Game Grumps MEGA COMPILATION !!! 5+ HOURS - Sleep Aid - Best of 2022

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hey everybody it's cat scrubs oh baby we have an extremely special guest today it's it's our boy Ross hey what's up guys hey Ross hey Ross is uh currently uh at the controls and he's gonna show us how to beat this incredibly elusive level that we've spent episode after episode on I mean I made this a beat this a year ago so I'm gonna be kind of rusty but I'm hoping the muscle memory comes back within like you know probably about 45 minutes oh my god oh yeah yeah there it is there the length of an average human episode and we're off and we're off look at all those friends that's a lot of people who have been tortured by you anyway yeah it's well first of all I just want to say how cool it is that like it's a guest Grumps episode and it's Ross who's previously just a cast member of the show but now he's a guest hi I'm a guest now he's got his own thing going I got my own thing going on rubber rubber we support him thanks you totally watched my content dude it's okay I don't watch Game Grumps yeah that's cool is [ __ ] don't be mad because he's doing it dude that's what we brought your simple trick will grow your penis oh my God we've never even seen the next one I don't know what this is no this this channel is exclusively [ __ ] on matpat oh yeah so I remember the last time we we came up I was talking about how my episodes get more views than his did you that's not even true that's not true of your Mario Maker playthroughs are you talking about me yeah when you watch them oh you're you got more views yeah and my garlic phone gets more views the ones with me so well I get to no well that wasn't even part of the conversation Oh wait we're gonna do this no are you gonna do this no that's not because that's irrelevant we're talking specifically for we're talking specifically for Mario Maker episodes okay I thought we were talking about did you know gaming where like it's been uploaded for eight seconds and it's already got more focused and there are people in the world yeah like holy [ __ ] it's awesome that's like Mark Rober Mr Beast level yeah yeah how was it oh we were playing the Dragon Ball Z fan game oh yeah the the the the are you talking about the Sprite one yeah yeah that one's sick because um nice dude yeah go on man what was that well that really took me back we're the start of the pandemic give me my girlfriend lockdown we you know weren't going outside because you know she had a mom that was you know at risk uh had a mom still has a mom right um and uh actually got two moms yeah so what happened was I they're gonna fight for Mom's Supremacy I was looking at all the like you know the coronavirus views and all this stuff right but sorry Backstreet Boys tours we kind of been like gradienting towards actually talking about it okay it's okay so one episode that got recommended to me of steam train was The Plague Inc one yes and that's right yes dude and at the start of the episode you know what I say I'm like oh we should start the virus in China all the good viruses wow do you really geez holy [ __ ] because I mean Perth is probably the worst oh actually you're the you're supposed to start in China always Perth is the most isolated City in the god world we try to spread a disease and we're putting it in the least likely place for it to spread do you know where the fight with Burger King I have never heard of this so I mean basically what happened was uh they made an advertising campaign bragging about how they were able to advertise their like meal deal uh for a certain amount of money they're disgusting putrid New Deal yeah Aaron uh for like I know it's like 4.99 uh uh all they were doing was they were [ __ ] donating to people on Twitch who had uh TTS Texas beach and then just doing the ad oh and people were like yo that's like [ __ ] up and people because I I remember it happening and then the the video surprisingly Savvy for Burger King yeah but here's the thing um when the video came out I was like wait that happened to me and I asked my editor Noah I was like do you have the footage like do you remember like do you have the VOD of that he's like yeah I know exactly the the the stream that was so he digs it up right and in the video I say uh they start doing the ad thing to me I don't I just think it's a kid doing a dumb bit sure and I say something like uh uh is this is this is this really Burger King is this an ad and then I go was it I say I used to work at Burger King place was [ __ ] rancid uh I had I found a huntsman spider in the lettuce in my uh my manager told me to put it we don't even have those here I don't think yeah the giant like spiders with the the the boss health bar um yeah one of