LA Police Gear Level III Budget Armor: Better Than Level IV Plates?

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Youtube tests are not accepted as valid in most circles for a reason.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 7 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/richardguy šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ May 12 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

It seems too good to be true, but if it lives up to what is demonstrated in this video, it's a great value.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 6 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/wadesauce369 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ May 12 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

Good video, they seem like excellent budget plates...probably better than ar500. Iā€™d still recommend saving to get some hesco plates

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 8 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/GRIZZ828 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ May 12 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

That's cool and hella impressive, but I wouldn't bet my life on YouTube testing (which doesn't follow proper testing protocol). If it consistently performed better than level 3, I'd imagine they'd market it as such. I know nothing about the armor other than what I've seen here online.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/pew_medic338 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ May 12 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] welcome back everybody today we're doing another armor test and it's gonna be on the plates that are in this carrier that you see right here some of you may be asking yourself why the heck does he have a microphone on his plate carrier set great question so the rest of the video that you guys are gonna see here in just a second was filmed out at the range and one thing I learned I had my wire up through the plate care and I learned that armor plates for whatever reason they cause interference and livelier microphone wires so we had to reshoot the beginning of the scene which is what you guys are watching right now but again we're going over the level three plates from la police gear and I also wanted to cover the carrier here as well they come in several colors obviously we have an OD green here they also make tan and another one black and I think one other as well but it's really well priced and I think for the money is a lot of value it has nice Pierce to be laser-cut Mali pals whatever you want to call it attach the system all the way around including the cummerbund the cummerbund is adjustable so you can lengthen it or you can pull it in a little bit tighter as well it's cut to fit the 10 by 12 plates that they offer which makes sense and the plates are actually slightly smaller than that I think I'll touch on that here in just a second as well has the loops here so that way you can run either hydration comms equipment those sorts of things patches of course for your morale patches and mildly offensive patches that you might want to wear to offend your unit commander if you're in the military and also you can put the side armor in the cummerbund you can also completely remove it and just run it as a very minimalist plate carrier because it does have clips underneath as well but yeah that's pretty much it I think the rest of the video has decent audio so let's jump out to the range and continue on I'm sure that was terrible from an audio perspective but of course we have the place here where you can add your velcro patches up top as you saw there this one does open up one thing that's different from some of the competitive offerings out there about this plate pair is that a portion that actually holds the plate up is this piece right here there's not internal webbing in each of the plate carrier size I personally prefer the interior wedding I think is a little bit more stable design obviously though it adds pasta to it and like I said these ones are pretty budget-friendly so there is that there's the pleat we're gonna start shooting here in just a second and you guys can see they're on the back side how the bell curl is it's basically box stitched on there like I mentioned your cummerbund can come straight out and you can run it just with these clips if you want to kind of go really really minimalist cut the weight down we have good padding here on the shoulders it's good stitching here reinforced stitching for the drag collar in the giant collar actually has kind of a cool feature on it so it's got a piece of velcro on there that keeps it down that's a small thing but I do like it honestly I think more companies should use that and you guys can see there it's very thick corduroy material I doubt this in the United States it doesn't say where it's made any work on that but I mean this is a pretty darn good plate carrier for the money so anyway I wanted to cover that now let's get into the blades getting into the place themselves again level three plates these ones here right weigh in right at five pounds you guys can see it has a good curve to it there so it's nice and comfortable when it hits your body it also has the shooter's cut there so when you have a rifle up in your shoulder pocket it's not gonna be as obstructed as it would be if it was just a perfect rectangle on there these ones here of course are pretty darn thin weighs in right at five pounds so level three for those who don't know is rated to stop basically most common rifle rounds include 308 7.62 by 5'4 or etc however it will not stop armor penetrating rounds now this particular plate is constructed of aluminum alumina right there not aluminum alumina which is a type of ceramic so you have