirit into your soul and pushes those things out of your mind your mind becomes renewed and your body following your mind will stop doing the bad things and it'll start following the good that's coming into your mind and pretty soon you're washed spirit soul and body and now you're living like you're supposed to be living that's just that's the process okay now that process can be short or it can be long depending on how often you actually practice and put into practice the the truth of the word of God that actually tells you what to do now so we want to emphasize this this more than one emphasized the fact that God is in you because if you don't get this and this is the difference between Old Covenant Saints and New Covenant Saints and even though there are no Old Covenant Saints in the church people still act like Old Covenant Saints they still think like Old Covenant Saints alright give you a little better example maybe you know I had a Mac I've had PC I bought a PC years ago I think it was for like 2012 something like that it was a toshiba best machine I ever had I mean an amazing amazing thing and now you can't get him anymore and so I'm like hanging on to this thing right and it's updated different you know windows on it that kind of stuff but I don't like the new windows and so the last windows that I had put on it was like Windows seven eight something like that it was yeah and I mean this thing you know it takes thirty minutes we're going to push start it takes thirty minutes for it to warm up you know get ready but I'm still hanging on to her right I backed it up completely so when it finally does die I got all my stuff but I'm gonna use it till it dies right I'll bury it somewhere on the field because it goes everywhere I go I'll be right there somewhere but the thing is you can now admit it I think that's like I said I still got Windows like seven or eight or whatever it is on it but but it's also got the best Bible program that I've ever had on it which is one of the main reasons I use it so but the key is this there are a lot of things that if you know nobody I would well I'm sure there's probably somebody out there it's even still stuck in the 20th century more so than me okay they're still trying to use Windows you know 3.1 right something like that but any of you know a lot of the applications today wouldn't work on Windows 3.1 I mean right it would just won't work just it's just made different it's like I had a CD player okay that's the machine that you actually put them a CD into for those of you don't know what that is and I actually had some CDs and I put a CD in and it kept saying no CD knows he didn't like you line piece of trash tell me there's no CD in there I know there's a CD in it I put in there myself right but it won't register one because the CD was a was a duplicate CD and it was made on a machine that this machine won't recognize because the CD was made a long time ago so I'll recognize it okay now now you're thinking the right way in the sense of the analogies that I've just used between Old Covenant Saints and New Covenant Saints Old Covenant Saints are still trying to use Old Covenant principles that won't work in the New Covenant say putting out a fleece before God there's nothing in the New Testament of fleece nothing and as I've always heard him say I think with Charles Capps used to say if you put out a fleece yeah you're gonna get fleeced well that's kind of what it is so places they're not New Testament what because we're not external people we're internal people so the Holy Spirit doesn't have to deal with us externally by natural means he with us he's the father of spirits and so he deals with us in the spirit and that's the key see the thing is if God still has to deal with you on the outside then what he's doing is he that means that you're still an Old Covenant or a carnal minded person and can only be dealt with from the physical but what God wants to do is he wants to deal with every individual person in the spirit directly him and you amen that's the essence of Christianity is that you have a relationship with God and see as long as you understand there are principles in the New Testament about laying hands on a sick right there principle in the New Testament where believers help other believers there's nothing wrong with that but God's best for you is for you not to have to rely on somebody else to get your inheritance for you all right now again I'm not not saying we don't do that we do we help everybody we'll help anybody comes okay we do that but our my goal is to get everybody to see what God has given them so that instead of people coming to hear me or me lay hands on that you're actually out there doing this the same way I would do it or you know with the same results but it that way and so because if you do that now that means that you know and recognize that you have a relationship with God and that's what Jesus died for he didn't die for you to have a relationship with me and you piggyback off of my relationship with God no I'm not being mean understand that's not why Jesus died Jesus wants to deal directly with you he wants you to know you're his child that you're born of him amen that you're a new creation in Christ and so now until you get there and you know until you're really walking in it and to the point where you're giving it away and honestly you're not walking in this truth until you're giving it away right because you can't once you understand this you can't help but give it away if you're still not giving it away you still don't understand it yet quite good enough right so we just keep hammering away now until then we'll help you and even after that if you need help we're here to help you know we'll join together and we can agree together and the power of agreement in prayer is amazing right if you need to agree it's done it's that simple so it that'll always be a truth but the goal is to get every person to realize God has for me not against me God is with me in good times and in bad right in bad times he's with me to get me through it right in the good times he's there to actually so I can actually give out of this life into helping other people and then we have to know that God is in us amen that he is in us now being in us Nancy that's a whole this is what Jesus died for because if all Jesus died for it was to maybe pay for healing so that everybody could get here because if you take away everything that's what else did he die for if you because what we're talking about is a direct connection because they already had everything under the Old Covenant they had the results of the Old Covenant was that they had all their needs met physical spiritual you know you know the only thing they didn't have have made or meant for them was their well just their their the culmination of salvation they were still unrighteous what because they still had to go back to the temple every year they still had to make an atonement every year so now but understand God was with them do you get that God was with them even though they had to go back to the temple even though they had to make an atonement every year to cover their sins because atonement doesn't cleanse so you're not just covered you're not just cleansed even you are recreated that's a whole different thing Jesus didn't just cleanse your sins