How to Receive What You Need

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[Music] [Music] all right well well some good stuff amen all right we're going to get right into the word we're going to go to first Corinthians chapter 9 first Corinthians chapter 9 we're and go through several scriptures very quickly as I was mentioning earlier this morning this is actually almost like a part two of this morning's session because one of the things I have noticed is that and I may have to do this from now on is that you don't get to go very far in some you know 20 30 minute service which I've never preached a 20 or 30 minute service but if I wouldn't know too much but other than television stuff but the reason I'm saying this is because discipleship we're commanded to disciple all nations discipleship means to train up a person to be like another person be central to what it comes down to so if we are and and just like Paul said follow me as I follow Christ which he meant you know imitate me and do these things we should all be able to say that about ourselves about as we follow Christ imitate us as we follow Christ now if there's an area that we're not following Christ that closely then obviously you shouldn't follow that but again that shouldn't be in a disciple to begin with we should be able to just like the Apostle Paul said follow me as I follow Christ so one of the things that I've learned especially over the last been looking at some things of the last month or so being throughout Europe Wigglesworth John Lake George Miller just John Wesley all these people that I was looking at some of their lives and as I travel I have certain books and I take with me at times and read through them and the one thing that I noticed is that they were all well it's amazing they all went to the exact same thing they were all considered heretics at one point they were blasted they were went after which strangely enough you know nowadays if something like that's going on people think that you're obviously you must be wrong but Jesus said they did that to him and if they did it to him they're gonna do it to you so if it's not happening to you maybe you're not following him closely enough so that you look like him enough to be persecuted for something to think about right so first Corinthians chapter 9 at this point I want to talk to you just for one I want to tie this in with the first service like I said but I want to talk to you partially about how to receive really from God whatever you need at any time now God has promised to meet all your needs according to his riches in glory through Christ Jesus by Christ Jesus so I'm not I mean I understand in my own life I never pray for my own needs I've I've not prayed for my own needs and now in years actually because the Bible says that God knows what I need and he's a good father and he provides any supplies money so it really didn't tell me to ask him for my needs it says when I pray whatsoever things I desire that's different than my needs most of my needs I don't really desire okay so but so there are times whenever I will mention him desires that I have but I'd really don't mention much of my needs because I consider those that's already taken care of because he knows what I need before I ask and he'll take care of it and he always has so when it says you know how to receive what you need I'm not I don't mean it in that sense of a need but now you let's say you need healing okay I get that so how would you receive that and I want to tell you how you can receive it really almost anywhere you go or from anybody just about so 1st Corinthians chapter 9 verse 2 says Paul is speaking to the Corinthian church and he said if I be not an apostle unto others yet doubtless I am to you for the seal of mine Apostleship are you in the lord their word that you're the proof that i'm an apostle that's what paul was telling them but now notice he said i may not be an apostle to everyone but i am do you see a that's a big thing because there are a lot of people in the Bible that we're going around saying they were apostles and people are saying Paul wasn't an apostle and he was constantly defending his Apostleship and it's kind of sad because he was defending it usually to people in churches that he himself had founded so that's not good but he even said at one point he knew that after he left wolves would come in and and they would come into the local congregations and try to tear them apart and so he was a wise masterbuilder which simply means a good architect and he knew how to build and build strength into the people matter of fact an axe it says that whenever he and Barnabas were going around he actually said well let's go back around again so that we can strengthen the Saints so part of the purpose of an apostolic ministry is to plant to build up and then to constantly do a strengthen and encourage right so there should be an ongoing thing it's one of the reasons why we travel around the world the way we do and we have places that we go certain places in the world that we go to them regularly other places we visit it's the first time we go sometimes there's a work established there or what's going on but many times now especially all over the world now on in different countries different continents we have places that we go to to help encourage and strengthen the Saints that are there because they have received of the ministry and they have accepted what we have brought to them as it is the Word of God like the Apostle Paul said so notice though here he said if I be not an apostle unto others yet doubtless I am to you now he didn't scold them and he didn't say well you know I may not be an apostle to these other guys and you know because they wouldn't receive me and and you know shame on them and they should have but because I'm gonna pop he didn't say that you have to realize for instance I've never people referred to me as the pastor of this church even though pastoring is not my calling and I've never pretended to be a pastor right at the same time in the ministry that God has called me to I am able to pastor to the degree that it is included in my calling as I'm called to plant and to establish into established structure and things that so it's still there but I would never necessarily call myself a pastor and I wouldn't refer to myself as a pastor right now I'm saying that because of this because you have some people that that's what they're called to do we know from Ephesians for Ashes the next place we're going is visions for verse 8 it says wherefore he saith when he ascended up on high he led captivity captive and he gave gifts unto men now these gifts unto men are gifts of men and women and those gifts are what we see in the scripture right after that a couple of verses down it says now that he ascended what is it but that he also descended first in the lower parts of the earth he that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens that he might fill all things and he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers now these what he gave are gifts the fivefold ministry as most people call them are gifts to the church that now technically you could even say in some cases gifts to the world also but primarily gifts to the church now there are some people who are called to be a pastor that's their calling and that's where they function and that's where everything works for them and they know they're in their calling but now like in here in this local city we have many churches here most of them are pastored to some degree by a pastor or an eldership or something like along those lines but you know so you would have a pastor over one church and he's a pastor in the body of Christ if he is a pastor and called to be a pastor alright everything I'm saying is based on the fact that he is that and he's functioning as that no so but even though he's a pastor he's a pastor of that congregation but he's not the pastor of the other congregation across the street right why cuz he pastors that church you say what course great that makes sense well yeah I'm just emphasizing that a pastor every one of these quote/unquote fivefold minister have a realm or a sphere in which they operate and a pastor over a local church functions in the sphere of that local church that means just because he's seen as a pastor and maybe he is a pastor as far as God is concerned God called that person said you're a pastor so there you go he might say okay I'm a pastor I'm in the fivefold ministry I'm gonna go over this other church and I'm going to tell them how to do things okay having you know he's not a pastor over that church he's a pastor for this church over you know that his local church I mean so every minister has a sphere of functionality in which they function now here's two things a pastor can really mess up one of two ways they're not and I'm just pointing out to pasture an apostle same thing prophet same thing evangelist same thing right all the way across teacher also there's two ways to function two ways to mess up but it that way number one way is to never be what you're called to be in other words you never function in the full functioning of the call that you are called to right that's the that that's the biggest way most people whether there are people right here in this congregation I don't know you but I can almost guarantee there are people in this congregation you were called to be a teacher in the body of Christ you're called to be a pastor called to be an evangelist called to be a prophet maybe even called to be an apostle right here in this local congregation right both those that are this is your home Church but even some of those that are visitors that God has called you to that but you've resisted the call you've never accepted the call see about two thousand eleven twelve eleven or twelve can't member which one it was we went to Austin Texas and I did a seminar they're called apostolic alignment and in that I made a statement a decree a public Proclamation you might say because God had been speaking to me for years and he spoke to me first in my own heart when I was 17 years old he also spoke to me and then again 18 and when I was 19 the exact same thing and then even from that time on he began to speak to me through various prophets