Opening Your Spiritual Eyes Part 1: What Do You See - August 20, 2017

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[Music] [Music] again good morning how's it by doing good all right let's good to see everybody we're going to get in the word right away so grab your Bibles and let's go to second Kings second kings and we're going to cover a little bit of ground today but you can rest assured we want to get about 45 minutes to get it done in so you'll get a break here in a minute so this morning though and actually today is really going to be kind of a two-part series the morning the first service here and then the second service are going to go hand-in-hand and kind of overlap and so those of you they're here for this morning service that's good because you'll get it all otherwise the people that come in later will have to if they want to hear the total message they will actually have to get a hold of this on CD or mp3 or whatever but second Kings chapter 6 now really the the idea behind today is what do you see what do you see right because what you see determines what you experience and so we're going to talk about what you see today after there are seven times in scripture where God asked someone this and this is in the King James with is it seven times he asked them one what see us thou what do you see and so we're going to look at that this morning but we're looking it from a little bit I'm not going to give you the seven places where he said that but you can look those up but in 2nd Kings chapter 6 and we're gonna start in verse 8 now if we went to verse 1 through 7 it's a good story it's always interesting it's about iron that floats and most of you have heard that story before about how the iron axe head floated and it's an amazing illustration of faith you might say and how to walk in the miraculous and there are details there that most people miss in just reading over it and we're I'm sure we'll cover it at some time future but right now we're going to start in verse 8 and in verse 8 it says once when the king of syria was warring against israel he took counsel with his servants saying at such and such a place shall be my camp so he's planning where he would put his but the man of God sent word to the king of Israel now the man of God here of course is Elijah and he wasn't there he was in Israel and but yet he was hearing what the king of Syria was saying - in his inner counsel so now if God can tell Elijah what the king of Syria was saying in his bedchamber zwey King James says it then you can rest assured that God knows everything you're saying and what you're thinking and how you're feeling and all that kind of stuff so God is not far from you that he doesn't know what's going on in your life but now that's beside the point that's not the message so and then he said in verse 10 actually verse 9 but the man of God sent word to the king of Israel saying beware that you do not pass this place for the Syrians are going down there so he's wanting them to keep clear of that area verse 10 and the king of Israel sent to the place about which the man of God told him thus he used to warn him so that he saved himself there more than once or twice so in other words that one word from Elijah saved the king of Israel more than once or twice in other words several times he protected him by knowing ahead of time where he was at now there are so many different applications that you could look at this you could you could say that in all these deals God could tell you what business deals to make which ones to avoid what to what you know what to sidestep different things in your life choices because every one of your choices basically your life is a sum total of all of your choices up to this point and most people's choices tend to follow their thoughts very few people do things they hadn't thought about regardless of what they try to say they haven't they've actually thought about it and so your thoughts generally control your actions and your actions end up creating an entire destiny and so it's important that you guard your thoughts right and we'll be talking about that in the near future as we talk more about the mind renewal aspect then he says in verse 11 and the mind of the king of syria was greatly troubled because of this thing and he called his servants and said to them we you not show me who of us is for the king of Israel and the world to the spy and we get a spy in our number who is the spy we to me tell me who it is that's telling the king of Israel my plans and verse twelve and one of my servants said none my lord o king but Elisha the prophet who is in Israel tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedroom words he's here and everything you're saying and so now notice verse 13 and this is this is what amazes me verse 13 and he said go and see where he is that I that I may send and seize him so now you've got a prophet that is telling what the king of Syria is saying in his bedroom and now the king of Syria is saying to his entire council go find Elijah so I can capture him now if he heard what you're saying in the bedroom he's probably hearing what you're saying to your council so how you going to sneak up on a guy like that all right but it amazes me is that the king of Syria decides he's going to go and find Elijah and capture him Wow anyway have you ever well I'm saying you will run into people who are some saved some unsaved and but many unsaved that absolutely have no sense whatsoever you ever notice that I mean they're there they have no common sense or whatever you want to call it because they got none of it and unfortunately that's in the church as much as it is outside the church many times but it's just amazing how people think and don't think things through right because all of your actions have consequences so he says here in verse 13 well we'd read he said go and see where he is if I may sinned and seized him it was told him behold he is in dokkan dokkan is in southern Alabama if you've never been there I've been through there a couple times if not this but verse 14 says so he sent their horses and chariots and a great army and they came by night and surrounded the city when the servant of the man of God rose early in the morning and went out behold an army of horses and chariots was all the city now you might want to underline I don't know if I brought most element yet is underlined around the city right you'll see something different just me and the servant said alas my master what shall we do no words he was afraid they're totally surrounded by the enemy and he says what are we going to do and in verse 16 Elijah says he said do not be afraid for those who are with us are more than those who are with them right now Ana has been preached a lot and it's still true there'd be more with us and being than be against us greater is He that is in you than he is in the world I mean there's all kinds of scriptures we could talk about but one of the things to which we want to remember is that people always build up and for some reason to emphasize demonic activity which there's a lot of it but we have to remember only one third of the Angels fell like two thirds are still for us right and every one of you has at least one that's watching over you that is with you is a sign to you