and leave you a sinner he cleansed you recreated you and made you as much like himself as he could right literally he made clones of himself Wow because we're born of his seed it says and were born of his spirit amen and so we are that connected he said listen if they hear you they hear me if they reject you they reject me that's closely United right that's why as I've said before whenever Jesus was but whenever Saul of Tarsus was heading to Damascus and Jesus shows up right there on that road and he says you know Lord who are you right he says I'm Jesus whom you persecute and yet Saul wasn't persecuting Jesus in the flesh but he was persecuting his church so heating over and he said they're not doing to you they're doing it to me so he said this is how one we are right so that's how we have to start seeing ourselves is the same way that we are one with him that we are joined together with him that when we're joined together with him you ever noticed you get to people they know him and they know them you know people know this person people know this person and then you think you know what you know there's certain qualities that if we get these two people together that would be a just a match made in heaven every you women you're always trying to get people matched up in heaven on this earth you ever notice it's amazing right it doesn't even matter we don't know a wedding great who's getting married you know it's God's will how do you know because it's a wedding I mean it's like take time to pray okay make sure right but most women never do that it's just oh you wanna get married okay we'll find you somebody let's see any volunteers we need to volunteer it about you as long as there's a wedding we're happy no that's not the way it is right now we have to get has to be the right one amen so but what and and you notice now first you've got these two and then they're totally different people may have some similar quarries for whatever reason they get together in a few years now it's not even this person this person it's a third another whole person governors and they have become so much alike what because they blended right and that's the way it is in the new creation the new creation you are joined to Christ you're joined to him to the point where there is a blending together and you're not like you were you're not like they are you're a new being right you're now you're more like Christ and you're starting to blend toward him because I can tell you you have a to humans journey they compromise to come together generally right and did not in compromise is where the problems are so one of they start to come together then if they compromise it's great guess what Jesus don't compromise you either be like him are you ain't and they're right it's real simple so you have to realize if anybody's going to change and you and Jesus's relationship it's gonna be you right cuz he's already changed he's he's done all the change he's gonna do he is then he's the same yesterday today and forever so he ain't gonna change right so if you're gonna be change it's gonna be you changing amen so how do you change you start to realize how what was Jesus like and you started to realize okay he is in me which means there are things that whenever he was on this earth he wanted to do certain things now he's back on this earth in you he still wants to do those things why because he's the same yesterday today and forever that's why he's pulling one way and sometimes you're pulling the other way and then you got a conflict then you got a struggle and sometimes you ever notice maybe you know your talk with God you're going on you know and your fellowshiping with the minutes it's good you know it's just good fellowship right and you you can you can just sense his love you can sense his presence it's all there and then and he's like you know I really want you to do this you know you're a you're like yeah I need to do that I need to do that everybody and you and you'reyou're agreeing yep well you know what I'm gonna do that as soon as I get a chance right that's where you made your first mistake as soon as I get a chance no you don't get a chance you make the chance right you make the opportunity because as soon as you're going you going yeah yeah yeah hang on yeah that's a good idea I'll do that you notice but while you're saying is a good idea over there you're walking this way and then you wake up one morning you go something right all right you know I just don't feel God anymore I don't know you know I just I feel like I'm my own here hello as good as you are you know I'm not saying that you're you know if you died you go to hell I'm just saying yet you're distant but if you're distant from God like the old t-shirt we just have said you know if you feel you're distant from God guess who moved right it wasn't God to moved away from you you moved away from him I mean and sometimes when you have that feeling of what you know something right you know it's just not right so I just don't have the same that did before I just don't have it you know sometimes you think right it's usually because you've strayed just enough to where you're still sensitive to the Spirit of God he's sitting right over here and and you don't you know you you can tell when somebody is not happy whether they say they're not happy or not you notice that you can know I mean it's the difference between oh look I made your favorite here's kanpai it's yours here you go over there and then okay that's yours and you know it's it's that or there there you go oh okay what's wrong what what did I do right because something ain't the same right they didn't say I'm mad they didn't have to right yeah hey you can tell it's the same thing with the Holy Spirit you can tell when he's grieved see people act like the Holy Spirit's always happy no you can grieve him it tells you not to grieve him that means he can be grieved and if there's a warning against it it means that we can do things to grieve him see people had this man it's this utopian idea that God is always this way and it's this thing and it's all new age it really is all new age is not Bible God can be grieved amen the Holy Spirit can be grieved and how do we grieve him well first off is by the words of her mouth that's the fastest way you can grieve somebody usually but words come also from a condition of the heart and so sometimes you know as we say that abundance of heart the mouth speaks sometimes the actions or though you're speaking words and then that changes your heart and then your get further and further away from God and that kind of stuff by the words either going out of you or coming into you and so Jesus said it's in the room not what like food that comes into you that defiles you but what comes out of you right and so there has to be that in there too where we recognize okay I know God is for me I know he's with me but we also have to know he's in us and when he's in us it means there's a blending so that now see I can be you know okay you could go off and say hey I was with Korea Blake today don't know why you'd say that but you could write and okay that didn't tell them anything you could be sitting you know against the back wall right we couldn't maybe not even speak but you were with me is that not true or we could hang out and go have lunch in fellowship and