I've Been BEAN BOOZLED! - Higher or Lower

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it's your job to determine whether that second thing is searched higher or lower in Google per month for for the year of 2016 and so in this case I would assume it's lower because this is such an old movie okay so I'm right so now life is beautiful becomes the thing to beat Looney Tunes would be after that which would obviously be higher because it's more relevant yeah the beans they are calling so many searches American Express why do so many searches organ Express is a worldwide brand and a world leader is a worldwide thing too [Music] Jiji live at our nice early bright and early time today I'm feeling very weak because of this huge leg it's right in front of us nothing says hello morning start your day like a giant ring light in your face you know what else is a great way to start your day outside of giant bright lights in your face what jellybeans nasty flavor jellybeans something makes me think that you're lying right now but actually a nice way to start your day it's actually the Jelly Belly motto the best part of waking up is puke flavor jellybeans for those of you don't know the bean boozled challenge basically there are what is this one two three four five ten ten different like colors of jellybeans ten different designs of daily jellybeans but for each color of jellybeans there's a good version and a bad version right so and it's all randomized you kind of like push this down and you pop up two beans as you see right there and you know you don't know if they're good beans or bad beans so for instance your options are just to give you a taste of or you can taste of what we'll be tasting today there's spoiled milk or coconut doesn't that's the white bean rotten egg or buttered popcorn hmm barf or peach barb dear world why do you make these things exist a booger or juicy pear stinky socks tutti frutti oh this one is exciting for you Stephanie dead fish I know that you love seafood I know you love seafood so dead rotting seafood recreated in sugary jellybeans for musky or anything right vs. strawberry banana smoothie Oh cuz when I think dead fish I think the counter to that is strawberry banana smoothie toothpaste that doesn't sound too bad or berry blue canned dog food or dog or chocolate pudding moldy cheese caramel corn lawn clippings are live today we're playing the game higher or lower the higher lower games is not shown up on the screen but basically it is a game that it's kind of like the Google Feud where you have to they show you two different search here so here will actually show this so here we go here's play the game so they'll show you two different items YSL you say no yes I'm like what is why yourself versus life is beautiful the movie and so your job is to life is beautiful the movie from like way back and like the night and it's your job to determine whether that second thing is searched higher or lower in Google per month for for the year of 2016 and so in this case I would assume it's lower because this is such an old movie okay so I'm right so now life is beautiful becomes the thing to beat Looney Tunes would be after that which would obviously be higher because it's more relevant yep yes okay and so on and so on until you get it wrong at which so Stephanie and I are each gonna do our own track of this right and we're gonna go as long as we can the person who does not go as long have to do a B and that could be a good bean or it could be a bad beat and so we'll find out about that so I think we solved enough it's [Music] higher or lower so stack I will give you the option you want to go first or second I want to go second okay so you want to know what the score to beat is yes I do I do German Shepherd has been searched a million times every average monthly sir okay versus missed period Oh so practice being pregnant it's being pretty like re mi it's like am i pregnant oh yeah I'm like miss period as in like oh like I missed my period of school no it's it's am i pregnant yeah that's what that is is it so more the German Shepherds oh I don't know how frequently women are how frequently are women women worried about missing their period like holy cow man we started out with a really intense one okay just just pick you just got a pic yes yes German Shepherd yes apparently I'm glad people are that into German Shepherd I was really concerned because I thought this period like based on the google feud answers a lot of time google feud was like am i pregnant and lay I know I don't know if I'm pregnant so I was worried there's a whole show about I didn't know there was a that person there's a whole TV show dedicated to I did not realize I was pregnant and then all of a sudden a baby because it's like whoa baby what is real I anyway go ahead car rentals got to be higher yeah so that was my rental yeah all right Elliott Michael oh I shouldn't be helping you oh man no please do Michael Jordan Michael Jordan is he would have been in his heyday search more but this is 2016 data Oh our people he's not doing much he hasn't like there haven't been any big news stories about Michael Jordan people don't really turn to him for his like input on sports today car rental feels just so much more like pertinent to the everyday