Ride the Man Down | JOSEPH KANE | Wild West | Cowboy Movie | Old Western | English

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh hi there felder oh sam gentlemen what are you so happy about phil everetts is dead what who killed him i guess you might say the hatchet killed him quit the riddles what happened red cortine found him frozen to death out on the range near indian springs he and will ballard and the whole hatchet crew been out on the prod ever since his snow started trying to save the herd i guess his heart couldn't take it phil everett you know something i thought he'd bury me she's gonna go pretty hard with celia she thought the world revolved around her dad yeah her dad thought so too well what do you think of that phil everett's finally met up with something that wouldn't take orders from him a blizzard sit down sam deal him in mean oh thanks i'm on the way out to hatchet oh sure now that you're a member of the family putting there it's only right pretty lucky guy dan felser i wouldn't mind having cereal everest crying on my shoulder well good night am i the only one in this pot i guess it's on yours bud guess this is my lucky night [Music] good evening i thought you went on roundup [Music] hi will all right what are you doing off roundup ain't have you got any kind of leftover brand [Music] [Applause] hi balor what's on your mind my crew's on round up near indian springs well mariners outfit the bib m now right alongside us this morning schultz came over and claimed one of our yearlings was on hatchet grass and it was a hatchet yearling there's no doubt about it schultz says it was a maverick he mixed a little and i took it how about it shush is that true it's about the size of it only i still say it was a maverick they can have it for all of me that's it's in a bad way i guess they need even a boom thin little maverick like that was you were singing a different tune this morning he was bragging about coming in the boundary and swearing out a warrant against me this can go on all night we gonna play poker or are we gonna shut up kavanagh nina i'm warning you no warrant so you wanted me huh you heard me well now you hear me mr will ballard hatchet was never big enough to give orders to the sheriff of this county not even when phil everts was alive now phil evans is dead and you don't make big tracks around here anymore remember that ballard you better be sure hatchet's dead mean before you and bydemer and the rest of your pack start digging a grave fort no warrant i don't know what the idea was i guess mariner was trying to find out whether i'd take it from schultz is joaneen against you and hatchet too mean sure sheriff star doesn't change a man's greed lottie i have the loan on your horse i have to ride out to the range tonight oh we'll must you papa will be home soon you can stay here i get so lonesome for you me too you'll stay i can't sweetheart i've hardly had an hour with you since phil everts died you think the world had come to an end it almost did for hatchet all right i'll get a lantern eddie steady well when are you going to be practical the whole county is against you every rancher in the valley hated phil everts sure they hated him smarter and tougher than anybody else but he's gone now yeah he's gone his brother's nothing like him no hatchet would be better off to see you as a boss instead of uncle john a woman yeah celia's not like the regular run she has her old man's toughness but in her it's how her mother was as kind and good a lady has ever lived she is like her too with phil's fight that's why you're fighting for it then to keep it for celia your father wanted her to have it she's going to marry sam dan felser what's that got to do with it i'll stay as long as i need it as long as celia needs you as long as hatchet needs me oh well i think you're wrong but if you ever need me you can count on me thanks darling daddy who's that with you oh you will eating mr priest i uh taken the horse far well out to hatchet i told him he could pop up of course of course well i suppose the two of you will soon be setting the day let me know when you're ready to buy a place where might be able to put you in the way of a good bargain will can't get married yet papa first he has to save hatchet now look lottie oh don't pay attention to me i won't all right lottie night mr priest [Music] so will fight what are you doing here how come you're enough roundup well i figured you ought to hear about it quick care about what you'd no more lit out for town this morning biden marion and moved his wagon over to indian springs do me a favor right give me a good kick in the pants i'm always glad to oblige a friend but there's a heap of people out sooner kicked in you so you gotta wait your turn schultz put on that show just to draw me away and i fell for it mr ever top of the house yeah and him and sam and see you well i'm inclined to believe ike adams is being spooked by manor's roundup boss he can order his wagon wherever he wants to you can't keep a roundup crew off your range now they're on they'll stay i've known right along the showdown to come after the snows well maybe man a release from us ah you're fooling yourself john mariner doesn't lease he takes well what do you think we ought to do give him indian springs sam are you out of your mind take indian springs the best water from miles and miles around and simply hand them over to buy mariner why should we because my dear hatchet is in no position to fight bide mariner right now he's always had his eye on indian springs who around here hasn't dad found indian springs and playing them for a hatchet they're ours and they stay ours