Basic 3D Text in Fusion - DaVinci Resolve Beginner Tutorial

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[Music] hey guys my name's Casey Faris I make DaVinci Resolve tutorials here on YouTube today we are talking about 3d text going over the basics about how to actually make it infusion and put it into your projects and things like that so let's go I've made a new fusion composition just by going up to my media pool right clicking anywhere and selecting new fusion composition before we get into things I'm gonna set up my comp I'm just gonna drag a background node down to of my nodes and connect it to my media out that's gonna give us a black screen the reason I do this is just to make sure to set the composition size make sure everything acts the way it should so let's make some 3d text here in my tools I'm gonna grab text 3d and drag it down to my nodes and I'll make sure it's selected and up in the inspector I'll type something let's type dimension yeah now if we select this node and hit 2 on our keyboard that's gonna bring this up here in our 3d viewer to move around in 3d you can hold down alt and middle click and that will rotate you can just middle click to kind of pan around and you can hold down control and scroll wheel to move in and out one thing you might notice is that this 3d text has no three deenis that's flat so flat the reason for that is because it hasn't been extruded so again with our text 3d selected over in our inspector gonna scroll down to the very bottom under extrusion and this little slider extrusion depth I'm just gonna pump that up and look what's happening now oh we getting we get in 3d II look at that it's got some girth of course it still looks super weird that's because we don't have any lighting we don't have any lights and we also don't have lighting even enabled so at this point you might be looking all through the inspector looking for lighting and things like that just working why don't they have stuff the reason is because to make 3d things we actually have to add a couple different nodes if you think about something that exists in three dimensions like a real coffee cup there's a couple different parts to it actually existing the first one is that there's an object right so the coffee there's also the world it exists in right so it's in this room and it lives in the world with lights and right now you can see it because we're taking a picture of it mm-hmm so there's really four elements to making something look good in 3d there's the actual object the world the lights and actually capturing the image so it works the same way in fusion right now we have text 3d but that's just the thing that's just the object that's like just our coffee cup right we also need a world for it to exist in that happens in a node called merge 3d which is right here I'll grab that and drag that down and I can connect this to our world right and if I hit 2 on the keyboard we can see it doesn't really look a whole lot different but this merge 3d this is where we add different things to our world right to our scene so we can add lights we can add other objects we can add all kinds of stuff right here with merge 3d and we'll get into that in a second but now we actually need to capture this image right so this is the thing this is the world now we need a way to actually look at this you may notice that if you grab the output of merge 3d and try and drag it on something it doesn't really connect to anything that's because these are 3d nodes and these are 2d nodes and eventually if you're going to actually want to see anything 3d you're gonna have to convert your 3d node to a 2d node the equivalent you know of capturing a real world image you know anyway so you would surely think that that would be a camera 3d node right well sort of what we actually need is renderer 3d we'll drag that down and I'll connect my emerge 3d to render to 3d and this is actually rendering the image so now if we hit 2 on the keyboard we'll see things are actually looking a little bit different so this is just basically a picture of all the 3d stuff that's happening now that we have these nodes set up we have a lot more options for how things look in render of 3d in our inspector towards the bottom there's a little section called lighting and we can enable lighting and an able shadows and now we'll see things are dark because we've enabled lighting and guess what there's no lights so remember we have our object connected to our world which is our merge 3d and we're taking a picture of it with render 3d we're gonna add a light to our world the way that we do that is just add a 3d light note I'm gonna hit shift spacebar to bring up our select tool menu and I'm gonna type light and that's gonna bring up all the different kinds of lights that I can use the easiest one in my opinion is directional light I'll click on that and add and here we have our directional light node which we can add to our merge 3d node now the merge 3d node is a lot like a merge node like a 2d merge node except for you can add any number of things it's not limited to a foreground in a background because it's 3d you can just add a bunch of stuff to the world so here's the directional light and our text 3d they're both being put into the same world and then we're rendering them so now up here on our screen this is starting to look a little bit 3d right how do we adjust this to make it look decent well just like in the real world if you want to move some stuff around you actually move the objects right so down here in our nodes I can grab an object to move it and actually to make this a little bit easier I'll grab merge 3d one and hit one on the keyboard now to bring up in our left viewer kind of a view of our world and hold down ctrl and scroll hold down alt and middle drag to kind of see our 3d scene I can also move objects inside of merge 3d if I want to I just have to select whatever I want to move down here in the nodes and then in the merge 3d and grab its little handle and move it around this is where having to viewers infusion is super helpful I like to have my renderer 3d in the right viewer and my merge 3d in the left viewer so I can just push this text back and frame it up here in my right viewer just make sure that looks nice and again just like video production and everything lighting in 3d is super important so depending on the direction of the light that's going to determine like how 3d something looks so if I grab my directional light node I can move it around here in my left viewer by grabbing its little widget and a directional light doesn't really matter like where it is in the world just because it shoots a light in a certain direction but for organization I like to have a light pretty much where I would think it would be so if I have my key light my main light I'd have it you know here and then I can rotate it to point towards my subject a couple ways I can do that I could do it in my inspector over here my second icon in my directional light I can adjust my rotation with sliders here moves things around I can also see it changing that lighting there and the right-hand viewer that's a nice way to do things you can also change your little widget thing up here in the upper left hand corner of our viewer and switch to rotate mode and I can rotate it that way they both control the same thing just depends on what you prefer now I have my 3d text with some decent lighting and now that I have my render of 3d I can actually merge this over my background whatever whatever I want just like a 2d image and if I hit number two on the keyboard there we have our text there are a ton of things to get into with 3d infusion if you guys want to learn more about it please let me know in the comments but that's how you would get some really basic 3d text really anytime that you make something 3d you're gonna want probably three nodes whatever your object is your merge 3d and your render most the time you'll want to enable lighting and maybe shadows and your render then you can have your object with whatever lighting you put on it so I hope that's helpful and inspiring if you're still kind of confused with the basics of nodes this video is the bomb for that huh it is it's great I'm from the 90s that's why I said the bomb is probably before that actually I don't know mmm some of you experienced friends are probably going to tell me when the bomb started probably
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 78,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: basic 3d text in fusion - davinci resolve beginner tutorial, davinci resolve, davinci resolve tutorial, tutorial, davinci resolve 16, fusion tutorial, davinci resolve 15, fusion, davinci resolve fusion, vfx, resolve 15, blackmagic fusion, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, resolve 16, blackmagic, davinci resolve 15 tutorial, video editing, motion graphics, resolve 15 tutorial, davinci resolve 16 tutorial for beginners, 3d, beginner fusion tutorial, resolve 15 fusion, 3d text, editing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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