How To Walk In The Authority Of Jesus mp4

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[Music] rise up in jesus name open eyes and heal the land rise up declare his truth we're the ones who cannot live [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're crushing satan's head it's time to rise [Music] [Applause] [Music] rise up god is still doing what he's always done amen we shouldn't be surprised at that but some people are well i got some more testimonies for you i'm going to give you real quick here's one that says god is good my team and i have been talking a lot recently about wearing the full armor of god and standing no matter what when we started our outreach in this area there were people sleeping in doorways people who were high on drugs and those demon-possessed running randomly across the streets into traffic people moaning under blankets drug dealers on every block crime and constant police patrols where we would often see up to 12 patrol cars in an hour and a half period when people are healed and instantly set free of drugs and addictions they want to know jesus and we have people every week making him lord of their lives we continually speak blessings over the people and pray with them for housing since the end of april and through this month we have been seeing the answers to our prayers as one of the largest homeless camps in canada this is up in vancouver has been closed and all 400 or more people who have been living in tents or under tarps have obtained housing amen [Music] and they add in a joyful and peaceful manner praise the lord three huge buildings have been dedicated to housing and these people have their own suites with beds bathrooms and kitchen appliances and we recently encountered two of the formerly homeless people who said thank you to my team and they know this is an answer to prayer and they give all the glory to jesus one lady said she was having the best week in years as she had gotten her small apartment and 80 other people in the building she is in had all been moved in off the streets also another man we had prayed for prayed with for housing said he had received a suite and he also got a job on the cleaning staff this whole area is now free and quiet with almost no police patrols and no crime amen amen it says the photo is of the tent in the camp a few months ago before people got housed and they have a tent i don't have that ready to show um but here's some of the other one man reported that after he'd been speaking life over his cousin who was in the hospital and doctors had expected her to die she is now awake healed and going home the doctors can't explain it but jesus can another lady reports that her family member went for a test after we had commanded all cancer and fear to leave her in the name of jesus and the doctor found no cancer in her body glory to god a man was healed of stomach and digestive issues after we laid hands on him he started eating what he could not eat before amen i mean you hear these now and then it says our outreach has been blessed with a full van load of food for the multitudes and then they have pictures of all the food that was going out and it shows all the different types of things now one other thing here we are one lady called at 2 30 a.m sobbing saying she felt as she was dying as her heart and lungs were filling up with fluid she was choking and struggling to breathe when we began speaking life and commanding the enemy to leave in the name of jesus there's that name again we stayed on the phone with her as she felt the fluid clearing and was able to breathe clearly later on she gave her testimony and said the doctors had said she had about three days to live and the night she called us seemed had seemed to be the last until she got healed over the phone since then she has been gaining strength ability to walk again she's out of a wheelchair and was glorifying god every moment amen these are just some of the different testimonies this one dht trainees on what they call an evangelism rampage i like that met a woman this was in malawi who had a divination spirit remember we read about that this morning at nine o'clock and which caused her severe headaches as well well they confronted it and delivered her from both she is now totally free and they led her to christ and they led 120 other souls to christ that knew the situation jesus christ is still doing his bible times thing amen this one is uh recent also while at the jesuit faith seminar i received healing from covet long-hauler symptoms which i suffered with for eight months i've waited for two weeks to test it out and they are completely gone i was healed of non-restorative sleep severe exhaustion random pains in my head neck and back severe mind fog and the inability to go about the day in strength when curry prayed on saturday night i felt a shock go through me and i was healed i'm so thankful amen amen now these are just some of them man you know you start reading it's kind of hard to stop because the next one's just as good as the last one uh this one says hello brother curry and everyone at jj lim i'm a live team leader in velour south india and i have a testimony of how the message has changed my friend's life latha was born a hindu but she gave her life to christ almost five years back she got married around one year ago and conceived within two weeks of her pregnancy being confirmed she called me frantically and was crying bitterly as she found herself bleeding so heavily that she claims that her husband almost fainted seeing the amount of blood i immediately ministered to her and commanded life into the baby she then went for a scan there was evidence of bleeding but the baby was miraculously fine two weeks later she called up again with a relapse of bleeding this time she called the doctor first who asked her to come for admission for a dnc since she was certain that she had lost the baby the doctor was certain again i spoke to it she went for a repeat scan i reassured her that the baby will live she and this person said i too had lost my second child in the womb but she was raised from the dead this was time back again the baby was perfectly fine and they found that the issue was in the placenta which was low lying i spoke to the placenta commanded it to behave and spoke life over the baby fast forward to three months after the bleeding incidence the next scan showed the placenta had moved up no signs of any abnormality in the uterus or the baby praised god i started teaching her how to pray and command amen one month back latha sent me a long voice message on whatsapp she discovered a huge painful lump on her breast she told me that she was tempted to call me but decided to deal with it herself she's called growth she commanded it to go initially she found an increase notice in the size and pain but she didn't stop she went on at it and within 10 days she went to the doctor who could not find the lump she was totally healed and she will deliver a healthy baby in two months amen today latha operates in authority which she has in christ her attitude towards life has changed she walks in victory because she has seen the evidence of the truth of the word of god in her life amen now that these are the testimonies we get in literally every day of what this message is doing all over the world we heard some in canada we heard some in india we've heard some locally and then even yeah even locally from the faithful mirror also so god is still doing what he's always done because he's still the same amen so let's look at a couple things first off i'm going to tell you this a lot of times as i'm praying before the services god gives me little things so i'm going to read this to you and then we'll get right into the message if you want to you can go ahead and go to acts acts we'll start in acts 6 probably so we can go there but i'm gonna these are two things this was something kept coming up and it's like i saw this warning sign kind of you know had flashes red kind of warning warning more that kind of thing and you have the sound to go and you know that kind of thing all right well it's like i saw that and then it's like i saw warning content under pressure content under pressure there's two kinds of pressure there's external and there's internal it's not the water outside the boat that sinks it it's the water that gets into the boat that sinks the boat you understand until the external pressure gets into you it can only work to make you stronger until it gets into you do you understand when the pressure's from the outside until you let it inside see as long as it's on the outside it will just work to make you stronger why because it takes resistance to grow just like the woman that had the lump and she decided she was going to deal with herself she began praying what what happened next it actually grew and the pain increased why because she's let's just push this way she riled up the devil devil didn't just try and leave just because you say so just well you know i think you should okay i'll go that is the way it works you have to convince it that it must go and believe me it's not used to christians convincing it most christians try it and they push and then whenever the enemy pushes