The Spoilers 1955 Western Anne Baxter Jeff Chandler Rory Calhoun

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so [Music] so not for 50 not for any amount i'll make it a hundred i just ain't got a room [Music] what's the matter flapjack looks like the mind caved in on you might as well banning me got gun oven that no gold comet just had 20 deputies same number of guns it happened to me too says two guys named bennett and clark also filed a claim we gotta wait till it's settled by law rom only knows one kind of law stick around if you want to kiss the gold commission that goes by mcnamara here mr mcnamara i'm afraid he's out gentlemen odd word tying up men's minds with only affidavits like he did ours if there's been little misunderstanding little about this misunderstanding money tell mcnamara we'll be back what do we do now we'll get ourselves 20 guys and 20 guns let's hit the northern that's because he's from seattle said they had the government on his side no reason this gold commissioner can come up here and take away our rightful claims [Music] oh you want to be president flapjack or just running for congress we're not running anyplace we got jumped you know what happened in the old days they've been strung up like fish to dry in the sun old days were right now they ain't gonna get away with it are they but as long as we have some honest men in gnome i think we have quite a bunch right here we don't need the law up here not that kind anyway they want action out of that mind they'll get it if it's action you boys want that's what i'm here for and the bar and the table not that kind of action sherry is there some other car the gold commissioner took our mine away and we're going to get it back no no boys when they're shooting this lob will be hitting i can't run the risk of losing my best customers but you grub steak that's that claim yourself so i have something to say about it now come on boys back to the bar when a man gets hot under the collar a drink's the second best thing to cool him off this round's on ours charlie come on boys everybody on the house jerry what's the first best thing you're too young to know glad to see my croupier is so busy blocky looks like your dice players are on the warpath for mcnamara's scalp that's too bad he started with a little fellas would you rather he began with the big claims say the miter without the owners away it'd be interesting to see what happens wouldn't it maybe somebody ought to call on the gold commission you know mr mcnamara don't you where i come from a lady waits for the gentleman to make the first call for how long he's been a normal month maybe he's sad i may have to overlook my early social training give him a word of advice about these claim jumpers [Music] lovely lovely as usual how nice to see you out mr skinner out of doors or out of jail i didn't say that and i appreciate it my dear why you are the only woman in gnome who'll even speak to me without giving me a lecture on the evils of my association with a throwing bow a man's entitled to choose his own company mr skinner please worthy my dear child praise whether you need allow me goodbye my dear [Music] miss malach hello marty this is an honor ivana government job is interesting is working for me there's a possibility i may be transferred to frisco that wouldn't happen at the northern just about the only thing that wouldn't is uh mr mcnamara in i'm sorry he'll be back soon while we're waiting maybe you can give me some information of course it's about the ownership of acclaim flapjacks and baddies i don't know much about that they were here earlier i tried to explain explain what it's been relocated it has under whose name uh mr clark and a mr bennett this is their affidavit mm-hmm interesting you won't mind if i bought this for a while will you money but very attractive filing cabinet but not for my records a question of access miss mullet you got to that one easy enough i'm alex mcnamara been intending to make a personal call on the most famous of alaskans northern lights but i just haven't gotten around to it i'll get the marshall for me monty and ask him to step over here my office should be more comfy oh [Music] you're not putting me in jail mr mcnamara for borrowing government records not this time miss milan flap jack sims and bonnie jones friends of yours i grubs take them well clark and bennett's where they file in the same mine last spring well i don't know about that but i do know that flapjack and bandy made the original discovery i was here well unfortunately some of the older ones were staked before there was a proper survey that's the reason i'm here if these claim jumpers happen to be let's say smart they could do themselves a lot of good relocating those claims i'm here to protect those claims i like the men to know that perhaps you can help me i hear you have a great influence with them i own the northern i give them a fair shake i like them they trust me you give them a fair shake and they'll trust you too mr mcnamara you wanted me commissioner yes marshall round up clark and bennett for me will you there's a couple of questions i want to ask them well right away how are you jerry in the pink had me worried for a minute i thought he wanted to put you behind bars now i have other plans for miss mullatt good so other plans well first since you have such a delightful place to store papers how'd you like to keep this thank you [Music] maybe i better find a safer place second may i escort you back to the northern i'm anxious to see it yes there's a group of