and prophetic utterances many kinds of ways some were total flakes and some were exactly right on all right but even the flakes sometimes said the exact right thing go figure as we used to say here in Texas even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then so yeah okay anyway okay so you have to take the message sometimes more than the messenger right and but whenever the same message keeps coming out regardless of the messengers that God uses you need to take notice right and so God began speaking and I was very hesitant cuz I had seen so much of the garbage and the fluff and I kind stuff and I just I didn't want to say anything and so but then also God had some prophets come to me and over a period of a couple of years and say this is what you're called this is what you're called to do this is who you are and you need to receive this ministry and I see I didn't understand that at that point and but I realized during that time when God was even with me that there comes a point when God you you know something is true but if you've kept it you have to be able to speak it and you have to receive it and when you receive it you have to receive it first in your heart but you also have to be able to receive it publicly and declare it publicly now here's word otherwise once you declare it publicly get ready usually all hell breaks loose in your life what because once the enemy is able to pinpoint you and knows that you know what you're supposed to be doing and now you're ready to start doing it that's when he really generally tries to come after you right because he'll try to smash that thing and kill it now so be ready don't be like Joseph and every time you have a dream spout it out you'll end up in a pit okay eventually eventually okay yeah you might end up in a palace but it's a long road getting there okay so now during that time though I made some public proclamations about the calling that God had called me to and from that time on we saw a change happen and actually we started moving into some of these things and we started actually having more close contact with leaders around the world and started speaking into their lives and they started coming to us for counsel and different things like that and so we saw once I publicly acknowledged what I knew I was supposed to do then everything started happening right so the one of the first ways to really mess up if you're called of God is to totally deny hold back resist it don't embrace it and don't receive it right because then you'll never truly fulfill it you may do some little things and you may do little things really good but you will never do what God has called you to do right and the problem is most people like comfort they don't like I don't say stress but they don't like pressure there you go pressure and a lot of times when you are gifted and have a certain gifting in certain areas then let's say you have certain giftings that go along with a certain call but if you don't receive the call and you never step out into the call those giftings are still there and those giftings even though they're still there they will function regardless so you may be functioning let's say let's use the terminology that's it's easy to understand anyway you could be a big fish in a little pond that makes sense in other words you're in a small thing you're not doing that much out there but what you're doing works really good what base those giftings those giftings working really good but you're comfortable why there's no pressure because you're in a small thing but if there's no pressure it's you're probably not where God wants you you're what because God wants you in a place of pressure where you have to depend on him say if you're if you're under no pressure whatsoever you're probably not where God wants you to be and in other words you their mandate but it everything is good man you know everything's working and everything like that yeah yeah you're not where God want you yeah well look at the men of God look at their lives nobody was ever in that place right matter of fact the only time they ever got place was when they were back slid David instead of being on the battlefield he stayed in the palace right and when he stayed in the palace what happened he ends up committing adultery ends up committing murder and conspiracy to murder I mean just horrible things why because he wasn't where you're supposed to be but his giftings were still operating they were still there he even operated prophetically during that time and so he had all this stuff going so if there's no pressure you're probably not where I don't know why God gets mad me say that maybe you just really need to hear it because I know some people don't want to receive it because you're in a place where there's no pressure and you don't want to move into the place where there is pressure but God's been trying to get you to move into that place but when you move into that place it's going to be a bigger room it's going to be a bigger area and now there's we pressure because you have to rise to the level of it see if there had never been a world war two there would never have been a General Patton say or you know it an Eisenhower what these men rose to the level of the conflict do you give that okay we talked about this before John Lake Smith Wigglesworth Lester Sumrall these men they were not special men they were men filled with God who saw the vision of God for a believer and stepped into the role of a believer and when they did they became head and shoulders above most other people because most people never step into that role so it's not that they were special it's that it's not that that they were super it's just that all the rest of Christians were so sudden that make sense so what God wants to do then the number one way is for you to not receive that number one way people mess up is to not receive that calling not step into it because everything's good you stay here sometimes you don't step into it because career yeah well that would may not have to quit this job and you know I've got a degree here and I you know get over here I don't have a degree but yet I'm supposed to go do this and supposed to move in this and you know you can't see how that would logically work out which God never said to use logic okay he said to follow his wisdom and to follow his spirit and so many times we'll use that sometimes it's family sometimes it's family I don't well we're called to live you know in the jungle of the Amazon I'm not going to go there I'm you know I like my home I like my place here I refuse I'm not going to go and then the person says okay well I can't go if you don't go with me or I can't do this and guess what they will never fulfill their called because they didn't follow God and they allowed family to dictate whether they follow God or not I've never seen that in good right every time I've seen the end of that it's been bad for everything that's I'm not I don't have time to go into it but so that's the number one way now that is to not receive and step into it that's the most common I say number one I mean that's the most common because almost everybody is afraid to step out right the second way is when you step out to step out beyond your measure Paul talked about having a measure of rule right which meant his realm in which he was to function if you notice he actually was going at one point they were traveling and just following the Great Commission going into all the world and then at one point they're gonna go into Asia and all of a sudden God says no and said no don't go there don't don't do that go go here instead remember he said good and then rock them was whenever he got the vision to go into Macedonia had the vision of the man saying come help us alright and so now think about that so the reason the West is the way it is I don't if you know it or not I've been all over the world okay I've seen a lot of places I'm sure everybody that lives in any country when they travel they come back and they're glad to be home but I'm telling you I've been a lot of countries there is no other place like America there is no other country like it I'm telling you I've seen and the bad part is and I'm not putting down anybody else well I'm not naming a country so I'm not putting any country down all I'm saying is that America keeps trying to be like Europe and if she's not careful she's gonna become like Europe that's not necessarily a good thing right Europe had great opportunities and it squandered it had great opportunities with the gospel it squandered it for the most part and now it's it's more of a pagan area than it is Christian by any stretch America to be honest with you is not that far behind it things have to be turned around now in the same token of that the reason the West is still such a powerhouse I'm talking about Europe North America just just Western what they would call industrialized countries that kind of thing the reason is is because Paul went west instead of East if Paul had gone East China would be like we are now what because of the gospel the gospel planted years ago now the gospel is there now but now it's having to make up for see there's this thing about they call it what is it the miracle of what do they call it try me what extra term it is it is you more than anyone I've never in a minute what is it interest yeah interest compound interest there you go thank you yes compact yeah I'm really into finances no it's the miracle of compound interest right it's not about how much you invest it's when you start and they're right you start early and you start early to start early enough it grows really big and you can do even more later and it won't grow as big as starting earlier with less that's China Sea China didn't start early it started late and because of that it's growing it's amazing what God is doing in China but had Paul gone east and started then imagine what China would be like today you see there's a difference all all in you say well why did God do this what is this what you know you have to take it up with him you have to take it up with the man in Macedonia cuz he got fall attention I don't know you know so but the bottom line is the second way a minister or someone call of God can make a mistake is whenever they step out