back or they don't see anything happening then usually well it's not happening they quit and the thing goes okay they quit but usually you have to push right on through and keep on going because you should say the same thing today you can say 10 years from now by his stripes i'm healed right and if you can say that now that happened 2000 years ago so that should never change in you i don't care if your symptoms go up go down go away it doesn't matter when i speak just because i say by his stripes i'm healed it doesn't mean i'm fighting and trying to get healed it i say that when i'm perfectly well and when i fight something do you understand if your confession changes because of a problem the devil can tell when he's hitting you and he can tell us what kind of effect it has on you so the key is to have your confession remain the same all the time when your confession is the same all the time the devil can't tell what effect he's having on you do you understand that's why you need to always say the word of god you're always speaking his word by his stripes i'm healed because of him i'm blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places and that doesn't matter where i'm at in that spectrum because that's my confession that's the word of god that's true and no matter what i'm going through that confession stays the same and because of that my life evens out and goes back to the way it's supposed to be according the word of god amen isn't that simple that's the simplest thing in the world the thing is find out what the word of god says and then just say it and you say it when times are good and you say it when times are bad and you say it when times are getting worse you say when times are getting great you just stay the same amen now that's saying that is obviously easier than doing that because until you get your emotions under control your emotions are going to guide you around because your emotions having to do with your soul is connected directly to your body your body will tell your emotions how you feel and then your emotions will rise or lower to the occasion so you have to decide no my spirit tells my soul and my body how they are to feel and what they are to say do you realize your soul cannot say anything through your body without you giving it permission you have to form the words you have to say the things you have to decide what you're going to say your body can say one thing your soul can say something else but your spirit should step up and go no both you're wrong you know because your body will say that hurts your soul will say oh it's a disease that's going to kill you right and you have to say no you're both wrong the truth is by the stripes i'm healed and the truth is according the word of god that i will live all the days of my life and i will live to a ripe old age and i'll decide when i get ready to go amen so that that's how you have to stay that's when your spirit's in control so one one of you three is in control your body your soul or your spirit god wants your spirit in control he wants you to control and renew your mind and could therefore control your soul which has to do with your mind will the emotions especially the emotions and then he wants you in control of your body because you want your body submitted to him presented to him as a living sacrifice amen now as a living sacrifice you have to remember a sacrifice was not legal to god unless it was perfect but he said your body is to be a living sacrifice that means your body is to be perfect meaning that it is to have no sickness or disease abiding in it or it can't technically be a living sacrifice to god do you get that now you say but what are you're telling me i can't my body can't be a sacrifice to god because i'm sick no i'm telling you god wants your body well so it can be a perfect sacrifice amen so now the job is to get your body to that position and you do that by taking the word of god and applying it to your soul into your body and commanding your body and your soul to line up with the spirit which is in alignment with the word of god amen you got that now listen you're going to get some grit you're gonna have to be able to decide what the way things are gonna be according to the word of god you have to dig in your heels and not stop not quit not back off until you get there amen so now notice we're talking about contents under pressure that's what it just gives you you take a water hose like a regular water hose garden hose you turn on the water now i don't know how much water pressure you got where you are but where we are the water it'll come out just under normal full on probably four feet something like that it'll just kind of come out and go over well so if you want it to have stronger how many of you know if you just take that water pressure the way it is and you just hold it it's not going to do much and they're right just kind of pours out in their legs but if you put your finger over that nozzle right what are you doing you're increasing the pressure why because you are restricting it you get that so when that pressure now you can make that thing shoot across the yard just by putting your finger across it isn't that amazing it's the same thing just a little bit of pressure can actually increase the amount of output that's the same volume but it has greater impact do you get that so whenever that's when i say contents under pressure sometimes you're just going along maintenance you know maintenance level and and that living water is coming out of your belly just like jesus said and it's coming out but you're just kind of going along and it's just kind of going wherever it goes not a big deal but whenever there is something that comes up you go no i got to get that clean i got to get that off of that whatever you're trying to do there did that sickness work you might need to put your thumb over that water hose that's coming out of you and increase the pressure so when it hits it actually causes an impact that makes sense so you decide now i understand there's pressure from the outside on you but that pressure from the outside can affect you until you let it inside how do you let it inside you let it inside through your soul not by your spirit your spirit's good your spirit's in there and your spirit says everything is fine everything is great fire stripes i'm healed i'm blessed with all spiritual blessings he's given me all things that pertain to life and godliness life is great that's what your spirit's saying and your body's saying oh but i don't know but look at this i feel like this i don't want to do this and your soul is saying oh i agree with you body i don't want to do it either i don't know i just i'm going to do it again tomorrow because you're always thinking about tomorrow that's everybody does everybody think about tomorrow well you don't understand what's going to happen tomorrow neither do you you think you do but you don't jesus said take no anxious thought for tomorrow because tomorrow has enough evil of its own so many people are so busy trying to die tomorrow they don't live today right believe me i know this because i hear it all the time from people calling in no the doctor said i'll be dead in two weeks great we got two weeks let's get this done amen wigglesworth said you're in a great place whenever you come to a place where you have no one to turn to but god right if you are a life uh we call a lifeguard they they know if somebody starts to drown you don't jump in as soon as they start splashing around why because you'll get out to that person they'll grab ahold of you and drown you too why there's too much fight left in them sometimes you got to wait till the person has gone down a few times and they get all that fight out of them to where they just kind of give up so you can drag them back to shore and see now you're starting to understand how i deal with people that call me because i can tell you they'll it's amazing they call me and they want me to help them but then they want to do all the talking and it's like go ahead keep talking my faith is draining you say what do you mean i'm saying i'm listening to you and you're convincing me that nothing can be done for you if you need help call me and tell me what you need and shut up let me deal with it i know what i'm doing i can get it done amen don't talk me out of faith by telling me how many doctors have told you you're going to die i don't care what they say they're wrong most the time and you don't even know they're wrong because they don't tell you when they make a mistake they just hide it and charge you for the extra visit right while they try to fix it and so you just you know but people will call me up and tell me all these things what do i care what the doctor said and it's got nothing to do with anything all i know is what the bible says and the bible says by his shots you're healed so that's what i'm going to say and half the time most of the battle is me just talking to you to get you to where you'll quit talking that garbage and quit repeating what somebody has told you when they don't know the end result they don't have any inside information we've got inside information amen so this pressure now most people well i'll just yeah