as long as you can hold them you can't hold them any longer give them indian springs you'll be satisfied oh that's what people think when they pay blackmail i'll give him this and then he won't bother me it doesn't work out that way sam knuckle under divide and we'll have every outfit in this county camping on our doorstep i'll see you there's a lot in what sam says what does will say you pay will to run hatchet why don't you ask his advice your uncle knows what will would say he doesn't agree we'll ride out the indian springs early will i'll talk to bide myself all right i'll sleep here celia commonwealth i still have some work to do i'd like to talk to you so yeah it's late why don't you go to bed i'm not sleepy i've got too much to think about but i wish you do your thinking in your own room i don't like to have you sitting around a little better like i like this i can think of something worse city i'm serious i'm serious too sam i've known will balor since i was 10. well you're not 10 now he's not my nanny's life priest i belong to you and don't you ever forget it run along to bed darling [Music] where you stayed will have it i reckon why have you sam wants to take your other hatchet huh not till he's clear of death that sound poor will you've been top dog too long to really like this haven't you all right i have those days are gone are they will the tracks dad made in this country the big tracks are they all rubbed out john everett says so i worked for him i don't believe it neither do you our couple of mavericks [Music] everybody gone mr johnny mr sam go away pretty early we turned the stock out in the rain meet sam i think mr sam i bet [Music] i'm an easy man to fire but i want to hear it spoken you'll hear it spoken when i say it will we didn't want you along this morning you're no man to face by that's all you figured that out all by yourself sam i did i'm in this all the way or i'm out of it butcher's gonna be john you're in it will either sam runs his own d cross or he runs hatchet which i run the d cross [Music] [Applause] fights chuckwagon off roundup saves us a trip whoever's chopping wood up there isn't getting firewood chopping a green tree [Music] morning vide much of anything at indian springs i didn't look we were headed for there what for i figured you might want that grass this winter hatchet can't use it take it if you want it i did hatchet's singing pretty small all of a sudden how come no use hogging range you can't fill or hogging range you can what else you giving away ever nothing so we're gonna have to take it from here well i guess we can do that too what are you taking biden take a look around you do you hear that chopping just now that's ray cavanaugh he's throwing up a lion shack right here his grays will join mine at the springs i'm helping him move in i'm going to help others too kavanaugh's graves won't join yours unless he fights for it well then you're going to have quite a job on your hands kavanagh's cattle are already on the hatchet the whole country's moving in on you everett didn't you know that the gang from under indian ridge from the salt hills from the indigos maybe they're all moving in you're lying don't move bud get off schultz let's go take them back fight you can do better than that there'll be another time yeah but this one you'll remember a light out drop your gun bite leave your horses what about the wagon leave it you stink an engine i'll remember that another time [Music] [Music] you can still fire me john all right ahead will that was a mistake who made the first one fight murder won't forget that well i know i'm his neighbor he's not supposed to i don't want him to john i'd fire him he stays i've had enough [Music] howdy have some coffee thanks where'd you drop from we come up from the south with some engine trails here got paid off on the reservation and put our wages in cattle from the looks of that scrubby bunch i'd say is underpaid you're on hats atlanta yeah your is rich man red-headed fellaini saloon back up here in 10 mile put us onto this red 14 that's him red corchine told you to help yourselves to hatch it rain that's right said hatchet was busting up got no hands left performance a fellow named a ballard you can't ride the whole range yourself no anybody can move in yeah who are you uh fellow named sally oh me what's your name young i'm male he's jim you boys are in trouble because you talk to cortine stealing horses feeling cattle peddling whiskey the indians that's cortisone we sure can pick them what are you gonna do now get off your range you want grass for your stuff yeah bad enough to work for nothing oh i'll put you up and feed you but there's no pay in it you can run your stuff along with ours uh we'll take it we're having trouble you understand we'll take that too ranch house is 20 miles through west tell the cook i hired you haven't raw hiders will they'll steal your deep and blind i'd sooner let blacklight get my herd and let raw hiders on my range you're going to be sorry you hired them to varmints we need a crew if we're going to fight wes i want you to give a message to ray kavanagh what his cattle were on my range i'm holding the hatchet if ray wants them he'll have to come and get him well get down there birds get off that horse you're a sick man ray you yeah i'm sick i'm putting it five hours in the rain now i'm setting your foot i don't think so you killed him you saw him he was pulling a gun at me i had to do it he wasn't reaching for his gun listen wes you're in this cool well not me i didn't shoot him i didn't have a gun i'll tell valley you did you're not dragging me into this go ahead shoot lever a shell