Gunsmoke Western 1953 Audie Murphy Susan Cabot Paul Kelly

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my oh well looks like we finally shook the little boys in blue i didn't like that governor calling out the copyright identifying a private war that's this privilege all i know is though i'm glad to be out of johnson county you know i got feeling those folks didn't like us very much they did act sort of mean didn't they get out of here guess this is where we split the blankets johnny there's a trail to billings sure you don't want to come along no i think i'll slope along up into the mariah river country what's up there sheep sounds like trouble well that's the way you make a living in it wouldn't know i'm the peace loving titan so say what about that job in billings man didn't say i expect you always been helping with the head huh well that's good healthy work you've got to be careful of sunstroke though everything's settling down one place johnny yeah i did settle down once what happened i forgot to lock the cell one night no i'm serious you better stop thinking about that ranch kid you never make it why not you've been hiring out that gun too long i can forget all that well maybe you can but there's a lot of people that can't but i'll be saying to reb how long johnny [Music] so oh [Music] so [Music] hey [Music] lose your horse no he's got a little tie had to let him rest go back later and carry him in same thing happened to me last week hit a stretch of gumbo mud and my team played out on me you may not believe it but i had to push them for horses inside and pull the stage myself i believe it you're one of the few people i ever met who did there's a stage for billings yeah and that's exactly where i'm going get in back i'm overdue now [Applause] sorry miss i hope you're not hurt if you'll get off my lap i'll let you know like i like it well i don't i didn't get your name didn't give it to you ran into a little trouble this morning haven't i seen you someplace before i've been a lot of places now just give me time i'll remember i never forget a face ran into a little trouble this morning i know you no that's not it i ran into a little into a little trouble this morning i'd leave my horse back at the trail i closed my eyes and took a deep breath i'd say you still had him with you now what's the matter don't you like horses i don't like i've got it you're red kittridge i remember now i saw your picture in the cheyenne paper when you hired out to the ranches in the johnson county war you know i knew a man once had got himself into a lot of trouble because he remembered things too good i'm sorry stranger i didn't mean any offense you know one second thought i must have been thinking about somebody else hi look i saw your next like something and threw a scare into him you didn't have no trouble did you charlie no probably your driving that spooked him not scare anybody throw me down that luggage thanks mister what do you want done with these bags miss saxon i'd be glad to help with him you don't learn very fast do you just learned what your name is send them up to the hotel will you sure nice girl she don't seem to like you very much there's none available [Applause] how soon do you think we can deliver those cattle kelly two weeks to bunch him another week to make the drive when did you not to tell if it come to you 30 days that gives us enough time providing go ahead and say it providing i lived that long you know it's alfred yeah i know him it was me i'd lay for him in a dark alley some night i don't operate that way kelly anything should happen to me though come in hello curly we didn't expect you back to tomorrow there wasn't much object instead sheridan bank won't make a loan dead i didn't think they would is this a closed game or can anyone sit in one seat's open i missed you honey i missed you too but i'll tell you about it later phew i'm beat to death can we go on out to the ranch tonight dad seems to me you've done enough traveling for one day got a special reason for it what is it red kittbridge is in town i wrote in on the stage with him i see begins to look like a showdown doesn't it that's what you've got to stay away from dad that's the reason we have to leave i'm getting a little too old to start running but you've got to listen to me dad he's a gunman you know he was brought here to kill you please dad don't do it for my sake there's just one thing on earth i wouldn't do for you kitten this is it i built up that ranch with my own two hands you were born there your mother died there i fought indians and snowstorms and dry years and floods to make it what it is i'm not gonna give it up just because some two-bit gunslinger happens to come to town carly stop him stay out of it kelly it's not your fight [Applause] that's the bell i was telling you about that's red kittbridge something i could do for you you ever reload any ammunition oh that depends on the caliber i got a few moles buffalo gun you don't see many of these around anymore you hear one once in