20 Reasons to Speak in Tongues (Pray in the Spirit)

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in prayer but i want to share with you something the lord gave me and it was ministering to me to share with you today on the subject of speaking in tongues in particular 20 benefits of speaking in tongues or 20 reasons to speak in tongues okay and what the bible says about it so if you have your bibles go over to the book of first corinthians chapter 14 you all okay this morning okay so first corinthians 14. now just to help you with something if you didn't know this uh first corinthians is an answer to questions paul these corinthians paul spent three and a half years in corinth more than anywhere else so he's very very close with these people this is about a 50 000 member church so this is a very large church that paul is writing to and so he actually wrote four letters to them if you didn't know that he wrote what was called the previous letter then he wrote what we call first corinthians in first corinthians was uh answers to questions they asked him about seven questions and so he answered them regarding all of these different things the lord's supper and tongues and gifts of the spirit and stuff like that then he wrote what was called the severe letter and then he wrote a follow-up what we call second corinthians okay so only two of them are in the canon of scripture but here in first corinthians and paul's answering questions regarding gifts of the spirit so chapter 12 he starts talking about gifts of the spirit chapter 13 he sandwiches it with love he doesn't say you just do love you don't do gifts of the spirit he says no we're going to sandwich this thing it's kind of like a oreo cookie all the good stuff is in the middle all right so chapter 12 in chapter 14 he deals with the gifts but the motivation is the love you understand so he doesn't say don't do gifts just have love no he never says that many of our evangelical friends say that but that's nowhere in scripture and there's nowhere in scripture it says these things end amen okay the scripture they try to twist is here in first corinthians 14 and they try to twist it to say well you know whether there be prophecies they'll fail and tongues will cease and and uh and in fact let me see if i can find that i wasn't planning on doing that oh lord do i do that to you this morning i'll leave it i'll leave it all right uh uh oh oh oh oh uh let's see all right um yeah here it is all right so back up to chapter 13. god what am i doing help me so first corinthians 13 first corinthians 13 says verse 8 love never fails true but whether there's prophecies they'll fail whether there is tongues they'll cease whether it's knowledge it'll vanish away so if tongues have ceased and if prophecies have failed that means knowledge has ceased since the book of acts that means knowledge has ceased eric has knowledge ceased since let me ask you this okay how many of you in the last 20 years think knowledge has ceased so if knowledge hasn't ceased then prophecies haven't failed and tongues have not ended because you can't have two of the three come on somebody come on you gotta have common sense here if knowledge has not passed away then that scripture is not it's not talking about that is that all right okay so all right i just wanted to just clarify that and so then in chapter 14 paul says pursue love true but he also says and what desire what though ah spiritual gifts but especially that you may prophesy for he that speaks in the tongue does not speak to god for no one understands him however in the spirit he speaks what mysteries or divine secrets so the bible talks about speaking in tongues quite a bit the new testament was born into it the early church was born in two tongues come on right it was the first sign in the book of acts chapter 2 they were filled with the spirit and bam they all spoke in other tongues right and multiple different times throughout the book of acts we see this exact same thing now this is the number one area the religious people will fight you over they will argue they will i mean they'll just freak out if you say the word tongues you talking to oh my god you're you know and they'll just freak out on that one thing now why is that well because he that prays in an unknown tongue does not speak to men but to okay so i'm not even talking to you i'm talking to god when i speak in tongues is that right now i shared this in in in prayer time but i'll say this again many of our evangelical friends say oh no all these things have passed away or or if you pray in tongues it all has to be interpreted no it doesn't that paul never says that let me help you with this thing regarding tongues what are tongues tongues are a supernatural language from earth to heaven is that right does god need an interpretation from spanish does god need an interpretation from italian does god need an interpretation from greek does god need an inter come on where do i stop from swahili does god know swahili oh he doesn't need an interpretation then so tongues when man speaks to god doesn't need an interpretation it's when a message in tongue is given from man to man that has to be interpreted so i call it horizontal tongues must be interpreted vertical vertical tongues don't need to be interpreted come on right so when you pray in tongues you don't need an interpretation you can get one if you want one but you don't have to why he that prays in an unknown tongue speaks not unto men but unto god and and then it goes on to say and it says this it says however in the spirit he speaks what mysteries or divine secrets is that what it says okay so then it goes on to say in verse three but he that prophesies speaks edification exhortation and comfort he that speaks in a tongue edifies himself but he who prophesies edifies the church i wish you all spoke with tongues man that's never