in you forgot that ray what are we gonna do get out of the rain first yeah but he's dead ain't he they won't know he's dead if they don't find him we gotta bury him up in the timber rain will hide the hole find his tracks no way not on my face battle to me when he finds out how's he gonna find out get it listen your jerk head we're in this together see now you're gonna bury him and i'm gonna watch you do it then i'm going home and you ain't lighting out neither you can't will ballard will hunt you to the end of the earth i'll fluff it out nobody can prove anything get a shovel hello sam hi honey huh it's good they're awful and you know it john's gone i'm just doing this to keep from thinking about it gone yes didn't come home last night he left the man yesterday and all that rain said he was going to kennedy's will road over there this morning oh he probably just got so wet and cold he stayed tonight do you think so i don't see them what are those cattle doing in the horse corral we seize them on hatchet grass they can't keep them well knows that we don't want to the men who come to claim them are going to be mighty uncomfortable talk to bide in town yesterday just one thing keeping him in this fight hatchet range well ballard oh how did he happen to say that i asked him what would satisfy him he said he hadn't even thought about it beyond getting rid of will ballard in other words you made a deal with by he'll quit if will goes something like that was understood sort of why did you do that sam i was looking for a basis to settle around why is will so important to hatchet that you and john are willing to wreck it to keep him if i have anything to say about it will won't go so forget it all right but not until john knows about this i'll tell him guess i'll be getting on i'm sorry sam i'm worried about uncle john don't be angry with me i'm scared i need you what's the idea wes you like digging mud yeah well the the rain made me sick of the inside of that shack higher howdy were you here yesterday yep what's the matter loosen cattle anything wrong wrong i know there's nothing wrong with me why you seem a little worried john everts wrote up this way yesterday did you see him me i know are you sure of course i'm sure i was here wasn't i you're worried wes all right i'll tell you i stole a i stole a hatchet stair i figured you wouldn't miss one more after all you lost last winter so i stole them i i butchered them and i i buried us hide but i'll pay you back i swear i will i i've got to drop it just make it good what do you think jim he's too triflin to hurt a man well we'll check anyway you cut for sign on the trail of the west i'll ride over the other side [Music] [Music] tonight all again howdy will howdy gotta hatch a horse outside i want to leave in your stable for a couple of days well i suppose i could let you do that i'll pay for his feed oh well how things are hatchet falling apart nicely thanks i want enough grub for a couple of days going on some kind of a trip will hunting trip a lot of else here in a few days well i uh i got a business proposition today reliable fellow from the indigos wants to stock some new range quick he says there's not much risk wants me to do shares with him well finally spit out of my line yeah you never were a cattleman no never was and then again if there's money to be made you might as well make some of it yourself is that it i said now uh about the risk in it i figure it's not big right now what's your opinion well right now not very big oh thanks will thanks now i see you want some flour some beacon [Music] red [Music] [Music] don't do that to me red well you got here sooner than i figured go ahead look us over saloon store hotel all the rooms if you like how'd you hear about john everts well i uh i uh as a matter of fact uh wes kennedy rode through here last night on his way out of the country he usually spooks first don't he what'd he say well it that she was on the pride looking for john everett he got drunk too quick to talk much fred you better remember who do you drink with who do you talk to he's got a girl here she worked for him in the hotel take me to her yeah little ballard wants to talk to you dispensary sit down what did west tell you about me he didn't tell me anything i don't even know you you know he's going to have to ride pretty long and pretty far to get away from this murder charge john evers had a lot of friends all over the back country west didn't kill john everett and everts is dead i don't think wes killed him what's the sense of his coming back to prove he didn't he's gone you can't bring him back i can he stole a hatchet steer he didn't he made that up he admitted it to me and jim young that's all joe neen needs to send his name out to every other county sheriff and haven't brought back what's the sense in hauling him back you'll have to face that charge and maybe a murder charge on top of it it's a sense amelia when you can tell me what he knows but i don't know anything you know he didn't kill john edwards don't you yes tell me how you know and i'll forget about wes i can't tell you i got to work here if i told you i'd be killed too maybe why don't you follow him there's money for it i can give it to you how much whatever you need a hundred dollars all right and i gotta have time to get away before you let on who told you all the time you need well you wait here i'll get the money i want a hundred dollars i want it now why should i give you a hundred dollars because you sold rifles and rock cut to the indians because you've rustled cattle you and pied i'm not afraid of you will don't you ever think it phil everts once told me to stay