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come and take it joe biden come and take it what's going on guys today i've got a new pickup we've got the spartan armor ar500 omega body armor here so this is the box here um today we're going to be going over pretty much everything you need to know about purchasing body armor uh i got this in about two three days ago it came with the front the side the back plates i got some trauma pads for the front and the back i've got uh the plate carrier as well um great package that spartan armor is offering this costed me not including the trauma pads the whole the package cost me about 250 with the trauma pads was about 300 dollars total so this was actually a very affordable uh armor system that i purchased here and you know i've got this is rifle rated armor guys so this is rated level three by the nij and it's rated level three plus by ar 500 so this is supposed to stop very uh fast traveling uh high velocity rifle caliber rounds we're going to go over pretty much everything you need to know about purchasing body armor again i want to talk about the plate carrier the plates everything that it came with and then we're gonna have a conversation about uh the morality behind body armor why i bought my body armor and why i think that if you can work this into your budget i think you should pick this up or at the very least it doesn't even have to be from spartan armor but there's other companies uh such as safe line defense and some other ones that make good products as well so body armor i think is an important thing and uh let's get into it so for starters we're gonna get into these plates um you can see that i am like an average sized person i'm about five ten 185 pounds so i'm a pretty decent sized dude i'm not [ __ ] huge not little and you can see how much of my my torso this is covering and how well this fits i've adjusted it to my body you can adjust these straps up here so i'm gonna we're gonna get a closer look at the armor itself i'm gonna show you guys the side the side and the front and the back plates and i'll show you guys the trauma pads as well okay so first up we've got our front and our rear plate this is a 10 by 12 plate it's made out of ar500 steel you can see here it's got a curve to it so it will curve around your body which is nice that makes it a lot more comfortable for the user because obviously your body is not flat your body is curved so having that curvature that curvature which is in the side armor as well makes it a lot more comfortable to wear it's got some writing here you can see you'll have the nij tested level it's a level three 10 by 12 plate it was made in tucson this is the date it was manufactured it's got the warranty date and then it's also got the shelf life so this is obviously the curved side is the body side side that you want facing your body uh made in the usa and then it's got a signature here so this is a uh good look at it this [ __ ] uh spartan logo [ __ ] this is dope as [ __ ] it's badass i gotta admit that is [ __ ] cool um but yeah this this is uh this is the what the plate looks like obviously the rear plate looks the exact same and this is going to give you again 10 by 12. so this is going to give you a decent amount of coverage for your uh vital organs including your heart and your lungs and all that good stuff you need to live so this is the front and back plate okay so next up we have the trauma pad now this is for any what they call back face deformation so if in the event that you were to be shot with a heavier round the back of the body armor may bend slightly and that could cause an immense amount of internal damage that can cause broken ribs and so this right here is a trauma pad which is meant to absorb any type of uh pressure that would obviously be created by it that super fast traveling around slamming into your body even if it's stopped by this the steel that can still cause damage to your body which we obviously don't want so this trauma pad right here sits behind your plate and it's meant to absorb any left leftover trauma basically or leftover back face deformation that may be caused by being shot now again this is these are great plates it's very limited but again if you are shot with a heavier round such as a 308 you can get some back face deformation so this right here would absorb uh the rest of that and you wouldn't have any type of uh internal damage so lastly this is the side plate here as you can see same as the front plate just smaller it's got that badass logo on it this is a 6x6 plate it's got that curvature around it as you can see and it's got that same labeling so you've got the level three six by six uh tucson arizona the data was made warranty shelf life signature made in usa this is obviously the curve side is the side that would face your body and um yeah it's basically the same as the front plate except it's smaller and it's meant to go around the side of your body now this body armor does also have a spalling protection so in the event that let's say the steel breaks up the bullet but you can still get shrapnel that can go up into your face and that can cause you know more damage so again this armor will not only stop that bullet but it will catch any leftover fragmentation in the armor so that's uh this is this is high quality stuff guys really uh i highly recommend spartan armor systems you're getting a great great deal for the price and you know this is this is uh this is good armor now there are some downsides and we're going to get into that in just a little bit here so just to show you guys how that plate would actually slide into your armor i like to turn mine upside down just so that i can get it all the way inside make sure it's seated correctly put it in there pretty much making sure that the curved side is facing your body and you just drop it in and pretty much it'll just fall right in there as you can see then you take your your trauma trauma pad i it