Evolving tanks to become galactic conquerors

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our goal is to defeat the enemies we have tanks that are made literally out of rocks it really is a game that's all about sacrificing we even pay for units in meat the more Ren idiots we sacrifice the more meat we get the more units we can send out and upgrade them the early stages of the game the enemies are going to completely obliterate us but we just need to keep sacrificing our own but I've got time if you do we've upgraded Clubby based Health once we're going to do that one more time and we're going to increase our food production so we can descend endless amounts of sacrifices out cuz the faster we can produce these the more meat we can collect to buy more units to sacrifice more we're just trying to get rich off sacrifice we're going to force these idiots to beat each other to death for our entertainment in theory at some point it could find the right balance I could have an auto clicker going right here we could just endlessly sacrifice morons to get rich Unfortunately they have technology uh to make Spears so that's going to be the big Difference Maker so far and they added a little bit of Base Health now we're really making the units quickly now it's an assembly line of sacrifice we need to make sure we get a good uh tank out front and then we're going to be sure to uh throw in a spear thrower okay even with that the spear thrower is probably going to get mobbed by those three uh because they're very clunky in their movement yeah we lost our spe thrower already and I got excited and accidentally Spawn Two of ours but that's okay cuz they got one of their uh Fred blend Stones coming out our spirit throwers are not moving out of the way which is really dumb with them but I think we can actually take down our Fred Flintstone for the first time and that was worth a lot we're going to get some good upgrades out of that so then all the way up to $659 to spend that means we can increase our food production up to this much we have a daily task we need to defeat 17 enemies for 40 gems uh we're producing enemies uh units so quickly that I think we're going to be in pretty good shape here we basically pushed all the way to their giant rock and I think it's a giant rock that we need to defeat but we throw a two spear throwers again so we're going to go back to clubbies hey things have more or less organized themselves properly we got Club men going in just as our other guys get defeated so we get their Fred Flintstone and we are going to try and uh spawn some more spearm men in behind all this okay we got a good mixture of units going out everyone's getting absolutely decimated though because our units have no HP whatsoever against two red blend Stones our guys basically lift their club before being evaporated and what's really insulting is the enemy defeats our Rock so hard it literally lights on fire so let's spend $467 on base Health that took us all the way up to 100 so now these beautiful morons will definitely stand up to a little bit more damage and so far that seems to be working out quite well our spirit thr was all the way to the front line he didn't take any damage so we should start damaging their Rock well at least I could say I'm an overachiever we've killed 49 out of 17 and collected $240 so what we need is more base Health they currently have 100 but we've got $1,200 to spend if we use all of our money in that they go up to$ 130 which is a 30% increase at least I think that was referring to my unit Health maybe that's referring to my rock Health at which point that feels like kind of a waste I'm generally more of a numbers guy not a thinking guy I just overwhelm things with a lot of time or numbers rather than strategy yes it's definitely starting to feel like my units have no more Health than they did before but my rock does and I don't know why we care about our Rock's Health we need to destroy their Rock and when we're faced with uh Legions like this we need a lot of upgrades so I'm just going to straight up spam the clubbies until something happens I threw a few Spearman into the mix Unfortunately they landed right as a red blend Stone came in so he's just evaporating all my units anyway but we're still making lots of sacrifices and collecting lots of coins maybe it's time we have our own Fred penstone join the battle not only does he come with a sharp Rock but he also comes with fur they do cost seven meat to summon but I'm just going to spawn these guys for sec to see what the difference is I think they're going to one shot their guys NOP not quite but they can also take a lot more abuse than theirs can so we could outdamage them big time here like we can chop down their little rocky idiots and get straight to their base chopping away kind of wish I summoned some of these guys soon we're going to throw a few spear throwers in behind them cuz they do lots of damage so they could just throw their Spears right over the top the spear throwers have landed our Fred Flintstones are right on the front line pretty much spawn camping them so I think we're going to do well here that made all the difference in the world now their rock is on fire so now we need to defeat a thatch Hut with 900 HP and we're fighting wooden