of their bounds William Brennan William Brown is an example amazing prophet of God I have no doubt that he was the gifts were their functions were there and Gordon Lindsey used to well what Gordon was he said he said I saw william branham minister and the gift of the word of knowledge thousands of times and never missed a single detail we're talking about a person's house what their address was on the front door hat was there I mean what car they came there in what what clothes they were wearing the day before I mean just phenomenal phenomenal detail and he said but he went to Brandon because Brandon loved to teach but he was terrible at it and he messed things up and and then he would be teaching and then he would bring in the history of some sort and he would have Hitler fighting Napoleon you know it's like and and Gordon Leslie said don't teach just just just use the gift just show up and pray for people and he said I can't he said why's it cuz I like teaching he said but you're no good at it and he said well I just what I got to do and so he didn't listen to him really and he got off into some weird teachings at times and some and he got off into some stuff that people couldn't follow you know and shouldn't follow so that's called getting out of your realm getting out of your measure of rule so you have to find dr. Soros and say it this way and he uses terminology that I wouldn't necessarily used today but he gets a point across because many times we talk about you're an anointing and dr. Sarabi used to tell us he said listen find the place where your anointing flows and stay there he said don't get out of that and now what he meant was find the place where what you're supposed to be doing it's working right it's that's not an anointing that's a realm you understand that you're at your place now it can be a geographical place it can be a theological place it could be a geographical place to be very honest there are other countries where my giftings work stronger and better and and I just enjoy it a whole lot more and it just flows and it's like you know you just can't even make a mistake if you try you know and and but then you have so you can actually get into a place where everything is working and we wouldn't call that necessarily an anointing but it is in your realm that can be theological for instance in my life you know there's two main things that God has called me to teach on number one the new creation who we are in Christ secondly I'm to demonstrate that through healing and to teach people how to administer healing as a new creation that is my ministry that is the theological underpinnings of my ministry right everything comes out of that you know brother Hagin used to say he couldn't open the Bible without seeing faith right and I can't open the Bible without seeing healing I mean it's just now opened there it is and you know it's just easy and it just flows and and and and so I'm supposed to share that because the fivefold ministry is not supposed to be a show it's supposed to be a trainer that teaches people how to do whatever they're doing whatever the the trainer is doing does that make sense so so the second thing is getting out of your realm right see this is one of the reasons why you you will never really hear me talk much about prophecy as far as in time stuff what I don't care I just I and if you don't care about something you're probably not gonna be right right and I just don't care I you know I don't care who the Antichrist is I don't care you know what when where you know rapture yes no maybe mid post right I don't care I could care less all I want to do is serve God have greater faith in him every day and demonstrate his goodness and demonstrate his power and wonder whatever happens be ready when it happens that's all I want to do right and you know I don't think that I'll miss it because I do love his appearing right and so I don't think I'm gonna miss out I don't think he's well you know you could have been expecting I'd have taken you a bit no no maybe you got it no I think he could jerk me out of here anyway if that's what he's gonna do was that same word so all right yeah so I'm talking about these giftings now remember this it says here in verse 11 and he gave some apostles some prophets some pastors or I'm sorry some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers now these are ministry gifts to the body who are supposed to train people to do what they do now there are also gifts of the spear first Corinthians 12 talks about gifts of the Spirit now but here's the thing yet remember gifts of the Spirit are not to make the minister look good right and they're not to make the minister important gifts of the Spirit are given so that whoever has a need they meet that need so the any gift of the Spirit is a manifestation of the Spirit to meet the need of a person not generally the person with the gift does that make sense and words if I'm functioning in one of the gifts of the Spirit probably that gift of the Spirit isn't for me now there's times when I could use it in times when it would function but it's probably not really for me it's for whoever I'm going to meet that they need it and I have to be able to administer it to them because they probably don't know how to get it for themselves makes sense yeah yeah so gifts are not for the minister they're for the person with a need now verse 12 tells us that these fivefold ministry as people call it are for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ it says that we're going to have them until we all come in the unity of the faith the end of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ now we could stay right there on that and preach a long time talking about rising to that measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ because that is what we're supposed to do now then he tells us verse 14 that we would henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive but speaking the truth in love may grow up into him Jesus in all things which is the head even Christ so the whole purpose here is that the body is supposed to grow up to look as we said earlier to talk think act like Jesus amen now that process you will see matter-of-fact you know if you read in the book of Acts it talks about Antioch where saul of tarsus at that time was there and he was with barnabas and it says that there were prophets and teachers in the church at Antioch now notice there is no mention of apostles but Paul was there and yet he was an apostle but not yet yeah and he was called he was called right and he was even toad I'm gonna send you and you're gonna go before kings and you're gonna do all this so he was already he was called to be an apostle even as he said from his mother's womb he was called to be an apostle but he wasn't yet what because usually the pathway to Apostleship usually goes through the teaching gift well because the apostle is the one that's most concerned with establishing correct doctrine and being accurate scripturally prophets aren't near as concerned about being accurate scripturally right that's just be honest all right they want to flow more by the spirit and the apostles are they're always there going wait wait wait where's that in the Bible right and the prosecco know it's by the spirit no no no give me scripture give me scripture say it so you have that so usually now notice it says prophets and the teachers were in the church at Antioch now Barnabas function according to church records more as a prophet okay and even talked to me you can see some of it in the book of Acts but we know that Paul was called to be an apostle and was going to grow up to be an apostle eventually now let's keep going because he says actually 1 take you to 2nd Timothy chapter 3 2nd Timothy 3 verse 1 Paul tells Timothy this know also that in the last days are we in the last days probably so because Peter stove and said this is that which prophet joel spoke in the last days I'll pour my spirit that was 2000 years ago that was the last days we're in later last days right okay in the last days perilous times shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection trucebreakers false accusers incontinent fierce despisers of those that are good traitors heady highminded lovers of pleasures more than lovers of god having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away yeah that's a command from such turn away you got that you knows it doesn't say buddy up next to them and try to win them with your love it doesn't say it says turn away you get it hey should you love them yeah but you turn away from them you don't fellowship with them you let them know said people don't know that they're doing something wrong then they'll never change so but you don't condone the wrong now I'm just an okay now watch for of this sort are they which creep into houses and lead captives silly women laden with sins led away with various lusts and look at this next description ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth now this is a danger that's in the church right now right people are always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth now I'm not saying that you're going to get to a place to go okay I'm done learning I'm never going to learn anything else no the idea is that you are learning and growing but the problem is now in the church we have the idea that your entire Christian life is to be spent learning rather than coming to a knowledge of the truth and actually doing what you've been learning and instead we think I don't know enough yet I'm in God's green house he's growing me now and most the time you won't grow if you don't start doing what you've already heard it was one preacher I heard a while back he said something he said people ask me why am i why must I get on this verse and I stayed there and I preached on it for six weeks and they want to know why do you still keep preaching the same verse he said when you get it we'll move on real simple right so hitting a notice he said ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth now in Hebrews it also tells us about all of these things these basically seven truths or seven foundations and it talked about faith towards God laying hands resurrection all these different things and he said but let us move