off a hatchet i'm telling you now to stay out of 10 mile i'll be back to pay you uh-uh this hundreds to keep you off of my back you'd better stay off i'll be back in a hurry ballard i am i shouldn't take this i don't really know tell me a wes got too drunk i took him to my room to sleep it off but he kept talking he was telling me he had to leave i didn't know why and then he kept saying ray shouldn't have shot him he said it over and over thanks how many days do you want two days i guess [Music] where's your horse ballard [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] shop i'll be back cartier [Music] any news about uncle john nope and the last two good hands we had quit us this morning they must have figured john's being gone spell trouble for us oh let them go if that chicken hearty we don't want them honey they could have chicken hearts and lily livers and we'd still want nobody left now but menu and a cook we've got the young boys mel and jim and the young boys mal and jim they're my dear nobody take today i told them two raw hiders to ride a piece of the west boundary and then meet me up on the north range i had to hunt some at indian ridge trash was running cattle fair well when i got there there wasn't no cattle but them two saddle bombs never did show up wait till i see well i'm gonna tell hey what's the matter i looks like something going on up the ground mister all we know is we was told to watch out for strange beef strange beef well those are my cattle are marked with my bran well that looks like harv garrison it is harb and then's horse cattle and then saddle bums the raw hiders [Music] they're on hatchet range they ain't hatching cattle that makes them strange to us mike i know you had nothing to do with this how far over the line was your stuff five miles i'm asking him not you jim just wanted to make sure you heard right is that right well yes maybe it was about five miles but let's be sensible about this site will and john everts can't hope to hold on to all of old hatchet they don't intend to now these air cattle are my claim to the ranged border and mine you seem pretty sure well i got a right to beat you know who the co-owner of that herd is with me lol priest well i'll ask will i told you raw hiders that was priest cattle now help me cut him out of there they stay right here you mean you're gonna hold them anyway dewell says to drive them back [Music] you'll be sorry for this you and your whole scummy crew will do time for this give them their sick shooters boy [Music] good day mr garrison we kind of figured we had this bunch and we didn't have the other bunch he was talking about so we brought him in you know something maybe you two boys will make good hatchet hands i said maybe get out of here now go to work and then she told me was ray kavanagh hatchet's yours now see you there's nothing more you can do well i'll stand by you silly right i know it's what you have to do then do it see what are you talking about kavanagh it'll be a fair fight cavanaugh won't be shot in the back if i know will he'll let ray draw first you talk like a drunken squad kavanaugh should have a trial a fair trial there's no hope for that sam perhaps it's concerned there are no courts here so we have to find justice another way will's way oh sam can't you see that you know will you know the kind of man he is are you in love with will ballard i'm going to marry you what are you talking about you're going to get rid of will i'm going to tell him he's through it hatchet he isn't you can tell me but he won't believe you [Music] [Music] [Applause] kavanaugh cub [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] not the way it's done catch him in the dark we gotta have a talk will i've got something to do and you're in the way get out i'll get out when i'm finished you're through it hatchet celia send you i came for myself i say you're through you're a little ahead of yourself hatchet isn't yours to boss yet she's done with you she's talking like a little fool and uncle's dead because of you and now you've turned her against me get out while you're still alive you can bully women you stick to them and don't bother me uh foreign fun how'd you get here i followed him [Music] stay away from me sam i told you not to bother me come into town with me [Music] i think this will fit you there's always miles too big for papa it got sun streak to the store and he thought he might as well get the wear out of it thanks darling here i'll help you well what's going to happen going to be busy well you're through can't you see that sam's worried now and you fought with him you're out of it forced out of it at last no i don't see it oh face facts will pull out of that snarling pack of dogs i can't pull out sam can't handle it stevie wants me to stay oh i'm sure she does she's engaged to sam she'll make do with sam if she can't have you but he doesn't want you out of her sight don't talk like that lottie all right but you told dad to put his money into cattle and then took the cattle away from him your father has his own greed to thank for that you deny that you encouraged him to help garrison stock his new range lottie whose range that's hatchet range would i do that he said you did he asked if there was any risk in moving in i left it up to him and then his cattle were seized by your men they'll stay seized bye buddy i thought bride marinus in the background said he wanted to talk to you as soon as you come in hi sir leave us alone a little while we'll get close joe sit down no i'll stand upset yourself joe rick kavanaugh killed john edwards i know sam told me raised out at my place but i still still feel