Here are the top 40 Windows command
prompt commands you need to know. And we're gonna do this
in 10 minutes. So first, let's launch our Windows command prompt. Either hit Windows Key S or click the
start menu icon and search for cmd. Right? Click that and put that sucker in
a beast mode. Run as administrator. Here's our playground. Let's go.
What's your computer's IP address? Make you find out with IP can fit. Bam.
All your IP information right there, but not everything. Where's your Mac
address? Where's your DNS server? For that we need IP config slash all.
This will give us all the goodies. Now that's way too much information. We gotta filter it and we
can do it with this command. Save command as before IP config slash
All this time we'll do a pipe and type in find STR R or find string and we'll
tell it what we're looking for. Maybe we wanna see DNS and that's all
we wanna see and that's all we get. Love it. And by the way, you can use
fine string on any command. It's awesome. Maybe your computer
needs a new IP address. We can do that with IP config and
we'll first do release to let it go. And then we'll type in renew reaching out
to our DHCP server and getting a fresh new IP address. Keeping in mind that will refresh every
single interface on your computer. If you don't wanna do that, then specify
the interface just after your command. Now DNS can be a problem. In fact, it's
always dns. It's never in the network. Remember that. So let's
troubleshoot DNS first. We'll see what your computer knows.
IP config for slash display dns. Basically all the websites it
knows about and their IP addresses. But when you're troubleshooting
dns, that's kind of hard to read. It'd be great if we could just copy
that to our clipboard and look at it somewhere else we can with this command.
This command's awesome by the way. So same command as before, IP
config four slash display dns. But right after that we'll do a
pipe and then simply type in clip. This command will copy the output of
that command to your clipboard so you can fire up your favorite notepad application
and paste that sucker right in there. That's powerful. I love that. I'll
never ever forget to flush. And also, sometimes you might wanna flush your
DNS IP config ford slash flush dns. This will delete your DNS
resolver cash on your computer, removing any old stale DNS entries. Take
that dns. It's always your fault. Oh, and by the way, have you hacked
the YouTube algorithm today? Let's make sure you do hit that like
button notification, bell comment, subscribe. You gotta hack YouTube
today ethically, of course. Now to troubleshoot DNS even further,
you may want to use NS lookup. With NS lookup, we can do things
like, Hey, where is network What's his IP address? And it'll tell you what DNS server
you're using and what answer it gave you. If you wanna try another DNS
server real quick, you can do that. S look up never
And they're right after. Specify that other DNS server, let's
say Google. And we got a second opinion. You can also check for other types of
DNS records from MX to TXT to pointers. Trust me, you're gonna need those commands
cuz it's always dns. It's always dns, always dns. Now look at your screen,
it's messy. Go clean your screen. Don't be alop. And we can do that with
one command. C Ls. Clean your screen. Is that, what's it stand for? I don't
know. It cleans your screen. Do that. Hey, what's your Mac address?
Give it to me right now. Sorry you were too slow but you wouldn't
have been if you used this command. Get mac slash v bam.
There it is right there. There all your Mac addresses. This command will see if you have any
energy or power issues with your computer power CFG slash energy. Give it a minute,
it'll give you some awesome stuff, a great report on how you're
doing. Also, how's your battery? What power CFG slash battery report. It will report to you and what's going
on? Just copy that file location, paste it into your command prompt.
Bam, there it is. Battery report. It'll tell you if your battery sucks.
Mine's okay I think. I'm not sure. This next one is super handy. It's a SS
ooc, you thought I was done? Hit enter. And it's gonna show you which file types
are associated with which programs. So for example, MP four files will
open with Windows media player, but honestly I prefer to use
vlc. So with one command, actually with that same command, we can specify the file type and have
that equal the program you want to use. Bam. Now, hey, is your computer haunted?
Is it going kind of slow? Does it suck? Don't throw it away just yet. Calm
down buddy. Let's check a few things. Let's make sure it's okay with a
command. C H, K, Dsk check disk. It can check on a few things. Let's see if you need a
repair with the Ford slash f, it will actually go through your disc and
see if there's any errors and fix 'em. You may wanna try a dash r. This will actually check for
physical sector issues and fix 'em. Keeping in mind this might need a reboot,
a restart and it could take a bit, especially if your computer is
actually haunted. Is it haunted? Now if that doesn't work
and your computers still
scaring the crap outta you, then try this one. S F C,
the system file checker. It'll check your system files
including things like Windows, DL L files and replace them
and fix them if they're bad. So do a forward slash scan
now to make magic happen. Now if your computer's really, really haunted and you're
still having some issues, you'll need this Command D SM deployment,
image servicing and management. It's a command line tool that will
actually fix your system image. You'll wanna start with a quick checkup, check the health and maybe go a bit
deeper with a longer scan with the option scan health. And if it does
come up with some scary issues, let's go ahead and restore your health.
