Some Characteristics Of Faith

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[Music] rise up in jesus name open eyes and heal the land rise up declare his truth we're the ones who cannot live [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is are you excited yes i'm excited god is amazing is he not it is awesome the things that he has done and just amazing testimonies coming forward had a great time on our trip i saw people set free people returned to god people give their lives to god for the first time and just amazing some amazing healings and testimonies coming forth and as we said the believers were strengthened and encouraged and so we were pleased to go on the trip and so we've made a lot of new friends there also so we're excited about that too so we're going to look at a couple of things and i'm actually i started thinking about this and all the scriptures that i was going to go to today it was in the faith manual that we just put out so i thought well just use that and so it made it even easier because i want to mention a few things today and i'm seeing how well this manual works so we'll see all right so uh now in ii corinthians and i'm going to go through a lot of scriptures very quickly uh hitting some things hitting some different points but and it's all as i said it's in the faith manual but there's certain topics under each that these scriptures are under each category you might say so we're going to look at some things and the first point i want to look at is that faith speaks it speaks if you have faith you will speak if you're not speaking you don't have faith it's just that simple that's how faith works that is a primary way of how it works now i i don't know how to get it across any more than i usually do but there comes a point where as we said even in the first service that faith is you either have it or you don't and what that means is if you don't you can get it because it tells you the bible tells you how to get it and how it functions and so but there is this point where a lot of people uh tend to think they're in faith as i quoted wigglesworth during the first service too that people are lying to themselves because they they think they're in faith but they're not you cannot straddle the fence it's just that simple you're going to be on one side or the other you're going to be in the natural or you're going to be in faith faith is actually is what i was going to call this today if i was going to give it a title is that faith is not only well that's already too long a title but i'm giving you the description of the title but the title was going to be faith the next dimension in that faith is not only the next dimension but it's how you get to the next dimension it is the contact that you have with god in the next dimension now that next dimension is the spirit realm and in the spirit realm things that you obviously can't see them in the natural but if it's in the spiritual realm it is more real than the natural but most people by the time they get usually five six seven years old they are already moving away from the spiritual side of what they see often and moving to more a natural side because they're taught oh uh that's you know you say you have this you say you see this thing well you don't really see that it's your imagination when many times with children it's not their imagination they are actually seeing things in the spirit realm and they're trained out of that to where they are taught that that's not real so they start pushing it aside rather than being encouraged to walk it out and actually step into faith now but when you walk in faith faith is completely different from walking in the natural now you walk in the natural we know that we live in the flesh in essence but we don't walk according to the flesh and so there is obviously in this just like your spirit has to touch your flesh for your flesh to be alive the the body without the spirit is dead so the minute your spirit is taken from your body in other words ripped apart from your body i hate to use those terms but it is literally like it's enmeshed and whenever your spirit is removed from that then the spirit is still alive the real you is still alive but your body dies because the body gets the life from the spirit now faith is the same thing in that in the spiritual realm you your faith you can walk in the natural realm by faith but you will not live according to the natural realm now i don't know you know we'd have to actually sit and maybe talk about it a bit but there is a difference in how you walk in the spirit and yet you can walk in the spirit on this earth and you can walk by faith on this earth but yet faith is different than walking naturally as of course you would know when you walk imagine if you lived technically by faith every day in other words everything every situation that came up automatically you wouldn't have to stop and think what does the word say you would just do what the word says think about that that means that anybody you're around if they're sick automatically you either speak or you lay hands or you touch them somehow and take them by the hand or something but it's just oh here it is boom and it's not a big deal see satan loves events he wants healing to be an event he doesn't like lifestyles he doesn't like for you to live faith he doesn't like you to live healed he wants you to think that healing has to be in a healing line after church service and that's how it has to happen whenever that's never how jesus did it and so uh many times when you go overseas it's more like well how you see jesus do it in the sense that you go there and you've got anywhere from a couple of hundred to a few thousand people and as soon as you start ministering they just start flooding to you and then there becomes the press like the bible says where the the multitude was thronging him and in the press everybody was touching him and you could actually get jostled around when we went to peru that happened i was you couldn't have a healing line and so i just moved down and we had about 1400 people there at that time i think and as i moved out into the crowd because they couldn't get them organized quickly or efficiently and so i just said you know the heck with this and i just stepped off the platform and i had a couple of people there with me one had a video camera they were trying to videotape everything and you go into the crowd and i mean there's no room hardly automatically and you can just kind of walk down a little bitty aisle which is usually about this wide and so i'd walk through and i couldn't get to people inside i could only get to the people to the outside edges and so i had to make it where i said here everybody grab hands and i'd grab the hand on the end and the person that i was aiming at bam they'd fall out and get healed and but it's because we're releasing life by each hand now he'll say i don't know how that works well neither do i really but it just works and you just do it you don't have to know everything if you have to know everything you'll never walk by faith you'll be too analytical and you'll try to figure it all out and there's stuff that i cannot explain i just know it works and so i would go through and as we went through the people they didn't stay where they were seated pretty soon they're all moving and it was just a crowd and the people that were with me actually was a young lady and a young man that were there and they were actually getting pushed around literally jostled around almost hurt at times from the people trying to get to me in the middle and they were pushing and she was trying to videotape and actually got up on a chair at one time so she could videotape and that didn't matter they literally just knocked the chair over and knocked her down and we're having to make sure she's okay and people i mean it's just man i mean all all social you know amenities were gone i mean people didn't care and they were just pushing through because they wanted to get healed and so that that press is there and but when you walk in faith you can't walk normal and if you're in faith you're going to stand out and you're going to draw attention now hopefully when the attention is drawn you of course you redirect it to to jesus and let him know that the people know this is what's going on but the whole point is that when you walk in faith you're going to go upstream you're going to be doing things the opposite you're going to be doing things different than normal and the bad part is in the church today generally speaking in the body of christ overall the church is so much like the world that you stand out from the church whenever you walk in faith and there's a strong people in faith are often misunderstood always misunderstood at some point and usually for an extended period of time jesus was misunderstood he was healing the sick and healing so many sick that the crowds were coming and bigger crowds started coming and so he said i've got a i've got to put some other guys on staff here and so he called his 12 and said yeah you 12 here do this do this now you're going to heal the sick you're going to raise the dead you're going to cast out devils everything you've seen me do you're going to do and as soon as that word got out that oh jesus now has 12 that are doing the same thing he did if you read the scripture it says that his family his kin and friends came to him and they said he's beside himself that means he's out of his mind he he's not thinking correctly well faith never thinks correctly faith always operates on different principles than sight and faith keeps going whenever sight tells you to stop faith keeps moving and and if you think in terms of well but you know i can't believe it until i see it well then you just cut yourself out of it because god said this is how it's going to be done he said the things he does now number one if you want to please god you're going to you have to walk in faith is that right without faith you cannot please god okay whatever is not a faith is sin so whatever you're doing that's not by faith it is sin do you get that so all of these things have to come together so if you're going to walk in faith then you're going to be a different kind of person which means you're not you will take counsel of god you will take counsel from godly people who also walk in faith that does not mean you're going to take counsel from everybody that goes to church okay because many of them are not walking in faith and so there is a difference and if imagine if we could not if we could because we can but imagine if we all did walk in faith every day all day what limits would you have absolutely none right and so