a while matter of fact there's only one man around here that owns one that i know of who's he curly matter foreman for dan saxon he wouldn't have a daughter would he really oh no he ain't even married i'm talking about saxon oh sure he's got a daughter rita gonna marry curly that's interesting uh you and curly ought to get together it seems you got something in common yeah i'm looking forward to meeting him hey you don't want me to reload only one cottage do you no i was just looking for information pop well hey what do you want to know i already found out [Applause] kittridge [Music] i'm dan saxon the man you were brought here to kill so might as well be here and now you're a fool i got no fight with you at least not yet there's a stage leaving town and an hour or so be on it i just got here you heard what i said we don't like hired gunmen in this town be on that stage if i'm not and make your play now that's up to you [Music] mister want to try again i'm convinced dad i'm all right kitten [Music] you're a real brave man with that gun in your hand [Music] [Music] hey yeah i'm still trying to figure out why he didn't you're a little catrice aren't you friend two men try to lift my scalp today already you might be the third that's out of my life what do you want telford sent me he wants to see you you'll see me right now when having trouble finding me i'll be here place a man can bed down for the night i tell you mr kickridge there's a real nice hotel just down the street probably you'd like it better there why well we've uh we've got mice i won't bother them yes sir oh it's room 20 room 16 uh upstairs i can just see it now blood all over my nice clean flowers how's it feel pretty good i'll let that be a lesson to you you're getting too old to go up against the killer he's no killer duck well if he isn't he's been taking money under false pretenses all the way from texas to the canadian line then why didn't he kill me this afternoon maybe he can't shoot straight you're still doing a ride to the bridge with you sounders only like him why not well somebody was out to shoot me i think i could work up a reasonable dislike for him all right just doing his job he can't hate a man for that under the circumstances i could try real hard you've got something on your mind dan what is it i used to run with the wild bunch dog 25 years ago i just like kitted if someone hadn't given me a hand up i'd probably be in boot hill now a little rough shot but it's not bad just doesn't where he's going so you're gonna show him could be you should have had a son dan instead of a daughter i'm not complaining i'll cut you for the bill doc double or nothing you've been doing that for 10 years i've never collected a dime yet well you don't think i cheat do you doug let's just say i never caught you at it shuffle hahaha [Music] [Music] come in well you're in the wrong room aren't you you can put the gun away i'm not dangerous you could be you've got the right equipment for it how about the gun oh i sort of feel undressed without it you sort of look undressed even with it an expected company aren't you going to ask me why i came oh i figured you'd get out of telling me in time i'm in no hurry how'd you ever get mixed up in the business of being a hired gunman well that sort of got a talent for it man must have a good reason for hiring out to murder i haven't murdered anybody yet that's what it finally comes down to doesn't it look if you're trying to reform me you're wasting your time what does a man like you want out of life anyway oh i want to spread on my own someday no different from anybody else i'm working for it only way i know how that's what my dad wanted to only he got it the hard way now you're helping telford take it away from it chance he's got to take wasn't me to be somebody else you could have killed him a while ago why didn't you i got nothing against him and why'd you take this job i haven't taken it yet that's not what telford's been saying telford seems to take a lot of things for granted then you're gonna turn it down no suppose i made you a better offer what job on the ranch 40 a month and found 14 hours a day in the saddle chuck wagon grub cold blankets oh that's part of it what's the rest seems to me you're in a position to ask whatever you want i might be at that hila try to see to it that your work will be very pleasant if you really meant that it could be we'd make some kind of a deal way it is though i figure no matter what happens i'll come out on the losing end of the deal i know well sir i wonder look miss saxon in my way i'm honest that's more than i can say about you now hit the trail someday i hope to see you when you can't use that ride on my viewers mr ridge what the boys in the back room will have and tell them i'm having the same go see what the boys in the back room will have and give them the poison they name and when i die don't spend my money on flowers or a picture in a frame just see what the boys in the back room will have and tell them i sighed and tell them