3d Basics in DaVinci Resolve

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that guys see me super here today I'm gonna be going over how to create a simple 3d scene inside of DaVinci Resolve using the fusion tab one thing to know is that I've tried to do this probably ten times today and it has crashed every time so so the difficulty rating of this is gonna be purely dependent on your computer and how much RAM and processing power you have I have several like screen capture and audio capturing programs running at the same time in order to make this tutorial so your results may vary quite differently first thing I've done is I've created a 5-second fusion composition dropped it into my timeline and I'm just gonna jump right over to fusion and get started I'm gonna go and hide the inspector for right now and we're gonna take a look at over on the right side of the toolbar we have some 3d nodes that are commonly used that are placed up here for our ease of access from left to right this is an image plane a shape 3d node 3d textual tool a merge 3d a 3d camera spotlight and then a render 3d node so some of these we need some of these we're not going to need right now but if the nice thing about da Vinci is if you actually use these nodes from left to right it will automatically set your scene up we're gonna go ahead and just click a few of them and create our own little scene so I know I'm gonna need some kind of 3d object so I'm gonna just bring in a shape 3d node I'm gonna bring in a merge node I'm gonna bring in a camera a light and then a 3d renderer now if you take this 3d render and it outputs directly over to your media out you'll immediately start seeing that it's a 2d environment but if you take the merge 3d node you'll notice that you have an actual 3d environment so I'm gonna get rid of this media pool for just a minute and I'm gonna make a little bit more space so we can see what's going on here so operating in this 3d environment it's pretty easy and most of the operations are gonna require you to use your middle mouse button in order to move around and see what you're doing so if you don't have a mouse that has the middle mouse button there are ways of getting around it but I would really would just recommend getting a middle mouse button instead of having to use other keys in order to kind of face a middle mouse button in order to pan up and down you can use your scroll wheel you can also just hold down the middle mouse button or the scroll wheel and you can pan around if you want a dolly in and out hold down the command key and then scroll in and out and then hold the alt or option key and push down the middle mouse button and now you can orbit around alright so that's pretty much moving around in the 3d scene everything is gonna be created inside of the world origin which is gonna be usually in the center of your scene if I click on my shape and I use the transform though I can move that shape around and by default I come over to the inspector will notice that the shape 3d tool defaults to a plane so if I want to change that to say a sphere I can and then if I want to come over here to the transform I can actually scale that down a little bit because maybe it's just really big now you notice that my camera is actually facing the opposite direction now I can either move my shape 3d node in front of my camera or I can move the camera back so that it's looking at my shape node and then if we if we make a second screen here we can actually maybe put this merge 3d node in the left and then we'll put the render 3d node in the right so we can see what the camera is actually looking at so if we click on the render 3d node and where it says camera we'll just go to camera 3d one we're and then we're gonna click on this lighting and enable shadows so we can actually see what the lighting in the shadows are doing and how they're affecting our object so with that clicked on and enabled you'll notice that what we're seeing is basically a sphere that has no real material attached to it but this is how the lighting and shadows are affecting it as if right now so let's click on the spotlight that we made we're gonna lift this up now you'll notice that it's running parallel right now so it's starting to cut off or shape note one thing we can do is we can come over to the inside the spotlight over to the transform keys and where it says pivot we can click on this use target now what that's gonna do is that's going to create a little box and wherever you move this box is where that spotlight is gonna move so if we move it to wherever our shape node is the spotlight is now going to point towards that light which could be pretty powerful same thing with our cam actually if we click on the camera the camera node we go over to the transform and we use this target we can actually move this box in our camera will move around to wherever that boxes I mean there's a lot of things you can do with that and one nice thing is that it's actually keyframe bubble so you can animate wherever that cameras moving and we're not going to get too much into animation today this is just gonna be like part one of I don't know a hundred part series where we talk a little bit about 3d and there's gonna be several different things like you can animate your camera to move around the scene to do flybys you can animate it on a path you can have it project you can match move there's just there's so many different things that the camera can do so we're just gonna talk mostly about how to set up this scene and then how to render it out all right and then lastly let's look at our shake node so our shape node is set up to be a sphere at the moment we can kind of see what we're looking at here you'll notice there's no material there's several different ways we can add materials we could add a background and plug that in and now that will give it like a black material say we want to make that red that's one way you could do that let's go ahead and delete that we can also add an actual blend material so then say we make this red now we can come in here and we can change the the transmittance and the specular highlights maybe you want to make that specular highlight which is that little white reflection if you will it's not really a reflection it's a specular highlight but we can go ahead and drop the intensity or we could soften it up a bit or widen it there's a bunch of different things that you can do which each each one of these materials I just want to show you that you're just not limited to just throwing on specific colors if we come over here to the media pool there is so many different things that we can do say if I grab this texture it's just a grunge concrete texture and I plug this right into that blend material it'll automatically