somebody says something no that's not the way it away will be this way here's what's going to happen no it'll be this way no all evidence points to this well no not all evidence because my faith is the evidence so that evidence my faith the fact that i'm having faith that evidence points to this which is the opposite of what your what your evidence says and so you have to remember that you can have when they say nine out of ten doctors says this it doesn't matter if it's 10 out of 10. if god says the opposite he's right and so now and if you have to think in terms of well but i can only believe it if i see it i can only believe it if i if i hear it well okay faith first off faith speaks there's several characteristics i even wrote them down specifically faith speaks faith hears faith can be heard faith can be seen all these things that many people don't think of necessarily but we know that faith speaks because he says right here in ii corinthians 4 13 we having the same spirit of faith according as it is written i believed and therefore have i spoken we also believe and therefore speak so if you believe you will speak whatever you do believe that's what you speak the question is what do you believe a lot of people think they believe the bible and they think they're in faith when they're not and most people the majority of people are not walking in faith they're walking in mental assent or agreement with the word but not living by the work so you can agree with mark 16 that believers lay hands on the sick and they'll recover but yet not lay hands on the sick well if you don't lay hands on the sick then you don't believe mark 16. you mentally assent to it you mentally agree but it's more of a religious idea than a reality of how you live so everything imagine if you could go through scripture and everything it said that's just how you function that when no matter where you go i mean i'm trying to describe this the best way i can and honestly the best person especially of late that i've seen that demonstrated this was smith wigglesworth and i know i've been talking about him a lot just but his his examples are very good for most of these things especially in the area of faith which is why he was called the apostle of faith and the thing is you know the uh tia osborne one time said you've got to see you got to see jesus three ways and i've mentioned this many times number one you got to see him in the word in the bible number two you have to see him in a man living the word and number three you have to see him in yourself many people never see him at most they see him in the bible most of the time they don't have a person that they can look to and say that person is jesus is living to that person that person is doing the bible they're living the bible i'm not talking about just being good people i'm not talking about the uh the characteristics in the sense of like the fruit of the spirit because some people can have some of that but even that one of the fruit of the spirit is faith and so if a person's walking in faith then it's going to be different now what i'm and i'm trying to describe this you know and and i remember dr sumrall talking about faith and he said before i knew what faith was he said i prayed a million times god give me faith god give me faith god give me faith give me faith god he said guess what prayed a million times never got a thing he said he said i prayed one million times he said you can pray the second million times and you won't get anything he said because faith number one is an action it's the way you live it's walking with god he said faith is wonderful it's it's it's uh to use all these different adjectives basically it is this it's great it's awesome it's uh he just went through this whole list he said when i got done when i got done with all the adjectives i still realized i didn't have any faith and he said he was in puerto rico on a rooftop staying in a pastor's home there they were preaching at a local church and he and his wife louise were there and they were going to go to church that night and he said would you would you take the service and louise said yes i'll take the service so she took the service and he said after the man the man and his wife and then louise sumrall's wife after they left to go to the church service he said he went up on the flat roof of had to climb a ladder to get up on the roof he got on the roof and he's walking around up there and he's looking out and he says it's a beautiful ocean and he's just walking and commuting with god and he started praying that again god give me faith i want faith i give just god give me some faith i want faith i need faith and god told him would you shut up and he said hey he didn't he couldn't believe god would tell him that he said if you want faith you'll do what it takes to get it and he said well yeah what is that he said then stop standing up here murmuring to me go down pick up your bible and go to hebrews 11. and he said i put it all in there i'll show you what it is he said go study that so he said he was zipped down real quick got that bible started going through it and he said he started realizing faith is an action by faith abraham left where he was at in early counties by faith moses chose to leave egypt and to suffer with the children of israel it was so faith is a choice faith is an action by faith noah built an ark so building is by faith action and he goes through all the all of hebrews 11 listen if he if faith was not an action we wouldn't have hebrews 11 because everybody there did something think about this if it we know that the book of acts is called the book of acts not the book of believings the book of acts there's actions it's the acts and many times it says the acts of the apostles that's one uh title that was given to it now think if the apostles hadn't acted we wouldn't have that book right now it would be more properly called the acts of the holy spirit because it's the acts of the holy spirit through the apostles predominantly but in many cases not just apostles that the holy spirit is moving through you've got philip you've got stephen all these different people do you realize these men were table waiters do you hear that before before both of them said they worked miracles and people saw the miracles they did guess what before they were apostles they were never called an apostle they were never called a prophet they were never called anything other than a believer basically and one but now notice if they were waiting on tables they had to have been filled with the holy spirit and speak in other tongues in the early church you couldn't even wait on tables if you weren't baptized in the holy spirit think about that i mean just to wait on tables you had to speak in tongues imagine that imagine if we had somebody stand at the front door and said i said sorry before you can come in we we got to hear you go ahead speak in tongues might thin the crowd out right because well that's not right well are you seeking well i've already got it well if you got it you can speak real simple and that's what the early church believed it's what everybody even the early pentecostals in the uh 19 the 20th century believed up until they started deciding it wasn't that important and so but faith continues to walk in god dr simrall said then i started realizing what faith was he said it was an action it was deciding to walk with god to live with god and deliver them all the time and then whatever comes up you trust him because another word for faith is trust you simply trust god and and it's easy to just to know seems like well i'm believing but i'm not sure if i have enough faith well that's be like saying well i believe this person but i don't know if i trust him enough to keep their word what do you or don't you well yeah i trust him okay then that's faith you have faith in that person do you have faith in god and so you can tell if you have faith or not but most people really don't want faith what they want is magic they want god to show up when they snap their fingers and they want to say you live and you die and you'd be blessed and you'd be cursed and they want to say all that but yet they don't want to walk with god and they think that this is going to be an event and they think about uh maybe a gift of faith or something like that and rather than the fruit of faith or the uh walk of faith but we have to realize if we're gonna walk with god if you're gonna if you're going to see god moving your life now if you just want to get saved and hold on and hold out and you know endure to the end then that's i was gonna say it's wonderful it's not wonderful it's really selfish but it's uh you know it'll work you can do that uh because if you have faith and you can get yourself healed then you ought to have faith to get anybody else healed and if you just keep it to yourself well but my faith is personal no such thing there's no such thing as personal faith right your faith should be public we're to be epistles openly read of all men the bible says and so you're supposed to live this life but you're supposed to you might need to stretch yourself you might be comfortable living where you are in faith right you understand that and the thing is faith is never comfortable faith will always push you to the point where you will receive a divine dissatisfaction with being ordinary why because faith was never given to you to make you ordinary faith was given to you to make you extraordinary ordinary you don't need to you don't need faith to be ordinary and that right you can be ordinary without god you can be ordinary meaning you can be average you can be ordinary in the sense that what happens to everybody else happens to you but god gives you faith and if you want more faith you can get faith and depending on how much you want of faith and how much of faith that you want in your life and what you want to do with it but many people just want enough just to get themselves by or get out of a problem or something else rather than saying how far can we go in faith because there comes a point we have to realize no one has ever plumbed the depth of faith we've seen some amazing things happen i've seen some things happen god has done some amazing things even you know in my own life but also i've seen it him do it to to other people and we got to watch him do it but yet faith should always be to give away and to help and to protect and he said well you know i thank god god meets my needs okay that's good but is he meeting other people's needs through you because if he's just meeting your needs and you're satisfied with that you're not where god wants you god wants you to be able to envelop