person okay if Michael Jordan was more relevant I would say it would be him but I'm gonna say lower how are you feel important Michael Jordan Michael Jordan he's awesome okay games model now no where do you keep your hands on him well wait I getting my hands on you Michael Jordan he's very good he's very into those non bunching t-shirts I mean everything he did is standing against bacon neck thanks right aldohn marketing the thing that he made up in order to have a problem about it I don't think it was him it was alright I have the whopping score of two - so if Stephanie can get more than two I get a delicious breakfast of beef okay okay here's and and bunny limb 123 on Twitter says may the bean odds be ever in your favor this is global yeah like my only hang up here is that I know that soccer slash of football is much bigger outside of the US so I'm I'm gonna go John Cena is higher higher John Cena is higher okay there was a no-brainer you know what that was a nobody cause the thing is if you have a meme about you and especially a 2016 relevant meme a meme that is still relevant today like I know everyone is searching John Cena right now so all right this I've already done it is game over for me John Cena is also gonna be higher than whatever groundsman is cuz I have heard of one and I'm not is it really just the groundsman for yeah for crowns but yeah what about that famous groundsman scandal that just happened the world of sports don't you be trying to bamboozle me to get out of the bean boozled challenge my friend David saying lower is groundsman the crowds Minh is lower yeah I don't know okay Kollek book is going to be higher the grounds not sure pretty rotten final answer cuz who is searching for an individual comic book they would be searching for comic book Stephanie no get out of here yeah actually not as high as I thought it would be though okay gymnastic so the Olympics just happened I don't know um this data it's coming from before the Olympics this will actually probably tell you whether or not it's coming from before after the gymnastic nap or from the Olympics hmm I'm gonna go higher higher I think gymnastics is gonna be a bit higher I would probably agree with that actually okay all right good all right gymnastics are I saw ice hockey this is an easy track to me I am so jealous of your trick you think so because now I don't know I don't know how I'm not into ice hockey really at all so you're not what shocker you come from North Carolina legitimately good they showed up from somewhere else and then just won the Stanley Cup oh that's good we imported them from New England and then they won the Stanley Cup and it was amazing and then we definitely took full credit for it but it had nothing to do with anything relating to North Carolina lakes don't even freeze in North Carolina I know that's why it's so bizarre that of all the states to have an ice hockey team there called the hurricane so that's pretty cool yeah I guess that's all I know that's pretty cool so I think actually I will give you that it is a cool day right hockey teams are allowed to have a lot cooler names that I feel baseball or football teams write or soccer team as well like remember yeah hurricanes remember the Wailers hockey team there was a whaler sake I think so Wow well I have a that was politically right they got rid of that one didn't they have like the craziest names for happy as it as opposed to hey in the Sharks as opposed to like baseball teams which are like the Cardinals the Blue Gene why are all baseball teams named after Berg the sweet Canaries anyway anyways pick and pick yours oh you get up being in my face say the gymnastics is higher you're gonna say gymnastics is higher yeah so I thought it would be okay I would I would actually disagree with you I would predict that I talked you well I've won this round anyway so what the Olympics must win is ice hockey season oh because the other thing is winter I don't know maybe it has to do with like the time of year well then they're mine then we were past it so anyway okay it's better than gymnastic oh man okay sure hi I'm a bigger fan of gymnastics than I am of ice hockey but I just thought that more people would search for it that's weird okay Comcast all right ah Comcast is higher because I think people are calling customer service to complain I would agree yeah hey hey yeah Margaret Thatcher is perpetually relevant right one of I think perpetually relevant piece of food the Iron Lady these Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher like Margaret Thatcher I'm gonna say I'm gonna say she's higher but I actually have no idea no it's lower no it's lower it's got a Laura cellular not not higher goal or lower sure yeah yeah and I would disagree you've got right darn it so you got seven doubted myself why I like magic all right Devon okay and that means that it's with a score job music21 the thing is one tough like one one wonky one and you're done there's no buffer all right so beam it up my friend all right so I've gotten okay what appears okay so it's a great one it's green with green flea so it's either juicy pear or booger yeah yeah booger okay here you should you should hop into this well while I mentally prepare myself okay I'm gonna hop into this too you actually