Creating an Optimized Windows 11

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let's go over installing the perfect uh optimization guide for Windows 11 today this is something that kind of popped up in my feed there was actually a tweet by Theo Joe uh that said there's an international version of the English language install on Windows that makes it to where it doesn't include any third-party bloat which I was like what I think I actually replied to one of these um yeah right here did you know you could install without any blower simply selecting English world as the time currency at format on the initial install and I'm like that sounds interesting so I'm I'm downloading the international version of it through like Windows 11 download and yeah that's kind of wild so normally when you go to download it you come down to here it will expand out and let's say we go download now choose product language instead of just going English United States go English International so that's ISO I'm grabbing and I kind of want to do a quick uh run through today of it because I think that'd be kind of cool um optimizing windows but uh just I'm gonna do a video on this like a really tight done video but I want to see if it actually works first because I've never never done the international install as world and then we just need to set the region so uh the region you can easily pull up with like an INT a DL I think it is like International CPL and then you pull up the old region panel and then you can change your Locale and all that so this would be like installing Arch Linux without a Locale which would set it to like an agnostic now why that's important is because Microsoft has to abide by the world's laws when you do an international install which means many uh like European countries and other places so you cannot install just willy-nilly you can't bundle Tick Tock you can't get paid to bundle the software in there so it finally changes some of the baked in spyware uh or or baked in you know some of the Telemetry probably is affected a bit but also I think the big thing that's affected is the bundled software which is great because that should be a pretty clean at least that that's what it says according to the Theo Joe tweet I was like all right let's get a whirl I was like that sounds really cool like holy crap that'd be a new way of installing Windows and it cut down on the Deep bloat Tire time too uh as we would have less to uninstall so we're going to do a new one we're gonna grab the stock one first though I think that would be kind of cool um stock Windows 11 right here uh let's power that on let's just see what the stock Windows 11 looks like first oh yeah the hard drive yeah if you're if you're unsure on your hard drive definitely don't go all willy-nilly with it uh obviously I do a lot of backups and most of my work product is actually on like a redundant uh Nas box so any of my systems I could just go up to and just set it on fire and it wouldn't matter other than having to replace it but a lot of the data and stuff is uh not not a big deal but yeah I I could totally see like many people going oh my gosh what are you doing Titus that's that's that's crazy but yeah let's see it can oh does this not have I think uh yeah oh well we'll just do it like that um it looks a little Jank but I wanted to just boot up this is the English US version that most of us install out of the box and it has about 150 processes about 3.4 memory and you'll see usually comes with like Netflix clip chank Prime video I think there's even Tick-Tock and crap in here no this one doesn't have Tick Tock how about that uh maybe our no this is one that I haven't touched I always keep a stock load around just so I can see what normal people deal with so it does drop and kind of settles into about a 140 process two and a half gigs of memory after boot I just kind of wanted to give a baseline so then when we install the international version what does that look like yeah that resolution whoa yeah we'll see we're gonna go new virtual machine on this uh let's just grab us uh the English International one we got right here and we'll we'll go from there uh we're gonna go uh we'll just call this Intel for international um location do we have enough space yeah we got plenty of space we'll just throw it on the C drive that's fine um I guess that's fine I don't think we really need to sure uh dude did I do an encryption no huh whatever all right so let's just go 64 gigs sure let's just power it on we're gonna just do all stock settings well not actually we're gonna change a couple things let's just go with like 10 gigs processors let's go eight uh oh never mind my bad we're doing one processor cores per processor let's go eight eight cores well actually we'll do six because I think it's Nightcore system I'm on right now but I don't want to use all of it uh virtualize we're not using yeah we're gonna do AMD V I think that should be good and nothing else yeah I'm always I'm curious about the job the junk that comes with the stock I think that's where Microsoft makes a ton of money too so all right so we're gonna start this up oh it's not supported uh continue yeah sure oops um it did not like that change my bad um change settings let's go over to processors we will not virtualize that oh encryption's required to emulate TPM ah gotcha that's what's up so we have this language to install change the time and currency format to English world ah okay so maybe this isn't the method okay so don't grab the international version I don't we don't want Great Britain darn it during it will stop that let's just power this guy off we're gonna time that out uh we're just gonna shut down the desk the guest and we're gonna go settings let's switch back to our other drive so English International is not what we want let's just grab regular Old English from States so we'll use the standard one and see if this option exists oh does it wait Did that not work oh let's browse I gotta I had pretty good host of Windows isos we can choose from good Buffet uh Windows 11 I think it just win 11. uh V1 