we'll talk about this a bit uh smith wigglesworth again i know i'm quoting him a lot but he's got some good quotes so won't hurt you so he said i'm a thousand times bigger on the inside than i am the outside you know what that means that's pressure do you get that that means the contents are under pressure think about this if i tried to take this bottle which is what they call it almost 500 milliliters yeah and why they put that there in america anyway so it's 1.05 pint in parentheses you know what that's like that's like having to push one to get your message in english [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay anyway all right let's keep going now if i take if i take this bottle which is flatly over one pint okay which now has less than that in it but if i try to put a gallon in here what do you think is going to happen first off i'm going to have a lot of overflow and they're right but i'll get this thing full and if i can keep cramming that in there this thing is gonna expand out isn't it right it's gonna keep going until it does explode till the top comes off why because when you get enough when you get more inside than the inside can hold it's got to go somewhere so the contents under pressure here is how you are i see the thing is the problem is you keep your mind on what you're used to and you don't realize that what you have is contents under pressure because you have the holy spirit in you and he is so much bigger than the than the spirit that is in in you and in your body do you understand what i'm saying that he is so much bigger than that that he has so much pressure inside we're talking about the power of god that's what he tells he said not to be strong in our own power in that right but to be strong in the power of the lord and in the power of his might you see we are to be strong in the power of his might not in the power of your might so your might may fail but his might cannot do you get that so what you what god has successfully done is by way of his holy spirit he has inhabited and putting just like i said about jesus that all the fullness of the godhead bodily dwelt in christ is that right now think about that so you take all of god condense it into a human called jesus right so all of god is in a human called jesus now that same jesus went to be with the father and then he sent back that same spirit that was in him that had all of god in it and that all of god in that spirit is now in you so that's how much you of god you have in you now how much of god we see in you is different from how much you have is that right see what we see in you usually is like the the um like a like a steamer that all we see is what a little bit of steam when it gets up to a certain point it has to let out some steam and that's usually what we see of god in a person it's that little bit of steam and whenever that steams out they go back to being normal and that sting usually comes up when there is a crisis either in their life or in somebody that they love in their in their life and so we have to realize what we have to be able to do is make sure that steam is strong and that that pressure is strong when there's no crisis in our lives you understand because then you can start looking for crises in other people's lives then you can start realizing that what is in you that's why wigglesworth said i'm a thousand times bigger on the inside than i am the outside wine because you take all of god condense them into a person pressurize him right and then put him in you that's what's in there trying to get out all of his power every bit of his powers in you the power that is in you is the same degree of power that god used to raise jesus from the dead which was the greatest amount of power ever displayed even greater than whenever the worlds were formed whenever god spoke and the sun and the moon and all that came into being the the power to raise jesus from the dead was greater than all of that think about that that's what's in you when you start realizing that see i understand now uh really how wigglesworth i thought i've been reading a lot of his stuff but i understand how he felt some things and then i and in doing so i also got a better picture of even dr sumrall sometimes and some of the things he said i'm like ah okay and i know where you got that from you know and i see where you're going with that because i could read some of the stuff but what i'm realizing too is that you start to see what is in you and you realize that what is in you is so much bigger that's why he says greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world think about that greater is he that's in you each individual you than he that's in the world do you realize that that every bit of the spirit of the enemy that is in this world that's causing so much havoc around the world all of that causing all this trouble that at some point now you have to you'll have to stop and think about what is in you the spirit of god that is in you is bigger than all of that do you get that see these are these are scriptures we we throw them around all the time that's the worst thing you know the worst thing about knowing the bible is that you know the bible because you don't sometimes you forget uh what the let me put this way we we talk about things so much that we trivialize them and they lose their impact and we oh i've heard that verse i've heard that verse well guess what if you're going to a good church you've heard that verse before okay when you start hearing stuff you've never heard before that's when you might want to question what's being spoken from the pulpit do you understand when you start hearing things that go contrary to what you've heard in that sense now i understand i'm talking about you reading the bible and seeing what the bible says but you need to go somewhere and make sure that what you're hearing is the word of god amen and so whenever you realize that this the greater is he that's in you than he that's in the world you start realizing that you start thinking in terms of what what can i not do well i got news for you i can do all things through christ who does what strengthens me isn't that right not who not through christ who pities me and puts out a little bit when i need something do you get that see someday there's going to be people that actually rise up in christ and know who they are in christ they're going to start acting like who they are in christ and they're going to start decreeing things and things are going to start changing there's going to be people that start actually rising up and start and when they hear somebody say in the next booth to them at a restaurant and they're coughing and whatever and going through something and they're talking about their doctor's report then instead of just sitting there going the lord bless him jesus instead of doing that you actually reach over the top touch them on his shoulder and say be healed now in jesus name [Music] and you start telling that thing to go well you don't understand i got this bro no your problem's fixing to leave and you tell it to go well but you don't understand because i no you don't understand you don't understand who you're talking to you say well who am i talking to you ain't talking to curry blake who were they talking to in acts whenever ananias and sapphira and peter said uh did you sell the property for so much and they said yes for so much and he said why why has satan filled your heart to lie to god when were they speaking to god when they were speaking to peter you know why because god was in peter see when people say that kind of stuff you have to realize who you are and who you're not amen number one you're not god but guess what you get to act like him you get to imitate him and love people amen and you get to talk like them and call those things which be not as though they were why because we're to be like dear children and imitate him in everything amen i mean how many of you know how many of you have had children that have repeated some of the things you've said at the wrong time you know what i'm saying okay it's amazing you'll you'll be sitting there reading the bible with them every night and they'll remember one line out of a movie they heard while they were in their room while you were watching them in the other room and they won't quote the bible they'll quote the one line out of that movie right in front of whoever you don't want them to they're right but that's how life is isn't that right but do you realize what is in you when you start realizing what is in you all of a sudden you start thinking what can i not do and you start realizing you look at jesus whenever they let him out on the cliff they're going to throw him over and it says he walked out with them basically went out with him and then it said and he walked through their midst they couldn't even they couldn't even throw him over a cliff i mean it's just like he was going along with him going yeah you really think i don't know if you read the book that this ain't how i die and jesus was thrown off a cliff and died and three days later he was raised from dead no that's not how it works he knew he had an appointment with a cross why so there he had no fear amen and he knew he wasn't