doesn't i don't think it really matters which way it's facing but again i i will face the back towards me and drop it behind the plate obviously you don't want to put that in front of the plate otherwise it's it's not going to work effectively this isn't bulletproof it literally says non-ballistic so keep that in mind and drop it right underneath there and it slides in pretty well and boom you're good and then it pretty much just slides up in there just like so and with that and that um velcro the industrial velcro pretty much stays in and that's it that's how you put your armor in now as far as what i actually like to run on my plate carrier i keep it simple guys i'm a civilian you're probably a civilian you don't need that much [ __ ] on here i don't need all the tactical [ __ ] i'm not a [ __ ] green beret i'm not a navy seal i'm not in swat okay this is a very simple setup that you're gonna want just for basic protection and everything you're gonna need to keep you alive right so you can see i've got nothing on this side this is my the left side of the plate carrier so this would be my off hand on the front i've got three magazines again i'm not a [ __ ] infantry guy i'm not running 20 magazines on my plates on my or on my plate carrier i'm just keeping three magazines that's 90 rounds for the sake of argument i've got some scissors in here just to show you guys there is a little pouch in here that you could that you have which is cool there's another pouch on the other side you can keep something in there uh that option is there you've got that you've got you know molly webbing all over this you've got molly webbing on the side uh this is a velcro here so you can stick to whatever patch you would want to stick here or whatever you need on this side i've got a tourniquet holder this is obviously you know kind of like something i retrofitted here but it works gets the job done keeps the tourniquet nice and secure in there and then i've got another uh ifak that i can run here on the side nothing else nothing on the back you can see this is the spartan armor system shooters cut it says generation four so we're going to get into pretty much talking about what armor you should get and uh why i think you should get some body armor hey just got the fresh cut okay guys so i do want to make you guys aware of some of the downsides here with the specific armor that i've got so this is the shooter's cut they have a couple different variants they've got the shooters cut and then they've got the swimmers cut now the swimmer's cut cuts out a little bit of this extra plate here as well as on the bottom here it makes it slightly lighter but really it gives you this option to get the stock deeper in your your shoulder here so a big downside is that a sling on him when i go to shoulder my rifle say i'm gonna um weapon is safe so you guys can see when i go to shoulder my rifle you can see that it's it's hitting that armor right so i'm going from a high ready position it's it's it's hitting the side of the armor instead of me actually being able to get that nice and deep in my shoulder now i can still aim i can still do it but with the swimmers cut because it cuts out that side there a little bit of that side of the plate it gives you less protection slightly less protection but it makes it it makes it easier to get that stop deeper in your shoulders it gets you it gives you a little bit more mobility here again just to show you guys even going from like a low ready position it's like it's hitting the side right now again i can still i can still um you know i can still shoot but it's just harder so keep that in mind that it is gonna get in the way a little bit now another big downside to this is that of course this is steel steel is [ __ ] heavy this armor probably weighs uh i weighed myself with it and i weighed myself without it and when i did the comparison there was a 27 pound difference okay so this armor with the magazines uh and like the tourniquet whatever this is a 27 pound plate carrier now without the mags or whatever this would be like 25 pounds keep this in mind it doesn't come with this uh holder right here it doesn't come with the p mags doesn't come with like any of that stuff it's just a bare plate so just make sure you guys are aware of that although i believe that spartan armor does sell pouches and stuff like that but just with the plates and the plate carrier the side plates this thing is heavy as [ __ ] man now i've done training i've been training for the military and the ruck marches and so subsequently i'm going to basic training here soon in a few months and so i've been doing some uh 10 mile walks with 40 pounds on my in my backpack so i am physically in shape i do uh dead lifts with this plate carrier on i do 300 plus pound deadlifts with this plate carrier not that difficult for me so again i am not to to my own horn here but i am physically in shape so subsequently you know i'm sitting right here having a conversation talking to you guys and like um it's not like straining me or anything it's not difficult for me to hold this up but just keep it in mind this this [ __ ] is not [ __ ] light you can get lighter materials there are different materials out there that may be lighter have soft body armor but it's gonna be more expensive steel while it is uh a heavier material it doesn't cost as much money it's more cost effective and that's why i got it okay i don't you know i don't have 400 500 600 plus dollars to drop on uh body armor whereas with this i dropped the 250 and i got all the protection i need and i got a brand new play carrier okay so this is why i believe that this is a good deal uh so just keep in mind that two downsides that i've pointed out again is specifically with this armor with the shooters cut right it does sort of get in the way of the stock right if you get the swimmers cut that won't be an issue so keep that in mind um and then obviously number two being the weight heavy [ __ ] right now another downside i would say is also also the wait time i did have to wait quite a long time for this um at the time that i bought this this was at the height of when we had we're having a lot of riots and so subsequently they had a 10 to 12 week uh lead time so that's like the period of time that you have to wait before your your [ __ ] actually ships um i had to wait eight weeks for this to ship so it actually shipped out quicker than i thought and they told me like it wasn't like i was waiting around like when is this gonna come like they said in advance hey you're gonna have to wait at least 10 weeks for this so that when it actually shipped out in two months which was eight weeks i was very very happy but just keep that in mind that if you do want this the earlier the better because you're gonna have to wait a significant amount of time even now you're gonna have to wait eight to ten weeks in order for your armor to ship out so just so you guys can see this is the back here the side and then the front i've got a good amount of protection yeah you know it's protecting my vital organs uh heart lungs things like that and you've got this added protection here with the sides people say that you know side plates are obsolete you don't need them it just depends it depends on what you're looking for if you just want that heart and the lungs protected and you're like hey this is just dead weight then i would say scrap it but for me when i was looking for armor my goal was to have as much protection as possible uh even if it was heavy so i went ahead and went with the side plates and to me yeah you know these are small this is like a very small place to get hidden but that's less surface area on your body that could get hit so even if it's like hey with this armor instead of uh 100 of my body being able to get hit now only 85 percent of my body can get hit right or with the side plates instead of it being 85 percent of your body that could get hit it's only 80 now that seems like a small difference but it's all random it's all chances so for me i'm like hey that even increases the the likelihood of me surviving i'm gonna go with it i'm wearing body armor i want protection so that was that was my goal uh when i was looking at what armor i should get so some people are gonna say why do you even need body armor this is scary we need to take this away you're just so civilian we don't need it here's my thing guys okay people [ __ ] forget man six months ago okay i'm from detroit michigan all right detroit was one of the hardest hit areas for the coronavirus six months ago in march when that [ __ ] hit it was scary as [ __ ] everybody was panicking everybody was freaking out including me people didn't know what was gonna happen every we thought everything was gonna close we thought the national guard was gonna come out they were going to enforce curfews they were going to have to stand guard at grocery stores we were going to have riots it was real real bad guys here in detroit and i'm telling you like maybe it didn't get that bad at where you live but detroit was one of the worst affected areas by the virus the ship was like spreading real fast like it was dabbling or something every week it was crazy and everybody was scared as [ __ ] and everybody went to the grocery stores at once and bought food and for the first time in my life i went to the [ __ ] grocery store and there was no [ __ ] food on the shelves so i'm going to play you guys this clip just so that you can get an understanding of the environment and what it was like living through and going through uh this harsh time period in one of the hardest hit areas they're gonna step down the grocery stores they're gonna shut down the restaurant everything's gonna be closed [Music] this [ __ ] is real so as you guys can see i was [ __ ] freaking the [ __ ] out man like i was scared man and um everybody was and going to the grocery store you could just feel the tension like it felt like it was like this close to [ __ ] just going up in the grocery store and ripping [ __ ] off the shelves like that's that's how close it felt and i had never seen anything like that in my life in the united states of america going to the grocery store and seeing shelves empty now obviously it didn't get that bad uh we recovered things got better the supply chain didn't break and so subsequently times are a lot better now even though it still sucks it's a lot better than what it was in march when this [ __ ] first hit and everybody was freaking out and going to the store or the grocery store at once right my point in bringing all that up is that that type of thing can and probably will happen again and it could happen worse imagine if people went to the grocery store and couldn't get food imagine if people went to the gas station and couldn't get gasoline imagine if the electricity was shut off there's no police there's nobody to protect you what are you gonna do you gotta envision yourself in the situation and it's scary to think about but through i think this pandemic a lot of people for the first time have realized that we've seen guns gun sales gun background checks all of it has increased we have two million new gun owners man it's [ __ ] crazy two million new gun owners the majority of whom six months ago a year ago two years ago whatever were anti-gun they wanted more gun control they wanted to take guns like this away from you they said hey why does anybody need that and next thing you know what are they doing rushing to the gun store to go get a gun because why they realize for the first time in their lives you're on your own okay envision yourself in that situation where there's chaos all around you and you have to go out and you have to go provide for your family otherwise you guys will starve to death what are you gonna do that's where i see myself that's that's that's a scary thing to think about but you have to envision that we came we came close