should be fine although after looking at that we got two 22 H2 this one should be fine this is only a couple months old ISO image path points to a path okay that's fine all right now we should be fine all right let's let's reboot this did I miss it I bet I missed it all right so now we should change this to World okay so just grab the regular one not the international version US World for the time currency format and there's nothing can't change anything else okay let's see what happens I apparently this gives it a blank slate so we shouldn't see Tick Tock or Prime video or any of that other stuff I'm skeptical a little bit and we're just gonna go no product key Windows 11 Pro because well we want gpos and other other stuff hopefully nobody out there is using home ugh it's gross so we'll just do our basic install here yeah yeah yeah I I did uh my I just got back from LTX and it was a blast good talking with everybody I I knew ahead of time I was just I went by myself not with my like wife or kids so I just packed a backpack and just jammed everything into one bag took it on the plane that way they couldn't lose my luggage because uh but when I was talking to chase two cents they lost his luggage I was like yeah that's why I didn't do that because of customs and everything else and then uh yeah the flight was just I I woke up at 3am to come back and uh getting there I think it was like a 9 A.M flight so it wasn't that bad but uh coming back was pretty brutal but it was only Non-Stop and I didn't want to do any any jumps because I I know I've flown enough to where if it's not a non-stop flight you're just asking for trouble especially if you leave later in the day it's gonna it's gonna end a tragedy so I just did the first first flights of the day non-stop four hours knocked it out and then uh yeah it was good it was a fun time I got to see everything got to ask a bunch of questions because most people there were all like full-time YouTubers so it was it was fun yeah and I I still was able to live stream from uh LTX I think the last live stream I did on this uh twitch Channel I just kind of stopped by Best Buy and grabbed a a Razer streaming kit [Laughter] I wanted to see how good I could make like some really crappy equipment like the the little crappy condenser Mark that they come with I was listening back and I was like oh that knits for Mike I actually kind of like the way it sounded so it wasn't so bad coming from the hotel room and then the the webcam as long as you get your lighting right honestly the video doesn't matter that much um not as clear as obviously something like this setup but yeah it was good enough I'll probably I need next week I'm going to San Antonio so I'll be both live streams will be done through a laptop uh same laptop probably the same kit too because that kit worked pretty good yeah I remember the inversions and K inversions would not include bloat apps uh the problem with those I think it was like Red Dead Redemption required like a media experience kit that you couldn't install on those so it was a little bit weird and they don't have media codex yeah but I think you can pretty much get through most of it what do you think about the new stream you want steam has a new UI I'm a little bit behind the ball oh you know what Baldur's Gate 3 came out today didn't it oh dude we gotta install that there's a new UI this looks normal to me right huh it's party time Baldur's Gate three Baldur's great three stream now I'm just kidding nobody wants to see me play Baldur's Gate at least let's get let's get this done yeah it seems a little bit new I like the transferring down here and some of the other aspects of it that's cool they didn't change too much huh all right all right let's see the out of box experience and see what we get suppose we should install tools okay we'll grab our VMware tools as well they mostly change the game overlay as far as they can go okay did you notice any bugs or performance issues um not not so much foreign server for a streaming PC that's a really good idea that's a real ik that's a really good idea setting up Windows server for the streaming PC uh server 2016. um yeah you can get them like g2a I think has them for like 20 bucks if you want to go that route I still have a bunch of old keys that I can use that old employers and stuff don't don't use okay let's skip so we got a region error which is fine all right we're just going to use us oops no no second layout interesting this first part's taking a little bit there's a timeout because of a region error and now we're getting this I'm curious to see what this looks like because I know that one tweet from Theo Joe about doing the world region instead of an English region went viral it got over a million views for Twitter that's a ton so I don't know let's see what happens I would be the advantages well Windows versus Linux you're talking more compatibility like there's like plenty of things I use for streaming like a lot of the Elgato gear that is Windows only so that's why you would choose like a server 2016 over let's say a Linux setup if uh the equipment you're using has Windows only binaries available but active directory yeah I guess if you're managing a active director is really not worth setting up unless you got like 10 plus PCS yeah I'm serious I wonder what optimizations we can do with just a base a base system like this all right so we'll call this one test uh 22 H2 and we already got a baseline from the stock VM to see what the difference is between the world region and uh just using English United States region I'm kind of curious to see if there's anything else that loads if the process counts like 10 or so processes lower there's probably going to be quite a bit of telemetry that uh needs to be set up so that'd be kind of cool just call this test skip through all this sure doesn't matter all this gets changed anyways once we run our uh debloat tool yeah yeah I did another win util update last night so I've been really hitting hard on that Windows utility because I really want to get back into uh the win one shot program instead