men there anxious to see you too mr mcnamara through the sights of their guns well let's hope they don't shoot me before i give them their fair shake cherry sure was right about a drink cooled us off pulling us off making me hotter than ever to find that gold competition like he found you flapjack excuse me i'm alex mcnamara i understand i'm not very popular with some of you gentlemen i'd be sorry to hear that if i wasn't sure it was temporary there's a federal judge due here any day now to establish the rightful ownership to all the mines legally and in a court of law i'd suggest and appreciate a little patience but if any of you can't wait i'll be glad to see you personally work out your problems if possible you think they trust me now miss my life nobody shot you yet [Music] i see you met the shy mr mcnamara let's say he met me well that kind of goes was a quick sale i'm surprised you usually bargain i never die [Music] hey you folks d can't you hear the votes coming in my wife's convoys my wife [Music] like me to make the big gesture get the buggy i suppose you'd like to dash madly down to the beach to meet him no not this time lucky this is special he'll know where i am is that you met him or the boat's whistle again you heard it i was not getting this out to give the moths a breather oh not that that's us but it's more suitable for the occasion madam a lady of fashion welcomes a boat in dignified apparel you take care of the dignity that's us i'll take care of the welcome in that on the beach no not on the beach i thought you hired me to give you a little class run down to the bar will you get me a bottle of bread in a dozen hard-boiled eggs at three dollars a piece i'd suggest a dozen bottles of brandy and one egg [Music] sherry i thought so [Music] thank you blackie for what cutting my own throat let's go well there is in the first boat we'd better be terry supplies for the winter roy pardon me helen jerry hey jerry [Applause] now here's your luggage miss chester well thank you mr dexter oh roy was going to help me with it but uh he seems to have been interrupted carry him a lot very interrupted well i'll get mike here surprise of the winner uh there's enough vettel asked me all year how are you sport better now for a few seconds there i wasn't so sure may i in truth oh it's chester miss malak helen was a very pleasant support companion i can imagine no need to ask you if you enjoyed the trip mrs roy has a talent that works overtime on quotes i know i met him on one too roy also seems to have a talent for lighting small fires helen's uncle is judge stroman a new circuit court judge he's coming ashore with the captain you may be glad you know the law and order are finally arriving and known miss milan oh yes it'll be so much easier on the boys when the girls have to turn in their gun uh blackie's waiting with a buggy oh good i told the judge i'd get helen settled settled well he's staying at the hotel and that's hardly the place we're late perhaps miss chester would like to stay with me well that's very nice of you well jerry i'm afraid i know an apartment over a saloon is hardly the place for a lady either is that it roy well i thought a room at the widow smith just right for miss chester not as exciting as the northern but highly respectable i wouldn't lose any time getting her there she looks tired i'm so sorry we're not going by the widow smith but if there's anything else i can do you just uh don't hesitate to drop by my gin palace jerry jerry dick dicks it's nice to see you come on holla i'll ride you out to the mine good stop bristling cherry i learned something wrong you've been gone dex when someone jumps you claim you're better bristle quick nobody's jumped yours he's missed you hardly wait to get home too bad he's not home yet ah roy's yeah he's so good at carrying things we'll leave this well i'm afraid we walk sorry [Music] how are you doing worried otherwise fine i hope i didn't make trouble between you and miss my lot she's very attractive a little overdressed let's take the bread with the good huh oh it's a lovely gown pink and black her uh racing colors cherry's like a sleek yacht or a thoroughbred horse exciting beautiful but uh hard to handle but don't you worry about trouble though i've been homesick for it there's the guys who don't don't clean yeah four flashing double crossing two [Applause] [Music] mark without ryan behind you thanks give her a bad flapjack i'm gonna hurry up he missed what you felt my nfl you wouldn't admit never been supposed to owning a mine in all my life oh love mine we better go back and kid ourselves some more at the bar you boys better find yourselves an acre of ice water and soak your heads hover out that's one i owe you mister i'll bill you for it i'm alex mcnamara new gold commissioner i'm glenister the miter oh excuse me hurt my ankle it's twisted haven't you a gentler way of getting women out of gunfire i'm sorry again oh miss chester mr mcnamara hello miss chester rough welcome to gnome i'm afraid rough but exciting just like i've always heard miss chester's denise of judge stillman we were all together on the boat coming up oh i'm glad he finally arrived here here we go there we are we fought to go no not far enough i'm afraid i'll uh i'll be back for the luggage don't worry about it i'll send it along nice to meet you miss chester i'm sure we'll meet again glinister here small town yep he's attractive seems like a nice guy no one can sure use one in that job [Music] sorry certain last time don't worry about it roy don't worry about