load this texture now one thing you'll notice is that it's not covering the entire sphere and it's not covering the entire sphere because this texture actually isn't large enough so if I shift space and start typing in a transform it can actually size this up and make it larger now of course when you size anything up right it's going to probably make it a little bit softer but if if this gets you where you want then you know by all means do it that way just know that when you start dealing with larger textures it's gonna slow down your computer even more I don't know if you can hear my fans are already starting to to work I changed the color back over to white now it's just going to be the color of whatever my texture actually is that I plugged in so we're gonna just leave it like that I'm gonna go into all of these other textures and how to use them a little bit later I will just show you real quickly that it's pretty easy to change around textures if you were creating a space scene like I did earlier you can really get all kinds of different looks really easily just by changing out the textures for your for your sphere but let's come over here to this render 3d scene so one of the things that the 3d is actually doing is it's taking everything that's in your 3d scene and it's rendering it out to a 2d image so after you've changed it back to a 2d image one thing you could do is you could create a say black background and then you could merge this 3d object or scene onto this black background and what that'll do is that'll give you kind of like a nice black background to deal with that isn't really gonna cost you much as far as processing power so now we kind of already have our space scene and and just looking at this we can see that our spot light is affecting our shape 3d node you'll notice that if we come to the spot light and we come back over to the colors if we were to change it to red it's gonna start affecting that actual image and make it look red if you wanted to maybe you wanted to make it look a little bit hotter you could you or if you wanted to make it a little cooler you could also do that alright so inside the shake node we're gonna come back over to the actual Blinn and now that I look at this over here on the right I can see that that specular intensity is a little too high I'm gonna just turn that down and I could add more textures to this Blinn in fact I could add a bump map which this is a normal map but what we're gonna do is we're gonna create our own bump by ship space type in bump and we're gonna use this bump map 3bu over in the bump map section because we're using a normal map we're actually going to change it from height map to bump map and now we can connect this right to our blend node and that is gonna change the look completely now this isn't actually changing the geometry it's it's creating fake geometry if we wanted to create real geometry what we would do is we would use a displace node after our shake 3d node let me go ahead and say that because I haven't saved it in a little while because there's always a really good chance that it's going to crash when I do this so with the shape 3d selected I can shift space okay so we want to use the displace 3d node okay and we want something to just actually drive this displace node so let's bring this normal map back in plug that in and see what we've got going on so that's that's a bit much right that's not necessarily the effect we were going for if you were going for a really jagged asteroid that might work pretty well so we can come into this displace node and we can turn the scale down all the way and it'll turn it it'll basically turn that effect off and then we can just turn it up just a little bit just to get a little bit difference in geometry in order to get like a true rendering of what is actually taking place we're gonna have to raise up the subdivisions quite a bit so if we just take these subdivisions up now you're gonna see that it's gonna give us more geometry and this is actually a little bit more representative of what that displace note is really doing and so the scale is gonna be have to be very low and very my new in order to actually get a pleasing effect and now you can see that it's actually changing the geometry instead of just optically changing it or faking it all right so that's looking pretty good right there if we come back over here and let's go and get rid of the inspector and just drop it down to just one node we can kind of see what we have going on here with this media out one thing we can do is if we wanted to animate this like I did in the demo we can come over to the shape node turn on the inspector and over here in the transform section we like what I did all I did was I went to the first frame and I keyed some of these these rotations and then I went to the last frame I just rotated them a little bit now what that's gonna do is that's gonna explode your computer and it's just going to blow it probably catch on fire but if you survive that the nice thing about it is that it's gonna animate over time now you see that it has like this little it's gonna have this little convergence zone and we all know what that looks like it has this little convergent zone and that's because there again like this is not the way that I would do this in fact if I I would hide this somewhere instead of you know allowing that to rotate that way and I could show you in blender how we would fix that little convergent zone and that we would just add a few more loops up towards the top of that convergent zone and that's about as far as we're gonna go today because I actually made it through the entire tutorial without crashing so like I said this is gonna be a part one of several parts series that we're gonna do just on 3d and it's gonna get a little bit more complicated as we move on so the thing the main things that I'm trying to get across is how easy it is to just create a simple 3d scene on the next part I'm going to show you how to bring in some 3d text and get some simple animations using 3d text in inside of your scene that's pretty much it for today if you have any questions please leave them down as comments and if you like this video make sure to LIKE and subscribe and I will see you guys in the next one thanks [Music] you
Channel: CB Super
Views: 35,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DaVinci Resolve 16, Davinci Resolve 15, Davinci Resolve tutorial, video editing, Tutorial, free video editor, BMPCC, blackmagic pocket cinema camera, BMPCC 4k, Bmpcc 6k, cb super, free video software, bmpcc6k, bmpcc4k, edit video, davinci resolve, 3d scene, cgi, create 3d shapes
Id: HaQFwQpgEoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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