going to die that way so he just turned and walked to their midst they couldn't even stop him think about that think about that how many times in the book of acts have god's people been in prison an angel comes along kicks peter to wake him up because he was sleeping in prison supposed to be probably going to be dead the next day he wakes him up the chains fall off of him the door opens up and he walks out how many times did it happen with peter and with the paul and silas also and they're right having with peter over and over again and so but just think about this they just get up and they just walk out walk out right through the midst paul didn't paul sits and goes uh jailer don't kill yourself don't do anything stupid we're all here and paul was a character i mean at one time he gets arrested and gets beat and then they said oh he was a roman well sweep him out the back door let's get rid of him and paul said i ain't leaving like that you're going to give me an apology i'm going to stay right here in this jail to you apologize publicly for what you've done to me think about that that's a different kind of character most people would say as soon as they say well we're going to let you out oh thank you thank you jesus i'm getting out they just get out there no shut that door back in here now you apologize he had his own stenographers tell them right now issue a press release get this to the jerusalem times quick think about that i mean but that's what's in you see i i remember dr sumrall talking about some of the things and it was funny because the things that he would do but it was just in life and just he would say things and that's the way it would be and then a lot of people wouldn't even notice that it didn't turn out the way everybody said it was going to be it turned out the way he said it was going to be see when you realize that what you believe in your heart and you speak with your mouth you'll have whatever you say you start saying differently you start speaking differently you start walking and when you realize that you are an ambassador for christ you don't walk around flouting down and depressed and well i was just i'm just trying to hold on you know i just i just don't know what's going to happen next but but i know who holds tomorrow ready do you are you sure because it sounds sounds like you think it's the you know mainstream news or it's going to come out of the white house or something let me tell you you determine let me tell you right now the condition of this country is the fault of the church it's the fault of the church it's a fault of believers who are not saying what god has said do you realize how smooth life would be if christians if if christians just here in america would just start saying what the word has said and then never change and just keep saying it just keep saying it keep saying it everything how everything would start to level out it's amazing how things would be why because the bible is very clear of course first off you got to make smart choices and who you put in office that's the first thing when you do that why because it says whenever the wicked rule the the people live in fear right but it says when the righteous rule the people are at peace isn't that something so right there tells us we just got to make sure who's in office is the people that will give us not fear but give us peace amen everybody so trying to get their you know pocket full of money thinking somebody's going to do it for them or give them something free let me tell you welfare is not a career you need to write that down do you understand what i'm saying listen welfare there is to give you a hand up is to help you out but it's to help you out not help you stay in you you understand you get that in mind let me tell you if that mindset gets in you you'll stay in poverty and then whoever's in power will use it to control you you have to learn that god is in control your destiny he's in control of your economy he determines what goes on and you start to say what he has said i could tell you stories even over the last year and a half churches mega churches churches that had millions hundreds of millions of dollars in the bank closed their doors why because they couldn't keep the machine running and they had to shut down out of fear most of them you know last year we grew we expanded amen and we've grown we've prospered we've been blessed why because we didn't bow and we didn't burn amen and that's you've got to get that in you've got to get an excellent spirit in you that's what daniel had he had a spirit of excellence and what the bible calls an excellent spirit and because of that he and his three hebrew brethren didn't burn right you think about this listen going back to this on the spirit of god i want to hit this again the spirit of god in you can take different forms in other words he can function differently that's why first corinthians chapter 12 talked about to this one is given this and to another and to another into another it doesn't mean that all the people that any person can operate in all nine it's just because if it says to another the greek actually means to another of the exact same type so in other words he's just specifying differences he's not specifying different people he's specifying different giftings and how the holy spirit functions different manifestations for instance if you had okay daniel in the lion's den daniel and lions didn't he had an excellent spirit he didn't bow he would speak up but he wasn't boisterous he would say this is where it's going to be they'd make laws and he'd say no i'm not going to do it and but he didn't go hide in his closet and pray he went and opened the door open the windows and then got near the window and prayed loud enough that they could hear him do you hear that they weren't just hiding in some closets somewhere let's just hide down here and that's just no he had an excellent spirit and that and now notice whenever he what happened his enemies plotted against him tried to get him killed tried to get him well they got him thrown into the lion's den and he goes down and the king didn't even want to do it it's amazing how many kings in the bible didn't want to do certain things but got kind of tricked into it herod got tricked into killing john the baptist nebuchadnezzar got tricked into putting daniel in the lines all these people uh different people i'm sorry darius so all these different people these kings got tricked into putting prophets into prison a lot of them ended up killing them because of it but here daniel goes in lays down next to the lions and sleeps all night they're lying and i love the way dr sumrall used to tell it you would have thought he was there the way he would talk about it but he's he said daniel goes in and the lions are all there and the king is saying daniel we'll see you in the morning hopefully you'll still be alive and then the king went and said he stayed up all night worried about daniel anybody said daniel went down and went to sleep think about that you got a king word about you and he stays awake but daniel and and the way dr sumrall told it he said daniel went down because daniel was a man of faith and he told these lines all right lay down the lions would lay down and daniel would lay down and put his head on the lion's side and he said he would push and he says here move your paw over this way now i can rest lay his head he said because if you've ever been near a lion when they're resting there's a purr a lot bigger than your house cat and he said it'll put you to sleep like that and he said he could hear that he's here per per louder and he laid down and went to sleep the next morning the first thing the first light the king runs over and says daniel are you alive he says yes king i'm alive and now think about that now imagine if it had been samson putting the lions then that'd have been a whole different next day wouldn't it because he'd have been in there grabbing lines and ripping their mouths open and killing and he'd have been down there and said and when the king said uh samson are you still alive he said yes i am send me some more lions come on let's i got a good workout last night now i'm warmed up let's do this let's give me a couple more lines down here why both of those were the spirit of god am i right but one was more like a gift of faith and the other was the working of miracles so it's it's a difference of how the spirit of god can work in a person if you went to an a allen meeting you're going to get or a jack coe meeting those two guys were pretty much about the same they're going to grab you out of a wheelchair and sling you around or grab you and sling you all over the place but if you went to william branham meeting he's going to stand there and talk real calm like this and you don't know what i'm waiting on the angel of the lord is going and he's telling me about this and you live at 1523 indiana avenue and you drove here in the 1947 ford's blacks got white interior you actually sat in the back seat with your husband he was driving but you sat in the back seat and you had on a little pink hat where's your pink cat and this person he goes is all that true it says you're crying he said if god told