preached in evangelical churches and he says but even more that you prophesied for he that prophesies is greater than he who speaks in tongues unless everyone shout unless he interprets now the whole 14th chapter paul goes between a horizontal tongues and vertical tongues so you kind of have to have spiritual eyes to see is he talking about a message in tongues or is he talking about praying in tongues to god you understand so paul goes back and forth by the holy spirit and he jumps in and out okay so now so i'm going to give you 20 reasons for speaking in tongues number one you can write this down if you want the scriptures exhort us to be filled with the spirit and pray with new tongues of our spirit language the scriptures encourage us now i'll give you a scripture for it hold your place here we'll come back in uh acts chapter 2 acts chapter 2 verse 38 what does the bible say about tongues well we see in verse 38 then peter said to them repent let every one of you be baptized in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the holy spirit ah right verse 39 says for the promise everyone say the promise what is the promise the holy spirit the promise is to you and to your children and who and to all that are far off or as many as the lord our god shall call okay so now leave that verse up there so so verse 39 says for the promise come on say it one more time the promise so here he says the promise is to you okay so let's just say it's just saying to those 2 000 years ago the promise was to you to your children to all are far off and to what how many of you as the lord called half of you we'll have a salvation call here at the end how many of you has the lord called you and you got saved come on right oh okay praise the lord got me nervous there for a second okay so this promise is to us as well come on right so the number one sign of being filled with the holy spirit is speaking in tongues why because that's the way that god set it up in the beginning come on right uh number two the second reason to speak in tongues is it's a spirit language is the greatest gift the holy spirit can give a believer this this a spirit language everyone say spirit language so a spirit language is the greatest gift the holy spirit can give a believer so the greatest gift the holy spirit now look up at me a second okay so god the father gives a gift what's his name again no no no sorry god so loved the world that he gave ah the son what was the son's name ah okay so the father loved us so he gave us a gift what was the gift jesus jesus loved us so much he gave us a gift called the holy spirit the holy spirit loved us so much that he gave us a gift called speaking in tongues they all gave us a gift the father son and holy ghost hallelujah right so they've all given us this gifting so this is a gift from the holy spirit to speak in a language not known by your natural brain how many of you is your natural brain a little oh praise the lord you're not the only one wow so it's a little limited is it ah okay what do they say we use less than you know what twenty percent of our brain capacity or five percent excuse me okay so so i think we're kind of when we pray we're kind of like all right lord i've run out of adjectives i've run out of words to pray so the holy spirit says no problem i'll take over and i'll pray let me give the language okay so the spirit language is the greatest gift the holy spirit can give the believer number three praying in tongues builds our faith and keeps us in love okay so uh a praying in tongues builds our faith jude verse 20 says many of you could quote this judas one chapter and so it says but you beloved building yourselves up building yourselves up it's the greek word edifus okay when you have it when you build a building right building yourself up look at your neighbors say build yourself up so in other words i don't got to do it for you you can build yourself up by what by praying in your most holy faith praying in the holy ghost keep yourselves in the love of god so in other words number three is praying in tongues builds up your faith and keeps you in love how many of you need sometimes a love check for somebody oh man that person passes you on 35 going south and they give you that special finger on top of it ah they give you i call it the california wave you know and they just kind of give you that california wave and all of a sudden you're like oh lord [Laughter] help me jesus okay so number three is praying in tongues builds our face so it doesn't bring faith but it builds us on our most holy faith and it keeps us in the love of god the more you pray in in the spirit that's what happens the more you pray in the spirit you think you're just babbling words that your mind doesn't understand but in actuality you are building up yourself in your most holy faith right this is why the enemy fights you for this more than anything else you say tomorrow morning i'm going to get up and i'm going to pray for a half hour in tongues and all of a sudden you wake up and your body says go back to sleep is that right your natural mind says just give me another 10 minutes i'll be your best friend is that right is that right right so it wants to keep you from it right so number four tongues are for your spiritual edification tongues are for your spiritual edification the more you begin to pray in the spirit you start to pray in the spirit what do you do and there's a spiritual edification there's an edifying right there's an edifying number five tongues open speaking in tongues opens your spiritual antennas to hear from god speaking in tongues opens your spiritual antennas that's why that's why when somebody gets filled with the holy spirit as they so do what happens is is their spiritual antennas get go up higher they many people they give testimonies i was filled with the holy spirit and man i just all of a sudden god started