to perfection he said let's move away from these principles from the basics and let's move on to perfection which means maturity so let's move beyond always talking about faith and let's actually start living faith they say that's different than hearing it so you actually have to hear the word of God get faith and do something with it or you end up like some groups that are saying the exact same thing that they said in the 1970s and yet nothing has changed and even the problems they're facing are still the same right that is not God God wants us to grow up overcome the problems we had when we came into Christ or came into truth and actually start putting those circumstances under our feet and growing up being like Jesus and overcoming these things right and then walking in them now look at the next part it says now as Johnny and John Berry's withstood Moses so do these also resist the truth they resist truth here that that means truth is there but they resist it men of corrupt Minds reprobate concerning the faith but they shall proceed no further for their folly shall be manifest unto all men as theirs also was talking about there - now watch in verse 10 but you Paul talks the Timothy you Timothy have fully known my doctrine my manner of life my purpose you hear that purpose he's telling Timothy Timothy listen you're not like these guys don't be like them turn away from them you're not like them you have known my doctrine you've known how I live you know my purpose think about that you know how few people know their purpose and here Paul is telling Timothy you even know my purpose I know now if Paul hadn't known his purpose Timothy wouldn't have known Paul's purpose for somebody know your purpose you've got to know your purpose amen so he says my purpose my faith you've known my faith you've known my long-suffering you've known my charity and you've known my patience you've known my persecutions and afflictions which at Antioch at Iconium at Lystra what persecutions I endured but out of them all the Lord delivered me yay and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution but evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived now remember how he started this by saying in the last days perilous times do you realize you're in perilous times what does that mean that means that you then listen I'm not talking about being paranoid I'm talking about recognizing the times the seasons the things going on recognizing circumstances around you recognize them that you have an adversary recognized and he's trying to set you up he's trying to he doesn't plan for tomorrow he might plan for five years down the road right why cuz he's got an overall plan that he's trying to bring together so he's trying to set these things up and he's trying to weaken you somebody wrote me something the other day said what is your stance on alcohol and they said you know what someone of my manual said something that I don't know what they're referring to but my stance on alcohol is really simple I don't touch it and every I've touched it and every will touch it and no else needs to touch it that's my stance right he said well what about a little wine here that I don't that you everything you do in some way or another weakens you or strengthens you and every time you do it you get weaker or every time you do it you get stronger your job as a Christian is to find the things that we can you and do away with them kill them those are called the lusts of the flesh right and you're to crucify that you're to find the things that strengthen you and do those as much as you can that's your job as a Christian basically so now personally you know if you drink little whiners and like that I don't know if you're going to hell over that I wouldn't say something necessarily it just says don't be drunk with it with wine which is in excess but be filled with the spirit but I'll tell you this if you're busy getting filled with the spirit probably won't have time to get drunk with one just saying okay now in that I've never seen alcohol do any good for anybody except the people that sold it right everybody else that destroys families destroys lives all those little white crosses you see on the side of the road many of those come from out all related incidents so I just don't see a purpose for it right just as simple and so if it's not going to help make me stronger why do I want to deal with it my wife it's a great cook right and she's always trying to get me to try some of her different foods which I'm a picky eater actually I'm a simple leader people call it picking okay I'm not but I just eat simple right and my wife said oh you got to try this so good and I'm like I can smell it I know it smells good it looks good there's a lot of vegetables and things that look really pretty okay I'm just not going to eat them it's just a simple they've they're really pretty on a plate pretty colors my plate needs to be brown okay it needs to be brown and maybe maybe some white and yellow that's the mashed potatoes with butter yep but all the meat needs to be good and brown okay it's just that simple no so but she's always trying to get me to try this food and everybody else is all this is great you're trying something and I said look I like what I already like and I already too much of that I don't need to add anything else into my diet that I'm gonna like right so a lot of times I don't I just don't try it because I don't want to like it that makes sense and if you ever saw the movie gods in generals but with Gods and Generals at the time when the Stonewall Jackson is meeting with Jeff Stewart and he asked him if he wanted to try some chewing tobacco or something like that and he says no I never touch the stuff he says I find I might I might I like it too much and so he just cut it out of his life see Christians need to learn to cut things out of your life there's TV shows you just cut off right are the whole TV for that matter there there's there's books you need to not just put down you need to throw away because you might go back to them again later so you got to burn those bridges and not just you know how tomb under a shelf somewhere right so you get that out of your life you purge yourself of these things and you'll be a vessel unto honor according to the Word of God amen so right now notice here he says I want to go to verse 14 he says telling Timothy but continue you in the things which you have learned and have been assured of knowing of whom you have learned on here that he says listen continue and the things you've learned and be settled be assured one knowing where you got it see that's the thing okay if you're gonna listen to my teaching you have to be settled in the fact that I hear from God and then what I bring out his truth because you have to be settled by by whom you've heard certain things amen now I'm not pleased understand I'm not nearly stretching anyway you know trying to get you to put me on a pedestal if anything I'm trying to go the other way and trying to realize get you to realize that whatever I've ever done and what I've seen God do you can do it matter of fact I hope you do more than I do right but you ain't gonna do it sitting on your blessed assurance never did going anywhere right the thing almost all the great miracles not all of it a lot of them probably 70% I have seen in other countries that I would not have seen if I hadn't gone right so if you want to see something you're not seeing something maybe you're in the wrong place maybe you need to go somewhere and see it and then go do it go see something so no he says knowing of whom you have learned them and that from a child you have known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make you wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable notice for what for doctrine for reproof for correction and for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect thoroughly furnished unto all good works where do you get how do you get thirty first unto all good works you get in the scriptures do you that you get in the scripture what because they are that's what's able to make you wise unto salvation what is salvation healing deliverance eternal life all these things right prosperity all that's in Salvation but it's a scriptures it's not just hearing it from somebody now understand when Paul wrote this there was no New Testament he was writing letters so I understand that but we have to realize now we have the New Testament so you can get in the Word of God one of the things I've noticed is that the people that walk in the most power and have the most manifestation of the Spirit of God are the people who spend the most time in the Bible and or walking with God real simple now when you see that correlation it should make you understand more time of the word amen and honestly there's most of time I'd rather spend my time either walking talking with God driving talking with God or in Scripture just reading scripture and conversing with him about stuff then then almost any other thing right so now notice in the second Timothy chapter 4 2nd Timothy chapter 4 verse 1 Paul tells Timothy I charge you that's a command I'm commanding you to do this I charge you therefore before God in other words you're going to stand before God and he's going to bring up this charge that I'm giving you do you see how important it is to see well I think we don't see the the severity of this right but he said I charge you before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who shall judge the quick and the dead in other words you he's still gonna do that do you realize that he's still gonna judge the quick and the dead and he said I'm charging you before God so you're gonna stand before him and he's gonna remind you of this charge right of whether you did it or not and he said he's going to judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom and he here's what he charges him to do King James says it this way preach the word be instant in season out of season now watch what he tells them to do reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine you hear that he doesn't exhort with doctrine exhort with doctrine right but he tells them reprove rebuke exhort those are not nice words those are strong words they're even harsh words