Spartan Armaply Level III+ Body Armor Test

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welcome back to everybody this is Eric here with Iraq veteran 8888 we got another body armor test for you today as many of you know we've covered body armor and a lot of different videos over the years and this video is no different but we always like to approach body armor review from basically a specific purpose like we try to take a certain concept with the firearm we use and approach it in kind of a somewhat real-world scenario so what we're going to be talking about today is DMR is a little bit we've got an SPR inspired DMR AR right here that we're going to be using we've also got an m1 a and 308 Chad did a video recently on his m1 a that he's decked out a bit very nice rifle what happens when you wear a body armor and you get shot out with the DMR okay now this may not necessarily equate to something to many of you but you have to consider in a battlefield environment if your soldier who's wearing body armor or whatever what happens when these these precise rifles hits you at long-range now it really just comes down to the caliber right so we know that XM 193 m855 m80 ball that's what a lot of these plates are designed to stop now the armor that we're going to be shooting today is a very new style of armor this is available from Spartan armor systems this is their arm apply this particular one is a level 3 Plus this one has what's called their swimmer's cut and it's an extreme high hardness steel plate it has their advanced triple curve technology it's a very specific way that they Bend this plate to get a nice ergonomic feel of the plate when you're wearing it the deep cuts on the side these swimmers cuts as they call them they are designed for the maximum amount of comfort concealment and mobility okay so this is a the type of plate that you could expect really anybody who wants a good set of ar500 type armor to be wearing it has a very good anti spalling capability to it basically the jacket splashes are captured by the plate when it impacts the plate we've got ballistic vaud back here kind of rigged up a bit and what we've got is these bits of two by sixes on the side and top a little bit here so that if any anti serve the spalling gets out from the anti spalling coding hopefully these boards will catch it that's why we don't have the plate in the carrier because we want to show how well that anti Spalding coding works with this particular plate it's a very robust plate they're pretty strong we've shot them before this is nothing new to you guys but we always like to kind of you know put a spin on things so I'm going to run three rounds of XM 193 55 grain three rounds of m855 62 grain okay that's the green tip stuff and we've done some chronograph work earlier they are moving pretty fast out of this 18 inch barrel we've done some testing before with shorter barrels but you know with a shorter barrel you lose a little bit of velocity so we stepped it up to the 18 inch barrel and then of course the longer barrel on the m1 a is getting some some pretty nasty velocities so we're going to play around with them shoot them at close range then we're going to back up to DMR range and lob some in and try to shoot a whole bunch in one area and see if we can break through that plate we're going to get after the testing here we did some velocity testing earlier with the XM 193 and the m855 and guys that stuff is getting down out of an 18-inch barrel it's moving pretty fast we got a lot of foot-pounds energy going downrange we're only about 20 feet away this is worst case scenario you turn a corner there's a guy with a DMR he was maybe he was on his way to I don't know sneak up on top of the roof and he caught you in the process and he's going to engage you with his SPR from 20 feet what would happen all right we're going to fire three shots per ammo type first X m1 9 355 grain then we're going to go m855 62-grain green tip I'm going to put them in kind of some quadrants so we can kind of see the damage from each one 62 you can really hear that thing smack it and guys this is very close let's have a look all right we came over here and buzzed out our screws it looks like the plate did its job I put those rounds pretty much right where I wanted I pulled one a little bit low and it clipped the edge of the plate kind of neared the edge and it deflected and went into the torso okay so that was my fault however that's one interesting thing to note though in a real-world scenario you don't know where you're going to get shot I mean that's just the nature of it I mean if the round were an inch lower it would have missed the plate so all in all the rounds did their job and theis pauling coating did its job all the jacket splashes were caught there's a little bit of jacket splash that seems to escape barely it's not even really poking in the wood it's more like just fragments from like powdered metal from when the projectile hits that plate and then just disintegrates as little bits of powdered metal but no actual jacket fragments one thing about these when you're wearing them inside of a carrier and the plate gets hit the carrier helps to contain a lot of that stuff as well but we wanted to show it out of the carrier just to show you exactly what you're getting with something like this that's not so bad we're going to strap her back in place and hit her with the m1a with some m80 ball 147-grain let's see what that does to it out of an m1 eh alright so same test except this time we're going to run m80 ball out of an m1 a with a 22 inch barrel from about 20 feet away if you turn a corner and there in the guy like this is pointing this gun at you you can probably need to reconsider your path in life but if you do find yourself in that situation what would happen that sounded like it hurt let's have a look I have to say guys you can color me impressed alright that coating actually just made its way off of the plate