I'm going to start over can you on the TWiT can you tell by the smell well smell it and then put it in your mouth and see if it matches it doesn't quite smell like a juicy pear okay um let's see what it also doesn't smell like gross like a booger click sighs Shazam though okay I don't know what Booker's would smell like watching hashtag TT live at works second stream no complaints there we said that weird things came out in the late 90s at dark venture Oh fort dark Avenger oh four - hashtag GT Live I came out in the late 90s your point is proven yourself I like that is funny at Freya Berg says yeah I can see a stream loved from Denmark hey stream at 1:00 a.m. for me yes that's why I like doing these early extreme also epic golden fredbear watching GT live after school with a good cup of tea I'm from England so Stephanie can relate to the cartoon man alright let's do it alright let's do it alright here we go oh my gosh you did that on purpose oh no no you did that on purpose oh my god sorry about the camera and I throwed out decent focus Matt who uses camera block perfective go go go go okay delicious can you tell juicy pear [Applause] no whammies no whammies okay fine fine that was delicious that was a delicious oh look at Timmy - Timmy Hennessey by the way I think good job good s thank you we should definitely call out because he is a maker of the tailed cat pass hey Timmy he said I wasn't able to tune in yesterday but I landed it today thank goodness I'm sick oh well Timmy sorry you missed the stream about your game Timmy a lovely game but um that'll be up on the GT live channel soon and maybe we can just hang out you know anything while you're not feeling all right round two no delays death right to do it I can't bullets oh so the fifty-fifty odds of here paid off for me I love how this whole stream is based on like 5050 odds this whole things off you shot here and then you Peter D shot of the beans all right all right so you went since you went second last time you go first this time to go first okay 911 versus pull my Islands I'm gonna say that's lower palm islands yeah I would agree okay there who's ever heard of the palm island so what what American Express you get some yeah American Express dead wow I can see the relation American Express or death well because you can worry about yourself you can worry about someone else oh there's a lot of there's a lot of things to worry about yeah it's pretty final so you're all right death has more than six million searches every month lot that's a lot of searches it is it's a lot of searches globally means they are calling so many searches American Express why do you so research it organ expresses a worldwide brand and a world leader the world I thing to go getting out of that debt ceilings every day the art forever but I would love to see like death and taxes yeah I am no you are so what I'm answer hey that it's lower lower is death death is lower easy that was easy oh yeah I thought so because there are how many times do you search for there are so many like natural there are so many natural disasters that happen there are so many tragedies there's so many diseases I I would think sure but this is searches for death anyway ok state surveillance lower state surveillance is forever like that diamond slower not even close trick question of some kind higher yes yeah you share more than 170 170 people searching for the Torah there there are many people who are interested in the Jewish faith Matthew yes so no higher than the Torah Jurassic Park ok because of the recency of the latest Jurassic Park movie I know you know i'm guinness say higher what is big lot of toys there's a lot of merchandise what's it made out of it's red wine and fruit juice and and leaves and eliris all there I like those I love those beverages that have leaves and mints right yeah yeah Judaism oh man this is a very Jewish line of question right now let's see so so Jurassic Park versus all of Judaism fiction of you know popular movie franchise versus one of the oldest world's in the world oldest world religion let's see which one gets searched more that's Judaism doesn't it doesn't it's not gonna be as high you say Lord yeah for world religion I'm just saying worldwide relevance probably a Dinah Jeffers are older than Judaism definitely definitely a top-ten religion right there lower lower okay safe they are very good there's no chance that I beat low I'm gonna say lower lower nice in the vacuum brand yep oh no okay shoot shoot I didn't know that that many people were looking for a new vacuum or again remember customer service is empower 'fl force rather than like big a kind of overarching thing yeah but you top your score from last times eight so all right well done there it's fun see how I hold out so I have to be a it's not gonna happen I'm just eating me I don't know we've been doing really well there's no chance some like it hot the movie classic movie winner of Oscar Best Picture in 1940 something no 50 something I forget anyway vs nelson mandela mandela is more pertinent higher yes well I hope so alright eating eating just oh my gosh I know I know what I would pick this alright ready I'm gonna go in and look for some breakfast here ah thank you know it's me of eating disorder the loaf sent I says