RTS Tactical Ceramic Level IV Plates Vs 44 Magnum Close Range

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alright guys go boy 32 here checking out so we're out here at the Midland County sportsmen Association this is one of my favorite little range bass because basically I can come out here compete my myself it's short and sweet and to the point and it serves well for everything that I have to do but in case it's gonna serve real well for today's test we're testing out this guy right here this is a plate by SRT tactical 2 Amba Tec nanotech NIJ level for protection insert this is the model AASK - for lot number blah blah blah threat level NIJ zero one zero one point zero six level for this model of armor has been determined to comply with the level four standalone through tests conducted in accordance with nlectc s compliance testing it says this side towards you anyway I'm actually got two of these things they're inserted in this plate carrier that I'm wearing right now this is their their plate carrier this is in the multi camp so if you remember a while back I did a review on these guys right here now this is their level three this is the AR 500 plate well those holes right there are from a five five six and shot through a twenty inch barrel which we are going to do today through this guy right here this is the elite build this is that one that was getting those four inch groups with the uh what he called that the Tula ammo man a lot a lot of hate mail from that guy right there but we are also going to test it with the trusty ak-47 got a little optic here on top of this thing we'll be doing a test on that guy long time a little while from now and then we're not messing around with any nine millimeters today boys and girls we are going to go ahead and do something a little different a little 44 Magnum action so what does that testing us consists of we're going to go ahead I'm gonna put one round each through the plate carry the plate itself we are going to put it into the plate carrier because one of the things that I want to do is and if you remember we also did a little task where I tried to put the spray on stuff on here for the small protection is and that's probably one of the it's just as important as a penetration and small protection because what we did with this guy without small protection took a balloon put it on top of it and it just shredded a balloon we can actually see this has a some serious ball protector as a matter of fact it's got some defined rigid edge on it as well as some really nice spongy for small protections but what I want to do is I want to put it into their plate carrier this is one just like I'm wearing right now really cool stuff it's got the breathable inserts right there and if you're interested in taking a look at it actually I did a review on the one that I'm wearing right now matter of fact the plate carrier that I destroyed is sitting over there near the trashcan and that was from a while ago but we're gonna do is we're gonna shoot with five five six we're going to shoot it with the green tips 55 grain we're gonna shoot with the 7.62 by 39 and we're gonna shoot it with some 240 grain 44 mag one round at a time we're gonna examine it for spalling we're gonna take a look at it for penetration and see how it runs now the advantage of running say a level four ceramic plate like this versus this guy right here is about three and a half four pounds each these things there's a huge difference between the two so when you put both plates on this AR 500 you are you will feel the weight I always tell people go for the best you can afford it and to be perfectly honest with these guys right here I'll put the link down RTS tactical you can find these things they are more economical now than ever so let's go ahead and install it in the plate and get to shooting and I think what we'll do is we'll go ahead and shoot from 50 yards that's a good distance for a rifle for impacts and it will go ahead and shoot for maybe eight or ten yards with the 44 Magnum that should be a lot of fun to see how it works out here we go stand by alright yeah so here we are with 50 yard line I've got cameras in the front of that thing and I got cameras in the rear what are we gonna do we're gonna shoot it with the 124 grain tiger which is something that's supposed to be really nice I'm literally looking forward to it so here we go we've got a new optic on here the reason we're shooting this thing the first time is I've got this thing zeroed in on a rock so I'm hoping we'll just go ahead and hit it so here we go Center ass let's get on down there and see how it looks all right so I'm overexposed but I wanted to show you this there's the point of impact right here okay so we're gonna do I want to pull this out I'm looking up here and there is zero penetrations on the upper side so that's what I wanted to see even on this side there's absolutely nothing that we can see if our planet rations of concern we do have a little bit of fragmentation out here look a little a little bit on a ceramic buildup so we can go ahead pull it out from the bottom and take a look at see what we got all right gets bulging in the backside right here you guys can see that but on the front side it encapsulated that bullet that bullets in there somewhere we'll dig it out here in a little bit what I want to do now is I want to try there's a piece of the bullet right there that's the jacket I want to go ahead and I'm gonna isolate this area for the five five six first thing we'll do is we'll shoot right side upper with the 62-grain right inside lower with fifty five grain and then what will happen is we can go ahead and hit right in the middle with some 44 mag here we go I don't want you I want to show you guys something see the leading edge nada not a thing all right so on this next