The Plunderers | American Western | Old Cowboy Movie | Full Length | English | Free Movie

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[Music] [Music] and all you've got to do making the whistle for a kid i suppose you've done nothing about my barrels a high-grade ore i've been thinking about that right along everybody knows what lacy did it why didn't you get a [ __ ] and ride out after him didn't know which way to ride excuse me [Music] don't get too riled up over sam mr martin he's getting old well he'd better show some energy or i'm gonna have to write a strong letter to washington even miss lim julianne the ladies going out for a ride this fine evening we're going shopping and i have no intention of leaving town you'll be very sorry to hear kind of late to go shopping it probably be about closing up we work late and sleep late so we have to shop late can we go sherry didn't mean to hold you up there's enough people being held up around here oh good evening i was just closing up but come in though thanks i've got some nice new stalkers miss julianne uh real lazy and embroidered now where'd i put oh here i'm sorry but i'm just closing up it'll just be a minute i want a coconut a coconut what's them i saw them in the window oh see anything green anybody ever tell you you're a handsome heifer a fella said it once and just that tone of voice he died shortly after with a little hole through his gizzit i like women that give off sparks so that's a coconut you know when they came up on the stage i didn't know what they was what are they good for drink it hasn't got the right label on it it's imported maybe you're afraid to try something new i don't scare easy it's wonderful it tastes sweet it's something like like nectar i like it never heard of that before either but i have some up on the next stage heard a shot come in the back door oh it's nothing just opening up a coconut what's your name answering questions is now one of my favorite pastimes stand to one side ladies your lamps are mine i thought i'd be lucky today saw a crisscross spiderweb this morning that's always good luck your name's john these people in texas want you so bad the mouse are watering they want you for 1500 worth of reward i'll have that gun he went out the back way come on we can't do any good around here i think i'm going to play bats don't try act like a lady don't be scared ladies we got all the buildings out back surrounded we get that fella sure i wonder where ben is i told him good evening ladies oh but i couldn't get to my horse so i'm taking this nice-looking sorrel that happens to be mine sorry can't guarantee when you get them back i really think i'm gonna scream got a nice white neck it'd be too bad if i had to get it all black and blue throttling you don't yell see anything of him nope you must have ridden out of town already how's it sure dead shot clean through the heart get my horse it's too bad i have to get out of here i have a hunch if somebody rubbed us together we'd both make sparks there he goes so thanks uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] see any shoes mister not a sign there's a war party up north my uncle gilly's seen him there's always a war party up north you're down south if you listen to everything everybody says my paul just said pack up we're getting got any 44 cottages you can spare mister sure thanks mister you better come into deadwood with us your uncle gilly seeing things well i hope you don't find your hair drying in a suit tp [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sue huh you fought indians before kind of like the way you were handling the deal until that buck with a rifle got on your back you just sat there and watched the whole thing i enjoyed the whole show had a good seat anyway thanks for taking that guy with a long gun off my back finally yeah figure has saved your life ken salva una vide that spanish is too fast for me he who saves a life assumes its burdens that buys you off huh that's what they say in mexico i'm with lacy john drumm you're kind of wanted around these parts aren't you what you and i ought to get along fine johnny indian eddie told me he just shot the sheriff in deadwood you can't be slow sam was mighty sudden dice fell my way never had anything against sam except the badge he warned his chest this piece of paper says you're one pretty bad down in casey county texas so i here didn't stay in texas long enough to find out anybody see her besides the two girls in barnaby just the storekeeper and the two girls uh lin and julianne that's julianne's horse yeah i think i was you're in luck johnny they're friends of mine they won't talk barnaby julianne can handle him if i say so you're too anxious to do that so you must need me there must be a profit in it someplace where do i stand on that you speak right up for yourself don't you johnny well there is a profit in it you're in for a cut of it you're kind of nice if i could see all the cards you're going back to town how long whit look out johnny over there so [Applause] what's the idea oh sorry jenny but i just couldn't let you ride out like that i feel like talking a little now what about about that favorite i wanted you know i could let the posse find you here they'd really like to hang the man that down to him sam don't give me much choice thought you'd see it that way julianne's a friend of mine a particular friend trouble is the sheriff's office knows that they're waiting for me to show up in town or for her to try and leave i can't stop her can they oh but they're watching her she's followed every place she goes you know that sooner or later she'll