The Impossible Quiz.

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now forgoing bread - do I really have to say that every [ __ ] Tottenham skit very impossible clip it's a game that you brothers have suggested about five [ __ ] million times that the fact that it's called the impossible quiz has been a reason for me not wanting to play it but sometimes I just like to live dangerous the glasses are unrelated though all right let's do it how many holes in Nepal oh there's two well now just [ __ ] with me how many ho holds how many horrors in a polo polo is French which means artistic alligator and there's about four of them in UK okay can a match box no but the tip of course this is yeah answer this question backwards tennis elbow okay click the answer good now is this [ __ ] easy put the mouse on here now don't touch the blue oh I broke my screen you don't actually think I broke it did you the square of onion what the [ __ ] is a shallot Oh shallots like anything you google you'll get girls a shallow shallots yeah it's gotta be shallot yeah the answer is really big I have a feeling as this one infinity an elephant really an elephant search I got a search for the answer yeah alright I feel like I'm not I'm doing pretty [ __ ] good actually what was the answer to Question 2 how the [ __ ] do I remember wait Kristin to a thing go back can a match box no but the ting oh of course I don't remember I will have one life come on this is the 1 million dollar question how many holes in a polo for this one what this why choose food I've tried eating a yellow glove before and it tastes it like a yellow club I have made out with some grandmas but I wouldn't eat them I have not eaten an eye I guess it I know why would it be an eye pads why shut up which one was it that one okay she was food I don't [ __ ] know Sharon and is there logic behind any of these it's not the eye is not the pen it's not the chair it can't [ __ ] be the teacher what why what oh because you eat with them know what follows December 2nd December 3rd 142 Dwarfs I clicked but I thought would be the dumbest answer click the smallest that one right that that one yet what sound does a Bell make it's not whoop it's not fron that's that one what can you put in a bucket to make it lighter and torched yes [ __ ] smart this is why I go to study engineering and shake night waiting us this is gonna take me [ __ ] forever what hahahahahaha why did it matter to thinking about that because I'm an idiot that's why what is the seventh letter of the alphabet ABCDE I don't need to count on my fingers is there some [ __ ] alphabet to [ __ ] I don't know but why is it eight so the answer is 17 funds it or not why the [ __ ] do I know that's to be waters what it's not walrus are you serious oh there it will are ah [ __ ] I'm dumb stop hammer time color in the correct order I don't know who boogie is is boogie a guy okay so blue orange green green oh [ __ ] okay Deal or No Deal how can there be a correct [ __ ] answer to a [ __ ] dick deal rhymes with seal and seal doesn't have a deal and the people who don't have a deal are usually not a seal okay let's think this again Deal or No Deal see ya watch carefully what the [ __ ] does n what come ah that one okay not that scared I don't know why why why someone [ __ ] tell me save changes to entitled Kancil Brian Oh God what what the [ __ ] some would call this [ __ ] I call this I don't give a [ __ ] click the ving lights how do you kill a werewolf finally a question I know god of course it's bad shoe polish because they contain silver or something which of these plays names doesn't exist it's there seriously a place called [ __ ] there is a place called sweat sweat farm Brown Willie how about that there it is right in probably USA somewhere in UK nice I can't wait to go to brown Willie that seems lovely a [ __ ] field no way there's a [ __ ] field there's a [ __ ] field of course ours no no ours facie there's no R spazzy yeah I guess I could've guessed that I hope you've been paying attention to the question numbers what what is what is that is art that's what it about let bun a fairy cake and abundance it's an abundance of course what flavor is cardboard I don't think it's Agnes okay what about honey really really I'm not gonna do I'm not gonna do that I'm not gonna do that I'll put my mouse wherever the [ __ ] I wanna find oh god now don't touch the grip but I am touching the green but this is easy would that this is a trap I swear to god this is a trap that was a trap wasn't it yeah shut up whoa Wolf Wolf Wolf well that was [ __ ] easy what are the main ingredients of shampoo diarrhea where is it no well that's they obviously don't know I gotta skip this bitched how many letters in his hand five six seven eight nine of course of course of [ __ ] course oh good there's a [ __ ] speech babe what are the main ingredients baby Cham and human faeces nice cats and whelks rock and sausages baby chant yes it's not [ __ ] 9 that's her [ __ ] shut up ok it's not 9 it's not 10 it's [ __ ] 8 really elephants don't like mice what what happened what what oh my god man I'm stupid turn it to click this one to carry on I don't trust this [Music] holy shutdown by [ __ ] genius I don't know a wingless fly a walk right of course God can you get this question wrong I'm a genius Mary Rose sat on a pin oh really Mary Rose ha ha ha burst her pot oh really first her pals I don't know why cylindrical adventures don't touch pink hmm if only you had a bridge how the [ __ ] do I get a bridge duck get out of here magnificent tail breasts what is the question it's gotta be a what is the answer to life the universe everything hint it's 42 oh thanks appreciate it okay wait there's 44 43 42 I am the smartest mother Bridget makes everyone tom Chris told you I told you oh god how the [ __ ] am I gonna solve this is this a puzzle click there hey you gotta skip this one best flash ever oh my god you killed sunny crew you bastard what what is this [ __ ] I have one life come on I can't click anyway oh now I can I don't dare to click though yes - boy come on snake snake yes which is the correct spelling it's PAP slap this wow last question remember blue red blue yellow 100 and watch it - shut up what oh ok fight die I did it carrot is back what has been seen good I have to end this episode here I don't know how much left there is but I think we did pretty [ __ ] good if you enjoyed leave a like I really appreciate it thanks for watching hit subscribe to human birth today I'll see you Bruce in the next one let me know if you want part two stay awesome really love you [Music]
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 28,410,550
Rating: 4.9396548 out of 5
Keywords: pewdiepie, pewdie, pewds, let's play, playthrough, walkthrough, play, walk, through, walk through, video games, the imossible, quiz, question, questions, funny, reaction, the impossible quiz, all answers, answers, cheat
Id: rOZ0OHaPmnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2013
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