Death Knows No Time | SPAGHETTI WESTERN | Free Western Movie | Cowboys | English

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Is this your ranch? I thought it was bought this place to have a little peace and quiet my old age, there's been an awful lot of fussing going on around here nowadays, though, out of state and town. The federal marshal. I'm looking for a certain Martín Rojas. Them two was also looking for Martín Rojas. Don't know who they was, but looks to me like they found him. Well, thanks. If you're after him, God bless you. Hey, come on. That's him, right behind that wall. What's going on? Use your eyes stranger, this one killed five men. We can take care of him without your help. - Where's Rojas? - How do I know? He got away. Come on, man... Here, give me that. I am a federal marshal. I'm telling you all now, if anyone takes the law into his own hands, he'll live to regret it. Where's the sheriff? The sheriff ain't here, Marshal, but I'm Ned Wildi, his deputy. Well, how do you do, Ned? Go get that fella there and take him on over to the jail. He ought to hang. He's a killer. We'll, let the judge decide that. The bullet passed right through without causing any damage. There's no need to call me unless things get worse. He's all yours. Are you ready to tell us where we can find Rojas? I don't know. I just know he got away, that's all. You know that he killed five men. No, only three senior. And the others? I killed them senior. And with pleasure alone. I hope you realize that you've become an accomplice to this man who disappeared. A man who spread a reign of terror over the territory of New Mexico about 10 years ago. He's committed about every crime in the book. Now, why would you help a man like that? But senor, Rojas wasn't simply a bandit. The Mexicans lived up on the mesa in the middle of the Sierra Blanca and Martin was just another Mexican. It's useless to try to tell you how we felt about ourselves. But even though we were just poor people, we were happy in our valley. The work was hard, but we had a dream. One that never came true. Yuma, Pablo! Come here all of your quick. I have something to tell you. Martín Rojas is going to become a father. I have a fine son. Maria, come here. - Congratulations. - Congratulations! We'll have a good harvest. Yes. Will you let me go? You think you are the first man to have a son? Now, they won't be able to say that this valley grows nothing but weed. We will have a drink to my son and my wife. We drink too all our sons that they learn more than we, and that each man here with pride can stand up beside his son. And most important, that there is peace among us and the Americans, you will see. And if we have a fine harvest, there is hope. Rojas look, looks like the place of Emiliano Playos - Martin, no. - Stay here. Well, well, the simple, happy fellows are gathered together. Now we've got a pretty sight, ain't that real nice? I'm glad I found you all in one place. I wanted to talk to you. How about your hats? Can't you learn a little from Rojas or are they they glued to your heads? You need schoolin. There's a thing or two I'll teach you. Senor, what do you want from us? I'm going to clean out this valley of you and your amigos. I need a land of feed my cattle. But you yourself told us you would never put us off this land. You don't belong here. That land there is yours. Emiliano Quavers had sense enough to know the right thing to do. Why don't you use a little sense and go on home where you belong? Why, this is my land? You know it is. This is no longer Mexico. It's about time you get out of here. But what you stand to have worked this land with our blood and pride. That's something you were entitled to. You've lost the war. So you all better get used to the idea. That's the way it is. Now you start heading towards Mexico. Marty, go ahead. Give us at least until the morning. No, my wife is in there! Maria run, run! One got away, Martin. He will be afraid to come back. Now we shall all help you rebuild your house again. No, it's too late now. There's no future for us here. There's no place but across the Rio Grande. They'll come back with many men. Now, go get your families will be leaving. I must leave Maria. - Oh, please don't, Martin. - No, don't cry. You mustn't. We shall be together again. You'll see. Martin. Good by, Maria. It's not too late if any here wants to join his family. do it now, there is still time and we will understand. Then we all agree, we have some important work ahead of us. But you are warned from the beginning, we