showing me things and stuff why because your spiritual antennas go up the more you pray in the spirit right i had a dream in 2000 um 2014 a friend of mine had died and uh long story short i was i had this dream of my friend and we met in this realm of heaven and as we did we were talking and as i was asking him about heaven and as we were talking in this prophetic dream i see people um i don't know how to describe it but how many of you like star trek raise your hand oh we're gonna pray for you we'll lay hands on you guys at the end okay jesus help you but all right i don't know how to describe it but you trekkies will know this what do they what's that materializer thing what's that thing called transporter okay that's what it looked like in my dream so i saw people what looked like they were trans transporting in and walking amongst me and my friend in heaven and i knew that they were praying in tongues and i could see them in a what looked like a prayer meeting and the more they prayed in the spirit and they walked as they so did i saw them materialize more in heaven so as you pray in the spirit you are appearing there more than here okay why because there's a there's your spiritual antennas are being raised up your spiritual antennas are being raised up the more you pray in tongues and that's why in that dream i was blown away and i remember there was a lady pastor that appeared to us and my friend to him it was normal because he had already been in heaven for a while and uh so um but i'm freaking out i see this lady pastor and she's leading this prayer meeting and they're walking around praying in the spirit and she sees me the more she's praying in tongues and she points at me like she knew who i was and as she pointed at me all of a sudden the person next to her grabbed her sleeve and pulled on it and she turned and when she turned to say something to them in the natural they disappeared so i realized the more you pray in the spirit the more sensitive you are in the realm of the spirit the more we appear there like the transporter all right number six number six tongues keep us praying in god's will romans chapter eight verse 26. and you can look at it if you want to or or but romans 8 26 says i don't want to misquote it here so romans 8 26 says it like this likewise the spirit also helps our weaknesses for we don't know what we should pray for as we ought but the spirit himself makes intercession for us with groanings that cannot be uttered right so uh you know so number number six is tongues keep us praying the will of god so as you pray in tongues you are praying the perfect will of god every single time right instead of just kind of doing a shotgun hopefully lord i hit this thing now it's very laser focused now because you're praying specifically the will of god right so the more we pray in the spirit we begin to laser in all of the sudden we're hitting it in the spirit right we're hitting it bam all of the sudden we're hitting it and and the more we begin to pray in the spirit or sing in the spirit the more we begin to pray the the will of god number seven uh it brings refreshing um and rest now without going back um in time well i'll just read it uh isaiah you can look at it later if you want isaiah 28 sorry guys i'm going so fast but isaiah 28 verse 11 for with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people to whom he said this is the rest everyone say rest this is the rest for with you may cause the weary to rest and this is the refreshing yet they would not hear so rest and refreshing he's clearly speaking about tongues because first corinthians 14 paul quotes this chapter and quotes this section of scripture in reference specifically to praying in tongues so it's rest and refreshing so praying in tongues brings a rest and refreshing many people are thinking about man i need a vacation well you can go on a holy spirit vacation anytime you want how how do i do that i do you do that by praying in the spirit right so number seven is spiritual refreshing and rest number eight tongues keep your natural tongue under subjection to the spirit right so james says the tongue is set on fire of hell and it says all these things and blessing and cursing is coming out of the same mouth these things ought not be right is that right now if you don't know this james is the baby book of the bible james is the baby book that's the book for baby christians okay james all five chapters are dealing with baby christians is any among you happy sing songs is any among you sick let him call for the elders of the church they'll anoint him with oil and the prayer pray for the prayer of faith will save the sick and the lord will raise him up and if he's committed sins they'll be forgiven him so the whole context is somebody who's a baby christian okay so james the pastor of the jerusalem church his book was entirely for baby christians okay he starts to talk about our tongue set on fire of hell so how do we get control of our tongue we can do so by god gives us a gift called the gift of the holy spirit that we can pray in other tongues and it's all of a sudden the tongue that was set on fire of hell can now be set on fire of heaven because what happened in the upper room they spoke in tongues is that right and what did they see above their head tongues of fire where did that fire come from holy spirit are from heaven right so the one tongue it can be naturally set on fire of hell the spiritual tongue can be set on fire of heaven hallelujah right so that's how we can get a hold of our words you want to know maybe you you have a temper or whatever it is that you have a weakness with your tongue well start praying in the spirit hallelujah okay so number eight number nine uh this new race of people would be under a new covenant and have their own language right so it's a sign that we're a new race of people that never existed