I spent $98,786,612,988,546 upgrading this chicken

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today we're going to use a chicken with a magic wand in its mouth to defeat as many innocent frogs as we possibly can and to begin luckily we have a wand that fires twice two projectiles in a row that means extra damage for the Frogg aside and those two shots are more than enough to destroy these simple little frogs on our level up Pirates treasure increased Treasure Chest to level two I don't really know what that means but I'll take it as long as I even feel like I'm making progress in some aspect of my life I consider that a win we're also going to need some more spells that aren't just uh balls flying out of my wand soon because we got a large hord of frogs behind us that are going to absolutely destroy us if they touch us our first upgrade was some extra movement speed which is the only thing keeping us alive so far it's very hard to stay away from the Frog horde right now and I'm trying to just stay on the edge so I can actually pick up some of the dropped experience I think I'm going to take salt rain I don't actually know how useful this is I just think it's funny to rain salt on frogs and slowly watch them dissolve the whole premise of this game is funny to begin with but them melting from MD rain is even better my health bar by the way is this little green there's our salt no those frogs oh that's much better oh that's way better okay electric Zone creates an electric Aura around you that causes damage to the enemies inside I like how they call it an electric Aura we're just electrocuting the wildlife at this point yeah that's better okay I like this now we can melt the frogs and electrocute them while shooting them with a magic wand we're also going to summon a boomerang that hits the nearest enemy every 2 seconds uh that's going to be good because I routinely forget to shoot I forget that I have to actually uh do that myself acid rain is insane uh we suddenly went from like struggling to being overpowered although we're starting to get stronger frogs and I definitely need to keep moving uh we got some kind of upgrade over there but if I stop moving they Bunch up around me and I will die very quickly out of all the things here we'll take the interesting looking unicorn horn increase the damage of Arcane Shots by 50% I'm not sure which ones are Arcane shots I don't know if we have them yet but if we get them even better I think that arrow is actually pointing us towards a shadow enemy I think it's like a mini boss uh we'll kill that as soon as we can uh maybe Regen generating life would be good 2% maximum life regen as I was saying earlier this is my health bar the little green circle surrounding me that's not very full right now my electrocution Circle has so far uh saved me quite a bit of damage I'm going to try and get to that over there but it's really hard to avoid the frogs I found where we killed the shadow guy as another shadow guy appears cross trail leaves behind a trail of ice that slows enemies I think I'm actually really going to like that because anything we can already upgrade it too uh okay yeah that's probably actually going to be helpful cuz everything in this game is really really quick we upgraded our speed by a considerable amount we're still barely out running everything and it's really hard to disc commit to a direction like I want that Treasure Chest up there but it's so hard to weep between everything increase the duration of salt Rain by 30% so we're slowly going to melt all the frogs for even longer I want more upgrades for that I think that's our single best thing we're also going to collect all the treasure chests we can cuz I'm greedy and I think those lead to permanent upgrades the red arrow leaves us past a shadow idiot to more upgrades okay great we're going to grab that increases slowing effect on enemies uh Frost step by 5% so they'll get slowed by my uh this and they're getting even slower and another upgrade for our salt rain your projectiles deal an additional two damage or maybe that saying just two damage to every projectile we have which would be perfectly F oh this is a really bad spot I'm going to have to take some damage to get out of that that was really ugly but our salt rain is back it's pouring it on it's going to last longer and do more damage there's so many upgrades on the ground already uh we're going to increase our uh life by 4% that's not a huge upgrade but out of all those it was the best there might have been a roll token there that I might have missed so I need to pay attention to that this is the kind of game that really makes you earn the progress increase movement speed by 40% I think we're already at a 20% increase so that's actually going to help a lot this way we can uh maneuver around through the frogs easier and pick up more of the orbs safely movement speed is really important at this stage of the game it seems increase one damage uh what was this one cause 1,000 damage to enemies on screen every 100 seconds all we got to do is last 100 seconds and we get to kill everything on screen that's true frog aide okay