eating a good old donut and my kitty is a big fan of cap hat oh that's nice I think I think it's a little worth right at Dyea near I should should I help you I'm I think it's lower because people search for people like if you're searching for a specific eating disorder like like bulimia or something I could see that but vague search terms that are just general like eating I think it's lower good yeah for sure ha raging pool hold on V it's an old one I think it's higher because it's more pertinent in the I think it's just ah this is so hard why does my track so much harder it's got to be higher Wow I don't know man I feel like movies and pop culture things and people do better than than general terms so you have it it's old yeah sorry buddy in the mean time at captain amber says I've never heard of American Express I'm from Finland which I had never thought of because it does have American in the name maybe American Express is only available in America I'm in school so yeah by the way please give matpat dog food I will do my best well the randomizer shall determine what I get so here we go okay so I there's another booger or pear one okay pop okay do I do that or do I do the pure green which is either lawn clippings or lime that's the easier one I think lawn clippings or lime is easier I say you go with the pair one again a pair of flash booger one fine I guess I just keep dropping my beans all over the please hold on your beans friends there's alright so this don't fill the beach you're well you're walking you're evolving to do this one with me stuff if you wanna belong you can do the long oh thank you for that nice invitation alright so here we go this is another pear or booger alright and I think my odds of getting pear are now diminished hmm it smells exactly the same as the last okay good maybe you'll luck out again I would assume I would assume that if it tasted like booger it would smell different than the last one right but this one still has that like pleasant can do as opposed to bean boozled so you know they might disguise it go so you can't smell your way out I think you left out again I think we'd know if you got booger god I suck at this game but you are pretty lucky with these beans my friend odds are in my favor you even told me to choose that why I know I know it while you're gloating over there I'm gonna I'm gonna be in Twitter engaging with the stream at Megiddo my first service tree you might actually I can actually watch by the way my breakfast with pancakes and Apple tea oh that sounds lovely at sterling VB BBY diamonds and death are forever Stephanie 2016 well Perry at sold 33t 303 it's 2:30 p.m. here in Australia and I am high school tomorrow rip my school grades that's great tomorrow tomorrow game over Lord says I can't get a better sick day than GT live on full blast through the speakers in the house oh man yes yes we are everywhere next round I will start this time start a thought to set the bar so high so high you're gonna start this round Oh at shadow RL I like the puke flavor is that weird I actually determined that you should start this one what why no no we're not no we're not doing that man go for it come on come on oh no it's all you my friends you made me lean off the one that I finished with last time guys okay dementia is a worldwide problem it has a lot of surgeries Eurovision though was huge earlier this year it's worldwide Twitter blew up with it yeah it's something that we in the states have no knowledge of but I did a youtubers react to it uh and I learned a lot about it that one youtubers react video could have triggered that many google searches in another I think I think it's higher I think Eurovision is higher yes not by my who but we did it okay good Oh manic Eurovision for those of you who don't know by the way just to educate you guys on this because I think it's really really cool the us viewers is it's basically American Idol but for all the countries in Europe so very interesting yes basically every country in Europe picks out there like representative singer and song and they throw them together into this big kind of like a tournament it's likely or Olympics for singing kind of and and then a panel of judges decide excuse me which country had the best song good singer it's an A and they go forward by round so I'd like the semifinals and finals and stuff like that it's it's pretty cool although from everyone I've talked and we've talked to about it who has like seen it firsthand in Europe they also say that it's very political yeah a lot of yeah so I can see people searching for like stuff about it yeah ok ok here we go Christmas it's got to be higher that's one of those things so it's one of those huge search terms that everyone does think though it's vague but it's not like not like holidays are not like Chris I do worry a bit that this is based on 2016 searches and I don't know if it's going into data from 2015 right here I'm gonna say fire oh that is utter garbage I like I like that those funds okay that time Jason and I class together those things so I was right I feel like that was an unfair question business is not had happened this year so that was an unfair question of my part I think no you don't fine ok fine you have to be one ok M&M versus watery ha sorry I'm