Cripple Creek | WESTERN MOVIE | HD1080p | English | Full Length Classic Feature Film

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Gold is where you find that the miners say and this was never better demonstrated than at [ __ ] Creek Colorado were back in 1892 a cowboy stubbed his toe on a strange-looking piece of rock and started one of the last gold rushes in Western history within a year 50 deep shafts were pouring out tons of the richest ore ever found the town grew fast and loud and as usual men died faster louder [Music] [Applause] [Music] but along with the customary violence and bloodshed of a gold camp something new was added to make [ __ ] Creek unique among all her sinful sisters waylaying shipments of smelted gold was too old fashioned for the [ __ ] creek gangs these boys weren't waiting for the ore to reach the smelter wagon load upon wagon load of the highest grade stuff some of it running as much as $60,000 alone was simply disappearing in the thin Rocky Mount where [Music] they got Sam the driver to of the mine crew and wounded four others besides me well couldn't you identify any of them no marshal they were all masks that's the tenth wagon load of my richest ore that's been hijacked this month six loads of mine never got to the smelter the way they select only the richest ore you'd think they had access to my secret assay reports I think you gentlemen should appeal your Senators in Washington what do you suggest celibate well it's the government a ser I must agree with the marshal the loss of gold in such quantities is a matter of national concern gentlemen I think that's a good idea they were right about that it was a matter of national concern well this year of 1893 was one of financial depression and near panic the country's gold reserve had reached such a low ebb that President Cleveland placed an embargo on the sale and shipment of that precious metal to foreign nations every ounce of gold was needed by the National Treasury so the problem of the wholesale looting of [ __ ] Creek mines became the immediate and urgent business of the United States Secret Service [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] reach [Applause] [Music] [Music] turn around easy luck [Applause] Larry kinda tp8 soubrette takes his lingo viewers had me fooled I thought the Panhandle poison well chief Pearlman hello iris glad to see you sir you didn't get my wire after all I got it alright but I had quite a time following your instructions huh when you didn't release Renton on time your land and I started down to see what would happen to you every peace officer in Texas were after my scout for the border job how come you didn't clear me with the state authorities it's better this way Bret you're a Texas reputation may help a lot I'll let [ __ ] Creek is oh so that's what we're going that's the biggest gold stealin case in history they're getting away with tons of it well how could they hope to sell tons of gold in the United States they don't they're smuggling it out of the country sounds like a big job big and dangerous more than a dozen local peace officers have already been killed merely trying to stop the hydrators that as far as they got yes but that's only the first link and we want every link in that chamber but most of all the men who engineered the scheme and arranged the payoff is this big bronc the only help I'm the head no way Ted nice you won't go wrong with Larry but you'll also have his brother Stefan oh that's better where do we pick him he's already in triple creeks getting it the ones over any report from him yet nothing definite but he spotted one of the toughest gangs in the West the mall do not sit working for the cowboy livery stable that might be a lead sir maybe anyhow trap suggests that a couple of new gun fighters and outlaws might find it easy to make a hook up while we're gonna the kid here's a partner I can't miss but don't force your hand the right people will spot you sooner do we find strap don't try he'll be watching for you let him make the contact well that's all I have to tell you from here on you're on your own thanks chief but I'm counting on the three of you thank you sir [Applause] which way to the livery stable friend very stable in this street are ej3 wagons to go back to the woodcutters tap tonight fresh horses and sober drivers yes boss you early Muldoon we don't roll for a couple of hours we won't roll at all so we cannot pay for those last three jobs you get your pay when I get mine not before we want ours now or you can get yourself a new crew nobody quits this outfit I'll see the boss go ahead they believe pony's Jets Thanks we'll take care of them for you any ideas to where we can get a room around here it's hard to say towns overcrowded might try over the silver Palace much obliged customers Jake [Music] one little bee Jess oh do you see about getting a room here and ask the boss there mr. Kirby mr. Kirby better known as silver Kirby what can I do for you gentlemen now