you could say the same thing has with gray/black day yeah again you understand the difference the difference is fellowship and so what God wants his fellowship with us he wants it and now now notice you can be God can be with you and you not be fellowship him with it amen but it now but knowing that he's in you it's really hard to really know that God is in you and not stay in fellowship then even knowing he's with you you may do something wrong you know and you know okay sorry just what's gonna happen you know they said some to me I'm gonna say something back to them I know you're there but you're with me I get it but I'm fixing to respond in the flesh right you know we shouldn't do that of course but we're not gonna act like it doesn't happen okay but it's the same time when he's in you and you have that that I don't need to say just a revelation because revelation sometimes it's almost like we think that God has to drop that revelation in us it's not that revelation you can have a revelation and not have the realization of the revelation but whenever you have a realization of it it's like okay now the part of that comes by practicing the presence of God practicing this like we said before what John Lakewood get up in the mornings and look in the mirror and say God is in that suit and in that man in that suit of clothes wherever that suit goes God goes well you could say that knowing that God is with you but knowing that he's in you now it's a whole different thing because now that means I'm willingly letting him be letting me become more like him as I renew my mind so you have to have this the fact that God is in you and that whenever you put your hand out his hand goes up because if he fills you okay say people had this idea that your spirit is like this little ball in your belly and out of that ball in your belly is you know all this energy comes from that's not what it is he's a person the energy comes out of a person called the Holy Spirit who is in you and when he feels you he's a spirit now we are made in the likeness and image of God and guess what so as a Holy Spirit in the sense now he's not made in the legs but understand he is the image right you understand that he's in the shape of God we could say so if he comes in to fill you he's gonna feel every part of you've not just some little you know two inches they used to say in the like in meditation and things like if you watch some of the Eastern meditation they put their hands like this and they put it at the 1010 just two inches below the navel and they sit like that and then they meditate and it's like they're cupping containing the holy earth not always here but in the in the center of their being right and they had this idea that it's there no the Holy Spirit fills you he feels every inch every you know millimeter or whatever this of your entire body he has full the shape of him is your shape he shapes himself into you know you can put water in a cup that becomes a cuppie bit of water and a teapot it becomes a teapot right well guess what you put the Holy Spirit in you he becomes you you give that he takes your shape and and now whatever whoever he goes into he takes their shape what because he feels you now the thing is he's so much bigger that whenever he feels you all of that is compacted into you so now all of that so whatever you put out listen you can't put out your hand and his hand not go out you get that what because it's in there you you've got him trapped right now you know my wife sometimes we're driving shoes you know where we going I said come go with me okay where are we going well I gotta go here go there everything okay and she's you're getting the car right and we're drivers you guys and let's go here what don't have time I told you later go here here here we're going there we're going here first we'll get that we go okay that's why don't I come with you because I'm trapped in your car I'm trapped I'm a prisoner in your car I'm like yes you're you're here but there's things I need to get done it the way you should have took your own car okay but you told me to come with you that's it I know won't you come with me she was in I did now I need to go places then well I'll take you better get your car cuz there's certain things I have to get but I do go places she wants to go and I wait in the car no sometimes I'm getting better okay I can last five or ten minutes somewhere you know there's like you gotta go here to thank God for phones with the books and Bibles and stuff on them because they're not yeah it just gives you another standard reads anyway gonna hack it off on that anyway but now but let's go over this real quick alright let's look at some good some scripture 2nd Corinthians 5:17 we already read verse 17 verse 18 and all things are of God all these new things in Europe God who hath passed ins reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ and hath given to us the Ministry of reconciliation here that Jesus had the Ministry of reconciliation and he gave it to you what because as he is so are we in this world you give them he's an heir of God we're heirs of God what else are we join tears with Jesus Christ that means Jesus was an heir of God we're an heir of God but we get everything Jesus had why because we're joint heirs whatever he's got we've got do you get that so you got to go you got to get this in you when you start to realize everything he has I've got I've got his name I got his power got his spirit got his word I've got gifts I got whatever ever he got the Holy Spirit all that whatever he had I have what because we are connected right we are connected by the Spirit we are connected he's in me I'm in him and we're connected whatever I have he has whatever he has I have and as we realize that we have what he has now we started realizing he could give away what he had and I can give away what I got why cuz I've got what he has amen so you started thinking on these things as I Drive these are the things I'm going on in my mind and as I'm studying as I'm reading or what is I'm constantly going over these things and confessing these things out amen this has to be part of what you do on a daily basis this has to be this okay last night last week with some point we had anybody up and we had anybody confessing God's Word and saying certain things we did it 5 or about 5 or 7 minutes I think it wasn't long but we did it for a little bit that's what I do all the time especially I when I'm by myself driving I'm constantly speaking out god's word add or speaking to the tongue something and going back and forth and usually it kind of all mixes in there together but this is what I think about I'll think about it I'll say it pray in tongues helps you know solidified in me and then I'm just but I'm constantly building in this right and then all of a sudden it's like okay well and then I get a phone call so he needs prayer and guess what I'm ready to pray what because I've been building myself up my most holy faith praying is Holy Ghost so you have to live ready you can't go get ready you can't away you know I just have a Toledo Sunday I can get it no no don't wait til Sunday get built up during the week and come in here powerful not power empty Amen come in here ready to give in to not just to take from Amen because as one of us get stronger we all get stronger if