breaking up hatchet but i can't stand still for murder and you know it i've got a warrant for a cavanaugh and i'm taking him in who's stopping you shooting john everts was certainly no part of my plan ray kavanagh heard that will ballard was on the prod for him so he comes banging on my door hollering let me in let me in i hightailed it into town looking for the wall i told you he murdered evidence yep john everetts went out to kennedy's place and ray cavanaugh was there coming down sick from being put afoot the day before when he came out everett saw him and ordered him off the place off kennedy's place that's right oh ray told everts where to go and ever to pull the gun on him ray duck back in the shack and everett's come in shooting all misses ray found his gun and shot him i know and the back well ray and west bury john in the timber and back at kennedy shack they knew that will ballard had never believed that ray shot him in self-defense so kennedy spooked and lit out and ray like i told you came to me yeah but you didn't believe that john did you bite me no then you want me to arrest kavanaugh and hold him for trial that's what you usually do with a man who admits he killed someone isn't it yeah but by what do you want out of this justice simple justice yeah you mean you won't hatch a tribe that's exactly what i mean you put ray cavanaugh on trial we've broken hatchet no jury in this county would hang a man that hatchet wanted hung when ballard sees that he'll quit can't fight that nobody'd work for him pretty soon he'd be afraid to ride alone he'd light out even a stubborn wild man like ballard yeah that's one way to lick hatchet all right and legal but it's the way i'd rather not have anything to do with you've got the joe the law says so you're like a train on a track from now on you go straight to the end of the line that's what the law says yeah but by evans was shot in the back doesn't that mean anything to you not a thing i didn't shoot him break kavanaugh shot him right cabin all trial for it of course if it works to my advantage no man can blame me well joe when do you want him all right i'll be out well don't wait too long the word will be out tomorrow and you've got a job to do sheriff so just come from the barber shop what is it you wanted me cortine i just want to talk to you well i don't see what you want with me it's a business deal you know i saw harv garrison a couple days ago that's a hard thing will balor did tell him about those cattle yeah your cattle too ain't he well garrison says so i aim to get him back priest you think will ballard's going to treat you any different on account of lottie that's no business of yours he won't treat you any different not if i know will ballard how bad you want him back well personally i never take an order unless i can deliver the goods i can deliver how take him away from him and uh what's your share not one red cent my friend that's hard for me to understand not if you saw how will ballard wreck my place all i want is an excuse to return the call look priest i can't go into hatchet embrace ballard dean don't like anything about me our 10 mile that's all he'd need to close me out but if i can go into hatching demand my cattle at ballard's holding illegally and he tries to stop me i'll be within my rights your cattle i got a bill of sale dated yesterday i'll make out one day today and you can hold it all i want is a chance to go in the hatchet and suppose there's trouble why do you think i've got my men outside i uh i don't like this i'm a black sheep but the color don't rub off it's not the color that bothers me it's the smell come on let's sign those bills to sale so i've been looking for you since morning will wide mariners crowds telling all around that kavanaugh shot mr evans in self-defense self-defense anybody believe him talk is jurial bleeding yeah i reckon they will got any word on where kavanaugh's hiding up nobody knows that accepting me he's out to bib m will sheriff's riding out there today to bring him in you head back for a hatchet jim you sure you don't want me to decide you [Music] thanks [Music] that's will balor [Music] give him his gun name pick it up kavanaugh we got the first shot [Music] so so [Music] back there in the timber road full tilt into a branch his neck's broken should have been broken on the gallows i made a mistake about you joe i'm sorry for you oh that's all right we're not going to go easy on you not on either of us you tell you where you bury john on the north slope above kennedy shack i feel better now what kind of a man am i for saying that an honest one thanks will i'd like to think that i am [Music] let you circle up there and watch the upside when trouble starts right [Music] i think i've come for my cattle none of yours here set by mistake and about cattle hatchets don't make no mistakes you got 100 of mine and it's no mistake read this get it boy villa sale from priest they stay in the corral red you better be mosing back the way you come eight to three ike you'd better pick your man because you won't get a second shot then i'm laying a beat on you ike you're covered figure it out now put on that gun and shut up pete frank loco drive them cattle out of the corral you two keep that cooking raw hider on the inside but you and dean come to house with me about half carbolic ain't you hang on to her dean but help me break this stuff up come on give wild baller to look at that you'll think twice before you wreck 10 mile again you'll finish it next time if you're wise you'll leave the country core team you can tell me more i was shot too i got a bill of sale for 100 head of cattle bought off a