Red Sundown 1956 Western Rory Calhoun Martha Hyer Dean Jagger

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a man who has a gun may have a tale to tell how he used it wrong or how he used it well the ambush on the trail the showdown in the town they tell the stripe of a cowboy's life from dawn to the red sun down oh caroline don't leave me people wearing your wedding gown oh caroline believe me and wait for the red sun down red sun down a man with a girl and gun may have a tale to tell how he used them wrong or how he used them well oh darling caroline put on your wedding gown and say a prayer that will meet somewhere in the light of the red sun down [Applause] oh caroline don't lead me keep on wearing your wedding gown or caroline believe me and wait for the red sun down red sun down red sun down [Music] [Music] so [Music] wait don't be a pig [Music] i don't know how much longer i could have held out [Music] you're only longmire ain't you yeah i'm bud purvis heard they got you at mobidi i'm a hard man to hold where you headed you tell me you sale good enough i've heard plenty about your kick-a-roo roll they say it's the fastest yet just tricky when i was your age i thought of nothing else used to practice the draw two or three hours a day sold my brother mike he's dead it makes you think sure does mike used to ride with mccormick didn't he yeah a long time ago they got mccormick last week oh i was with him roof out there you go ahead all right there's nothing like it i'm kind of hungry how about you i ain't eating since i left mo beatty last night oh it's about time then i'm fresh out of cash forget it somebody's getting up steam for a big night sounds like they got a head start that's what he have seen your thinks you remember that well you know i'll tell you something if he wasn't my brother i'd swear yeah let me see louie to get that big boy drink up hey uh come the table's taken mister yeah i took it okay i asked you if it was okay my brother asked you a question that's no kind of fancy come on [Music] time [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] anybody at home [Music] this is the end of the line horses have beaten so much i'll bet you got a sack of coffee in that bed roll it spot smoke five miles away i sure am hungry i got some bread and a jar of strawberry jam well what are you waiting for this place sure looks deserted yeah oh i must be getting old i remember once i could take all this and think nothing of it i'll beat myself no no i mean old inside just think last night i was waiting my trial in mobiti until you showed up i wasn't sure about what maybe i'd been better off staying there we're not in the clear yet here thanks hmm that sure is good there's nothing like strawberry [Music] where were you going when you picked me up just giving the horse's head that's what started me i took a job once worked a while got restless and then drifted i had a chance to pick up some easy dough with my gun i took that too ah you know what i'd do if i had it to do all over again what i'd get me a real job and stick with it 30 and keep ah i'd even worked for less i've hired my gun a lot of times and made plenty with it now i ain't even got the makins to show for it thanks no sir not even the makings [Music] so [Applause] [Music] down there [Music] [Applause] man wake up get out of the [Music] [Music] all goal suggested take [Music] you feel better stressed out on the [ __ ] maybe it's not as bad as you think don't kid me [Music] don't waste lid let's sweat them out i've been with a lot of men when they died i've heard them laugh at the end and i ever heard them curse and whine i was with joe mccormick when he got his he sure went slow he kept looking back on his life and trying to place the blame for the mess he made of it you know what i think what bud we ain't got no one to blame but ourselves [Applause] alec i've been thinking dig yourself a grave what yeah about two feet deep i'll cover you up and leave an old tin can or piece of stove pipe sticking out so you can breathe when they rush us i'll hold them off they'll think you get out some of the way leave you there ma i got a prayer and you know it do what i tell you why don't you get back in a bunk you never hear of anybody making it with a bullet in his gut come on i'm doing this to give you a chance all my life i've been at it a big hero fast on the draw kids tagging after me in every town like a world medal look what it's got me they sure weren't very considered where they plugged me a guy warned me once like i'm trying to warn you now alec but i wouldn't listen i was too big give me your promise kid if you pull out of this you'll quit living with a gun what do you say i promise all right good go on now and get the shovel hurry up about two feet deep it's a pretty neat job kid maybe you missed your calling hurry up i ain't got much time this is a frank what was that now put that tin can over the end of the pipe angle it under the wall so you can breathe from the outside [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here alec all right [Applause] [Music] this is all i got left from being a big man [Music] you think you'll be able to breathe all right alec yeah but it's okay all right [Music] [Applause] [Applause] where are they i won't be long now good luck to you kid have a drink on me if you get out of here where's the other one you come out [Music] [Applause] [Music] where's the body couldn't have been completely burned up must have made it out of here plated for chumps well what do we do now i don't know what about this other guy leaving for the buzzers come on let's get out of here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] boy you're getting good mister let me try one huey yes mom you keep that up you'll wake the baby oh okay mom come on chuck yes sir that was good shooting one of these days i'll find me a genuine six gun they cost 17 well someday let me carry it for a while [Music] huh got it right between the eyes do you think jade murphy really shuttered out with wild bill hickok everyone says so but he's still alive wow bill must have missed not him you hear lots of things who's that [Applause] hey hi say that's a nice rifle you got there thanks how's it hunting around here i don't know we just practiced you see the way he walks like a cat it's a sign he's plenty fast didn't you ever see a helo monster before yeah but not in a saloon there's a case full of rattlers on the other side of the door harry give the man a drink sure and he felt here is a good businessman you know for a drug stagger's in leans up against one of those cases nine times out of ten he'll turn right around buy himself another drink my name is murthy jade murphy i'm uh alec longmire sheriff hallie cloudlay huh i've heard about you so now you'll go back to your office go through a pile of dodgers and see if i wanted huh yeah will i find you let's go see finish your drink my pop says he's tired of keeping the store and listen to women talk one of these days he's gonna take off i mean if mom lets him just cross the seat here hi mr murphy how are you man how you doing oh just fine you don't suppose jade's arrested we don't have much trouble around here that is from outsiders trouble's the one thing i'm not looking for but you've got a reputation call a man a dog someone throws a rock at him uh save you some time sheriff i'm not wanted so far as i know anywhere you're running a little anybody likely to show up looking for you i knew that i'd live a lot longer wouldn't i now i'm looking for a job maybe durango's a place man's word's good enough for me if i don't find a job i'll move on fair enough i'll need a room we've got the plains hotel up on the corner cheap and clean besides it's the only one we've got come on i'll introduce you hiya mr murphy hello man say i just said hello to you what are you up to uh who's your friend mr murphy oh sorry i didn't introduce myself gentlemen my name is longmire not mike longmire no i'm his brother alec i hear mike's real fast mr longmire mike's dead when i grew up i'm gonna be the fastest draw in texas some of the best men i know can't draw a lake some of the worst can outdraw me from here to sunday now what do you suppose he meant by that folks say lots of things i don't understand that was a nice thing you said to the boys oh they probably didn't get it now some folks feel a man can't change his ways wants the stamps on him i'm not one of those i thought you'd like to know what's all the wire for it's through fenshawz he uh he owns a triplex ranch out here he's gonna try to fence in a squatters and small common they're not gonna like it you blame them you taking sides already you see the titles aren't clear on more than half this land around here and henshaw's trying to grab a lot of acreage don't belong to him or there's some question about on the other hand sam baldwin bert flynn and some of the other squatters have registered brands to cover his like four diamonds fits right over triple x same old story huh yeah in the same old way men will die yeah alec i need some help would you be interested i'm looking for a nice quiet job 150 a month better than you can do wrestling cattle yeah but cows don't shoot at you come on whose side's a sheriff on well that's a good question if i said i'd stay with a side that was right it wouldn't be much of an answer because it's right on both sides the way i look at it it's up to the courts to decide on the right and the wrong until then my job's to keep peace so i'm in the middle that's a good way to get run over son if you really want a job around here you don't have much choice little outfits can't afford you and all henshaw one is your gun and not that he isn't pretty good with a gun himself he just doesn't like to get his hands dirty why don't you fill up the house tonight for supper we'll talk about it best invitation i've had all day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so who's he never seen him before i don't [Music] know [Music] hello alec am i early oh