one of us hurts we all hurt so what do we have to do we all have to build up strong so that that hurt can stay on the outside and not get into us amen so he says here look at this said verse 19 to wit or to know to the effect all right that God was in Christ you give that God was in Christ I should have brought I haven't I don't usually do Illustrated sermons but this is what I would like to do I just don't have it handy with me we go to Ukraine every year Ukraine Czech Republic Poland Bulgaria different areas we go over there every year and they have and especially over into Russia they have these dolls maybe you see them and we should come abou shkadov but that's apparently it's not the right term because I use that term that go no that's not right so anyway but you take off one and another smaller one is inside of it and then you open that one there's another smaller one inside so you just keep on digging like how small is that thing gonna get again it keeps going down right and so one day I remember we were over there in ourselves I was looking at him and taking apart like how many are in here and and it was like the hose first said that's you I know I heard you know what I mean that's me and he just showed me he said look that outer that's you and inside you is the Holy Spirit and inside the Holy Spirit is Jesus and inside Jesus is God he said they're all three in you you get that we don't have just one Hey because jesus said the father or not we will come and abide with you we will and if we come and abide with you then we will make we will manifest ourselves to you and there right and so he get that so you don't people to where you know I got Jesus you ain't just got Jesus you got Jesus got the Holy Spirit not that it'll be bad just average Jesus mitad but let me tell you you can't have just Jesus because the father was in Jesus and he's the same yesterday today and forever so the father was always in Jesus is that right and if he always was in Jesus he'll always be in Jesus so just because Jesus moved into you like I said for that mean he left everything else back in heaven when he moved into you he brought everything he has with him to give that when he moved into you he brought it all with him he didn't leave any listen I was riding on the road one day and God asked me this plane and you say you know is God the Father I'm talking about what because of the way he worded he said when did Jesus cease being the Christ and I thought okay that's gonna be a trick question right you know it's one of those times we don't go okay get behind me Satan you know cuz and and then you know but then you realize though that's really the father and I said I but I'm smart enough to not try to give an answer because he's not asking because he needs information right so I just I've learned he asked a question I it's like playing tennis I just bat it right back right he says when the did Jesus cease being the Christ and I'm like I don't know when did Jesus sees beyond Christ okay just put it right back on his side of the court and then and his answer it started me I was driving because when I spent a lot of time talking with God driving across the country and different things and he said apparently it's when he moved into Christians because they think that they still have to try to get the power to fall so what they think is you got Jesus Jesus the Christ ascended into heaven and then Jesus of Nazareth moved into you and left the Christ part back in heaven what because the Christ the Anointed the power of God behind him that is what we usually think of it that they think that Satan heaven because they still think they'll tell you oh I got Jesus but I need the power of God well then you're saying Jesus is powerless no he's in you the father's still in him he's still anointed of the Holy Ghost so you can't have just Jesus with Jesus he says if he gave us Jesus will he not with Jesus give us everything else that pertains her life in glory in that right so he didn't give you just Jesus if that could be the case he gave you Jesus and everything else that you'll ever need so everything you need has already been given now this lines up with the fusions chapter 1 verse 3 this is it thanks be unto God which is what blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places so that all of those have been given right it's already been done he says that by these precious promises right exceeding great and precious promises that we are made partakers what of God's divine nature right and then even tells us how but now notice it's by these promises so we have to find out what the promises are and then put them and accept them into our laughing okay that's true for me and as you do that God gets to be more of God to you and in you and through you this make sense this is the process alright so now notice this so that Christ moving into you brought everything you need so everything you will ever need everything has already been done it's already been given you will never come into a problem that hadn't already been met right he's already given you everything you need it's already been decreed it's already been granted it has been given and now it is up to you now notice he we have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places but it's up to us now to take these spiritual blessings right in heavenly places and make them a reality in this earthly place in our lives and to do that we take the precious promises we read them we see them we agree with them and we say be it unto me according to your word and then mark 11:23 and 24 you see all this all this has to work together right you can't too many times we we break it apart and think oh if I just do that it works no it's all together how do we make this work in our life we take these precious promises we find out what God has already said what do we already have what did he already give us and we agree with it in prayer we believe his word and we therefore receive and if we receive when we pray guess what we shall have now this is the process of the Christian life basically right and this is how the power of God works through people so what we have to do is realize that number one right God is for us not against us because see as long as you think God is against you the other two things God with you and God in you won't matter you have to know he's for you because God could listen God could be with you and okay some of the weird visuals sometimes as I'm speaking get these pictures God do you realize that if you are on an ankle bracelet you know what I mean by that okay yeah it means you're under house arrest or something like that right you they they put an ankle bracelet on you right and and it tells where you are they can monitor you now is somebody standing there with you know but guess what they're always with you and they're right and as you go guess why they go with you all right so if you go we shouldn't go they're gonna know you went we shouldn't win and they're right why because they're always with you but they're not in you right but now imagine now they've even got things that they're even starting to stop using the ankle trackers and now they've actually got it or not microchips that they will inject under the skin and they put it in far enough that you can't dig it out and then and now it's not only with you