it at all [Music] so all right dex light up let's have it have what well i've known you long enough to know that when you start sucking on a cold pipe something's eating you no it's been nine years maybe that's not long enough for me to say what i'm thinking well let's suppose take a chance alright it's cherry you mean a lot to me both of you about all the family i got i don't like to see a family busted up what's busting us up little jealousy mud bath that doesn't bother me that outfit for instance you never worried about having your coat in your pants match before oh well some big city waves rubbed off on me besides a woman likes to see a man neat and dressed up jerry wouldn't care a judge's niece maybe but judges niece oh no dex not tonight no not with what i know is waiting for me at that apartment over the northern complete with a bottle of brandy and a dozen hard-boiled eggs and don't be too sure she's a woman and when a woman sees another woman in the arms of a guy she thinks is hers she's apt to get head up and she's apt to get over it five minutes after i get there well ten anyway damn over kelly we're heading for town [Music] foreign my humble apologies your highness [Music] break my bad luck for me we did cherry this may not be my night either joe but i'll try natural thanks jerry thanks [Music] play it again sam the same slow and easy [Music] love oh careless [Music] careless that's what you've been given from what i've seen and what i've heard [Music] those winter winds will be on control but who cares if you freeze you see [Music] once my love was all for you that's one mistake i'll make no more you're out looking in at a bolder door you're one great big mistake i'll make no more [Music] i thought you gave up entertaining when you bought the place or for the public that is i sing when i feel like singing and i'm at every note or how about the words you need a breather i'll take over no thanks i never heard you sing better watch your past line blackie [Music] hi sing when you feel like singing man i like that people should always do what they feel like doing particularly two people together sports remember what i said when i left when i came back with makeup for all the time lost while i was away i went back i met the boat remember wait a minute this jealousy is very complimentary but it surprises me maybe we don't understand each other i think we do i don't think you want me to come crawling back you wouldn't want that's come on like they say in poker that's uh draw to a busted pair i think you better toss in all your cards mister like they say in poker there's a new deal coming up came to pay that personal call on the northern lights this is uh mr glenister we've met hope i'm not interrupting anything private not at all drink watch the show try your luck at the table the percentage here's with the house make it's hard to beat oh but it's been done the game is killed mr mcnamara and anything you can win you can collect like the man the circuit judge hit town today but he ain't gonna start hearing any cases for at least two weeks that's all well it's due processes of law gentlemen court can't convene until i finish my relocation service you won't finish them here in the northern well if you just be a little patient we're out of patience and we're tired of waiting until you moved in on our claims there was no trouble now we're moving you out all right everybody fight's over back to the tables please come on now have another drink enjoy yourself better get them out boys there'll be no brawls here unless they're over me you can bill me for that one lannister well let's say we're eating good night miss malachi don't forget me in that new deal this my life i suspected a more personal relationship perhaps a drink could make you less suspicious mr mcnamara i understand you're the boss that's right and the boss is buying tonight shall we go well that ought to be enough looser for you al take it from here it looks like we got company figured they'd get around us and they [Music] have stay right where you are boys i'll take it easy dex i will with you who's your friend in the dude clothes i'm jonathan strove gentleman legal representative for the golden commissioner it's my duty to serve notice on you that glad to know him put that gun away dex some man named galloway has filed legal action against your claim on the miter it's true he's just doing his job that's all simple routine yeah might seem simple to you but i'm not accepting any notice of any legal action roy and i stake this claim no doubt you did gentlemen and that can be established once and for all at a court of law it is established once and for all right here i'll i'll just leave these papers here for you anyway it's me and my crystal ball looks like more trouble heading our way yeah what what's more attractive trouble vets well welcome to the miter helen i particularly like the three gun salute decks are just clearing lawyers out of your way shooting a man mr dexter even a lawyer could get you into considerable trouble that's what i'm keeping out of trouble and law courts well could be glad to hear that anyway he's up to his nose in these claim jumping cases he'll get the right smell where does the tour begin i've never seen a gold mine that's the reason i'm up here report to your uncle he can do the work i'll just check on the natural resources where are you starting in the right place i'm sure of that train from the mine again and mr glennis is on it even if you're trying to pretend you're not expecting company this time he isn't