those I found one of those in the lettuce and the bag closed bag of lettuce right and I asked my my managers this Irish [ __ ] and I just go like hey what do you want me to do and he's like ah no don't throw it out just use it it's fine just um so I used the spider lettuce wow Burger King spider lettuce yeah you might not do what you get uh yeah so I said that to them they obviously didn't use my takes in the ad yeah um but so I cut together what I said to them and made the same commercial yeah it was just pretty funny because it wasn't it wasn't Burger King that made the video it was like the Ad Agency yeah yeah I know look at how [ __ ] clever we are yeah I hire us to make your commercials exactly exactly it was super cringe that went up there is so mean yeah it's intentionally I mean it's such a short like back and forth you're gonna just use yeah yeah okay so I think you're now at the uh second to last boss oh my god oh cool second to last oh Bowser I don't even know what's going on you do now let's try to scan for surroundings holy crap no mercy dude no mercy Aaron this man Tangled with Burger King yeah I'm the king of burgers I've slayed Kings dude I I got them I got them in trouble on Twitter dude wow and that's the worst of all they never fully recovered do you even see Burger Kings around anymore yeah we talked about Burger King Burger what nearby Burger peasant there's actually like five a few [ __ ] swing a cat outside of his office oh God a Burger King man I I I've I think I've had it once since I moved to the US and I've never had more rancid food in my life it's Hungry Jack's right Hungry Jack's is pretty decent is that not exactly the same no it is yeah no okay here's the thing Australian just fast food is just it's just better they have more like FDA standings a lot higher oh I mean it's not the FDA there but yeah I mean it's probably called the FDI [Laughter] oh no I I I Miss Australia I really want to go back but the kovitz made things like very very very difficult I'm sure yeah like I I yeah I mean they're finally like they're they're finally going through it now yeah because the Genie's out of the bottle now they can't they can't do [ __ ] like you know they can do all the quarantines they want but at this point it's like there's too much covert it's in the air I don't know if you know this but uh it's a funny man die in video game okay you know what how about we how about we do one more of these all right since we're clearly alive all right yeah I got an email and they're probably gonna be like oh [ __ ] that was me um they someone emailed me trying to buy feet picks oh nice yeah of your feet Yes they're like I don't know but maybe I know you won't but uh maybe wow wow I was just like I'm just shooting my shot that's exactly what they said I think and I was just like what the [ __ ] I'm so sick of that yeah shooting my shot it's like maybe just you shouldn't maybe you should have a gun um put the gun in the locker I know my feet are a five out of five on foot Wiki but you ain't getting these okay Dan and I both are not on feet Wiki anymore it's funny you mentioned though this came up this morning really am I gone too I don't know am I not relevant enough to have a footwear although maybe maybe like they were just like these aren't real celebrities no you know what what well that's valid that's valid I I I feel like we had this one time before where um we uh we tried to look it up and couldn't find ourselves and it was some it might be a different website yeah there's two I think there might be multiple times middle oh a bit a a fetus I was thinking if there's a yeah a fetus uh and the other one's uh yeah um unintentional and the other one's got us rubber Ross is a channel I made back when I lived in Australia but I stopped using it a long time ago it's got to be 11 years ago right oh yeah way way long ago I wonder if it still has like different things about it yeah I don't know really weird right because I imagine that's the case like they probably will let you save [ __ ] you know like Australian slang that's like probably dirtier here because it's just like actually everybody says one minute see what happens there you go and then the the head of uh the CEO of YouTube Australia will be like I think it's all right so I can't in the first man income oh my God that could be your top of the morning too top of the morning you can't [Music] nobody's there there's all these appeals happening soon yeah oh boy that sounds great I just I just had a ever since Game Grumps started I was I was convinced that they had like a thing against us because they would never they would feature like analogous things from other like equally sized YouTubers but never us um and then when they would do us it would like have something