guess what they in you right and let me tell you the fact that you know because come on you can even cut off an ankle bracelet right you can cut it out put it on the dog let him run around the neighborhood right and they'll think this guy's out jogging right you know he's no Fido is out chasing cats okay but but now this thing's in you right no matter where you go no matter what's going and they're always there and there's nothing you can do about it so now they start to think they start to change your thinking because you start to realize they'll know they'll know and they start to change your behavior why because they're in you does that make sense these are just some of the analogies so cat you know luckily I've come at that from the point of view that I was a corrections officer okay not necessarily from the other side okay it's but only about the grace of God so let's be honest all right so it's like wider you know I had to become a lawman because otherwise he'd have been in prison the same thing now so God is in you let's get back to the scripture even though I don't know if you reckon has not but I've been caught in a lot of Scripture pretty much all of Scripture right okay so and notice this he says to know to the end that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself not imputing their trespasses against him and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation two times verse in verse 18 and verse 19 we're told we have the ministry of reconciliation and the word of reconciliation well if you have a ministry you need to have a word amen unfortunate a lot of people have ministries and don't have a word anyway we're gonna go at O so now verse 20 yeah it's a terrible thing to keep on talking after you finish saying anything so verse 20 okay now then we are ambassadors for Christ now watch this as though God did beseech you by us see how oneness there is there see the the union that you have with the father and so God beseech you by us in other words he was speaking to he gave us the word of reconciliation he gave us the ministry the service of reckon services think of you know tomorrow is Veterans Day right and remind me the little boy that went to church and and they totally stand out in the hallway waiting you know and the pastor came out and he was looking at him and said what are you looking at he said look all these pictures it was all these you know servicemen had American flags bow which means of course they had died and so they were little boy said what is all these flags next to these people in the passage that oh those are the the men and women that have died in the service and the little boy said was it the first service or the second service so just some don't do that here all right okay we're ready that drag that's right it's like it's like the church we went the other okay we went down to the State Fair of Texas while back and we went down the Martin Luther King Boulevard to get there because the other way was ridiculous and so we went down and there was a church and there was a funeral home next door to each other and I thought man you know what they got to give specific directions because there had to call for the EMTs they could go in either one of those and look at either one of them and have to figure out what they're in the right place or not because then because I can tell you the one with the one Church they probably almost as dead there as they were in the other place just saying I had religiosity all over it all right so anyway so all right let's get back in the scripture okay now now then we are ambassadors for Christ as though God did beseech you by us we pray you in Christ's stead here that in Christ's stead do you see the Union here okay now see if we just take these words oh we do this instead of him in it no no you have to realize this is God's Word this was God just chose specifically the words to have the apostle right here so he wrote these were specifically showing the union between the believer and Christ between the believer in God and now notice but now they're standing on one side and saying as though God did beseech you by us in other words we're the middle man now Christ was the mediator now we're the mediator now we're the in-between do you get that and you understand the analogy I'm not saying we can die for the sins of the world I'm not saying that I'm saying that we have taken his place on this earth now we have to speak his words so that we can accomplish his will why because Jesus already done his part it's done he said it himself it is finished now we have to believe it's finished and now the beauty of it is he had to proclaim he realized he couldn't even proclaim what was coming did he that he couldn't even proclaim what was coming because if he had the enemy would have known it and they wouldn't have crucified him he couldn't even talk about the what was fixing to happen but now we get the opportunity because Jesus did it and the enemy couldn't do anything about it and now the enemy can't do anything to stop us and now we get to proclaim the end that Jesus couldn't even talk about we get to proclaim the goodness of God we get to proclaim that God's will is done that has been accomplished to the degree that now he wants to walk in all of us and that's what he said I will walk in them and I will talk in them I will be their God and they will be my people I will walk in and he didn't say I'll walk with you he said I will walk in you see that's the difference we got to get to Old Covenant Saints God walked with them new covenant Saints God walks in you see that's a whole different thing and now we don't have to pray and bombard the gates of heaven you know it's amazing how we think of these things it is the father's pleasure to give you the kingdom you don't have to pry it out of his hand matter of fact he's the top and I'll just melt it you can think about it and before you pray he'll answer it you say well then why should we even pray because that way your when you pray you give thanks to him for what he's doing and has done amen listen God can do exceedingly abundantly above all you can even ask her think but it still shouldn't be a surprise to you when it shows up it shouldn't be a surprise it should be a surprise to people that don't know it but for you I mean think about it for you it should be like oh look look what God just did for me well of course he does well that's how he is so you're not like whoa can you believe this I mean I wouldn't even I wouldn't even asking or thinking about it okay but yet even the things are greater than you can ask her think when they show up you were to go yeah that's my heavenly father people are looking and go how did that happen to you that is impossible how that happened to you that's my heavenly father well I got a good dad amen and you're not surprised they're surprised especially cuz they know you and they're thinking why does God do that for him alright let him do it for me because the way you act in a way because what are you talking right now we ought to rejoice when people get blessed amen you know they were I don't like them and you'll grab that there's blessed and out here I am doing all this and God still hadn't done this for me no no it'll be that way getting nearer get over close to him what blessings are pouring on them get over there