company duchess i sent for him because of mr dextre what's all this stuff why even in boston the most genteel young lady wouldn't hesitate to use a few softening influences this is strictly business now take this junk away i will not you've been too hard to live with lately put that tray where it belongs don't tempt me duchess you're fired hello sport i got your message from dexa come along as quick as i could oh hey what's that for that's just to let you know i didn't send for you for the reason you've got in mind oh it's that way again huh not again still and you you dragged me all the way in from the miter just to remind you i want to talk to you about something roy man to man no brandy so it's uh all off huh no more uh songs no more little champagne suppers it's a long cold winter in alaska sport but we're through huh well you seem to have set yourself up for the winter so that takes care of that doesn't it roy i sent for you to talk about dex well you won't mind if i work in line here and there about us would you dex is worried he thinks you're impressed by this new law and order that you're gonna let those claim jumpers take over the miter decks is full of worries we'll talk about that some other time when are you going to come off for this perch i'm worried too dex could be right and if he is what about your dear little friend miss chester she's very attractive real refined isn't she a lady all over ah there's nothing between helen and me just just a few laughs on the boat nice gal a lot of class a lot of class covers a lot of territory she wouldn't know how to use a man if she had the chance would she [Music] all i hope is that she hasn't gotten to the point whether you'll let them step in and take your mind away taking care of the mitre is my job your job is taking care of me we're not talking about my job well i am i don't know how you and i can understand each other any better but it's time we tried no i don't you worked up something in your mind about helen chester that doesn't exist and if nothing else will prove that to you maybe this will [Music] i guess you'd call that laying it right on the line [Music] it's good enough for me sport [Music] will the litigants in this case please stand before rendering my finding i wish to make one thing clear this court will not be used to legalize claim jumping it is not the spirit of the law to permit tricks or technicalities to deprive rightful owners of their claims in the present litigation therefore i find for the original owner sims and jones and order their mine restored uh mr matt well this is a pleasant surprise courtroom can always use little decorating and a little justice well then you should be pleased with the course decision i'm always pleased when an interest of mine is protected like that interest of yours in the mighty interests change mr mcnamara then i won't have to ask lennister about surveying his property mr glennister can speak for the mine i don't know anything about his other holdings well this calls for a celebration northern has all the facilities including a fancy apartment upstairs out here very fancy but not for celebrations the judge says it's out now claims them that's what the judge says i'm giving this mind back to a frightful owner and that's me that's you what about me how do you like trap have my claims up i'm an old partner why are you dead [Laughter] what are you planning on doing dex blowing up the whole countryside guess some fireworks in case they try to take this countryside away from us they're coming dicks they're coming quite proud of him this time too five more minutes and i'd have been all set for him bye boys get your guns get ready for action [Music] that's far enough you won't need that gun dextre we're not here to cause any trouble judge stillman just wanted to explain about explain about claim jumpers eh did you do anything with him lannister nothing i appreciate how you feel mr dexter but i wish you'd try to understand my position i will save your wishes i can't as an instrument of the law i've issued an order placing this mind in the custody of the gold commissioner it's the duty of mr struve and these federal officers to serve that order [Music] the only thing is judge that order isn't based on fact we staked the mitre claim there wasn't anyone here before us we'll let that be determined in a routine legal way i know of no better title insurance than a sound court decision well i do suppose we do accept the notice mine's turned over to the commissioner how long will you be operating at mcnamara just until the case is heard the government's not interested in the gold here just the right to mine it and unfortunately your right's been challenged i'll try and place the case on the calendar for monday what about the golden are up here safe that can stay here on the property under guard sealed by the court gentlemen i urge you to listen to reason if we're to have law and order in the territory it must be respected now that some no if right dex you mean you're gonna let him move in on us well this galloway can't prove he discovered a mind if it'll stop the claim jumping i'll go along well i won't get out all of you easy dicks dead judges have to be a little prejudiced and we'll have to be swindled shellac just plain rob that's the way you want a royal cave but it's not how i want it as of right now you and i are through completely washed up i'm sorry he feels that way he'll get over it you did the right thing i hope so if there any questions i can answer just have one question judge you can