not to do with us or like something that like somebody else did that's like related to us or they'd talk about like good gamer dream daddy yeah they did a whole article about dream daddy but never once mentioned Game Grumps yeah that's that's why that's why I've always had a vendetta against Kotaku it's I mean you never know if it's that his things are real or not I just think it's funny yeah yeah it's I just see it and I'm like well well let's see if they didn't mention me nope they did not of course just a meme yeah yeah sometimes I like look I just like see like I remember back in the day when uh this first came out I would like you know do the thing and search you know super rubber rust World on Twitter just to see like if anyone was raging and I remember I saw this like really um really kind of sad one that made me feel bad it was like this really small streamer and they uh they had one tweet that was the day uh prior and it said something like really excited to play Super rubber rust world I'm gonna be playing on stream tomorrow at this time and then the next tweets guys I'm feeling really depressed I just am not enjoying this at all wow you get some drinks up in here like some uh some Mojitos you know some more titles oh do you want it you want alcohol I think we have some beer in the fridge it's been a long time since anyone's been drunk on a Game Grumps episode I'm trying to remember the last time I was drunk in a dangerous episode it might have been those St patties yeah day yeah I remember I got drunk and watched you guys play my levels way back when like on a stream or like no I was like right behind you I was watching and I came in to talk about the level and then Dan said have you been drinking the answer was yes I didn't tell him at the time you're like this is done some flexible job and fix it I yeah a little bit of flexion do you have a different name for a ladder in Australia uh Lottery dude an uppy stepy holy crap it's like watching Bobby Fisher play chess yeah oh that little son of a [ __ ] your mind give me a little nip it's Pew nip in the tit Bobby Fisher didn't like the Jews did he not did he not he didn't oh what was the steel I don't know he's tired no he just didn't like him okay I mean it's not that exclusive a club plenty of people don't I guess you're right not me though thanks Aaron yeah my girlfriend's Jewish so I think I'm in the clear right I'm your girlfriend yeah dude is this how you tell me I couldn't get you so I had to get the next best thing woman I was out of nowhere oh crap I think I'm ego Factor on your eco-factor yeah I'm rubber Ross I'll just call Tick Tock I don't think I can do it guys you can't don't worry I don't think I can like just don't worry start over with one more social media you don't need it no you don't need it it's fine throw on the towel yeah you're throwing the towel yeah when when the internet explodes in in two years it's it's fine yeah everything's gonna be deleted anyway in the in the yeah the mole people are gonna take when the [ __ ] solar flare comes from the sun and the mall people take over they'll enslave us and we'll be working the salt oh man we are and there'll be fortnite dancing on our asses that's how it went it was Friendster Myspace uh Facebook uh YouTube Tick Tock Instagram no Instagram then Tick Tock then mole people yeah then salt mines then salt mines then solar flare plugged into the Matrix yeah do you remember that game grumps live uh episode or episode show we did Aaron in I believe it was Norway where um there was like nard fake um there was a guy like it was just such it was such a contrast because it was a sea of really happy looking faces um and everyone was enjoying it and right in the center was this guy and his family and like the kids were having fun the mom looked confused and the guy just looked pissed he had like he was just sitting dead center at his arms crossed in like a like an angry look at us and I just remember thinking like you know what I'm gonna make this a really fun show for this guy and I'm gonna prove to him that uh he's gonna have a good time at a game gross live show and the lights went down and when the lights came up again he and his whole family were gone I'll never forget that wow yeah I was like well all right you know what I like in the [ __ ] store you know what my old man website that I like to check out is what's that uh inflation sorry okay keep going Sonic the [Laughter] oh a little bit out of range a little a little too soon a little too soon nervous oh Fireballs might need to back up back up back that up back that ass up jump in you did it wow just incredible oh my god oh this is what it looks like there's Yoshi they're all trapped get them all get them honey welcome to guest Grumps everybody oh hello