before the bible says you shall be a new creation second corinthians 5 17 right so ii corinthians 5 17 says that you're a new creation in christ jesus old things have passed away all things have become new ah okay but in the greek it says a new species or race of being that never existed before a new species or a new race of people that never existed before amen so that's what you became in christ now he not only has a new race a new species or a new people but they speak a new you have your own language on top of it right and so now watch this at the tower of babel the bible says all their languages are one and there's nothing that they can't do is that what he said the tower of babel in genesis i think it's chapter five and so it says there's nothing they can't do so god said he said let's go down and confuse their languages and disperse them is that what it says right so he came down divided the languages and men dispersed is that right guess what now our language when we come into christ unifies us now we're unified why because we're a new race of being that never existed before amen so praise god so so hallelujah praise god so you don't have so now there's not an old you the old jew is dead tom is dead tom scarelle is dead now i'm alive in christ and now i'm i'm not just a forgiven sinner but now i'm totally recreated into a new species that never existed before that has my own language come on somebody spirit language that i can talk to god hallelujah number 10 when we pray in tongues our natural mind shuts down or quiets thus opens us to hear from god so every time you pray in the spirit your natural mind shuts down your natural mind shuts down so your emotions are running high pray in the spirit and your emotions will all of the sudden calm down because it why because it shuts down your natural mind the bible talks about the natural man right so now the natural man has been paralyzed and the spirit man has been empowered right this is why the enemy fights you with praying in tongues so much right why because you shut that natural mind down where do you get in trouble in the natural mind it's the natural mind that's where you get in trouble it's your natural mind right that's where you sin from come on right it's that natural thinking right it's the natural mind the flesh that's where you get in trouble okay so how do i gain authority over it well you can renew it through the word of god and through praying in the spirit hallelujah right so that's number 10 number 11 when you pray in the spirit it triggers other gifts of the spirit the more you pray in tongues it triggers other gifts of the spirit now i told you i grew up here in minnesota i was born in saint paul graduate high school in western minnesota and i went to morehead state my first year of college before i went to north central bible college and rhema and stuff like that but while i was at moorhead state we met every single day in the morning for prayer and we would just our leaders would say let's just primarily pray in the spirit for 60 minutes so here i was 18 years old and we were in a room you guys i'm not kidding you it was like not much bigger than all of these chairs and we had 40 of us packed in there there were 40 young people you know all between 18 and 22 and stuff and we're praying in the holy ghost as loud as we can you know and uh so i'm praying in tongues every single morning and i remember this one day as i was praying in tongues i just said lord i want you to use me in other gifts of the holy spirit i want to prophesy and so all of a sudden uh about one or two days later i was there in the morning i was praying in the spirit for one hour with everybody else and at the time i was reading gloria copeland's book called walk in the spirit and she said in her book in walk in the spirit she said if you want to learn to walk in the spirit that means you have to first learn how to pray in the spirit so the first step of walking in the spirit is praying in the spirit so i'm like yeah i want to do that lord and so i just went that morning to prayer and i started praying in the spirit and as i was praying in the spirit all of a sudden the scripture came to my mind and started bubbling out of my heart and my heart started beating fast i'm like oh lord i don't know if i'm ready for this you know and it was like my heart was just thumping in my chest and all 40 of us kids are praying as loud as we can in tongues and i'm like all right god if if i'm supposed to give this prophecy then you're going to make everyone shut up at the same time and all of a sudden everyone got quiet and i'm like crap [Laughter] oh gosh now i got to do it and so now it's like eerily silent you know what i mean and so i'm like i just started i just said bam you know and it's kind of like it's kind of like a prophecy is very much like tongues you speak the first one another one comes and another one comes and another word comes come on right is that right and then another one comes and the more you keep come on right so that's how prophecy comes so i just started with this scripture and it just erupted and it came out of my heart and i gave it and everybody's weeping and crying all over the place i'm like wow lord i guess that was from you and then i learned this is how the gifts of the spirit are activated by praying in the spirit everyone say pray in the spirit okay so now it triggers the other gifts of the spirit number 12. when we pray in tongues we pray divine mysteries and secrets so now we're right back at first corinthians 14. um in verse 2. he that speaks an unknown tongue does not speak to men but to god for no one understands him however in the spirit he speaks divine secrets and mysteries is that right so we speak divine secrets in mysteries okay so so that's what we see right here in uh uh number 12 as as you pray in tongues you are praying the perfect will of god