answer that monday better be the right answer [Music] next i told you our partnership's busted take that into court and legalizing it's a trap he's walking right into it are being led in by that chester dame she's picking these brains while the men pick his pockets and mine but a man doesn't walk out on his partner decks you know that especially when he's in trouble you walked out on him that was something else again no it wasn't it was the same setup you're crazy about him he always was you always will be it's not the same you love roy i don't you're lying sherry you're lying to me into yourself admit it all right so i'm lying what is it blackie great little town gnome something going on every minute come on let's have it it was good news you wouldn't bother us with it i was passing the bank dex just in time to see mcnamara's deputies putting your safe in the bank world the safe in the bank vault why that judge gave his word to stay out at the miter and our golden record's in it now you see what i mean sherry wait a minute dex for what they'll be locking me up next nobody's snatching any safe of mine before you go inviting yourself into jail suppose we try another angle there ain't no other angle this is my way you're taking care of business like that calm yourself dex they're two lawyers in town one of them is true that's shyster and we're going to see the other one come on let's go talk to wheaton well after this little deal with the safe i thought i'd better get myself some legal advice we can that's all mcnamara has all the claim records in his files i've never had trouble getting what information i needed from him pardon me um help yourself to some more coffee huh thank you dicks and cherry what brings you here law and order we're in the market oh mine form's over here the place is haunted let's get out of here dicks lannisters told me what happened you're making a mistake splitting up like this right now i made another coming here at all no no listen to him dex from you sport thanks you know about the safe i know about it i also know that wasn't part of the bargain then why didn't you stop him there's 80 000 in that safe and half of it's mine besides our claim deed to the mitre how we gonna prove ownership without it that's why i'm here to find out if there's a duplicate and where well is it there is in mcnamara's office 100 for you on that one there's always a duplicate on file unless of course it should happen to uh disappear from the gold commissioner's records oh i'm sure you know the gentleman better than that sport i'm never 100 sure about any man well they're wasting time dex if anything should go wrong and judge settlement fines for galloway's claim i'll go to seattle and present the facts to the higher court that's glinister's idea not much of an idea when the facts are all locked up in that safe and it's locked up in a vault there's only one way to settle this and it ain't with any highfalutin affidavits or habits corpuses with this i told you there's no use coming here cherry you're right dex i hate to see this happening roy oh dex will come around after the hearing jerry may take a little longer and therefore after examining the evidence in the case of edwards versus cole i find for the original mine owner jonathan cole we're next oh boy's doing all right so far i'll wait till i see what he does with galloway looks like you got nothing to worry about glinister you got money honest right the government frowned on the gold commission of gambling even on the sure thing good luck roy you too mr dexter thanks for we won't need luck only justice and uh maybe a drink to celebrate that's an invitation i'd love it all right we'll crack a bottle of champagne over the office at the miter a good way to launch it again and make a handsome couple am i if i sit down cherry now that we're old friends you may call me miss moloch well i'd like it to be a little more personal oh it's fun this week that's not relationship next case the galloway versus dextre and glennisday your honor because of the crowded condition of the calendar i regret to state that the court has been unable to give this case the consideration it merits also it has been cautioned privately against making mistakes it is the answers to the legal questions proposed must be the right ones consequently this case will be set forward in 90 days i warned you there was a bunch of crooks if you are questioning the integrity of this court mr dexter may i warn you you are liable to charges of contempt you told us you'd decide this case today judge stillman i demand that you do i told you i'd place it on today's calendar i wasn't aware of the complexities of the boundary problem are you aware that in three months even a skeleton crew could take a quarter of a million dollars out of that mine whether the government's interested in the gold or not mr glinister if you have anything further to say to this court i must ask you to say it through your attorney your honor i think this extension at time is unreasonable i move the courts at an earlier date for the examination motion denied horses denied you're a smart thief but you don't fool me and if that's contempt it sure enough is dexterity's right he's a thief that's what it is bring him up like this to dry in the sun mr wheaton i shall hold you accountable for the actions of your client it is my duty to warn you and this goes for the rest of the territory that any further demonstrations of lawlessness or threat servants will force me to send for troops from saint michael court adjourned okay