Speed Up Windows 10

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is your windows 10 computer running slow follow   these steps to speed up windows 10  and maximize your pc's performance number one ultimate performance your windows 10  pc actually has a speed setting so why not set it   let's go to the start menu into settings system  and select power and sleep over to the right click   on additional power settings this gives you a  list of power saving options to improve the speed   or the power saving consumption you want to select  ultimate performance if it's available in the list   otherwise select high performance that'll maximize  the speed of your computer at the expense of power   consumption select the one you want and close  that window number two advanced system settings   click on the start menu go to settings system and  select about from the left menu on the right side   choose advanced system settings and under the  advanced tab click on settings for performance   this will default to let windows choose what's  best for your computer but you have a choice   between best appearance and best performance you  can improve the speed of your computer by changing   this to best performance i do recommend checking  this box to smooth edges of screen fonts or the   fonts in your browser will not look very good  also turn on the show thumbnails instead of icons   while we're here click the advanced tab and make  sure that this is set to programs for the best   performance rather than background services that  will keep your foreground applications running the   best hit okay and close those windows number three  graphics performance from the same system menu   click on display on the left scroll down to  the bottom and select graphics settings select   this option to change your default graphics  setting and turn this on to improve performance   this will take advantage of the gpu  acceleration of your graphics adapter in this list also look at these apps and  see what setting they have configured   right now they're listed as power saving but if  you click on one you can go to options and you   can select a high performance option for the  graphics adapter that you have connected so   if you have multiple graphics adapters it might be  defaulting to the slower version make sure to pick   high performance and save that setting you can  also add other apps to the list click browse here   and go to the c drive and find the program  that you want to add into the list for   example i have camtasia and with the camtasia  studio i can add that application to the list   and go into the options and set it to high  performance this will ensure that you're using the   fastest graphics adapter in your computer number  four system configuration click on your start   menu and in the menu scroll down and find windows  administrative tools underneath that find system   configuration and open it in this menu click on  the boot tab and check this box for no gui boot   that removes the splash screen that comes up  when you boot your computer and it will make your   computer run faster without it while you're here  click on advanced options most people recommend   turning this box on and then selecting the maximum  number of processors in your system it defaults   to the maximum number of processors when this is  turned off so make sure that's turned off and hit   ok now click on the services tab check this box to  hide all the microsoft services and look through   this list to see if there's any services running  that you know you don't need most of these are   system related but if you have some applications  you no longer need you can turn them off to make   sure that they're not part of your system when  you start up your computer when you're done hit ok   and it will prompt you to reboot your computer  restart now if you want to execute those changes   number five privacy settings let's go back to  start settings but this time go into privacy and   under general turn these four settings off that  turns off some annoying data collection tools also   go to the diagnostics and feedback and turn this  off as well scroll down and turn off this tailored   experiences that eliminates the collection of  diagnostic data which can slow your machine down   number six turn off game mode if you don't use  your computer for high-end gaming then you can   improve performance by turning off those features  let's go back into the settings again under gaming   and on the xbox game bar turn this option off now  go over to game mode and let's turn game mode off   under captures turn off this recording in the  background and turn off recording audio when   turned on all of these features take performance  away from your system and move it to gaming   now that they're disabled it should improve your  performance number seven indexer performance   microsoft has added a new feature in the latest  version of windows 10 to improve the search index   performance let's go back into the settings again  but this time choose search click on searching   windows scroll down and you'll see a setting here  for indexer performance when you turn this on   it respects the device power mode settings  since we set the power mode to performance   rather than power savings it'll use that new  setting to improve the indexing feature since   indexing normally happens in the background this  should improve the performance of your machine   number 8 64-bit apps you can improve the  performance of your apps on your computer by   installing 64-bit apps this is only going to work  if you have a 64-bit operating system in windows   you can check that by going into settings system  about and look right here at the system type   the 32-bit operating system has a limitation  of 4 gigabytes of installed ram that it uses   in applications but if you have the 64-bit you  can use a much larger amount of ram and this is   particularly helpful with apps like excel that use  a ton of memory when they run if your 32-bit is   installed you may be able to upgrade your windows  operating system to 64-bit to see this improvement   with 64-bit installed you can go into things  like office and go to the install office   other installs come down here to apps and devices  and you'll see that for microsoft office and for   skype and other apps you have a choice between  a 64-bit and a 32-bit with the latest versions   of windows 10 on a 64-bit operating system you  want to make sure to install the 64-bit version   of office if you're currently set to 32 you may  want to remove and reinstall the 64-bit version   to improve your performance the same thing is  true of other apps installed on your windows pc   so always use the 64-bit when possible number  nine startup apps go to the bottom of your   screen and right-click on the taskbar select  task manager and then choose the startup tab   this is a list of apps that load  automatically when you boot your computer   if you disable a number of these then  you'll improve the performance of your pc   so take a look through this list and see which  ones you don't need you can also click on the   startup impact and see which ones have a high  impact on your computer any of them you know   are not necessary click on it and choose disable  the less apps running the better the performance   number 10 transparency effects click on the  start menu go to settings into personalization   and then select colors from the left menu down  here is a setting for transparency effects   it's what gives the windows the see-through  look when you move them around the screen   turn this off to get a slight  improvement to your performance   number 11 remove bloatware click on  the start go to