right on the dot come on in thank you give me your hand hey you do all right for yourself it's not bad huh no i don't blame you for liking your job i haven't seen a place like this since i was a kid good evening alec this is my daughter caroline honey this is alec longway hello how do you do well i didn't expect this i had you down for an old bachelor oh no not me dad tells me you may come to work for him well that's his idea what do you think about it deputies come and go hey now you're a big help i've seen a lot of them you ready for supper i um really made an impression on her didn't i she's a little touchy about gunfighters oh no i don't think you'll need those to eat with come on oh thanks well there's nothing like home cooking this is the best thank you no more for me uh can i help you with anything no i can manage i wipe dishes like no one you ever saw so he's handy with the towel as you are with the gun huh like a sky no no thanks excuse me i'll get my pipe sure you uh used your company dishes tonight didn't you dad wants to impress you with the virtues of home life i'm considered an added attraction afraid i haven't done very well well you about half scared me off what's the matter if i got two heads no two guns so the half the men in town they don't use them as well as you do look i uh came here looking for a job with cattle jade's trying to change my mind see what i'm really out for it's a place of my own i've heard that same speech from every gunslinger who's come to town they don't last why not they pin on a star make a few sheriff-like motions and then sell their guns to henshaw man takes a job he should stick with it how do you know i won't if i take the job on me because it's a regular pattern you all perk up when you see a young girl make a speech about home cooking give me a fast whirl about how nice i look i haven't said that but you'll get to it maybe some of it's your fault mine well you look at gunslingers like they're all peas out of the same pod it's time you realize are as different as anyone else as different as people let them be sure there's some gunslingers who are half crazy and like to kill but on the other hand they're those that uh got a reputation they can't get away from and there's some who'd like to settle down but the very people who should be on their side won't give them a chance you mean me yes i didn't ask jade for a job i don't want that kind but he needs what i've got what do you want me to do turn him down how do i know you'll stay with it and wouldn't you stay with it oh i don't know i figure if a man wants to get away from guns you should get away from him the way i look at it we've each got to use ourselves the best we can now you wouldn't say a man was outside the law because he drew pictures would you huh well the same man who draws pictures can use an engraving plate counterfeit money you can use your gun to stick up a bank or to keep peace and order it's the same gun same bullets same hand pulling the trigger all right you just got yourself a new boy sheriff my brother mike could see this he'd roll over in his grave what's on your mind bert a man can take just so much there's maybe two or three hundred miles of fence in those wagons so up to me it would be at the bottom of the river now you're talking sam listen there's just the drivers left with those wagons are you thinking what i'm thinking what are we waiting for how about jade i took care of him come on [Music] [Music] who's there i like longmires jade here just a minute i'm sorry if i'll walk you that's all right where's jade he wrote out to the d cross bird flint's boy stopped by said bert when to see him it was important oh so that's what they meant who this bird tall rangy fella looks like he's uh ready to boil well yes how did you know you know the fella's about the same height same build has a big mustache called sam that's sam baldwin they're gonna jump henshaw's wagons tonight and take jade out of town what are you gonna do i'm hired to do [Music] stay where you are mister something on your mind you know bert flynn and sam baldwin what about him that might be trouble who are you longmire murphy's new deputy didn't know he had one how many guards you got what's it to you i told you there might be trouble there's a couple of more at thiano you better get him we can't leave the wagons all right i'll get him but don't go to sleep here they're liable to jump you any minute hey sam give it up i said give it up man that's shooting all right break it up we begged you wrong mister thanks for the tip it's all right i'd do the same for them [Music] we're ahead of the first showdown and i think it's about time hence your strings that wire i'll be cut off from grass you're right well it'd be deputy nothing i see jade got himself a new boy yeah where is jade i'd like him to be away at a time like this wonder how long before this choker sells out well now maybe he's waiting for an offer keep talking boys i'm a good listener deputy hey you you standing with a henshaw