we'd like to get a room oh I'm sorry but I'm afraid we're all filled up well every man can both figured you might be able to take care of us I see and you boys must have ridden up from the valley tonight yeah a 40 mile day it's a long pull let's see if we can't do something for you Julie [Music] have we a canceled reservation available for these gentlemen why yes we had a room ready for mr. McKee but he's gotten back to victory well boys it looks like you're in luck come along gentlemen I'll show you the way thanks Matt and thank you for being so accommodating glad to oblige that's what we're here for [Music] now I wonder what caboose saw in those two don't worry about maybe it's the way they sling their artillery texas-style low and handy like on the others no ma'am we just drifted up from Texas to take in the sights of [ __ ] Creek yeah we sure like what we've seen so far they must have moved the Blarney Stone to Texas here's the room we had it ready for mr. McKee he owns the gold dollar mine so at least you boys will sleep in a millionaire's bin looks real cozy like thanks Miss Julie not at all it's part of my job now if you'll give me your name's I'll register for you Irish is mine Burt Iverson listen Larry gal and mines Julie Hanson goodnight Julie night man you see strapped down there dealing Farrell yeah it looks like a real sweet listening I sure hope why do you think somebody's worried about us already we're in the right place they'd worry about any strangers [Music] sure hope strap gets in touch with us tonight where I will leave that to him as his play [Music] silver says no dice everybody waits for the big payoff Zoe wait is that it no we make our own collection tonight now you two stay here I'll get the boys in the other room [Music] okay George one dealer left get the boys knife Gillis hey mr. Kirby it's true hold it [Music] he must have gotten wise to strata waitin there you see he was a decoy for a holdup [Music] mr. Kirby mr. Kirby [Music] all right keep it quiet you two this is a private gold strike in the house I'm not waiting anymore [Music] [Music] [Music] I reckon it's all here mr. Kirby you didn't give him a chance to spend any of it that's certain little away ed I don't like to look a gift horse in the mouth but how did you two happen to invite yourself the Muldoon's party I reckon it's just force of habit you see Larry and me were sort of ground-floor fellas anytime we're sleeping two stories high we get kind of nervous so I was just looking out the window just to make sure we could reach the ground easy in case of fire fire are even the wrong kind of knock on the door and you saw that Muldoon outfit jump me yeah four guns on one man we don't like that kind of odds down in Texas so lucky break all the way around gentlemen this calls for a drink on the house and that's built eight of Colorado Springs he worked for you two drove for me once in a while very sad affair but the best nights business we've had for some time I can make a very attractive club break for all six well sober you can lock up now corpus delicti has been identified and Hawkins here offers a very good club rate six coffins no flowers no mourners seems to me that's up to Cabo I'd be more careful about my hired help if I were you okay I gotta take what I can get cutting and hauling this town supply of cord wood is a tough job that's all Marshall I'll be rolling I gotta hustle up a new crew that's all cabal and thanks oh I can make it easier for you mr. Cobb oh if you furnish one of your own wagons my largest hearse is only a two passenger job see Jake at the stable Oh splendid I'll send my decorator over to drape it in black you can drape it in red white and blue for all I care a patriotic idea but a little too unconventional for a [ __ ] creek well good night all and thanks again gentlemen for being so cooperative Miss Julie sure glad you weren't down here when this happened Miss Julie so am i yeah it's pretty rough but couldn't be helped once it started I suppose not and I'm sure mr. Kirby is very grateful to you good night good night ma'am I reckon Larry and me Oh shove off for bed tonight men consider yourselves the honored guests of the house for as long as you want to stay I know that's real handsome of you see in the morning tonight alright nothing like good old southern chivalry imagine those boys risking their lives for a total stranger like you or am i taking too much for granted I never saw him before boys and it's my hunting made this grandstand play to get in your good book not mine but do you think then say well all I say is boss you better keep that safe locked while your new guests of honor are in town I agree with Denver I not only locked this safe I'd change the combination night gents well marshal has a check up from the point of view of the log well I'd say the town is well rid of them all doing outfit but I'm not so sure it'll benefit by the change those two gun artists ain't here for their health maybe I better contact