Spaghetti western movies in english - Dragoon Wells Massacre - Popular western movies full length

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you one of the strange seldom heard tales of the West was of the prison way the tumbleweed they called it sent out from Fort Smith Arkansas to the vast plains of Texas and the deserts of the Arizona Territory it rounded up to lawbreakers the gun and the killers it drifted from place to place like the tumbleweed from which it was named like the tumbleweed it collected things on to itself men like link Ferriss and Toyota and delivered him to the most feared man of his time the hanging judge Isaac see party what do you want 50 thank you that's good what's your hurry just pocket given your bonus we'll bring them in fast no just for bringing them in I think it slow down Marshall cuz I don't know hurry I'll just bet you ate yeah you just bet I ain't neither yeah yeah this is Apache country Ferris the sooner through it the better all right good huh you're lucky lucky it was yellow claw how come he let you live I let him live once now we're even how many Braves they have with it 15 to 20 someone with repeating rifles well Ricky's Posey got him I don't know now he's got six more get me the Dragoon laughs now looky here captain I'm on my way to speak to some engines Raiden I got my wagon stocked with Goods and waste three days take me there I can't afford it I got business to attend solve I to help me get these men in the wagon putting up dead men in my wagon ain't room for one thing then we'll make room you'll bring up the wedding and I'm out right on ahead watch those two well nobody died it's gonna be two more dad if you don't sit on to behave my Japan is selling a little on longer Sonic you think a little in long enough to get dry behind the sto good just better sit down anyway sure thank selling anything to oblige let's go chug I won't go power out a half who's he Indian trader named Ajanta macadam coming up behind as marshal something's coming don't worry about never did see an Apache war party riding in the stagecoach what happened apache not far away we better move we'll have to travel light and fast i'll take orders from you captain I'm bill Tina United States Marshal Thank You myself captain Matthew written man hey where are you going time waits for no man captain not even you I said where you're going she's going back east with me we're going to be married one thing I know for sure yella car wouldn't go on the warpath alone that means it Geronimo isn't far away got to make a run for it to the quarter Dragoon Wells I'll have to ask you to get back in the coach in the coach please you too miss call me Mara how are they tile gun link Pharisee guess you've earned them yes yes I guess I have you fight there an alternative No all right tiger as well die with a gun my hand is a rope around my neck ten'll miss Martha do I have your word you won't try to get away would you believe I would I think so all right then you got it Tioga get your wagon turned around macadam we're heading back to the fort well now looky here County's Apache on the warpath and that bother you got to take them home marshal our business is with the living captain we've got a barium here for now I suppose you're right but I'll be back from blueberry I'm shallow the zombie back foot I need some help we'll have to go on and join this wagon never mind that but everything I own is in that luggage I have nothing to wear you won't need any to wear and if you don't hurry captain's right ma'am we don't travel light we ain't gonna make it I would rather keep my hair that the trunk full of clothes I don't blame you manage your crowning glory you know something you don't hang you I would like to sing for you I'm looking forward to it you're very kinda the first Oh indeed I am a Mindy that so horses ain't quite said I'll have to leave your prison wagon Haney what why can't afford to haul any we don't need but captain as the marshals bread and butter way well whatever you say captain he's just beginning to feel like home Jonah it's a couple of these horses to your wagon marshal you linked ioq and the kid mount the edges the rest of us a ride away much better thanks more they welcome to be done well camp here don't I'll hitch the horses we might have to get out of here fast sounds like we won't be lonesome they're around all right they won't attack it's too close the dykes the mighty comforting third captain too comforting I'll try to pick us off at least they won't attack how can you be so sure I don't like to die at night afraid their souls that lose their way to the great spirit souls they're Devils maybe maybe not bed down away from the wagon and I just in case they decide to use it as a target Marshall looks like a pretty good place over here near the Oaks let's take a look I see you ladies hope you may take me home McGary Vivendi go but only to the door you you need company capital nope but it looks like we got it if you get tired come back and see with me huh comfortable oh very sorry the accommodations aren't better they'll get worse how do you explain a man like that marshal hmm Faris funny thing about him came from back East somewhere heard telling he had everything a man could ask for good home fine parents even went to college why did he throw it all away who knows yes maybe some people just born heaven-bound and some like him he'll beg for sure I guess so what do you mean what didn't he do like oh he's got eight four little notches on that cold in his now mind you I'm saying those eight stunts didn't kill him because he did bang well then why are you taking him to prison well the last when they buried was a town marshal also ain't saying that Marshall wasn't