people call them guardian angels what do you want to call it but every one of us has that and unfortunately even though you have an angel many times while things are going on your life that you're saying okay God why don't you help the angel stand there with his hands just folded because the angel doesn't move based on your need he the Bible says that the Angels hearkened to the voice of the word of God okay and so until you start speaking God's word your angel doesn't work in your behalf you need to speak God's Word to release the Angels on your behalf to work for you right and so you need to start quoting the Bible or what something would call confessing Scripture you need to do that because I don't leave it at confession stuff well then fold up your Bible and stick it away somewhere and go read the newspaper because the Bible is very clear you are to speak God's Word at all times right you can call it confession message or positive confession or as I've heard one devious say and name it and claim it and blab it and grab it in all that kind of stuff which you know just goes to show okay well look at their lives right people don't believe in doing what the Bible says look at their lives okay they will always have to fend for themselves because God cannot back them up right and what they do they are destined to fail it's just that simple so when you start quoting the Word of God angels are released to do what you are saying so when you spend I want to show you that probably both sessions they're in effect but I want to show you that as you release the words of God that you are releasing the power of God and are releasing the work of angels in your life right now a lot more to that but I want to get through this first and maybe we'll get back there then he said don't get afraid there's more with us then there are with them and when I saw that word with us automatically my mind goes to what Emmanuel God with us and then God is with us and if God is with us even if he were the only one with us that would still make us that still make it where there are more with us and against us right so he says in verse 17 then Eli sure prayed and said O Lord open his eyes that he may see what actually if you think about it that was his that was a servant's problem he was seeing and so here he says Lord open his eyes that he can see so obviously he wasn't referring to physical eyes he was already seeing when the physical eyes and what he saw with the physical eyes and believe with his physical eyes was causing his physical reaction of fear and so again we know that we walk by what faith not by sight right so you're going to see this over and over again one of the things that the Lord has been impressing on me lately is to make sure that everybody understands what faith is and how to walk in it true faith I'm not talking about hype I'm not talking about some of the different things that you hear for what the Bible calls faith because faith works right it will produce in your life the will of God and then and so now but now notice what he says here he says open his eyes that he may see now remember also some of the things that Jesus said to him that has ears to hear let him hear remember that and he even said at one point I've come to open he said I've come to open the eyes of the blind but then at the same time he had Pharisees would that we could even turn around saying to close the eyes of those that do see and so we have to realize that there is an aspect of seeing goes beyond seeing one of the things I've been hearing going on in my head lately I've been saying it over and over again it's basically simply this that what you see that if all you ever see is what you see all you'll ever see is what you've seen and so if you want to see things you've never seen you've got to see things you've never seen now I know that's deep is that that deeper there now but of course I'm talking about if all you ever see is what you see physically then you will never see anything but what you see in your life but when you start seeing the invisible or Robert one of his last books might have been his last book so when you see the induced when you can see the invisible you can do the impossible and too many people can't see the invisible and that's one of our biggest problems is at all I talked to so many Christians and all they see is what anybody could see if anybody should see things that other people can't see it should be Christians we ought to be able to see things that nobody else can see and then we shouldn't be the servant of the Prophet to the sender crying out that there you know this great armies coming against us we ought to be looking and being like the prophet Elijah and saying don't worry about it well I got it you think he didn't know they were coming we already knew he knew everything he had words from God he probably knew he was coming didn't say specifically either/or but he sure didn't seem surprised when everyone out there and saw an army matter of fact he looked past that army and so on even bigger army right and the bigger army was what he was looking at now I'm really you know I enjoyed being around Christians who at least try to walk in faith but I am so fed up been around Christians that don't even put on a pretence of faith you know don't even try at some point where right now all we hear is you know oh what is North Korea going to do to it really I tell you what North Korea is going to do a dadgum thing to me guarantee it why because I got too much to do yet right that's why and you watch just watch this I'll show you in just a minute I'm thinking safest place you can be is next to a man of God let me tell you all right that's a safest place you can be you can't get close to God yourself get close to a man of God and then now you'll see all kinds of trouble because men of God stir up trouble okay they even call you like Jetta are you the one that troubles Israel he said I'm not the trouble you're the trouble right but men of God like to stir up trouble want because they don't go with the flow they don't agree there I've heard people talk about how come they're always against everything I'm not against everything I'm just against the way the world is going right and so I tend to be against the flow and I'd rather be that way than any other way one because my life is blessed and then and I look at the people who talk about all the other stuff and their lives aren't blessed they're in fear they're in worry the gallery scene is going on they act as if we know well I don't see United States and in the book of Revelation so you know well you know although that means it's already gone really that I don't see a lot of things in the book of Revelation that mean it's already gone people just add stuff in there we got to realize that all the stuff that's going on and everybody's talking about it it's another distraction just as we've said last Thursday night people get distracted on this stuff and we need to realize it's the cares of this world the distractions of this world choke out the Word of God stick with the Word of God keep your face in the Word of God all this stuff you know faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God fear comes by hearing the word of man right it's that simple so don't believe everything