no murphy then get over to his office put your feet on the desk let things alone murphy wouldn't do that you keep sticking your nose in you won't be around long don't say you weren't warned you're threatening me we ain't inviting you to tea i'm taking sam to jail bert you want the same thing are you going home you talk like a big man mister make up your mind well you better square yourself with jade let's not have any trouble sam excute us gentlemen we're coming through you just walk and everything will be all right enjoy yourself while you can mr it won't be for long not having any more fun than you are sam lamp's on the desk sam lighted keep your back to me take off your gun belt and hand it over go through that door of the jail go on first one's good enough see you in the morning sam you're gonna see a lot of me well good evening again i heard the shooting a little run-in with sam baldwin did you shoot him no i want to see how it felt to arrest a man and how does it feel real strange the first time a man ever threw down on me i didn't call him you know i think that henshawn deliberately left those wagons there he's tricky enough to do it yeah i'd feel a lot better if you stayed home to let simmer down all right all right [Music] you've shown your hand now the whole town will be watching you you mean henshaw that's right he'll look you up first thing in the morning be glad to see him henshaw believes every man has his price he's right [Music] oh and what's your price mr longmire well if he buys too cheap he won't appreciate and if i come too high he'll try and get rid of me as fast as he safely can it's something to think about i'm sure you'll give it your best thoughts [Music] deputy yeah talk with you for a moment sure my name is rufus henshaw i want to thank you for warning my men where were you and bert and sam tried to grab your wagons tonight is that important it is to me you really think it concerns you i was breaking no law you were by the river waiting they just stepped into a sweet little ambush wouldn't he that's an assumption i don't like you're accusing me of baiting a trap yes sir i like that yes sir i like a man who speaks his mind that's fine but you still haven't answered my question what was a deputy you're by the river waiting weren't you you're a young man longmire new to your job i was hoping we could be friends let me walk you to the hotel i admire a man like you a man who knows his duty is willing to risk his life to keep the peace after all there's nothing i want more than peace you've got a mighty peculiar way of showing it mr henshaw got a sense of humor too yes sir there's no more thankless job than the peace officers no one likes you everyone's convinced you're the other fellows man what do you think i've got big holdings mr longmire and they're going to get a lot bigger i need men around me that i can trust and i pay very well to ensure their loyalty i wonder i wonder if you'd be interested how much you name it well i tell you mr henshaw as soon as things settle down and murphy can spare me i'll talk to you about it okay in the meantime harness up and get your wagons out of town i'm not very good at taking orders deputy long as your wagons are in town where i will have trouble get them out of here a hot gun doesn't make a soft pill at night mr henshaw all right you are give me half an hour you got it thanks evening gents roof i see you uh you've already met our new deputy how's everything couldn't be better i was just saying good night to mr henshaw see you in the morning jade good night jade kelly slept harness up rolling morning alec morning coffee uh no thanks i hear you had yourself quite a time last night huh oh it wasn't too bad i just turned sam baldwin loose he's almost calmed down yes sir you came mighty close to being a one-day deputy yeah what's up if i were to tell you that uh henshaw has hired the best gunslinger in the whole southwest what would you say chet swan nobody but how good is he there's nothing good about him he's a kid but he's all killer fast huh the fastest it's quick up here uh-huh let's uh stop in on brother henshawn have a little talk he's hired swan that's a fact you can't argue about well i've got to try the thing to do is to stop swan yeah well how do you do that there's no price on his head because why there isn't i'll never know i know swan never draws first he doesn't have to this spread of henshaws looks bigger in the whole state of missouri you know my father used to say there's only three ways to get rich having someone leave it to you to work for it and to steal it when i hear henshaws used all three of them yeah he's a man that looks to the future all right he he says once the ranch is secured he's going back east find himself a high-class boston woman and live like a king that's the part i like [Music] you better let me do the talking you probably may get his back up he's your baby i just came along for the ride hello maria so good to see you again thank you thank you maria shake hands with my