to that guys i'm telling you closer than we've ever have before at least in modern times to seeing something of that degree and so for me i see body armor as something that's important i see it as something that is going to protect me and is going to protect my family we recently have seen mass civil unrest across the country and i don't want to get too deep into black lives matter that's a whole conversation for a whole another video but what happens when they show up to your city what happens when they show up to your [ __ ] house now here's my thing i'm not gonna go the [ __ ] out there and go protect property that doesn't [ __ ] belong to me guys and i highly recommend that you don't either honestly it's not worth [ __ ] dying for and it's not worth having to kill somebody and getting a murder charge over think about that okay you're not you're open carrying your rifle it's not just for fun and games okay if you you shoot somebody you're gonna get charged with murder and you're gonna have to fight a [ __ ] case in the courtroom and you gotta think to yourself here okay because i'll fight that case if i have to right if i'm threatened my life is threatened and i gotta do what i gotta do i'm gonna do what i gotta do but i'm not gonna deliberately put myself in that situation so i'm not going out there there to those protests or those riots to open i'm not doing that [ __ ] i'm just not doing it it's not [ __ ] worth me dying over or me having to kill somebody it's just not worth it but if you're in a situation where they show up maybe you're a business owner if i was a business owner i would go down there and your business owner these [ __ ] want to burn down your livelihood what are you gonna do i'm gonna go down there and i'm a fight and i want to have protection i'm in a law buying a law-abiding american citizen i pay my taxes i'm not a criminal i don't have a criminal record i vote i've even volunteered to serve this country i've done everything i'm supposed to do as an american so to me i see things like this i see things as my air 15 as the right why take that away from me when i've done everything i'm supposed to do i don't get that but i highly recommend that you get armor guys i highly recommend it if you can because there are different levels they have ar 550 that's like level 4 armor that can stop heavier rounds but even if that's expensive you can just go with this the ar 500 it's cheaper it's 2 200 250 300 bucks for this protection that could save your life in a gunfight that could be the difference between your family eating or your family starving and i know that seems like an extreme guys but [ __ ] can go there man what's gonna happen when these [ __ ] marauders show up to your house they've done it there was a cop a black cop in california and he had shot three people he was involved in three police shootings all of which were justified he wasn't just [ __ ] shooting people for no reason he he had three justified shootings okay dumbass people came out came at him with a knife shot at him whatever and he shot three people all of which were justified in the stupid piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] peaceful protesters showed up to his [ __ ] house he went outside to go and try to reason with them they assaulted him they assaulted his girlfriend and then they shot a gun into his house guess who happened to be in his home his [ __ ] children these [ __ ] showed up to his house and shot at his children so i asked you what are you gonna do in that situation i'm not gonna go outside and try to reason with them i'm gonna lock my doors i'm gonna put my my family in the basement i'm gonna put on my armor i'm gonna grab my sword i'm gonna call the police i'm gonna tell them they need to come here before somebody gets [ __ ] shot because i'm not gonna let these [ __ ] kill my family kill my children [ __ ] that i'll take that case for my family [ __ ] it this ain't [ __ ] uh kyle written house i'm not out there which was justified by the way but i'm not out there protecting some [ __ ] ass property that doesn't [ __ ] belong to me no no this is me protecting my [ __ ] family the moment you threatened me my family you show up to my [ __ ] house you're no longer a [ __ ] peaceful protester you're a combatant and so in that situation what are you going to do you're going to fight that's all you can do and so when you inevitably have to fight when you're pushed into that corner you want to have the most amount of protection that you can and this right here can save your life and this could be the difference in the gunfight it's good i've got my my i've got a good amount of my body protected and i've got certainly the biggest target on my body which is my torso protected by armor armor which can stop high power rifle rounds right i was a range safety officer 90 to 95 percent of what people shot was uh pistol calibers so anything from 22 long rifle to 44 magnum okay this will stop any of that with ease that's most threats the next most common thing was an ak in an ar-15 right so 223 up to 308 and so when i was looking for body armor i knew that that was what i wanted i wanted something that could stop two two three up to 308 now when it comes to armor keep this in mind that the size of the projectile is not as important okay it's the speed in which the round is traveling so it's the feet per second so a round that is traveling uh 3100 feet per second though it may be a smaller caliber is going to be tougher for the armor to defeat versus a round that may have be a bigger projectile but is only traveling 2500 feet per second so keep that in mind but this is what i decided to get for me i got my armor in od green they've got uh beige or like the tactical brown color i call it beige uh they've got it in black you know they've got several different colors i got mine in green just because i figured it was tactical and yeah so here's the way that i look at it myself if you're gonna have