must stand as one in mind and body if we wish to win the gringos think, the war is finished, that our lives are finished. But there are surprises. So we show them! Say your prayers, amigo. Martin, someone's coming. Quick, we must hurry. The gringos have crossed the river, they're coming here. The gringos! The gringos are coming, we must flee. Martin, the gringos are coming here. Martin. Martin? Take him away. Having examined the evidence brought forward by the public prosecutor and having proved the participation of the accused in the criminal action of our charge, the court finds that these two men are both guilty of armed robbery Silence in the courtroom. However, taking into consideration the fact that they gave themselves up willingly through the law without a show of force. In the name of the state of New Mexico, the solemn court condemns Andrius Carranza, also known as Yuma. To no more than 10 years hard labor. And Martín Rojas, as organizer had primary responsibility here, condemned for 20 years, hard labor. (crowd arguing) Silence in the court! Shall be also with these two. The court is adjourned. to be where he is. It's for his sake that I must be free. He has no one but me. No, you can't. I got to get out now! Let go! Look at him sleeping. He hasn't eaten a thing. Poor thing. Did he give you any trouble? No, poor fellow. Awfully quiet, isn't he? I don't know. But I think the sheriff's life a bit too dangerous for a family man. You were telling me something once about a small farm you wanted me to buy. What was the name of that place? Commandos. - Have you seen Yuma? - He's out there. You just watch where you're going. This whole mine is about to explode. Yuma, Yuma, a letter has just arrived for me. Read it. Is it Juan? Has it got anything to do with my boy. I did get news of him. Oh, no, it hasn't. Senor Stacy says he wants to take steps to legally adopt him. He asked the jury and you will give him the rights by signing this paper. Well I won't sign it. The boy is mine. Don't they know that? Quiet, Martin the guards will hear you. My only hope is to get away. - I must escape. - Martin... Can't you see I must? Martin don't be foolish, listen to me. Try to stop me and I'll kill you! Hey, what's going on up there? Joking. It's not trouble. Sure, that's all we're doing. Well, it ain't no playground fast back where you were. All right, I'm going. Now listen to me you. You only got a day to go. Yes, senor that's right. Now it would be too bad to have to spend another two years here Just having a little fun, wouldn't it? It sure would senor. Your wage for 10 years put your name. And good luck to you. Here we are I brought you a suit and a gun. I thought I'd know who he was. I'm sure he's one of those. There's no other school to send him to around this place. Just a minute. Yes, he has learned how to be a friend to others. He is a fine boy, almost a man. Come on, let's go. I guess I shouldn't ask about it, Pa. What do you want to ask? I guess I shouldn't ask. All right. Maybe you shouldn't. But it's my birthday today, though. Well, I wonder what happened to me. Well I probably would have forgot it. I wouldn't have bought this. It's mine? Well, what do you think? It's great Pa. Thanks. It's what I wanted. It's a badger and with this design It seems like it's gold. That's what the man in the store said. I thought you needed something to sharpen your pencils with. Thank you. Hey, mom, look. Be careful, darling, you're making us both fall down. Want to see the present I got from Pa? A knife, oh look. The handle on it is made out of solid gold. I have another present for you. Want to open it? Can I now? We got you a... what did you say it was Red? Encyclopedia Encyclopedia. in those two books is a summary of all you could want to know about the science of men. But is it really everything about men inside? Well, it's a good beginning. Let's go. Now first make a wish, then try to blow out all the candles at the same time. Great for you. That's a fine one. That's more than I could do. All right, come on now. - Give me a good piece. - Is this enough? No, that's too much. That's half the cake. Martin, it's time. we should be going. Oh, come on, amigo. Here, they get along for it. Only God knows when will be the next time. Here Fernando, with this you should be able to marry your Rosy. You have it coming. After all, it's our own money because the gringo stole it from the Mexicans and now it returned to the Mexicans. One thousand dollars, huh? See Yuma, I'm a Mexican that's worth a lot of money. Who