lead them to me she makes pretty good-looking bait for their trap yeah but sometimes a smart lobe can steal a bait without getting caught running into you gave me an idea where do i fit in you're getting married me yes johnny you oh no i always figured on passing up getting married well i don't generally go around endorsing it but any sensible man would figure that's better than having his wind cut off with a six-strand rawhide rope since you put it that way who's the bride julianne yeah that's the part i don't like but listen to this johnny you're an old friend who turns up always wanted to marry julianne she's tired of waiting for me and decides you wouldn't be so bad after all now once she's married she can leave town without being followed and bring her here to me idea kind of appeals to me at that i'd rather it was the other one but just in case you're getting any fancy ideas julie won't really be your wife the sky pilot will look alright but that's all suits me how about untying me and giving me some more of the details sure johnny of course i trust julianne but they got another sand in mexico a handsome caballero is the fire on which the beans of many a lady get [Music] burned oh the sweetest thing in life and no one dare singing on a saturday afternoon he's walking down broadway so some prefer the park or the beach to spend their day but i prefer to walk down the festive gay broadway walking on broadway the festive gave away the okay thing on saturday is walking down the queen walking down the way the festive gay broadway the okay thing on saturday is walking down broadway to the theatre committee for captain jinx's his way and then up to del monty goes for supper or so gay a turn around the battery with horses stepping high the frigid girls in fine are real smile as they pass by walking [Music] [Music] is down the way [Music] someone waiting in julie's dressing room wait who else would it be stopped a waiter in the hallway sent for barnaby too [Music] wait where are you ouch well you give off sparks too not for you mr romeo romeo she's beautiful and she reads too why did you come back here see julianne say you know you've got pointed ears i'll thank you to mind your own business you know what it means when a girl's got pointed ears i've not got pointed ears and i don't want any more conversation about me or my ears just your weight till quit lacey hears about this he sent me here i bet he did hmm makes the hair in the back of my neck stand up what's it mean hmm what does what mean when a girl has pointed ears my lady with her nady pointed ears my lady like a vixen fox is warm passion boils in her veins her lips and arms are warm for me her heart is feverish burning well i like that who said that fell named john gay i've not got pointed to you [Music] i thought whit was here that's what i thought yep whip was right you're gonna make a beautiful bride wit said that mm-hmm and he's sorry he can't be here for the wedding what was that we're getting married julie what says so right here you want to see me tom you better go in julie's dressing room oh you sure you like the idea of course don't tell me if you don't want to but where do you think you and what'll be going to california he used to spend hours talking about it it's a new country people aren't so particular about other people or what they've been julianne i don't know what you want to talk to me about that you couldn't as well waited until you know you why are you there barnaby this is shall we say mr corrigan he's a friend of whit lacy's a very good friend aren't you gonna say good evening good evening you didn't give any descriptions to tap or anybody after the shooting oh no not a soul they didn't ask me well we just wanted to ask you have you ever seen mr carrigan before uh what do you want me to say julie whatever you think healthiest i've never seen a man before in my life you're smart smart people don't wear out so fast hey sir that all you want to join that's all come on barnaby why i bet you you're buying me a drink oh the drink i did glad to buy your drink [Music] tears for julianne why don't you mind your own business why did she have to fall in love with a man on the run it's easy for a man to get in a run a few crosswords fast draw one man's dead and the other one's on the run you ought to know i do gonna say good night good night you cried for julian is your sister she's my friend [Applause] i pronounce you man and wife kiss the bride [Music] [Applause] oh dearly i'm so happy for you i could cry [Music] the one who catches it is the next bride [Music] charlie get me a bottle of champagne and a deck of cards yes mrs corrigan the name is still julianne bother champagne for miss julianne and a deck of cards what sure she told me to bring him up [Music] come on in honey get the glasses lynn will you [Applause] red knave first that's good queen in double sixes a journey well that we know was coming true ace of diamonds money [Music] ah nobody with any sense would believe that stuff [Music] that's clever you're a funny person for a gunman maybe he wasn't always a gunman maybe it took him quite some time to figure out what he is best fitted for notice how our voice always gets saw edges on it when she talks to me i don't think she likes me one thing doesn't prove the other like me and wit at first everything we said to each other had an edge on it and then one night he kissed me and all of a sudden we both knew that up to then we've been making empty words see good night romeo [Music] she doesn't believe i'm sincere most men aren't at least not the ones we meet around [Music] here i hope you two will be