mighty mean mighty drunk - he asked for it right down the line so he's a gunfighter yeah gamblin man - in other words he's playing oh I wouldn't say that him I wouldn't say that eight - what are they doing him judge Park or hanging him just as fast as he tries him does he know that he knows it every gun fire in the country knows a judge and what to expect to him he acts as if he doesn't have a care in the world mm-hmm man like that's got to have some good in him just gotta here get some rest night oh the judge scared me Kevin see anything nope I can feel him I can almost smell anybody keep your eye on him too Donna I could be wrong but I don't trust him much let's keep your ID don't you worry none Kevin he makes one bad move it's his last deal I'm slow this time if you don't mind for you anything oh shut up you need sleep you're getting irritable what do you think I think we better start praying you know the Prez muscle if I did I'd use them on you deal cards have you still got money just deal the cards slow get closer get back your post anger back hello I said get back to your post listen you you right between the eyes please not out at least huh please I got money I'll get you all of it does your relation y'all I do when you're miserable no-good pot belly bag of [ __ ] yeah please alone I'm gonna boys hello Cleo junkie [ __ ] will you shut up please stop don't kill me allow me captain let that cut away yeah okay judge dead what yeah Tom kill Judd but daddy Tom he stabbed him in the back Ratliff at $6 week alone Kevin your attention to let this pig live he'll live till he gets a trial link you guys now don't do it you want a trial will have a trial presided over by Judge Colt like the captain says we take him in for trial any other objections how did you put it like that I can't think of a single one for now all right let's get the way we'll take what supplies we can pay Hoover Hey look link it's got a false bottom sorry forget it now he's your responsibility Nick Winchester 4440 I gotta anymore of about 25 selling um rifles no no captain I swear so that's part of a consignment of foot boot you're a liar so you don't want to change your mind written no I'd like to I'd really like to but he's gonna wait and think we got a chance now these rifles will keep him at a distance good shells are these have you yeah I guess he wasn't planning on being out long this is all the food there is now you're gonna get hungry Jonah mighty hungry hey whiskey just get him away from me homie what break down the horses what about us all right why do you want nice day for a trip oh I'm looking forward to it we're glad to hear that you were laughing at me well then what's the matter with you absolutely nothing I'm your most ardent admirer and just why is that because you're the first person I've ever met who's just as sinful as I am why you time to get moving man I'm breathing Marshall are you crazy what's the matter why don't you feed the rest of our supplies to the Coyotes and be done with it what are you talking about this have you ever been Thursday me suddenly really Thursday no well I have see them die and believe me sister there is not a place inside I just wanted to get clean clean before this treatment over one drop of water we look my good to you trouble man huh I cut the princes taking a bath in our drinking water I was not taking a bath she's lying I only used a little water to wash my hands and face what a mighty somebody alive for another day maybe you would you like that yeah I don't think you will look very pretty with your tongue soil on our you head Galla club hey cover behind the wagon garlic we could get him easy from you hold your fire don't think they got to attack get something else you ha check hazy he's no good to you dead no more whiskey no more guns if he dies bigwhale yellow claw they walked a key how as a car hey doctor pupil DOMA people it hurts io sono touchpad am I gonna die you're gonna be alright you're alive you hate line there's no morning Thank You or loan a minute you figure that's gonna help him don't you I don't know guess maybe it won't hit him no I don't think I will every said goes to me to do it I don't know how long he chose this can last carrying a load like this could be the judge will have a long wait ain't going anyplace he'll wait daga so I just don't want to irritate him you did good you call killing another human being good it's his life a lion yes don't take it so hard Phillip their only savages yeah that's all they're animals yeah we kill off their food steal their hunting grounds robbing blind murder and what he expect a pat on the back I guess we all have a little bit of savage in us don't you think so miss Bradley you can come back now there be afraid of these new guns besides like the captain says they don't want to take a chance at killing Jonah they need them too much he'll try to wear us down sneak in close at night and pick us off how much further we got to go sonic a relay station it's 15 maybe 18 miles we make that we get word through the garrison for help we're making your awful sure aren't you Ferris you want a bet with you everybody ready all right let's go I saw women are pretty tuckered out what do you think well campaign the drop have 100 you keep yours I'll have one on the huh what's the matter spoil hey captain smell that where'd he come from Jonah's water barrel Jana come here what's the matter Jonah's water barrel is full of whiskey you're only gonna get hungry jelly you're gonna get mighty thirsty yes yes you know something princes I don't think you want to take a bath tonight Oh leave me alone you finish this a night I'm not really hungry eat it you'll need your strength that's gallant men take your choice gallant