other people's needs take them as your needs and then god meet their needs through your needs by meeting your needs because god will meet your needs amen so we know that faith speaks in mark chapter 11 verse 22 jesus answering saith unto them have faith in god for verily i say unto you that who that whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith in the story jesus said it so that's a fact but most people don't even number one they know the bible says it they know jesus said it but they act like it's not true well you know i'm not going to say this until i see that well you won't see it till you say it and so you have to decide because the the invisible things are eternal but these visible things are temporal they're temporary that means they can be changed and the whole point is that you take faith and use it to change your world that's that's your job basically here your job is not to just have faith and just sit and go okay well i have faith and you know when the time is right i'm out of here or however it's going to happen no it is to move with god to walk with god let me tell you the one thing i've don't ever ever really remember hear anybody talk about about faith not even dr sumrall something happens when you walk in faith there is a joy that comes from walking in faith that just from being in faith just there's a joy that comes out of your life because that's where you're supposed to live is walking with god in faith and when you're in that place where and there's several things that happen in you you know one thing is your mouth is always full of praise you're always i mean you just be walking just praise for god just comes out you know uh many times tongues will just come out you know and and just you just start praising you start walking and these things and but there's a joy of you just knowing at any moment you can stop and go you know what we're in this together you're here you're with me and there's just a joy in just knowing that he's with you no matter where you go and no matter what and knowing that no matter what when i say no matter what in this sense i mean this that you can take anything in the bible that he said and you can say it because you believe it and it will happen it's that simple so no matter what somebody says well this is what it's going to be no it's not and you got people wait i was uh listening to dr sumrall last night as a matter of fact i'm so glad years ago i had a bunch of this stuff and then uh after we moved here actually and then opened the church i had my daughter one time go online and order all of his stuff because i had a bunch of it but a lot of it had disappeared over time and so she ordered and plus by this time when i used to have it it was cassette tapes and some vhs my daughter ordered it and it was all on cd and dvd and so i told her i said order everything he's got just get it all and so she ordered a whole set and they gave us a really good discount because we ordered everything and so we got all this stuff and it got in the mail and it was like christmas and so i mean it was awesome look at it i don't know which which one to start with you know and the thing is i'd heard them all i was there when he preached 80 90 of them and so i'm listening which is really fun because then when you start watching it you remember right i remember this i remember when i did this and then when they panned the audience it's like am i there do i see me and then we got some people that actually saw us on some videos and they sent us uh copies of it and you know clips of it and showed me my wife and we were there and so all but all this is going on right and so i'm i'm looking at all these cds and dvds and you know some people said you know do you really need all that you know you i'm like no but i want it and and i and i got it well guess what now his grandson has been kind of fighting with the family and over the legal rights to the ministry and so now legally by uh court order they can't sell anything so you can't order anything from them but i already got it you see wisdom plans ahead and so now i got all these videos and cds and i can take them anywhere i go and i'll just throw them in and listen to them and and or watch them and just watching dr sumrall and now you know i will say you can find a lot of it on internet too a lot on youtube you can find a lot of different things but watching him and going back and looking at the pulpit he was in that's that's the pulpit i stood behind when the first time i ever prophesied in church and so i'm going back and remember these things and how he would do things and i'm listening to the stuff he says and it's reminding me because whenever he he never seemed to shine as much as when he was talking about faith and i remember even on his theories on faith he said whether i like it or not i'll i will be remembered as a man of faith he said on my tombstone i've already told my sons and when i die i want it to say here lies lester sumrall a man of faith and so he i remember him saying all that stuff and so years later when we left from there and then in 1996 when he died uh it wasn't until about the year 2000 or so that i got to go back up there again and when i went back there the first place i went to after going by the church was to the cemetery where he and louise were buried and i because i wanted to check his tombstone because if he didn't i started writing letters to his sons and saying you did not put on there what your dad wanted to and i went and checked sure enough here lies lester them are all a man of faith and i'm like okay he's he's happy about that so we're good we don't have to do anything but the way he would just live he lived in faith and some of the things he said people go well well you shouldn't said that doesn't matter he did and it worked now i am glad that he you know honestly i mean i would love to be able to call him up and talk to him and ask questions and things and just talk but it's probably a good thing he's not here because in watching some of the videos and stuff he would always be in court always he would i mean constantly uh lawsuits and all kinds of i mean there was stuff going on when we were there people didn't like what he said about various things like homosexuality and things like that and things he said um and then even doctrinal things about you know the father son the holy ghost how they how he said things about it so they were already fighting him then but he always won and and he just never stopped moving forward and so when i a lot of times when i'm reading these scriptures i remember him saying these things and and how he talked about him and it but he he he i understand wigglesworth more by having known dr sumrall but i also understand dr sumrall more by the more i've read about wigglesworth because i'm like oh i thought you made that up and you didn't you took it from wigglesworth he just quoted it from wigglesworth and he would say things and so but when he talked about faith faith was always an action it was not quitting it it's a lifestyle that you don't get to see in people and no matter what happens you you respond in faith in in it's not a formula but you respond in faith towards god in other words uh this is what they say is going to happen yeah but i trust god i believe him i have faith in him and here's what's going to happen and i trust him that what he said is going to happen in this circumstance or i trust him that he said i can fix this circumstance by saying this and so that's where i i learned faith was by watching him and and you know just in how he lived and the things he did but there's you don't see much of that anymore and you don't see it in people everybody's got a theology but a lot of them don't have a walk and as and that's one of the reasons why we don't have people that disciple people because nobody wants them that close to them because then they'll see all they do is preach and they don't walk it and they don't live it i heard a preacher actually just the other day while we were traveling well-known preacher he's got a lot of good stuff and he said the exact same wrong doctrine that i was shocked that it came out of his mouth because i thought he was smarter than that to be honest with you i mean just i really did and but he said the exact same thing i heard another person say who was a good friend of mine and we disagreed on doctrine well we never really talked about that aspect of it so we never really disagreed but he knew where i stood i knew where he stood but this man was a prophet he was a amazing man of god um something like i think 17 000 cripples walked within a what a 10-year period i think it was something like that since the year 2000 back back then he passed away several years ago now but he said the same thing and i'll give you the example in ephesians it says paul said um i die daily and he said if after the manner of men i fought with beasts in ephesus and this preacher and the man that i knew used to say that the reference there is referring to when paul was in ephesus that and that he was probably and that's what they always say that he was referring to him being put into like the coliseum and having to fight with beasts i mean animals and that he had to go in and that he therefore he dies daily now this one person didn't say he died daily he said it should be better said that i'm at the risk of death daily but that's not what the bible says and that's the problem then the other man said that he actually died daily and god raised him up every day that's how weird it got okay but now and the reason this other guy the guy just heard say that the reason he said it is because the idea of what paul was actually saying does not fit his theology so he had to change it to fit his theology but it's weird because he said yeah paul was obviously fighting animals uh as part of like the contest and the things and he was probably put in the arena and that kind of went on now the problem with this is this ephesus was under roman control roman citizens could not legally be forced to fight in the coliseum they could be killed if they were judged guilty of something but they could never be forced to fight that was for the non-citizens you might say and for the lower class people so the idea and said but if this preacher would have actually just looked at history and seen how things were done he couldn't say that but that's what he says why because he doesn't want to say that paul reckoned himself dead and died daily to the things of the flesh and that paul because they were trying to say that paul had this idea of basically what we would call today hyper grace and where now he doesn't have to even think