you hear on the news and all these other things you know they're a business they have to keep you watching they're they're a live-action soap opera you know where we'll come back a minute and tell you who's going to die next what do what I got to watch because it might be me they might know something I don't know no they don't know okay so let's get back in the scripture sorry I get to commentating there and notice he says then Elijah prayed were 17 and said Oh Lord opened his eyes that he may see so the Lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elijah and think about that right now now this is just Elijah they were all in it's correct and in the very end of essence of horses and chariots of fire all around Elijah well ago mirror I said and verse 15 it says all around the city but now it's been specific why were they around the city because they were surrounding Elijah why because they were want to protect him so the city was protected because the Elijah was in it you give that clvs we have to realize God is for us understand madness and he may not be for Washington all right he may not be for wherever else but I'll tell you this he's for us and if we want to protect Washington the one thing Christians are to do if you are to go up to round the White House and just stand around it all right keep it there to keep it from getting blown up whatever it is why because God is for us amen this is ridiculous you know that's especially some of the stuff that's going on right now in this country I just came back from Africa for a month and the rest of the world is laughing at us because of what they're seeing how things are going and what you're seeing right now is what happened that the all the step is going on with all the riots and all that kind of stuff and all the different things going on it's amazing all it is is it shows exactly what happened about 20 to 30 years ago when we stopped having in school discipline stopped teaching logic and started telling everybody if you participate you get a blue ribbon everybody gets to win right and now everybody thinks they always hard to get everything their way and all we see is a bunch of twenty and thirty year olds and even more after throwing a temper tantrum trying to get their way right if you don't like it go into the system and fix it don't scream yell in the streets until it something changes that didn't change anything right and ever every person you see in the streets yelling I guarantee there's not a Christian there one because the Bible says to pray for your leaders not protest them alright it's that something so I don't like him then pray right doesn't say protests it doesn't say March and it sure doesn't say carry signs that have some other stuff on it that I wouldn't want my children reading okay and whenever America now has got the place where we you see we were ashamed of our sin now we flaunt it and I'm tell you America is still with all of that going on I'm telling you it's still a great country because I've been in others and I'm telling you let me tell you if you were in some countries like being Venezuela right now and try to do what they're doing the streets here you know what happens you get shot here you don't get shot now I'm not in total agreement but please stand it back and do nothing but at the same time Lisa can protest in peace I understand until they start a fight anyway trying to get off that so okay I'm just saying it's amazing what people say and how they act and then and they have this tunnel vision but I think everything is right here and they don't look at the overall picture and what is actually trying to go on and so anyway now get back into Scripture he says here in verse 18 when the Syrians came down against him Elijah prayed to the Lord and said please strike this people with blindness so he struck them with blindness in accordance with the prayer of Elijah do you see how flippant that is he lashes is okay Lord what all these soldiers striking would blindness and the next thing says and so God struck with blindness what just cause you like afraid yeah you know it's just okay anything you won't do anything else I mean thank you see how easy that was if it Lord do it and Lord did it right now I will tell you this the Old Testament prophets walked more like sons of God than most people in the New Testament it right because that's these prophets in the desert that is how sons and daughters of God are supposed to be walking communicating with God just talking with God live in their life but now and CD mother what see I don't believe that I don't you know I don't I thought that God didn't do these kind of things to people no nobody ever said that why God is God he can do whatever he said he can do and then he can't go against what he said but I can show you even in the and what about Ananias and Sapphira what about in what axes X 13mm us the sorcerer right people look that will see no God made that person blind yeah all these people God did that to even hear it when he whenever he died of worms okay you have to remember who these people were enemies of God right well but but God is a God of love that's right he loves his people enough to protect them even if you have to kill some other people to do it now I can tell you this ain't gonna go over real good when this message gets out in public but I can see it we need to realize God is still a God to be feared if you're not on his side the safe places to be on the side of God amen it's just that simple God doesn't do things to people who are for him go back and read the scriptures the only times that people were punished along these ways because when they were against God or they were hindering the got the gospel or they were coming against God's people right the biggest one that we can no other saw struggling on the road to Damascus why because he was going to persecute Jesus the church and it was why I don't like that because now that means that you know my problem could be from God not unless you're an enemy of God and if you are change it that quick it's real simple but we need to realize the Bible it still says that to fall in the hands of our God is as fearful and terrifying thing we need to realize that He is God and I hear so many people acting like he has absolutely no backbone no ability to do anything or say anything and then people they want to be healed they want to be delivered they want to be blessed but they don't want any of the responsibility that goes along with it and I'm telling you it doesn't work that way so he says here in verse 19 Elijah said to them this is not the way and this is not the city nonetheless he's talking to an entirely blind army right he says oh this you do realize he's lying okay he's lying to them yeah didn't that okay you remember they will Star Wars these are not the droids you're looking for right they have to think the Jedi Mind Tricks well here Elijah is doing the same thing and saying look this in the city you're looking for I'm sorry I know you're blind now but here I'll lead you to the city you need to go to that's effectively so and Elijah never got upset okay watch what he says and Elijah said to them this is not the way and this is not the city follow me and I will bring you to the man whom you seek well he was a man he they