sorry water aim you should be higher but you're not you are lower your lower lower lower watery to go okay you have one there tide water aid or Stevie Wonder I think Stevie Wonder is gonna be a bit higher are you sure yes water yeah if he wonders yeah old celebrity yet looks like the Raging Bull of celebrity see you at Benjamin Franklin's also told celebrity like the Raging Bull of the Declaration of Independence is he higher or lower he's lower yeah yeah no matter how many kids history papers happen about him he's lower that was closer than I would have liked Franklin or the Bolton Wanderers the wah wah I'm assuming it's a soccer board balls it's a sports team football team they do some type of sporting team they do have a lot of seats in there Stadium I know it's a lot like they make that the thing is that I know where my car is already decides go lower lower okay yeah all right Table Tennis oh oh that's okay Olympics just happened Olympic table tennis is actually fantastic so I'm gonna go higher table tennis huh yeah okay all right mechanic I'm sorry that I'm pulling down our Africa job that's game by the way your collective average on this game it was Stephanie it'd be like seven with me it's like one two so our average is like three three okay mechanic I don't know about this one look at their big it's big but a lot of people have car problems even are searching for mechanics I'm gonna go higher yeah oh it was close okay I still got five you still got the got the thumbs up alright alright so here's mine again alright everyone's everyone's voting higher or lower on this stuff um there are several people who are home on sick days so feel better if you're home on sick days table tennis everyone thinks table tennis is higher where's the Doctor Who theory that's alright so I got blue blue is either paste or berry berry blue so that's not even that bad if it is toothpaste if you keep looking out with these beans I'm telling okay you'll say you're totally rigging this bean sister I will yeah cuz I can tell in advance which beans are gonna be good okay so this one it does not smell as sweet and can be like as the pear ones did I love that you're shoving these beans up your nostril before putting them in your mouth here's here's a fun fact actually I had to go to the hospital when I was a really young kid here's a fun matpat fact though for shoving a popcorn kernel up my nose because I as a young kid wanted to see what it smelled like and I couldn't smell it so I got it up there and then because kids have small nostrils it got stuck in there and they had to surgically remove it Matthew that was the last time that I've really had surgery I also like how you're going like pinkies up for this being that's all squeezed it did they shove some tweezers they didn't open your nose didn't know parent they didn't cut your nose no my panties scars on here or anything be honest he made you go in and remove all the bad beans ahead of time bad licking them all you you actually just dumped them all out and like I win I win repeatedly at another good bean and you're eating a warhead I'll have them under the tear tire okay Stephanie starts up it I'm this is a crack jump bean on Lego versus recipe Steph recipes are lower Jesus lower correct verses Oh Lego verses or sorry recipes vs. bad loss gaming oh no that's tricky cuz I don't know if they're calculating in YouTube searches hmm a month that's right okay okay so vanoss I don't know how many monthly views he gets exactly but I'm gonna say it's at least a million looks right monthly views he's getting a ton I would say anyone like probably around two hundred million views of long and again when I don't know if we're taking into account the pewds is that three hundred vanoss is vanoss is probably around yeah about two I would say probably around two I mean definitely like hundred to two hundred so let's say that one percent of his views come from actual searches I could believe that Google search Google searches right that's the thing I don't know if this is I don't think this qualifies you to so and we spend a lot of time in Google Trends where we're like looking at what as you can tell I spend a lot of time in Google Trends I suck at this game No I spend a lot of time in Google Trends looking at the difference between web searches and youTube searches and something there's a huge especially for topics like this which it's only your nose is only for the like the YouTube community that's where he's known and so Google people who watch man on snow that's a search for love cuz they go to youtube forts only because it's I think it's Google searches and I don't think they're taking these you can do a count you're gonna say lower good one good one I would really about that one that was good ah Columbia I'm gonna say he beats Columbia though yeah whole country is lower we're gonna say Columbia is lower alright welcome to the bottom welcome to the shame so so here it is ladies and gentlemen watching the stream right now this is my moment to search map but mind you I have not beaten this quorum to my I have been on a downward spiral in performance at this point so let's do this again hair transplant which is a good movie but it's a little on the old side Reservoir Dogs classic Quinton tonight so no