Create Your Own Twitch Alerts FOR FREE

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all right i heard you i'm here i'm doing it i'm making the video showing you guys how to make alerts in davinci resolve are you happy now as a matter of fact over the next few videos i will be making alerts in each of the different motion graphics applications that i use when i make stuff on my stream so that's davinci resolve apple motion and after effects three different kinds of alerts in three different programs giving you guys the tips tricks and techniques so you can go out and make something cool for your stream but in this video we're going to be focusing on davinci resolve first and creating a really clean modern and simple alert that is applicable to any stream out there loads if you've been asking for this for a long time now so you know what let's just uh let's just jump into it make some cool stuff before we get started let me give a huge thank you to the sponsor of this video nerd or die if you're looking for an excellent design for your stream so you can focus on making the best content you possibly can then nerd or dying is the place to go from panels to banners to webcam animations to alerts transitions and a whole lot more along with the huge collection of designs they have on their website a lot of their designs are super customizable so take their overdrive pack for example you can download the after effects source files and you can tweak the design to get the exact style you're looking for so if you want to pick out a fresh design for your stream and help support the channel in the process make sure you use the link in the description down below and be sure to use code sam for a very cheeky fifteen percent off at checkout and there's another reminder i do some every single tuesday thursday and sunday over on twitch the link to my channel is in the description down below so feel free to jump by and ask any questions i do a lot of just chatting streams so if you want to know more about the kind of stuff i mentioned in these videos then that's the place to ask me and with that out of the way let's jump in and start breaking down the alert that we're going to be making today as you can see we're going for really clean modern and simple looking alerts that is very applicable to the majority of streams out there all of this was done inside of davinci resolve using blackmagic fusion which is the built-in vfx compositor inside of resolve let's uh get cracking shall we so here i am on the project pane and the first thing we're gonna do is create a brand new project by clicking on this new project button right here and uh we're gonna give it a name so uh twitch alerts makes the most sense but you know what you can be creative at this point feel free to uh go crazy i'm going to call this twitch alerts and i'm going to click create now what i'll do is it will load up the davinci resolve edit window on the cut page and the first thing we're going to do is create a new timeline and we do that by going to file menu and clicking new timeline and this is where we're going to customize name and give the right resolutions and frame rates for our projects give your timeline a name we're going to call this one for me a subscriber alert and then what you want to do is click on use custom settings down here now what that will do is it'll bring up a bunch of other options but we'll need to focus on really is format so this is where we change the resolution and the frame rate for our timeline we're not going to be using a hd timeline for this which have a custom resolution for this and i'm going to make my resolution 1280 by 250 i'm going to set it to 60 frames per second and the main reason i'm making my timeline this resolution is simply because we don't need a large hd alert where it's going to be this small on our screen rendering out a massive alert at 1080p is going to cause massive file sizes and that's going to be a pain in the backside to convert and then upload to stream elements or stream labs so making it this resolution reduces all of that unnecessary space just what we need and we can focus on making a smaller size alert and keeping the animations a bit more refined so once you've done that all you need to do is then click create and then what you'll do is you'll have a timeline setup and a project ready to start animating what we need to do is actually move over to the edit page to start the next step and we do that by clicking on this button here on the bottom of the resolve window now once you've done that make sure you go to the effects library and the next thing we need to do is add a fusion composition to our timeline so inside of the toolbox go to effects and then find fusion composition and drag that out onto the timeline once you've done that click and drag and extend the fusion composition out to about six seconds and then once you've done that the next thing we need to do is actually then move over to the fusion window by clicking on the fusion button at the bottom of the screen here you may feel the urge to close down the project and go have a nap because this might be quite overwhelming for some people but let me explain what exactly is going on fusion is what we call a node based compositor so instead of after focus upper motion which are layer based compositors resolve and fusion work in what's called nodes nodes which are essentially these things here are like mini islands which talk to other nodes through a series of inputs and outputs connecting nodes to one another and then connecting them together creates different effects different outputs and inputs and you drive all of them to the media out to determine how the final thing looks i know it's kind of confusing but the more i work inside of resolve the more i show you in this tutorial the more you'll understand how things work and talk to another the first step in actually making our alert is we actually need a background layer and the easiest way of doing that instead of resolve is by creating a background node by clicking this button right here and what that does is it creates a background node for us right there as you can see it it's right here inside of this little nodes area here however you may notice we can't actually see if i change the color