were seeking okay and he led them to Samaria as soon as they entered Samaria Elijah's it Oh Lord open the eyes of these men that they may see so the Lord opened their eyes and they saw again flippant and that just so simple and just so easy why because he walked with God the only people that have they weren't try to build it up into some big thing and make an event or wheeler don't walk with God every day when you walk with God every day you talk with God and it becomes a common thing to say and expect I could give you two examples real quick we were in South Africa and when we're there we have meetings and we're always in up reach almost every day I preach something like 77 times while I was in South Africa over a thirty day period and but even in between many times in between when we're not preaching we can't go back to where we're staying because it's too far Drive but a lot of times we will go to a mall or something believe or not Africa has malls matter of fact almost every mall I've been in and asking I've been in almost all of them okay because there's nothing else to do to waste time is you want to call it wasting time but we would go there to the food court and eat lunch or we'd go there for breakfast because that's where all the food places are and when we went there I'm tell you I I've been in maybe two malls in America that are as nice as the malls in South Africa the malls in South Africa are beautiful they are amazing right and so we would go there and we would just walk around and be me and my team Adam and George and some people and we just be walking around and just talking talk about the Bible and just walk and so we would hang out there during lunch and sometimes in between the afternoon and evening session would go there and grab by Kate and just sit and talk and they were Christian bookstores Erica we hang out in a Christian bookstore and then we found the Cinnabon and then we found a gelato place and then we always found Krispy Kreme in one place and we were just suffering for Jesus I'm telling you it was really so but okay we'll eat there and hang out there and and it was amazing because in these malls like I said they're they're really nice right and as we had done we were had got over on that topic to being with oh yeah we were looking for books because there was two different books one time we went I found a book I was looking for and I started reading it and I started reading it to the team and I told this is a good book you really need to read this and so by this time we traveled to another city and we were trying to find another mall another bookstore and everywhere we call an area where we tried to find it nobody had it and so we ended up we were just driving down the road one day and we saw a mall we've never heard of and so we went in I said hey because we're going to grab some food they have a restaurant there called mug and bean and that's what we breakfast every morning every morning mug and be every night Nando's that's that's what we do right it's just standard and Nando's is a Polynesian chicken peri-peri chicken best thing they're coming here all right there's about 40 of them in United States so far they're all in the East Coast but we're pulling we're pulling here and when they come here I'm going to invest in them okay because I told me that last time I talked to him us everyone says I've already invested in you guys I feel like I'd have stock in you because we eat here every day okay so we go into this mall to look for the liberal bookstore and I said we need two of those books because I had two guys with me Adam in George and I need two of those books and so we walked in went over to the desk George asked the lady do you have this book she said I know we don't have it and so George took her they don't have it and that's what they do it'd be right over here he said no they get on their skin as I just said they don't have it I said no they got to him he said how you know they got to I think that's what I need and so we walked over it took us about five minutes to go to the book I'm like two books two of them saw they had and so we bought the two books went to the door and and George's pages laughing right he's just amazing so then we're going on and about the next week I was reading another book I said man I got to get you guys a copy of this book this is good you need to read it and so I said but I need three of them because I've got one and I want to take one back to the States and then you guys need to 23 of them and I said so I need three of these books and so we started calling around nobody had them they said they could order them and I said nope and so we went to all in Capetown and we got there I said all right we need three books we walked into the store walked out to the section three books on the shelf right and so we okay this is similar to the fig tree right only difference was these lip stores had what I wanted to wait at the cursor and close them down so but you get a pick left then we talked about if you think you have to start expecting God to meet your needs right you said what that was a book yeah but I needed it why because I needed it for my guys for them to read they wouldn't he didn't say he only meets your important needs he only meets your necessity needs no if I need something you know he's going to provide it what because we walk together it's not a strain on him to provide what I need amen it's not and it's not me thinking oh you know who do you think you are he said and had anything to do it me think I'm somebody all I know is I'm with him amen that's all that counts you don't have to be somebody you don't have to be a name you don't have to be somebody famous you don't have to be somebody important you're already important to God you're important enough for him to send Jesus for you that's important enough amen so start expecting things to go your way I mean quit Excel well you know I'm living for Jesus oh it's got to be rough well you know what I don't stand too close to me because I don't want your roughness rubbing off on me I mean I endure hardness right as a good soldier when I need to in hardness for me at this point in my life is you know a 24 hour plane flight with layover for you know six or seven hours in different places that's about is harder to get right everything else I enjoy right and some of you wouldn't enjoy it but after a while you get to enjoy them you just learn to enjoy the fight right because what can't stop you makes you stronger as they always say you know if it doesn't kill you it makes you stronger well I ain't done so the big kids will it stop you what stops you and you have to realize God is for you he looks ahead for you for the little things and so you don't always have to you know be praying and fasting to get a prayer breakthrough for one little thing you need to realize God is for you he hears he wants to he wants to surprise you you ever when you're growing up maybe your parents your dad somebody would come home with something and a gift just to surprise you with it it's the same way the gut he just wants to surprise you with things that aren't always big things sometimes the little things that they can mean a lot to you and then especially whenever it's for somebody else like these books and select that I