i cried and tell them i died of the same what a day whiskey want to drink it or throw it at somebody i really wanted far was to kindle a fire we got that kind too [Music] just see what the boys in the back room will have and tell them i cried and tell them i died of the same they said i might take two drinks that stuff got hung bear with a willow switch what do you want to switch for you traveling under a new name these days aren't you speaking to your old friends in this business you don't know who your friends are one day the next maybe you better change your business giving it some thought buy a drink or i'll buy you one upstairs sure [Music] your homestead in this place is your title clear i'm still working on it [Music] say when just ported your fingers get wet last time i saw you was down in denver why did you leave why did you had a reason you had 12 reasons each one of them had a gun in his hand i understand you got run out of wyoming too yeah well you got a pretty good record texas arizona new mexico colorado now wyoming i'm young yet you're running out of states too i understand there's lots of room left in canada luck something i can always use [Music] do you ever see johnny lake not since a couple of days ago boy isn't in town is he you went on up north you can reach him through general delivery in big sandy he's still in love with you cora [Music] he always wants second choice with me but i didn't ask you up here to talk about johnny i have a proposition for you reb how would you like to own this saloon don't tell for them he does he also owns all the wrenches in the basement except one i don't see how you cut in on that well i could marry him if i tried real hard what happened then i thought you could figure that out for yourself [Music] i thought i was tough compared to you i'm a biker i told you i take what i want any way i can get it [Music] come in oh it's you matt have you met red kittridge this is matt telford i haven't had the pleasure a little whiskey cora i'm not a patient man mr kitt ridge i sent where that i wanted to see you several hours ago i don't like to be kept awake and makes us even i don't like to take orders i uh witnessed your little altercation this afternoon so did everyone else seem i was the only one in town that didn't know what's gonna happen oh i went to a great deal of trouble to publicize you're coming you see i anticipated mr saxon's reaction too bad you passed up the opportunity to kill him legitimately he drew first maybe you should let me know what was going on you got my letter didn't tell very much there are some things mister get rid that are better said than written it's quite a simple matter mr saxon owns a ranch i want it why don't you buy that's a good question he won't sell what do you hope to gain by killing i happen to hold a note of mr saxons payable in 30 days now it's impossible for him to get his cattle to an eastern market in that time and what are you worried about well unfortunately he's obtained a contract to supply beef to a railroad construction crew i want to make sure that beef is not delivered you don't have to shooting to do that of course not i just thought it might simplify winners sorry to disappoint you that's all right mr kittridge i'm sure you'll find some other way of stopping delivery how i'll leave the details up to you you are highly recommended me as a specialist in your life so who recommended me an old friend of yours cora dufresne thanks for thanking him that's all right always glad to do a favor for an old friend how much they're worth to you 500 now 1500 more when the job is done that's not enough why consider it extremely generous however i will listen to a counteroffer i do all the work and you wind up with the ranch maybe we ought to be partners on the deal what's your idea of a partnership i'll settle for a third i don't know hurry take it over your friend is a difficult man to deal with i told you he'd come high a little higher than i figured why don't you pay him off two thirds are better than nothing you don't understand man like if i allowed him a third interest now later he'd want it all well what do you do now oh wow let him think about it overnight and uh make him a better offer [Music] get rich [Music] looking for trouble or is this the only saloon in town oh i'm safe here telford wouldn't want anything to happen to me in his own place what you meant well this is my place of business i like to run the door today that's the reason he sent for you sir you're jumping in shatters damn am i can i buy your drink mr kittredge sure this is curly mouth of my foreman doc farrell ali did you say the name was curly method but i thought you said that a little proposition for you daughter already made me one oh and i'd say she's got more to offer than you have sit down curly i know about my daughter's visit to you maybe you'd think my offer was a little better never knew a man to lose any money listen rita says you're interested in owning a ranch i might have mentioned it how does the square