units now so we're going to have our Chiefs against their wooden tanks this is going to be a problem for us we're going to need more upgrades they absolutely destroyed us so we're going back to stage number one to do a little bit of grinding my current strategy mostly just for fun is to alternate between the chief and the spear thrower uh that way I feel like there's uh some kind of kind of balance going on but really I'm just too lazy to think of a proper strategy and we need to spawn 16 Chiefs anyway so this will help get me some gems we're up to $3,000 we only need 2,000 to evolve from a rock into a piece of wood with a hat and we're no longer allowed to go backwards so we're starting with wooden takes luckily we're back to fighting Stone Age idiots somehow I'm not sure how that happened but it doesn't really matter cuz we're absolutely destroying them it's really all in the Hat without that we wouldn't be here so even against their Chief we're able to go in and absolutely destroy him their Spirit thr is going to be a problem but we've got some tanky uh wooden tanks which quickly turns into about $700 so we're going to increase our food production this much now it's almost one per second so we are going to Rapid Fire produce these tanks so I think we're going to absolutely obliterate them already look at their line up of Tanks we have already and considering we're one-shotting their basic idiots basically before they can even hit us back I think we're in good shape here like my units can't even find room to attack they're literally piling up at their Gates and so far I think we're going to win this battle but that quickly gave us the money we need for our Pitchfork Soldier the problem is we can't spawn them together if we could spawn two at a time they would actually overpower every base unit but instead I think they're going to die to that guy that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make now we're just going to spawn sacrifices until we have enough money for another upgrade which is now we're literally spawning the Grim Reaper of wooden tanks for some reason simply referred to as a scythe Master he's coming up to his first idiot and Okay so he's going to be able to destroy a lot of these especially if we get a pitchfork in behind them which we already can so he's going to uh basically Walt in for this guy we're going to spot another one but with the Pitchfork thr we in behind yeah this is going to work well we'll throw another Pitchfork in we don't need base units anymore I loed into the right timing of this so now as our uh scy Master gets in there our Pitchfork doers land behind them so they don't really have to take much damage and yep there we go perfect timing uh at least it wasn't until that point we still might need a higher meat production cuz now we got a lot the spirit throwers that are about to get wrecked well when we have a a scythe guy against four Pitchfork throwers in behind what are we supposed to do with that we sacrificed so much meat that time we made almost six grand and we're finally going to find out what these gems are for we're going to summon times one not really sure what that is all units damage plus 5% wish I found that a while ago we're going to do that twice so that's a 10% damage bonus for all of my units which by itself might actually be enough to turn the tide for us I guess the depense on how many hits they still can't oneshot those guys if we can start oneshotting them I think this would be a landslide for us but a 10% increase in damage is still pretty huge we got two scythes against those guys uh we're probably going to lose one of our Scythe guys up front here but our pitchforks have fallen in behind they despawned out a huge wave of base units but I think our Pitchfork and scyth boy will take care of them pretty readily they got a scyth boy coming is going to destroy our pitchforks now though basically all I'm hearing is we need more meat and more damage but even when we lose this battle we still make so much money one thing for some reason I never consider doing till now is spawning a whole bunch of units right at the same time look at me learning it only took 40 years to Fig this wild strategy cuz that's what the enemy does and that's why the waves always defeat us cuz they just spawn a whole bunch all at once so now we're literally going to have Bronze Age Spartans against Rock cavemen pretty sure we're going to absolutely destroy these guys I like how they're making us go through this to emphasize the point there's no way the rock guys are going to win this one unit I think is going to win the entire battle so now we're just really insulting The Rock guys look at all that damage we got one single unit destroying them even against our strongest unit we just destroyed him who's going to win first that's or them okay probably them at this point okay so they got some idiot spawning in so we'll just send out three of ours that's it just three and we're going to go through the Spearman cuz we have uh metal weapons even their Chiefs destroyed they have a whole bunch of their units they're getting desperately we're just going to go right through them and we're going to take one swing at that and it's dead and they're going to make us go through the wooden guys again but