very happy [Music] then every man gets a chance to see his own funeral don't know as i rightly like it though seems kind of ghostly like here's my cousin pete already mostly from corn not from grief and there's banker haven sad as can be but probably wondering will my house bring money enough reduction to cover the mortgage come on i want to buy some things but the funeral i personally laid out sam in that box town's gonna miss old sam yeah one down the funeral tap you won't have much trouble looking sad just remember it's all play acting and you ain't really got my job yet hmm gotcha that'll do it well kind of hardy for a dead man you know you know i was kind of surprised when i heard about this marriage business i didn't count on that nor me i just thought they'd figure the man that got the sheriff would be a fine addition to their crowd whit got a smart idea i thought if julianna and her husband had to keep you fellas from stepping on her heels every minute wedding was a fake of course i kind of thought as much you know there must be some townspeople mixed up in this their information on the wagon movements is much too accurate we'll coast a while find their hideout and get the whole crowd um big plan but good but i don't relish the idea playing dead all the time it's kind of confining but we'll try it anyway huh i gotta get started on my honeymoon well it's not a bad deal at that there's lots of fellas wouldn't shy away from the honeymoon with julianne you know good morning going on a little hunting trip my wife tells me you people have a habit of tailing her every time she steps outside the town limits well it's an unhealthy habit you haven't gotten the antlers on your head you wouldn't look good mounted over a fireplace i'll wait a minute look samut was sheriff before he was killed maybe he had a reason for following miss julianne well i'm sheriff now i got no reason to follow her see ya sure let him jingle his furs out loud still waters run deep that was a lot weaker than i thought he'd be taff's just tall not big don't you get tired of this it passes the time look lin it's a view are my ears pointed no you can come out from behind those tamaracks friends i've been listening to you for 10 minutes you've got good eyes and ears johnny i've gone clean through a sewer party without being seen or heard oh darling i never thought i'd see you again you think i'd run off and leave you married to a man you hardly know take care of this leonard julian and i are gonna need it i stayed about two miles behind the ladies i don't think we were followed i'm right sure you weren't had men covering you almost in the town limits nobody followed oh that's biden comp bide's the ugliest one hello com i'm bite he's comp hey that's handsome do one of me and julianne will you johnny sure make yourself comfortable honey i've got to meet here before we move you're gonna go someplace with these men yeah that's right a little business trip thought we'd have it done before now but things got delayed darling i don't want anything to happen it won't california's a long way we need a little traveling money that'll be calico you're late calico bringing him here i don't like it i don't like it a bit never mind what you like what's the play down south you uh one i should talk in front of him even if you don't like it one bit well the trail herd's getting close but i got a hot tip on another proposition 800 rifles and 6 000 rounds of cartridges being traded in over the powder four men guard this fellow paid ten dollars a rifle now we can jump the outfit at the door but it's eight thousand dollars twice what the trailhead's worth i said no go i don't like calico you say that once more and i'm gonna kick your teeth in i'm tired of hearing what you don't like i don't want to sound like a soft hand but that fella sure was figuring on selling them rifles to the indians they give 50 ponies for a rifle white knight on a white horse huh have it your way nice shooting johnny i'd hate to lose calico even though he does get a little proddy once in a while even steven bueno hombre julie you and lynn ride back on up to the cabin wait for me there biden complicated with you you go too johnny uh you'd better ride blindfolded well where are we going there's still nothing wrong with the trail heard [Music] there's my traveling money calico [Music] must be good stock if they're figuring on selling to the cavalry remount will save in the trouble [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] go go huh save it they're out of range he's hurt bad it's 30 miles to the nearest post it takes good tough horses to stand up in this part of the country we run them pretty hard sometimes so i've heard anytime you get any more like those the army will pay top prizes i'll remember that try to get around again next year rather have the cash i suppose it's handier this sign across the bottom funny thing about you fellas it isn't money unless you've got it right in your excuse me we picked him up out on patrol take him to the doctor wait a minute what's the matter those are our horses the ones they stole last night hey so so me so [Applause] [Music] doesn't look like he had much luck i don't even want to talk about it supper's about ready you better get washed up [Music] got this buck right outside the door this morning reminds me of the big bend country got a nice spread there fork river ranch fork river ah i've seen the brand figure on living there someday when all the sheriffs have died off now she never misses a chance to dig her spurs in does she johnny rising biscuits you know some days when all the sheriffs have died off i'm