HAVE YOU CHEATED ON ME? | Lie Detector Test

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do you lie to me no let's see oh man oh there's nothing big bump right there you go whoa there's this like this is this is a bit of an anomaly in here I'm just gonna tell you no do you like Jason [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys and welcome to GT Live another episode of GT live otherwise known as GT late because we're five minutes late so we like to say you know save our scary games for Friday but today we thought since we took last Friday off we'd mix it up a little bit and do scary games Monday and buy scary games Monday I mean probably the scariest game that we could possibly play on the livestream buying a lie detector and running lie detector tests on each other the truth is coming out you guys because what is scarier than the truth that's deep the way this works is there's a set of baseline questions and we're going to start out with all the baseline questions which basically help them like help everything calibrate to tell whether or not you're telling the truth or not by asking you a bunch of easy questions to start off with questions that you would have no reason to lie about so we'll start off with those we'll see how things kind of shake up see how accurate we feel like this is and then we'll start in to the gorilla in questions like like gorillas and beans but grilling questions I've heard that if you clench your buttocks well you're taking the lie detector test and then you release the buttocks as as you're making a lot fully over a toilet that releasing the contents of the buttocks you're releasing just the muscles but it sounds control your bowels Steph interview the subject one-on-one in a non distracting and neat surroundings so we're already off and now as you can tell where you clearly follow the structure subject should face away from the examiner and the computer screen ask each question in the same tone and inflection yep okay subject must agree to take the exam by his or her own free will or testing will not work no I don't want to do it subject must be convinced that you can detect the truth this is like what we were talking about like it sounds like you've no flirt if you believe it's true it becomes true the human brain is so powerful you guys like Fitz our belief yea physical response in the in response to the power of belief is amazing tell the subject when exception is detected oh oh oh that's more nervous you're supposed to tell them when you're like oh I see that you're lying oh and then they're like oh no and then you're supposed to wait until they explain to get a confession out of them ask tough questions that will elicit a physical response so you want people to sweat you want their heart rate to go up and you want them to perhaps clench in some some interesting places like the jaw jaw and then you want to pay attention pay attention to responses ask for more detail on admission Wow all right oh yeah this is another thing we probably should have prepared for well you should have did you prepare so we're getting ready to do the baseline test Matthew you are not looking at the screen correct I am NOT okay good donors question don't be a cheater Pat all right I'm looking at the stains on the carpet or the carpet on the curtain sorry I lied I lied about the card back oh my gosh you have to be quiet you have to let me read these questions to you we're also like absolutely I'm answering your question look at these like wild fluctuations no don't answer each question truthfully with a yes or no answer what's that a question that no answer this first question okay are you a male are you a male yes did I pass we're waiting we're waiting to find out perylene has to count down the suspense is killing me right now I don't know only what it's doing there are some numbers on the screen maybe it's judging my after response okay cool do you own a cat named skip yes so one thing dan and I noticed when we tested this out okay the lines do correspond in real-time so finalizing question things is for like a final result where you can go through and like look at irregularities along the graph really but if you wanted to insert your own questions here or there like little surprise treats while it's doing this little analyzing real-time oh man right okay okay wait so are these the real questions now are we still baselining this was the baseline I set but some of them are a little spooky okay yeah when when will we know when he's telling a lie oh it just tells you there are irregularities as you said this machine doesn't detect lies it just detects changes and you're like but can I see them world can I see them as we go you are seeing them as you go well I get a little pop-up that says hey this was this was an irregularity no you'll see a difference in the pattern and then at the end it'll say you found irregularities and then if you want to go view them you can just view the graph okay all right okay so next question have you ever eaten poop no okay not intentionally at least I'm sure we've all eaten poop at some oh no motto like micrograms a fecal matter that's allowed to go through food standards friends that's what I think bummer Oh cow pastures and things splash up sometimes you know okay they're a times things flash have you ever betrayed a loved one man betrayed uh repeating the question hmm no okay okay once you're about that one it's actually yeah really yeah you're like baselining a bit higher oh no that's really funny okay okay okay well you'll be good okay all right all right oh man I'm starting to sweat more now no do you lie to me no let's see oh man oh there's a big bump right there you guys whoa there's this this is this is a bit of an anomaly in here I'm just gonna tell you know do you like Jason [Laughter] okay okay there was the question he thought about it in here the answers coming the answers coming oh it does he does like Jason oh oh man having to admit that that's the worst that's me if Jason's getting a raise tonight whoa this is really intense oh no it's really intense you see the spike in my pulse now when you say stuff like really intense cuz it should be spiking right now okay what this is the worst this is the worst live stream ever why do we do this oh man look Meredith look a big spike oh my gosh yeah you can see everything ah my heart is like racing now yeah I feel it in my chest damn okay okay have you ever considered killing someone no I hope not cuz frankly I'm the person who you spend the most time with there yeah okay this is you considering your answer oh man oh man oh look he baselines congratulations we all don't work with a psychopath ah okay have you ever pooped your pants excluding diapering how much poop are we talking about you like like well what is what is the baseline of like is it like any brown spot he's getting a little nervous over here Wow Wow I would say if you can identify it as fecal matter hey Cal says poop but yeah I think we may have our answer over there in middle school were you wearing tighty whitey style underwear no are you using right now okay all right we're gonna watch for it watch for it I don't consider them tighty whitey style into where they were not white do you like snaff yes all right all right [Music] there's the question whoa it feels like do you have some mixed feelings about snaf no I don't know I'm seeing I'm seeing