my old friend sheriff summers down there Marilla he's got a record of every gunfighter in Texas it's a smart idea Marshall we law-abiding citizens can't be too careful hmm why don't you look under the bed why don't I knock your block off you need I'm sorry Brett you're dead right I nearly wrecked our case you sure did strap highest rat I ought to take you across my knee and spank you like I did when you were a kid all right balmy and I got it coming it isn't that bad Larry you just broke a plate I think I saved the pieces but you guys will have to glue them together how bad is it broken I can't tell for sure silver Kirby's grateful but suspicious that fish I'd killer a has Denver Jones figures you're a couple of refugee outlaws looking for a soft touch I hope the idea loss well if Kirby runs things he might make us a proposition how does Kirby add up I got nothing but hunches so far but there's a tie-in between him and Cobalt yeah I figured as much the way Cabos name got us this room how do they work it here's all I got Tabo has ten for horse wagons hauling cord wood that's the only fuel they have here what do they get it I don't know but his wood cutters camp runs full blast all summer and his rigs rolled day and night out empty and back loaded hasn't anybody ever tried to trail him yeah six martha's and ten deputies but they never got back begins to figure done all right strapped for a guy anchor to a feral bank layout and only here a week what about this gal Julie Hanson all I know is she works for a living to keep her old man Eden he's an old hard luck prospector has dug more holes and all the Gophers in the West well we can't overlook anybody connected with Kirby I guess I'll have to give Miss Julie my personal attention there he goes again grabbing off the best assignment mr. cord would capoeman the range off the bed Lurie and harness Eppler go for a ride you got it Bret that wagon may put us on first base I have a hunch it'll do more than that may buy us a seat at silver Kirby's table that's the best night's sleep I've had since I met up with him strapped blow out the lamp [Music] [Music] [Music] that's it boys [Music] [Music] how do you like that I'll be doggone what do we do now like a bow to the second link in the chain now we haven't got time as to clear morning besides I've got a better idea mask up [Music] [Music] what do we do at the time we got dumped it in some abandoned hole [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] it'll be safe in this dead shaft [Music] well I couldn't sleep so I got to the window for a smoke and as those two buckaroos climbing down from the roof to the ground why didn't you tell them I'm just a Faro dealer I haven't been hired to tell anybody I appreciate your loyalty Gillis perhaps I can throw something your way the start would take your things and move into that empty room next to our Texas guests keep cases on a night and day I'll stick to him like a brother where are you been sleeping in your stable I've been walking 10 miles can I see you in private that's all right I've just taken Gillis into the corporation for our roughed up friend a cup of coffee strapped what too sad sorry two masked gunmen killed Ben fry and hijacked my wagon last night they get the or yeah and the wagons back at the stable empty so they've cashed the load someplace morning boys breakfast with it that's an invitation we never reviewed baccala you Cabo but these are the two eggs who stuck me up there must be some mistake these men are my friends they've proved it how about it Ivers our mighty sorry mr. Kirby Larry and me had no idea you were mixed up with Capo's outfit naturally we delayed off that or widening ads really and that being the case all you have to do is tell us where you dumped those sacks and there'll be no hard feelings I was mighty rich you or mr. Kirby yeah from what we hear must be worth close to $40,000 [Applause] [Music] it's Trudy's father you struck it rich nonsense that old claim isn't worth a quarter never will be is any gold in it somebody dumped it down the shaft [Applause] Juliana so that's where you dumped it our mistake we felt were just an abandoned hole in the ground I admire your nerve Ivers this sort of changes your plans doesn't it I don't think so if we could take it away from Cabo there shouldn't be much trouble handling Hansen especially since the old man's trying to get away with it himself granted let's presume you recover the gold how do you dispose of it you can't go driving around the mountain with a wagon load of stolen gold he looks like he's got us there yeah we never figured on that okay mr. Kirby it's your deal I thought you'd see it my way Larry since we caused all this trouble the least we can do is help mr. Kirby get that orb back that's straight-talking you won't lose by it Cabo you've got yourself a couple of men worth a dozen Muldoon's you're asking a lot of me silver kiss and make up with a couple of guys who pull me off my wagon and near break my neck