of running the utility I could just click one file and just do everything for me because I like to do that and C sharp maybe add a little bit of a front end but I kind of just want that for myself to be honest with you but I I probably anybody that like bought Windows utility would get one shot if if I was going to give it out to anybody else I'd I'd go ahead and give it to all those people too what's your opinion on amd's new rock M uh it's not that new right it's been around for a bit but interesting I I haven't delve right into it I'm not much of a hardware guy to be honest with you I'm all software side of things for the most part um for encoding I really want to move to av1 so okay that is much cleaner that's a lot cleaner y'all still got clip champ Edge is still there so those teams but that is considerably less garbage okay what version is this let's go winver 22 H2 interesting okay so we got this let's go ahead and set our region because if you don't do a region let's see I bet Microsoft Store yeah yeah store is not available in your country or region let's fix that let's do like an INT DL CPL uh let's change our Locale United States yep okay copy settings location World okay so changing that location English world to English United United States apply let's copy that ah interesting let's do a log out log back in it is Windows after all we might need to do a reboot been using one Linux for too long all right we got that those shows World there interesting but I I feel like the store should load now let's see ah I mean it's kind of a feature not a bug but okay so intdl is not enough to set it just to make sure additional settings so this this used to be okay so maybe they want it through the actual settings menu region okay how strange language and region this was added in Windows Windows 10 probably I'm using the Legacy panel for Windows 7. okay restart why I'm doing this is one setting it to the proper region and in case you want to use the Microsoft store if you're a masochist and then I also wanted to go into here and then run updates and see if it re-bloats itself hey by the way if you didn't know Windows update is committed to helping reduce carbon emissions it's hard for me to take Microsoft seriously man like really what a bunch of hippies oh my God all right anyways [Laughter] who believes that you gotta be high to believe that oh my gosh uh yeah anywho we'll let that run let this update get that going yeah the Net Zero hype train I'm so jaded uh maybe I don't know if it was actually helping I would totally be about it but what ends up happening and I don't want to get political but it's like all these companies are doing is buying emissions credits from people that are not cutting down trees in like a sanctioned part of the land so they buy these emission credits to pollute somewhere that's probably not gonna it's such a such a bait and switch type program for the Net Zero stuff don't get me started don't get me started I'll leave it there I'm gonna leave it there but if you do believe that they actually are helping in this stuff look into it a little bit more you'd be a little bit like whoa uh how is LTX LTX was great man I got to talk to a ton of people it was it was it was a blast yeah oh why this is going we probably should go ahead and uh toss in what is it set up I probably should have done set up 64 but whatever it should Auto the audio console yeah uh I was surprised of how much access we had I think initially like uh the LTT team thought there was only going to be like a handful of creators that would show up for the the tour so they only had like two or three employees there to handle like 40 and 40 creators that showed up like there was some big names there things like J um snazzy Labs was there Quinn from Nazi Labs um and there's like literally 40 YouTubers there it was nuts and since there's so many of us they they didn't have enough people to show us around so we just kind of got to wander around his facilities I literally could have just gotten back there and unplugged everything I could have messed with all the gain knobs and they would not have known there was so many people I was like oh that would have been Super Evil but I've I've been in a situation where I've had like that happen and I'm I would never do that to somebody that's just that's just evil especially when you get audio working you're just like oh yeah Group after group showed up and it was like a lot of people don't realize it's not Vancouver I thought it was like he was close to the city but dude he like he's out in the country it's pretty rural out there and uh luckily one of the one of the guys I made friends with Chris at crosstalk he bribed the Uber driver to stay around because he was worried we wouldn't be able to get Ubers out where we were so he paid him 100 bucks to hang out and take us back to the hotel after the tour was done some of the other people there I think I think they all made it back eventually but uh yeah it was shout out to Chris from crosstalk otherwise I might still be in Vancouver we need a 2023 Arch uh drunken stuff I meant to tell you guys about that once this installs will reboot but um it was really interesting that I I I I'm kind of inspired I've revitalized and rehydrated the architis project because there's dwm I'm using now and then there's also hyperland that occasionally I drop in on and I like to use Arch when I'm using hyperland with Weyland setup and I'm gonna revamp the architis project uh and kind of pre-tool it to just have those those selections you don't need to use my project for installing Arch anymore the arch installer is amazing that's what the whole reason I I started it back then was because the arch installer kind of sucked when it first came out so that's why I did what I did but I'm going to redo that that whole whole deal and then it just makes Arch installs super super easy uh the food was really good yeah they had a Creator dinner later on and uh liners showed up after because he was doing the WAN show he was he was like an hour after we started eating kind of just was like hey is