would think they pay so much for a make a Mexican? I've become a great nuisance to them. My pictures here in the big newspapers of the east, and you know what my name is? They call me the Wolf of Sierra Blanca. You know, I like that name. What is it? What's the matter? You could always be betrayed. Don't you know that each day it's more dangerous? You'd be tempted by such money yourself. I'm afraid for you. A woman is always afraid. Is it bad? Because I want you to stay here with me. The gringos must answer for what they've done. I have a man's heart. Not the heart of a woman. And if I'm too old to finish this, my son will fight for me untill he can be proud to be called a Mexican. I will answer their hate without hate. Once you said from the Americans, you want only peace. What have we instead, amigo? What good does it do? He's still coming. What do I do? Well, I don't know, try to shoot him in the leg wich leg should I shoot? You pick the one you can get. But he's difficult to walk around if he only got one leg. what do you want? Stop where you are. or we'll have to shoot you. We don't like to have strangers going around here, so you better get going. - I want to see Rojas. - You do, do you? Well, I don't think that Rojas will want to see you. not pick up your gun and get out of here quick. We don't feel like killing anybody today. This might change your attitude towards strangers. Come we'll take this amigo to Rojas. What could happen to the great Sparrow Hawk if his visitor is only a Sparrow? Come on, gringo. Good. What about my proposition? I'm not interested in your proposition. - Rojas my plan can't fail. - Why? That bank I know backwards and forward. You do like the smell of money, don't you? Depends how much money there is. You got me. And how much money is worth the risk you and I have to take. How much would you settle for? Suppose I let you tell me. I wonder I wonder if you know what real money is? There is going to be $150.000 arriving any day now. And how do you know it's coming? That concerns only me. Here let me tell you. It's not the best plan to leave your gun lying in front of a perfect stranger. He might shoot someone. Oh, don't you worry about me. I put it there. This one works a lot better. Watch this stranger. - Have you got everything ready? - It has all been done. We are waiting for you. We return by morning. And as for tonight, I don't want you to worry about me. I've told you it's the last time for me. I promise. I promise it is. Keep this with you. Oh, sheriff, I'm so nervous. I can't think straight. I don't know what I'm going to do with all that cash inside there. I wouldn't worry your head this morning. We'll be watching the bank out here. Sheriff! What's going on? Care to find out? Yes, it's a pleasure. - Trouble, sheriff. - What happened? This farmhand said that Rojas has held up the stagecoach from Santa Fe. At the stage, Senor, they're asking me to say that they are in Yucca. Let's go. Hey, what's happening there? - I don't know, to me it looks like trouble. - You stay here. Hey, you get that thing out of there. Hear what I said, get it out of there, now! What's the matter, are you deaf? Bueno... Rojas Go back to your post. What do you want? A loan of money. You won't miss it. I can't let you do this. That is, that is, a pleasure. Here are the contracts. I don't know how to write, amigo. I must learn to do it in the future. A few gringos choose to burn or push us off our land. At least lend us a hand to start again. and seems to make a loan is too much trouble. We'll just take it. But don't you realize this is most unethical? Ah, yes.. But we have brought security. Is enough for you, Senor? Yes, that'll do. Open the safe please. You are very helpful, senior director. I love to help you some day. One moment I forgot one little thing. We receipt is the hat. They stole the money of the bank! We're back! Maria. What happened? Is it the baby? - Let me go. - Where's the doctor? What doctor? There's no doctor. Then go to Nogales right now and bring one back as fast as you can use force if necessary. Why don't you go in, Martin. - What is it. - You have a boy. Oh my son, my own son. He's gone too far already, Rojas has gotten across the Rio Grande. He must surely be in Mexico. We won't go across the border. Read. Be careful. I won't have a moment's peace until you're back to me. Don't worry, we'll be back before sunset. What do you plan to do with all that money? One hundred thousand dollars. I know a little girl that can spend it all by herself. Now you take care