round we're gonna go with the elite now this is a 20-inch barrel one and eight twist this is gonna launch this 62-grain at a pretty good velocity but that's what we want to do we want to test it we get something that's pretty big huge huge go ahead load up one green tip and we're gonna shoot the upper left right upper left corner here we go oh you can see what that green tip did to that thing very clear a firearm let's get on down there and see what we got Sam I all right so we're sitting here we got the 62 grand green tip bad things got a hole in it and that bad boy did some damage you can see right there let's go ahead and pull the plate out let's see how it fared against the 62 all right there you can take a look at it most importantly there's nothing that's falling across the bottom or the top nothing came out of the top and the backside is Bo's doubt but that's it somewhere in there there's a bullet we may have to dig it out and find it let's go ahead and hit it with the 55 grain and then I'm really looking forward to that 44 mag all right so when you shoot the steel AR 500 we found out 20 inch barrel 55 green will roll right through that thing Swiss cheese 62-grain not so much but if it's a 5 gram just because you're hitting the muzzle velocity of my god 330 250 feet per second this thing's are smoking round so what we're gonna do we're gonna put one on the lower left side up there see how the 55 grain works out here we go interesting it's clear let's get on up there and see ya see how it worked out here we go alright so right here is our penetration we got them on the edge so they're not being interesting to see what happens nothing through the backside but we do have some stuff coming out and this is interesting I want to see how it did on the edge okay there now check that out hit it on the direct edge no spalling coming out nothing on the backside guys yeah that's three nice rounds in there and that's the damage that you got not bad not bad at all now it's time for the fun but in all seriousness 7.62 you got the 62 grain and the 55 grand guys this thing's holding up pretty good we already know that the 308 it's not going to go through this but I'm gonna tell you something it'll be interesting to see how much damage is incurred by the 44 Magnum because a real good friend of mine told me that well 44 doesn't have as much kinetic energy as a 55 grain two five six let's find out all right guys here we are man we got the Beast this is the Ruger Redhawk 7 1/2 inch barrel pick this up from the guys down there at point-blank range is amused and certified preowned but any case it did come with the Rings I've got a scope ordered for it but I felt like this would be a really good opportunity to play with this I'm really excited about it now we are shooting through this this guy right here this is a 240 grain 44 Magnum bullet so let's go ahead we're gonna shoot at center mass where five yards figure you know hey that's a good distance if you're engaging something or someone or a bear who's wearing a ceramic plate you never know damn bears these days there we go center mass this ought to be fun now remember my buddy I'm not gonna name he knows who he is says that the five five six has more kinetic energy than a 44 Magnum let's find out let's check it out here we go all right guys the hole is right there in the middle and it's a lot bigger than these other little vide holes so let's just see what the damage was done 44 Magnum yeah here we go you can see right there that there's a lot of play a lot bigger holes - no these other ones right anyway there it is that thing's huge they're all big holes I don't care what you say a lot of fun testing this thing out for the guys over there RTS tactical this is made in America right there in Miami and I tell you what I wouldn't have any reservations about recommending this as a matter of fact it surpassed anything that I thought it would do but I have five more bullets in that Ruger Redhawk so anyway guys I'm gonna put the link down below RTS tactical go over there check them out if I had to pick between these plates and the AR 500 it would have to be these they're the cost justification to spend a little bit more for this is in my mind not even an option let's go ahead and put five more rounds in this thing and see what it does here we go so you're walking through the woods you know mining your own business here comes a big old grizzly bear he's happy to be wearing like you know some level 4 ceramic plates what do you do what do you do you pull out the old Ruger 44 Magnum 107 1/2 inch barrel that's what you do here we go she's a goner well out the bottom of that bad boy look at that that's impressive oh there we go part of the bullet poor little bear he's sitting over there he's armor plating it's unreal we got to put him out 44 mag I'm just having too much fun today alright guys so that's what a 44 mag does to some ceramic plates but let's hope nada I don't know what else you could do that things this is some good stuff I'm very happy that I've got to here in my rig one in the front one in the rear of course got a nice big old flat and bullet in there yeah we're just having too much fun today any case that's it nothing out the rear RTS tactical mmm-hmm go boy 32 guys if you liked this video please give it a thumbs up scribe air hammer to done so support red white and blue god Bless America vs. men women in uniform and you know what's next those who defend our Constitution as it was written by our founding fathers 24/7 for freedom because freedom is not free I'll be good don't forget to subscribe da I'm out of here
Channel: Kotaboy32 Tactical
Views: 22,552
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Id: gnyz5rXBx78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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