that's what happens when we try it your way now we'll try it mine [Music] ellen no more thanks that's it a perfect lady until the last duck is dead stroof i'm okay judge pass me what's bothering you your honor just that my honor isn't easy to look a courtroom of people in the eye knowing they expect a fair shake knowing they're not going to get one i don't let your conscience bother you after all these years it isn't supposed to be easy if it were i wouldn't have had to hire such professional talent you've done a fine job all of you not only is glenister safe locked up but i have a pick crew working his mark how much do you figure we'll make off in this deal quarter of a million dollars in 90 days if we can get to seattle with an appeal and learns the real judge stillman isn't due here until next spring wheaton will never get to seattle honey that's been taken care of too hasn't it i talked to the ship's captain wheaton won't be allowed on board a judge stillman feels that his counsel for glennister and dextre mr wheaton's abrupt departure could be construed as impeding justice who dreamed that one up oh somehow it just came to me what'll happen when it comes to glennister don't underestimate him alex oh i won't i admire glennister you admire him sure many ways were a lot alike i just happen to be endowed with a bit more larceny that's all i intend to steal his mind his gold and his girl but he's a great guy isn't he i asked you a question honey yes i know alex but if i started asking myself questions like that you might have to start looking for new talent as you put it you wouldn't want that no i wouldn't and for a quarter of a million dollars i'd ring your pretty little neck they uh they must have been to the bank by now i'll get a report i sure would like to see dexter's face in view of what happened in court judge stillman i've come to ask you to release her safe to us i've been to the bank the manager tells me that'll require another court order i want that order mr glennister such a petition on your part it's a matter which will have to be handled by your council who i understand may be leaving for seattle that seems the thing to do any objections oh none at all good idea drink no thanks nice celebration helen he could have been out there all the time how much do you suppose he hurt what he heard and what he can prove you heard in a court of law are two entirely different things isn't that so judge stillman i've already been paid for my answer so of course mr mcnamara two entirely different things thank you your honor it's only dynamite only dynamite but so what that safe belongs to us no matter what the court said he's right dicks any unlawful act committed at this time would be disastrous wait and i'm convinced they'll do anything they can to keep you from going to seattle you better hide out till sailing time you've got to be on that boat he'll be on it if you don't mind i'll manage captain swanson he's a friend of mine all right he's all yours you're right dex they're all in it together strew the judge mcnamara and the girl i told you there was all a bunch of thieves i told you but you wouldn't listen to him you're right what's that for my apologies all i know is you're up against an organized plot to take the miter away from us about time you woke up well what are we going to do about it from now on you call it shots i'll listen well now you're talking son let's start by getting that safe back roy please dexter's idea is crazy you'll dynamite yourself into a mess i'm not going to let you do it well nice to see you worrying about me again sport thanks for now i'll be back to put some lights on it later blackie go get hold of captain swanson for me when you want to buy him a drink sure [Music] [Music] good evening marshall evening mr skinner that is my usual suite available you can take your choice tonight we got a lot of empty cells need some help oh now now i made it this far i think follow the road by myself oh quiet night marshall yeah i can't understand it i expected trouble from the miners after that uproar at the trial now why don't you look around a little uh bank maybe the bank what do you mean well if it were my safe they were holding in that bank i know what i'd be doing right now thanks blackie thompson round up the [Music] boys [Music] you wanted to blow up the whole town not a bad idea one stick behind each engine tuck them in tight [Music] remember when this thing blows we're gonna work fast [Music] let's get out of here staying no one seed is from moving in on us let's get that safe good no it's too late to out of here run for it [Music] [Music] flaggy what happened what was all that shooting about is roy all right a lot more all right than the marshall the ex-marshal is dead he was killed in a fight at the bank too sure oh you better turn on the charm cherry here comes the boy gold commissioner find roy and take him off i'll handle this hello mr mcnamara brought some uh friends along i see always bad to get the extra business we wanted to get in out of the rain of bullets and also look around a little look around for granted lannister's yesterday's news as far as i'm concerned mr mcnamara maybe but it could already be tomorrow's headlines fast work dirty work someone shot the martian killed him glenister suspected hmm that would give judge stillman something new to work on wouldn't it go ahead boys the place is yours the uh apartment upstairs i suppose in the line of duty we should look everywhere oh mr mcnamara surely you can think of a better reasoning wait here the