Gobbo you surprised me these two Texas tornadoes might be just what the doctor ordered it's one way to find out it's let him sit in the game deal them a few hands and see how they play it if that's the way you want it that's the way I want probably long before I'd be Jordan that millionaire Club mejores mr. hatten yes my congratulations that's beautiful stuff handsome after I get a few tons out mr. Sullivan with the a say it for me so I know that I got AB a not just a pocket anytime I'll be glad to oblige thanks thanks Oh dad this is wonderful I can hardly believe it won't be long before we have that big house in Denver like we both wanted honey I won't have to work here much longer mr. Silber come on honey I want to talk to you alone now listen honey and don't jump that or really isn't that worse a gang high-grade miss gunns dumped a whole load of a time when Juliana shaft dad and you're going to pass it off as yours now you know your dad better than that excitement you started I figured it was the best way to catch the crooks to dump the or on us and they're sure to hijack it away from me I won't have you trying to fight off hijackers then not me I'll get Marshall tether order set a trap for him that's different and you're not too disappointed no dad and I'm proud of you we strike it rich someday it'll be on the up and up too sure we will I remember don't say a word to anybody about this we do I understand and you'll be careful I will be honey don't you worry about your old man [Music] [Music] okay where's silver get dinner out you get back soon and I can't wait telling this just came in from a friend of mine in Texas he wants anything done about it tonight he knows where to find me okay Marshall [Music] 1200 Gilles signed a book [Music] [Music] sit in for me we're George what I run an hour just at evening mr. Kirby nice crowd out there bartender I left a letter for you to read well right there on my desk sounded important something from Texas no let her hear you put it right down there Gillis just sign the money book he was the last man in here all right then get your bets down get the horses we've got to see the marshal right away [Music] well against doesn't Marshall now you wait here like don't get energy well nevermind we can take it from here on now go down at Marshall I want to see that or deliver just like I promised John Hanson let's be reasonable I want to make it as easy as possible for the hijackers just me and the driver then my Debbie this can ride out in the Hilton get them all well me going ain't gonna stop them high-graders from nothing doing besides I promised Julie I wouldn't let you take any chances now you just ramble on back to town all right I'll go but I don't like it Hansen go back to town well I ain't gone this is my business toy energy are you listening this is my idea and I ain't gonna get froze out of it [Music] let's go come on come on come on energy calm [Music] hi boys all right come on take it over there's nothing like having the law on your side all right let's get along [Music] all right Cowboys Marshall silver wants to see you right away did he get that letter hey sure did he said to let all bets right as they lie he'll take care of it well boys have a nice trip come on young fella [Music] we've been to Tang but the owner is pretty that ever walked in badge come on let's get to town come on energy I gotta go now I got business to attend when you come on come on come on come on [Music] right up until kaboom I horse picked up a stone I'll be along in a minute [Music] I didn't know you were in so deep on this play Gillis I was until tonight I've let her put me in what did you make of it fibers in this town might be government man I don't know why silver didn't wipe them both out right there reckon it's because he never saw the letter take it easy all right Gillis what is it federal estate Secret Service now right slow left turn well [ __ ] Greeks to the right taking you down to Colorado Springs and Lebanon a sheriff for John I still this case is closed oh don't do that Gillis they don't give a double-dealing marshal like me and even break in the state I hate crooks but most of all our sworn officer along with the dirty bags GetGo [Music] any explanations give me time and I'll think of one where's that letter what letter let's go what about the marshal haven't you heard he died in the line of duty the high graders got it [Music] all right you two we don't need you any longer you can get back to town right [Music] reckon here's where they want to stop our education yeah I guess we'll have to work our way through college [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] take it back to this table boys [Music] [Music] [Music] the slag is full of it that's what you get from processing silver ore right this used to be a silver camp they've got some of the old machinery down there running the gold ore through yeah but I wonder how they shipped that gold out oh we haven't got time to find out now