about those things which is in reality not true because we have to have our minds renewed to the word of god and we have to reckon ourselves dead now understand uh it it would be great if it was one time and you never had to do it again right but that in the way it works and so actually you have to regularly reckon yourself dead in other words and now that means any temptations any things any uh thoughts or whatever else that comes to you you ha you regularly have to cast those things down you don't just do it one time and so it's a it's an ongoing thing now i'm saying that because you when you're separating the chaff from the wheat sometimes you have to be able to listen to what the person's saying now that doesn't mean i'm not going to ever listen this guy again why because he's got some good stuff that he's made good points on but i also have to listen and make sure that what he's saying isn't tainted by what he already believes and that's why it's important as we read scripture see one scripture can beat the devil in every area one scripture and so and you did that basically whenever you got born again you decided when the devil owns you that you believe john 3 16 or the equivalent thereof and you decided to believe that and even though the devil owned you you brought yourself out of his dominion just by believing that scripture and then acting upon it you believed and you said and you confess jesus as lord as your master have you said it and then you were taken out of the realm of darkness out of the authority if you want to call it that of darkness and were moved into the kingdom of god's dear son and that was one scripture you probably didn't know all the scriptures you probably didn't know all even all of the salvation scriptures you probably didn't know the process of how it works but you you believed and you received on that one thing now it's good if you know scriptures and you can line them up and in the mouth of two or three witnesses the things should be established so that's all good but now in faith because there's faith there there is the faith and you have to also when you're studying scripture you have to realize there's times when it talks about the faith which is christianity and then there's times that it talks about faith which is your trust in god in any area and in every area you might say so there's a difference and you have to look at what they're talking about now in um matthew 11 24 he says therefore because of what you say you can have if you believe i say unto you what things whoever you desire when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them very simple that's the process of faith but now see it's not enough to know this as a religious thing it's not enough to know scripture people can quote scripture the devil can quote scripture and people can quote scripture and not mix faith with it they won't profit them so there's a part of this that's just living it out but to live it out listen you know it's easy to walk a short distance in faith meaning while you're in church that's the short distance for the hour two hours whatever it is you're here or in a church service it's one thing to walk in faith say the right things but you know even believe the right things at that point and fit in it's a whole different thing come monday morning when you're maybe at your job and you're surrounded by unbelievers and you're surrounded by people that honestly at this point it's not even the unbelief it's just fear and you listen to how people talk and everything is fear and everybody everybody's preparing for the worst and everybody's you know this is going to happen that's going to happen this is going to happen we got to do this we can't do this and you know and nobody and it's amazing because um even in the natural they know better and i think it was warren buffett which i don't know i mean i know a little bit about him but i know he said this he says when people are afraid it's time to be greedy and i'm just quoting him i'm not i'm not saying i agree okay but he said when people are greedy it's time to be afraid what that means is when people are in fear you can buy up stuff real cheap because they'll sell it get rid of it real cheap when they're in fear but whenever people are trying to buy stuff up he said don't don't be quick to buy why because the prices are going to go up but if you will notice in every depression that america has had every financial or economic depression some people lost everything they had some people got rich why because they didn't act in fear and they were able to buy when everybody was afraid and they came out when it was over now if you do study it actually oh well i'm not going to mention it because it's i'm not trying to sell you on it or any of that kind of stuff but there is a book out there that talks about uh some research they've done on the jewish way of doing business basically is the best way i can say it and in that it shows there's always these seven year cycles and in these seven year cycles and you can tell when it is and when it starts and you can tell by that you can tell when it's going to end and they have been right 100 of the time 100 and that is why so much money is in the jewish people is because they go by this system now and they're and they can look at these things now as and honestly it's not because of their faith in god it's because of they understand a system now people of faith you look at abraham abraham told a lot listen our flocks are too big our workers are fighting because we don't have enough feed for our flocks and for our animals so i'll go to the right you go to the left unless you want to go to the left or unless you want to go to the right if you want to go to the right i'll go to the left what you pick you choose whichever way you want to go and he said in whichever way you choose you can have it and it said that lot looked and saw a particular land that was green and good and so he took the good ground which again shows okay that you might think that's smart he was also selfish and thinking of himself which okay you're trying to feed flocks and that i get it you might have to think yourself some or at least of your flocks but abraham was the elder and he should have been the one that chose which way he'd go and leave the le the rest for lot which was his nephew but he said you choose you go whichever way you want why because he knew god is with me and even if i take the the bad land it'll be good god will turn it and it'll start growing why because i own it and because i'm in covenant with god so that's how christians have to think no matter what comes no matter what happens we have to know i'm with god he's with me and i don't care if you stick me on the worst piece of ground out there that is just dry and won't produce anything the minute you sign it over to me or it's in my possession it will start to prosper why because when i do it a tenth of it's going to the lord and other of it's going to people and to help people and do different things you're not thinking and who was it um jcpenney if you know jcpenney i'm not talking about the company i'm talking about the man that started it he was raised tithing and he grew and as a child he tithed on every from the time he was a child up he tithed on every dime he ever earned and he started giving back to god and he started some of the different things and it got to a point where he was giving away 90 and we're talking about a multi-millionaire he gave away 90 and kept 10 completely switched originally he was giving god ten percent but he kept growing until he was given away ninety percent kept ten percent and died a multi-millionaire on ten percent why because he trusted god he knew that system worked there are things in the natural that cross over into the spirit realm and these things in the natural when they cross over all that has to do with trust in god it works in finances it works in relationships it works in healing it works in everything now whatever you rely upon that's what you have trust in that's where your faith is do you understand that you said we went how we went that way you get that whatever you rely upon that's what you have trust in that's where your faith is right so you have to decide where your faith is and in whom your faith is or in what because if your faith is not in god in every area then in that area you have a false god it's just that simple because you're going to have a god there it's going to be something there that you're going to look to and that depends on how you look at things and what you decide now here's what i know and i saw this from dr sumrall and that's why i put it in this manual because i wanted to bring out some of the things i saw in dr sumrall that he lived that were biblical principle number one faith speaks faith is always speaking faith doesn't speak when things get tough but now notice this another even chapter in the manual is this faith also knows when to keep its mouth shut okay you say well when is that well for the illustration that i use in the manual it's very simple it's when the shunamite woman had built a little room on the side for the prophet and every time he would come through he would stay there and then one time he said what can i do for him and his servant said well they don't have a child they don't have an heir and he said oh okay so he went to the woman and said you're going to have an heir this time next year you're going to have an heir and she said don't don't play with me don't kid me that's you know that's the desire of my heart and i really want it but don't don't lie to me and he said you watch so it wasn't the woman's faith it was him speaking in faith he decreed a thing and it was so then he left she had a child and then after a while the child starts to grow up and then the child is out in the field with the father while he's plowing the fields out there and the child dies apparently of something like heat stroke or something along those lines and the child they bring the child in the woman sits there and holds a child until the child actually dies puts the child in the prophet's chamber and that they built for the prophet then she said get the get the chariot ready get the horses ready we're going to see the prophet and she didn't tell anybody that her boy had died she just laid him in the room and said no let's go and then she told the the driver said get there quick don't mind me don't worry if it's rough just get there didn't say anything the husband said where are you going and she said to see the prophet and he said but it's not even a full moon it's no time to do that what are you going for she was that all is well all as well