and its entirety by the time the third shot came around our plate was sent a little bit low but look at that it ate every single one of those m80 ball rounds I was a little bit skeptical to be honest with you at that distance the 22 inch barrel 147-grain ma d coming out of it I have my doubts but it contained this balling you don't really see a lot of jacket splash there's a little bit right here it's very very superficial I believe that would have been caught by the carrier and guys remember we've already hit it with six rounds of five five six so that's six rounds of five five six out of an 18-inch barrel and then are three rounds of 308 but I'll tell you what we're going to play a wild card since this plate is toast how about a Lehigh defense controlled chaos 110 grain moving in about thirty one seventy two guys that thing is getting down we're going to break back shoot it again and then after that we're going to get on some fresh plates back off to 400 yards have a little fun see what these DMR's will do at long-range let's do it this is very worst case scenario oh well then let's uh let's get in close shall we see what happened well guys there's a reason that we chose that 110 grain control chaos based on the velocity that is traveling it has roughly a thousand foot-pounds of energy more than the m855 index m193 due out of the 18-inch BCM rig that we built there so you're getting a lot more foot-pounds of energy you've got equal speed so anytime that we're doubling the mass at roughly the same speed that's going to make this armor have a much harder job of overcoming that that that guy is moving okay that thing is getting down now this plate was rather animated when we struck it in fact to the degree which surprised me a good bit we didn't really have it you know screw down or anything but it stopped it okay now there definitely as you can see the way that thing flew there definitely with some kinetic energy transfer there that would not be pleasant okay you wouldn't want to be shot with that it probably still knocked the breath out of you might even break a rib you still get still a lot of energy your body still has to stop the bullet just because you're wearing armor doesn't mean you still don't have to stop it it just means that the the the energy is transferred over the entire surface area of the plate against your body as opposed to it just going right through you making a huge bloody mess so that's an interesting result I'm actually very surprised all of us are I thought that one Tim was going to scream right through it nothing that we've shot at this today is armor-piercing rated because that's not really what the plate is rated for but we are going to break out for fun and we're going to get one clean plate and we're going to Pelt the crap out of it with a variety of different rounds and just see what happens from way up there on the hill let's do it all right we're going to back off in the kind of scenario that you would expect if let's just say long way away somebody with an AR okay have a little fun here we're going to run 20 rounds 10 rounds of XM 193 10 rounds of m855 starting with 55 going up to 60 to green so we're 400 400 meters away got you wrong way huh no it doesn't that one was high yeah this ammo is all over the dang place alright well that first string there was not very impressive at all that ammo is not what we would consider the most consistent in the world we stepped up to a sixty grain Nosler this is a hunting load this is a hand load that Chad's put together running around twenty nine fifty feet per second so it's definitely getting down it's a hot 60 grain Nosler this should shoot a little bit more consistently and we'll see if we can't get some hits on the plate and then step up to m80 ball out of the m1 eh there we go yep man it is amazing what good ammunition can do to make a difference hopefully we stack some rounds in there with some pretty good regularity good group size we'll go down there and inspect the damage in a moment first let's pill tit with a couple of rounds of m80 get after it right yes we are all right well that's a pretty impressive result we saw that at close range both of those rifles were stopped by this plate this is one of the lightest plates on the market that actually does the job that it does in particular this is a six point six pound plate so nice light weight we got several Nosler sixty green hits ss109 m855 XM 193 m80 ball it ate everything not a single thing made it through we knew that going into it that this was probably going to happen pretty interesting thing to note a lot of our misses you can see you know struck right through the wood we have one miss that went straight through a two-by-six long ways wide ways so through all of that that pine right there that's very interesting result to see that projectile and just how much more powerful it is it's it's very powerful even at longer range so it's definitely nothing to sneeze at that's an interesting result I hope you enjoyed today's video thanks for watching make sure if you guys want there's a discount code in the description box below if you happen to you know buy any of this armor use that code and you get 15% off definitely not a bad deal the stuffs kind of pricey although very high quality so 15 percent can equate to pretty good bit of money thank you so much for watching today's video guys we have a lot of awesome stuff on the way we'll see you soon thanks again you you
Channel: Iraqveteran8888
Views: 213,429
Rating: 4.8946896 out of 5
Keywords: Spartan Armor Systems, aRmaply, AR500, AR550, Body ARmor, Level III, Level 3, Level III+, Level 3+, Spartan Armaply, Lightwieght armor, Personal Armor, Lehigh Defense, COntrolled Chaos, ZQI Ammo, iv8888, iraqveteran8888, eric and chad, eric and barry, eric and berry, eric & chad, eric & barry, eric & berry
Id: hFf06NUjNdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2015
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