we've got to be couple back into town this is sure the main link in our chain break this and would break the case [Music] all right mr. secret service I know all I need to know about you there's one other question our prayer divers and Larry Glenn working with you those two trigger-happy hillbillies not a chance I never saw him before in my life that's a good answer Gillis let's see how long you'll stick with it we're going to play a little game my own version of Russian roulette you ever hear of it no stand him over there against the wall lefty there's one cartridge in this gun and five empty chambers this slug with your name on it maybe in the first or the last or somewhere in between chief that's one for the book I thought you'd like that I'm gonna give you a gambling chance if you give me an honest answer to my question you walk out that door a free man you expect me to believe that that's another gamble you'll have to take at the moment the odds are five to one that this is an empty chamber Brady Gillis how about my answer have it your way that was a long shot Gillis now it's four to would same question same answer this is getting interesting one of the next for maybe the very next any change of mine here goes your three two one shot well what do you know with luck like yours a man could get rich only two to one on our lucky friend from Washington I'll take ten me too boss 42:20 it is good luck Gillis my money's on you Uncle Sam has some durable employees I'll say that for you given but now we're down to cases one of the next to an even money bet still gambling Gillis or do I get my honest answer you had it's over go ahead wind it up what do you say boys double or nothing you're on shoot boys you're fated my hat's off to you Gilles I've been a gambler all my life and I've never seen a better play as far as I'm concerned you've earned a break you don't believe me I'm gonna turn you loose but that is when my gold investments pay off take him to his room lefty have a good sleep Gilles you've got it coming too bad he was the best Faro dealer I ever had at you Gillis hi Dan right hello chance just get back yeah we just rolled in with a load of logs where's good he isn't with us anymore something happened to him that's gunk turned out to be a government man how'd you find out marshal death-row got a tip-off letter from Texas from an old friend what does give us do but steal the letter and shoot the marshal silver and I got there just in time just in time or what to grab Gillis and bring him in we worked him over plenty finally came through and admitted everything can you imagine a weasel like that how about that would you what'd you do to him I always give a game guy a break I plugged him in the back so he wouldn't see it coming see you downstairs right funny about that letter nobody in Texas knew straps business but me not even our own folks I better worry about me Larry that's trap how do you know he gave it to me last night he wrote a message on it that he'd have to drop off the case and take Ted the role with him let's see it I burned it back on the road when I stalled to take care of the horse's hoof it's all my fault Larry for holding out on you you couldn't have known they'd catch up with strap all he had to do was light out for Colorado Springs with a marshal I could have hung back long enough to cover the road for he didn't ask you to did he no no he just said good luck you did just what he wanted you to do that's why I slipped a letter to you instead of me I might have jumped in like I did on him all doon and taking all three of us off the case as it is he he covered us good so let's get back on the job I'll wash first if you don't mind I rubbed it in good but it didn't seem to mean a thing to him they never better than I and in your book there okay you know me I don't buy many gold bricks but I'm almost sold on that pair keep your wallet in your pocket until we checked with that old friend of the marshals down in Texas straps lucky gun if you had it on him he might be alive today trap was only worrying about keeping the case alive now that we haven't got him as a listening post we're on our own yeah nobody to tip us off how close were being watched and time's running short to somehow one of us will have to get away and down into that smelter and one of us got any ideas not a glimmer Hansen all slicked up looks like he's going away let's find out where he's going why didn't you explain to mr. Stratton and the others well doggone it I tried to but they wouldn't believe me why the way they acted you might think I stole that [ __ ] myself and that that Marshall was in with that gang - I'm going to take action that's all dad I won't have you mixed up in this it's too dangerous I even feared I'm gonna see my friend lieutenant governor Jim black he and me used to prospect together and when I tell him about this or he busts this gang wide open dad please don't you just don't know Julie I'm going and nothing's gonna stop me don't worry