Making Windows Faster without Tools

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this video shows you how to clean up windows this worked all the way from windows 7 to today in windows 11. all these tools i'm going to show you are built into windows you don't need to go download anything and we're just going to be cleaning up about a about a year old a little over a year old pc that has around 200 or so processes i think running in the background i've mainly just gamed on this system so that's what this is kind of cleaning up and obviously you might be in a worse position that's okay but i want to show you where everything hides in windows where programs go to basically make your experience laggy and just not very good so let's fix that right now first things first let's check your startup items a lot of people use different tools out there i caution against that i think you should learn uh the tools in the actual operating system so first we're gonna check the shell startup and from shell startup here you can see i'm launching these three things i have a special hotkey command to basically press alt f4 for me so i can do that to quit out but we'll launch back in and some other different things sharex i used for screenshots on this machine and then a synology drive client to kind of sync some files to it as well so that's what i have all those i know what they are if you see something in here you don't know what it is go ahead and delete it you're not removing the program all you're doing is preventing it from starting up now the shell startup is only the user startup we're going to move on to the common startup which is shell common startup the common startup is basically every user on here sometimes programs hide in the common startup obviously nothing's here i pretty much like to keep all mine in the startup if i can because no one else uses this machine but also a good spot to check next up we're going to check the registry so if we go into regedit now what i like to do with registry is first explain a couple things current user is your current user local machine is pretty much applies to all the users on your machine much like we just did startup and common startup we go into current user we're going to come down into software and then come into microsoft come over and usually go down to windows and then current version and then run and here is my run command so we're actually got a couple processes here we have an lbry client that's actually a youtube alternative but i don't really even use that anymore so i'm going to just delete that we have openvpn gui i do connect to a couple client sites using openvpn roboform that's what i use for my password management a reddit wallpaper changer you know what i don't really use that anymore we can delete that and then we have steam starting on startup all these things are fine uh depends on what you are since this is a game machine i'm fine with steam starting on startup but some people don't like to launch their game startups if they're not always in there so that's current user now we just do the same thing in local machine so again software coming into microsoft from windows current version and then from current version you just kind of scroll down to run and there's run this is all the users this is what's starting so we have a couple different things like flx hclm we can take a peek at what that is i don't even know what that file is which is kind of interesting so let's uh open that up and see what this file is i'm curious now here it is and we're just going to hit properties to this see where this is tray application frisco logic it's actually a usb 3 host driver uh i'll probably go ahead and disable this and see what happens i couldn't imagine usb 3 relying on an executable to work so i'm going to get rid of that logitech options this is for a lot of the logitech stuff out there i'm going to go ahead and delete that same with logitech download assistant i don't want it constantly reminding me to download whatever logitech has going on next up is mini tool partition wizard this one look at this it's an update checker do i really want my partition wizard to constantly be checking for updates that seems kind of unnecessary so we're gonna actually get rid of that and then we have this which is real tech audio i do need this that's our audio i might maybe not need it but that utility is nice to have i don't think it'll break anything in your audio if you don't want it to uh you just can't like launch the utility right out of the box so sometimes they have like a secondary utility down here you can use uh we're gonna go ahead and delete it just because this is a cleanup video uh however we could always add this back in if we needed so now that we've got that i am gonna leave this vnc control because this is like my game box i don't actually have a monitor or anything hooked up to it uh if you're interested about that i'll link up here to another video we've gone through the registry done users and local machine there where else does it hide on startup that's a good question if you hold ctrl shift and press escape you can actually kind of look at your startup too this kind of consolidates a little bit of it and see what we have we have teams starting up let's disable that we have just some random update service we're going to go ahead and disable that and we're going to just see if there's anything else in here discord i mean we could technically get rid of that i'm probably just going to go ahead and disable and remove discord as i don't really use it on this system anymore and that's good so that's another spot but wait we're not done yet there's still more stuff for startup things to hide that's why like a tool doesn't just grab this all i mean some of them try to grab some of it but they just never can get all of it uh so we're gonna go into what's called task scheduler and from