while her dead son lay up in the prophet's chamber all is well why she learned how to keep her mouth shut and she didn't go around telling everybody this thing had happened oh this happened no you don't understand yeah i know the prophet said but i don't know and see she didn't do that she kept your mouth shut if you can't keep a secret god will not tell you things because i wish god would talk to me like that learn to shut your mouth learn to keep your secrets keep god's secrets god will never give you words of knowledge about people if you're gonna later on talk about the things they told you in a prayer line and they told you about the things that god would tell you about them there are things that god has told me about people i don't even tell the people god told me i just know what to pray and they say i need prayer for this and i'm like yeah and you need prayer for this and this and this too but i don't say that why because there's no need god told me that's what i hit and when i say many times they'll say well i have this physical problem and when i'm praying i'm saying spirit soul and body why because i'm hitting every area i'm not guessing i'm hitting areas that god has told me about these people when they stand in front of me there's something that happens and we i've been stretching even myself to be able to use words of knowledge for people in the congregation different things like that but it works best for me generally or has been whenever people get in front of me whenever they're in front of me to the point where i can reach out and touch them i don't have to touch them but whenever they are that close god starts telling me stuff and i and i could say things but a lot of times it's either being recorded or it's on the microphone and people can hear or people are too close and they can hear when it's nobody else's business and so god will tell me that but i'll hit this and maybe it's something in the in the realm of the soul emotions or whatever it is and i'll say spirit soul and body what am i doing i'm thinking that thing what i'm saying so and that thing gets broken and they get healed of that and why because i learned a long time ago there's a time to speak things and then there's a time to shut your mouth and believe things and if you speak it make it general so nobody knows what's going on amen and so you have to learn to keep your mouth shut and i'm telling you if you can't keep your mouth shut you will not walk in faith it won't happen you know why because you're go you'll put out everything you'll say all this stuff and you and just like the bible says in the multitude of words they're they're wanteth not sin in other words if you talk a bunch you're going to be in sin just that simple you're going to run out of good stuff and you're going to start saying the bad stuff and you're going to be held accountable for every idle word that you speak according to jesus well but that's all under the blood jesus never said that would be under the blood he said you will still be held accountable and he said whenever you stand before him that you will be held accountable for every idle word you speak end of story simple as that all right now some things he can you know look the other way on because you didn't know that didn't apply to any of you because you just know you know now you just heard right and so once you become aware of something you become responsible for that thing and so there is an aspect where we have to learn to shut our mouth and then there's times we need to speak when everybody else has shut their mouth and that you have to be able to speak into that situation that's what i saw with dr sumrall how he lived this out now listen faith is not magic it's not wispy and weird and and it it it draws attention to you sometimes but it's not because you're trying to draw attention it's just it just comes out of you it's this is how you will live no i will not do that so usually no is more anointed than yes why because everybody's always trying to get you to do stuff and you have to be able to have enough strength in yourself jesus talked about these soil and he says some soil burns up why because it had no root in itself and then when he talks about the people because those four types of soil are four kinds of people and he says that one type of person is a person that goes for a while but then when the sun comes out and heats on they give up why because they have no root in themself it does not say they have no root in god it says they have no root in themselves in other words you have to be able to dig down in yourself and go you know what i really want to say this but i'm not that means you've got root in yourself that means that you can shut your mouth you can grit your teeth whatever you got to do but you have the intestinal fortitude to say no i'm not going to do that and mean it it's real easy to say no when there's very little heat that when the heat comes is whenever you have to decide again i'm just sharing some of the things that i learned from dr sumrall one of the things i that i love that dr sumrall used to say was he said the devil will try to shut doors on you and try to keep you out of areas and if he sees it work he'll shut more and more doors until you can go nowhere and he said so i live by a principle and that principle is this when i see a door that's shut that god says i should be able to do he said i don't just walk through it i kick it in and i make a lot of noise doing it so the devil will know that i've kicked in the door and he said because the devil will tell you even if you kick in the door keep it quiet don't make a big deal out of it because what if you have to back off that he said and that's why you got to speak it that's why you guys say it out there so you can't back off and so there is an aspect of speaking in faith where you say no this is the way it will be and i will not back off i will die before i back off now see this is what it's funny people travel with me and i have one guy one time travel with me and because i like history and the gods generals wherever we go we go if we're in an area and i know somebody lived there we'll go by to see if the house is there or if the church building was there i'll take pictures of it and that kind of stuff but regardless if we can almost always find their their grave and so we end up going to the cemeteries and taking pictures of graves and that kind of stuff with these old guys and we don't lay on the graves we don't try to get anything out of the graves uh anything that was there is already gone and it's with him and i don't want anything that comes from below right if anything i wanted to come from above amen and so but this guy said man he said i never because everybody back then was called me a healing evangelist and that's the way they saw me he said i never thought traveling with a healing evangelist i'd spend so much time in cemeteries and i said well it's because these guys aren't going to surprise you with doing something stupid why because they've already done they're they're done they're not doing anything new and so i said most of them are pretty safe to learn from and that's one of the things that i started knowing about dr sumrall and of course about smith wigglesworth and john lake and these different people is that they all had the same kind of characteristic of they refused to be boxed in and not allowed their faith to move forward faith is a choice you can choose but that choice means you choose what you listen to you choose what you watch you choose us and like wiggle's words wouldn't let a newspaper in his home wouldn't miss on the radio i'll just spend his time in the word and people say well how did he get such great faith oh it was an anointing and wigglesworth himself said it's not an anointing i choose to spend my time in the word he said that's the source of faith that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god and so but yet we think we can do it another way and and i'm telling you the easy way is getting the word and stay in the word and live the word and speak the word and find somebody you can speak the word with and speak the word back and forth and live in it and it and the thing is you do that at first and it may seem like you're hitting against a wall itself but whenever you move into it and you start to speak these things and they start happening then you're like oh that's cool yeah that's that's awesome and then but you're not surprised it's just awesome and then you and the thing is though when you start to speak to people's lives and you start telling them you can get up and they think well you hadn't prayed for me i don't have to pray for you it's my believing that counts it's not it's not the hands it's believing and and me putting my hands on you is just proof that i'm believing so i can believe and you can get healed without me saying anything without me touching you it's what i believe because believing is important all the promises of god are to believers amen and so it's the believing but you have to decide this is the way it will be and then you start speaking it and when you speak it you've already decided this is how it's going to be and then it's it comes to pass and you can tell people you don't need that you don't need that there was a lady up in denver i think it was have to remember because we had healing services everywhere but there was a lady in denver that uh stood in line when they were going to pray for people and i went down the line and i saw that she had this uh cane thing with her and it was hard for her to get up there i could tell when she was walking up there it was really hard for her to walk and when she got up there i just walked i'd already prayed for seville was by her and said do you need that you don't need that do you and she said she was looking for the right answer you could tell it's kind of like i do but i'm not supposed to you know that kind of thing and and i said here give it to me and she handed it to me i said no we'll just walk and she looked to me like but you got to pray you you got to do something and i'm like no i mean we weren't saying this but you could tell on her face and so i'm holding the cane and she just starts walking off and just walks then we were in um where were we remember all these different places um the lady got out of the wheelchair where was that at salt lake city there we go thank you yes salt lake city lady uh oh yeah cause i i i called for terminal cases terminal is not god's vocabulary it's a man's okay but i said if you've been diagnosed terminal come up front and we had like six people come up front five or six people one lady came over in a