priest i couldn't honor it tell him that i took a lot off your old man of will ballard when hatchet was top of the heap i aim to show you and will ballard just how it feels there you are ike sure do thank you honey it's ranch house in bad shape it's not good that red quartering didn't come down half no cattle come down here take his spite out on the whale yes the dad and hatchet priest had the decency of a pole cat he wouldn't get well in a fix like this his son-in-law to be what do you think of that no-good money-loving so-and-so huh don't ask me questions like that you're too weak for strong language oh get some sleep all right morning i had russ bring you out here for two reasons sam first i want to witness outside of my own crew to these tracks on the ground you can sleep yourself there were three horses here yesterday yes i see that my other reason is that the third rider was will ballard he rode kavanagh down kavanaugh broke his neck trying to shake him i'm out to get will ballard if i have to wreck hatchet to do it i'll wreck hatchet i wanted you to hear that from me straight what do you think i got these marks i'm not only with you bud i hope i'm ahead of you you hear that name you can go back to town nean we're through with you don't be too sure of that bride i'm taking my men out to hatchet i'm gonna wait for will ballard coming along dad brought that over the end he goes on mule back before the railroad was in spite marinette come on [Music] why are you riding with him sam this isn't sam's job miss evarts i guess i might as well tell you why we're here have you heard that will ballard killed ray cavanaugh mean let him i'm glad that's a peculiar thing for a lady to say no it isn't there was a gun fight between a killer and a good man the good man won what do you want we're gonna wait here for will are they sam will's got to be caught this is the way you're helping buy it against us now i'm out to get will ballard that's helping you more than it is by if you only know it you're the man i'm going to marry sam is it right to ask you to clear these men out of here [Music] come on boys they want the house [Music] oh i don't comb my hair seizure i just let the wind do it and if that's that red yourself i told you cortis all right it's just sam say i'm in a crew there there's no trouble miss edwards mr dan felser wants to talk to you want i should tell him no no i'll talk to him use it with ag celia we've got to have a talk [Music] going to the bunk house jim it's all right [Music] what happened up at the house red cortine chris said i was shot yes ike was shot fighting for his own people likes a peculiar sort of fellow that way look celia we've got to get this thing settled it's settled i'll listen to you though you'd think i was wrong instead of ballard you seem proud of him kill her nobody's proud of a killing sam will gave him a chance how do you know i know will a year ago i asked you to marry me i don't know much about women but i know what i want my wife i want her to be loyal i wanted to believe in me and the things i do is that asking too much no that's not asking too much well are you being loyal do you believe in anything i do anything no and i got will ballard to thank for this too you have yourself to thank sam when i promised to marry you it was because i i loved you and trusted you and looked up to you now i well you said it yourself i don't believe in anything you do i always was second best you wanted will see you answer me this and tell the truth if will battle that ever looked at you would you have taken me the kind of man i thought you were oh yes when did i change when did i stop being almost as good as the great will ballard you never were it's hatched you want sam you wanted me because someday i don't hatch it will's fighting for hatchet fighting against you and your friends buying marine and red quarteen that's why you hate will yes i hate him he beat me up did a good job of it too now he's taking you i hate him and i'm gonna kill him [Music] wow [Music] [Music] thank you for that sam bloody they're after you aren't they are they in town i suppose they're all over town isn't everybody entitled to shoot at you now oh will how could you do it i did what i had to do now let's don't talk about it i promised you once i'd help you if you ever needed help what you need will blankets guns food nothing i didn't come here for that what do you want will it's so useless to keep this up one of your men was shot all of the cattle you've taken are gone red cortine took all of his color from hatchet yesterday cortine we didn't have any cartoon stuff dad sold him his cattle redwood needed to take them and one of your men was hurt in the fight your father's nose for a dollar is leading him into peculiar company you know red lottie red's number's coming up who was hurt mike adams i think this the last chance for us lottie one of us has got to change i can't i came here to ask you to meet me in two days up on the reservation and have the preacher marius don't change me i'll get back to hatching and i'll meet you on the reservation in two days and marry you will but if you go back to hatchet you'll never see me again i figured i'd come and go from kavanaugh's place father hunting me i'll be there two nights from now if you change your mind right up there and we'll go to the reservation will you do that if i change my mind all right right you seem so nean no i haven't seen him joneen has resigned but he don't know it any man that pays any attention to joe neem from now on is wasting his time this isn't a private fight against hatchet you know hunting will ballard that's the sheriff's job sure