I feel like the wood guys are going to die quite easily this time we're going to save up just a little bit of meat so we can spawn at least four of these all at once then we're going to have a fifth one in behind just you know as a reserve we push through their Pitchfork line the pitchforks are able to damage them to be fair the pitchforks are reasonably strong at this point but we're already to their base there's one of their strongest units but we're already stabbing away and here come the reinforcements their base is dying quickly uh just to be mean we going to spawn three in behind that we really don't need done we probably should have milked that Massacre a little bit cuz that was some good earnings what we'll do instead is increase our meat production that way we can just hurt them 1.3 per second we're going to try and save up just a little more so we can absolutely overwhelm every one of their units cuz if we can get like eight of their attacks off to their one our units should really take very little oh that's one of their spear guys all right well he's dead H we pushed all the way to there and that's actually pretty good considering what we're dealing with so far and we've defeated their one strong unit that wasn't worth as much money as I'd hoped for but as long as we're murdering things we're doing all right they've destroyed our Stone building but we made $22,700 I think by the time the units really even get here I could just spawn two of these guys out to destroy him right away and then we can throw a spear throw it in behind them just to you know really make a mockery of them and we are currently poking their base pretty hard with what we've got going yeah as long as you've got something tanky up with a few spear throwers in behind uh things are going to go well yeah we are absolutely destroying their base right now and there's not really much they could do about it I've got four spear throwers that are spawn camping them so whatever pops out gets pretty oh never mind they might actually be able to recover this so before they get too close we're going to go back to our strategy two tanks to one spear thrower uh they're clearly saving up for something big but that was stupid to them cuz we pushed through and destroyed them look at all that money which leads us to whatever these are these guys got a bucket on their head so they clearly mean business two of our strongest units going out we're able to defeat them but those guys are hitting really really hard even with our uh two tanks and one speth in behind we're getting wrecked but since we made a cool 175,000 we get to unlock the Pirates and for some reason that this straight up takes all of my money away luckily upgrades are pretty cheap to begin with so we can at least increase our food production those guys aren't even hurting us there's two of them now but I don't think they're going to be able to hurt our units very much plus we're dealing 60 damage so I guess we're just going to walk through the ages massacring everyone as they're massacring Stone Age idiots we saved up $60,000 so our food production can go way way up again 1.65 meat per second so we're going to be especially mean and spawn in giant waves of these guys against the tier 3es so this will continue to be quite a massacre they're targeting the wrong guy but we're going to absolutely defeat their Cathedral yep that wasn't even close but now we're back to fighting e the guys at the same level as us so what we're going to do is wait for them to get as close as possible and spawn big waves that way we can tear through their single units and hopefully push all all the way through to their Church their Rifleman and Canon guys are crazy strong we just got obliterated but we're rich so we'll bring in our Rifleman we can't quite afford the cannon guy but we do have $176,000 so why would we not increase our food production more we've reached their building though we got a Canon guy coming out so he's definitely outrange our Riflemen that's going to be a problem my return strategy is basically three Riflemen at a time no we're dead this time I'm employing a different strategy we got four Riflemen at a time I'm hoping they can actually kill everyone before anyone can can actually touch them when so far that's actually working but now we're hitting their base uh their Cannon guy is attacking us rather freely so that's concerning but we've saved up 10 and something neat so let's spawn all bun of Rifleman in to hopefully defeat him quickly and then we can get their units again perfect is Canon ear that cost 200 Grand but we got them and then we can increase food production it's wildly expensive but it doesn't feel good to watch these numbers go up this fast and then we're pretty much going to abuse them by spawning in three cannons at a time and these cannons have such big range that I don't think anything can really do anything about that we're going to oneshot everything along the way these are basically like the tier 2 units are stronger so I don't think we need anything more than these cuz we're going to destroy pretty much everything they throw at us right now they're hitting us back with their Cannon boy their Swordsmen are getting close but these guys are so tough that that's not really going to matter