this is crazy hard already 5 and A2 minutes until we got destroyed but we did make 8,000 coins which I accidentally just spent on a new wand but I don't actually regret that we also have Midas W that we can make the wand out of there's all sorts of things you can insert into the wands you make to make them stronger so so far I've created the stupid stick and then I made the idiot stick now we're going to make something new with whatever this does it's beautiful and we hopefully give me a lot better chance to do anything at all at all the one's name is frog aside just so we're not beating around the bush so it's firing a triple shot and those things go a long ways okay we're getting much stronger already and it's starting us with our beloved acid rain perfect we're going to slowly melt the frogs while triple shotting them because I can fire three of these a ones I'm actually going to stick nice and close in a little circle here we need those upgrades soon any experience left on the ground is not our friend yeah I'm also going to summon one chick the cast is spell at the nearest enemy so now we have a little helper hopefully they do a lot of damage so far they seem to be helping actually quite a bit that extra projectile is doing a lot once the acid rain comes in everything's going to die there was frogs bunched up on the Rocks so I moov the screen over to accommodate them I'm not going to stop until every frog in this world is absolutely massacred I didn't notice the coins on the ground either uh drop one lightning on the nearest enemy that I like how it so gently says we're dropping lightning on the enemy we're not hitting a single frog with an enormous lightning bolt we're just dropping a lightning on them it makes it sound much nicer that way uh there's some treasure chests on the ground we'll definitely pick those up because it's clearly going to get us better wands and better everything still going to need a little more uh fire rate and everything else but so far so good we're dropping all sorts of stuff on the ground we're stay staying well ahead of the Frog so far I think what would pair really well with our current devices of torture would be poisonous gas creates a gas cloud that deals one damage every 8 seconds uh okay so that's just going to go around me yeah that's actually going to be big so we got some good AOE style stuff coming in got lots of experience on theground but there's a red arrow down in the lower left so I really probably need to go uh explore that okay we got to keep moving though at the same time we're going to need movement speed cuz without that we're just doomed we're already getting hit by everything and depending what's in upgrades like this too these could really help us out increase the uh duration of salt Rain by 30% cuz salt rain's absolutely going to be one of our big weapons okay we got him dead right away there's our movement speed perfect this is shaping up to be a good one I'm also going to get mushroom Exploder just because that sounds funny to say it spawns one mushroom every point8 seconds which explodes dealing 12 damage all the nearby idiots so the few of them that are going to get hit by that are going to get real hurt by that and then we'll start start to slowly uh thin out the frogs look at all this stuff on the ground this is just very satisfying we're also starting to get the first of the big frogs uh we seem to be able to destroy them fairly quick if we focus our damage on them so that's a good sign we got some giant mushrooms on the ground s rain is going up even more damage for even longer so we're shaving up to be very powerful so far and we can definitely kite them into the damage and then they're doomed I do like the way we fire three shots in front of us that can take out a little frog so we can at least clear the way for ourselves somewhat what's happening I don't know what this is uh it's very dark and it's super not helpful okay great okay we're also going to get fire dance summons one flame that launches towards uh the nearest idiot every 2.5 seconds okay good we're back to the Funnel Vision just just what I wanted Yep this is totally survivable uh I'm kind of just going to go in somewhat small circles to draw everything into my mushrooms and poison Cloud right now just cuz I can't see what's coming I don't really know how to deal with this or why this has happened to us but there all getting mushroom there we go okay now we're actually really trapped too at the same time so we're just going to uh go this way uh H Sal rain every 6 seconds eight damage per second for 6 seconds for all enemies we were really really close to dying there we're still really close to dying I'm going to get greedy though and walk through this horde of stuff we're going to try and take out the special boy here who's right in our uh stuff we're going to stay away from spots like that okay we can try and get to that chest but that's really dangerous we are so low on health and in a really really bad spot icid rain came in so I got Brave went up to this uh we're going to increase the distance we can pull stuff in from I almost walked into a giant frog and we