is sounded but i can get it sounds good to a lot of people i'm a gambler son cut the cards with you high card you win the square s complete with mortgage that's the one part i'd be glad to get rid of doesn't sound like much of a bargain to me what's wrong with it all you have to do is deliver your cattle what if i lose then you go to work for me 40 a month and found a hell of as long as i think i need you just a minute mr goodridge it is my understanding that you're working for me it's my understanding you won't pay my price go ahead you're a fool son he hasn't lost a cut in 20 years you ought to be just about to do you cut them up just keep everything honest you think he's honest not honest but awkward you first [Music] looks like you're in the ranching business you're driving my cattle to market in a few days you know i'd be awfully mad if anybody tried to stop me next time you try to bushwhack somebody pick up your empties and another thing lead your horse outside for me you owe me one i came in late but it sounded to me like somebody just outbid you i underestimated mr gibberidge the man learns to accept defeat you give up on policy don't you sax knows one thing goodrich is another he has a well-established reputation for violence he worked hard for it i know someone who isn't afraid of him what a wide range of acquaintances you have i always say it pays to know the right people how long would it take your uh friend to get here five or six days sinful all right only this time don't try to buy him cheap [Music] it's not a bad looking horse you had there curly taking down corral fun i'm not working for you you're not working for me get off my land you're pretty tough with that gun strapped around your waist i wonder how tough you'd be without it [Music] you ain't never going to find out really because i ain't never going to take it [Music] off [Music] [Music] you [Music] oh hello son sit down just get rid of a little deadwood you know sometimes i think it's a mistake to learn to read and write you wouldn't have to go through all this here's the deed to the ranch you can have a recorded next time you get to town and uh here's a copy of telford's mortgage well i guess that takes care of all the paperwork anything else you want to know yeah where's the beef back in the hills did you have a spring round after the winter we had we didn't need one a curly wolf boy i'm going to kill the calf crop and most of the beef stairs too that's how telford got positioned in most of these ranches it wasn't for that railroad contract he'd have this one too and what stock you've got left could be scattered from here to canada they are elephants notes due in four weeks that's no news to me they drifted into rough country to take that long to round them up that's your problem son looks like i came out on the short end of the deal after all anytime you start liking the other side the bed let me know i'll take the land back thanks i think i'll play it this way one time around did you ever do any ranching before i can make a hand but never tried round rodding a spread like this you don't need help i didn't figure i could do it alone sorry with your crew i'd like to keep them on they know this country how about killing what about him where he can handle men and he knows kettle except i didn't think that you two were friends as long as he can't shoot any better than he can i don't mind having him for an enemy now that's one thing i want to get straight son i didn't know he was going to try and drag out you that's something he thought up on his own he's got a real lively imagination but look at it from his angle he figured he'd on a rant someday he's going to marry rita i might give him some trouble there too you got any plans when you leave here when you get to be my age you don't make plans anymore you just play them the way they're dealt to you that being the case maybe we can make a deal i'm listening i need all the help i can get it stands the reason you know more about this spread than anyone else you offering me a job why not you offered me one i'll think about it take your time and then start work till tomorrow am i enjoying me around the place be a pleasure son might be the last chance i have to see it what's that that's your cook the professor i'll take your word for it those are your hands i suppose mr saxon told you the setup and the new owner name's kittridge yeah we know suppose you men want to know where you stand well i intend to run this place like mr saxon did when he owned it the job's here for you if you want to stay none of us are staying we just want to collect the wages we got coming all right better pay them off seems to me that's your responsibility you're on the range besides i'm broke didn't tell me you couldn't meet payroll you never asked me well like i'm learning more about the ranching business every day while you're learning what about our money do one or two things curly side your side on head for town right now you can stick around and take a chance on getting we