buy a bunch of books and most of my giveaway why because if I read it and I like it and it's good for me I think it's good for the people and I want to give out to other people amen and when you do that when you live that way it's called a generous lifestyle and that whole generosity asset God meets that and he'll always supply that and then and then whenever I need something he supplies for me too so anyway he says it in verse yeah we were in verse 20 in verse 21 as soon as the king of Israel saw them he said to Elisha my father shall I strike them down shall I strike them down now the king of Israel comes along sees this on me and then he asked the prophet and caused him my father which would they come and term them because he was saying that it's like the father of the church and the father wasn't a church then but the father of Israel you might say and he says my father my father should I strike them down now notice he answered you shall not strike them down would you strike down those whom you've taken captive with your sword and with your bow and words they're not they're not going to hurt you they can't hurt you I've already proven they can be blind like that they're not they're not a threat you get that when you realize that you realize that no one is a real threat to you because to be a threat to you there has to be a threat to God to give that but if only if you understand that you are one with God that you are in union with him and that whenever someone strikes you they're not striking you they're striking him that's what Jesus said start believing the Bible amen in that simple we have to realize that when you're when you walk with Him you don't have to fear anything God is on your side so he says set bread and water before them that they may eat and drink and go to their master and others feed them give them the drink and send them back home what because they're not going to be a problem to you if they do you need me I'm here I can speak will answer so don't worry about it just send them back home notice he is showing mercy to them you got that now he could have been you know the line to do damage to them but he didn't so he prepared for them a great feast and when they had eaten drunk he sent them away and they went to their master and the Syrians did not come again on raids into the Land of Israel you get that one because it doesn't do any good why would you want to waste all that money and all that time getting your army together whenever you know that the Prophet is waiting for you to get there and he's going to make your army blind you're going to do they're going to do it's going to do no good to come against them adventure they realize I might as well just leave him alone and so they did not come in there to the Land of Israel watch this verse 24 afterward Ben Haddad king of Syria mustered his entire army and went up and besieged Samaria and there was a great famine in Samaria as they besieged it and listened and okay the dress is kind of gross I'm not going to go in a lot of detail but it and I'm not going to defend what they did but it was pretty bad but he says here that the siege was so bad that it until a donkey's head was sold for 80 shekels of silver just so they could boil it to eat it okay and the fourth part of a cab of doves dung for five shekels of silver right so things were desperate alright when you're buying does done for five shekels of silver things are desperate okay now and that was the best part of this next part because the next part here is really sad and I'm not gonna read all of it but we mostly know the story because I want to get on with the last part here but this is where a woman comes to the king of Israel and says listen I've got a complaint because me and this woman made a deal that we're so hungry that we we agreed that if we boiled and ate my child today that the next day we would boil and eat her child right now that most common people today can't even fathom that right but it shows you how bad it was and basically the woman was complaining because she said well you know we ate my child but now she's hit her child weekend and it sounds totally crazy and I know we think oh I'd never been in that position well let's pray you're not Amen because crazy things happen when people get hungry and when they get hungry enough but notice then he the King goes on and he says verse 31 and he said may God do so to me and more also if the head of elisha the son of shaphat remains on his shoulders today no words if I don't take his head off his shoulders today then let God do this to me right so he's saying I'm he was this is called making a vow and he was vowing to kill Elijah Elijah was sitting in his house and the elders were sitting with him now the king had dispatched a man from his presence but before the messenger arrived Elijah said to the elders do you see how this murderer has sent to take off my head look when the messenger comes shut the door and hold the door fast against him is it it is not the sound of his master's feet behind in other words we know when it's when this guy's going to get here when he does shut it because he his masters going to come to kill me so then he says and while he was still speaking with him the messenger came down to him and said this trouble is from the Lord why should I wait for the Lord any longer in other words this trouble this is going on he said I'm going to go ahead and killed Elijah now now at this point apparently is when he Lysa speaks a word and we're going to talk about that here for just a minute but I want you to get this Elijah walk as a son of God he was a prophet but he was walking as a son of God why because he had the mind of the Lord consistently he knew the mind of the Lord he knew things we're going to talk about this is the one this is how we should be living right and believe me when you lived this way before very long it's dirt you start to get noticed by people that don't have the mind of God right you see this would Joseph Joseph was in a prison and yet he caught the ear of the king because he was able to interpret dreams when God is with you it doesn't matter what your current situation is because you will not be there long God will promote you if you walk with him and remain honorable right now you can promote yourself and not remain honorable and for a little while you will have some attention but then it will collapse on you right you have to walk with honor and integrity you have to right now he says here in 2nd Kings chapter 7 verse 1 but Eli she said hear the word of the Lord thus says the Lord tomorrow about this time a co-sign flower shall be sold for a shekel and to sea of barley for a shekel at the gate of Samaria now words were a great famine Great Siege people are eating their children but I'm telling you this time tomorrow there's me so much that everything bread and flour naught is going to be dirt-cheap and he said and now watch then the captain on whose hand the King Lynde said to the man of God if the Lord himself should make windows in heaven could this thing be and what are you talking about there's no way this could happen right but he said no watch now the Prophet says you shall see it with your own eyes but you shall not eat of it why because he was the one that said it couldn't be so