about your own man he'll be all right [Applause] looks like your dad means business yes and I'm worried to death about it I don't blame you for worrying ma'am the wrong folks heard about that your dad's wife wouldn't be worth a nickel that's what I told him but his mind's made up and there's nothing I can do about it I wish we could do something to help Chris Julie I don't see how there is someone who could help mr. Kirby likes father he's been very kind to him maybe he could think of some way to stop it I'm sure he could I'll go see him right away this is the break we needed we'll grab old man Hanson off that stage and stash them away somewhere how old that help it'll put us in solid with silver and while we're guarding Hanson I'll take a shot at that point of his to lead a tractor Hanson wasn't on the stage a couple of guys with mass held it up and took the old man away I reckon I'm guilty your honor you make other hasty decisions don't you Ivers we had to the stage had left I know you didn't want Hanson stirring things up around Denver so Laramie picked him off the coach where is he Larry he's got him in that old trappers cabin up on Taber Mountain I came here to tell you and take some supplies out to them smart thinking Ivers after all you couldn't know that Julie Hanson to be foolish enough to tell us about her father that's right of course if you don't think holding the old man alive is safe enough but it's good enough for now besides I owe a my rain check for helping me get back that or that you boys lifted yeah am i interrupting I love continually I was just wondering if you've done anything about father he's in good hands he's the guest of our Texas friends in a mountain lodge oh that's wonderful thanks mr. Kirby and Thank You mr. Ivers only please don't tell him I had anything to do with it he'd be furious with me oh we won't ma'am why he doesn't even know that mr. Kirby acted for you he thinks we're members of the high graders and kidnapped him to keep his mouth shut thanks again mr. Ivers oh you're trying to start with you dare to [Music] hey what's going on well partner with a grub just take it easy pop it's glad to see you hi Laurie how'd you make out well if there are any names he hasn't called me I don't know what they are coffee and bacon maybe this will soften the old boy's heart how'd you make out with Kirby fine we're now his fair-haired playmates better get him to send me up some the hell I can't stay awake another night listening to Hanson cuz I'll stick with it until I get back I'm going down to Boyer now to smoke out link number 2 see you pronto [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll get the white and backed up you have to make today's train to let film [Applause] hey Joe give him a hand over here [Music] [Music] I get back to work [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah you're grinning Texas hyena only wish I had some rough on rats to put it appreciate that pop and don't call me pop danyay like I said when I fought with General Ulysses Grant like Johnny Reb was just a nobody custom never will be anything else and that goes for you too let hold it old-timer you got us all wrong right I Larry and just to prove it I'm gonna send you in this afternoon on the train to Denver what kind of new weasel person you're trying now yeah maybe we got religion and turn honest go pack your release in hurry ready will I I got down here I'm going to go first Larry slickest operation ever pulled it mean there's smelt in that gold underground not only that they're plating it to make it look like ordinary Pig land and shipping it out that load plated gold bricks well what do you know now get this the gold shipment is going out on the same train with you enhancing the crates are marked Pier 63 San Francisco Pier 63 what about Hanson I just keep him pacified until you get him to Denver and then turn him over to the US Marshal they're the holders friendly custody and at the same time I follow the pig led right get all the dope you can and then meet me back here at the shack I'll let you know what I'm getting in one of those love for mothers telegram check well what's holding this up I'm ready and that this ain't some more monkeyshines or maybe I can get the governor to let you boys off for 20 years Thanks come on let's get going come on [Music] [Music] huh [Music] what do you know laundryman of [ __ ] Creek translate this for me with it means when this is in your hands fulfill all obligations in other words on receipt of this payoff yes can you tell me when this will reach [ __ ] creek well let's see Denver two days Colorado Springs three stagecoach to [ __ ] Creek it ought to be Thursday morning good so well I thanks very much mr. postmaster not at all [Music] your name is Ivers in it that's right the operator down to spring sent this up to my supplies [Music] at all silver what are you so glum about today's payday the biggest we've ever had set for two o'clock here's how the cuts are going to