don't work on jawbone looks like jawbone's all this spreads got left got to get that beef to market you men help me i'll pay you double what you got coming what guarantee have we got that we'll get it my word well that ain't enough what's wrong with his word i'm taking it you mean you're going to work for him well we gotta eat don't we i'd rather go hungry i tried that too i wouldn't recommend it you're playing this straight dan or just trying to copper your bet now that's straight i've owned this piece of grass for 25 years i lost it on the square isn't anything i wouldn't do outside of murder to keep telford from getting it what do you say boys i reckon if it's good enough for you dan it's good enough for me yeah it's all right with me thanks boys we'll start the round up tomorrow really i'll go along with you dan you want to see the ranch so [Music] um [Music] who is it me just a minute [Music] can i come in if you don't we're going to have a long-range conversation because i'm not coming out hey melt bring me up a pot of coffee did you glad to see me i'm not glad to see anybody at this hour in the morning make yourself comfortable i'll comb my hair almost like a fright regard to me you've been up in those hills too long oh i can show you some of that coffee come and get it [Music] hi again along with kidridge i can take him or leave him alone if given a choice i'd leave him alone you didn't have to work for him you know why i did i can guess it's still nice to hear it once in a while though let's manage you run out of work there's probably a few cows still back up in the hills maybe you better start looking for i'll see you later [Music] someday he's gonna take you apart curly yes curly and i hope i'm there to see it [Music] they don't look too bad considering the weather they put in doesn't take long to fatten up when they get good grass we'll comb those breaks to the north tomorrow you should be able to start your drive the day after which way do we go there's only one way to go straight down the valley and around the mountain seems to me it'd be shorter to cut across the mountains yeah it'd be shorter all right nobody ever tried it that i know of these ways they never came out the other side i'll take your word for it you know this country better than i do you'll make up your own mind you're cutting it close for time as it is and tell them they try to stop you i don't think he will don't underestimate himself if he gets this ranch you'll have control of this whole basin range is getting he won't quit without trying [Music] [Music] say that's the prettiest sight i've seen since i held four sevens against an ace high full get up go on get up and i'll beat your brains out trouble kelly [Applause] oh we was just looking at miss rita take it easy well that's worth looking at i'll wait a minute she's your girl curly you don't want us to look at her tell her to go home where she belongs one of these days you're going to start your play and i'm gonna give you a chance to change your mind i'm gonna get it before i throw it to the horse now go and get your grubs [Applause] what have we got this morning same thing you had yesterday beans and horse meat i don't mind eating corks except i figure the professor ought to unharness them before he cooks them hey boss something on your mind professor yeah mr saxon tells me you're gonna start your drive tomorrow there right that's right start tomorrow what do you figure on eating while you're making it it's matter we sort of grub oh we ain't short we're just running out that's what do you need well let me see we need uh potatoes flour salt cornmeal uh hog fan egg listen uh a wagon going into town after grub today why tell me cause you're driving i get your breakfast and hook up a team [Music] [Music] well there they are boys all right let's start i'm running hello so get out in front and try to turn them [Music] they got them turned and stopped they're scattered from here to who's hurt man well they won't be chasing cows for a while they alfred if i had to nominate anyone he'd get my vote better take him back to the ranch i send doc farrell up in town some daylight start getting that herd back together why don't you give up it'll take a week to get them bunched again i want them bunched and ready to move my day after tomorrow oh oh it's you don't tell me you got worried and came looking for me where's the grub there isn't any telephone shuttle if you credit at o'shea's get that rig turned around and meet me in town [Music] cartridge is coming up mr get ridge this is an unexpected pleasure is it didn't you think i'd come looking for you i'm sorry i haven't finished idea what you're talking about you know what i'm talking about keep your hard hands off my wrench i'll nail your head up to dry i don't like threats mr get rich i'm not threatening you you're trying to save your life oh the peace loving type johnny ira that's you were hurting sheep but never eyes oh then more growers treat their dogs better they treat the men besides that i