it's the sheriff's job but joaneen isn't doing it that's why we got to do the job for him oh marner count me out ballard seized your cattle didn't he that's right but i got him back and i sold him i'm out of this quite a bunch of you here from the indigos you heard what i just said are you coming in we're all together by we talked it over it's not our fight i'll bet you'll use the hatchet grass when will is licked you gotta lick him first i'll lick him with or without your help what's the matter you afraid of him maybe i'd breathe a lot easier without that wild indian well ballard on my neck i'm not gonna hunt him and i'm not gonna take his grass what's wrong with you harv what's matter you're all scared he's only a man true friend very true i see he still managed to whittle you down a couple of inches didn't he that he did and i'm gonna kill him for it and i don't need any of you yellow bellies to hold him for me well all i can say is that the more of us there are the quicker the job will be done think that over well you talk to that lot is no way to get up a bunch now they wouldn't have come with us anyhow i know that but we'll still need them to back us up later [Music] [Applause] lordy you know her will is i know he'd see you if he could yes he was here [Music] tomorrow night he beat ray cavanaugh's shack under indian ridge he isn't hurt is he no does it mean so much to you i i was afraid they might have caught him doesn't he deserve to be i think you're wrong oh yes i know you do you and will you're both the same kind that's the nicest thing i've ever had said of me i'd hate to have it said of me [Music] your wills girl do you realize what you've just said you'd hate to be called the same kind of person as will ballard yes i guess you'll be going to kavanaugh's to see will tell him i won't be coming up he'll understand it'll be a pleasure no will i'm sorry would you rather i hadn't come [Music] isn't this far a bit risky with the whole county hunting you yep i'll put a blanket over the window [Music] somebody might see the smoke yeah they might at least will die warm understand cartoon gave you a bad time i should have been there to look after you lottie must have told you where to find me did you say anything it's all right seedy she'd come up here we'd have been married she didn't come so that's that sam's not going to marry me either well bless sam finally saw you weren't good enough for him did he i told you for a couple of mavericks this was in the book for you and lottie too yeah if it wasn't hatching it'd be something else too late then lotty likes it safe so to say peace be western i guess it isn't wrong to say this now will but when sam told me i felt as though a door had opened and i'd been in darkness the whole time you knew it will and you didn't tell me one man's opinion [Music] i'm afraid of sam sam's trouble is he hates to take a beating he hates it most from you that's why i came up here to warn you i guess i can promise you one thing sam won't get a chance to kill needle hatchets back on his feet again that's as good as forever we have two hands a cook a a foreman on the dodge and a female owner aren't you wishing how can we possibly get out of this i think we can save hatchet yet i've got an idea about indian springs you're sheriff of this county according to me yes what's the matter i was robbed last night gunpowder taken out of my storeroom at a sledge it's a pipe too are you gonna look for the robber or not i demand to know stuff's gone somebody busted that cheap dollar padlock off you lean too and help them sell this home maybe you did it yourself joe what'd you bring him for a witness no brad get out of here now wait just a minute mr katina and i are partners we're running cattle together i bought out gas and sharing that herd and katina's running them for me just east of garrisons or just east of garrison yeah that sure are mealy mother where salmon hatchet isn't it now get out of here both of you always get out of here you parrot jack now listen listen this is pretty near got to be the place we're a mile past indian springs right now yep there's mariner shack right through those trees just like this everett said man you got eyes you could tell if a mat was a boy or girl at 500 yards [Music] honey boy honey will we bring you some grub thanks they crowding your will some how long is this job going to take it's kind of a new line of work for us can't hardly tell you do a good job that's all take all the time you need i was like oh he's doing fine what about syria he's no good at waiting i want you boys to meet me on the old logging road around the black shield soon as it gets dark so long will take care [Music] [Applause] okay [Applause] be [Applause] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] well he's gone you go to the d cross i'm going to the spring to see how much damage that explosion did [Music] sam how are you no good what's the matter no more indian springs what we'll blow it up limestone and shale sluffed off at a 50-foot circle that means we'll have to move off that range in a month with the potholes all dry we'll have to leg our stock all the way to bandler to water them i'm not legging my stocks back but without the springs those wells wouldn't water one tenth of your stock hatch it will we'll figure if he blew the springs it come dry whether we'd all have to fall back in our own range not me i'm not moving back when i move off that dry strip by moving on to hatchet you hear that joe i'm moving too only i'm not waiting for dry weather what hatchet range i want i'm taking now i don't think you are biden you see you both forgot something that will