wheelchair had an oxygen tank the whole bit had what they said was fourth stage cancer very short time to live and they wheeled her up there and so i just took her by the hands and and her hands were ice cold i mean her body was shutting down and so her hands were ice cold and i just thought i said in the name of jesus get up you're healed be healed in jesus name i said all right what do you want to do and she basically said she want to get up okay so she got up there was a guy there was security that he picked up her and i said you start walking and so she started walking and as they walked around she got faster and faster and faster and ended up jogging and the man who was in perfect health was carrying her oxygen stuff behind her and was running behind her trying to keep up with her while she was running and this woman couldn't even walk in there amen and so she was running now now listen i didn't feel anything and i'm training myself even more so to purposely not try to feel anything to to to not look for anything why because it's his word his word is what counts it's the word if you want to talk well that person's anointed that listen if you want to use that terminology fine but a person is only anointed to the degree they are speaking god's word because the power is in his word the gospel is the power of god unto salvation you get it the gospel the good news the word of god god has exalted his word even above his own name meaning that and he hastens to perform in other words he watches over his word to perform his word you want to know where faith is it's in the word you get in the word you get the word in you jesus said if you abide in me and my words abide in you you'll ask whatever you willing to be done and so there is a when you walk in his faith you can decide what's going to happen it'll be this way and i can decide if i'm going to lay hands on them if i'm going to speak i decide all that i make i just i choose now some people they say well when i get there brother curry is going to do this and they have it set and usually when that happens the holy spirit he doesn't always tell me this is what that person's done but as i noticed i will tell this person to do this and then that person i'll go lay hands on them why because that's what their where their faith was set and it's the holy spirit that leads and guides and let you move into this stuff but i'm telling you we can't let ourselves remain in anything less than true faith because listen a lot of people think they're in faith and they die speaking faith but we have to realize faith works see but we have one of the questions well what if what if we have believed 100 somebody's healed but we don't see it healed you haven't believed 100 why because faith works well but what about this no there is no what about well but if i what if i lay hands on somebody and they don't get healed don't waste your time you've already decided to cut yourself out you've already decided what if you know what if the word of god is true oh guess what it is so there's no if there's no if and they like believers lay hands on the sick and they recover when a believer lays hands on sick they recover in the story that's it right and it all comes back even with the idea of authority because if you're going to walk in faith you're going to walk in authority you're going to walk and you're going to command faith commands faith speaks faith hears faith sees faith can be heard faith can be seen oh why because it's life you know i mean there's so many more scriptures you know we could go through and i'm already out of time but i'll just tell you i wasn't going to say anything my wife said i got to tell you this but i was debating on whether to tell you or not because you weren't there so i don't know if it'll impact you but and it might make you realize i'm not just not as sharp as you think i am so so i'm a little more usually you say that's okay that's okay where to know that so okay there we go um okay uh you probably didn't see me during worship i was back there during the worship and i'm you know i'm doing my little charismatic thing you know kind of i mean you know i wasn't running i wouldn't run around the room or anything but okay we we have a house that we're trying to fix up and get ready to live in and it's on six acres of land and it's got a pond well it used to be a pond it's dry now but it that's a big hole but it was it was a pond at one time well when it was a pond we would go out there and it's kind of in the country so you can shoot out there and nobody will say anything and so we would go out there and in this pond we would take these rubber balls you know the kind of you get from walmart just rubber ball uh air in the middle you know and we would take them and throw them in the pond and then shoot them because they're it they move right and they make good moving targets and so we would shoot at them and when you know when you hit it depending on the caliber you were using at the time uh sometimes they sink slowly and other times they just kind of exploded but many times they would just think no matter what so now whenever all the water drained out of the pond all the all these balls and everything is in the bottom of this dirt and when the water drained out the dirt settled on the balls right so you can't see it's all just brown they all look like just brown balls right and so i'm out there and i'm trying to clean it up a little bit and you know you make a mess you got cleaned up so i'm picking all this stuff up and there was some other stuff that the people that owned the house before had thrown in there too like tin cans and some stuff like that and they're surprisingly there were quite a few fiji bottles with bullet holes in them too so either we were just throwing anything out there we could shoot right but so all this is down so i'm picking all this stuff up and throwing it out and up on the side because the thing's kind of deep so i'm throwing up on the side so i'm walking around and i see these balls and so i pick one up and throw it up on the ground no problem and then i walk around this other one and we have this fence it's like a chain fence next to it and it's probably i don't know 10 yards maybe if that uh from where the ball was to where the fence was and i'm you know i'm thinking soccer i'm thinking i am fixing to send that ball over that fence it's going to be awesome and i know i'm lined up and you know i'm i'm left-handed left-footed mostly so i'm gonna i'm you know right through the goal post i see it you know okay so i step back you know and i move forward on this ball and i when i get to it i'm like bam i mean i'm kicking as hard as i could it was a bowling ball there's a bowling ball and i didn't know that okay so i kicked a bowling ball i sent it about eight to ten foot i mean i was kicking i mean i but as soon as i hit it i heard the same thing i heard when i was on the trampoline if you know my story i heard the bones in my left foot and as soon as i hit it i felt the pain and i drew my foot back which when i did that i twisted this ankle and so i just go down and i'm in my first my first reaction is anybody looking i i knew there was nobody out there but there's that reaction and i'm thinking thank god all of our cameras point the other way this is gonna be one of those failed things that they you see on you know youtube and i'm kind of kneeling there for a second and i can feel my foot i mean there's no doubt i know what broke is it was broke broke okay and it started swelling and by the time i got home i mean i had to get a stick actually to walk out of the out of the pond i had to get a stick to walk up and i mean i'm limping on both feet both feet are hurting and so i get home that evening and i'm trying to not tell my wife not say anything you know i'm trying to hide it okay but i mean as soon as i hit it i started speaking name of jesus right now pain go foot healed hole jesus name i'm going on so i get home my son is coming over that evening and so when he gets there i've been pretty good at not walking a lot around my wife so she wouldn't see it and so but when my son my son got there so i started walking in and i mean i'm like i mean i mean i i it's hard to walk and he said what's wrong with your feet and i'm like you you wouldn't believe it so i told them the whole story about what's going on and so then i sit down my wife comes in and my son and i we're talking about it and the mom says what what happened what's going on i'm like okay here's what happened so i finally told her and so i had these house shoes on at the time and so i she said oh let me see it so i pulled off my house shoe it's blue reddish blue black the whole side of my foot on this side you can see where the bone was sticking up out of the foot and it was a mess and my wife's looking at it and she's i mean she goes what are you gonna do and i'm like i'm already doing it i'm already doing it right so then i went to bed that was friday and i went to bed that night and laid down just laid down no big deal lay down in bed and said father you're so good it's i'm just i'm amazed at all the good in my life and i think i said and i just i really appreciate and thank you for healing my foot because i need my feet healed i got to go to church sunday i said i need my feet healed and i just went to sleep now i don't sleep late and so but i did that day and my wife came in and she said first thing she said she thought uh curry's still in bed his feet must be hurting him and he can't walk and so she came in and she said what we have she said how's your how's your feet and i'm like i don't know that's why i started moving them i'm like there's no pain it's good and she goes really i said yeah so i had to get up had to sure and then and she's watching me and i'm walking around not limping not doing i mean nothing right and so she she at one point she goes she comes to my room where i do my study and she says so your feet's not hurting i'm like no not at all and she said maybe you just have a high pain tolerance and i'm like no no i mean i would love to be macho and say yes let's order this hot paint but that wasn't it and and she said so there's no pain and i said no and and she's looking at me like really and i'm like so i stood there i'm like and and she looks at me and and the door is there so i just i'm like i started kicking the doorpost and i'm like no pain so at some point then finally i showed her my foot again and if there was a like a mark on the side we could see where it had been and so she's looking at it and then she starts squeezing it that doesn't hurt that doesn't hurt i'm like no thank god it doesn't you know but but you