might be able to get it up uh even more at this point uh I'm going to try that salt shaker I think that's going to increase acid rain that might just be all projectiles in general not really sure but anything is better than nothing this is going to be a good one it's even a yellow quality it rain Sal every 6 seconds healing 10 damage per second that's actually crazy high so now we're going to start melting everything so if we can just get some of our HP back we kill that oh I walked into a frog that's so hard to survive I don't get what we're supposed to do luckily we can afford a new chicken at this point he comes with all sorts of bonuses but he also summons one chick every four levels so using this new chicken I've been getting Arcane shot a lot which normally starts with two projectiles firing out uh strangely we're getting that a lot so I've just been selecting it so we're really upgrading it I'm going to add salt rain there just help out the idiots but I think actually if I can get uh that up a lot one damage is also going up but the uh this thing Arcane shot goes off quite a lot and that's actually going to clear out a lot of frogs for me see look at that fire 16 projectiles every 3 seconds HP regeneration probably would have been wiser but uh that's a lot more fun and those things keep going too but if we can manage to get that up a few levels someone would or that orbits around you I'm actually going to try that cuz that might absorb projectiles it might also hit things yeah okay that goes circles around me at a bigger area so that's going to help keep me safe and hopefully projectiles eventually we're going to take more mov movement speed we're level uh 10 now so we got two small chicks helping us once we H level 12 we'll get even more okay we got the the uh cone of Truth here so we need to stay in the center for a sec till that goes away luckily we're strong enough to destroy everything I'm also going to get the poisonous gas cloud cuz I know how strong that can be there we go uh fire 32 projectiles so those are going to hit a lot uh so I as long as I stop walking into the enemies that's actually going to really do well for us especially if I can get something from this it would synergize with that increase the damage of Arcane Shots by 50 %. okay that's going to be a big one now when those things go off they're going to wreck and we can get it again 64 projectiles every 3 seconds I think that's actually max level at this point uh so as long as we can not get hit for 3 seconds we should have a pretty clear path to go in almost any direction uh we'll see for sure especially things that are close to us they're going to take a lot of shots Treasure Chest are going to level two that just means more gold coins maybe that's the strategy I've been getting wronged all time maybe we just need really high level of one skill instead of a bunch of different skills there's our Regen that we need so we can start putting our HP back on while doing that and Aran whatever really works well because I really don't have to think it just fires in all directions so it's very hands-off for me let's add a little more HP because we got damage okay for now for once so if HP goes up then uh regen goes up as well so we're going to increase our health by further 20% so HP regen is going to be more per tick every second Arcane shot isn't one-shotting a big guy so if it hits them with a single one but when multiple hit which I often do then it kills them but I need to remember that and we have three small chicks helping us at this point and then we are going to increase the duration of acid rain by 30% I'm not really sure what to upgrade so I guess we'll just go for salt rain again maybe salt rain plus my helper chicks uh plus my Arcane whatever will just decimate everything then we'll have it on Easy Street for a while here comes our next Shadow idiot uh okay never mind he's dead movement speed's going up perfect this is shaping up we're getting all the things we need maximum melt going up by a further 20% so that means regen even stronger plus we can tank a little bit more damage so we can make even stupider plays if we could get surrounded by orbs as well I'd feel a lot better but so far we're actually keeping ourselves pretty safe like there's lots of room around us that's the 5 minute Mark so I hear something colorful uh we're going to roll those well maybe increase our base attack spe by 20% I assume that only refers to my wand it's a little hard to say in this game but that's just going to help me clear a path faster I found another uh item upgrade thing so that could be good for a few different things I guess what is execute enemies was left some 3% Health but I figure if they at 3% Health they're pretty much already dead so I'm not sure helpful that's going to be uh increase chick attack speed by 20% I don't know if those count as uh those or not they are in fact little chicks so that might be the case and that would be great cuz we're only going to get more and more of them as we level up more in fact we'll even uh summon more so we'll start building those as well so we have lots of little chicks with