couldn't stand the smell i see you gentlemen know each other oh we got a sort of a shooting acquaintance i understand you're in the ranching business yeah want a job thanks i've uh already got one i'm glad you dropped in kitterage i'm prepared to make you an offer for the square s that'll enable you to show substantial profit it's not for sale you're making a mistake i made them before it might interest you to know that legally speaking you don't own the ranch what are you talking about well there's a territorial statute that voids ownership of any land wanted to gain a chance you're lying read it for yourself didn't you tell me this before i didn't know it mr bratton just discovered it this afternoon looks like you run up against a cold deck grip ranch doesn't belong to me why do you want to buy let's just say i'm offering you a bonus to let the title revert to its original honor take the money rub and make it easy on both of us i don't want to go gunning for you that's your choice honey wait a minute buy a drink why not [Music] interesting situation need any help said um friends are yours they're my helpers nice looking boys that's what i like about this job the company you keep sit down rab i'll do a little fortune i [Music] pulled by my true love i love my true love and always i must have got to hold the wrong bottle it's almost fit to drink that's tough for his own stock his bar was getting good for nothing but cleaning your boots what's he paying you for the job john 3 500 the price is going up he only offered me 2 000. you got to take into consideration the kind of talent he's hired how's he paying 1000 cash 2500 bonus when the job is done meaning when you shoot me i think your name got mentioned someplace well i shot after less mine if i sit down that's always room for one more just like old times three of us together yeah we need now as an undertaker a real nice party how do you like the ranching business [Music] all right up now see you around johnny it seems likely johnny yeah do you think you'll have to kill him i don't know grab the rig around the back of o'shea's i'll meet you there okay i want to talk to you let's take a walk i like it here maybe you didn't hear me i said let's take a walk you're bluffing you wouldn't dare shoot me in here you think i'm bluffing just keep sitting [Music] kittridge just walked out with o'shea send johnny up to see me one lamp's enough i get a pencil and write down what i take you'll get your money can i do anything yeah help me carry this grub out oh this is robbery it's not a robbery i'm just opening up a charge account anymore no that's all get this rig outside of town and wait for me i won't be wrong no now listen here get ready i said you'd get your money and you'll get it get his gun don't kill him in here i don't want to get mixed up in any killing he broke into your store didn't he keep your shirt on nobody's going to kill him why not he's a friend of mine now that telford said telford said was he didn't want that beef delivered well i like to see cows run like they did tonight what are you going to do with him just wrap him up a little that ought to slow him down for a day or two i still don't want any part of it then get out should have taken telepaths off a kid who would have saved us both troubles i don't know do it let's go [Music] hurts doesn't it enough so that i'm not going to forget who did it [Music] would you ever learn to do that spent all your life in a ranch learn a lot of things supposed to thank you for getting me out of there that's all right why did you do it i wondered what you'd be like without a right arm beside you gave that a job i suppose i have to be grateful for that it might have something to do with me he needed help needed help before nobody ever gave it to me [Music] are you in love with curly wants to marry me that's not what i ask you [Music] i don't know why it should interest you i don't want to stake my claim on range it's already taken i up we better go ah it took him two days to bunch him after we scattered them the other night but they hit the trail before sunup this morning anybody to ten miles up the valley you figure they can get him over to the yellowstone in a week cutting pretty fine the way he's pushing him i think they will i guess we better be riding them world that could turn out to be the biggest beef barbecue ever seen in montana territory just don't ever mention the fact that you helped cook it i think i want to get hung i wouldn't want to better guess it come on how far do you think we've come today i make it about 15 miles good pick up a few more we've still got a couple hours of daylight left we've been on the road since full dark this morning the crew's got to sleep sometime why don't we bed down here they can sleep when we hit the yellow stuff get them moving one thing you've got to learn you can press a man just so far and you've still got an arm and a sling let me worry about that i just thought i'd mention it all right on ahead and pick out a spot for camp so somebody