settings into apps   and then take a look at apps and features you'll  see a list of all the apps installed on your   computer and you want to look for ones that are  bloatware bloatware is apps that are installed for   trial uses of different software or other types  of helpful utilities that come with your machine   or get downloaded when you download other software  from the web these little nasty pieces of program   take up a lot of resources and don't accomplish  anything in your system take a look through the   list see if you see anything unusual that  you're not recognizing and get rid of it   select one click uninstall and that  will remove the app from your system   number 12 disk cleanup not only is disk cleanup  good for maintenance of your computer but it   can optimize your performance as well  come down to the search bar type in disk   and select disk cleanup from the menu it defaults  to your drive os hit ok and it brings up a list   of files to delete with the amount of space  being used select this clean up system files   and choose your default drive again this can  take several minutes to run as it collects data   especially if it's been a long  time since you've run this   take a look through this list and check any  boxes of the things that you want to remove   and hit ok that deletes those files permanently  and will improve the performance of your system   number 13 remove desktop shortcuts do you have a  screen like this with a million different icons on   it this will slow down the performance of your  computer every time windows switches between   applications or different windows it has to reload  all these icons if you want to improve performance   remove them or at least move them into a folder  on your desktop to avoid all of these loading   every time you switch windows number 14 delivery  optimization microsoft has a new feature in the   latest version of windows 10 that allows you  to control windows updates and the delivery   you can access it by going to start settings  and security and click on delivery optimization   here you'll see that it says delivery optimization  provides you with windows and store app updates   and other microsoft products quickly and reliably  sounds great it allows you to download from   other pcs or from the internet any of your windows  updates that all sounds wonderful where it gets   tricky is when you read this right here turn this  on your pc may send parts of previously downloaded   windows updates and apps to pcs on your local  network or on the internet this means that your   machine is being used to upload data to other pcs  on the internet and that's going to take away from   your performance by using the bandwidth on your  internet connection and also background processes   on your machine so i recommend turning this off  the only time you might want to leave this on   is if you have a large network with multiple  machines and you want to share updates rather   than having each machine pull the bandwidth  through your internet connection one at a time   for the home user turn this off and then go into  advanced options and you'll also see that it has   settings here for the downloads where you can  limit the amount of bandwidth if you turn it off   you don't need to worry about this if you leave  it on you can limit how much speed is going to be   used for doing those downloads down here you can  control the upload settings and my recommendation   is either turn off the other setting completely  or at least check this box and slide this all the   way down so that your machine is not being  used to update other pcs on the internet   that can be a significant performance disadvantage  you'll notice this sometimes when you're working   on your computer and it's sluggish and you see  your internet connection cranking like crazy   that's because it's using your computer to  update other people on the internet you can   also see on the previous screen the activity  monitor which gives you an idea of how much   download data there has been and how much is being  used for upload mine's zeroed out because i just   did a recent update and it reset it but take a  look at this and if you see a large upload then   that's something that you want to disable  to improve the performance of your machine   number 15 remove cortana cortana is a little  assistant that microsoft has added to recent   versions of windows but it uses up resources  to run if you want to get rid of cortana   just come down here to the search bar type  in gpedit and hit enter open this window up   go into computer configuration  administrative templates   windows components scroll down to  search and look for this allow cortana   if you double click this you can disable it and  hit ok close that window and reboot your computer   after a reboot you'll see cortana is gone and  no longer using resources on your computer   number 16 ssd boot drive a solid state drive  is one of the best things you can do to improve   the performance on your computer you can check for  this in the start settings system storage and come   down to the bottom and choose optimize drives this  will tell you the media type for your different   drives that you have in your system in this case  the windows c which has the icon for windows is   the boot drive and the operating system and it's  a solid state drive d drive is a hard disk drive   in general a solid state drive is going to  boot your computer quicker it's going to run   browsers faster and especially gaming and high  intensity disk disc io applications if you don't   have a solid-state drive as your primary boot  drive then consider doing that as an upgrade   or at least look for an ssd boot drive on  any new system that you plan to purchase   it makes a significant difference  to the performance in your computer   and while we're here probably not a bad idea to  go ahead and click the optimize on those drives number 17 windows reset if you tried many  different things and you can't get your   system to run smooth you could do a windows reset  to get it back to your original windows install   go to start settings update and security and click  on recovery here you have options to reset this pc   or go back to the previous version of  windows if you reset the pc it gives   you a choice between keeping your files  but removing all the apps and settings   or you can choose to remove everything and  it'll wipe everything out and start over fresh   both of those options give you a clean install of  windows to begin installing all your applications   again and either one of these may be necessary  to improve the performance of windows 10   that concludes my recommendations to speed up  windows if you have other suggestions please   leave a comment below this video and share  it with the rest of us thanks for watching   hey if you want to see more videos like this one  please subscribe and if you've enjoyed this video   be sure to click the thumbs up and leave a  comment i really do appreciate your support
Channel: Sele Training
Views: 558,664
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Keywords: speed up windows 10, windows 10 optimization, how to speed up windows, windows running slow, windows 10, how to increase speed of windows 10, how to speed up windows 10 pc, make windows 10 faster, how to make windows 10 faster, increase internet speed, ultimate performance, advanced system settings, graphics performance, game mode, indexer performance, 64 bit, transparency effects, bloatware, disk cleanup, delivery optimization, remove cortana, windows reset, sele training
Id: QsuOb5IYgJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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