and I still know what I would say for this it is a it does have a cult following though a cute oh come on okay lower it was definitely not lower was not less than 110 even Raging Bull was like over a hundred wasn't it twenty from 1950 late Raging Bull Raging Bull was also in a category we also did videos on regular dogs on film here I would do it I would definitely take posit but I would have I would have gone we did frame by frame that it so Kyle did a frame by frame on Reservoir Dogs is one of the launch things that we did on film theory and it did not do well and so like it's just okay I had my opportunity I missed it so here does my luck still hold I have three here yeah your luck has been holding really strong can't go any lower I can't have gone thank you okay I have reached the absolute bottom of the barrel though so three beans have popped up here we can either do the white bean which is spoiled milk or coconut we can do the yellowy beam which is buttered popcorn or rotten egg or we can do the orange e1 with Flex which is either strawberry banana smoothie or dead fish okay so I want to pick the bean that has the worst bad flavor together there's no way I'm gonna be able to can I smell them no okay you have to pick all right all right it's not blaming about me rigging the system so I think that the worst flavor you can get is going to be rotten egg and even if you get the good flavor it's buttered popcorn and I actually hate butter by actually I'm not a fan of buttered popcorn as well I'm going with this one because I think I will get happier the best chance being alright let's push that back into the randomizer okay here we go okay I'm still trying to get you back for that warhead challenge again it smells like candy I shoot I feel like rotten eggs you'd like be able to tell I feel like you would be too but maybe it's just the candy coating that like keeps everything in yeah there's a lot of sugar okay here we go all right here we go ready do it do it are you joking me are you kidding are you kidding me right now I've never been happier to eat a butter popcorn jelly bean you scored a collective a collective seven points in this entire game I've scored higher than that on every round except the last one can you keep walking out man no no because I chose rules I'll be the first one to lose I know it I know it oh yes okay hey let's play another round step guys let's keep going oh man all right stuff they know it's your you're up first this time oh no that's all right no no no no get in there no please uh-uh it's not a chance London is lower right then beer is a very popular destination located a don't say that they are the same huh they're the bearer of the same interesting oh great another way no matter what you would have picked you would have run that was like a now the game is giving you free points are you joking taking pity on me this is ridiculous Sergio agüero yeah but I don't know sports ballers is yes is this yeah I don't think I'd like if he's a popular sports baller blah blah c'mon let's see yes yes yeah dump it you get all the pregnancy ones me I do for whatever reason this game likes the things that I know a lot about like pregnancy the pill maybe you're expecting secretly we just don't know it Freddie pick this one's tough I like that Stephanie is what got so frustrated any of this dreaming boy look I'm so frustrated there's no keep losing so badly and yet there's no consequence no consequence I feel like yeah the sports baller who has some level of popularity at the pill while it is I don't think people are searching specifically for that raise yes okay nice autism I think a lot more people are searching for that he'll learn information about it yes there we go she shipped cheeky nandos oh is this Nando's chicken is that a restaurant I think it looks like it it it looks delicious it does I would be searching for that right oh we never heard of it yeah this is one of those international things that I have no idea we did find it a really good restaurant in Australia it's just like a chain or whatever but it was called Nando's chicken and it was delicious and we ate there twice yeah like it's what is it it's a it's a Peruvian taking so guy it was so good I just grilled chicken and it's delicious cheeky Nando's I think that's yeah okay great Noah's Ark higher than cheating man do not not by much that's tough like are a lot of people really looking for Noah's Ark they haven't found it yet yeah I feel like it's more but I wish I knew what this is like if it was a restaurant I would say this is probably I'm pretty sure it's a restaurant right so but no really looking for Noah's our that's true yeah but that was a couple years ago Multi says that Nando's is the best it is it's so good tired yes whoo but nothing much great FedEx all higher yeah six million [ __ ] that would be come on I left there are a lot of guys who are very concerned about that I hear her yeah are you maybe there's like a comparison doesn't our people really look at throw a lot random person also says Nando's is everywhere not just in Australia guys it is not here I know that I know I wish Nando's is right meanwhile we have oh we have a big statuesque penis on the screen right now and I'd love to get rid of it oh hey it's art oh culture