and I can tell you right now in most churches in America today somewhere here you know going on on Sunday you're not hearing a reproof a rebuke or even instruction in righteousness well because of the state of the church today mostly the church has become a self-help motivational you know 20 minute sermon and has nothing to do with the Bible and as they pull some story out of it to try to tie it all together make it seem Christian right now in verse 3 it says for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears this goes right back to those who are always learning but never coming to a knowledge of the truth and they're heaping to themselves teachers that they have itching ears trying to hear something new Paul knew about this he'd been there in Athens and they were always wanting to hear some new thing and so he was saying these but notice he said this isn't now he said the time will come he was talking about a future time I really believe we're in that town whenever and in what he says he says but watch thou in all things yeah I guess I go back to verse 4 they have itching ears and they shall turn away their ears from the truth and shall be turned unto fables fables people gonna start believin fables rather than the Word of God now fastest way to bleed fables still the Word of God is go somewhere where they never read from the Word of God where they just go through and you know just say some good little thing and some motivation or type thing or something but they're not reading from the Word of God you need to get in the Word of God right but watch thou in all things endure afflictions do the work of an evangelist make full proof of your ministry for I am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand I have fought a good fight I have finished my course I have kept the faith man that that one statement verse seven how many people even in yourself is that what you're gonna be able to write as you're finishing this life because that's who we're supposed to be people that have fought the good fight of faith people that have finished our course think about that didn't run our race and finished our course do you realize William Branham didn't finish his course what because he died in a car wreck against an oncoming drunk driver there you know they're like we talked about earlier on crit on Christmas Eve in 1965 he didn't finish his course he was only what 47 or 50 57 remember exactly so he hadn't finished his course by any stretch but now notice to act I can go on and on different people that have not finished their course and we have to realize that if we're going to finish our course then we have to run according to the rules Paul says right now he goes on in Matthew chapter 9 Matthew chapter 9 starting in verse actually no what I'm gonna go back and read you can turn the Matthew nine but I want to read to you if you were a first century Greek person reading what Paul just wrote to Timothy where he said in verse two preach the word be instant in season analyses and all that remember that I want to read to you what a first century Greek person would hear right this would be from the original Greek it says and Paul said preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine that's King James here's literal Greek make a public proclamation of the word of God with such formality gravity and authority as must be heeded hold yourself in readiness for this Proclamation when opportunity presents itself and when it doesn't reprove so as to bring forth conviction and confession of guilt rebuke sharply severely and with a suggestion of impending penalty yeah think about that when was the last time you heard the gospel preached like that wasn't on TV I can tell you that what because we have to realize we deal with eternity and our eternity is nothing more than a succession of seconds in our life now Matthew chapter 9 verse 32 says and as they went out behold they brought to him a dumb man possessed with the devil and when the devil was cast out the dumb spoke and the multitudes marveled saying it was never so seen in Israel but the Pharisees said no notice he just cast a spirit out right but the Pharisee said he cast out Devils through the Prince of the Devils and Jesus dinners there's no recognition here no nothing that Jesus even responded right but and Jesus went about all the cities and villages teaching in their synagogues preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every sickness never disease among the people what does that mean Jesus didn't even pay attention to what they said he went right on with what he was doing right but when he saw the multitudes he was moved with compassion on them because they fainted and were scattered abroad as sheep having no Shepherd then santhi under his disciples the harvest truly is plenteous but the laborers are few pray ye therefore the lord of the harvest that he will send forth cast out laborers into his harvest now they broke this up and put chapter 10 there it shouldn't have been it's a continuing right so he says and when he had called unto him his twelve disciples he gave them power authority against unclean spirits to cast them out notice he just got scolded from the Pharisees for casting out Devils and saying oh he does it by the Prince of Devils then he calls his twelve disciples says listen I want you to heal the sick aren't you and I'm giving you power to cast out devils and the Pharisees were probably still standing there I mean it doesn't say think about that he didn't even pay attention to them then he says and he gave them power to cast out spirits to cast them out and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease in other words I want you to go do exactly what I'm doing ya know pay attention these guys they're over here mouth and you know where my power comes from you I'm giving you power to go do it you go do it right now the names of 12 and he gives it to 12 they don't - going down to verse go to verse 7 and as you go preach saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead cast out Devils freely you have received freely give provide neither gold nor silver nor brass in your purses in other words don't wait till you save up enough money to pay for the trip go go and I'll meet your need see that's when everybody translate well you know I'm just getting around trying get all my ducks order here and I'm trying to air everything done and when I get everything set you know where when I retired from my job I only got two more years I retired when I retire I'm gonna and then I can go to the mission field no I ain't gonna happen my weather but I'll have my pension then yeah sure you will because pensions don't disappear overnight do they yeah of course they do so what have you put your trust and faith demands God is your only source if you have another source other than God God is not your God now I'm not saying God won't use a job to pay you because he can do that I'm just saying whether the job pays you or what's going on God is your source and you give credit to God farther the source amen that's what faith is yeah because that when you do that no matter what goes on and things happen whenever no matter what goes on it won't affect you but if your faith is in that job when you lose that job you'll end up you know doing something stupid you know I'm doing something crazy whatever it is and because your face is in that job but when your faith is in God then you just look and go what you know what God you shut one door you open another so where's the open door where am i what am i stepping into okay they fired me because I had witnesses so and so and so I know you got a better job for me so what's my better job where's that at and let God bring it to you amen but you're not you're not shaken well because God has shared your source so then he says go down to that wood yeah I'm trying to hurry here but I want to yeah go to verse 12 go to verse 12 and when you come into a house saluted and if the house be worthy let your peace come upon it but if it be not worthy let your peace return to you and whosoever shall not receive you nor hear your words when you depart out of that house our city shake off the dust of your feet verily I say unto you it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Day of Judgment than for that City do you realize that's how important your words are that's how important what you carry with you is that cities will be judged based on how they receive what you say do you get that behold I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves be therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves but beware of men for they will deliver you up to the council's notice this you still stand there talk to them Pharisees probably still there nothing said they left or anything else nothing said they had parted ways or gone anywhere it says whenever he did that he called his twelve and now he's telling this right he says they will deliver you up to the council's and they will scourge you in their synagogues and you shall be brought before governors and Kings for my sake for a testimony against them you know that you're gonna be brought before kings and governors for my sake as a testimony against them not as a testimony to them not to go witness to them but to go to them and say what you're doing and yet it'll be a testimony against them because they won't receive you see Paul did this what if Festus say you almost persuade me what was that that's a testimony against Festus Amen okay yeah I'm telling there's I want to say there's a time coming but I also want to say and the time is now we're gonna start seeing what we're gonna see people walk in the authority that Jesus has been declaring for them to walk in and you're in it when that happens and see the church should be praying for that and you know wanting to see it and wanting to see amazing things and all kind of stuff but with that also comes responsibility and when you see those things what you're also going to be seeing you're gonna see new brand new and a nice and sapphires and the church is going to get exactly what it's been asking for but when they deliver you up take no thought how or what you shall speak for it shall be given you in that same hour what you shall speak for it is not you that