Advanced attack speed we're getting lots of treasure chest there's that jingle sound again I don't really know what that is uh acid rain nope uh going up wouldn't be bad yeah we'll take another 20% HP now we're good and tanky we're going to need it for when the projectiles show up then I can Panic less and kill more the idiots are starting to show up so we're going to get acid rain that's going to do big damage to them and that's going to be good because it can kill them from a long ways away and uh they'll die sooner than later the faster they die the less projectiles we deal with uh these ones are all sort of the same so fire dance can get more damage if we do get fire dance which we might it's better increase Life by 4% yep that's just more HP regen for me the projectile things do seem to die pretty quickly so when Arcane shock goes out it does tend to wreck a lot of them and less projectiles means I'm much much healthier and I'll got over $10,000 so I can really roll things salt rain every 6 seconds 12 damage per second so I'm going to try and get that maxed out next maybe there's Next Level 14 damage per second for salt rain so every time it shows up it's really going to evaporate a lot of idiots and that's just less projectiles which means I can survive much much easier I was perhaps wrong salt rain can go even stronger look at this card though that's got to be something real good it doesn't actually say what it does like this one it says this one it says so this must be like an ultimate well whatever we'll take it oh interesting so we have different options for its ultimate ability enemies killed turn into statues that explode and hit other idiots this one the rain is 900% more damage but its cool down is reduced by uh 200% I kind of like this rain causes 300% more damage lasts 40% longer coold down is reduced by 20% in the ground explodes with the rainfalls it's basically Armageddon so I'm going to pick Armageddon so when that rain goes off I think the whole map is going to wipe there we go okay that's a little easier I can see again we just wck everything I think little balls might refer to my uh circular so now we have three of those around us so this is shaping up to be a good run so what do we want to do that to next the satellites maybe sumon two orbs that orbit around you yeah how I known there was Ultimate upgrades in the beginning I may it just gone for that cuz clearly those are way strong cool down is uh reduced so it should be quicker than yep there it is again already and because we're getting rich we can reroll a lot to hopefully get the Ultimate upgrades for these Health would also be interesting but we'll get the little orbs now we got five orbs circling us we just killed another shadow guy now we get four orbs to Circle us the rain is showed up again so everything's getting wrecked uh we're going to roll looking for more I'll actually take regen at this point uh just cuz we are getting hit and things are starting to hurt a lot but with all of her HP too that's actually really good balance oh Arcane shot oh I forgot God that was maxed out yeah we get another ultimate ability so we have Furious blasts 10 bursts of 32 shots are fired around you each causing 24 damage that's insane every 3 seconds 64 shots are fired in a clockwise motion around you each causing 24 damage that's also insane I'm kind of feeling for yurias blast 10 burst of 32 shots okay that's actually liking the game okay this is going to work well okay between that and the acid rain and soon to be whatever else we're doing uh this is going to work uh very well to the point where the game is lagging and I can't really see anymore we're filling the world with projectiles we are getting hit a lot so I'm actually going to take uh more HP regeneration just to get a little bit of healing look at all the experience on the ground but look at all the projectile morons as well that's troubling we did level up again so we're rrolling looking for the kind of things that would help us get ahead maybe for regen actually since we're getting so much of it we'll start building that up cuz the ultimate regen levels got to be something good too all the ultimate abilities seem crazy crazy strong plus we have an army of little chickens ah we're going to be at the top level for satellites so we need one more level of that to get our ultimate satellite ability I forgot we had those going on out there they're definitely helping keep us safe and they just wrecked the shadow guy more HP this game went from being incredibly hard in a struggle to now we're destroying everything uh we're going to get 12% of our Max life every 5 seconds so we should be able to heal through lots of damage there are so many projectiles suddenly I think if those hit me they might actually kill me so I do really need to be careful oh that's tempting to go for more Health but I want to try and roll for the UL a few rows later satellites ultimate ability or dual satellites is what we're going to do there'll be two rows of satellites damage increased by 100% the size of satellites is increased but that's okay there'll be more of them now we got those little