task scheduler we're gonna just kind of go to the library what's what all is going on here what what other things do we have happening oh quite a bit so we have a couple robo forum stuff that's the password manager we have some crash reports going on and what you can do here instead of deleting these we can just go disable i don't care about crash reports going back uh do we want nvidia to do an update or daily login probably not let's disable that as well uh node launcher these self update services and stuff i'm kind of like no i don't want you doing this and the reason why i don't just delete these is a lot of times when you launch into these tools they check to see if the task still exists and if it doesn't it'll recreate it which will re-enable it however if they see the task exists it won't try to recreate it so a lot of times this will just stay disabled they just will stop checking for updates uh here we go got some old edge stuff you're never gonna get rid of edge it's just one of those things i've showed people how to uninstall it but as soon as you do an update on your system microsoft's going to reinstall that every single time and then brave i do use a lot and i do want that updating having said all that everything else looks pretty good but i mean there's so much that windows uses task scheduler for i don't want you to get too far into the weeds here as you could you know cause some bad side effects i just kind of want to show a couple things in task scheduler you should definitely check this route of task scheduler to make sure you know what what's happening in the background so all these tasks do run uh periodically through the day now with that done we are looking a little bit better we've controlled our startup now we need to dive into the actual machine itself and start cleaning up some programs so here i type app wiz.cpl this brings me the old uninstall from windows 7 era even in windows 11 and stuff i still like this one a little bit better just because i can go through and just see right out and be like okay let me go through and see if there's anything in here i need to get rid of i probably don't need that anymore it was from a class i took uh i don't really do awaken poe trade anymore and if i did i need to probably update this because it's been many years since i did it cap frame analysis tool i tried this a little bit i didn't really like it so i'm going to go ahead and uninstall that chia block chain i actually had a little stint where i was uh doing some plot farming on some hard drives i had but obviously i don't use that anymore so we're going to get rid of that discord i launch on a different machine now so i can remove it as well now java updates it's really kind of this is a personal preference but if you're gonna do if you see multiple java instances uninstall the old version of java java is one thing you just don't want to do and and honestly since i know that log4j came out which is a java logger i'm going to go ahead and just uninstall this because the last update i have here is from 1022 and since that exploit just happened last week since there's probably going to be another update for java so whatever is relying on java right now i want it to just hard fail so i'm going to remove java because if you're not on the latest version of java this could be causing more harm than good and any program that have has this as a dependency and it needs it to run uh i'd much rather go out and get a newer version of java that has been updated since uh the log for j exploit because that was a 10 out of 10 a pretty severe exploit then we got old edge we'll just go ahead uninstall web view run time and we can't really uninstall that here i have gone over how to but it's like it doesn't work very well we're going to remove some health tools usually those health tools are used to update to windows 11 which can be problematic don't recommend updating to windows 11 just yet but if you really like the aesthetic go ahead it's fine it's nothing's wrong with windows 11. i just prefer windows 10 just yet for my game stream pc although i do have windows 11 elsewhere and if you are on windows 11 this also all works the same and basically what you do is you just keep going through each one of these so i'm going to go ahead and finish my run through here see if there's anything that i see that just can be removed or maybe i was using it for a project i'm going to go ahead and remove a lot of this because i can always reinstall it that's the thing with most of this stuff so i'm going to go ahead finish running through all these if i see anything else i'll uh go ahead and clean it up and we're going to go ahead and do a reboot but i want you to yours is going to look different than mine i just kind of want to go through a couple of these just so you get a good feel for removing programs it's important to actually kind of clean this up all right with everything cleaned up out of here i think we'll probably move on one other thing you can do is come into windows features sometimes people install like a whole bunch of different feature sets and you could actually kind of clean up more and kind of minimize your windows install by removing some things here personally most of this stuff i will use things i caution against is like smb 1.0 support that's extremely insecure so don't enable that and most this other stuff i actually do use as i'm constantly in powershell and subsystem for linux most users won't use those things though so you could safely remove them so with this is finished there's also a lot of telemetry and other things in the background i've used different tools i've done a bunch of videos over my tool kit usually i finish this up with a toolkit launch and kind of clean some stuff up but before i do that i want to actually check for applications actual microsoft store applications that's kind of a fun one so usually from your