gonna find me a gal i can make rising biscuits and take a live on my fork river ranch if lead poisoning doesn't set in before then or in case you don't come down with shortening of the breath sis we never mentioned hanging in this house it's what the indians call bad medicine let's take a walk invitation you usually act like i was a coral diamond bike i just wanted to give them a chance to be alone ouch want to know something then we're not going to california i didn't say that said you'd have to go back to town for a while until i could send for you and when will that be i don't know a few days maybe you don't mind do you jenny not at all matter of fact i like being a married man i might have to try it sometime oh and hunt me yeah have that tan for me oh sure got any slickers oh plenty of them uh follow me we went in from here i drew these in the next couple of days if we can get a surveyor to draw a triangulation line between those three peaks the point where they intersect will be the height of oh that's right smart thinking i'll get an army severe over fire outpost once we get the hideout mapped out it'll be easy to find that narrow passage going in real narrow you said i wrote it going in and coming out in the dark blindfolded and that's the way it'll be when i go in again but it was narrow all right wit have any suspicion of you i like quit i feel a little like that fella that took the 30 pieces of silver fella i might know nope 30 pieces of silver there must have been something happened made sheriff yes i guess [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] me i'll tell the glory of love's whole story how every girl every boy can make every joy [Music] you know that my love song can be just a love note from me [Music] too limb have a drink no thank you oh sit down a minute oh but i'm tired i have to go back what's a minute or two out of a lifetime come on all right [Music] sit down sit down thank you you are sure you all no thank you very much i need a little relaxation my stock holders are screaming murder you'd think these holdups were my fault you'd think it was my fault the veins petering out well it won't be long i'm going back east oh is that so i like to take you with me you know the answer well i've heard it often enough but lynn you've got quality i can't imagine you not wanting to get away from all this but i do want to get away from all this well almost all relationships are compromised as lean and marriage is too now look at what i've got to offer a way out of this life money security then marriages aren't made in heaven maybe not but wouldn't it be wonderful if they were good night what are you balling about i'm not you are too crying what about i'm all right if anybody around here nobody has done anything to me she's crying for a very primeval reason i'm not crying she's crying because she must because at a certain time in every female's life she begins to discern that the laws of percentage present an almost insurmountable obstacle to each female finding the exact male who is right for her in short she's discovered that the world isn't perfect well i must say if you're talking saint you managed to hide it behind a lot of educated words i went to school and i learned to read don't hold it against me i can't make any sense out of either one of you lynn you're mr martin is a very practical man very logical he is not my mr martin you were listening let's say that i couldn't help overhearing so you're not going to marry the wealthy mr martin and go and live in the east just because you don't love him i have my own reasons you continue to rise in my estimation you know what i'd like more than anything for you to come and live on my fork river ranch you men with your shooting and guns and killings why can't you be just like [Music] going hunting give me a box of 44. another hunting foreign girl yes good morning good hunting thanks can't understand anybody chasing off into the hills after deer when you can shoot a buck any morning right here in the edge of town stalking them's fun some people think that brings me right to the point why don't you do something about quit lacey mr martin i could tell you something that'd make your eyes pop out huh but i gotta keep quiet just don't you worry none about wet lacy is it too early to buy a drink my watch is plumb stopped well come on indian eddie around i got an errand for him he's asleep outside mr martin oh hell hello [Music] still haven't changed your mind i like having my own way i said i'd sin for you didn't i but why should we have to wait i have enough money to get us to california and enough to keep us going for a while after we get there either you want to go mr whit lacey or you don't of course i want to it well then i don't see what you have to argue about a man ought to know better than to try arguing with a woman all right we'll go what spooked you better send the women inside you make a big jingle for a small buck this is serious with go inside says here you're an army officer you didn't kill that sheriff he's alive he came from a man who's got to know johnny find if i go inside just be a minute go ahead we're in no hurry i don't like come throw a saddle on johnny's horse we'll give him a run for it you can use the rifle yourself i'm gonna enjoy that well i told you that what i wanted most was for you to live on that ranch raise a flock of kids i was making real medicine there isn't time to tell you a lot of the other things i meant to ever got her onto i wish we could have come out even me i liked you johnny but nobody knows what number will come up next on the big wheel you girls stay here if