here it's not appearing anywhere where is it what's going on it's because we actually need to load it into a viewer in your resolve window you may notice you have two viewers you have one right here and you have one right here this one i like to think of as the preview window the one on the left and the one on the right i like to consider as the final output viewer and the way you actually make things appear in either of these viewers is underneath the nodes you will see two little radio buttons right there by clicking on the left one you load a object or a node into that viewer by clicking on the right one you load it into that viewer right here i personally think of this as like the solo option inside of after effects and apple motion or you can isolate particular nodes and load them into a specific viewer so you can work on them more independently so what i like to do is actually have my what i'm working on in this viewer right here and the output of this instead of this viewer right here so what i do is i take this one here and give this the output now the background in this viewer right here actually change the color of the background to be a white color and if you can't see this window by the way make sure you are in the inspector click on that and you'll have these options right here so you can change and tweak the colors i'm gonna stick with the white color from there but the next thing we need to do is actually create a mask because we're not actually gonna move the background layer that's all what we're going to do is actually move the mask and animate the mask instead of moving the background layer itself and the way we do this by clicking on the background node then going over here and clicking on the rectangle mask tool and as you can see it's created a mask for us that you can move on the screen you can rotate it as well so we're animating that in a short bit but the next thing we need to do is actually get our text into our nodes and we do that by clicking on this text button right here and we do that and it loads up our text node and we can click on this little button right here to load it into the viewer there's nothing there why is there nothing there well because we don't have any text here if we type in the side here subscriber and this is where you can kind of customize things yourself and get the look you're after i'm going to kind of go for a very nice very clean sf pro display look that i like to use but now you can customize this bit tweak it to your liking and get the kind of look that you're after now everything is done you should have three notes on the screen that are primarily the ones we're looking at you have the rectangular mask the background and the text node however there's a slight problem none of these are talking to under at the moment and the way we fix that is by creating a merge node like so and when you do that you may notice a little few different things about this node in particular most nodes have different inputs and different outputs and as you can see if you hover over them it will actually tell you that the green triangle is a merge foreground input the blue one is an effects mask input and the yellow one is a merge background input so very simply the way we need to think about this is where do we want our text to go we want our text to go behind the rectangle when it animates up and reveals the text and animates a way to take it away so we grab the text output node here and we drag that to the background node right there the background input and when you do that when you load it into the view by clicking on the merge left view and then we're going to do is bring in our background on top of that by clicking on the output and dragging that over to the green one on top it has put our block of white background on top of our text if i change the background color you can see that it is actually on top if i swap these around you can see that the background is actually now behind the text so this is how you would prioritize the effects stack in the effects order inside of results as you can see it's a really cool and really easy way to actually get the kind of effect that you're looking for however with this we want the text on the background and we want the background and the foreground if that makes sense we're going to change our background back to white like so and the next thing we need to do now is start animating at the time of the space a little bit i'm going to actually close off the media pool we don't actually need that by clicking on the media pull icon here you can actually turn off this area here and i'm going to go over to the spline panel right here and i'll load that up it brings up this little area here which might look a bit confusing to some people but this is where you can do primarily all of your animations let me show you exactly how you do that i'm gonna start off by animating our rectangle node first by clicking on the node and then going over to inspector what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna customize it just a little bit more and bring down the height just a little bit so it's a nice thin bar and then i'm gonna reduce the width all the way down to zero then what i'm going to do is going to click on this little diamond shape right here to add a keyframe and i'm going to drag the timeline i'm going to move across to about 30 frames in and i'm going to increase the width all the way to the end as you can see on this spline you can see we have this long animation right here of this just width increasing in size what i'm going to do is at the end of the width animation what i'm going to do is i'm going to add a keyframe for the height and i'm going to scroll down to the bit to about 60 frames in and i'm going to increase the height so it is filling the screen completely like so so now you should have four keyframes you should have two for the width and two for the height if you play that back by dragging our playhead to the end like so and play it out it should do that it looks pretty choppy at the moment but we're going to smooth those keyframes out a little bit later on the next thing i'm going to do is actually animate the position of this rectangle so we're going to do is going to drag our playhead to roughly a few frames after to