man or alive would excuse me yeah we can't help the way we are Gentry can you change what you are I know you don't want to we don't have to you have honesty integrity all the things that are set up as a standard a goal something to work for you work for them at build this country you love make it strong but please forgive me for trying to live my life the way I want to live it and you think you've found your way with Phillip yeah he's a very wealthy man very nice man to with him I can have everything I want I guess what I want is freedom to do what I want when I want to that's a large order give the captain a bad sound again why don't you mind your own business for a change you've got a disposition of a sick of patchy well if you don't like my disposition why don't you leave me alone maybe because you don't want me to for one think you're crazy besides which I never had the sense to run away from trouble hmm and you'll hang for it too nobody gonna hang me ever better you're pretty sure of yourself aren't you never lost a bet in my life for instance see captain she's not worth grieving over you're young you're a dirty rotten yellow coward he didn't hurt me he was hitting you man's gotta get the poison out of a system you stop festering inside now okay I can't drink any more of that stuff no maybe just just a little more I could try better bottoms up No bottoms up neat I never could stand a sloppy drinker please don't be afraid they look pretty on you hi love they look down yeah have it was a present it's a present I just want to give you the present she doesn't want you near Linc I wasn't gonna hurt yoga you and hope you charlie take the watch I don't want any more fighting amongst ourselves they need every man we have next time we might try looking a little deeper do you mean ever likes you leaves only trying to be nice nice he's an animal you're all animal yes sure we're rolling thank you're right who knows I'm sorry about the trouble your head well trouble comes easy to a ugly man you know he will not a kid I used to try extra hard to be real nice and always do the right thing there was no use into each face had done the same so I run away and hide and then one day I saw this same look in my mother's face so I run away and I didn't go back to make a difference all was the same anywhere else you know because I was ugly they thought I was bad Lord told me to move on one day a marshal told me to move on and not come back did I kill him well now I got two choices I can get butchered by yellow claw hung by the lines no difference to me hey you and I I guess we were born for trouble tear go like differences you didn't ask what I did anyway it doesn't much matter now one way or the other you're not alone tiger you know dusty good what's the matter with him he's all tuckered out well you got my last cent I've always wanted on a pair of those how much ten dollars I'll deal I catch you cheating I'll hang yourself if you catch me Marshall I'll do it for you well as your relay station he you stay with the others think ain't you afraid of me what's your name I'll take get her to me give her to me where'd you find it I found her in the cellar would you like to go away with us no I'm out there what's your name Donna Susan where's my mother and my daddy Susan your mother and your daddy they had to go away with the Indians don't have one hat you naming what's your name Helga how cool I just tell you I think I'll call him Tioga he's gonna look like David Oni all right Susan we're ready to go there go the guns and ammunition what'd you say nothing nevermind get that horse out here Haney you got to make every show now don't you today then as you can see it plain you mad at someone how much you have me worried for a second module how much I like a man who doesn't know when to quit fifty dollars give me the money and the cards I'll deal you Susan he's gone sorry Taylor I didn't understand you come the closest oka come with me oh come on I'm so sorry man I didn't understand him I just didn't understand him there's a lot you don't understand and you something's wrong yeah hello open up solid what now nothing to do but go on how far is the nearest water poured for you cannon 50 miles 50 miles how they got us right where they wanted hold up with no food and water captain you still have one good horse all right gentlemen three hours it will be completely dark and then hike arctos how much you up oh you're breaking US Marshal you better ready yes sir all right gentlemen we try our luck look 9 device for a damaged King of Hearts they stand like a Tony Marshall it's funny but whatever I do I have to win I just have to win yes it's very fun alright lenka says it gets dark you go yes sir and somebody's gonna have to take care of their lookout to give that horse a chance to get out of here I'll take we'll cut for it alright hey okay just the two of us what about me you ever trying to push like an Indian no I don't think now's the time for you then after you marshal Nonna's faves did you care to cut for me link you pleasure captain ten times vesti I thought you assisted I am this is whiskey no yeah it's right you drive oh look mr. smash I just gotta get me some water what is her kids ma he was thirsty wasn't he wasn't it Oh have you got that clean deck a car it's found him in the officers quarters one more chance to get even yeah there be another yeah loan me ten uh-huh why not never play again small money never playing against a clean deck either do you dinner while I give you $100 for that shiny star huh why not you're not using it besides I kind of like to see what it feels like to be a marshal 150 hey it took pretty good care of my gun well then 25 ideal sure the works you in a hurry what do