a little bit of a higher baseline in here the thing is and and I think what you're seeing because I do I illegitimate Lea do like math I think what you're seeing is when I'm nervous about what the counter is going to give back I feel myself assuming like a higher rate like I feel my like pulse quick and I become a lot more aware of like the throbbing and my finger on on this device and so I think it's more like my worried that something is going to show up as an anomaly on ah ha ha ha rather than my answer itself because I do like in my heart of hearts I actually really enjoy snap I really enjoy like I really respect Scott and what he's created yeah like even on the way back from the the meeting I had earlier today like I've watched a video about like the history of five minutes at Freddy's and I'm like it was like you know talking about where it came from the step 11 I'm like I'm so proud of Scott like I got all like for Clement what do you like my pro tips yes we'll see about that I find them funny do I do let's see let's see there's the question I don't know whoa whoa you are such a liar oh my gosh I can't look yeah yeah you like my pro tips huh the polygraph begs to differ man love your pro tips do you think my livestream jokes are funny yes why again this is one of those things where I'm worried about what the polygraph is gonna well you were clearly lying in this last question yes all right fine is that a yes no no there was the question this is your aunt no this is all wonky it is totally not look at that jokes are hilarious look at that bus do you think I'm funny yes okay fine it looks like you're clenching appropriately for that one oh no no no wait a minute wait a minute here like this because there's no winning there's no winning in this game this is a game you can't win how come on you can win by being by being honest and also a great person geez all right ready round to Stephanie's turn let's see what you weigh so I'm not gonna look at the I'm not gonna look at the detector okay cheat over a little bit are you sometimes late for the live stream no it's always Matthew who's late for the live stream look at that spike look at that spike right there don't look oh look at that blue spike right there that was obvi well oh man oh this is super oh this is great okay do you consider yourself a crazy cat lady no I hope not that would be unfortunate okay I think that was my laughs what are you looking at the screen right now no so what it's totally live right now no yeah sure you aren't deaf sure you're not looking at the screen right now oh we totally believe every week week week week okay are you attracted to Fitzwilliam Darcy from Pride and Prejudice no wait okay so this is her laughing as I lead up to it yeah that's the laugh and this is you getting nervous you don't know what you don't know you're seeing all right fine I just thought agreeing with you would help my case look but then okay that so I think this is all the laughter and then she said no oh no oh screw you Colin Firth I hate you so much do my jokes make you cringe no okay here we go here's here's where it's coming in do my jokes make you cringe got a pretty strong bassline here right no my jokes don't make her cry BAM good yeah okay I've got the clenching down now oh no that might be a life that might resonate as a lie we'll see oh it totally resonate it's like you said it in your it went up oh come on totally dead God can't say anything in this dream it can't be joking stuff anybody have you ever been addicted to World of Warcraft briefly yes or no answers please yes so this is your base yes this is your base like going up as I ask you the question I don't think that's a base line going up is that maybe I'm lying maybe I was never addicted to World of Warcraft no now look it sit here as you say yet wait hold up let's see work yeah hey maybe maybe maybe I'm lying maybe I really barely ever played it just logged in every once in a while to stop live trade a few stacks alive have you ever cheated on someone you were dating whoa yes I think like make maybe I don't know it really depends on your definition of cheating seems fairly baseline right here like this feels pretty consistent I know right you're getting a couple look how onyx look yeah look how honest I am but no like massive fluctuations actually this is actually honest okay so you have cheated on some it depends on what your definition of cheating is okay I have I like gone out to dinner or something with another person while I was dating someone yes but have I ever like kissed someone no okay okay look of what am I looking at stuff you're looking at you're just looking at me laughing hold on oh I just real and no wonder Stephanie's able to see what the responded there right there okay okay okay just realize that she's looking at Chris's screen not the screens I'm looking at yeah duh do you actually fart no I'm curious wise up oh look there goes it's separated again I don't know I think that's the question I don't I think that's the answer right there I think that's I think that is hopefully revealing once and for all that women do farts contrary to what they say have you ever blamed me for a fart that you have done oh you're never gonna get a clean rate of it okay well let's let's resume baseline let's resume baseline let's give it a second because this is important it's an important question here is it for years I've been being blamed for farts that were not my own time we set the record straight have you ever blamed me you know this already tells you the answer that we need ladies and gentlemen of the jury I think we have gotten our answer to whether Stephanie blames me for the farts that are leaking out of her but I said let it be no I only blame you for the farts that Kipp committed haha sure it's true that's yeah do you enjoy math I know wrapped up in a lot of things playing watching theorizing do you enjoy watching math know it seems pretty honest do you enjoy playing math yes I also move my fingers it happens do you enjoy doing the Nugget voice yes can you do the Nugget voice I can yes will you do the Nugget voice yes before I let you out of the lie detector will you do the Nugget voice new details in the truth new that he's not gonna bed wetter not even totally well you would be the same as as a bed wetter did you ever have plastic sheets I did yes no way you can yeah there you put the plastic sheet down under your real sheets I had it until the plastic seal on your mattress you also just do it to preserve the mattress because kids spill stuff like their urine yeah that or kool-aid so it's really cool aid both ways just one has been digested good well done well done good job yeah you were super I know okay oh shoot man do you subscribe to GT live I do yes and you should do by clicking the box below or you can go check out our yoga challenge another embarrassing one on the box that is the boxes click um that's no lie
Channel: GTLive
Views: 769,182
Rating: 4.9423852 out of 5
Keywords: lie detector, lie detector test, lie test, polygraph, lie detector challenge, couples lie detector test, lie detector couples, boyfriend lie, lie detector matpat, how to lie, polygraph test, gtlive challenge, wassabi productions, gtlive, gt live, lie detector gtlive, polygraph challenge, challenge, quiz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2017
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