welcome to guest scrubs uh in our continuing uh 10-year mission to play Wheel of Fortune with every human being on planet Earth yeah I mean it's just the perfect guess there's three contestants it's just perfect yeah it's really nice it's chill yeah I like it and we have our dear friend uh Flamingo here with us yes hello again good day at first he was just friend and now he's dear friend we've been hanging out for like two hours it has been two hours we owned a pizza place together yeah well you owned a pizza you managed a pizza place we all did it together and under your name am I still Aaron no I'm Aaron okay good so as not to confuse the audience make your own character of this oh yeah dude why not I've never played this okay well you're about to get your mind [ __ ] blown yeah this [ __ ] it's one of the most difficult games to master you I hope you brought your [ __ ] pencil before mine carried everywhere because I'm always schooling nerds I like this guy that's exactly what Jaden went for yeah Jayden liked how Asian he was no I'm just gonna make it look like me wait where was my haircut that you hated so much I didn't hate it I just thought it was fine you said it was dorky the two men have different hair dorky and fine do not mean the same of course they do what I'm gonna take my hair you've never seen some girls like I'm looking for a turkey guy I've seen that it's a yes that is a backhanded compliment it's not a backhanded compliment it's just a backhand if there is oh oh the blue you gotta go with the baby blue no minion oh my God you you are a king right now you look good as hell dude uh dropped your crown green shoes purple ties yes please how do you go back to sit back the back button back back button perfectly significantly better than all of you we are very colorful that's what I'm calling him now I hope I die soon today's guest yeah today's guest flango can you bankrupt at zero dollars yep yeah you have nothing to begin oh have you never lived in America wow [Music] now that you know what it is it looks like you're becoming one of these oh you're just solving it right good puzzle Soldier why wouldn't I Soldier uh because you can spin and get more points you know that would have that's solar oh no okay cool you shouldn't have told me that I'm too powerful now look at this we wouldn't leave you out to dry like that I didn't know I could I didn't mean to skip that either and what does that spell no way out in front dude yeah holy [ __ ] this might help you flu for the m oh my God I really thought it said cartoon Runners it's Marshall I really like you said that you said that yeah I really thought it I mean yeah the way that your brain like shifts into place in this game is is quite frustrating yeah it's interesting just like Shake It Loose Runners Runners with an eye for many years Marathon renters I'm shooting you all everyone's seeing this oh okay this is what's happening later when I put the vest on I'm poor compared to you are you ready no you're rich you're rich compared to Aaron that's what it's all about yeah well what is this this is Las Vegas beautiful Las Vegas where your life can be ruined in one night yeah I went to Las Vegas hour this is terrifying yeah I I do know what botany carcass bonthony carcass that's correct [ __ ] why did I say I know now Aaron will take 68 seconds to try to work it out I think you can do this lengthy process no yeah [ __ ] you Aaron if you don't know just pass you weasel I always take this long regardless of whether I know it's a lengthy process yeah nice perfect that's it whoever flango is is gonna get a very interesting inundated someone's gonna make a political Channel under flango and you guys by default promoted this yeah yeah full of immediately uncool stuff I support Pro mosquito flourishing in America's Pro everything yeah no matter what Pro Pros I'm Pro cons sorry I'm confused we need we need some flango [ __ ] talk in there just a little bit it's a tiny bit Let's Go activate form of legs what was the back half of them yeah and like whatever kaiji we're fighting it's like what the [ __ ] is this hyper butt kick [Laughter] it punched me right in the perennium now that last little bit of piss came worried about it anymore I can pull in my pants oh bintis contestant numbers what else could it be it's winter solstice and lunar eclipse isn't that a Marvel movie yeah it really sounds like it the winter solstice is the shortest day of the year as far as sunlight goes and a lunar eclipse is when the moon is goes goodbye bye-bye I'm out of here you guys are [ __ ] lame I'm back I like the waves of the ocean well it's not Bubba bumbles and the bumbly bums I know that for sure oh now I'm lost Oh Aaron you could clean up with this I'm about to gamble right now oh yes we have some