you know get out from under your umbrella get over there next to them let that God the rain fall on you too amen just get close hey man listen so that's what dr. Murrow he say he said I don't care he said and every move that's come since I've been alive I've been a part of it he said I moved he said whatever is goal whatever God is doing I move with it he said he said what because he said I don't want God doing something on a surface and I'm not being a part of it he said back in John Wesley's day if you're gonna move with God you got to be a Methodist he said or and then later after that he said yet be with the Salvation Army because that's what God was moving at the time and so you have all the he said in Martin Luther's day you had to be a Lutheran little after Martin Luther obviously okay but he said whatever God is doing he said I'll go get in the middle of it he said the problem most people is they never move past their first revelation of God in other words whatever they're born into and they get saved that's where they stay and they never grow beyond that never they never go into it and that's one of the things I thank God that when I read the Bible I don't read the Bible as a Baptist I was raised Baptist I don't even read the bottles of Pentecostal even though Pentecostalism have been a big part of my life I pick up the Bible I read it exactly what's written I read it for what it says I find out what it says Greek Hebrew whatever it is and I read it for exactly and then I don't think denomination I don't think in terms of this camp that camp you know well here's the name it claim it camp here's a you know I'll throw in his word of faith is what other people call it and but listen there's a lot of truth there if hadn't been for the Word of Faith Movement I wouldn't know what I know they help me now they don't consider me part of them but I still believe some of the principles you know the Bible principle is there do you get that you'll never hear me talk bad about Kenneth Hagin or you know Kenneth Copeland what I don't agree with everything they say just like they wouldn't agree with everything I say but you know what they they they taught me to put the word first and and because of that they have so I'll never never bashing those things anything you know and whatever in some you know I'll be honest I used to not be too friendly outspoken about Joel Osteen what because I didn't consider him a preacher why you know cuz he didn't preach that much I didn't see it but I started to realize you know what he's reaching a lot of people and he's giving them hope and he's encouraging them and sometimes you know yeah a lot of people they you know when they're sick or if they need healing but a lot of people just need hope a lot of people need encouragement and he does that right and so god bless him you know let's encourage one another let's you know every part of the body is needed to some degree you know and so let's just you know that's just I'll work with anybody that'll work with me basically right but it's the same time we have to realize okay we're not going to compromise truth you know just cuz I don't agree with everything he says doesn't mean I'm gonna cut them off go and can't listen to anything they say I'm not tested but I mean come on I've been to some you know restaurants need some good food it had some bad management right it had bad service I've had bad service at good restaurants doesn't mean I never go back there I just try to get it a different server right so it's the same thing so you we have to learn that we all have our place in the body and so you know I'm just trying to fill my place I'm trying to do what God has called me to do I'm not here to blast what somebody else is doing why cuz maybe I don't know what God's called them to do well they're not doing it like I do it maybe they're not called to do what I'm doing and I'm not called to do what they're doing right amen yeah but think about this let's just assume if you start living with that kind of attitude it's amazing how peaceful your life gets well cuz you're normally they're wrong weather wrong yes yeah now you're doing it wrong you said every year no you can get all tied up and you spend so much time look at anybody else you don't do what you're supposed to be doing that's right so it's just easier just so you know what I don't know just follow God and it's so funny cuz then when you start doing that peer oh well but don't you think this never like WoW is it like Jude what does that to me what is that to you who cares you know well don't you think you should well I apparently you think that so why don't you go do that right and yet now they want your approval right it's like just just go do what God's called you to do you know live your life love God love people it'll be okay right walking the things that God has provided but if you don't know what God is provided you probably won't walk in them you know if you don't find out in the Word of God what the kind of things that God does you can't know the good work that he has for ordained you to walk in and you just walk right past them never even realize it there's people that's taught healings passed away and they walked right past sick people because they don't even think it's possible for God to use them and yet God had four ordained that they were used by him to heal the sick but you got to know it's possible first and to do that you got to get past what men say you got to get in the word yourself I say this word says this and if he can do it secretly above all you can think or ask according the power that works in you then where are you at what are you receiving from God are you receiving from God more than you can think or ask are you trying to be so specific in your prayers you're trying to pull everything out of him because I'm teeny you're gonna be that's a hard life trying to live that way where you think you don't think I expect good things I expect things to go my way I do I expect you know I you know I teachers if this building fell down right now this part right here you want not be touched what because I expect that now you better be expects the same thing where you are and apparently you are cut the building hadn't followed so we're good this makes sense because they I expect to be healthy I expect to be strong and healthy and and SPECT it right now I also have to have corresponding actions what does that mean that means I actually have to move your body was made to move your body wasn't made to sit all the time right and people they were you know this is happening because you know the devil hates me no that's because you won't get up move around this isn't you can help guiding some of this stuff right I mean God does the impossible that leaves you to do all the possible right you do the possible he'll do the impossible amen it is possible for you to get it move around you do that he'll do the impossible whatever is not fixed by you moving around he can fix that but why should he have to fix the part that you can fix peace of God are the impossible all things are possible him that believes it in there right nothing is impossible to God God likes to do the impossible why do you want to time up doing all the stuff that you should be doing boy is it simple right okay okay keep reading real quick yes we gotta read