okay uh let's see okay so number 13 number 13 praying in tongues makes us sensitive to being led by the spirit okay now i'm going to read a scripture to you out of romans 8 romans 8 14. many of you know this verse for as many as are led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god now the word sons of god there is the greek word mature sons of god it's only mentioned two or three times in the whole bible this this wording okay because in english our english language is kind of limited so we just add adjectives to explain things but the word sons of god or child of god in some of your bible it doesn't mean a child like a little seven-year-old or something this word is actually the greek word huios and the greek word huios means mature adult fully matured sons it's mentioned here and it's mentioned at the end of the chapter 2 in in romans chapter 8. and so it's mentioned two different times but here as many as are led by the spirit we could say it like this as many as are led by the spirit are the maturing sons of god come on right okay so when you look at it like that as you pray in the spirit you're being led by the spirit and you're growing in the spirit look at your neighbors say would you please grow up come on please come on just shake them a little bit just say please please grow up all right so the more you pray in the spirit the more you begin to grow up spiritually you start to mature amen okay so let's see number 14 number 14. i got all excited i lost where i was praying in the spirit allows us to interpret our tongues thus equal to prophecy so i'll say it like this praying in tongues allows us to also interpret it okay and it means it's equal to prophecy all right that's why the scripture we just read in first corinthians chapter 14 says he who speaks in a tongue identifies himself who prophesies edifies the church i wish you all spoke in tongues even more that you're prophesied for he that prophesies is greater than he who speaks in tongues unless he what ah he interprets ah now it makes it equal bam so when you pray in tongues you can interpret it just like i said before how do you do that you do it by faith how do you pray in tongues you do it by faith is that right now those who have never been filled with the holy spirit and spoke in tongues it may seem like god possesses your tongue and grabs it and just goes no it doesn't work like that you didn't get saved like that you weren't walking along on your way into walmart nelson whack oh i'm saved wow i just got saved walking down the produce aisle right next to the coconuts and and the mangoes wow no the bible says whoever calls in the name of the lord ah so you had a part to play is that right ah okay just double check it so the kingdom works exactly the same way in everything you want to activate the gifts of the spirit or you want to activate uh being filled with the holy spirit you have a part to play like the woman i told on the phone from jamaica you have a part to play i said you can't just sit there like a bump on a log you have to give god something to work with i mean the brother just gave an offering teaching about give and it shall be given unto you right so in other words you've got to give god something to work with you say i don't have yeah you'll never have unless you give because you've got to give god something to amplify is that right because 0 times 10 million is still what so even if god gave you 10 million times a zero it's still nothing so you've got to give god something to work with is that right guess what it's the same thing is true regarding being filled with the holy spirit and praying in tongues i just you know just open your mouth just something some people stand there like a statue i mean it was like dynamite nitroglycerin couldn't move them god has to physically grab my tongue and move it well it's never gonna happen you have to give god something just like how you got saved you had to say jesus forgive me boom the miracle of eternal life came is that right you had to give him something to work with okay so yeah hallelujah all right uh um so so you can also i i kind of deviated there but you can also interpret it by faith so okay so number 15 15. speaking or praying in tongues is a spiritual training wheel that kick-start your spiritual life praying in the spirit is your spiritual training wheels praying in the spirit is your spiritual training wheels right the first time you get on a bike you know yeah you know it just helps keep you up right you don't fall as much is that right that's what praying in tongues are so praying in tongues is not the end-all be-all but it's a way of getting you moving in the holy ghost hallelujah right and the more you pray in the spirit it kind of helps stabilize your spiritual life right so it's your spiritual training wheels as you begin to pray in the spirit that's why i encourage people all the time come on man pray in the spirit and some people they pray in the spirit literally maybe once a month twice a year or whatever it might be and then they wonder why their life is a is a complete mess well because you've given god very very little to work with thank you for your enthusiasm and that's the truth anyways hallelujah all right number 16 the more you speak in tongues the easier words of knowledge are triggered and activated you want to hear from god god to tell you future things i mean i just went and was in new york and there was a gal that was there that she went and came up to me and she's just like you know i need some spiritual guidance and she starts telling me she's been going to a psychic but why now why was she going because she wanted spiritual insight how many of these evangelical churches and stuff that say gifts of spirit all that stuff has ended they'll think nothing of calling california psychics well what the heck so in other words you're saying the devil knows the