you get that and watch you'll see it but you won't partake of it now there were four men who were lepers at the entrance for the gate and they said to one another why are we sitting here till we die if we say let us enter the city the famine is in the city and we'll die there and if we sit here we'll die also so now come let us go over to the campus Assyrians if they spare our lives we shall live and if they kill us we're still going to die anyway so what and so they arose at Twilight to go to the camp of the Syrians but when they came to the edge of the camp of the Syrians behold there was none there no one there for the Lord had made the army of the Syrians hear the sound of chariots and of horses the sound of a great army so that they said to one another behold the king of Israel has hired against us the king of the Hittites and the kings of Egypt to come against us so they fled away in the twilight and abandoned their tents their horses and their donkeys leaving the camp as it was and fled for their lives and when these lepers came to the edge of the camp they went into a tent and ate and drank and they carried silver and gold and clothing and went and hid them then they came back and entered another tent and carried off things from it and went and hid them then they said one to another we're not doing right this day is a day of good news if we are silent and wait until the morning light punishment will overtake us now therefore come let us go and tell the king's household my words we're keeping all this to ourselves let's go tell them because if they find out that we kept this to ourselves we're going to get punished for it so let's go share this good news we've already you know they said that after already emptied two tents it already carried off all the golden silver from two tents so they already had their you know they're saving their pension plan they already had that done all right yeah so then their conscience caught up with them so now watch this he says where we out there yeah inverse Kim so then they so they came and called to the gatekeepers of the city and told them we came to the camp of the Syrians and behold there was no one to be seen or heard they're nothing but the horses tied the donkeys tied the ten says they work except for the two we emptied don't wait no we don't to talk about that then the gatekeepers called out and it was told within the Kings household and the King rose in the night and said to the servants I will tell you what the Syrians have done to us they know that we are hungry therefore they have gone out of the camp to hide themselves in the open country thinking when they come out of the city we shall take them alive and get into the city now notice what's happening here fear imagination vain imaginations we would even say are taking over this person's mind here that here's good news in an amazing you can walk into a room and tell somebody good news and the first thing they'll say well it's really not like that everybody like this instead here's what here let me let me tell you the bad part you know you know I could walk into ok now listen I don't gamble and I don't play lottery all right but I could walk into a room and say I have won the lottery and let me go you know how many how much taxes you're going to pay on that because that's how people think right rather than guess what I've won the lottery and then somehow else somebody's going to pay the taxes too amen what because we should be expecting blessings amen is that I don't know how I'm stronger I can save this you need to start expecting God to bless you unexpected things God can do things in unexpected ways that you never even saw coming amen listen well I am going to talk about this in just a minute so I don't want to get too far ahead of myself but I will tell you this God has surprised me many many times at the same time almost everything that is happening today with the ministry I said it I saw it I wrote it down 30 years ago 30 years ago I found stuff on Bible schools and Aero stuff in my tubs of what most people think I should have thrown away but now I have proof that it I keep everything because I'm a historian you every piece of paper and I found all these things written out but I'm telling you why did it because I saw something before I could see something and because I chose to see what the Word of God said and I started seeing things I started saying things because what you see you talk about what you see you say and so if whatever and what you're saying is what you're seeing and most people are seeing lack they're seeing doom and gloom they're seeing troubles in problems and you need to be looking at the Lord because when you look at the Lord you see deliverance you see freedom you see blessing you see life God wants to bless you he wants you to live a good life he wants you to bless you so that you can be a blessing to others not so you can sit and go oh look what my face got me you ought to have a two if you had faith you could get this no that's not the Spirit of God the spirit of God says God isn't good to me and therefore whatever I have is his and I use it however I can amen on this last trip we were looking for I could give you said I already told you the story about the book I don't have time to tell you much more but I will tell you this we were writing don't look driving into Johannesburg one day well we got there and we were we told Adam and George were all in the same car and I told my said we need because the big thing in Africa right now is abortion is really big right because they can't afford to take care of children so they abort them but they also have the highest rates of abandoned children highest rate phenomenal rates and they just take them and they just drop them off in places and many times they will take them to dump grounds trash grounds you know and and just leave them there and and they leave them there to die and because then they bring in more trash and double on top nobody ever knows they they never even knew there was a baby there and so I started seeing it just broke my heart and so I said we got to do something and what what can one person do that's the way you automatically think what can one person do but one person can do something and that one person can give hope or inspiration to another person and another person until a lot of people are doing something and so out so I said we've got to find I said I don't know how to start I've been talked about George Muller but I don't know how to start an orphanage but we needed an orphanage we need to start an orphanage or we define somebody knows something about that so we need to get some information and the next day we went to the national leaders forum or for the Apostolic Faith Mission and I spoke to all of their national leaders but before I spoke they actually had another person that was there just that one day to give a presentation on something called Ava's house which is an orphanage and they know how to start orphanages and they don't have to do it so God made it so that the very next day after me saying we've got to find somebody that we can connect with that would show us how to start an orphanage and how this process works God introduced us to that person and then before we left South Africa we got to meet