run you'll get then very you're just in time for the big news mine is not so good boss well that's what I get for counting my chips while the games still running go ahead spill it sheriff Somers a datum county met me halfway a Trinidad that letter he wrote the marshal was about Ivers not Gillis it said the set up in Texas looked like Ivers was a government man working on the inside with the border smuggler and give us covered for Ivers in gallon a three horse team looks that way but what are they waiting for they must know everything there is to know by now no no they can't possibly know who pays us off or when it's to be could be that's what they're waiting for send a couple of men up the cabin and bring in to land in the old man and tell Ivers I want to see him shouldn't take us long to find out exactly how much they do know bagel and [Music] Cole can have anybody here for days [Music] yeah hottie yo man ran out on me while it was asleep I just one after it saddlebags you boys get funny ideas don't you [Music] [Music] ah others iCup oh you might be here yeah I was just looking for my pal Larry oh he's gone on he was the boys say silver wants to see us all there this is payday the big payoff Hey sounds mighty flying you said it looks like there's been a fight in the cabin sure Larry's alright sure he is I passed him on the way up funny I didn't they took the cut-offs come on I'll show you maybe it was old man his roof what of the fights are evil all fine and dandy still cussing everybody in sight [Music] all I wanna know gland is where you went with the old man and whether you and I visit cent for any help keep on trying silver I may break down any minute [Music] obstinate young friend has told me more than he realizes they were expecting help you'd be bragging about it I think it's safe to go ahead with the payoff in the meantime keep our friend well entertained [Music] hello I tell you the good news yeah sure I'm giving a little party in honor of the occasion come on up and join the boys I'll be back with a little wine enjoy yourself you first couple [Music] hold it get rid of those guns let's head not time everybody's payday but ours is that the idea Denver did your play Ivor's spread your cards on the tip okay you're all under arrest take him down to the minors committee let them take care of all right get me [Music] ace is full [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna save you for that hang crack would like it better that way okay let's go come on yeah [Music] I'm speaking to you as agents of the US Secret Service these men are leaders of the high-graders mr. hatten I'm placing them in your charge take over I'll be very glad to do so more Johnson hips well kid there's only one chance now to complete our case if silver Kirby is still around he may try to collect the payoff the Chinese laundries a spot to watch I learned that in Frisco why are we waiting for [Music] well at least Miss Julie don't have to do her own washing you don't get your laundry in the backroom can she be in on this too [Music] you'd better leave - there's no telling how much they found out if they don't know about you they couldn't have any suspicions about me and my market for unlisted girl is an exhaustible sorry mr. Sullivan but the market is closed I'll take that back jewelry not a payoff Larry all in brand-new u.s. yellow bags you're a prisoner of the government you were supposed to serve mr. James C Sullivan sir the name is James Chang Sullivan and I only owe allegiance to my mother's country by now the gold is well on his way to the Dowager Empress of China sorry to disappoint you but by now it's in the mitten San Francisco take our oriental friends to the miners committee while I ask mr. Hanson some questions drop that gun gallon Julie dear take that bag out to the buckboard and wait for me give her the bag Ivers Julie can't stand bloodshed not a bad try for a gal who can't stand blood [ __ ] he was my husband all right Larry take her away I'll get the loot [Music] what a foolish pair of young men you are there's a half million in that bag and the possibility of much more to come and I'll bet he could even get us an introduction to the Empress of China I'll bet he could that's too bad Larry we're just a couple of chumps born to die poor but honest yeah regulus about the most money we ever don't get as long as we live good afternoon gentlemen am I wrong or are my services again in demand you get around fast don't you and my profession it pays to keep one's ear attuned to the bark of a six-gun if this keeps up I really have to put you to other commissioned vases thank you again gentlemen well if we ever need one we got a job [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Grjngo - Western Movies
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Id: N0_3wQXFUwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 32sec (4652 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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