their Riflemen couldn't even raise their rifles before they got obliterated and their base is dead now we're in not Los Angeles or something fighting what looks to be modern units well it is literally a mod tank but he's armed with a knife so I'm not sure how worried I should be we're going to send two of our units out we're still able to kill them reasonably quick and make a ton of money doing it I'm pretty sure once I get close enough in stabbing range we're going to get in trouble and we sure are these guys come with modern guns so we're going to spawn as many these as we can but we're getting so rich and also absolutely destroyed but that easily gave us the money we need to evolve into the Modern Age so we once again have to massacre at every generation up until now so we got a modern tank against Stone Age morons after destroying the first two tiers we got $5,000 so we're going to increase our food production to increase our uh upgrade production they do cost 11 meat after all so we do need a few seconds to actually gather our units but now we can spawn three of them at a time we're going to Massacre the knights we're still one-shotting them we're just going to March straight to their base and absolutely destroy it so five of these base level tanks is more than enough to absolutely wreck these guys for $62,000 means a lot of upgrades that's going to take us to well over 2 Ms per second and anytime you're measuring things in Meats per second you know it's going to be a good day my building may have far less Health than theirs but we've got the meat numbers on our side by the time they get here I think we can actually spawn at least six of our base units out so we should be able to do a big stabbing on them uh their machine Gunners are already coming out we've made a quarter $300,000 in response so far though so that's going to be good for us their uh big tank uh sniper units coming out so we're going to spawn a bunch of our units to hopefully overwhelm them we got to get to him cuz he's going to oneshot everything and then well wow those are strong those cost 18 meat each but by the time we get 54 we'll be able to spawn at least three of them then we'll see if we can squeeze out another one in the same time frame cuz once they them out they'll destroy everything in front of them at least for a few minutes uh the knife boy yeah he didn't get a stab off we're going to lose some here to other machine guns but we're piling up meat in the background now we are fighting their big boy but by the time he gets here we have got a pretty good meat stockpile going so we could just load up on these again and finish off the sniper at least by that time we did make over $2 million so we could buy our own sniper now and then we can upgrade our food production to bring them out even quicker 26 Meats but uh the way our meat production is going we're going to have a few of those out in no time it would help if they would Target different units they target the same unit so they weigh Overkill one single unit but who am I to complain and we're back to hitting their building there's their machine gunner our machine Gunners are going to push forward to be a bit of a meat shield for our tanks but so far so good we got a lot of damage going out of different uh timings so I think we're actually going to win this one right now because the building is done now we have to fight aliens and I'm not convinced we can win this one yet we're honestly doing a lot better than I thought I would be doing uh and we're making uh what's going to amount to well over $6 million now oh we got the kylo renot coming out though he's probably going to decimate everyone can we kill one of them though I would feel great if we could kill at least one of those that's got to be worth a lot 5.5 million that was worth a million dollars every time we kill kylo luckily we can evolve into this our age now for only 10 million we've got 30 and now we once again have to Massacre the ages we have like a literal futuristic Jedi against caveman like remember when these Knights seemed really strong now we're evaporating them so upgrades cost $4,400 we've got about 4 million so we're just going to go ahead and click this until things stop to the point where we can just send a continual Army of uh Jedi right at the modern Army destroy it in seconds and then we get $9 million so we can unlock the next Trooper we're going increase our food production a little bit more I think we're actually going to defeat them without even needing our strongest unit somehow we just spamed laser guys okay this time we've saved up a whole bunch of meats and upgrade so now we've got uh five star-lords going out which are the strongest available units and I think I can understand why they're very tough to do a lot of damage like these guys that walked all the way to their base they're defeating all of the units and they're absolutely wrecking everything anything that spawns in there is going to have to deal with all of that damage and that means we get to time travel to the dinosaur age [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 177,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pT0b07f8AmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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