didn't all the range around indian springs open range if a man claimed it could hold it then it was his all the water west of indian springs on hatchet was on patented land phil ever support that land yeah what does that mean means you don't move on to it you're going to keep us off oh no i'm just calling the u.s marshal you see when you move on to patented land that's federal case i'm helpless i'm going to call in the government i'm so scared of you i'll tell you what i'm going to do i'm going to hunt up my crew tonight tomorrow my cattle move on to hatchet well you do anything you want sam tomorrow morning when the u.s marshal's office opens in santa fe i'm sending a telegram maybe he can also straighten out this matter about cavanaugh's death you think mean was bluffing of course he's bluffing but i'm gonna call his bluff i'm gonna do just what i told him i was gonna do move on to hatchet priest i want to talk to you the cattle cartoons grazing below garrisons they belong to you yeah we got a very good buy on them from garrison if you want to keep that stuff move it off hatchet range are you threatening dad he doesn't seem to be afraid of you will he's not going to do the fighting court team well are you moving you know my stand on this i'm going to drive cartoon off that grass if it means shooting he means it red can take care of himself but he ought to be warned i can't get a man at this hour to ride out there go yourself i will i'll hitch up the buggy now this might be the chance that sam invited looking for might teach will a lesson i think it might i gotta hurry you think you can find mariner yes i'll tell him mr mariner [Music] i thought you'd like to know yeah will ballard is going to ride out tomorrow to drive cortina off hatchet range my father's written out now to warn cortine [Music] thank you miss priest thank you very much for the information miss priest i thought you were going to marry will ballard [Applause] so i'm getting spooked joe would it make any difference to you if i told you i'd been a bullhead hey well everything's gone the way we planned you'll be kept in you're a good man i think i'm a good man took me some time to find it out [Music] joe don't join there joe joe don't do it mac i want to send a telegram where to share come on yeah give me a handle [Music] sir i'm glad i found you here sam i i couldn't have made it much further will barrett left town last night he's on his way now to drive my cattle off the grass over by garrison my saddle's on the corral fence throwing that ball face bay i'll get my boots on i want on here no time for that will you get moving [Music] wait a minute what's he got to do with this priest let him ride he's out to get balor too have your men put that fire out all right you heard me boys we're gonna hole up in that arroy over there for what ballard's coming in with his crew to get these cattle i get first shot at him after that you can do anything you want but that's the way it's going to be i understand yeah sure all right boys i'll get yours you lead those horses up a draw you two hide yourself down along that ridge in a brush and stay so well head nobody can tell you're there click your spot red yeah there they are let's go [Music] [Music] so look out get him out of here [Music] [Music] can you hear me mel he ever gets off that horse he'll never get on again look there [Music] we're going to answer the nearest timber [Music] how you feeling sonny just keep going well we've got to split up i'll go it alone and try and draw them off of you they'll follow the single trail wait a minute kid there's six of them you're asking for a bag full of lead well if they get close enough to shoot at me and they're close enough to see that i ain't you [Music] all right we'll hold up the cabinets you bring celia up there with some grubbing medicine you bet your real good hand jim [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh he's headed for hatchet and as good as dead we can pin him down there to biden his crew close in i will be much good sure as good as dead myself who's that oh spook priest one abides man i've had him watching hatchet for a week on the lookout for will hello george dollar going into hatchet collard i ain't seen ballard for days well your silly jackass you must have seen him he just drove right by if you want to sleep that wasn't ballard as one of them raw hiders all afternoon a wrong trail he's asleep yeah that's good hmm what are you thinking about will joe name he'll be all right the doctor said if he could get through the night he'd get well it was one good thing came out of this fight sure made joe into a lot of man well sam's like a man walking in his sleep he's got one purpose all right i'm not dodging him anymore though good [Music] [Music] hatch is safe now sydney the two mavericks beat off the whole country i'm not a maverick will i'm sure you say so
Channel: Grjngo - Western Movies
Views: 150,372
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Keywords: free movies, free western movies, free westerns, western, western movies, western feature films, full length movies, cowboys, wild west, Ride the Man Down (1952), western movie, entire movies, full movie, watch films online, full movie youtube, classic western movies, western movies full length, cowboy movies, western movies full length free, full movies, best western movies, best westerns, free films, free film, watch movies, free movies to watch, Ride the Man Down
Id: RitGeeDfERY
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Length: 89min 9sec (5349 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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