me all that about you do you think he would let you leave sick no you're you're healed go your way and they're like okay just walk off got healed totally different i mean imagine if the woman had come there and said and then that woman that rode down at the william branham meeting matt imagine she couldn't have got a seat at the william browner meeting and said well i heard jack cross across town go over there i like william branham but i i've never heard of jack coe i'll go speak i'll go see what he's got and you can imagine that woman she's used to william branham and then jack cole says come on up here and she walks up there and so she walks up there he goes what's the matter with you well i got a neck problem all right grabs her yeah down up down up down can you imagine what that'd be like you know every time she comes she's yelling william she'll be looking for hollering think about that what difference is the spirit of god working on a person amen but and he can take different uh manifestations through you but see we have this idea that if if somebody's going to give a word that it's got to be thus saith the lord and then they give some king james word and then people are trying to figure out what you said they can't even understand what you said because it's in king james they need the gift of interpretation of tongues just to understand what you were talking about but it doesn't have to be that way it can just be it's the the manifestation of the spirit of god should just flow and it should be right that's that's more important than what whether you say thus saith the lord or not it's important that it's right if it's right it's going to be thus saith the lord amen but he can take different forms and there's there's different times there's there's times that he can take a different form through your different manifestation of himself through you there's times to be nice there's times to not be nice there's times whenever the holy spirit is nice working through people like when he was working through wigglesworth and he would tell people shut up don't tell me my job i know my job and then he punches a guy in the stomach and the guy looks like he dies that's not nice but it's effective why because wigglesworth let that bigger one in him out and that bigger one in him likes to slap the devil upside the head but sometimes people get in the way amen do you understand what i'm saying and it was amazing because i i and as i read the stories and and i've been in these situations with people and i've been in situations where all the people want you to yeah pray because i've already got a doctor's appointment for next week and just you know just praise your god the god of god the doctor's hands no you already got it set you go do it when he when he messes you up you come back we come back that's what we do we spend about 30 of our time fixing things doctors mess up that's a fact because but they won't tell you that they'll blame it on you somehow and then they'll still charge you for it and so people do that all the time and why would i want to waste my faith my time praying that the doctor's going to guide your god his hands or god's going to guide the doctor's hands you pray that amen does that make sense yeah well pray that the doctor's report will come back no no i i hope i hope you get a wrong report i hope it and i hope it's wrong first off because i don't want you sick but i also hope it's so messed up that that you got 57 diseases be awful quiet you know why because then you're gonna be so shook up you might actually come running back to god you might actually say okay god you gotta do something and then they're gonna find out oh i'm sorry that that wasn't right that was a speck on the there's a speck on the radiation machine you know that uh wow looks like he had four tumors no no tumors that was uh that's all gone don't worry about it and that's what you put your faith in gosh when god's word is eternal amen and so but you have to get to a place where where that's real and you look at that and you go no this is the way it'll be but the doctors i don't care what they say why are you telling me what they do you tell them what i say when you go to them [Music] i just thought of that i just wonder i'm like because you sure repeat everything they say to you do you repeat what i say to them because if because if you do they're not going to have you in their office too long right just something to think about i guess amen so i'm okay we're i'm okay most people never find out their true potential because they cave into pressure at about 60 percent when you when you get to the point where you want to quit technically you still have about 40 left almost everybody quits at 60 so you get another 40 that you could actually go forward but most people quit most people are not beat by the devil they're beat by their own mind most people lose the battle in their mind way before their body or spirit actually has to stop most people picture themselves now this is a analogy i guess like an aluminum can crushed by outside pressure squeezed and crushed actually this is one of my examples they're like a potato chip bag go figure going from one elevation to another the other day we were coming back from well all the way from portland oregon coming through the mountains and we had two bags of chips in the car with us reuben was driving i was riding and right behind me was a bag of ruffles a big bag of ruffles a can of bean dip and a big bag of taco flavored doritos because you buy them when you can find them because you can always find them so you have to buy more if you can find them and so we were driving back and as we went up in elevation the bags kept filling up and our viewers notice that or not but they get bigger and they oh i mean they're at the point of busting right and so we're we're driving along and one of them right behind my head decides there's too much pressure so it goes [Applause] you know in your first instinct kind of like just saying it did surprise i don't know if it surprised reuben it surprised me okay but then we got back and i started looking at the other sack and it didn't bust that one busted open so i had to eat it but you have to realize as that thing goes up you notice it didn't crush in it expanded why the pressure was on the inside trying to get out do you understand what i'm saying that's how you are that's how you're supposed to be you should be so full of the word of god that you just pop whenever you see sickness or disease you should be so full of the word of god to where you read that somebody says something and you just explode on them think about that yeah you explode with the spirit of god obviously let me give you the illustration theory at the nine o'clock remember what i read about uh paul in the book of acts it says he was going along and there was a woman there that had a spirit of divination there was a fortune teller remember and it says she kept following them for several days and kept saying these are servants of the most high god these men are they've come to show us the way of salvation so here's this demon possession when following them around for days and then it says and finally paul grieved in his spirit being greed is the way one of them says think about that he was grieved inside paul got grieved why because this woman this demon-possessed woman was advertising his ministry and was saying oh these are servants of the most high god so finally he got fed up and turns around and says i command you in the name of jesus christ of nazareth come out of her and she got free now notice this happened for days there is nowhere in there where it says and the spirit of the lord led paul to cast the demon out you will never find any scripture that says that god led anybody to heal the sick or to cast out devils you'll never find that you know why because that's your job you shouldn't have to be led in the sense of having some feeling or anything else you have the nature of christ that nature of christ the love of god is shed abroad by the holy ghost in your heart that love in you should be compassion that compassion should drive you to do whatever and you should automatically say god i need whatever power i need to get this done but these people need help and whenever you realize that and he says well guess what aren't you baptizing holy ghost yep then you got power well but i don't feel like it i didn't say you had the gift of feeling i said you had the gift of healing [Applause] amen but you should get so full of the word of god that it just comes out that's what that's you know i almost said that that's what wigglesworth's problem was if you want to call it a problem he was so full of the word of god that stuff just blurted out like the woman that them was trying to get on the train and and she had that little dog with you probably heard the story before where the little dog was there bouncing around and the train the train was coming down the tracks and she's like now run home pup run home run home the dog just stand there wagging his tail and find her the train pulls up and she was going to get on and the dog couldn't get on it with her so she turned around and said i said get stomped her foot and