i was you i'd get my spurs red kick in that pony calico is quite a shot and it cut loose a second you passed those two trees thanks very much of a chance but it's better than the one you got coming so long whip wait a minute johnny the indians always give a warrior wampum to pay his way across the big ferry gig your pony adios he'll be out in a second calico give me another rifle i hear your shaking soldier couldn't hit the side of a barn it's a long shot now stand easy well you did it calico why didn't you see that rifle was clear before the party started i'm getting out of here this hideout will be too full of strangers to suit me i got packing to do you just inherited a ranch from texas i guess she really wanted to see you live on this ranch lynn connors solaire forked river ranch cohesity county texas [Music] wait [Music] i missed him oh thank you you've been loading guns too long ever to put a cottage in a magazine the wrong way the top cottage is in the magazine backwards you ain't fooling me i'm gonna miss johnny it's gonna get lonely out there in the brush with no one to talk to but you that johnny he rubbed me the right way he had class so he come to the fork in the road looks like it [Music] i'm going out over the mountains you'll have to go out the trail the hills are too rough for the women i hope they nail you going through the canyon adios calico never smelled too good but i'm gonna miss him too we covered many a rough mile together wait i don't know what to say nothing to say i always have been too soft-hearted for my own good hey we'd better get down that canyon before we meet people coming up [Music] and then what are you crying about i thought i acted like a real nice citizen what's everybody balling about hey wait you better lead with i'll cover the rear can't think of anybody i'd rather have we're all right there's nobody down there rest easy friend we didn't know who it was i didn't expect to see you series of events an army surveyor measured them cross lines and found the gap in the hills indian eddy left town and fast horse riding hard i always figured he was wit's messenger boy you figured right he brought a note to the gang saying that you weren't dead and that i'm an army officer well now that puts birds all over my saddle blanket who would know that cat you didn't say something real clever to somebody did you i ain't said nothing to nobody you sure you didn't say something real smart i ain't said nothing smart since when you got mad and was gonna fire me can't figure who wrote that note some riders just came over this top ridge get back to your post you two take the horses down the trail the women are gonna be with sam this has got to be done without them getting in the way of any gunfire young fella you may be an army officer the governor of the territory borrowed to help him out but i'm still sheriff of this here county and these is my deputies and i figure to run this show with bullets you see what i mean don't get settled with we got both ends closed up we don't want to hurt the ladies sing out if you want to go down single file with your hands up i told you i didn't like it one bit never once you were right calico going down sam flop i'll get one of the boys throw a blanket over you better get some sleep you got a long ride tomorrow ah we'll sleep all right we got to be real careful of our health now either you boys like to tell me who wrote that note that i wasn't dead i'd pay a couple of hundred dollars calico's broke he might tell you but 200 sure i will who wrote it there's just one thing about that 200. what about it you've got to guarantee me i can spend it in mexico i'm afraid i can't do that i'm afraid i can't remember who it was wrote that note then we can't do business i like that calico you got character i got troubles my life is full of troubles life that's life sleep easy friend when it's notches so you don't want to live on fort river ranch i think sometimes women know more about men than men do about women what you said is like the door to a house you have to open it and see what's inside like for instance what do women know i knew you were looking at me all the time while you were saying those things to julian at barnaby store back when you pretend to shoot sam i also know that you have kissed many girls with your lips but i am the only girl you ever kissed with your heart i know you love me johnny but i'd like to hear you say it in words out loud i always figured a man was a fool to get married weighs him down he never walks as wide or as tall from the minute he's got a woman hanging on his arm i want to marry you doesn't matter from then on i walk an inch narrow and only a foot tall i want to johnny you are going to let him go you've got to he let you go he gave me your life and and he threw his own life away yeah and he threw me a dollar i'm army i've got a job to do and i'll stand at jefferson while the territorial officer hangs him there's no other way julianne's young and pretty she'll find another man goodbye johnny too bad we didn't work out [Music] so [Music] [Music] half hour folks half hour well what you're gawking at why don't you got fresh horses ready you won't need no frey sausage buck not for a while them soldiers who pass is on the way up the powder red cloud flew red cloud why didn't you say so how long are we likely to be held here well not being red cloud i don't know the answer but if you want to keep your hair you better stay until them soldiers chase him back up north [Music] let's see what the trouble is [Music] what's the trouble red cloud you're crazy red cloudness band were driven up into canada last