Matthew the Statue of David our people our people service your scores people saying it over and over and really annunciate it it's not gonna tell you if it's searched for more this is it search perform everyone in the chats like mature Street mature sir you guys yes a lot of people searching for the people of Casso lower than penis yeah that penis is at the top of its game face healing whoo faith healing bless ya gambling higher lot higher people that yeah he's been all over and he's got a movie coming out Leonardo da Vinci oh ok so Pablo Picasso was what 407 look 440 Leonardo DaVinci is definitely there I think he's higher than Edward Snowden which is weird because Snowden is actually really perv until today but I guess Leo Leo is just one of those who exists yes what ball results good for me that is again this is a time of the year thing because football season just started right yeah just started so no I think I think people do or football school hang it won't help sing they're still stuck on you things so I would say football scores like so the two things that are if you about this one I think definitely football results are something similar is definitely crushing searching for Leonardo da Vinci but it depends on time of year and also I'm not sure if they're saying scores or results or things like that I think it's gonna be higher though really that's a score in the top 10 percent yeah I I fail but then I burn bright sure so there you go okay your average is still like two and a half so Stephanie to beat me in this round and avoid having her first bead over 14 and and wouldn't that be a delightful way to end the stream Stephanie gets her first bead and it happens to be oh the poetic justice here like was it amazing here you go let the game begin this is it the pressure is off let's do it okay for people are complaining to Verizon a lot more than they're worried about homelessness unfortunately so Verizon is higher final answer yeah six point one great jennamarbles lower okay as we showed less she's a youtuber and this doesn't take into account youtube search results just straight google results lower lower good one all right yep and as well higher easy cool crop the biggest one we've gotten so far right just lower a big stuff gently lower yes yes I get in the zone here that's a good amount of searching France Jeff Lee who is bigger Jet Li or friends that's actually London got one and a half million France I'm gonna go higher higher higher people want a vacation in France and also all the tribes there's been a lot of higher stories about France okay okay good one okay George Foreman poured flour he has a grill George Foreman grill oh my gosh I burned my foot on your bill the fat dripping pan has spilled onto my leg and it hurts really bad flour France or George Moore gonna go lower okay lower lower nice well done all right Usain Bolt real Olympic fastest man in the world grill Olympic fastest man in the world fastest man in the world we got through the Olympic he just trademark his name you know like multi-million dollar higher let's go higher only because the Olympics just happened and you got so much coverage here we go George Foreman grill oh you say Bowl no okay Rihanna Rihanna yeah rihanna is higher because she's very relevant right now people are searching and music music music with music and stuff okay okay pictures is too general people are searching for movies not preparing out pictures okay good oh man okay okay Kenny Rogers okay I don't know if he's higher is the highest chicken you got music you got chick Kenny Rogers does chicken I think are you thinking up are you thinking of Newman's salad dressing yeah Paul Newman Paul Newman thank you salad roll it goes like coffee does yeah Paramount Pictures our Kenny right he does have the music though so I can vote for it just vote but just search for it a bunch of tiny yeah artificially boost those scores Jason keeps our charges I'm gonna go I'm gonna go higher Paramount Pictures is pretty low Kenny Rogers okay okay score okay okay so whatever you have a barnburner on her heads right here we have a barn burner where we have bold surged out in this in this round where right now Steph is four by eight okay I don't break I went to lower I say I say Boris Becker is lower cuz I don't know who that is okay I am not interviewing these clothes old movies the old movies are the killer these are a bummer uh the old movies are so hard they're so hard to predict I'm gonna say higher Apocalypse Now was really big and it was an Oscar winner sure no go I got your final answer finally retire be higher okay two points two point Stephanie needs to tie this is this is exciting I thought 14 I thought it was untouchable at 14 I mean granted that's considering my average was like 1.5 but still LEDs Lent is very general but lentes happens this year to Judaism was not as high as I was hoping for either the Torah wasn't even at a hundred thousand was that it's true but this is again top-ten religion top five religion damn it but WatchMojo would list this eat a video of the top 10 religions widest crowd a warning they probably did things done with fun everything uh also people got to look up we waited lands in what tonight last I'm thinking people are looking up when went is should I give