we have some ends Oh Aaron dude if I get 10 000 three times I'm Gonna Be Rich you ready for this [ __ ] yeah flip it well put it in the bank baby welcome for the ends thank you I'm confused I guess so uh yes we have some seeds uh crime novel you're wrong I thought it was Wrangler okay Wrangler I thought it was raccoon Handler too many letters that's a terrible job right up there with pitbull Tickler we were over here talking about raccoon handlers for like three minutes and a hornet groomer choking gloves it's [ __ ] boxing gloves oh oh wow that's embarrassing no it's okay anytime like it's it's one of like the High Scrabble letters like X or Z or whatever it's tough no it was boasting gloves bogling bogling anyway 34 000 nice good good on you man this has been my most productive Wheel of Fortune day in a long time insane Ian hope you're watching and keeping tabs dude he [ __ ] spit out his popcorn 67. people who like follow our win totals like very closely on Wheel of Fortune are choking to death right now on their shots oh my God it's like brush off the dust on your side of the board my world is upside down say do you know how I feel right now how do you feel look at this a thousand dollars a thousand dollars I feel like a thousand bucks yeah don't you ever just wake up and feel like a hundred bucks I feel like a hundred air flank flanco the Devastator is the full name yeah of of what we combine yeah please subscribe to that channel yeah okay let's do that before we go because my God something could go horribly awry yeah or horribly right kill all children it's like oh no flango okay there's one with a Mario profile he posts in a language I don't know if you search flango the first result is flamingo wow Lil Durk and moo [ __ ] deep in O Block yeah flango he got uh he streamed three days ago no there's another flango are you serious yeah oh there is a flango yeah he's real he covers like rap live streams okay you know what we shouldn't we shouldn't like promote anyone whose content we haven't like fully vetted guys we fully vetted this and we fully approve it what are you talking dude we just found out it existed 10 seconds ago we vetted it okay I've watched every video I watched it before arriving you not up with flango flango's gonna get so many new followers and he's gonna be like who the hell are these people and [Music] Samurai Jack vs the worm final question wow I can't wait to see flango's reaction video to this he just posted a Samurai Jack clip I think we should all go like it what yeah did you like it yeah Samurai Jack this is my channel this is my channel I approve everything it has six views holy [ __ ] so go to the one that has six views what are we even doing for anymore when [ __ ] flango's scooping up all the viewers I love the name flango this is a great [ __ ] it really is good it's so good it really is my channel and I take any responsibility for anything that happens can you change your channel name from Flamingo to flango no because I'll get stuck flango my friend got us stuck as Fred Figglehorn for a year I'm sorry they want to learn changing what happens his name is Kaden oh he's not beef red big Lord no at one point he was hi hi for one year wow and did everyone go to his channel hoping to find Fred Figglehorn content no I think it screwed him up a little bit actually and they were they were sadly mistaken when they found somebody speaking in a normal voice yeah it was just Kaden hi guys I'm Kaden um welcome back to Fred ficklehorn Channel hi everybody welcome hello and welcome to Nickelodeon also All-Star brawl All-Star what brawl what brawl now in the middle of brawl it's just raw it sure does because this game is all about raw combat skills fighting action [Laughter] yes a brand Deal game episode we should say we were paid to play this game it's Nickelodeon All-Star brawl it's out now on Nintendo switch PlayStation 5 Xbox series X slash S PlayStation 4 Xbox One and PC baby it's a link in the description below to purchase it if you want to check it out it's pretty nice that they put in like two Ren and stimpies and they there's only one aural monsters which personally I'm I'm a little you're you're a fan of that I love aural monsters man yeah this is one of my favorite shows growing up yeah you were saying that's what got you into Nick in general oh no why they got me into voice acting voice acting that's what it was I'm actually gonna play as oblina enjoy because bubbling is my gal look at that dead fish in the background I thought it was a frog but it's a fish oh yeah well it's being chopped up to eat you know what I I feel like he might pull through [Music] he's already landed oh yeah and he stank I have a feeling that turkey might pull through too gets up and walks away oh I've never been over here