everything okay super gracious and real nice um but yeah food was delicious it was a little Swanky for my taste because I'm such a simpleton uh you know they had like jumbo shrimp uh chicken Sushi a whole bunch of stuff and the desserts were like super fancy and I was like you know what you could have just gone with a soft serve I would have been okay with that but it was it was really good it was really good stuff oh it is still in the city okay I mean I thought it was kind of country land it seemed pretty spread out to me but then again I'm in Dallas Fort Worth so I mean if I don't see big buildings everywhere if I feel like it's the country I mean it's just kind of funny because I was actually born in Central Kansas population like nothing I will say like my the highlight of my trip uh well I wouldn't say it's a highlight but what I like the most about like Canada in general uh we don't have Tim Hortons in Dallas Fort Worth like at all all we have is like Dunkin Donuts and Dutch Bros and and Starbucks man Tim Hortons was freaking ugh it's like affordably priced coffee that doesn't suck and I was like oh my gosh this is amazing so I was like waking up at like 5 a.m and then just walking over to like Tim Hortons and grabbing coffee and I was like this is the life [Laughter] because it's hard to find like I even say they're I'd say their coffees better in Starbucks and like a third of the price so I shout out to that I did I did say I really enjoyed that about Canada I know they have Tim Hortons in in the U.S too in Parts but it's mostly up north I don't think we have very much down here all right we can restart now let's do it fancy WM I haven't checked Phantom WM A lot of window managers and windows kind of kind of rough like was it cormombi I can't say it properly but that one I did try and it was okay but at the end of the day I was like ah heck I'd rather just use what is it fancy zones or uh what is it tell you um yeah fancy zones I ended up using just fancy zones for most of it it's okay it's like a noob friendly tiling window so to speak yeah I would say one thing about Vancouver it was like a nice version of um nice version of New York it was like New York if it actually was clean who's like New York without like all the trash [Laughter] you know uh you take like the railway and you're like oh cool I'm not sitting in pee so yeah don't get me started about New York I don't have very high opinion of it oh it's like Swiss New York yeah it was good it was good yeah I think I actually met Lewis Rosman on the way I think it was the elevator it was like a real briefful ride uh but we we we talked for a second but he got mobbed like all the big big guys at LTX I felt terrible for because they they like couldn't take two steps before they'd get mobbed by either fans or they'd come back to where the creators were like there's like a little section where the creators could hide but then like all the other creators would swarm like the big guys so like anybody like that was real big just was constantly uh just had people especially the LTT like I didn't talk to almost anybody from LTT except for like Emily for a little bit um because they're just mobbed non-stop and I was like oh I felt bad and and me personally like I it was just a lot of people annoyed where I was like I had to leave for a little bit just go back to my hotel room and just be like okay I'm just gonna lay down for a second this is a lot of stimulus all right let's see did it reload Windows that's the why we did all those updates it did not did not look like it at least well this is a pretty good pretty good way of installing Windows okay I like it so what I would probably do from here is just run the toolbox do like a iwr let's try it out and see if we run in any problems we're going to remove edge probably install Brave try this and I'm gonna make a video that streamlines this whole process let's not avoid chocolatey for now here Let's Go full screen with this uh drop this all right we're just gonna install Brave yeah Wingate did work so I did I redid winget install these times I make sure to bypass the Microsoft store completely so um how I do it is I use nougat and all CLI now I don't trust the Microsoft store to open or do anything from the GUI and everything's done from Powershell so uh we shouldn't run into any more problems with that and that was I think last week's uh streams where we kind of went and did that so we'll just do desktop I'm gonna remove these and kind of work on streamlining those this week too or maybe next week I mean uh let's just go ahead run temporary files just clean up Dark theme it on and we'll do ultimate performance oh and did we check to see before we do any of this what is process processes are the same memories a little bit less with about three gigs but very very similar to the other way all right well let's run these tweaks ooh forgot to do Edge we'll come back and hit Edge and Cortana too so I want to see what happens with the search bar I think Cortana will break search but we'll see uh taskbar will happen on reboot these are registry entries we do so almost everything will be on reboot the other thing I kind of want to revert around and bypass is stopping the services because I had a couple people submit issues about running this toolbox and then not rebooting so a reboot is pretty much needed whenever you run tweaks especially something like this so I'll probably change up that uh terminology uh no they made it a lot harder to remove edge these days The Edge was almost a week of streams to get rid of it was a it was a pretty brutal thing I think I ended up using ao's project from GitHub and that's uh that's commented in here as well yeah let's see we'll go ahead and disable Cortana and see if it breaks to search because like let's go yeah so that's working right now Brave yeah and these are going to be like the advanced tweaks so everyone can run essential tweaks without any worry of things breaking if you disable game DVR obviously that's the Xbox bar that's gonna disable the Xbox bar so that is a thing I guess I should add maybe