you think shoot the works it's so quite now you can almost hear yourself think my ears aren't quite that good what are you thinking you really want to know mm-hmm I'm thinking how nice will be to be loved by a man like you you know what I'm thinking no don't you have a very remarkable woman that is all and a very lovely one you should leave today Capitan but men don't have many tumors left and yesterday will never come again what's the matter she's getting awfully friendly with the Capitan isn't she yes I guess she is I don't like her you don't know what you want do you I guess maybe I haven't found it yet thanks for being honest sorry Philip I didn't mean that I guess I'm just tired no and it's more than that you know as well as I do that we could never be happy together I don't think you're capable of loving anyone but yourself thank you for being honest you aren't you going a little over your head what do you mean isn't it obvious don't force me princess don't force me you having lucky so far huh good eye yes you did and I am very happy you dare make fun serious because I have been waiting to mash your face miss you we got to stop I said leave Malone get back your post mashallah ladies are disturbing a piece you ain't going nowhere you finish this here okay fives and Jack that's too bad are you got a very remarkable woman you fellows has been reading the same books huh wait'll I see you in Philadelphia will you please mind your own business Thanks what are you laughing at you why me why are you always starting things you can't finish oh shut up bird but with it you mean you're not worth it you're no good you're a thief and a murderer and they're gonna hang you and I'm gonna watch him hang you do you hear me and watch him hang you and then I'll laugh at you you do get through how I know you won't keep going Loree but I think marshal I couldn't bear to break up such a beautiful friendship isn't that a link with him yes yes it's like you're not going out there not on kik all right captain glad you're alive Nick I'm here Tokyo Perry I picked up that cook wash eat you Chiba there sunshine out here hey Nikki he wants you to dismount my pleasure okay they said well hope talk Dana I use Tao so now and I'll make the bargains captain ridden and I'll live to hang on your scalps from a belt what you say to the chief I asked him if you'd let the others go and you heard Jonah this is right back where we started you know I'm gonna miss that gentleman I've been thinking about what you said that maybe you're right about what did we have many tomorrow's left but the ones that are left belong to me they belong to you sure because kept then what is mine it is mine for always here let me do that Thanks oh we got a chance there's always a chance the odds out - been there not too good either I've gone inside straights all my life and Phil yeah Phil yeah thanks so much I'm sorry about what I said to you it's all right nobody's hanged me yet and if they don't hang you what then yeah it's a big country lots of places to go lots of people to meet it's funny you don't realise how big or how wonderful it is until something like this happens how quick you forget when you get out of trouble call in his Scouts is that means that screw playing around with us huh just about we have got a chance are we ready no you know I sure would like to say goodbye to that Jonah I hate the idea of anybody scalp dangling from his belt and I feel linked but I couldn't afford to that wait a minute maybe you can say goodbye to John at that come on do you see that gap between the two boots yeah well it's not much of a chance but it's a chance do you think you could lead him there is an alternative nothing I can think of captain if I can steal me a horse he'll be there am I so I'm gonna need my gun oh here's your style back then didn't bring me much luck you'll be careful I got quite investment in you yeah you want to bet Marshall get out of here soon we get to Buchanan I'm gonna buy you the prettiest dress for your doll let you ever saw dad was not a girl he's a man you're right honey he was a man he sure was how much time you need written give me 30 minutes look I think you're a fool and I think you're a liar come back huh the whole Apache nation couldn't keep me away what can come come on Dakota boy honky honky with chumpy oughta boy honky we Chung biota goosey cha-ching Kaffee tower bazooka soutache knee tower polluters who - nee achee - Gianni ena Lakota boy your hand good luck bye guys stop white eyes I'll take those guns now Inc first time I ever lost a bet let's round up those horses well guess what you can looks like we're right on schedule yeah looks like it well anyway it's fun while it lasted you ready to ride you say so I say so like he says he just has to win won't hurt Judge Parker to lose just this once he's quite a bad muscle you are quite a man Capitan my men Thank You Marshall he will excuse me where we are going guess boy chef room for one more bow on heads up to you mr. Baris entirely up to you Oh
Channel: Rigoberto Royster
Views: 259,072
Rating: 4.5180721 out of 5
Keywords: Spaghetti western movies in english, Dragoon Wells Massacre, Popular western movies full length, Western (TV Genre), Spaghetti Western (Film Genre), western movies full length, western movies full length in english, western movies cowboys and indians, western movies action, western movies best full movie, western movies best, western movies classic, western movies english full length, western movies hd full length, western movies hollywood
Id: z9Zxvy16b8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 46sec (4966 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2015
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