the dog tucked tail and ran and wigglesworth standing goes standing there next to her or but close to her and said that's how you have to deal with the devil [Music] yeah think about that i'm sure i just blurted out just like i was reading this morning about how he said that you could you should be if you have the spirit of god you ought to be able to act without thinking come on ain't that hard for a lot of people matter of fact most of you trained yourself to do that anyway right so just do it for god amen does this make sense but to do that you've got to fill yourself with the word of god you can't be 50 pure water and 50 junk amen you've got to get into where the word of god is in you if you abide in him and his word abides in you you will ask whatever you will and it shall be done well i did that it didn't work liar you're a liar not god well no i did it no you didn't you either didn't abide in him or his word wasn't abide in you one of the two it's real simple well but but i prayed in faith and nothing happened up there you go lying again why because you cannot pray in faith and nothing happened the prayer of faith heals the sick in the story you pray the prayer of faith to sick get healed sick don't get healed you didn't pray the prayer of faith isn't that simple see we just muddy it up with theology we muddy it up with ideas and philosophies which paul was very clear don't let anybody deceive you with vain philosophy amen so it has to be to when you get so full of the word of god that you just explode on things i'm telling you you do that two or three times people don't mess with you they'll leave you alone right as long as you keep going back to the same places now you go to new places you got to explode there too right because otherwise they won't know you right but you want to be whenever you walk in they go there there's that guy you know there's a walmart right over here on coit road and george bush where we used to live over near there and so we used to go to that walmart and i went over there and i was went there regularly two incidents two main incidents happened there one time we bought a bunch of stuff and i had like 10 tubs of things that i to put books and stuff in that i had bought and as we went out because you know they ring everything up and then they take the total and you're talking and stuff you're not paying attention so i put the card in and did the thing and went out and then when i got home i realized that they did not charge me for the tubs 10 tubs it was like 50 something dollars so i kept the receipt and went back whenever i got a chance to go back over there went back over and went and took one tub from the rack took it up front and told the lady i said i need you need to ring up ten of these and so she okay and where's the other nine i said well i got them at home and she said what what why am i reading i said because you didn't last time i was here it wasn't her but somebody else i said y'all didn't ring these up and i said so but i i got them but they weren't running up so i need to come back and pay for them and it's like you need to do what i said i mean i need to pay for these well but but you've already got them i said yeah but i didn't pay for them and literally it was going around circles talking to her and and she ended up going over and getting a manager and bringing the manager back over to explain it to him so i just went to him too and he said so you you you got him home you didn't pay for him but you had to come back and pay for him i said yeah and they and the woman she said i told you he said he's he's really honest and and and it was the funniest thing because this then the manager says i just thank you he said you're you're a good man and i said no i said god saw i said once i knew i had to pay for that why because god knows there's no difference in stealing it if i know about it and i don't do it it's no different it wasn't the lord blessing me just just saying amen it was a devil tempting or you know testing or something and then do you know every time i went back to that store that woman hey how you doing there's that guy told you about she she told everybody she told everybody she goes i've worked here 11 years never had a person come back and pay for something that they'd already gotten and i said well that just that's a shame because that just shows a state of people and and me and my wife went there one time and their lady said your husband's a good man he did that she goes what and my wife tells well he's a minister she oh i didn't know that what no i cause i didn't say anything that had nothing to do with it amen and then i went over there after that and it was because every time i see them now they're always you know waving and hiding all that kind of stuff and then this one girl came up black girl sweet girl she came up and she she had seen me on faith tv and see me on on tv some people in africa had seen it her relatives had seen it and then they told her to watch it she didn't know i was here and so i was there shopping she goes are you this you're a minister and you're healing evangelist and you i'm like yeah that's me and she goes can you pray for me like yeah so prayed for her right there and she left and my wife was over sharp one area i was trying to get to her because i was trying to find out where she was and so i went trying to find her and that girl left so i started to go to where my wife was and then right then the girl came back with two other women one was a muslim and one was a just another woman i don't know i don't think she was anything necessarily um because she didn't say anything and so but then whenever they brought it back and this person needs prayer and this person needs prayer and i'm like okay so we got a little prayer line going on here and so i pray for each one and pray for them and and even the the muslim lady should yep pray and so you know i didn't lay hands on her but put my hand up because you know they don't believe in you touching them and so i said okay uh be healed and told about it and then the girl had me pray for her son and then i went back over there like a week later yep the sun's perfectly healed and now every time i go over there i don't get any shopping done because she is bringing people i just go there for a healing line pretty much that's pretty much what it was so but why why because what's in me and and even then when i prayed i didn't just pray well okay in the name of jesus no they came to me it's up to me now so it's kind of like not in jesus name right now jesus and i threw the name of jesus in there every chance i prayed it was a name of jesus prayer it was just oh father in the name of jesus i thank you right now for the power of the name of jesus that sets the captives free and by the name of jesus they're being healed in jesus name i mean you know then i gave the interpretation for the muslim lady in the name of isa isa he said i mean i was going on and so but i and when i got time to you know blast it i blasted it now i didn't scream because power isn't in volume right power is in faith of believing and you can do it louder you can do it quiet it's up to you what do you want what do you need to do you can get loud if you need to you can get quiet if you need to me i'm a quiet person so a lot of times i have to get loud to kind of get past myself but if you're a loud person you might need to get quiet why just because it's kind of out of the norm for you and it helps you but i can get loud if i want to sometimes i get loud on purpose why just because i want to to draw attention to that fact or i want to do something to prove the devil i i'm not bashful amen i'm a quiet person but i i'm not going to let the devil hem me in and go well you can only pray quietly no no you need to pray different ways different places amen but greater is he that's in you now so um yeah yeah you have to know that he that's in you is bigger than he that's in the world you've got to get that in listen when you when you get a hold of that you will walk different talk different act different and then then i won't be so different because you'll be like me amen you understand what i'm saying because you listen it's not about when you realize that you're a royalty i'm not talking about be thinking more highly of yourself than you are i'm talking about you thinking exactly as highly as you are which means that you should walk with your head up you ought to know god is with you you ought to know that people need help they can come to you and that you will minister to them and that you have such as you have you can give away there's nothing everywhere let's just pray and see what the lord will do well let me see how the lord wants to lead in this no he didn't care how you do it he does not care how you do it now if they have set their cells to be healed a certain way he may tell you to do it that way just because they've set themselves just to prove that you're hearing from god and that god hears them but most of the time it's just no just get it done how do you want to do it well sometimes you might want to do it kind of nonchalantly other times you might want to do it kind of theatrical you say why just feel like it why just be different