knees for you to know each other oh maria and i are all friends why have you come here alec what's the matter you must not stay alec like you sheriff yes uh roof excuse me yes there's much danger here what are you doing out there maria alec be careful please nice to see you jade roof sit down maria the sheriff may want a drink no no thank you maria a little too early for that i remembered you like the mile yeah you never forget anything do you rufa a couple things have come up that uh that i i think we ought to talk about huh go ahead talk words come to me that uh you've hired chet swann chet swann who's he you know who he is yes i do hiring a gunman is not the answer violence is a last resort i'd like to avoid it i lost 20 calves last month a week ago 20 new calves turned up at sam baldwins with fresh four diamond brands on them two weeks ago bert flynn turned his heart into my north section just yesterday somebody fouled my water hole in the west quarter yeah roof i don't blame you for getting sore yeah for my part i've done what i could to stop it and i'll continue to do so but hiring a killer is not going to solve anything jade i've been thinking about you you've been working hard here for five six years it occurred to me you might want a vacation ever been to new orleans no why don't you and caroline take the trip as my guests do your world of good little obvious aren't you then when i came back you would have everything here under control wouldn't you things might have worked themselves out but i've waited a year for the court to hand down its decision i know you have i'm going back east as soon as things straighten out i'll need someone to run xxx it's not a bad job the ranch is growing one of these days i'm going to try pure brats it's a great opportunity i'm sure that i'll pay you double what you're getting now and the share of the profits let's face it jade you're not getting any younger yeah you're so right about that but when folks elected me to office they figured i'd stay on the job that's up to you jade think about it and do something i don't want my hand forced henshaw told me what happened last night it would be better if you left durango because if you stay here i'm sure you'll be done oh yeah hello mr henshaw get into the house marie is an old friend of mine i see well i'm sure the gentleman will excuse you maria please you must visit me again mr longmire it'll be a pleasure take it over jade not much think about is it peace on your terms or else huh won't work we'll see come on lord we thank thee for the blessings of this day bless this you got enough stew for callers not if you want seconds afternoon come in come in thank you oh i didn't mean to disturb your meal why all right what can i do for you i was parched i was wondering if i could get a divorce just bring in your canteen oh well that'd be too much trouble uh cupful will be fine well go right over and help yourself hey [Applause] thank you man sam i think you ought to ask the gentleman to join us oh sure here i'll get another chair oh don't please very often not since the children married now please sit down there our name is bart you just passing through no sir oh you're uh looking for a job in these parts no sir i got a job this is delicious thank you you got nice linen yes isn't it it's been in our family for a long time who are you working for man name of henshaw as a cow puncher of course no man i got more talent than that gunslinger if i have to i use my guns that's where my talent lies what does hindshaw want well he just asked me to drop over and say goodbye to you nice people we're not leaving oh stay as long as you like [Applause] no 24 hours at least you know i'm real sorry you gotta leave you're such a fine cook this guy it's nice real nice goodbye mrs baldwin thank you for a wonderful dinner goodbye mr baldwin it's been a pleasure [Applause] oh i i forgot to introduce myself didn't i my name's swan chet swan [Music] jane it's that chet swan he i'll get your breath sam what about him he came to see me he's given me 24 hours to clear out if you can't handle him burt and i know what to do well where's he now coming here i guess no one is running anyone out one home now sam forget about it rest you fellas clear out of here [Music] so [Music] alec maria what are you doing here where have you been i've been waiting for you a very long time swan is coming to kill you and jade why are you telling me this we're all friends alec i cannot forget the old days the old days are over maria you don't trust me you think maybe it is a trick don't you believe me it is no trick i've had enough [Music] yes you never were lucky with men were you he was not always this way but please don't let trouble find you you figuring your stay in town only until morning then i would take the stagecoach come with me alec please please come with me it's no good maria for you do stay here and die in the dust alec i oh i'm sorry uh what is it swan's on his way into town jay needs you if you can spare the time