set fire that whole valley coming its way like a runaway train i was wondering what shelter would think up across the river turned around hey uh feel better now yeah thanks can he do that for himself i suppose he could why let him do it then are you trying to tell me what to do i've been watching you two i don't like what i see maybe you better stop looking are you falling for kitridge i'm not falling for anybody and that goes for you too looks to me like you done lost your gal curly i don't know about the rest of you but personally i'm pulling out in the morning look for a while we might get our pay now we don't stand a chinaman's chance of it you get your money curly just get those cows moving at sunrise in the morning where are we going to move them to to the yellowstone you can't drive cattle over that burned ground they'll suffocate inside a mile i don't tend to try i'm going to take them over those mountains i've hunted that country it can't be done have you ever tried no and you've got a new experience coming to you not to me then get out of camp i'll leave when i'm ready you'll leave right now i reckon that's a choice i'll make for myself the only choice you've got is how you'll go either riding on a horse or feet first we've been twirling a pretty big loop ever since you came here maybe it's time somebody took the slack out of your rope anytime you're ready i wouldn't draw on a man with a bad arm don't let the arm stop you coming you know the rest of you think you can't make it over that mountain better leave now speaking for myself i always figured high altitude was health given [Music] [Music] that's the best you can do it's good thing curly didn't call you bluff i never worried about curling what are you practicing for told telford i'd kill him if he made any more trouble for me that will get your ranch back it'll stop him from getting any pleasure out of it look you're not the first man who's lost anything dad lost this wrench to you in the turn of a card that he didn't yell he only said his luck had run out [Music] yeah he was playing with a joker in the deck i don't know what you need he figures he can get the land back after i get the savior for it that's a lie maybe you better go ask him dad never welshed on the bet in his life his daughter once told me she never lost [Music] either [Music] crazy come on get that outfit up the hill what do you want me to do take it apart and carry it up piece by piece breezy get a rope on it all right give him a hand oh now sometimes i can't figure out why i didn't quit this job before i stopped i always thought you liked working for saxon yeah well i ain't working for him now wait i gotta figure it he might be they keep talking there's the law in this neck of the woods it says you can't win property in the gambling game i'll be dark so he's been copper in his bed all the way he ain't been i'll buy the drinks the next time he reach town get ready to roll professor oh we ought to hit that ridge by tonight wonder what it's like on the other side well i reckon it can't be any worse we've already crossed some countries that make a big one sheep sick at stomach come on let's keep him rolling looks like he's going to make it on time doesn't it i always thought maybe he would what happens to us now don't you fret kitten everything's gonna work out fine but why are you telling all this to me it is my impression that you're working for get rich i was working for him up till two days ago i presume you had a good reason for quinton he was good enough to suit me you know that country curly uh what are his chances of taking a herd through the hills be rough traveling but could be done well if it can be done he'll do it then i suggest you take some steps to prevent it i was afraid you're going to say something like that you mind if i ride out with you yeah i mind i like people that shoot you from the front you'll need a guy johnny you're doing the hiring not me i'm just telling you what i think oh yeah gonna be a neat check getting that wagon down there professor seen a man try it once yeah oh well what happened to him nobody knows he's been heard from since well i don't do it professor let's get it on the road you mean you really expect me to drive this down that you won't have any trouble with it now look boss i don't mind going without sleep and i don't mind putting up with them wild animals and then rattlesnakes but when it comes to suicide that's when i quit um what do you think you're doing you can't drive yourself with a bad arm you want to break your neck it's my neck getting those rings whew scared never let me do that again i thought you quit thought you might be needing me what are you talking about well i i saw curly and a gang of telford's men coming through the gulch a couple hours back kelly didn't waste any time changing sides did he you can't hold those cattle in here if they try to run them there's a blind canyon up ahead a little ways let's run them in there got an idea come on professor exactly why i brought him