a sword you need to have a shield so the way i see it this right here my air 15 is my sword right this is what i'm going to battle with this is the sword this is the shield you want to have both now the sword is more important and that's keep that in mind so if you're looking for you're just getting into firearms i highly recommend you get your don't get your body armor first right get your firearm first get your ar-15 get everything that you need for it and once you're at the point where it's like hey i'm not gonna [ __ ] with this anymore i've got everything i need i'm all set then i would say like hey that's when you want to look into this this is not that expensive guys this isn't like i'm spending eight nine hundred dollars right now they do have uh safe flying defense has body a uh body armor that is like level three rifle rated that will stop like 308 seven six two five five six and it's soft body armor it's insane uh but it's like eighteen hundred dollars it's super expensive so this right here is steel it'll stop the same do the same thing but it's hard not gonna be as comfortable it's gonna be heavier as i stated but bulletproof is [ __ ] bulletproof so no matter what the the [ __ ] uh body armor gurus say for me i'd rather have something than having nothing right so that's what i say guys you know we've got um we've got this election coming up here soon and from what i'm foreseeing i don't know if you guys remember but back in 2016 which compared to [ __ ] now it was a good old days you know no [ __ ] coronavirus no uh you know mass riots across the country um when trump was elected we had riots this was back during the good times that we had riots so imagine how people are gonna [ __ ] react now imagine how these [ __ ] communist pieces of [ __ ] [ __ ] are gonna react when they hear that trump is one the portland antifa how are they gonna react they're gonna react with [ __ ] violence that's what's gonna happen guys i'm telling you even like as a trump supporter i i wouldn't wear mega [ __ ] man you're and here's the thing like you absolutely have the right to do it but you're putting a [ __ ] target on your head especially where i live at you put a trump flag up you put a trump sign up you put a trump bumper sticker up you're asking for your [ __ ] to get vandalized okay i'm not gonna sit here and try to stand out i'm not gonna go to one of these [ __ ] protests if i'm driving the [ __ ] down the street and i see those [ __ ] a mile away standing in the road i'ma drive the opposite way i'm gonna drive another direction home if i pull up in the gas station and i see them all standing together i'm gonna go to another gas station you know why number one it's not worth me having to [ __ ] kill one of these [ __ ] and having to face murder charges it ain't worth it and then number two it's not worth me [ __ ] dying and [ __ ] have died in this during this [ __ ] a lot of people so it's just not worth it so don't go out there to put yourself in that position but when backed into a corner where i say hey i've done everything i was supposed to do i didn't i didn't break the [ __ ] law i didn't you know i'm not a [ __ ] marauder i'm not going around causing violence i'm not i'm not doing any of that [ __ ] i'm doing everything i'm supposed to do and these [ __ ] show up to my [ __ ] i'm gonna do what the [ __ ] i have to do really like i want you guys to stay safe out there honestly there's videos of them [ __ ] pulling up on people eating at restaurants have situational awareness have that situational awareness like hey down the street i can see these [ __ ] walking up on me as a bunch of people they're wearing black masks they're yelling and screaming get the [ __ ] up pay your bill and walk the [ __ ] away because they're violent and when they're violent i'm gonna be [ __ ] violent and when that happens then we're gonna be sitting in the [ __ ] courtroom and you don't want that it's not worth it unless you absolutely have to i'll sit in that [ __ ] courtroom for my family for my children but not for some [ __ ] property you're not for me just trying to say oh [ __ ] [ __ ] these people i'ma drive through this just turn the [ __ ] around be the bigger person that's what that's how i see it but ultimately when you're backed into that corner come out like a [ __ ] lion [ __ ] it now i'm ready for the [ __ ] boogaloo that's how i see it guys so like i said highly recommend you get your body armor again this is the spartan armor systems omega right here you guys can see that let me go over this threat level right quick with you guys so as you guys can see here this is the sentinel carrier it's rated level three um by the nij but it is rated level three plus by spartan number systems multi-hit capabilities it weighs uh was that 6.7 pounds so damn near seven pounds uh per plate uh you can see it'll stop five five six defeat seven six two by thirty nine seven two six two by fifty one so yeah it's it's um this is this is some good armor guys and they sell um they sell soft armor they sell backpack armor they sell this all kinds of [ __ ] guys so i highly recommend you look into spartan armor systems so i hope you guys enjoyed like i said i'll put the link in the bio you guys can check it out for yourself check out spartan arma systems they got a bunch of cool different products you can get um there's a [ __ ] ton of body armor companies out there some are better than others like i said check out safeline defense check out spartan armor they make good [ __ ] you guys can uh follow me on instagram at black underscore operators you can follow me on tick tock at cameron dudley subscribe to my youtube channel for more content like this and have a good day guys
Channel: Kameron Dudley
Views: 1,272
Rating: 4.7288136 out of 5
Id: zqFEztlQOmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 58sec (2098 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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