future and the devil has power but god doesn't i mean how dumb can you get and still breathe i mean that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard so on the one hand they're turning to witchcraft and they're turning to psychics and think nothing of it i told her i said you don't need that i said that's false power that's that's a that's a soulish power i said you can have spirit power and i got her filled with the holy ghost i said now pray in the spirit god will begin to reveal to you future things god will begin to show you things in your marriage god will show come on talk to me see i will show you things in your business god will show you things in your future he will protect you in different places that you go and different places and people that you see hallelujah right why by what by praying in the spirit right what does it do is it unlocks words of knowledge it unlocked while we were worshiping the lord here this morning i was praying in the spirit i was praying in the spirit and the lord started downloading to me different words of knowledge of people to pray for for healing that's how i got it i'm just i just do it so much that i'm just used to doing that and that's a means by which so like right now these guys are on their computers in the back and we're live streaming so that's an upload but if they wanted to pull information from the internet they can download at the same exact same time now watch this is the same cable come on talk to me that has the upload is the same cable right eric that has the download is that right are you ready for this the same tongue that you pray in other tongues divine mysteries is the same tongue you can interpret right back to yourself upload download upload download come on right the same tongue the same channel come on right so the same tongue that's an upload is the same tongue that can be a download and it's not up to the computer it's up to the person that's running the computer i'll say it like this it's up to you that you can decide whether you want to just upload to god or you want to download from heaven it's not up to god come on right uh number 17. uh first corinthians 14 says speaking in tongues is a sign to the unbeliever it's a sign to the unbeliever the end of the chapter here it says verse 24 of all prophecy prophesying an unbeliever an uninformed person comes in he's convinced by all convicted by all and thus the secrets of his heart are revealed falling down on his face he'll worship god report that god is truly among you uh i think i missed it here oh excuse me verse 22. miss i went too far therefore tongues are for a sign everyone say a sign and he says not to those who believe but to unbelievers right and so tongues are a sign they're our spiritual sign number 17 number 18 speaking in tongues cause us not to grieve the holy spirit where the scripture talks about this is over in galatians galatians oh i grabbed a different bible all my notes are in the other bible all right and so uh so the spirit where it talks about someone help me where's that grieve not the holy spirit grieve not the spirit maybe it's not galatians um but the script the scripture here talks about grieving the spirit okay and so where it says um okay so ephesians 4 30 maybe that's it so ephesians chapter 4 the whole chapter is about your thoughts and your words the whole fourth chapter your thoughts your words your thoughts your words your thoughts your words and then he ends it with verse 30 and do not grieve the holy spirit of promise okay and uh and by which you were sealed into the day of redemption that's not the scripture i'm looking for it also talks about forbid not was speaking in tongues um that's all right no problem okay but when you pray in the spirit praying in tongues or praying in the spirit causes us not to grieve the spirit we don't grieve or quench the spirit it's a it's like a prophetic picture of a garden hose squeeze off the water you turn the water on and you just you know you fold it in half what are you doing you're grieving it you're stopping the flow is that right and so when churches stop the flow of the holy spirit by stopping speaking in tongues they think that they're in order but that's not order the bible doesn't say have the order of a graveyard a graveyard has order but nothing's happening because it's death is that right okay in fact here at the end of first corinthians 14 look at this verse 38 but if anyone is ignorant let him still be ignorant i would have loved paul that was pretty cool therefore brethren desire earnestly to prophesy and do not forbid speaking in tongues then he says in verse 40 let all things be done decently and in order okay and many of these churches nothing is being done so they think that's order he doesn't say let nothing be done then it's in order he says no let all things be done but don't be crazy about it come on you understand don't have a world wrestling federation in church okay he's saying listen let all things be done those first five words let all things be done let the gifts of the spirit flow let there be tongues let there be move of the spirit let there be divine healing let these things flow let all things be done but let there also be some order to it as well okay so um so there's when you speak in tongues you're not grieving the spirit number 19 when you don't know how to pray pray in the spirit for you know i already read it to you in romans 8 26 when you don't know what to pray for as you ought start to pray in the spirit number 19 is when you don't know what what do i pray for when you don't know what to pray for pray in the holy ghost start to pray in the spirit when you don't know what to do lord i don't know what to do so just bam just turn to your training wheels and it'll keep you in the in the perfect will of god amen so you'll just bam you just instantly keep yourselves in the perfect will