know i mean i've seen thousands thousands thousands of people heal of every kind of thing and i'm always grateful i'm so i'm grateful what i say but it i don't know it has been a long time since i needed healing i mean years i mean long time right and especially for anything broken or any of that kind of stuff i mean you know i've sprained some things and stuff like that but it's been a long time and the first time it took you know a couple of weeks right at first and then it actually had kind of had a recurrence for a couple of months after that almost actually almost two years after that there'd be little tinges that the enemy i'd wake up and the enemy would be trying to make me so it took that while and then and this morning or not this morning but yesterday morning when i got up i'm like glory that god that was overnight i'm like i've grown i've grown you know cause let me tell you it's one thing it's one thing believing for other people believing for yourself is a total different thing and i understand that i know and i tell people all the time it's much easier for you to pray for other people or if you need it get them to pray for you many times but i'm telling you god is amazing amen and i'm telling you i'm standing here i'm completely healed i mean i mean got no pain amen but i'm telling you yeah i will i will check any balls i start to kick okay and my wife said well you know the lady that had the house before we did she said they were if we found a bowling ball that it was theirs and i'm like i found it you know but the only reason i'm saying this is because listen i don't just preach i live this and and it can be lived amen and i don't know anybody that's plumbed depths like we said there are things that god wants to do but we've all got to stretch ourselves we've got to decide how much can i trust god and if we find out that there are limits his limitations our our limitations become his limitations we limit him by our limitations because there are no limitations to faith and i'm telling you walk in faith and it's amazing because you have no fear you have no concerns all those people that jesus talked to in matthew 6 don't you know take no anxious thought for tomorrow tomorrow's got enough evil of its own those are commands but you realize he was talking to people that he wasn't talking to us there i mean in that sense why he doesn't have to tell us take no anxious thought we're in faith we don't have anxious thoughts why because we trust him we have a god who is our father that we can trust for every aspect my wife was saying today well you know um you're you're a good person to be around if things go the way people are saying they're gonna go you know she said are you at a point where uh god can you know bring food manifest i said you bet why how do you know what because whatever i need is going to be there when i need it amen why and and by the time anything happened like that i will have grown even more than i am today dr sarah said he'll be known as a man of faith well probably people are going to remember me more as a you know person of healing and that kind of stuff but let me tell you every healing is because i'm a believer and because i have faith in god this word is all that counts this there is nothing else i don't care about the other stuff i don't care whatever's going to come it will not come near my dwelling it will not touch me i listen i have already seen this happen people talk about what if they come for this and what if they come and do that or how are you going to do that what are you going to do i have i have walked when people pulled guns on me and they saw me but didn't see me i've seen that i've done it you can do it but you have to trust god but many times listen you don't know what you're going to do until the time comes unless you have prepared the in the middle of the heat in the middle in the heat of the battle that is not the time to start making decisions you have to make them whenever there is no heat and you have to reinforce them until they become part of you and then when the heat's on you will live out what decisions you have made but if you think that you're going to live like everybody else have the same fears that everybody else does talk like everybody else but whenever the time comes you're going to rise up and be a mighty man or woman of faith you are fooling yourself now's the time to walk in faith start stretching yourself now use it for other people before you have to use it for yourself amen but you can stretch and you can why because it's listen it's only a stretch in you god is amazing he can do anything we can believe he can do exceeding abundantly above all we can even ask or think so if you can think it god can do more so the minute you think it and put it into a word of a prayer he you're already limiting him because he can do more so whatever you're asking for saying see that's one of the things i've been learning to do more than i ever have before is that yes i see promises and i believe promises and all the promises are yes and amen and i believe these promises but at the same time i try not to limit god to how i think he can fulfill that promise i just trust him and say you know what you said this you said i can lay hands on the sick you said they'll recover but you also said that you can do abundantly beyond exceeding uh whatever we can ask or think so that means you can heal and i don't have to touch them that means you can heal and i can do this and why because we're learning to stretch but he wants us for every person he wants every person to walk in faith he wants every person to have a connection with him so because i'm telling you there is a joy there is a peace you know i told some people today i said you know i don't know what's happened well i know when it happened about six weeks ago and i and i came it was a decision and the results of that decision have done everything i told my wife that i said i don't know i said i feel like i got born again again i said it's amazing i said i feel like i've been baptized in the holy spirit all over again i don't know but i didn't do anything spectacular to make it happen and honestly the only the closest thing i can tie it back to was a decision that there were and it sounds kind of silly actually but i'd had some books just regular you know well most of them are martial art books things and stuff like that uh in my office where i was studying and i'm and one day i remember i got up and i started to leave my desk and i looked around and i've got some bookshelves there and it was probably i don't know uh 50 50 40 60 something like that between my christian books and books on health and nutrition and exercise and martial i mean just a wide range of stuff none of it bad you understand there wasn't anything bad but i remember i got up and i started to turn and i looked and i looked at that and a strangest thought came across my mind i thought that's not my life and so that i mean right after that i went and got some tubs and i took everything every book out of my office and left only bibles good spiritual books that kind of stuff everything else and that was the day everything changed everything changed and and i can't explain it but i'm telling you i'm so yeah it is definitely his focus i mean and and honestly focus people don't like focus you know they don't like you to be focused why because you're you know wet blanket you know you don't want to talk about this don't want to talk about that and you know i just you know and and you know you don't you don't get super religious and all that stuff and i'm better than you because i'm holy no no it's it's not that at all but i'm telling you there is such a a peace and a joy and most of time i'm either singing to god or praying or speaking in tongues or just crying and just just there's times when you know you just want to shout you know you just want to just and you know and and then god is talking to you in the middle of all of it and the other day i was driving i might have told you about i was praying in tongues when i left here i was going to home going toward home it's about a 20-minute drive and so i was praying in tongues from the time i got in the car started praying in tongues and i got about halfway home and the tongue stopped and then god said very clearly he said you're going to interpret that and but it was almost more like a you're going to interpret that you know and i'm like i didn't think about it i didn't think that but yeah okay i will you know and i began interpreting it and it was him reminding me of all the commitments that i had made to him that he he took me at my word and he blessed me even with some of the commitments that i had not lived up to he blessed me because of the commitments and and then he reminded me of all the times that he had protected and spared and i just went to and by this time i'm just blubbering i'm just crying and trying to drive at the same time and all this stuff you know but it's just i can't tell you i mean i'm more solid than i've ever been in the areas of healing and in the areas where i know god and i've seen him move there's there's no doubt i mean there's you know i mean it's just not even a question but all of that it takes a back seat to the joy and the peace and just loving life because you know god is filling every second of it and there's just such a joy and just such a freedom that is it's like and and even i can tell you even another area what the old pentecostal used to call sanctification i mean you know it's one thing when you have to take every thought into captivity as opposed to not having any thoughts you need to take into captivity that's the joy that's there's a freedom and you're able to just love and and then whenever you stand before people and you're going to minister healing you know the devil's got nothing he can say nothing because you ain't done nothing and and you're not thinking nothing you know what i'm saying and that and the devil's got nothing to pull on to go and right when you start to pray for her somebody tries to remind you hey remember that the other day when you got in the argument remember this and he tries to you know do things there's nothing there i mean you can stop you're about to minister and you're like nothing i don't hear nothing i don't even hear the devil trying to accuse me of anything why because he's got nothing it's that cleansing that's the baptism of the holy spirit there's power and there's cleansing and he does both of that and and he wants every person i know beyond shattered doubt to walk in the cleansing and in the power and in the peace and in the joy he wants you to have that but many times we