about 65 frames after and i'm going to click on the center keyframe right here and then we're going to move our playhead down to about 90 on the timeline 90 frames you can see i'm looking right here for the frames that wrap and then i'm going to click and drag on the y and bring the entire in fact it's pretty easy up here and click on dragging and moving down i like to leave a little bit of the rectangular mask peeking above the bottom give it some kind of you know modern look let me play all this back it looks a little bit like this the next thing we're going to do is animate it off-screen so we'll go to the end to about 330 frames i'm going to add another keyframe for the center and then i'm going to drag all the way to about 350 and i'm then going to animate it off screen by just clicking and dragging and moving this off screen like so cool that is our main animation done the next thing we need to do is animate the text appearing and then disappearing at the right moment so we're going to select the text node and then we're going to go over to the image properties over here in the inspector of the shading properties in the inspector right here and then we're going to do is going to click on the opacity keyframe right here we're going to make sure our playhead is right above the moment where the solid is completely covering the screen at a keyframe for opacity we're gonna bring the slider all the way down to zero then using the arrow keys on your keyboard we're gonna move one frame over and then increase the opacity all the way up to 100 and if you play that back you'll see the text isn't actually there anymore however when it fills the screen and then disappears down it appears so we're going to move our playhead all the way to the end and repeat it but in reverse so when it covers the screen right here add a keyframe capacity move one frame over using the arrow keys and then drag the slider all the way down to zero like so so we have at the end as we have the text there and then disappears as the block of white or the rectangle covers the entire screen i'm really happy with that but the next thing we need to do is smooth everything out because right now everything looks a little bit choppy and the easiest way of smoothing out keyframes inside of fusion is by selecting the keyframes you want to smooth out and then pressing s on the keyboard and as you can see if i zoom in a little bit here it is actually smoothed out those keyframes for us and then what you can do to refine the smoothing on those is by clicking and selecting these little smoothing handles here you can smooth out and refine the animation just a little bit more if you can't select these if they're a little bit of a of a nuisance for you you can press t on the keyboard and then select the keyframe that you want and then adjust the ease in or the ease out of that keyframe so now if we play this back we have a nice smooth animation for the width and for the height all you need to know is the position if you want to refine the timings again all you need to do is select the keyframes holding the shift key and then adjust the timings like so by clicking and dragging it won't adjust the value up and down but it will adjust the timing and where those animations appear so now playing this back animation looks something like this that's pretty clean to me that is pretty much all of the animation done but there is one last final step that you need to do you need to make sure you connect this merge node here to the media out otherwise when you go to export this it will fail then it won't actually export anything for you once you've done that all you need to do then is export the project out and you do that by going to the deliver page by clicking this button right here once you're on this page you can then customize the export preset for your alerts so give it a file name choose a location make sure that individual clips is set up and ticked because that's important to make sure you have an alpha channel when you export this out from there make sure your format is quicktime and it's a codec of apple prores with a file type of apple prores 444. if you are on a windows pc make sure you use gopro cineform as you won't get the option to use apple prores on there once you've done that make sure you tick export alpha and then all you need to do then is click add to render queue and then click on start render that will then render out and take as long as it needs to take and the next thing you need to do is then convert that file to a web and video file to upload to stream elements or stream streamlabs i have a link to the file converter that i use in the description down below as well so feel free to use that and convert your alerts and then you've done pretty much you've made the alert all you need to do is upload it to stream elements or stream labs and integrate it in with your stream and there you go congratulations you've just made your first alert inside of davinci resolve if you guys think i've missed anything then please feel free to let me know in the comments down below or if you want a more one-on-one interaction with me then just a reminder i do so every single tuesday thursday and sunday over on twitch the link for my channel is in the description down below or if you want to share your creations or interact with the larger community make some friends and feel free to join the discord link for that is also in the description down below thank you guys so much again for watching and until next time take care how many guardian kills did i get the shadows of your got nothing on you i killed 18 guardians
Channel: Sam Woodhall
Views: 94,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motion graphics, graphic designer, sam woodhall, clean twitch design, stream alerts, how to create clean designs, create twitch alerts in davinci resolve, davinci resolve twitch, design twitch alerts for free, free twitch alerts, free animation software, how to create twitch alerts in resolve, how to create twitch graphics in davinci resolve, how to animate twitch alerts, free twitch graphics, twitch graphics tutorial, twitch graphic design, how to, davinci resolve
Id: erSaIEfHFeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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