uh Sandy Sandy do you know what her full name is uh bottoms no uh we talked about this thing we did and I forgot I know it it does have to do with like some kind of Sandy it's not Sandy nuts no uh I guess there's only one thing to do now Yeehaw that's right yeah all right oh I didn't get it it says uh Sandy don't look it up all right don't reach for your phone okay well there's so many words that could be okay well it's a hot or cold uh Sandy what say something it's handy nuts uh you're like lukewarm Sandy Bottoms you're getting warmer Sandy Cheeks yeah baby I need Sandy Cheeks yeah okay cool that's it you got it I must have remembered that from our conversation because there's no way that would have popped into my head randomly okay well I I think you're doing a great job although I was on a beach recently and I did experience Sandy Cheeks did you really yeah I don't like the the feeling of sand oh it's the best it's coarse when it gets everywhere when you go you're gonna ride a tiny Rhino over and fall into the field of flowers with me yeah I think Nigel Thornberry's the way to go man really yeah dude I'm doing great Sandy Cheeks like really had me uh [Music] oh he can clap oh he clapped wow he also get kicked in the face oh I just I thought it was fun don't don't let it take me over don't let the fear take over it's the mind killer I'm told yes yes no oh get the Rhythm oh Sandy stop it she's giving you a tad Sandy nice dude yes no no all right then well this is good because now you have something to work towards in the future I feel like such a failure she rocked your socks I got a lot what oh hi hi it's Family Feud as they say on the streets we're playing the feud yes we are let's play Dan oh what is no I don't want to do any of this this is all too much for my brain where'd you put the remote down I don't know this guy he doesn't keep track of his [ __ ] I do it's always in my pants waiting to me waiting to be clean it's time for party battle or classic oh oh what are our names ground family hmm grum fam nice yeah cluegel Farms family you gotta edit that name Google firms Army yeah cougar flowers battalion Mary yeah okay ah oh yeah you're gonna use a [ __ ] s set wait no I got it uh-huh I like the o with the two dots over it looks like someone going oh [Laughter] so I I can't oh oh yes okay you're right let's see there's a k with it yes Spock okay so dumb fast money fast money family will take home a huge cash prize okay I'm wink dinklers it's futon time baby oh hell what [ __ ] yeah [Laughter] who wants to play presses the wrong transition button foreign name a holiday when a lot of stores yeah [ __ ] Christ man no yeah possible okey dokey okey dokey smokey survey says show me Arbor Day Christmas oh baby baby on top of the bird uh uh uh Armistice Day damn it all right nice could it be there show me arm well I can't for the life of me think of what this could be let's be Jason X oh my one curvy tooth oh Thanksgiving yay yep it's the right answer you got it Thanksgiving baby [Music] winner this round name something adults take into the bathtub with you oh [ __ ] soap uh that's correct okay then rubber ducky let's see floaty bears [Applause] that my friend is the top answer I'm gonna pass a play bro I think I might pass honestly I don't I can't think of six things [Applause] [Music] bubble bath bubble gum well all right what the hell man this got way harder book no yeah boyfriend [Laughter] understood understood yeah all right nice job pretty close to washcloth yeah yeah eating food in the bathtub I bet it's a thing do we have it probably not me no all right good luck homie I only need one to win yeah what is it I think it's a chance to steal [ __ ] no that's the spirit what is this [ __ ] Game of Thrones music was playing right now oil bath oil time to find oh yeah I guess oil wrong what is this a car you blown it it actually said you've blown it what in the world do people take into a bath water sponge oh sponge does make sense all right here's while the other family has nothing [Applause] nothing [Laughter] oh damn mosquito moles [Laughter] wow that's the way to answer I can't stop farting it's 100 vampire dude yeah you kidding that was absolutely gonna be my guess I was just like maybe he won't think of it somehow even though he said it [Applause] [Music] get yourselves over here Charlie and sunny jelly [Applause] sunny [Music] [Laughter] who does oh my God oh my God because we're now tripling the points in our survey we asked 100 people nervous name something in your kitchen you'd hate to be without you're first on the buzzer uh butt plug food final answer pot and by that I mean marijuana whoa [Music] hands all right a fridge where am I gonna keep my chilled diary okay fridge [Applause] oh wow still not the most popular