quick okay he says yeah now then we are ambassadors for Christ as though God did beseech you by us we pray you in Christ's stead be ye reconciled to God for he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him notice that in verse 20 that we pray you in Christ's stead be ye reconciled to God and he was talking to the Corinthians he was talking to a church he's telling them be reconciled to God now do you realize you can be okay to be reconciled if you reconcile your bank account what do you do you reconcile your checkbook right you take your checkbook you take your bank account and you look at them and you see if they match up that's called reconciling in other words they both have to say the same thing that's what reconcile means that you're both saying the same thing that you're both equal in this you get that make sense so when you reconcile see if you look at your checkbook and you look at your bank statement and they're not the same thing then you got to do some digging you go okay what why does this say this what why does my checkbook say this is how much money I have but the bank account says this much money so there's a discrepancy right what's the same thing if you look at your life and you look at what god has said you have to find out why is something that God said 1 is there a description see between what God said and what is in your life and it's usually because you're not saying the same thing God said usually right now at that same time so you have to start reconciling yourself notice he said be reconciled to God what does that mean listen start saying the same thing about you that God said about you quit saying different things about you than what God has said God said I have straps you're healed quit saying I'm sick I'm sick I'm sick I'm gonna catch the flu I want to catch this thing I'll catch that thing quit saying that what you don't even know it now think about this we say that all the time sometimes it happens you know you say it and you catch it but if you say it and it doesn't happen now you're a liar no you think you're lucky you're not lucky you're a liar this doesn't make sense to you if you say oh yeah I tell you what man the flu comes around it's flu season if it's gonna come around you watch I'll be the first one to catch it I'll be the foot and you start saying that and then you don't catch it and somebody said hey yeah I know she didn't catch the flu oh no I'm just lucky yeah I guess I didn't catch it this year no you're not lucky you're a liar you said you were gonna do it you didn't do it you didn't catch you you you you should have went around sick people and got it on purpose and does that sound crazy or not yes of course it does what because you're predicting you don't have way I don't want to call those I can I'm not gonna stand here in lie and say something it and what I know it is right so no but you don't mind calling those things which be not as though they were yeah I'm gonna catch it I'll be sick what do you think you're doing you're calling things which be not as though they already were you're already doing that so the best thing to do they just start saying what God has said right and straight if you're gonna you know if we could say it's the same thing just make it spiritual your dick ting you're prophesying you're processing and so what you have to learn to do is prophesy what God said because I'm telling you if you prophesy that I was very strong about people that prophesy things God didn't say and they're right gods and false prophets and he says all kinds of bad things about him right so you want to prophesy anything is do you prophesied what God has said guess what it's going to come to pass what because God's Word is always true right so just start prophesying your future according to the Word of God start agreeing with it start reconcile be reconciled to God amen okay yeah and we'll finish this up he says yeah verse chapter 6 verse 1 we then as workers together with him you know this is almost the same word that is used for Paraclete for the the comforter which literally means one called alongside together to take hold of against absolutely what Parakletos means is it or the whole word there but here he says we are workers together just as the Holy Spirit is a helper to us we are to be helpers to him in other words we are working with him right he says what just we then as workers together with him and notice what what they do to work with him we beseech you also that you receive not the grace of God in vain now that does not mean that you go sin a whole lot so that the grace of God will abound that's what Paul said shouldn't we sin so it's the grace of God could mount god forbid no he said don't receive the grace of God in vain in other words you've been cleansed you've been made new now don't go back into that live free take advantage of the fact that you have been cleansed and that by grace now you are walking and grace it has appeared unto men now is the grace which is what salvation brings which says teaches us how to hate evil and live above sin and live in righteousness amen so if you are you know sinning getting forgiven sinning getting forgiven and that's it that's your life you think that's how supposed to be then you are taking the race of God in vain because the grace of God is not just to fit you momentarily and fix you every time you mess up the grace of God is to put you a new place where that keeps the enemy from getting an advantage over you amen amen amen free exactly now Colossians 2:9 and 10 says for in him in Christ in Christ dwelleth present-tense why cuz he's the same yesterday today and forever all the fullness of the Godhead bodily and you are complete in him which is the head of all principality and power here that in him was everything all of the Godhead bodily dwelt in Jesus and you're in him so you're in there with all the fullness of God you got that and all the fullness of God is in Jesus and now Jesus is in you by way of the Holy Spirit so you got the Holy Spirit you got you you got Jesus or you got the Holy Spirit then you have Jesus and you have the father in him you got that I mean that that's a lot of layers right now John 14:16 says and I will pray the Father he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever even the Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive because it seeth him not neither knows him but you know him for he dwelleth with you and shall be in you I will not leave you comfortless Ness comfortless I will come to you yet a little while and the world sees me no more that you see me because I live you should live also at that day you shall know that I am in the father and you in me and I in you you see that and how I've always said again another Illustrated sermon you remember the the three cups you know where they put the pea under one cup and they're doing this and you have to pick out where it's at and that's like the Father Son the Holy Ghost and you're that pea that's under and you can the devil can't even tell where you're at every time he raises it up and he's wrong you know you look there's a Holy Ghost you know raise it up again oh there's hurt no that's not what he's expecting he's trying to find you right but your life is hid in Christ amen he shouldn't even be able to find you you've been translated out of the authority