spinny balls and those are still going to hit anything getting anywhere close to me I'm not even going to fire my main weapon anymore I don't need to plus I think the game doesn't love it it already seems to be struggling just a little bit with what we got well these are getting expensive so we'll just increase our Treasure Chest to uh tier three that just means we'll get more coins for more rerolls or permanent upgrades either way we're pretty happy yeah we got our ultimate regen ability well we get to pick from oh wait no that's just max level okay so next time we'll get our maximum regen I got ah head of myself at this point I'll actually take more Health just because we get that closer to its Ultimate Upgrade too look at that big green orb we're definitely going to touch that thing that had to be a ton of experience okay well maximum health uh will be at 140% there might be one more level of that I'm not sure but that's also getting very close to its ultimate too we're also getting hit by a lot of things but it really doesn't matter we're just regenerating right on through we're level 44 look at all the little chicks we have helping us we've got our top level level Health upgrade so the next time that spawns it will be its Ultimate Upgrade and we obviously need the help cuz we're clearly struggling to get through all this upgrades are already costing over $11,000 so we're going to get more of the mini checks they are doing a lot of damage oh look at these uh these are clearly rarer variety so reduce the cool down of Arcane shot by 50% that's this so that's going to go off twice as often as it does so pretty much constantly at this point Point great I like like when I think I can't get any stronger something comes up and then we get stronger we're going to get more small chicks we're just headed for more and more alties and we can pick up all those beautiful chests on the ground I'm pretty sure I can tank do damage I'm not going to push my Lu too much in that though cuz we don't want to find out the hard way there is five checks okay better make that six that's getting close to its max level as well so we definitely got a lot of uh Ultimate upgrades coming up soon we did get our ulti for the mini chicken at this point so we're definitely going to take that so we can pick from puber chicks turn into a chicken damage increased by 700% attacks spe by 300% and shots penetrate up to two enemies Elite chicks chicks gain sunlasses damage increased by 1,000% and shots infinitely Pierce through enemies that's actually crazy and brood of chicks summons five more chicks increase attack you by 35% damage by 300% I'm definitely going to take Elite chicks because 1,00% damage and shots infinitely Pierce uh so I don't know what like where so stupidly overpowered at this point uh they're going to be firing Non-Stop and those shots are not going to stop for anything they're just going to keep on going decrease the time to spawn Relic chest by 5 Seconds wait are we picking both of those we might have just pick both of those I'm not really sure what happened either way chests are going to spawn faster which means more fast upgrades for us not that we're running into any shortage of those it really you know keeps consistent with the upgrades well we'll knock another 5 Seconds off the spawn time for chess uh you know what yeah we better get that one twice uh we can take an extra little bit more each HP that's not going to hurt uh experience rather cuz we're clearly not leveling up enough hey look at that little thing that was actually quite tough we'll take some poisonous gas it's free uh we're also getting close to the extra chest spawning I can't imagine what the Ultimate Upgrade there would be was that a tank I think a tank spawned it didn't last for very long cuz uh we are like a super tank ourselves it is a tank uh upgrades are getting expensive again so we'll just take more experience gain that's certainly can't hurt at this point well we're past the 15-minute Mark uh whatever that thing was was very strong I'm glad they didn't touch me though that actually might have hurt a lot okay we're now getting an extra 50% base experience along with our already double experience so we might be getting 300 experience depending another stack it feels like we might be given it right we're leveling still like we're way into the game and we're absolutely leveling very fast so let's add some more to that and we're getting the Big Green orbs those are adding a lot of experience to us uh chest party is also going to be a Max size so lots of chest that's ready for its Ultimate Upgrade which should mean even more chests so let's see if it can seek out well also there's experience getting to a very high level we'll take look at this guy oh there's lots of them I thought he was the king but there's multiple of those big purple orbs I feel like we're going to wreck these guys too they can tank some of my orbs which is uh interesting that just tells me we're going to need even more upgrades and I'm here for that this game will not stop handing out the upgrades so we now get an 80% bonus experience uh and then our next one's