a person some people in an area that actually run an orphanage that is totally independent the government doesn't back them the government doesn't support them they get no money from the government or anything else and don't turn away anybody and women walk up to the gate and knock on the gate when they went to gate they hand their child through and they walk off and they're left with a veil you know babies don't even have names the parents didn't even name them because they knew they were going to give them away and so there's no birth certificate there's no nothing and now the people there are trying to get the birth certificate and get the child a name and all this stuff and we found up it for basically between ten and twenty thousand rand okay ten and twenty thousand right now the rand is about twelve Rand per dollar so we're talking about for about a thousand dollars a month between a thousand and fifteen hundred dollars a month we can completely support that orphanage that has 75 children in it and they can eat every day and have clothing and they go to school for between a thousand and fifteen hundred dollars a day we don't have that in our budget but as soon as I saw that I said we'll do this we will do this and so now we're going to support them and you say where it's going to come from God where everything else comes from amen we can do more trusting God and we can trying to manipulate or pull together a system we just have to trust God amen why because one thing we can rest assured of that taking care of widows and orphans is God's will amen so that's what we're done do amen amen so now I got it I got to finish up here amen so he says here now watch this we're good again he said in verse 13 and one of his servants said that some men take five of the remaining horses seeing that those of who are left here will fare like the whole multitude of Israel who have already perished in other words we want to got a few horses left why because they've been eating them that's what was going on he said let's take a few of the horses that are left to take five men let's go out and let's go out there and see what's going on so they took two horsemen and the Kings symptom after the army of the Syrians saying go and see so they went after him as far as the Jordan and behold all the way was littered with garments and equipment that the Syrians had thrown away in their haste and the messengers returned and told the king then the people went out and plundered the camp of the Syrians so a sea of fine our was sold for a shekel and to say is a barley for a shekel according to the word of the Lord now the King had appointed the captain on whose hand he leaned to have charge of the gate and the people trampled him at the gate so that he died as the man of God said when the king came down to him but when the man of God had said to the king to see as a barley shall be so crucial in a sea of fine fire for a shekel about this time tomorrow in the gate of Samaria the captain had answered the man of God if the lord himself should make windows in heaven could such a thing be and he had said you shall see it with your own eyes which you shall not eat of it and so it happened to him for the people trampled him at the gate and he died and there's the only person who spoke against it he saw it but he didn't get to partake of it what do not be a person when you hear about the things that God is doing and that God for instance here that God wants us to do and we start to step into it and we start talking about it don't be the kind of person is that how they're going to do that that I just don't you know if God did that himself he God would have to do that because you know they couldn't do that well we are you know we already know that we know it's God right but when you talk like that all you're doing is cutting yourself out of walking in the same blessing and the same benefit because you'll see it but you won't benefit from it you need to realize that there can be as we said Thursday night you can be at a place where you can see things happening and the person next to you can be blessed and you had the same opportunity to have faith in God and be blessed but you choose not to change your mind make an effort decide I refuse to allow doubt to be in my mind I refuse it I will trust God no matter what it means I can't I'm not going to get it details but I can tell you this there have been times whenever I saw where we were financially and I saw needs of people and I decided I can try to hang on to this which won't meet our needs anyway or I can meet that person's total need and bless them and yeah we won't have any left but at the same time what we if I held on to it it wouldn't meet our need anyway and yet here I was able to completely meet another person's need and we did that and then whenever the need our needs came due the money was there to take care of it why because God wants to know do you trust him what where is your trust where is your faith is your faith in you know God bless us military all right god bless them they're amazing most amazing military on the face of the earth at this time but I want to tell you this my faith is not in the fact that our ships are probably lined up between California North Korea to shoot down anything that comes over my faith is in God no matter what and I don't know if you saw all the places they said they were going to hit but Dallas wasn't on the map so we were good all right so I'm just trying to get you set understand God is with us don't let fear that's one of the things it's so funny because people said oh you know this September oh it's it kept you better be ready because you know it's going to happen this September is going to be it that was Bible says when everybody's saying peace and safety anybody heard that lately and her peace and safety at all so whatever is happened in September ain't what everybody thinks it is because ain't no peace and safety right I'm just saying so whatever you think is going to happen nothing nothing's going to happen I'm just saying it ain't what everybody's trying to think it is right why because it ain't peace and safety if anything we're hear more rumors of war which is what the beginning of the end amen just not a cry some end times so finally choose to walk with God and you can receive the same blessing you don't just see it you actually get to benefit from it amen so finally laughing yes well we're good we're good in ii corinthians chapter 4 verse 13 it says this we having the same spirit of faith according as it is written i believed and therefore have i spoken we also believe and therefore speak speak what you believe don't don't repeat the news right unless you believe the news i guess but repeat what you believe speak what you believe right and me I believe I'll be healthy that's what I speak I believe I'll be blessed amen that's it people say what but I know I just I'm not gonna say I'm blessed if I'm not okay didn't say what you believe what do you believe I believe I'll be blessed all right start from there that's literally your faith start there knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus and shall present us with you for all things are for your sakes that the abundant grace might through the Thanksgiving a mini redound to the glory