speak but the Spirit of your father which speaks in you and the brother shall deliver up the brother to death and the father the child and the children shall rise up against their parents and cause them to be put to death and you shall be hated of all men for my name's sake but he that endures to the end shall be saved but when they persecute you in this city see when we say this city we think he's talking about oh when it when they persecute you in this city then go to that city no no he was saying right then when they persecute you in this city right here with these Pharisees watching when they persecute you flee into another for verily I say unto you you shall have you shall not have gone over the cities of Israel till the Son of man become the disciple is not above his master nor the servant above his Lord it is enough for the disciple that he be as his master and the servant as his Lord now watch if they have called the master of the house Beelzebub and Annette what they just did see he's referring to that same situation this is still going on and he says no well notice if they they who they right there then those those Pharisees that's what he's talking about they were still there watching what's going on and he says now it's enough for you to be like me then the disciple would be like his master it's enough that you be like your Lord I'm your Lord I'm your master it's enough you'd you be like me and if they've caught if they've called me Beelzebub and guess what they're they are going to do the same thing to you you get that and don't we see that happen in the book of Acts exact same thing no he says and how much more shall they called them of his household no watch fear them not don't worry about them right what for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed and hid that shall not be known what I tell you in darkness that speak ye in light and what you hear in the ear that preach ye upon the housetops notice when he says what I tell you in darkness speaking light what he's saying is when you're praying before daylight in the morning and I and you hear me talk to you then whenever you go out that day you speak what I told you see that's what he's talking about darkness and light he's talking about nighttime and daytime all right and he said that preach ye upon the housetops now look at verse 28 and fear not them which kill the body now I'm sure they were all listen to this and they're like yeah yeah that's work we're gonna go and we're gonna go and preach and they're not gonna like us they're gonna say and and don't fear because I'm gonna expose them and then he says and fear not them which kill the body and I'm sure they said and kick what kill what buddy yeah what weight they're gonna kill a body whose body and you know that got their attention because so far he hadn't talked to anybody dying now let's talk about somebody dying right then he says no watch but are not able to kill the soul well that's some you know I think consolation all right but notice but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell see the Bible says that if the in Proverbs it says that if the Foundation's be destroyed what can the righteous do I'm telling you our foundations are being destroyed from the church by the church right now why because there are people right now and it's sad because you know you sue there were enough idiots as their work but now we got internet and we gave every idiot a voice to spread their idiocy and you got people out there I know there is no hell that was actually talking about a dunghill outside of Jerusalem that was burning all the time really so you think your soul can be destroyed in a dunghill that's on fire outside Jerusalem no he said your body can be destroyed both body and soul in hell Jesus talked more about Hell than he did heaven right that might be a clue you don't want to go there if you hear what he said right well I just don't believe in a good God could send somebody to hell he doesn't you send yourself there what he's provided the antidote and it's tried to do everything he can to get you to change and if you don't do it he didn't send you there when you die you're gonna go to the place that is most like your spirit he said well I'm not a bad person you ever noticed no he's a bad person if you ask them it's amazing right and here's it but it's not about being a good person or a bad person that says Jesus didn't come to make you good he came to make you righteous amen so there is an aspect here that we have to realize and when people say things and it's amazing you know if you don't like the rules go play another game see how that works out for you right you know go go be a Buddhist wait which actually you look at they just keep coming back and coming back and coming back I can't be too much fun right especially if you go downward right you ever notice how his people believe in reincarnation there were always queens and kings and princes they were never the kings toilet cleaner you ever notice that it's amazing just shows their own you know help what they think of themselves more highly than they ought so anyway moving right along it says are not two sparrows sold for a farthing and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your father but the very hairs on your head are all numbered fear ye not therefore you are of more value than many sparrows whosoever therefore shall confess before confess me before men him will I confess also before my father which is in heaven now that word confessed simply means to say the same thing as so if you say the same thing Jesus said before men God will say the same thing that you said or Jesus was said before his father right now that's not talking about necessarily just confessing Christ and saying he is Christ and he's Lord that includes that but it means everything you say right because you're not supposed to be speaking any out of words non-productive words you're supposed to bring forth words that Minister grace so he says here but whosoever shall deny me before men him will I also deny before my father which is in heaven think not noticing carefully think not that I am come to send peace on earth I came not to send peace but a sword for I am come to set a man at variance against his father and the daughter against her mother and the daughter in law against her mother-in-law and a man's foes shall be they of his own household he that loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me and he that loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me and he that takes not his cross and follows after me is not worthy of me he that finds his life shall lose it and he that loses his life for my sake shall find it heating their watch he that receives their watches he that receives you receives me and he that receives me receives him that sent me and he that receives or he that receives a prophet and this is one of the main importance of when he get to he that receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a Prophet's reward and he that receives a righteous man in the name of righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward notice there are different types of rewards that you can receive by how you receive a person in other words how you esteem a person or what you think about a person is what you can receive from them and by them you get that this is what I was talking about earlier when I talked about some pastors and and if you receive necessarily receive me as your teacher then you can get the teaching if you receive me as a pastor then you can be pastored but if what he said here is if you receive a person as a prophet in the name of the Prophet then you get a prophet reward let me give you an example now I don't claim to be a prophet per se but my calling includes the calling of Prophet actually even some of the prophetic words that have gone on has about very well-known well-established prophets you know in the world today that are still alive as a matter of fact some of Mark that I was to be called as a what they actually call was an end times a prophet apostle which means that I would function equally in both areas now we've already seen that to some degree which this year we're going to see it even more so in one area but what we've seen over the last roughly a year and a half maybe well actually longer than that there have been people that come to me in the healing line that don't come for a healing but they've come and said I need a word from God what are they doing they are receiving a Prophet's reward because they esteemed me a prophet do you understand that so they could they understand see we have this idea that who a prophet apostle know let's get it right Paul said that God had set the Apostles first in that as the offscouring the scum of the earth okay so it's you if you if you're an apostle doesn't mean you're some big little Pope right we're not talking about that we're talking about the fact that you're the foundation and you go back to the foundation of laying accurate doctrine right that's the key and that you go you plant there's a lot more to it we'll be talking about I'm sure the rest this year and so many things but when people say I need a word from God then but usually I don't know before they get there but as they do that then every time so far God has given them a word and from everything that I know I don't know of any times that we've ever missed it right and I've had our staff there with me we we don't always record everything I'd like to record it better but I don't know that we've ever missed anyone I usually ask me what does that mean anything to you is this right and usually tell by the expression that it was right and so what because God has for years I had to stay at a certain level because we were teaching people how to administer healing and so I had to function at that level and I couldn't go beyond that because then I would Minister healing at a level that was beyond entry level but then God finally now we've got this taught enough where there are other people teaching it where now I can expand into the measure of rule that God has given me so that I can be the person who I'm supposed to be and now we're starting to flow in these things and yet I'll still be able to switch back over into the role of a teacher