of god number 20 doctors have proven that 30 minutes of praying in tongues you can go on youtube videos there's a hundred of them out there now doctors have proven physiologically with mris and everything 30 minutes of praying in tongues activates a part of your brain that's totally unused and what it does is it washes the other areas of the brain that have been damaged this is this is not even up for debate this is actually a physiological medical fact praying in tongues heals a part of your brain that's been damaged come on right so they proved just 30 minutes of praying in tongues it activates another part of your brain you don't use and it heals another part of your brain that's been damaged over the years drugs alcohol whatever it might be there's been damage to your brain how many think god knows what in the world he's doing come on somebody of course the devil doesn't want you praying in tongues this is why he doesn't want you to have that part of your brain restored now i we just ministered in between the time we were with you we went to wisconsin we ministered in wisconsin and so while we were ministering in in wisconsin there was a young man that came up to us and um we went we found out this young man born again filled with the holy spirit the doctors had diagnosed him without uh i forget what they call it where the right brain and the left brain are connected by a cord anyone know what that cord is called i don't know that could be what it is i don't know the name of that chord i believe so too and it's where the right brain and the left brain can communicate with each other he doesn't have that cord he was never born with it okay and so as a result the doctor said he shouldn't be able to talk he shouldn't be able to communicate he shouldn't be able to have an intelligent conversation all of these different things there's several different things that he should not be able to do well he was born without it but after being filled with the holy spirit and praying in tongues the last 10 years he went in and he went into the doctor and the doctor said i don't know how this it doesn't come back but you have a brand new one there that's in that part of your brain is that amazing huh so what did the lord do he healed that didn't just heal it but he did a creative miracle by praying in the holy ghost come on right so just simply by praying in the holy ghost he went and not only activated a part of his brain but he went and healed uh that part of his brain was healed by him praying in tongues come on glory to god amen i'll tell you what the devil hates it when we pray in tongues is that right i mean he hates it he hates it he doesn't understand it he doesn't know what you're saying you've gone completely around him you're not talking natural soulish but you're talking spirit to spirit you're talking in a language only that this new creation can speak only the new creation can speak in other tongues so why pray in tongues i just gave you 20 reasons why to pray in the spirit why get filled with the holy spirit some people are why do i need this why do i need this in my life i gave you 20 reasons why some people are like nah i'm good no we beg to differ all right your wife begs to differ okay i'll just tell you like that all right [Laughter] jesus he'll heal that part of his brain lord right you understand so these are not even you know uh uh you know that like the last one i just gave you is not even up for debate this is a physiological fact that god is saying listen i'm giving this to you i've given you this ability would you help me on the keyboard would you that'd be awesome and so this morning i was wondering i said lord what do you want to do this morning i was going to end it with divine healing and pray for the sick and stuff but this is what i felt in my heart i felt like people need to be filled with the holy spirit people need to be filled with the holy spirit and to receive that free gift one more time will you put a scripture up there for me brother acts 2 39. hallelujah blessed be the lord father we give you praise today so acts 2 39 for the promise what promise verse 38 tells us it's the promise is the holy spirit for the promise is to what to you to your children and to all who are far off and to as many as the lord our god shall call is that what it says so that covers everybody that covers everybody the day of pentecost their children to many that are far off and to as many as the lord our god will call is that right how many is the lord saved you he saved you're born again right okay then the bible says this gift is to you i mean some people when they get to heaven they're gonna be like god's gonna say i sent my son to die to be able to give you the promise so the father gave you a gift called the son the son gave you a gift called the holy spirit the holy spirit wants to give you a gift called the ability to pray in the holy spirit amen [Music] so this morning if you're here maybe a guest a visitor and you've never been born again and this morning you want to rededicate your life or give your life to christ if that's you i just want you to lift your hand and we want to pray for you for salvation
Channel: Tom SCARRELLAministries
Views: 5,000
Rating: 4.8951964 out of 5
Keywords: tom scarrella, scarella, miracles, bill johnson, bethel, revival, rodney howard-browne, sid roth, it's supernatural, Pete Cabrera Jr, Todd White, Last Reformation, new age healing, DHT, divine invasion, gifts of the spirit, prophetic ministry, prophetic training, prophetic equipping, pray in tongues, speak in tongues, interpret your tongues, tongues and interpretation, pentecostal, be filled with the spirit, hear God's voice, God's voice, building up yourself
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 24sec (3024 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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