disable game DVR and Xbox bar uh that that's probably needed because there are people that have mentioned that all right here we go that'll get going we'll do our tweaks services this is actually stopping many services in the background it'll probably get stuck on probably like term service or let's see RM service now no it flew right through it never mind on a fresh install we probably won't run any issues then alrighty that looks good and let's go ahead remove Cortana and Edge yeah Aveo oops oh yeah we're creating the store point after the tweaks that's a good point Steven okay so we got that edging done and done let's close these out give it a reboot we should have a dark theme on reboot and I would say probably around 90 processes instead of 140 150. this also redirects from the page so if you want to keep like widgets for whatever reason you can and it's not gonna it's not gonna affect things so let's try this first Brave all right great this is working and if you let's set Brave as our default just to make sure I think we need to launch it once to set it as the default skip that perfect okay so now that edge is set as default let's say you're using this widget screen ah widgets are broken okay notifications probably are too no notifications are working okay that's fine let's just go sure let's just click this and see what happens it should launch into Brave great that's perfect if we go edge you see Edge isn't there anymore is there any shortcut links no shortcut links either so when you're here and let's say we're gonna serve wrist not quite there okay let's go Chris Titus Tech Maybe I've never actually used this to search so you know being redirect okay yeah I'm still pulling everything up so it redirects everything properly to Brave and it looks like Cortana search is still functional which is great and we have a pretty minimal system let's check our processes 80 processes 20 gigs of memory looking solid man and all the functionality is still there except for widgets the widgets are uh not there but I mean I'm sorry guys if you're a widget user you just don't use my tool I'm sorry I am not gonna I'm not gonna make that a thing I'm not gonna code around fixing Microsoft widgets it's a stupid idea and I just I cannot I can't get on board with letting that go so we're gonna make sure widgets it's just I'm never gonna make that work so other than that um I'll leave that now if widgets ever did become useful in the future and it wasn't just like them showing a bunch of news stories that I don't want to see then I would probably revamp or soften that position a little bit um but this this should be good for almost everybody you have a pretty minimal setup especially in this day and age it's about as minimal as you can get using that world hack from Dojo I really enjoyed that that was a lot less bloat that I had to uninstall so that's definitely worth doing on everyone because then you just come into here go settings region and region settings and then change this region format to or the country or origin uh how there should be a legacy panel for that let me see set country uh CPL panel is that okay in CPL didn't quite have it location format location I think they removed it from the Legacy panel yeah see we don't have the location hmm so maybe let's see if there's a old one because I would like to to change that if we could but I don't know just in case they decide to try and hide it on us maybe time date CPL so let's just time zone additional clocks yeah it's not gonna one other issue on the tool I kind of want to change I would love this to be like um or like us Dot instead of the windows time because the time server from Windows always seems to be broken um that's actually probably not it is it what is the ntp pool yo it's pool dot yeah oops oops my bad or pull zero I think you can actually preface this with your country of origin like us yeah us dot pool um dot is probably what most people should use that's kind of neat okay but overall this would be a really good base system for many people even though it is you know 22 H2 it's it's a lot better than most out there and it's snappy snappy enough and this is just a VM too I just kind of wanted to do this before actually doing it in a YouTube video just kind of Workshop it see any like nuances the big Nuance there was just use the standard ISO it's kind of wild that just doing that and then setting the region uh you could just do like Windows I to launch into here and then just type region and then set your country or region here this is a new field that wasn't in like Windows 7 so there's no Legacy panel to easily easily get to it but eh oh well not bad not bad y'all we'll take this down what do we got delete from disk yeah we'll just dump that very cool yeah 22 H2 is still pretty new and uh oh God what was it I was talking to I forget somebody that worked for Microsoft this weekend and they were you know they they you know in like Barnacles went full time he was part of the testing program he was a tester for Microsoft and all the Microsoft testers got laid off so I always joked around saying there was no internal testing anymore at Microsoft but apparently I was right I didn't actually know that that's a thing like they have no quality control anymore that's why a lot of the new versions of Windows always feel terrible and like you're a guinea pig and a beta tester it's because you are and if you want to be an alpha tester you sign up for The Insider panel so for any like nobody in it says update your system anymore I at least they shouldn't um at least feature updates because wow if they do they just don't know that well well they they haven't been using Windows lately that's that's all I'm saying uh so you'd actually just go English United States for the iso download that's kind of neat kind of a a neat tidbit
Channel: Titus Tech Talk
Views: 128,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UkxMYO4gRdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 24sec (2364 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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