Man, I wish our health was that easy. You know it actually
is coffee, it doesn't. So after you've run the DSM commands, go ahead and go back and do
the SFC commands once more. SFC scan now and you should be good. And those commands should remove the
haunted ness of your computer. <laugh>. It shouldn't be scary anymore and it'll
prevent you from having to reinstall Windows. Now don't you hate it when someone
takes a bad USB and plugs it into your computer and Rick rolls you. To stop this, we'll need
two things. First task list. We gotta find the task on our system,
the process that's doing something. Task list will list all of our tasks and
using the fine string thing we learned earlier, we'll find what we're looking
for. Search for script. There it is. Now taking that process id, I can then use Task
Kill to kill that task, Task kill for slash F to force it for
slash P I D to specify the P I d and it's terminated. Now if you
thought IP config was cool, meet his older brother Net sh much
like me and my younger brother Cameron, the older brother, is much cooler and more powerful
and smarter and better in every way. Like this command right here,
W Land Show, W Land Report, this will give you a super fancy
wireless report about your wireless. So if we open that file by
copying that file right there, pacing it here heading enter a gorgeous
report on your wireless situation and look at that. It even has some commands
in here. What the heck? That's cool. We could honestly spend all day
with an sh cuz he's so cool. By doing things like
interface, show interface, showing you your interfaces. We can do quick one liners to find
our IP addresses. Bam, there they are. DNS servers. Bam, kind of there they
are. Wasn't as easy as I thought. And even cooler and crazier as you can
turn off the Windows Defender firewall with one command, BAM
turned off. But don't worry, the big brother's always a good
guy. He can turn it right back on. So if you wanna avoid that getting hacked, then check out the sponsor of this video
Bit Defender and their premium security bit. Defender keeps your computer safe even
when Windows Defender can't like check this up on this computer running. But defender notice I can't make
any changes to my firewall settings. It says it's being managed
by Bit Defender Firewall. If I try to run that
same command at Shoji, which is the same command hackers
we'll use to disable things, let's try to turn it off. It tells
me, okay, but it didn't do anything. Bit Defender has your back.
They even tell you, hey, you're safe and we all need
someone to tell us we're safe. And it's not just firewall. If
you got online threat prevention, which will actually block online threats
and they're constantly scanning your system for vulnerabilities and they do
some ransomware remediation in case you do get some ransomware when you fall
for that fishing attack, hey it happens. And they have your back with privacy too
from a Safe Pay vpn, password managers, anti tracker, they actually block web trackers from
tracking you on profiling you. And also, do you ever wonder if like your webcam
is still on or someone's listening to you? Well you don't have to
wonder about that anymore. Bit Defender will check that constantly
and make sure it only turns on when you want it to turn on. Now I
know what you're thinking, Bit defender's gonna slow my computer
down. I want speed, I get that. And they get that too. So
they have different profiles
for when you're working, watching a movie playing game or you're
dangerously surfing, public wifi, whatever the case, they'll adjust your
system to help you do what you gotta do. And if you don't wanna worry about it,
they'll switch auto magically for you. So check the link below, you'll get Bit
Defender Premium Security for 64 98. It's a whole year saving
you $95 off the full price. And you can use it on 10 devices from
iOS, Android, Mac, and especially Windows. You need it on Windows now is
Network. up right now. Let's find out. Let's ping
network. Cool, we're getting a response. Ping is what we can use to make
sure servers and websites are up, but it only told us four times. What
if we wanna sit there and watch it, just ping it over and over and over again. We can do that with ping dash t
a 10 us ping. It'll never stop. It'll keep going. Which is super helpful for when
you're just troubleshooting stuff. If you wanna see if the road to your
favorite website is a bit bumpy, try out Tracer Tracer, which is Windows dumb version
of saying Trace Route. This will actually trace the path to your
favorite website along each router it takes to get there and tell you if that
suckers up or how long it's taking to go into that guy. Maybe that guy is
slow, it'll tell you it can be slow. So to speed it up just a little bit, do tracer dash D to not resolve
domain names a little bit faster. Net stat is probably my
favorite thing on Windows. It'll tell you what's connected to
you and what you're connecting to. It'll also tell you what ports you
have open, which is kind of important. Netta dash afaf. Like right now I've got
these three popular ports. Open quiz, what are those four? Comment down below. And they're open on every single IP
address on my system. Every interface. And I'm listening, I'm
waiting for connections. Netta can also show you the process
ID for all your connections. The dash o switch. So if there is
anything dangerous connecting to you, you can drop that P I d,
delete it with Task Hill. And you can also get some sweet sweet
net stats with thatta dash e dash T five giving you some sent receive
statistics every five seconds. This one is for the
Network Geeks route print. This will show the routes your computer
will take to get to certain networks, what gateways it will use. It's the
routing table of your computer. So hey, here's your default route right
here. And with that same command, we can also add routes to
our computer route add, allowing us to customize the way our
computer reaches certain networks. So here I'm trying to get to the 1 92,
1 68 40 network through this gateway. If I print the route again, there it is. And then with route delete it goes away. That's super handy when you're playing
with docker containers on a local VM and you wanna route to certain networks,
it's, it's really cool. And then finally, my favorite command of all time. I
cannot believe I didn't know about this. Shut down. Just like this.
Actually, no, not just like this. Obviously that command will
shut down your computer, but with a few more switches
and by a few I mean a lot. This will restart our computer
and restart it into the system. Bios without you touching a dang thing.
No more spamming at 12, 11 at 10. No, just this command and it reboots into
your bio so you can change your memory profile so you can enable
virtualization. How cool is that? So thanks for watching. Thanks for having some coffee with
me and I'll catch you guys next time. And don't forget to subscribe it and
do a lot stuff like, like the video.
The last command did take me to BIOS, really helpful when dealing with users that don’t know how to get there.