of darkness into the kingdom of his dear son the devil doesn't even have the authority to even touch you but he convinces you he can he talks you into it and gets you to agree with him instead of greeting with God and then he moves into your life so the first step is shut your mouth okay of all the wrong stuff to start saying the right stuff agree with God amen so and he says at that day he taught him he said at that day you sure know that I'm in the father and you and me and on you he that has my Commandments and keeps them then we know who he's talking to he it is that loves me and he that loves me shall be loved of my father and I will love him and will manifest myself to him amen you get that alright say this way I know him and he dwells in me Jesus is in the Father I'm in Jesus Jesus and me I'm in Christ I am a new creation old things are passed away all things have become new and these all things are all of God Christ in me the hope of glory Christ in me Christ in me he is in me I'm in him I can do all things through him which strengthens me and all things are possible to me because I believe healing is possible to me healing is possible to me blessing it's possible to me amen he has already blessed me with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places and now I received them in earthly places now in my life so be it Amen let's give him a praise hallelujah thank you Father thank you father in the name of Jesus the name amen amen now if you take this word today and you get a hold of it either I don't know downloaded get to CD whatever it is I don't care get it listen to it do it over and over again listen to it over and just put it on play there's stuff I play all the time I'll just put it on I've almost always got something going on and then I'll pause it whenever I'm talking with God or something but lots of them he didn't play him but my wife laugh at me cuz she'll come in and she'd say are you listening to yourself I have me on preaching I said yeah and she said she looked at me strained I'm like hey if it's good for them it's good for me right yeah let me tell you you ought to be concerned about a preacher won't listen to himself preach the same all right so so why because what I say is truth and so I need to hear it Amen why because every time you hear it it gets stronger and the amazing thing about it is every time you hear it it explodes with new revelation that goes deeper and deeper and deeper and it goes off on this thing and what's actually happening is funny because as I described is what's actually happening in even in your mind it's building connections synaptic connections in your brain and it's taking up more space because thoughts take up space and the more these things you're talking about and every time you bring something up you bring it forward it never goes back the way it came out it comes forward more is added to it and so it takes up more space this is called renewing the mind and so the more you listen to it the more it comes up you can't hear it without it adding something to it and every time now Revelation starts to come and that revelation gets attached to that thing and then the next time you bring it up and then you got that plus the revelation to come with it and it builds and what you're doing is you're building a stronghold in you that's good right because one because the the the name of the Lord is a strong tower and the righteous run into it and are safe with a strong tower the opposite of that for the negative is called strongholds those are bad things but the strong tower see the positive side of that would be a stronghold of God's Word in you to protect you right good why did you get to sing okay strongholds on the negative side protect you against God's word you hear that but strongholds on God's side protects you against the devil's attacks that's how you build your shield of faith amen now you need that you should even that last part there that was you know you need to take this listen to it play it over and over again speak it along you know I don't know if I invented it up I've never heard any bells do it but you know I'm not gonna say I invented it but we did this a while back during the discipleship class I did where I started calling homogenous translation what that means because they I go all over the world and almost everywhere actually it's funny because here in the States I've actually used an interpreter probably at least as much here as I have overseas all right different languages Russian Spanish different things as I go around and everywhere I go especially in other countries other languages I have someone translate for me and so I'm speaking and then they speak and hopefully they're saying what I just said but after doing this experiment I'm not sure that's what happens okay because I actually started pulling people out of the congregation and saying come here next me now I just want you to repeat word-for-word what I said what would I say in English so you don't have to say it you don't have to translate to another language just saying in English repeat after me word-for-word and it's amazing it's never worked for word people it's and then I'm realizing what people are actually hearing isn't always what I'm saying because many times they think they're repeating word-for-word and it's not and sometimes it even gives different meanings to things and so I actually started doing what i call homogenous which means the same as okay translation and and but I've learned this my translators overseas are the first ones to get a hold of this message why because they're saying it they're speaking it out and some of them it's amazing to watch they get it even while I'm speaking you can tell they're when they first start they're very rigid metric and all of a sudden and you can tell when it hits and now meant there and if I stop talking they'll just keep on preaching you know I'm like I know I didn't say anything that took that long for you to say you are adding to I'm telling him but those are the people that get the message fast what because they're repeating it listen this is how you can do this put on the CD take get at the CD any of those out there and put them on listen to listen to him a time or two you'll start picking it up start repeating it after me saying it when you say it it gets a hold of you faster if you want results faster do what I'm saying get a hold of it listen to it repeat it preach right along with me right and if you got a better when I give a testimony if you've got a better one or a different one throw your testimony in there right you don't have to repeat mine or at least go get some your own right those are mine you go get your own hey man good joke anything out of this today all right well we're going to minister also to you I'm going to put my things away and then my team here will get you ready to be ministered to so other than that god bless you if you have to leave we thank you for coming and we bless you and we will see you again soon god bless [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 34,423
Rating: 4.8597474 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: T-W4qgLHwLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 50sec (4310 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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