of it. You know that it is better to have a lot of money under the bed than to have one woman on top of it. I'll bet it on a pair of bright eyes. Your share can go to those poor people of yours. - Adios. - Adios Amigo! Martin, don't go in there. don't go in there. The my wait. Well, what now you ain't aiming to go into Mexico, are you? Because if you are, we're with you. Can't do that, Buck. Have you ever heared of the "gaston agreement". Yeah, sure. But. Well, General Santa sold this part to the United States all the way from here to Nogales. The border is ten miles further south. The agreement was signed two days ago. Let's go. Come on. I don't even know him, that boy. Why should I want the boy with me? Why should it matter? So after all this time, I can't care that much. A man should not listen to his heart. But that's all changed. I'm strong again. I'm Rojas the wolf. I don't want no boy. And I have already disowned him. You were my amigo. The only one left. Now, if you have a friend, a minister, something. There is still hope for him. And there is hope for us too. We'll be rich. It's not for me, Marty. - Why is that? - Something's happened. Somehow I just want to live in peace. Oh, you've become old then, and you'll become afraid. Strange how a man is. Not even money could change me now. I've had enough of you. (mumbling) Well, are you awake yet? Mighty fine day. I thought you were an early bird. Trevor! How do you always come at the right moment. Hey, look here If I were in your shoes. I wouldn't want to get seen around this place. I think you're taking a chance when I've seen your picture and every sheriff's office from Texas to California. But I've only been out for four days. And you don't have any idea how the world's progressed, do you? A new invention, for instance, called the telegraph, sends news all over the place. For example, let's say at 10:00, they rob the bank in Neville. Well, at about 12:00 they know all about it in Suzanne. - But now you play a joke? - No, no. it's a little thin wire that transmits electrically over many hundreds of miles, many thousands of words. Oh, that's far. For hundreds of miles they send words. How do they squeeze them inside? Want to go in? I pay. Money. You've been lucky my friend, huh? And a man of real quality. Will always help his friends when they need him. No thanks. It's a long way to this place of yours, huh? that's why it's worth having. Whenever I want to avoid a meeting with a sheriff, I like a little refuge hidden away. What did you say the name of that talking wire was? Very simple. Te-le-graph... Well I'm going to speak on in. Trevor found him, told you so. That's the one they call "Rojas the Wolf". He don't bite much anymore. You're going to like it here. Well my friends, this is Martin Rojas. the man who made even the rattlesnakes tremble when they saw him coming The older boys aren't here yet it's only the younger generation. - That one is Lucas. - Oh, hello. - Mahonie. And Mok, he is the cleanest one. I'm offering you my hand, amigo. I'm Martin Rojas and I take insults like that from no one. Well you're going to take a lot of things you ain't never took before. Boy, you're getting awful old. You just don't want to admit your day is gone, right? Watch it! Time can be so destructive. So can we. I want you to tell me something, what did you do with all that money? that quarter of a million dollars? Where are they? That's a great sum of money. You must be getting itchy for it about now. So am I, Rojas. Being him here. You may want to take a turn. Let me. A quarter million dollars. Where did you hide it? (insults in Spanish) You just tell us the place you're hiding it. Understand me, kid in the tree, there's an animal with a broken leg. - Couldn't you find a doctor? - Sure. I can't stay, but I can show you where it is. Come on. After he's well, you can take care of it. I don't see why not. No you don't. Come here. Get off me! I'd be happy to refresh your memory if you like. Martine, Amigo. You know, it's going to be a lot easier if you tell me, rather than make us go through that all over again. Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Tell us where they are and you go free. It's so simple. You prefer to suffer? Doesn't matter. It's all the same to me. I can wait. Leave me alone. I want to go home. Let go! Shut up and do what I tell you. Now get over there. You're hurting my arm. Oh, oh. Cry, baby. Let go, let go, let me go, Gentlemen, I'm going to help him decide. I think you better get the boy's shirt open. I will tell you. Leave him alone. You will just leave him alone. So again, don't you think so? Trevor is really good at persuasion, yellers was persuasive. You can understand how we feel about it. It's just that $250.000 bucks is a lot of money. It is much more than that, amigo. Trevor told us only that you got $250.000. You better talk to him. Hey, lobo. Drink some American coffee. It'll do your Mexican stomach real good. I can't drink with my hands tied behind my back. Listen to the terror of Mexico talking. You know, I once had a little dog. who could drink without his hands. He'd just stick his snout in the coffee and slurp it. I'll tell you, Stilman, your dog was a lot smarter. What is your name? Juan. Thank you Juan. These men that brought you here, you made them angry at you? No, they are not angry. It's all over now. You're just saying that In case you need to use it I got a knife inside this shirt. That's enough, come on now. really sweet kid, why don't you relax a little, Rojas? Come on I bet you smoke, too. Is it really half a million? You better ask Travor. The whole thing simpler, if he doesn't think I know. That would spoil it. - How much, pretty? - I don't know. Maybe if the boy were to go. He'll come with us, he's my only guarantee. Is this where you're hiding? You're going to untie me? I still don't trust you. You want the money. You hid it. I put it there, under that old stone bench. You'll find it very heavy. I'm strong as a horse. I can lift it myself. You were right all along. May not be quite half a million, but it'll sure do. About right for one man, live nice and easy. It's too much for you. Is he dead? Hide. We've got to. Now you are sure in trouble. You let that damn Mexican take it. For an old fool pretty smart. Wouldn't you say so? Divide into three groups. If he has his kid with him, he won't risk trying to cross that desert. You can't outguess him. That's what Mok tried to do. wherever he's headed, he's bound to go back to Commodus. Come on you should eat something, you know, a growing boy should eat well, you're afraid because I shot that man aren't you. No I forgot about it. You must listen to me Juan. You would kill a scorpion. Hmm. It's true, isn't it? That one was going to kill us. So I kill him like the scorpion that are more scorpion still waiting for us. Listen to me Juan. Better stop, leave something for later. Aren't you drinking any? Water? Not a drop. We Mexicans prefer wine, did you know that? Don't move, wait for me. Come on, Juan. Now we walk instead. Why don't you carry this for a while? Come on, let's go. Look at that Joan. We are save, it's the wire that talks. You mean the telegraph? Yes, that wire speaks to everyone. Don't you know that? Look, I know all about it. It's very simple. Just think someone robs a bank in Tucson. It tells all about it, all the way to Neville. Now, that's progress. But they're not going to find it that way. What do you mean? Even if we send a message first? I suppose you're a bank and you send a message to the town sheriff, wouldn't he come to help you even if you're in the desert? - Yeah, but... - If we can't use it, then it is not progress. You can't talk. Not if you mean like you talk. My teacher told us all about it. If you want to send a message, they have a special machine. You go down to the post office in town. Then everything there is special. The only other problem is there's a special alphabet too. The alphabet. What kind of progress is this? Just when you need an invention It's useless. Civilization! Juan, just a little more. Come on. We must, we must fight. We got to try. Eddie go on, let's see what's up. So you want to fight? All right, let's see what you're in for. see it's called boxing. It shows you how to give someone a bloody nose. Scientifically. See if your science can hit my stomach. Oh, go on, what's the matter? Your science is no good, huh? Is it hurt much? No I sat down because you'll get tired. You rest awhile. We must be careful still, Juan. But I feel strong again Martin. Thank God for this day. For everything. So we're going to start heading back, right? Then you can meet my mom and dad. I've thought about it. Please. It's important. You must, you must. Mother is pretty. She makes a different cake every day. I don't want mother to get too worried about me and dad. He reads to be at bedtime. Often I go to sleep in his arms. I'd sure feel awful if he worried. My dad says I got to study and I got to. You know, at school we go to there's a great new teacher. And you know what he says. We got to start training