of God for which cause we faint not but though our outward man perish yet the inward man is renewed day by day that wasn't carefully for our light affliction which is but for a moment works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory right now stop right there when this is Paul writing letter light affliction right now let me give you the definition of the light affliction he was whipped beaten stoned shipwrecked hungry in perils of robbers and perils and false brethren in perils of true brethren but his countrymen I mean you got on the list and he can all of that is was his affliction and yet he calls this a light affliction right so that's a light affliction so for the most part ain't none of us got a word to say about nothing right because very few of anybody in this room that I know of has been whipped well may be saying you've been stoned but that's a whole nother thing we're gonna talk about so anyway so but you've been beat yeah most of you haven't had those things going on amen so he says here what now watch this our love for our light affliction which is but for a moment works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory while we look not at the things which are seen here that it only works a for more exceeding way to glory if you're not looking at it only if you're looking at the things which are not seen but at the things which are not seeing for the things which are seen are temporal but the things which are not seen are eternal in other words if you keep looking at what you're going through you're not getting any benefit from it other than going through it which is not necessarily beneficial but as long when you're going through something when you don't when you choose to not look at what you're going through but look at what you're going through to now it works in your benefit did you get that you can't look at what you see you have to look at what is unseen and what is unseen that weird to look at is called the word of God which he said he will be with you he'll carry you through he will help you he will bless you he will deliver you if you're afflicted all these things look at the end result right what we see and what we say should be the result of what we believe and not the proof of what we experience amen so finally second printings 5:1 for we know that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle were dissolved we have a building of God a house not made with hands eternal in the heavens for in this weak groan earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven if so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked for we that are in this tabernacle do groan being burdened not for that we would be unclothed in other words we're not we wouldn't rather be dead right but close upon that mortality might be swallowed up of life now he that is wrought us for the self same thing is God who also has given unto us the earnest of the Spirit therefore we are always confident knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord probably walk not by for we walk by faith but not by sight what's he saying look there's a far greater reward coming not that we want to hurry it up but we always have to know that what we're going through he has given us the earnest of the Spirit what we have right now is just a downpayment it is going to be so much better if we do not get weary grow weary in well-doing if we stay true if we stay the course we stay in faith towards God we keep moving forward and we don't stop I'll say I've said this before and I'll say it one one more time here if someone came to me a doctor of some sort right and came and said listen Currie we did in which I don't go to doctor side on how that's whatever happened but I'm getting you a hypothetical okay if somehow let's say the Lord all right let's because remember the Lord told you no you told the king of a bit like one time you said you've got a Rams wife and you're a dead man remember that that's a bad word from the Lord all right when the Lord says you're a dead man that's bad okay so if the Lord showed up with a curry you got one year one year that's it right well then I guess I could be like Hezekiah turn my face to the wall pray and get fifteen more that would be good but let's say that's enough fit one one year that's it now what do you think I would do in that year what would be the next thing I would do when I woke up the next morning and how much of my life would I be thinking to change I can tell you zero one because I am living the life God has ordained me to live there's not one thing I would change there is not anything I'm running as fast as I can literally there's nothing I would change there's nothing I would do differently I am doing what God has called me to do and I'm blessed in it and I would I would continue doing that I would tell you if I got to here if you want to get it you better get here quick let's talk let's share whatever it is but I got one year that I'm out of here why because I would be excited and he said but you're only you're only 58 yeah I'd be 59 then will you have it that's too early really for an appointment with God come on that's far better than here Amen that people thought oh I'm gonna hold God to his word I'm gonna be here you know 70 80 who cares everybody's always worried about when they're going to die and when how about how old they were and all you know this person died young this person know if they're with god they're with God you couldn't get them back if you tried yelling you try to pull them out of heaven I thought it wouldn't come what because it's better there do you get that we need to realize some people have already attained what we're shooting for and then we need to realize yes absolutely I believe in healing the sick raising dead and casting out Devils preaching the gospel absolutely but I will tell you this there is no greater reward than for a believer to stand face-to-face before Jesus amen and we need to realize that and realize that this thing this life here is nothing in trying to hold on to this life and that it's asinine it makes absolutely no sense to try to put what we see over what is unseen at this point because what is unseen is eternal and far better amen now all we have to do is make sure we're ready that's it just make sure we're ready and it's not that hard it is not that hard to live right right to live for God and to live with him and to walk with Him and just get rid of the drama in your life if something that means deleting some people on Facebook right deleting some people in your phone call you know blocking their numbers you know because people that talk to you the devil will send people to put words in your ears that puts thoughts in your mind that will cause you to react a certain way and it will cause you to get distracted you can't afford to get distracted stay focused don't even let a whirlwind get between you and your promise and then keep focused on going amen all right [Music] you
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 93,817
Rating: 4.7658672 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: wnLlO29G6P4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 5sec (3605 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 21 2017
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