living room you better take one mr mcnamara that's all you'll get here like i said the northern has all the facilities very fancy place for man let's see now if i were fugitive where would i hide you don't seem too concerned that there might be a murder wrap hanging over his head when you know me better mr mcnamara you know i never bet a losing hand i'd like to know you better cherry bad habits you have mcnamara jumping claims someday it's gonna get you in real trouble well that was quick doesn't take long to peel an egg try them out duchess we've got company you must be crazy lovely tonight prettiest alibi a man could ask for you wanted these yes well we do have company it's not only against the law to rob a bank lannister but there's a local ordinance against killing marshals marshall you uh have an egg no you better take one mr mcnamara that's all you'll get here he couldn't have done it he's been right here all evening and so you asked me up you didn't give me much choice apparently the gentleman's gonna be particular duchess these are particular eggs three dollars a piece perhaps uh a drink no thanks [Music] someone blew up half the bank an hour ago glancer trying to get your safe out oh uh awkward someone else saw you riding away from the scene who what if i say i did you'd be lying let's let the court decide that in court or anywhere else in no my word is better than yours commissioner and i say he was here and of course the uh duchess of swear to it mm-hmm [Music] well glennis do you to be congratulated having such devoted friends thanks not very bright glinister carrying the evidence with you he's my man maybe you can place me in the bank tonight mcnamara but i didn't kill the marshal i fired over his head and i'm not that bad a shot shame the bullet didn't know it drilled a neat little hole right in the middle of his back [Music] girl can get into trouble obstructing justice miss malap i'll have to come back soon see if you're withholding anything else come in i did what do you want i thought you might need the help packing i hear you paid triple fare to juno on a leaky old whaler you know everything i know the captain's a whaler i'm sure if i wanted that passage canceled he'd do it you want him to that depends on why you're leaving if you have any idea about catching up with wheaton i haven't but what i do is my own business miss malott and where i go and how the business you're running away from isn't yours entirely i'm not running away that's a lie you finished your job and you're getting out you made it possible for that cheap bunch of spoilers you're messed up with to throw roy in jail and now you sneak away that isn't so then there's something else i'm not good at guessing games miss chester i want the facts straight there's nothing else you're lying again leave me alone get out of here what is it what is it well you might as well unpack you just canceled your own ticket out of here it's roy i can't stay here and see i can't stay here that's all you can't stay here and see him what have they got something framed up for the trial is that it there's not going to be a trial when the deputy brings him a supper tonight they're going to let him escape out the back of the jail but you mean now let him get out the back and then shoot him down as he tries to get away i fought against it i'd everything i could i'll bet you did a woman doesn't run out on the man she loves she sticks with him win or lose what am i going to do if mcnamara finds out you'd come here take your mouth closed and he won't you'll get on that boat open it and you leave town all right but after i'm through [Music] so excuse peace like you see in china council there ain't no chinese council closer than seattle you know i go seattle pass me a trade honestly dexterity's got a plan when i bring your food back i'll turn around you let me have it and beat it out the back way i'll leave the door open [Music] terribly sorry i assure you miss milan your favorite guest couldn't quite make it under his own power tonight causing trouble at the northern what's with you skinner can't you hold it anymore hold it i should prove the error of that remark by repairing to my quarters unassisted bother me my dear and again my apologies visible out [Music] a little out of your line isn't it missing a lot running a delivery service for your loaded customers that's one of the reasons i'm here the uh other glennister i'm sorry i can't let you see him order from the court kind easy on that puncher [Music] not that way it's a trick sean good luck thanks sword dex is outside with the horses get into hiding give wheaton gets back hiding nothing i'm gonna get back everything that belongs to me the mind is safe and [Music] so [Music] looks like things worked out right on schedule well if they didn't we're in trouble let's go survey the damage let out indignant howl about the negligence [Music] you let out the howl mr mcnamara missed my life you look pale he was trying to escape and they shot him black and i just taken mr skinner in the jail we were sitting in the office but you wouldn't care you put him there lannister lannister was shocked why i certainly never intended that you'd better rest yes here come inside um no i i'd rather go to my place would you help me certainly where did you go back okay kelly kelly let's head for the miter okay boy load up load up hey hold on a minute hold on now mcnamara's got plenty of men planted up there so maybe there'll be some shooting maybe all of us won't come back i want you to think about that before you hop