ourselves to be useful in the world. There are two men. What did you say? Two men are coming. I don't think so, I don't know. Quick. No leave that alone. You stay in here until they go. Don't make a move until I tell you. You look over there Carter. And check behind the barn. - Let go, let me down. - Hey look what I found. Hey hombre. Martin, his hand won't let go. Hey, what's got into you? Why did you shoot these two men? They got what they deserved. They were two scorpions. Then I guess you did right well to shoot. - Adios. - Adios. Well, you are home, we will say goodby here. You come with me. You got to meet them. You said you would. No Juan, you see I got to go now to Mexico. Yeah, but you'll get to come back here, right? We have a fine friendship, one that means very much. We have seen a lot together. I almost forgot. It's yours, isn't it? No, you keep it so you won't forget me. What is it? Who is this Lady? She's she's my wife. She would have liked you to have it. She's pretty Martin. Your wife lives in Mexico? Many years ago, my wife died. I want you to keep it. Oh, no, you ought to. No, no, now it's yours. It would please her, if you had it. Go now, Juan. Adios, Martin. Martin, Martin. Martin, Amigo. Yuma. How'd you find me? I work here. A man must live. - Can you still write? - Of course I can. Will you write something for me? Here? No. Over there. I declare that Martín Rojas, swears that he will sacrifice all rights to his son to one Red Stacy. - Did you write that? - Yes. And to promise from this day never to see him again. Then you put this: if my word is broken, that my sould be damned forever. But Marin. You have it. All right Martin. Swear to me that this letter will get sent to Stacy. It will. What's this? It's rich meat. Haven't you ever seen vultures circling over the desert when they smell meat? Well, here in Commando's, you'll see it. And now fix me something to eat. What do you say? Carry hey, come on. Lucas, he's back. - He's over there. - About time. Come on, you can come with me. Be careful, there are three more out there. So, the man I saw escaping was really Martin Rojas? Yes, mister. now you know the whole story. Ned? Telegraph, Tucson and Phenix that Rojas is headed for the border. Then get every man you can depend on and tell them to saddle their horses. - We're going after him. - Excuse me, Senor. But now that you know the whole story. Do I think it's so important now that you arrest Rojas? What do you mean? Nothing. I just wanted to say, well, that old man, if he reaches the border That "old man" as you call him, ecaped with two hundred thousand dollars. Ned, get over to the telegraph office. It will only be a waste of time. Rojas will not head for the border. - How would you know? - I know him well. He never leaves something undone. I'm almost sure he's heading for Trevor's hideout right now. Exactly where is this hideout? Can you tell me? - That I wouldn't know. - My son knows. He can find Trevor. I could swear I heared someone outside. Manny, Lucas, who is that? I'm Martin Rojas! Are you going to come out or do I go in? You're afraid to fight, huh? The tables have turned. Your time's run out. You overplayed your hand. Say your prayers now, Rojas. you still planning to come and get me? Now's your chance. I'm not a gambler. You, my friend, are just unlucky, that's all. One last thing. If I die, I beg together with the money. Now, here's your chance. Two hundred and fifty thousand! It's just what you were asking me for a long time ago. You'll find them burning. You have to get them while you can. Or you could get some lead in your head. You'd better get it. Or there is not going to be anything. All right. Now, you are paying me at last. You know, I'm going to tell that, Boy, the one thing he still doesn't know yet that a cheap, barefooted, Mexican bandit a small time pig thief, is his father. Now, what do you got to say? Imagine what that boy's going to do when he discovers you're his father. You'll see one look right at you with nothing in his eyes but hate. You must be... that's not possible. Martin, it's me, Juan. Martin. Martin. (prays in Spanish) You promise to come back. But now you never will. What did they kill him for? He was a good man. I think we better go home. You know, your mother will be worried.
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Id: y5AhjoybJnI
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Length: 103min 37sec (6217 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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