How to Clear All Cache in Windows 10

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[Music] what you guys got another video here for you in this one we're gonna be looking at how we can delete all types of different cash which is stored on the computer and we're going to be using just a manual way of removing this rather than using any software but there's loads of types of software out there that will clean up your system and clear all the system cash up for you but I just want to show you there is ways of going about this manually it's always a good way to learn and know where this stuff is stored so let's go ahead and take a look so that a cover as much as I can here but this probably loads more which I could cover but probably have to do it in another video so first off that start off by going to the Explorer here then into the C Drive inside here you can already see we do have a windows that old or cover that bit a little bit later on you see that has one point five one gigabytes which we can now remove but first off we're gonna go into the windows directory inside here we're gonna come down to where it says software distribution inside software distribution this is where all your data so if you're going to downloads here this is your Windows Update data which is are used and then it doesn't need it anymore so you can get rid of all this stuff here so you can see if I just put properties on this has five hundred and seven megabytes which is quite a lot so if you want to delete that you can delete all this stuff inside here by just pushing the Delete key and it will delete that now if it needs any of this stuff it will automatically download it anyway so I'm just gonna get rid of this and do this to all of this content inside here and let that delete okay okay so that folder is now empty and that one is done so we can close that off so next up we're gonna go to the temp area now to do this you can push the Windows key which is the little flag key on your left hand bottom corner of your keyboard and our then that brings up the run box now you can also bring up the run box by right clicking and clicking on run here same thing so do a percentage te MP and in percentage and this will take you to the location here and you can now delete all the content inside here this is just temps of that you can delete so let me go ahead and highlight all this stuff and you can highlight it the way you want but basically I'm just gonna highlight it all like this I'm actually recording this stuff at the moment so I need to remove these but you don't have to but because I'm recording the screen with my software it may be using this data inside here because it does use that and any stuff that it needs to put into here it will repopulate it okay when you need to so let me just go make sure I can remove that stuff and it won't hurt the computer and up here you can add in your little buttons as well if you want to you can push the delete key here you probably aren't gonna see this stuff here we can add I mean by using this little drop-down and so we'll just do that and some of this stuff will be used ok but yours should be empty but I'm using these right now to record the screen next up we're going to go back into there again by pushing the Windows key and the run so open up the run box here and now we're just gonna put in here temp no percentage and just open this up it may say you don't have permission just click continue and it will open up this windows area here and you can delete all the contents inside here okay as well this is just another area which you can delete and I'm gonna delete all this stuff well there we go when that's all gone so next up what we want to do is get prefetch and you can do that by going back into the run again and we're going to do prefetch just like so click okay and it will give you the same thing again click continue and this will open up your prefetch area and we're gonna select everything here like so and I'm just gonna delete it you can right-click and delete if you want to there we go and all that's gone so that's the prefetch there now another thing you can do is reset your Windows Store and we can do that again by opening up air run box and what we're gonna do is double us reset all one word like so click OK and this will open up the command prompt and this will reset all of the windows store and get rid of all that data in there as well for you it may take a bit of time so be patient and let it do its thing and it will continue and finish there we go that's done so if you had any problems with your Windows Store that will fix it and resolve it most of the time so we're going to do next is move on to the next stage okay next up what we're gonna do is go to edge and remove all the data from there now you can do this on other browsers as well but just open this up so once we've got a jumpin what we're going to do is click the free dots then go settings come all the way down to it says clear browser data choose what you want to clear and then put the ticks into whatever you want to clear here and then click on clear this will clear all that data okay and you can always put the tab in here to always clear when this browser when you close this browser and you can turn that on if you wish okay next up what we're gonna do here is go to the start button then go settings inside here what you want to do is go to where it says privacy click on this one here go to your location and inside here you want to come down and you can see here it will say clear history of this device you can do that as well and it will clear order history for this device which is this computer and there's loads of other OU's you can route around the inside here as well to try and do that as well now also what you might want to do here is go to your command prompt so type CMD right click on this and run this as administrator this will open up this box here and what you want to do here is type ipconfig /all us and then dns like so and this will flush your DNS and get rid of all the cash inside there as well now another one you can do as well which we're going to look at right now is called a cleaner which is your cleaner manager and to do that you're just gonna go here and type clean and you will see a disk manager clean up here so I'm gonna click on this and click ok it's one up and up this box and this all allow you to remove any more stuff that you want to remove here and you can see here recycle bin temp files it will do it all from here as well thumbnails any of that stuff you can do so what I'm gonna do here is clean up the system like so click OK here it will start to run that cleanup tool here we'll come back here again now it's offering us to clean the windows updates so it's one point seven seven gigabytes so we're going to do that as well get rid of the Windows Defender antivirus stuff inside there windows update log files 175 megabytes and as you can see as we move down here as well we're just gonna remove some of this stuff now you can see here previous Windows installation this is that Windows old Dell we're going to remove that as well get rid of all that stuff and claw back some quite a bit of space I would say there and they were just gonna do this lot here okay so that's good enough for me just putting the ticks in there and you also have more here which you can do a little bit later on but we're just gonna click OK here let's say yes and this will then clear up that space for us so just let that do its thing okay so now that's all finished you will see the windows the old folder should be gone and you've cleaned back a ton of space on your C Drive so that is a good thing now obviously you can do this with a software and stuff like that but if you want to do it manually you can do just showing you the way to do it manually if you want to do that you can also do it with batch files if you want to there's loads of ways of going about doing this sort of stuff and there's loads of other areas where you can claim back space now also just before a go System Restore is another place where you might want to clear restore points so if you open up the System Restore area here's if you've got this on your seats on for me right here and what you want to do is go into the configure area and you can climb back some spicy and C space used is nine gigabyte so I'm gonna delete these here and that's now claimed back that nine gigabytes and in what you want to do here is click OK here and then you want to create a new system restore point okay and you can call it wherever you like I'm just gonna put clean here and that will just take a restore point for me and it cleans up lost face and also sometimes you get a massive amounts of restore points inside here as well which you may want to remove and claim back space so you can see here we've got usage back we've got a 10 gigabytes we claim back and that's pretty much it so that's how you can clean up your system cache by using these methods I just wanted to make this video for you I think there was a topic talking about it on the forum and there's some other ones if I configure anything else I'll let you know enough of videos but thanks again for watching guys hope this one helps you out my name is brian from protect computers Cody Kay bye for now now if you haven't subscribed yet hit the big red subscribe button on my youtube channel and hit the bell notification bar niks today to be notified when we upload new videos [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Britec09
Views: 2,895,519
Rating: 4.908916 out of 5
Keywords: How to Clear All Cache in Windows 10, Clear, Cache, Windows 10, Clear Cache, Windows Store Cache, Location cache, Prefetch Files, Delete, move, Temp, %temp%, Search History, software distribution download, Temp Files, Disk Cleanup, removing cache files, Delete cache, browser history, Windows.old, Edge cache, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, windows computer, PC, Computer, Britec
Id: z3cjTqCQemU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 01 2018
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