whenever i minister healing through the DHD that makes sense so what you the whole process is that whatever you need from God you can get from God but you can pull it through the man of God whoever you came to receive ministry from Amen no matter what that is so but what you can't go beyond well how you see a person right if you only see me as a teacher then all you can get from me is teaching right but if you can say God I need to know this then God can funnel that through me as long as I'm open to being used by God amen so and I will tell you I've known since before the beginning of this year this was the year of fulfilled prophecy like we said and the things I'm talking about were things that were property and we're seeing the fulfillment of it I've seen increase in areas prophetic especially near prophetic things that I'm not even trying to push toward but I know things and they come and I check them out and then we prove them out and then God is able to share more things so we're moving into these things right now he says here yeah he that receives a prophet name of province shall receive a Prophet's reward and he that receives the right to the end in the name of righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward verse 42 and whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple verily I say unto you he showing no wise lose his reward now notice okay notice what we've done here we've gone from Matthew 10 from Matthew none okay into Matthew 10 from Matthew 10 into Matthew 11 now right so I'm not taking this out of context this is all one context okay Matthew 11 verse 1 and it came to pass when Jesus had made an end of commanding his twelve disciples here he commanded all this stuff he just commanded them and they're right now think about this Jesus told in Matthew 28 he said go ye into all the world what and preach the gospel it ain't right make disciples is actually the word doesn't say make it actually says go ye into all the world and disciple all nations it doesn't say make decipher you can't make a disciple this whole thing about disciple making that's all buzzwords it's not true you can't make a disciple you can only disciple people determine whether they become a disciple but as you disciple so you can't make them do it they have to choose to do it you can present okay Jesus had 12 disciples but Judas chose not to be Jesus didn't make him right so you can do that now he said that go into all the world and he said deciphering all nations who are what and he said commanding they were teaching them to do to know to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you is that right so the commands were supposed to be passed right on down right so now here he just said Jesus made an end of commanding his twelve disciples so all of this stuff is a command which is we're supposed to be teaching to whoever we are disciple so because a disciple is an exact replica of the one that disciples him that's the way it's supposed to be now he says he committed when he made an end of commanding his twelve disciples he departed thence to teach and preach in their cities now when John had heard in the prison the works of Christ he sent two of his disciples and said unto Him are you he that should come or do we look for another jesus answered and said unto him go and show John again those things which you do hear and see here and see the blind receive their sight the lame walk lepers are cleansed the Deaf hear the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them and blessed is he whosoever shall not be offended in me now now notice listen carefully Jesus talks a lot about offenses there in every ministry Church whatever is going on you're gonna have people that come and go right the churches have a bigger turnover the McDonald's right I'm not kidding it's ridiculous but and the point is this when people leave a lot of times when they leave they will leave and tell people they left because they were hurt well because they can't come up with a good reason to leave unless they're hurt do you understand some people now understand most people are not hurt when they leave they're offended because they chose to take offence which Jesus said don't do do you get that now there's a difference between somebody that gets hurt and somebody that takes offence and leaves you get that so whenever someone and and it's really amazing because you know there's no scripture well if you talk to a Christian they'll never say well I left cuz I was mad the other way you know you can't do that so they don't say that well I was hurt well how were you hurt well I don't want to talk about it okay right but the fact is they they weren't hurt what it is is their feelings might have got hurt which means they took offense okay and what because they wanted something that they were never supposed to get usually right or they wanted position or they wanted this thing or they wanted that thing and it wasn't gonna work that way right what because number one I'm not trying to I'm not trying to put people in position I'm trying to find people what Jesus said we're trying to find laborers that want to go out into his field that's what we're trying to do but most people don't want to go into the field they want to stay in the house and be somebody and so they want to position they want a title they want this or they or they want their own thing and they come along long enough to get enough pictures taken so they can go off and go oh I was with curry or I was do this and I did this thing and then they go off and they start a Facebook and try to get people to follow that's what happens right okay yeah honestly I don't care about into that you know we've been talking recently honestly we've got a large organization all around the world I didn't care about it why because all it matters is is every person walking with God that's all that counts all I want to do is preach pray for people walk with God you know stare to the Bible and just spend time with God that's really all I want to do and in the process right some books or something that maybe it'll help some people that's that's really all there is to it the idea of what I'm this person I'm over this country I'm over this thing and it who cares that is that ain't going to get you anywhere what counts is what do you if you if you think that you what are you doing there what impact are you making are you if you say well I'm over a nation with him blessed God you better take care of that nation because you're gonna be held accountable of what you did with that nation because you're claiming that thing right so don't say well I'm over this nation and everybody bow down to me in this nation know you're there to serve you're not there to be a little Pope like I said before amen and we have to realize our job is to serve the ministry is to serve to be served Jesus came not to be served but to serve and that's the ministry he passed to us ministry means serve right it doesn't mean be somebody important right I've just seen it so much that it's it's disgusting to watch people they just think they can be something and because they're in the church and the real bottom line is what do you do them with the gospel and with the truth are you obeying the words of Jesus because if you're not you can't even call him Lord where you can but doesn't mean the thing we've already read that amen yeah yeah I get this so at some point you got to get real let's just get real with this and let's just walk and serve God and let's just you know change the world could we can do it so so finally finishing up okay I promise okay and for today okay notice he says in verse 6 and blessed is he whosoever shall not be offended in me and as they departed Jesus began to say unto the multitudes concerning John what went ye out into the wilderness to see a reed shaken with the wind yeah that's not what you're gonna see what John because he wouldn't a reed shaken right he was solid but what went ye out for to see a man clothed in soft raiment behold they that wear soft clothing are in King's houses not out in the wilderness right but what went ye out for to see a prophet yea I say unto you and more than a prophet for this is he of whom it's written behold I send my messenger before your face which shall prepare thy way before thee verily I say unto you now remember he's talking to the multitude his disciples are already left they've already walked off he said they left and he started talking to multitude he said I say to you among them that are born of women there is not risen a greater than John the Baptist notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he that's you when I read that as I've said before I if I believe it comes in a bottle but there are some things it's just kind of hard to believe right and to believe that the least in the kingdom which would include me and clothed you is greater than John the Baptist and he was the greatest prophet that ever lived think about that one because we carry something greater than John did John had a message our message is greater and we've got something John didn't have he lives in us that's what makes us great amen not anything of ourselves the fact that he dwells amongst us now he says in verse 12 and from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the words that means that it is forcefully pressed into right in other words people are kicking since the days of John the Baptist the gates have been rate of heaven have basically been kicked in and people are pressing into it because they want in the kingdom that's what he's talking about right then he says and the violent which is simply a word that means energetic and forceful right and they weren't okay let's put it this way if you're a passive you ain't getting in why because you don't get in by sitting there and doing nothing you get in by pressing in do you get that if you want something you press in for it you don't just sit there go where if God wants me to have it Lord if it be thy will because it would you know if it's my will no I don't know you will then read my word my will is my word if it's not as well as not as worried as a liar do you realize he said that he has exalted his word even above his name do you get that you realized solid that is I mean if God doesn't