year this is this year man answered me didn't he [Music] [Applause] hey what lacey's been captured i don't believe it well all you got to do step outside him and the squinting gents just being locked up in the barracks i'm only a supply sergeant i haven't got any authority to take those prisoners off your hands but the patrol will be back here in a week thanks sergeant well hello mr martin traveling i know what you're thinking thought i was dead didn't you yes yes yes i did really and i caught witness in his number one boy too yeah uh good work uh sheriff i but about you i i don't understand well you'll have to tell me all about this the drinks are on me take number five i put the ladies in six thank you give me tall one i can use it i don't know what to say exactly now that you're standing in front of me there is a thing i hope you'd come to say johnny you've got to understand i can't let him go then there is nothing to say what uh what's the next step with whit out of my territory he drums prisoner now goes from here to jefferson will they hang him there yep don't you worry mr martin your high grade oil will be safe from now on i think i'd get some sleep now i can tell about embry just by looking at him and mister that with lacy is bad and that squint i fell that's with him oh it seems to me a waste of time and money to take him to jefferson to hang yeah that's the way the government does everything long way around yeah plus which he might escape on the way yeah let's switch we got a lot of good ropes right here [Applause] johnny johnny darling oh me they are going to lynch with you two stay here you all better go to bed this is united states government you're fooling with i'm an officer in the united states cavalry i order you all to disperse let's wrench him too he don't dare shoot where's the gentle said he wouldn't shoot he got a head egg on his knob now they probably smuggled those bandits out of the fort tonight stock for jefferson we ought to stop it how i don't by using brains instead of brawn i didn't see you around when the trouble was going on and you were so full of talk about lynching let's do some thinking [Music] hello johnny sure seemed a big thing to you whether we hang here in jefferson we was wondering why my orders say jefferson we're gonna slide out of here pretty soon that mob's getting charged up on whiskey and they'll be primed for trouble sergeant yes sir see if these men are fed have our horses and two pack horses behind the jail in an hour yes sir uh johnny yeah you know if there'd been one man in that mob with nerve enough to dust off a fiddle you'd have been a gone gosling mobs don't generally have that one man now why would he take such a long chance on getting down just to save our necks for a couple of days he's army you can't figure out army guys they think crazy or maybe different i wish i was in scenario with a swell gal i know why you scared of hanging no but it'll sure keep me from seeing that gal and sonora don't move or i'll cut both of you in half hold it up open up and go bust around fire one shot to the riddle the whole building shut up you're not going to be in the hanging all you got to do is to watch it away yeah maybe they want to pray give my last word you got anything you want to say don't breathe on me you smell bad how about you just remember nothing lasts forever that don't make sense nothing doesn't when i count three take her away one two and one [Music] you must think that guns got a lot of range friend that's bigger than bullets [Music] let's get to the wall final charge under howard fix for ammunition give a fool a garden he's still a fool only a loud one sam make a round of the stock cave and see if you can stop some of those idiots from shooting at shadows right have you ever come closer to hanging calico what san anton well baby nobody ever knows what number's coming up next in a big wheel hey johnny i fight indians real good i was at dorby wells in big cimarron we got a rifle for you [Music] wish you could see things differently i [Music] can't i made the apache campaign with phil sheridan so i know something about indian fighting the zoo believe that any warrior killed in the dark stays in the dark forever so they won't attack until dawn i'm gonna have the sergeant here divide you men into four groups first group will go on guard immediately the rest of you grab some sleep sleep the war drums are booming in the hills you're crazy i ain't sleeping not with my wife and kids here i'm in command she'll do as i say through the night there'll be occasional flurries of fire arrows and the drumming will continue that's to keep us awake and on edge when the drumming stops it'll be dawn and the sew will attack sergeant find these men up and divide them into four groups all right men line up we'll get things organized your father's on the other side line up here [Music] hello johnny dance ought to be starting pretty soon you see anything a little white dust clouds over behind the foothill they're making medicine [Music] anything to report i don't know major you can't hear much of this tarnation drumming it seems that every patch of darkness is filled with those red hellions take it easy darkness plays hard with the man's imagination i could have sworn something moved just now out there by that outbuilding sergeant what is that building language store major cease firing only wasting ammunition bring the water quick bring that ladder hurry over that ladder put it up now bring the water that building's got to be cleared we'll have to do it silently with knives a couple of men could do the job steak out there till daybreak see