on what kind of talking is that what are we waiting for let's get out of here come on roy let's get our mind back [Applause] [Music] what you need is a drink it'll help you yes i'll ask my maid to bring some brandy doctors i thought i heard why madam what's the matter they got him that just they finally got him who got who who mr glenister outside the jail oh then that's what the shooting was i heard mr glivester oh not just uh the brand is in the kitchen cupboard would you sure [Music] are you killing mosquitoes or applauding my act a real lady always faints bad news madam and stay fainted roy isn't dead he said it for the miter i want to keep mcnamara here but not alone understand [Music] mr lannister this is mr mcnamara duchess i know but he was such a handsome man he'll make such a magnificent corpse help me get her up on the couch [Music] what are you doing here do you mind if i ride up front stand right up here without working you can help silver no more stoking that's enough steam we got to start easing her down easing her down nothing we're going to bust into this mind wide open bust is right they've closed the gates across the track got us barricaded out i think we can make it we can try engine might blow up but we can try not blowing now [Music] get back in the cars so [Music] so [Music] we're taking too much of a beating dex we better pull back we'll never be able to get him out of there this way if i can set off that dynamite i got planted we'll blast him out of there [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] i thought that'd do it round him up boys take him into town [Music] you got your mind back yeah i guess that makes you winner all around huh still a murder charge to clear up don't let that worry you i killed the marshall [Music] you don't have to say that blackie i did i shot him after i shot at you [Music] i hate to miss the end though and when you tie the mcnamara i hope you kill each other [Music] now he's doing the pacing i don't like it lannister headed for the mine alex up in that dame's apartment let him take care of himself yes let's think about us for a change and getting out of here i'm not getting out you crazy maybe maybe not anywhere we head we're headed for trouble this time i'm going to stay face it get it over with stay so you can help glennister is that it right honest leaving so soon i don't think so judge mr glanister i told you before if you have anything to say to the court take him boys you go along too stroof me you just can't walk you said go along [Music] you were a very pleasant shipboard companion ellen too bad it could have ended right there where's mcnamara the northern with at the northern [Music] can we do something about her put her someplace her room's out in back i i doubt if we could go there in this uh condition poor thing yes you're our chip that much brandy is hard on anyone yes i uh i could make some coffee you could also stop avoiding me no need to hurry things is there no but you've kept the room between us ever since i brought you home i don't like it i've had quite a shock tonight well it's all behind us now you know tonight's been a long time getting here cherry i've been waiting for this ever since the first time i saw you in my office well nothing's ever as worthwhile as it seems beforehand mr mcnamara no i'll gamble on it i happen to be a man who gets what he wants from now on in it's you and me baby no no it isn't you walk right into my trap and i might as well spring it your jailbreak didn't pan out glinister's still alive and by now he has his mind back your little visit served its purpose mr mcnamara now get out get out of the way cherry [Music] [Music] ah [Music] stay right where you are boy ain't healthy out there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh good come on that's enough roy leave something for the law to work on [Music] i support sorry i helped wreck your place forget it [Music] you said it was all right to brawl as long as it was over you remember and i also said anything you can win you can collect [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bruh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so hmm here so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the seat in front of a 19-inch rca victor television one more day to labor day weekend the traditional occasion for tasty outdoor [Music] barbecues [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] i am completely agree with all the obstacles and with all the enemies who are between me [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] to [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] this is times square 42nd street [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] bye [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] so [Music] merry christmas everyone [Music] [Music] must be [Music] [Music] so you
Channel: Hangtown Express
Views: 285,033
Rating: 4.7516632 out of 5
Keywords: Cowboy, Movie, Western, Gunfighter, Audie Murphy, Randolph Scott, Clint Eastwood, Horse, Yellowstone, Kevin Costner, John Wayne, Old, Oldies, George Montgomery, Gun Belt, 1953, Tab Hunter, Helen Wescott, Joan Weldon, Claire Trevor, Billy The Kids fighting Pals, Bob Steele, Bonanza, TV, Show, Lorne Greene, Michael Landon, Little Joe, Hoss, The Big Valley, Barbara Stanwyck, Lee Majors, The Spoilers, Rory Calhoun, Anne Baxter, Jeff Chandler, 1955
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 31sec (6811 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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