don't experience that because there's areas of our life rooms in our life that we've not given to him and we tell him yeah i love you i love you but don't don't open that door stay away from that door nope i've given you 90 percent just 10 that's mine he goes no i want all of you and when you give him all of you it's amazing it's not what you give up people are like oh i know it's hard it's a sacrifice i say are you kidding me we were talking about the day so i said well i know it's a sacrifice to to live this kind of life i'm like i have not given up anything except stuff that would kill me or hurt me or make me sad i said so it has not been a sac if anything it has not been a sacrifice it has been a joy to to serve him amen and i can i can tell you i know in my own life and i just keep hearing it you ain't seen nothing yet you ain't seen nothing yet you watch you can't see nothing yet amen amen so listen i got i know i went way over i'm i did not mean to go uh over this long um but if how many of you need healing in your body you need healing in your body all right now now listen carefully from the next statement how many of you feel you need me to lay hands on you for you to get healed you need it that's what you need done anybody okay okay that's fine now i've been even stretching myself more and more in the area of just commanding and watching and we've seen amazing things happen all across the country even on this last trip it's one of the reasons why i'm so excited about this trip because i knew things were going to be different and so i'm going to speak we're going to give a command it's going to be by faith because i believe and it's going to accomplish what you need done because listen he's the healer i'm just providing the believing that allows him to work in the natural realm that's all i'm doing i'm just giving him because faith is the substance it's a substance and so my faith is the substance he's going to use to heal your body he's going to use it i don't have to touch you to do it do you understand that but i can speak because faith speaks faith can be seen it can be heard it can be spoken out and as we speak because i'm speaking his words and not my own because i'm speaking his words my words are spirit and they are life because his words are spirit and they are life amen and his words are life and health to all their flesh that find it well you found it why because you're here so you have found so now what i'm going to speak is going to be life and health to all your flesh and your flesh is going to respond because it nothing let me tell you puny human flesh cannot even think about resisting the power of god's word spoken in faith do you get that it can listen if he caused the red sea to open up stand up and congeal and then cause probably anywhere from eight to fifteen feet of mud to instantly be dry that people can walk across if he can do that with water molecules and dirt molecules your molecules don't stand a chance amen so so let's just pray and then afterwards if you need me to lay hands on you i will be glad to do so amen and we will do it and we i i love to lay hands on the sick uh wigglesworth said i'm never happier than when i'm in the room with a sick person okay that sounds kind of strange but i get it i know what he's saying because you put somebody think about this you you meet somebody on the street they can run away but when you're in a room they got nowhere to go okay and it's amazing because many times we'll start to lay hands on somebody if they have a devil a lot of times they'll fall before i touch them and when they fall guess what we don't go oh look at the power and walk off that that would be flattery that's not what we think we think oh okay the devil didn't want me to touch you so now you're on the ground now you can't go anywhere so now i'm going to get down here with you and i'm going to lay hands on you right and now they can't go anywhere so the devil's just stupid amen he's just stupid he just don't come anybody's going to fight against god it's just stupid right so don't be stupid don't fight god amen are you ready to receive yes it's real simple he's already decreed it he's already declared it he said that he has granted basically uh all spiritual blessings in heavenly places he's already given them to us so all we're doing is receiving right now listen carefully you can just something that god brought out just recently you cannot breathe out and breathe in at the same time deep revelation isn't it i know what i mean is this when i'm going to pray you don't pray because see i'm praying out and if you're praying you're praying out you don't need to pray out you need to receive so when i'm praying you just receive i'll breathe out you breathe in that makes sense yes so that's what we're going to do amen are you ready to receive yes all right raise your hands father we thank you your word is true absolutely true and we rely on it and we rely on you we trust you 100 your word says that you sent your word and healed them father every time it mentions jesus healing he said he healed them all so father we thank you now that you can heal all right here that it was already granted it was already done by the stripes of jesus they are healed so in the name of jesus right now we say in agreement with god be healed now in jesus name be healed be in a state of health in the name of jesus right now bodies i command you right now fix and change and correct whatever needs to be done but right now in the name of jesus i set you free and whom the sun sets free is free indeed so be free breathe move look see hear whatever you could not do begin doing it now right now because jesus told the man with the withered arm stretch forth your hand it was impossible but he did it and was healed whatever you can't do you can do it now because faith comes with the word so in jesus name be healed now in the name now right now also all those watching by internet even in the future watching by dvd god's power is not limited by time by space by distance his word cuts through everything so wherever you are be healed right now head to toe right now now if there's anyone here that has not made jesus lord of your life do it now don't wait for emotions don't wait for feelings just decide it's the right thing and it's always the right time to do the right thing so right now make him lord of your life now if you have been away from him if you have ever been more on fire for him than you are right now that's backslidden god doesn't want you to live in a backslidden state that means you've moved from hot to lukewarm hopefully not always the cold but in the name of jesus right now you can decide to be hot on fire again and you can decide that now right now in the name of jesus if that was you if you have been away from god if you've ever been more on fire than you are or have been than you were today then right but you've decided you want to be on fire more than you have ever been in the past come up here right now get up here now right now move move move quick quick do this quick move forward there we go thank you father thank you if you've never made jesus the lord of your life but you want to do that and you want to do it now do it now right now make him lord of your life just come on down front and just make him lord of your life just let that movement be just you're assigned to him i'm serious i want to make jesus lord of my life just come on down we're going to let you come a little bit just shortly more shortly more all right say this with me father i believe your word father there have been times when i was hotter on fire for you and right now right now i come to you and i give my life to you completely the past is gone i am with you you are with me i am forgiven and now i walk with you on fire i give you all my life now fill me with your holy spirit with your holy spirit brand-new overflowing overflowing with the fire that burns out the chaff father i thank you and i receive your holy spirit i receive your forgiveness i receive your forgiveness i receive restoration to you my life is yours do with it as you will in jesus name so be it amen amen now give him a hand hallelujah thank you father thank you father hallelujah so thank you father for these people in the name in the name in the name and father we thank you even right now now also those of you that came forward that needed healing when you made that prayer healing was done already i mean i've already prayed and that's already done but i'm telling you there's no person that has ever been and i'm going all the way back to being saved that at the same time that they were saved they were not also healed according to god and so all that can take place at one time why because he's the god of the spirit soul and body head to toe amen amen so now it's up to you now you know what to do get in the word read the word living the word talk the word speak the word speak find people you can speak with right develop that relationship develop listen you got to develop the relationship with with this book why because this is the this is the only physical thing you've got in contact with god the only physical contact to god is right there and so live in this word love this word read it speak it i have a cd that i can play in my car actually it's a mp3 i can play it in my car and it's the bible new testament especially on cd and i play it and i listen and i repeat it i listen and i repeat it and i just constantly repeat it and sometimes i'll go back and do the same chapter over and over and over again and i listen and repeat it one that's called homogeneous translation that means you're you're saying the same thing as and and it gets it in you and you get you thinking about it and then this times i'll just push pause and just think about one verse for you know 300 miles when we're driving that kind of thing why because this is it this is what counts this allows you to have the relationship with god that you must have amen there's no there's no other way there's no other way right uh reading books about the bible isn't the same as reading the bible right i read good books but we don't want to ever replace the bible with man's words because man's words generally usually have some untruth in him somewhere his word is 100 truth amen amen so are you a new person starting today amen all right brand new amen amen
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 12,684
Rating: 4.9384613 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: bUW4Wd3hg3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 49sec (5389 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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