what i mean johnny yeah he's having a crossfire well don't look at me i'm not going out there i wasn't why you fellas won't have a chance in a million well that's pretty good odds the way i figure it of course if we whipped them we'd be out in the clear where we could make a run for the mountains i never did look forward to hanging with any relish thanks calico don't thank me i'm only thinking of my own skin but three of us ain't very many [Music] oh okay drum i'm not used to manual labor and sam's trying to make that star man don't want to work but you're brave enough aren't you mister you'll fight why certainly you see he volunteers always joking that calico [Music] we're taking a little pastier to clear those firebugs from the outbuildings he won't be coming back uh how you women get ideas i'm going with you sorry baby this time you'd only be in the way i don't care [Music] where's calico he'll be right along you can't wait open the gate sergeant [Music] [Music] so figure they'll make it sheriff rather have the zoo sneaking up on me than them two humbers [Music] [Music] nice going what [Music] don't go getting itchy fingers it's only me i brought you another volunteer i'll go ahead start yelling you'll have the place swarming with sue martin wrote that note about you figured on breaking the mind then buying it in cheap he's got a streak of yellow pay dirt a mile wide right up the middle of his back so you're the man we've been looking for martin if we get out of this you're included in a hanging get me out of here major i'll pay anything how much oh shut up calico money hey you got plenty when the old equalizer moves in from the outside your hair won't stay on any longer than mine these indians had rifles here look at it united states cavalry so we might just as well have made the money they got them anyway but it won't be a short party they got plenty of ammunition sergeant yes somebody went outside over the wall on a rope i couldn't see clear but it looked to me like a woman get back your post you helped her didn't you let me alone [Music] what come on up sweetheart looks like i picked myself a real woman [Music] oh darling i couldn't stand the wandering and waiting i had to go sure kid i understand calico help me pile us up against the door our next customers may not be so friendly [Music] no more fires for the last 10 minutes christmas party made it knew they would [Music] things are mighty quiet except for that blasted drumming they won't be when the drumming stops dispose the cavalry get back in time only in storybooks if i get out of this there's a rope waiting i'm no good for you julie you're going back to the stockade with johnny i give the orders around here hi taker shut up yellow belly i'm staying with just a thought sweetheart just a thought you know sam i've been thinking what about about who sent that note to whip telling about drummond that you were still alive i never said nothing to nobody except mr martin wow you stupid half bacon it must have been martin all the time go find him bring him here you don't want a good recruit do you if you speak real nice let you have tap don't go doing the army any favors sheriff oh yeah see what you mean [Music] you're gonna make a run for the stockade with johnny oh no no please don't make me go please smile for me julie grits your teeth and smile sweetheart you gotta take her out johnny martin will go yes yes i'll do it whit he'll toss julie to those red devils and make a run for it you and me are the only ones that know about him and we'd be gone you'd just love that wouldn't you yellow belly he still goes he can't go now someone's got to get her out johnny it's got to be you put your gun up with you're not going to use it on me please take her johnny this is better for us than a rope i'll take her out i'll look around outside all clear johnny take care of her she's a good kid it's a long white knight johnny i love you [Music] so [Music] i couldn't find mr martin nowhere sam probably dug himself a hole called in but we'll get him later major jump coming in open up the gates [Music] i've got to get back stupid [Applause] figure tap [Music] [Applause] right across [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my we'll stick here as long as we can go out the window for the final payoff that's hot enough calico let's go see you later you made that [Music] so [Music] oh so open up volunteers follow me we'll try to get through to whitten calico [Music] so i approved your letter of resignation and forward it to washington and until your discharge arrives you're on leave thank you sir goodbye major bye sergeant goodbye sir sam johnny hello ben you wouldn't happen to be passing a place called texas would you mm-hmm be very happy to drop you off on the way [Music] johnny yeah forklift not for more than the rest of your life [Music] sweetheart [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Grjngo - Western Movies
Views: 276,499
Rating: 4.6399999 out of 5
Keywords: django, free movies, best westerns, free westerns, western, western movies, wild west, western movie, full movie, watch films online, django movies, entire movies, free western movies, full movie youtube, classic western movies, full length movies, western movies full length, western feature films, full length, cowboy movies, cowboy, free movies to watch, western movies full length free, The Plunderers, full movies, free film, best western movies, free films, Watch movies
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Length: 84min 38sec (5078 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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