just different just you know do something different experiment see see where it works best amen i've done all these things i've experimented all kinds of different ways why just because i wanted to first time i ever commanded pain to leave a group of people it was an experiment why i read wigglesworth did it i said well if you can do it for wigglesworth you can do it from blake why because wigglesworth and blake don't mean nothing it's the name of jesus and so we commanded the spirit of fear to go and spirit of pain to go and people got healed and now i do it everywhere i go and it's amazing to watch the the the results have you all seen we did we played we had never played the video of the lady in the wheelchair did we play that last time we didn't know we no from um from uh where was salt lake city salt lake city yes it is out there that's because i don't know how many of you all seen it but that night we did that healing service that's what we did there we just before we started actually i started a little bit and then when i started minister i just said just to show you jesus was here and we just commanded pain to go and i said how many got pain they raised their hands a lot of people and i commanded the spirit of pain uh to go false pain tormenting pain twinning spirits and command to go and gave a command and said okay who got healed let's see where how many of your pain left your body and hands started going up all over why because it's all the time now first time i did it i was trying it out i mean i believed but i hadn't seen it and i wasn't sure in that sense but once that happened the first time oh now it's not even the thing i don't have to try it anymore i mean it's just the way it works why because now i know for a fact that demons can hear me at the back row amen it doesn't matter if they're right up here if they're back there they can still hear it doesn't matter and i can whisper here or i can whisper there it doesn't matter amen they still hear it and they still have to obey it see there's a life to live and that life is not uh it's not hard it's actually very simple and very easy it's just getting everything out of the way getting all the cares out of the way there's so much stuff and i can notice over the last couple of months especially some of you have mentioned you've noticed some things going on too of just the things that have that can happen that when you get all that stuff out of your way of how much more god can work through and so then i started noticing too that if i start focusing or not focusing but that's the thing you don't have to focus you got to focus for the power of god to come out you don't have to focus for cares the world to get in all you got to do is relax and those cares will come in and if you don't keep your guard up he'll use people to try to get those cares in and he'll try to pull things in he'll try with this and what he does is he wants to get you so busy during the day that you're running from thing to thing to thing to thing to think and and you're like you get up in the morning when today's gonna be a great day i'm gonna spend time with the lord i'm gonna pray i'm gonna pray in tongues i'm gonna pray in my understanding and i'm gonna do this i'm gonna give my i'm gonna do my acknowledgements my confessions i'm gonna and then as the phone rings well oh here's the call oh oh you want that okay well i'll i'll i'll get it and then you go look for that and then oh yeah well oh no i hadn't seen that a long time i was looking for that put that here and it's just one thing after another and then the end of the day have you prayed in tongues well no have you have you been talking with god not not really i mean you know i'm doing the lord's work doing the lord's work ain't talking to him it ain't communion with him amen you can get real busy doing the lord's work and doing a good job doing helping people and yet not spending the time that you could do even more good if you just spend the time and have a lot more fun doing it amen but that means you have to clear your your plates so to speak you have to you have to get things out of your out of your day there's so much stuff that i would dare say most of you are doing that is just not necessary it's just not necessary it's little things and you and they gather over time and you get used to them then it becomes a habit and then another habit adds in and pretty soon your whole day is structured full of nothing that matters in eternity so there has to be that that clearing trigger you know what it's and many times especially like how we travel and do ministry when we go to north carolina they've got over 800 people registered there for a dht that means one of two things i either got to make sure that people get trained so they can help me pray for people or the last night we're probably going to have 10 11 1200 people there because people that come that are not registered and if i'm going to pray for all of them then i can pray for all of them i've done it before but if i train them well then we can all pray for them and i'll still pray for all of them but so will everybody else and so but that going on you know i don't know if you understand the logistics of doing something like that now a lot of it i don't have to deal with but we've got to take we had to order manuals ahead of time to go there we got to pick them up they got to pick those up tomorrow we've got to make sure everything's good and some sometimes the logistics can get overwhelming especially if you got that and you got i got another meeting right after that that i'm not coming back home to so i got to do that then i got to go there so i got to make sure whatever i need for there i got to take with me on this trip it's just all this stuff that you got to figure out everything that you got to take with you and different things that you're going to be doing and then in the middle of all that you got all this and then all these other little concerns and cares that are going on and it's really easy and then i remember years ago the lord i was going through this and i was back then we had a lot smaller staff and i was having to think of everything and do all this stuff and then one day the lord just it just hit me and i'm like you know what because i was getting really frustrated really wrapped up in having okay we gotta do this go do that make sure that's happened and it was all good stuff but then it just hit me you know what all i have to do all i have to do is show up and preach that's all i gotta do all this other stuff it's good it'll help but if everything else fell apart as long as i show up and preach and i preach the word he confirms it in the story that's all that matters that's all that matters really good but for me to preach the word and to preach it in the authority that represents jesus then i have to be filled with the word and i have to make sure that there's nothing else in there amen but that's not easy that means that you have to cut off things that are sources to you you have to cut off access to your mind sometimes through of outside things and cut off access to things you have to be focused that means a lot of times you have to be quiet with god by himself with nobody else around why because if whoever has your ear the enemy will try to hit them to get to your ear so many times you have to just stay focused and the enemy has to know nothing anybody says is going to affect me i'm going to do this just my wife laughs at me all the time about this because she'll know she can tell when somebody's talking to me and they're like well brethren now here's what you need to do you need to do this you got to do this when you get this in and i'm like yeah yeah yeah and she will walk up she goes you're not going to do any of that are you i'm like nope not going to do anything and she goes but you said i said yeah she goes i know that's what you do with me too you tell me you agree with me and then you're going to go do whatever you're going to do i'm like well you 44 years you know me because i'm going to do what i'm going to do i'll listen to you and if you make a good argument i may alter you know if it's right but other than that if it's not a good argument forget it i ain't changing why would i what i'm doing works amen but there's there's that thing and you know it's just there you have to reach that place where nothing matters more than the word of god and i'm not just talking about well this is the word of god no i mean nothing matters more than this in here guiding your life that you decide this is how i'm going to live this i'm going to act this i'm going to talk and i'll tell you if you're going to talk bible you're not going to have a lot of conversation with a lot of people because most people don't want to talk about they want to talk problems they want to talk current events they want to talk news they want to talk the past this book is about the past this is the most of what's in this book is past tense in his tenses but it's all about the future why by his stripes you were healed you know what that means that's your future of you being well that's a 2 000 year old statement about you being well does that make sense that's why i say it's not about the past