up meat should I hear sex what I'll say hi you're gonna say higher just because it's already happened and I have to look up every year when it is oh it was one of the times higher okay the Australian Open is lower if you miss this and we tie well we won't get a beat both beam okay okay deal deal the Australian Open is lower low we tie I'm at 13 right now no oh I'm not working on this like a routine this is weird this is for all the beans as it were ready lower also open the I didn't think tennis was that I didn't think it would be as highly searched and I didn't know for you I didn't know if the Australian Open had happened this year I am feeling light-headed because this was so intense this is so intense okay so that means it's high 14 in so sorry hi Rico binge the US Open and stuff I didn't know the Australian Open was this big okay fine so that I'm sorry Roger Federer I didn't know we both get B's mine's gonna be the one that sucks I know it here's the two that popped up Wow oh no and this is the bad one I was really bad oh no wait what is this no this is it this is the this is peach or barf or bars it comes down to this there it is however can you get no no no these are different no they are different don't step I'm telling you they are the same thing white is what I think they're the same stuff I'm erratic oh it is okay fine I think they're both they're both the play that's what okay they've got a flex I'm huge this is ridiculous we're bar on it close up after so Milan so to recap what has happened on the street I have had how many beans for four beans all of them have been safe beans I I have lost hardcore this video and hat today but all four have been safe all right we tie at 14 and now it comes down to this choose your bean no I want you to choose right so that way I I don't want to like be you know all math you own whatever this is your this is your choice I'll take the beam closest to me okay someone take the bead closest to you feel like it's the princess bride is all right mine smells sugary mine smells sugary as well ready should we go one at a time we should go one two three bean okay one two three bean oh oh yeah oh oh oh oh this is delicious Oh sweet tasty so wait wedge which one did you get dead fish bar four dead fish can you confirm getting confirm whether it's par for dead fish oh this is awesome you guys this is lesbians delicious we're a tasty treat mmm mmm oh yeah wow this is good mmm oh very enjoyable are you gonna swallow it bud no no Rob why not come on we have food poisoning last week in another class are you gonna have like a sympathetic up up Chuck to go along with carefully deep breath here want some water you water it down hmm oh no cool come home just take a second compose yourself yes let's what's up that was so close to me eating that vomit bean yeah here you go thanks buddy I I might need this as I attempt to actually get this thing down oh man thank you bad water thank you okay ready ready ready you want you home it's still in your mouth oh oh oh oh please get out of my teeth do you want some water ah oh all of you or [ __ ] watching cuz you're home sick today from school Matthew was also sick solidarity solidarity friends oh that was the worst worth it the agreement Wow my luck rabbit can you smell it on my breath oh alright well good work good job hey you got down the barf bean that that's pretty exciting he might come back like yes alright alright so that was that was good time and the hashtag barf Pat is now circulating in in the chat good work good work this was this came down to the wire I was really excited about this not excited about the prospect of eating that bark bean but you did really good oh no one no one actually threw up we don't set anything out this is a successful stream yay no no one threw up on this stream success so there it is okay that was awful oh this is this I would say today as a whole but super fun so anyway that's all for today have a great rest of the day you my friends and remember that is just a stream alive three thanks for not barfing right [Music] so say goodbye didn't chat yes you you start off by just getting some water yeah we don't live on shadow says bye Kristin heart says archive please we will that'll definitely be one for the archives it's Chris hammock says fine feeling doesn't leave your mouth see you later number one youtuber says George South very well meet Keller's oh c'mon I just caught up it'll be on blue channel just rewind Cathy Johnson says so much regret on his face as he got B that got beamed real good I did mr. M says by Adi reve reve heed of you guys my first GG live from Israel
Channel: GTLive
Views: 632,553
Rating: 4.9384093 out of 5
Keywords: higher or lower, higher or lower game, bean boozled, bean boozled challenge, higher or lower gameplay, higher or lower challenge, google, google game, google answers, browser, browser game, browser version, jelly bean challenge, jelly beans, jelly belly, jelly bellies, taste, fail, walkthrough, gameplay, lets play, playthrough, indie game, game theory, gtlive, game theory live, game theory matpat
Id: DeVPErESl78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 45sec (3525 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2016
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