in here that's the last time boss all right put some more wood on the fire you know maybe i forgot to tell you this but there were 20 30 of them in that bunch i heard you they're coming about 40 miles down the valley and for surprise when they get here you two get up in those rocks over there shooting fish in a barrel that's too bad he was a good friend of yours come on let's get going so oh wow no matter you hurt don't worry about me just get your beep to the rail head i'll be there [Applause] here comes your beast you got a doctor in camp we got a man that calls himself a doctor other side of the track thanks better get your dad taken care of i'll be back a little bit [Music] [Applause] there you are mr kidridge i think you'll find our tally agrees with yours take your word for it never stop to count how bad is he hurt doc only a flesh wound he'll be all right in a few days well son like all your troubles are over could be they're just beginning you wanted a ranch anytime you own something you got trouble that's part of the responsibility you're taking i'm not so sure i own anything you still got time to get the billings and pay off your note that's not what i mean seems there's a law in this territory that you can't win property in a gambling game i haven't heard it but what are you going to do about it that law was passed but take drunkards and fools i'm neither one does that answer your question all right abby everything all right fine doc thanks what's the other part you could have high-carded me that night we cut for the ranch baby why didn't you that's sort of hard to explain son i figured i had nothing to lose everything to gain i never gotten much to clearly except there was nobody around to give him competition why pick me up i didn't do the picking i just sort of put the merchandise in the window where people could look at it you got a good piece of land now son and a good girl all you got to do is hang that gun up and go to work [Music] i still owe somebody for this that's one debt you don't have to pay maybe not the way you figured but you still got a price on my head you try to buck on one hand at least have to buy it what would you do same thing you're going to do only i still think you're a hot-headed young idiot thanks oh watch this that's your deed just in case i happen to put my chips back in the rack what'll i tell rita then i'll be back you've got to get out of town johnny you know i'll come looking for you you want to see me run yes that sort of a change in trouble is in room enough to run in but he's looking for me i don't want to go to bed every night thinking this might be the one when he'll find me [Music] red [Applause] you can leave the money with me i'll give it to him i want to pay this in person maybe you forget i'm still working for telford he don't want to see you i thought he'd be real pleased don't try it kid not one-handed you're still worth 2500 bucks to me i'd drop you before you hit the foot of the stairs in case i'll make it easy for you how do you like that trying to cheat me out of my bonus there's some people you just can't trust i'll buy a drink for the house just name it poison gentlemen we haven't got it we'll make it i guess it's squares that's johnny i'm glad to hear it reb i never did like to shoot my friends i think somebody's looking for you come on let's get out of here didn't take you long to get here did it find time you can have that deed recorded we'll be busy looks like things turned out just the way you figured i'm satisfied doc i'll cut you for a drink don't bother i'll buy it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey so [Music] bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] the seat in front of a 19-inch rca victor television more day to labor day weekend the traditional occasion for tasty outdoor [Music] barbecues [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] i am completely agree with all the obstacles and with all the enemies who are between [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is times square 42nd street yeah [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] and then [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] my so [Music] [Music] is [Music] so [Music] merry christmas merry christmas everyone [Music] [Music] must be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] you
Channel: Hangtown Express
Views: 738,294
Rating: 4.6868978 out of 5
Keywords: Cowboy, Movie, Western, Gunfighter, Audie Murphy, Randolph Scott, Clint Eastwood, Horse, Yellowstone, Kevin Costner, John Wayne, Old, Oldies, George Montgomery, Gun Belt, 1953, Tab Hunter, Helen Wescott, Joan Weldon, Claire Trevor, Billy The Kids fighting Pals, Bob Steele, Bonanza, TV, Show, Lorne Greene, Michael Landon, Little Joe, Hoss, The Big Valley, Barbara Stanwyck, Lee Majors, Gunsmoke, Susan Cabot, Paul Kelly
Id: vD_d-jmaRGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 37sec (6517 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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