it's past tense written in past tense but it's about the future he says by his stripes i was healed i've been blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places what does that mean that's my i'll be honest with you that's my present and my future amen do you know how good it is to be able to quote scriptures and not have to quote them in faith do you know what i mean by that faith means you don't see it yet means you're not experiencing it but you're saying it in faith hoping that you will experience it that makes sense okay but how much how much better is it to be able to quote those same scriptures because you're experiencing them do you realize how much better that is that means you're not waiting for anything that's not well it's going to be good over there it's going to be good when that happened no no no no it's good now it's good right now it's good now because i'm experiencing it it's good now because before i was experiencing it i believed and i said and i altered my life to start to match up with it amen any listen this doesn't work for me because i'm a preacher and as i said before a lot of preachers it ain't working for why that's why they're begging and manipulating and trying to use gimmicks to get you to give and all that other stuff it doesn't work for them why because they're not doing what what the word says to do it that's what i love about dr sumrall just steady i mean just amazing and would say things and then they come to pass that's for every believer he said he who believes in that right whosoever believes him come on that's us so you have to decide what do you believe because what you believe right now is what you're experiencing right now that's what you really believe why because it's also what's coming out of your mouth he said let the word of christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom am i right let the word of christ dwell in you what does that mean abide in him and his word abides in you and if the word of christ dwells in you then it's going to come out of you why because as the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks so if the holy spirit if the word of god by way of the holy spirit them together have made themselves at home in you which is actually where he says that the holy spirit will come and abide with you it literally means to settle down and make oneself at home when the holy spirit and god's words the words of jesus are at home in you everything changes and it is amazing it's like paul said i know i know how to be a how to abound and how to be a base i i've been up i've been down but here's what i know i'm the same no matter what why because i know if if i'm up great i'm experiencing the blessings if i'm down guess what i'm coming up why because god said i'm coming up what so this is just a temporary thing and it was probably because i was stupid and said something over there that i didn't now i've learned even that one of our greatest uh i don't say defeats but greatest situations over the last years it was funny because after it happened i looked back and i remembered because i asked the lord why why did that this should not have happened and he took me back and i remembered hearing myself say certain things and i had said them several times and and i believed them that's the thing and it wasn't it wasn't a statement you know that was a bad statement necessarily to me it was more of an observation but then i had said that thing and guess what it came to pass and you know what none of you know what i'm talking about why because i didn't come to you and beg you out for anything why and now god has overwhelmingly restored amen amen so i'm just telling you that listen this works because it's the word of god and if you get in the word of god and his word gets in you and you abide in him and his word about the new fan everything happens amen you get anything out of this amen amen okay well now i can start my sermon we are we'll save that for another day maybe we'll see amen but i'm i'm telling you you know there's a lot of times i really wish we could like i said just gather around sit in a circle turn off the clocks you know call what grub hub or something however if you're hungry get some food and stuff but cause i'm telling you there's so much more and and i look at places like naples uh florida where our florida team is and what they do with life teams and how they do things amazing amazing we go to portland oregon and we see how their life team and their healing rooms are run i love how they do their things there it's amazing uh just and and just discipleship and and i'm that's probably the only thing that bothers me about the overall ministry right now is i don't get to do what they get to do because of how i travel and you know that kind of stuff it i don't i don't get to disciple and fellowship the way i would love to um you know i would love to have a life team in in my home but i can't because we we travel and i travel too much and you know dawn and that kind of it just doesn't work but you know and that's one of the reasons why we want to start the wednesday night thing when we did was because that was the closest i could get to a small group of people that that i could actually fellowship with and pour into and so i'm trying to figure out better ways you know to do those kind of things but i just want you to know that there are things that other groups are doing that we need to do here that we are doing here to a degree it's just some things i want to see changed because of what the results that we're seeing you know i don't i don't want this to just be a church a sunday morning service or a sunday morning that that's that's the big problem with most uh ministries of people that are well known or however you want to say it especially internet stuff and that kind of thing is that in people's minds many times it's almost like a celebrity type thing and they want to we've had people show up just because they wanted to meet me or something because they saw me on tv or they saw me or some you know something like that and it gets to where a sunday service is an event that people come to because people come from you know all over the country and even the world at times to come here for a one sunday service and it becomes an event and the church becomes an event center and everything is based on that sunday service rather than what the church is supposed to be based on which is discipleship which it means everybody growing up to look like jesus amen and and understand that everybody's at different levels and everybody's grows at different degrees that kind of stuff but it it what i don't like about it is because it ends up being an event type of thing rather than a church body you know a fellowship an assembly and having that communion with one another but we're working on things amen and so we'll we'll see things happening for sure um but other than that i guess i better let you go because oh boy you're already too late to be first in line at luby's so might as well hang out here another couple hours so no how many of you came for healing you need you need healing in your body amen okay all right okay well why don't we get you to come on forward we'll get you to come on forward and now have we already passed out the cards we have not yet have we actually you know what before you come forward let's get you to fill out these cards i'm sorry i know if i just do things the way we're supposed to i would [Laughter] i throw a wrench in it sometimes so if you need healing raise your hand and this and if you got a card let's fill those out real quick and then we will get you going here in just a minute now if you do not need healing but if you want to make jesus lord of your life or if you want to recommit yourself to him then now's the time to do it amen you don't have to wait for emotions you don't have to wait for feelings you can do it now and matter of fact if that is you then i want you to talk to one of our staff they'll be there back by the back of the room just let them know that you have decided to rededicate yourself you might say or recommit yourself or if you've made jesus want to make jesus the lord of your life for the first time let them know we want to help you so right now we're going to pray father i thank you we bless you father we thank you for all that you have done all that you are doing and all that you will do father we thank you for the sacrifice of your son that by it we can be healed in whole spirit soul and body that your goodness overflows that your mercy overflows your compassion overflows to us and that by your spirit father we thank you that we have your spirit and that by your spirit we can accomplish what jesus would do if he were here because it's him doing the work so by your spirit father we thank you even now we thank you for all that's going to take place here in the name of jesus so be it amen amen amen
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 15,216
Rating: 4.8837209 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: dPEbKydp82E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 6sec (4506 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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