keep his word his name is no good so we have to realize this book called the Bible is the only physical contact we have with God not your feelings this book so this book stands and it's amazing how well it has stood so he says that the violent the energetic the forceful take it by force in other words you don't get the kingdom by just sitting there going Oh Lord just bless me know whatever you have to take it and when you take it it doesn't mean just hold your hands over because if you hold your hands up and God puts it in there the devil come along and take it out so whatever you get from God you got to take hold of it and hold it and when the devil comes that tries to junk it out of him you go no devil you ain't getting it is mine you get that that's called being energetic that's called being forceful that's the violent taking the kingdom of heaven by force you're not fighting God he's one that's offered the kingdom right it's the devil that you have to resist so you have to take hold of what he's given you and say this is mine amen Jesus died to give to me and it's mine and ever you can't have it you need to do the same thing with your healing yep devil I'm telling you this healing it's mine I'm healed by His stripes and you ain't taking it right why cuz the devil doesn't come to give you cancer he came to steal your health it never says the devil came to give you anything it says he came to steal kill and destroy right so he didn't come and give you cancer he stole your health and cancer developed do you understand that so when you get that then you start to go no no devil I got my health I got it I got my healing just that part it's mine you ain't getting it and whenever you stand firm in that now you're the energetic and you were taking the king of heaven by force and you're supposed to right he says all that started with John for all the prophets and the law prophesied until John and if you'll receive it this is Elias which was for to come he that his ears to hear let him hear but where and to shall I liken this generation it's like a children like like children sitting in the markets and calling to their fellows or friends and saying we piped unto you and you've not danced we have mourned unto you and you've not lamented then notice what is he saying you're like I said no matter what we did we couldn't please you no matter what we did you wouldn't join in no matter what we did you wouldn't take part of it right he said that's what this generation is like you wouldn't participate for John came neither eating nor drinking and they say he has a devil then the son of man comes eating and drinking you say behold a man gluttonous and wine-bibber so you can't please people that's all he's saying you can't please people here comes John he's out there living a rugged life and you say he had a devil and here I come along trying to fit in with everybody and meet with everybody and you say oh look he's nothing he's a wine-bibber and he's a glutton and eating and I he can't be a prophet he should be over fasting but if I was over there fasting you'd say oh look he's got a devil he's over here austere and I'll you can't please people that's what Jesus is saying to these people is it not I mean come on that's what he fan he said no matter what you did he says but you called me a friend of publicans and sinners but wisdom is justified of her children so no matter what God did you wouldn't receive it he said he sends you two different kinds of prophets right one is the Christ and he said neither one of them would you receive think about that then began he to upbraid the cities were in most of his mighty works were done because they repented not and he said woe unto thee kaizen warn thee bisetta for if the mighty works which were done in you had been done in tyre and Sidon they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes but I say unto you it shall be more tolerable for tyre and sidon at the day of judgment than for you and you Capernaum which art exalted unto heaven shall be brought down to hell for if the mighty works which have been done in you had been done in Sodom it would have remained unto this day because it would have repented but I say unto you that it should be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the Day of Judgment than for you now stopping right here the point is this you have to decide everything I do say I'm not here just to preach I could be preaching in a lot prettier places right I'm actually preaching anywhere right and so I'm not here just to preach if I'm here and you're here it's because God wants me to train you equip you and raise you up to a place where you can speak think and act like Jesus that that's the reason amen now and this year we're gonna see growth we're gonna see things happening we might see some decrease before we see increase because that's usually the way it happens but because one because we're going to go in certain directions that we're going to force the kingdom of darkness as much as it is a kingdom still it's pretty destroyed but it's it's going to have to sit up take notice and get out of the way it's just that simple why because it's time it's just that simple it's just time right not that I've been playing games but I'm all tired of games and and I'm not trying to well there's a lot of work to be done and we got to get it done and and God has placed us in this location in this area and to be honest with you we have made not that big a dent locally most of people that come here come from other places and which is amazing that's exactly what it was with dr. Moreau but we have to make an impact in this city also in the Metroplex itself but also around the world matter of fact this year we're going to be doing DBI from here and we've already you know decided that it's going to be open and free tuition that we're not going to charge tuition part that whoever we let in we're going to be training people because we want to get the message out right and we want to train and equip people to get on the field and we're going to help them get on the field and we're going to do a mission trip with them and we're going to be able to take people out and let them see what real Christianity is and then that's what we're doing this year so now we will remain a church there will always be a church body here but at the same time the primary purpose of my ministry and of even my being here is to as we said earlier in the mission statement is to really promote New Testament apostolic Christianity with the power and display of the Spirit of God in a way that will that that nobody can refute right which means signs and wonders healings miracles all those kind of things going on and it's time that America see them to a degree that she's never seen it before and it needs to be right here in Dallas there's enough prophetic word about Dallas that it needs to come to pass amen and that this will be a sending place that people go out from here and establish things all over the earth so that's what's going to happen this year amen all right well so we're going to stop right there and if you need me to minister to you my team will put that together I know I went over a little longer today in both sessions so I'm not gonna apologize for that door and lock you could've left anytime you want it so but the bottom line is I said what God wanted me to say and that's what counts and now we're gonna do what God wants me to do we'll just set you free so if you need help they will set that up all right god bless you hey guys hey I just wanted to welcome you I'm Cree Blake general it was here janja Lake ministries we are so glad that you have decided to take the step to investigate life teams becoming a certified divine healing technician getting plugged in and taken the responsibility to enter into the life that Jesus has actually died to give us so the next step now since you've come this far is to simply sign up that's how to get started just sign up and when you do now you're gonna go and check your email box and you're going to get instructions on how to become certified DHD how to start a life team but you know and maybe some of you are already within JJM and you're already a leader at some level and you're saying okay why do I have to do this well it's very simple we're putting everybody into the same system so that it works like a well-oiled machine like we've talked about because we want to make sure everything is working very well together so if you are an existing leader within JG Liam we can tell you nothing's going to change we're just gathering the information so it's all in one database and we are going to be able to communicate with you a lot better this is this is going to really solve the communication problems that we've had over the past but there's a new day and you get to get right into it so sign up do it now don't wait do it now and then check your email box it's just that simple so listen I really appreciate this Jesus appreciates this because you're plugging in and you're wanting to take responsibility so I look forward to working with you we're gonna have a great time advancing the kingdom god bless you [Music] we would like to thank our partners and friends for making today's broadcast possible if you enjoy today's message or would like more information and resources please visit our website at jg LM o RG [Music] Marty God Angel armies on speed [Music] if you are considering partnering with us and would like to support our mission please visit JG LM da o RG forward slash partners proceeds will go toward the cost of the television broadcast and our mission work around the world [Music] if you enjoyed the teaching this series and those previously aired are available for purchase online at jg LM o RG [Music] visit JJ Elam mediacom to watch this program and more at anytime subscribe for full access to our entire library or you can rent by n watch for free select resources with over 700 hours of teaching to watch and more being added we've got your needs cutter [Music] oh stop stay
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 58,537
Rating: 4.8606272 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 46sec (5326 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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