ceramics what that's gonna do is in front in theory it's gonna break it up and cause bullet deformation or fragmenting and then in the back the ultra high of molecular polyethylene will grab it and that's how it's supposed to stop now compared to other level three that don't have the ceramic I would say this probably has a better chance of stopping some like m855 that said it is a hundred cent not warranty for that should stop any pistol shotgun and again non armor penetrating type of rifle rounds so regardless let's go set it up and then start hammering on this thing we have the plate downrange in approximately ten yards right now we just have some munitions stuff 125 grade 9 millimeter and a Glock 19 M from Big Daddy unlimited and should handle this just fine but we want to make sure it's not like completely defective before we start actually testing it out not a terrible shot I was aiming dead center and of course you can see we hit there there's already starting to be some ceramic breakup which is to be expected there's almost no back face deformation at all a very very slight balls which is what you'd expect now that we've verified the plate is actually constructed correctly we're gonna test it we're gonna hit it with some m855 out of a ten and a half inch barrel so if you guys have watched my level 3 videos in the past they haven't this has been the failure point however I tested it with an 8-inch barrel same ammo before and they did okay so we'll see how this one does with that ceramic up front baby maybe it'll pass again it's not ready to but we'll see you guys can probably see the green tips there from the camera we have a ten and a half inch Faxon barrel in there and we'll see how it does I'm I'm giving it like a and percent chance just because of that uh construction but we'll see let's check it out [Music] as you guys just saw it stopped it we had plenty of ceramic upset there in the front a little bit of back face deformation but not bad so what that's telling me again we're just gonna kind of emo nerd out on you guys ceramic up front designed to sort of break apart disrupt the path of the bullet depending on the type of bullet that it is and then the polyethylene in the back what that does when a bullet comes into it is that it I mean this happens really really fast obviously as you can imagine but the heat generated by the bullet momentarily melts the polyethylene and then the way the substance is designed does that as soon as it hits that melting point again it goes back to the solid point and what that does is grab it so it sort of melts grabs it real quick and when you see a very little back face deformation like that it's telling me that it wasn't exactly hitting that hard when it went into the polyethylene so the ceramic took most of the blow now for those of you guys are subscribers here and if you're not subscribed go ahead and hit the subscribe button if you like this kind of video because I test tons tons of armor this is the first to date level 3 plate rated plate that has stopped 855 about a 10 and 1/2 inch barrel so that's awesome and again that has to do with the construction of it like we already kind of triple tapped on but the cost of it is that it's a little bit heavier than some other level three plates out there so I'm impressed by that for sure it is again not rated to do that I'm gonna run the same MO in a 16 inch barrel and see what happens same exact ammo as you guys can see 16 inch dealt on middling Earl here and we'll see let's check it out I don't think I mentioned it earlier but the box behind where we're setting the plate up that is filled with a bunch of like clay dirt it's probably got about 50 to 60 pounds of dirt in it so it has some actual resistance sort of like a body would if you were wearing armor when we shot this one obviously this is our impact there it didn't move a lot that typically when that happens that's telling you that it went through because there's not a lot of resistance as it just punches right through so I totally thought it went through and didn't go through so that's pretty impressive obviously more back face deformation that we had here with the ten and a half inch because as you would expect it's got more energy when it punches through that ceramic now there is a term in the armor industry again for those of you guys that are kind of new and it's called level three plus and that's not an official NIJ rating and I should also mention that these plates can not have it and I J certifications are done for those of you guys that's important too but level 3 plus is essential a plate that can stop 8:55 like you guys just saw up to a certain speed out of a 16 inch barrel at you know ten yards like we're at right now but it can also rather will not also stop in a 30 Cal armor penetrating round which is what level four is level four is indicating that it will stop that well I happen to have one of those out here today so I did not expect to get this far but anybody who's watched these videos over the years and knows I killed the armor one way or another and I totally thought it would be dead by now so regardless let's set it up and then really hammer this thing but it's doing well I'm laughing because of how absurd this is guys this is not rated for it that plays a level three plate it should not anyway stop and it shouldn't a shop stop the 855 but we're gonna see if it will stop mill surplus 30.6 black tip so that's the AP round out of my 1903 a4 here I need to do a video on this rifle it's beautiful girl here I've had it forever I've just never done a video on it so let's see if it'll do it again guys this is the standard from level 4 not oval 3 so let's see let's check it out I'm not sure how it looked in the slow-motion you guys know that better than I do at this point but I totally