start menu whether you're on windows 11 windows 10 this is just more applies to you if you're on an older version of windows obviously you're not going to have this because microsoft store typically can install some weird stuff so like if you didn't want let's say calculator you could uninstall the calculator and there's some actual applications that don't make it into add and remove programs like dynamic theme i'm not going to really use that let's go ahead and install it usually if you come into library go sort by install you can kind of see what other apps are installed here like app installer that's actually wingit which i do use to install applications i just make sure this doesn't get bloated up with a whole bunch of garbage almost everything in here i do use but be careful when installing from the microsoft store as there are some malicious apps in it it's not well curated and sometimes this can get a little unwieldy for those that actually do use it i don't particularly like to use it only times i really do use it for like linux subsystem for windows my password manager sometimes has some tie-ins uh bedrock minecraft is another good use case for it some people use forza and other games that are in here so those are the kind of the big things with this i'll go ahead and update the store why not and kind of just keep this lean this is another spot where bloke can happen and if we just type dblot windows into google usually i'm the first search term here for for this but typically just come into here and this is just a github script i've done this before you don't necessarily have to do this if you're interested in a further explanation i do have a video i'll do a quick walk through here though and these are all just programs that i use on the daily so if there's something in here that i wanted to install i just click the button and it installs the program for me however most times i just hit essential tweaks and that just kind of does the norm for me i usually run this after every feature update that happens on my system as windows will re-enable telemetry it'll re-enable a lot of microsoft edge stuff there's a lot of really fine-tuning that happens with this essential tweaks it helps with services and a lot of other things but very quick to run it's already finished you can do other things like sometimes i like to show all my tray icons down here which i've done so usually i do that but some most people don't like to see all the tray icons so they'll do the standard grouping and in windows 11 i believe you have to group them up i don't think you can show all the icons and then i usually leave pretty much everything else alone a lot of people start clicking everything don't do that you're going to end up breaking certain aspects of windows such as disabling background apps typically has an adverse effect on anything installed through the microsoft store disabling onedrive and it'll delete all your onedrive files and get rid of one drive disabling cortana and search it'll disable cortana and all of the search so anytime you come into here and you go to search something it's just not gonna search for anything it's not gonna find anything because you've disabled search so those are kind of like the basic things that i usually do in here and then usually i just click security updates to just say hey don't give me the latest and greatest feature update usually that causes problems and usually you get some bad updates in there it only grabs security updates which is good so with that done i can go ahead and reboot we'll check our last bit on what our process count is through performance here we're still hovering in the 200 process range we'll go ahead and give this a reboot and then log back in so here we go so actually i'd start up here i have a couple different things happening uh with like steam launching i usually launch wallpaper engine that gives me this nice background so you know i'm gonna leave this on this actually was shut down when i first started but let's see what the task count is now with uh some of this cleanup happening let's go to performance and we dropped almost 70 processes that's insane and if let's let's go ahead and just for for giggles quit out of that and see if it drops drops a couple processes and gets down a little bit further and we can even quit out like steam and some other things that are running in the background here but that's a pretty massive improvement we just slimmed down our memory footprint probably by about a gig i think i didn't actually look at the total footprint but also the running processes is considerably less we also prevented a lot of those processes from running at a scheduled time by affecting task scheduler this is going to give you a much cleaner and less laggy windows experience so that's it let me know your thoughts down in the comment section and uh let me know thought how you thought of this as uh it's something i ran into my day job just the other day and i was like ah people probably want to know how to clean up windows without downloading a bunch of crap from the internet because those cleanup tools a lot of times don't really do that much so with that i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Chris Titus Tech
Views: 607,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris titus tech, Making an Old Windows Install Faster, windows 10, windows, computer, microsoft, how to speed up windows 10, install, how to make a pc faster, how to, operating system, how to make your computer faster, how to speed up your pc, how to make windows 10 faster, laptop, diy, how to install, how to make a computer faster, jayztwocents, usb, hard drive, how to speed up your computer, speed, tech, speed up computer, slow computer, windows 11, speed up windows 11
Id: GOz_foQcPcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 21 2021
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