i'll be right there no girl she did not like what she saw it's not my girl she was not your girl she would not have minded that i'm here that's all i've got maria good luck you gonna shoot it out with swan not if i can help it how you gonna help it why don't you boys go home till things calm down huh go home huh for the sun shining today good morning alec thought you'd be loading your shotgun by now what would i win a shotgun for well if i was sheriff and swan was on a prowl for me i'd be up on a roof with a shotgun sometimes you don't make good sense son there's nothing in the o says a sheriff has to be a hero just keep the peace if i was a sheriff and i wanted to keep the peace i'd go up on the roof and let him have it in the legs you'd rather take him prisoner wouldn't you if i was to use a shotgun i wouldn't have a friend in town it'd be worse than stabbing a man on the back you would if your life depended on it jay you're not going gonna like what i'm gonna say to you you try and shoot it out with swan you're dead you get old fast with a gun the day comes when you slow down when all your skill and experience doesn't mean a thing and if you're smart you'll know what'll happen if you miss because when you're old your value what's left of your life and a kid like swan doesn't know what it is to be afraid i've seen him work he'll gun you down before you clear the holster you haven't got a prayer i'm telling you like i tell my own father i wouldn't be able to hold my head up if i used a shotgun i'm all right be a hero shoot it out with him see if it makes any difference to me go ahead and put on a show for a lot of gutless fools to take cover when it starts give the drunk something to talk about in the winter present the town with a first-class funeral maybe your good friend henshaw delivered the eulogy will you stop it make your play don't think about caroline i've thought of her and you i've thought of everything there are ways to do things and that's not what i'm all right all right [Music] he's here [Music] that's one i betcha [Music] i'll take them on you want folks to say i want yellow and sick cue on him no thanks i'm telling you you can't go out there look son nobody can tell me what i can't do not even you you'll be all right [Music] you gonna use a shotgun you couldn't miss nothing with that i don't intend to miss i crawl before i do a shotgun get inside both of you time jet swap get out of town well alec longmire i almost didn't recognize you with that cannon in your hands mount up before i blast you all over the street oh ain't near as friendly as he used to be aren't you even gonna let me buy a little drink for old times you're wasting your time now get going you know i wouldn't have believed it a tin star a tin star and alec lombard get going all right i guess you ain't the alec i used to know so long alec i'll see you around go on home the show's over what show come on chuck want your star back no alec you keep it i was wrong dead wrong it isn't over henshaw hasn't stopped yet he'll try something come on i'll buy you a drink you need [Music] drop it alec it's a nice chair you got here real comfortable i thought i told you to get out of town that was your cannon talking i should have let you have it with both barrels now what a way to talk to a guest an old friend at that you can save the old anxiety we never were friends who aren't we i got a job alec well don't tell me about it i'm not interested you mean you're not interested in living must be kind of dull being a law man yeah especially when i have to listen to you be social you're making me sorry i didn't squeeze the trigger when you came through the door what stopped you i don't know call it friendship i hate to repeat myself but i don't like any part of you and i never did you can't change by pinning a tin star in your shirt you and me we're two of a kind if that's so you better put that sick shooter to work right now you know i don't get you here i keep telling myself there's no sense doing in a fellow gunfighter especially since i've already been paid for the job and here you are asking me for a ticket to boat hill alec get smart move on with me i'm not going anywhere yet this is a nice town with nice people this bunch of fat bellies and i happen to like it well enough to stick around a while you think they'll forget what you were why should they i won't you know i don't know what you got against gunfighters you got to have gunfighters wouldn't be right not to be like not having rattlers in the desert now doesn't that make real sense get up that's a nice soft bed you got there but you better not be sleeping on it from here on [Music] [Music] so just in case any of you can't read or have poor eyesight i'll read the notice to you xxx will fence tomorrow interference will be met with gunfire that a legal notice you posting mr henshaw you can take it any way you like we don't like it and we're not gonna take it exactly my sentiments we'll be waiting for you he's got that wrong edney what mr henshaw