Speed up Windows 10 with One Command

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this video will help you speed up windows 10 very very easily with one script that can be run on any windows 10 install whether you're running an older install or a new one i'm running one that just got released a couple days ago 20 h2 version but this video is meant for everybody out there i'm not going to go into many technical knowledge just know it is going to be removing telemetry cortana all the bloat but it's going to leave everything else alone in past videos when i was stripping things out we were taking out some functionality of windows 10. in this one we're leaving everything as it is we're just removing the things that have to be removed on pretty much every single uh install so with that said let's get on the desktop and actually go into removing and deep loading it because i made it to where you just run one thing in your shell and it will literally strip everything out for you very easy you'll have two questions to answer as i want to take your feedback so if there's something that you don't like or you'd like to see added to this script let me know in the comments because every month i am refining this script and we'll be making it better so if you watch this six months from now the script is probably evolved and bettered for sure and i'll be remaking this video as i add features as well but that said this is version 1.0 and let's get into it so this is a base setup of windows all i've done is installed windows thrown up a backup of it so i have an image so i can restore to this point i have not changed anything with it this is exactly what windows looks like if you install it with no nonsense this is just direct from microsoft i've done all the updates already to where we just go updates and security everything's right here it'll say it's already up to date and from here let's also show you the version of windows as i am running the latest and greatest so it'll run on any version of windows the past older versions are a little easier to bloat but i wanted to make it for this video the hardest version which is the most recent and you'll see i'm running 20 h2 which just released in october of 2020. so what is my bloat script i'll simply just pull that up for you really fast and we're just going to go d bloat windows 10 and you'll see this is actually one of the top results on google so if you just type it in google you can get it or if you want the direct address i'll put a link to this in the description below as well this kind of walks you through everything it does it does install some programs the ones it doesn't prompt you for that it just installs is chocolaty which is an install manager which everyone should use and should have on their system because it just makes your life easier notepad plus plus which is a better notepad ir fan view which is a good replacement for just viewing images on your system a lot of times people are using the built-in photos from windows 10 and it's just not very good compared to that program which is all free and open source as well vlc as that's most people's pick from v uh video viewing or video playing so i chose that i in past video i said i liked npc a little bit better which is media player classic but i know most people do prefer vlc so i did change my script to use vlc to accommodate everyone else and java most programs do you run java or you'll need it as a dependency that's it this is pretty much the baseline of just i think every system should probably have these things installed already but don't and then it will ask for two different programs that you want to install and you'll see that during the script run and that's adobe reader some people want it some people don't and then also brave browser which is my personal web browser of choice but it's a very uh you know one of those decisions that i think you need to make if you don't want brave you just say no to the question those are the only two questions you get when you run this script and to run this script it's very easy you just come right here say copy to clipboard right click the windows key right here go into windows powershell admin and if you see command prompt and you're on old version just go into there and then just type powershell and that'll get you into powershell from here we will right click on the mouse button with that done it'll actually paste it in here and then just hit the enter key now a couple changes i've made i'll walk it through as this actually executes we'll go ahead and close that and maximize this is creating a restore point so if you don't like anything the script does you can easily restore to the system restore point that was made it makes a lot of the things that shutting down telemetry and a lot of things in the background it is also downloading oh and oh shut up a lot of people love oh no shut up it's a fantastic tool that strips out and changes all the settings in windows to be privacy oriented meaning it removes all the bloat and actually changes everything now i created a custom hidden script that automatically makes those configuration changes for you so you don't even have to do anything it'll automatically download this and set it up for you and make all the recommended changes using ono shut up's recommended version right now it's just installing those programs i just went over and now is the first question do you want to install adobe reader we're going to say no to this and then do you want to install brave browser that's browser i like but it already has microsoft edge which is chromium based as well i'm going to say no just to make this go a little faster so this is actually removing a lot of apps as we saw on the start menu there was a lot of apps and then also the task manager itself has roughly 140 something processes running and that's it so the entire runtime of this script is about 60 seconds on average depending on your system this system right here is about a five or six year old pc so if it takes only a minute to run it might run a lot faster on your newer pc so with that we'll go ahead and close this and i'm gonna go ahead and restart the pc and let's see what it looks like on startup all right we're back on our desktop here and everything is right there now there's going to be one extra file default file associations i try to change this and i'm still tweaking this xml file but you can easily just delete this as it was just trying to set your default applications if you go to settings all the privacy settings you'll notice has been changed as per the script so if you go to there you'll notice all of this is off microsoft's not going to suggest apps to you it's not going to go ahead and send everything back to microsoft saying they're using this computer this way it still has some reporting obviously i didn't change anything from windows store i do set windows updates to use only security updates instead of feature updates and there is some programs that do get left behind and you can easily just come in here uninstall those just to clean up the rest of this actual system and i'm going to go ahead and speed through this and that's usually what i would do if there's any leftover programs i'm going to be updating the script so it'll get more and more of these but microsoft is always adding more with every update so i'm tweaking the script to hopefully get all these every time but no there's still some cleanup afterwards if you come into windows settings and just type default apps you can see what all the defaults are you can see it changed all those things if you actually did brave browser it would set the web browser to brave it automatically change video player and photo viewer using my xml on the back end that's actually not shown here is notepad plus plus is the default for text documents and those types of things as well when it comes to this script there are some things i did not remove and i left them in on purpose even though that's going to be looked at as bloat by mini so i did leave onedrive i did leave windows store so if you're installing games and those types of things this will only uninstall the bloatware it does not do a bulk uninstall like many deep load scripts do i also wanted to target this to where you can run it multiple times so let's say you run it once do an update you can run it again i made all these decisions so we can just continually update and make this script just a good baseline and then those that really want to tinker they can go above and beyond and bring that process count down now one thing i forgot what did we end up on as the process count let's go ahead and flip back to the desktop now here we are back on the desktop you will see a couple things you'll see one drive down here as i said i did not install that task manager let's see what it's doing i did leave windows defender and defender updates alone so it does have antivirus on here where a path script i did remove it this is a little more on the higher end of things where i don't want to be but again this will be runnable by every pc out there 110 processes effectively killing about 30 to 35 processes with this dude bloat script not the greatest but something again everyone can use so i love this result and i think you'll love it too but with that said what else would you like to see with this let me know in the comment section as i will be doing updates probably in initially every week and then initially fall back to about every month and then hopefully get to the point where i'm only updating on the feature updates which happens every six months as i think everyone should use some type of script like this to make windows 10 not suck so with that said let me know your thoughts and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Chris Titus Tech
Views: 1,739,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris titus tech, Speed up Windows 10 with One Command, windows 10, how to speed up windows 10, make windows 10 faster, speed up windows 10, how to, how to increase speed of windows 10, how to speed up windows 10 pc, how to speed up computer windows 10, windows, how to speed up windows 10 laptop, how to speed up your pc, increase speed of windows 10, speedup windows 10, how to make your computer faster, how to make windows 10 faster, how to speed up your pc windows 10, computer
Id: dO30OnTsJhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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