thought it went through tons of energy transfers you would imagine 30.6 AP is a hammer of around and I thought it went through especially when I saw the hole in the box but no and you guys can see here I'm not pulling a fast one on you that is a level 3 plate says it right on there not a level 4 I'm not substituting anything this is insane performance and again I do this all the time so color me impressed by these plates here so as you guys saw tons and tons of back face deformation there's about four inches of back face deformation 3/4 inches separation as well and one thing I should point out here that I I want to point out rather is the if we can see it one thing that's different about Illumina versus again like the 3m stuff that I was talking about earlier in terms of a ceramic is that the alumina is a hard product and when it actually gets hit it tends to flake break those sorts of things along very clean lines like you see here there's nothing wrong with that the only downside to it is that if you're looking at multi hit capability you sort of lose a little bit there because when it hits I'm not sure if the camera will pick that up but there's like an edge there in the aluminum so if you were to hit this exact same spot again basically what you're getting is the level three performance from the polyethylene so it's definitely multi hit rated and we're gonna test that here in just a second because again I totally figured that would have killed it but we're gonna hit it with some multi hit stuff but I mean what can I say it's a this has never happened on the channel before like I just said we're gonna test the multi hit capability so we have Remington double up book you guys can see high brass there 12 gauge stuff coming out of my 1301 Langdon tactical shotgun which is fantastic I actually kind of doubt it will make it through all these the plate will probably bounce but one thing I didn't mention so far guys is that this thing that a plate is not expensive so I think it's right now MSRP around $100 so there'll be a link down below in the video description or pendant and comments but again impressive performance to date if this thing stays upright we'll put all four more rounds of buckshot into it let's check it out so the plate stayed upright and we hammered the crap out of it as you guys can see not a single pass through at all with all that buckshot not buckshot was centralised there so that's like a six inch pattern there and it was hammer and at for sure it stayed together definitely a little bit more separation here on the side that we had in the past and actually a little bit on the bottom starting to form but you guys can see the ceramic falling out which kind of goes to illustrate my point earlier about how you lose that sort of what would typically be considered a p-type protection from the ceramic or higher protection over from ceramic right now it's just relying on the polyethylene there in the spots anyway without the ceramic they're still ceramic though there's there's probably about quarter of the plate surface is covered a ceramic all this is covered a ceramic a little bit of this and then down here on the bottom is all ceramic as well so I yeah I've never had a plate survive here on the channel so we are gonna see if we can kill it again did not expect us to still be here in an attempt to kill it we busted out the six point five Grendel this one here is loaded up with a hundred and twenty grain federal American Eagle open tip match so not as fast as some six five Grendel out there out of our radical 16-inch upper here but I'm gonna try to just kind of one hold it and see if we just punch through again guys it's way beyond what it's ready to do at this point now we're just kind of doing our best to kill it so let's see looks like we had one push through let's check it out [Music] as you guys probably saw from the slow-motion footage we did have penetration I think it was actually the second one because that's the first one right there and that one didn't go through but I bet there's like one way huh polyethylene there and then this one here punched through there so again guys it is not rated for any of that we went well above beyond what it's rated for but at this point I feel confident saying that that is an excellent plate for the money it seems to perform well above the level 3 standard again that's probably why it weighs a little bit more it's just a little beefier and a little bit more rugged a little bit more durable now generally speaking outside of the weight factor that is a desirable thing we're talking about armor so there is that but yeah I think they're putting up a pretty solid product from everything I've seen especially at the price point so if you guys have any questions about the plate anything like that you know let's post down below in the comment section as always if you need an answer to your question the best place to reach me is over at my facebook page I do get back to all the messages over there because I don't see them elsewhere sometimes takes me a few days because there's a few hundred thousand of you and only one of me but I do get back to folks over there but that's it guys thanks for watching look forward to seeing all of you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Mrgunsngear Channel
Views: 82,018
Rating: 4.9634371 out of 5
Keywords: la police gear, body armor, ceramic armor, level iii body armor, level iii+ lightweight body armor, best body armor, body armor review, body armor test, la police gear armor, la police gear body armor, la police gear level III, la police gear level IV, LAPG armor, armor test, level iv armor, body armor setup, body armor drink review
Id: WYLvtrxZxcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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