means as we'll be waiting on him while he cools off in our comfortable jail open your eyes those are rifle barrels breathing down your neck take your blinders off hen shawn look around all right get their guns bomb i think you'll find rj a little more peaceful sansho what's the charge disturbing the peace least out of loot for a start in that case neither of you'll be around for the finish why don't you stop talking so big let him talk go ahead and talk he'll be back swan this time i put a bullet in your back you rat you're the kind of bridge gunslingers never dirty your own hands never fight your own battles never stick your own neck out i fight fire with fire gunslinger with gunslinger [Applause] um so so hmm now let's let's lock him up roof here's your drink of water anything else you'd like yeah seek by the window so i can watch you and longmire get yours [Music] [Music] so that's not squan [Music] what's going on here stick around if you're liable to see something you can tell your grandchildren about [Music] yeah yep alec you better get inside somewhere i have to talk to you this is highly the place please alec i want to apologize i'm sorry for believing you couldn't change i'm sorry for thinking what i thought when i saw you with that girl do you talk to maria no she couldn't tell me anything i don't know about you what do you know that i'm afraid for you alec must you wait for swan what do you want me to do run away and hide if it would keep you alive yes well i want to stay alive so please caroline go away i got to keep my eyes open on my mind on nothing else but swan wasn't there any other way i made a promise to a man before he died i promise him i'd quit living by the gun well here i am with a gun still in my hands then why stay because i'm wearing this badge the only place i've got a right to where it's in this town that's why i've got to wait for swan to show up again so please caroline go inside somewhere we alec i'm gonna get up a posse swanna smell a posse a mile away well at least we'll scare him off yeah and i'll be living scared jump in the shadows why don't you let me do it my way come on carolyn come on honey where's jake going not far i bet you dad i take care of myself now don't argue about it you're gonna stay at mrs blake's looks over are you going to get up a posse that's [Music] right apology move this way [Music] both of you come on this ain't like us alec [Music] smash the shot gonna let the lady go about our business and we can go about ours [Music] one sound out of you and it's your last [Music] he got it he did it he did it [Music] hey alec you going away you leaving town i am no why why alex you wouldn't understand man morning alex morning jane how you feeling better thank you good well uh you might be needing this i'm here to say goodbye where are you going well it's like jade said there's not much in the way of jobs around here might take the courts a year more to decide what they want to do you must have something in mind are they [Music] my dad used to say it wasn't enough for a man to bring his wife his heart and his head he had to offer the fruit of his hands away things standers got my staffer you see me jay take care of yourself i'll be back [Music] i'll be seeing you man hey where's your rifle today we don't need it anymore a man who has a girl to love for all his days has to settle down and change his robin ways hold darling caroline go by your wedding gown keep your love true till i come for you in the light of the red sun down oh caroline don't blame me keep aware on your wedding gown oh caroline believe me and wait for the red sundown red sun down [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] mmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the seat in front of a 19-inch rca victor television one more day to labor day weekend the traditional occasion for tasty outdoor [Music] barbecues [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] i am completely agree with all the obstacles and with all the enemies who are between me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] this is times square 42nd street [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] i is [Music] [Music] merry foreign merry christmas everyone [Music] my wondering eyes must be [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Hangtown Express
Views: 547,572
Rating: 4.7304192 out of 5
Keywords: Cowboy, Movie, Western, Gunfighter, Audie Murphy, Randolph Scott, Clint Eastwood, Horse, Yellowstone, Kevin Costner, John Wayne, Old, Oldies, George Montgomery, Gun Belt, 1953, Tab Hunter, Helen Wescott, Joan Weldon, Claire Trevor, Billy The Kids fighting Pals, Bob Steele, Bonanza, TV, Show, Lorne Greene, Michael Landon, Little Joe, Hoss, The Big Valley, Barbara Stanwyck, Lee Majors, Red Sundown, Rory Calhoun, Martha Hyer, Dean Jagger, 1956
Id: 4Cazqe9OpOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 29sec (6869 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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