going to be the ultimate our little chicks are going to destroy the king frogs we're going to uh reduce the cool down or salt Rain by 20% that's a rare quality upgrade but it's now going to rain apocalypse down much quicker I'm starting to assume that some of these don't have ultimate abilities that's why I can't find them even though I've been searching forever so we'll just settle for pretty much anything at this point salt shaker your projectiles deal even more damage yeah we clearly needed more of that our experience is ridiculous at this point all right we're going to add extra lightning because we need more lightning lightning probably hits very hard and that's good for the big guys cuz they definitely can eat some damage uh we just lost half of our HP to something we're putting it back very quickly but uh that was uh eye opening so I probably don't want to touch the big frogs luckily we can kill them very quickly the tanks fire triple shot didn't notice that before I got so strong I sort of stopped paying attention to things there's some cool upgrades here spelling on this increases the size of electricity Zone by 10% and damage by 20 I don't know what that's referring to the chick shot pierces through the first enemy and the attack damage is increased by 100% they already have 1,000% extra damage and infinite Pierce but that's the only upgrade there they could actually be of used to but now the shots actually look cool okay magnet's going up in level again so we'll be able to suck stuff in from very very far away not unlike your mom and we're just keep on going pick you up whatever chest we can get pirate chest level eight we have over $100,000 I remember I thought I was your I at 5,000 and the chest are just constantly spawning this is actually kind of a dangerous spot to be we're a little bit trapped but I'm not that worried about it because we got our ultimate magnet oh that didn't actually doesn't actually tell you what it did uh maybe I misread that and that wasn't the ultimate but it felt like it was maybe it's just really big we seem to have limited upgrades left so we're going to get mushroom explosions I think those are going to be the best bang for the buck at this point uh that's a new thing don't know what that is it's eating a ton of damage and then it died more mushroom Exploder also high level lightning five lightning bolts on nearby enemies which is mostly the king frogs we're going to melt the crown right into their head feel like we're getting close to the end just based on the number of uh giant idiots spawning and not much else ooh ultimate lightning ultimate Zeus punishment So Divine protection powerful lightning ball falls under you protecting you and dealing 100 damage sh nearby enemies that's very strong 12 lightning bolts fall randomly dealing 18 damage per bolt also strong eight lightning bolts strike 80 of an enemies dealing 60 each I kind of like the protection one 100 damage it's going to strike me and spread out everyone around me uh simply because we are starting to take some hits and they are hurting also our mushrooms are getting very strong uh they're going to explode and deal 22 damage and they're going to spawn quite often and not long after that we're going to get ultimate mushroom ability long story short we're going to get grenade mushroom they deal 30 damage and explosion areas increase by two so they just get bigger explosion nuclear mushrooms these are the other options you want to read them go ahead and pause it I'm not here to read I'm here to destroy frogs and we're doing a pretty good job of that so far um I guess just Medusa at this point it doesn't really matter we're just going to pick up as many of these chests as we can we have $200,000 we've also added a boomerang to our Arsenal we're leveling up so fast now it's almost annoying cuz we just can't get like any consistency done there's a 20-minute Mark I was hoping for some kind of Boss we'll see if something turns up so far nothing except this guy is showing up uh I don't know if this is supposed to be the boss or not he's eating a lot of damage but he did die uh we got some cool rare upgrades out of a chest I don't even know what these are these are blue all shots deal 5% damage yes I just found the ultimate for frost steps uh the ice Trail deals 15 damage per second uh the ice Trail area increases bigger and that freezes for longer uh this one when I leave an ice Trail it leaves a path that if I walk on I gain speed I already hit Max move speed so we're just is going to get painful ice so anyone that walks on this is going to take damage per second and uh we're so quick that we're going to leave a lot of damage per second on the ground I think I actually just killed myself walking into a giant frog cuz I was not at all taken that seriously anymore uh I feel like I could have just kept going really for a long time anyway so $34,000 is good enough for [Music] me [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 497,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0_aJejVUYrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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