answer but it'll do pigs oh man do I want to play or pass this is a this is a tough one yeah I'm gonna play okay keep that hot streak going huh okay I'll see you in hell [Applause] [Music] I have no idea [Music] all right well it's a [ __ ] crap shoot here we go yeah there it is okay oh thank God okay so this is all like big [ __ ] for me well I guess the pans god what the [ __ ] my husband thank you Bowl oh baby I got my chance man your chance of what [ __ ] two people said yeah I know I only have one guess this family finds just one answer one yes I can think of one thing the toilet you take the point s for this round we know how it works for the love I think it's freezer I thought freezer too but maybe not I think freezer always goes with fridge it didn't come up fast [Music] I swear to God this [ __ ] red wedding ass music I know toaster microwave oven sink dishwasher [Music] dish oh oh God that's it I think that's it that's it shed with confidence of a man who changed his mind 30 seconds in dishwasher [Applause] yeah I thought of stuff in the kitchen [Laughter] [Music] wow what a snakey way to win Dopey some people cheat at marriage what's happening cigars like to count on Grandpa's face scars uh uh eyeballs what the [ __ ] kind of question is this freckles yeah I guess warts name an animal that might weigh more than one thousand pounds excellent something in a hospital a patient hopes is extra clean catheter the rectum examiner we're all out of all right the rectum examine I'm pretty sure that's not what they call it it's time bring out the rectum Examiner great can you relate to most name something some people cheat at what did you say tests oh [ __ ] I wasn't paying attention well then there was one thing that we guessed the same uh uh homework Monopoly what do grandkids like to count on Grandpa's face wrinkles oh that might weigh more whale name something in a hospital a patient hopes is extra clean uh that is good other patients in room um thermometer doctor's hands [Laughter] this could be close all right it's time to see how things are really excited right now okay you're like Silent Hill back there are you an arms folder kind of guy or at least with those arms to the left kind of guy oh all right pretty much split the winnings name something some people cheat at these were your answers Sports would be a good one say those what the [ __ ] homework zero that was test 11. what else do you cheat at taxes oh next question wow oh I might be in trouble here melanoma [Laughter] okay I did not think of wrinkles for some reason I guess my grandpa just has incredible skin more than 1 000 pounds and here's what you said that's two strong answers right there yeah these are good answers oh my God all right I did not expect that big people think the skinny whales out there a patient hopes is extra clean here are your answers and for the last time thermometer yeah oh great job but I still didn't get the thing right what don't I have to break 200 I don't know oh never mind I guess it's just a head-to-head multiply them by ten divide them by zero and shove it up your ass it's so stupid it looks like a logo somebody designed it really does let's take it alongside a t-shirt like a cool t-shirt like one that would say bk86 all right starring Grump fam yeah all right that was good times man I love Family Feud um I'm gonna kiss you and have a wonderful okay see you I'll kiss you you get kissed right now I'll kiss you with my lips on your face ow all right bye everyone sharp lips near you anyway um we're gonna play some Tetris effect because it's got a three player mode that's pretty dope also Tetris has come a long way since I was a kid yeah like he used to just be attach it I mean I just saw like the plot for one second it was like under the threat of the 12 constellations I'm like what the [ __ ] what's been happening in Russia I guess so so Ross is controller one Aaron is controller three player two a mellow yellow Ross is one I'm two and Dan is three yeah Aaron's green I'm red okay maybe you should be green and I should be red because you're more of a red you're more of a green blue just a b okay maybe I should be red or maybe okay let's see your colors oh that's true you're like always I use yellow I know you know what Aaron I should be because all right we're ready all right we're ready oh man oh no this is no good Tetris is basically just like tricky Towers oh this is exactly I'm just kidding everyone [ __ ] hates it when I compare tricky Towers to Tetris I like tricky Tower I love it it's wonderful I think oh he doubled it up so is it stack how does that work I don't know I don't know I just it just deleted the other one I guess oh it's get a little tight Holmes yeah screw you Pisces except that's my sign is it yeah no I am the fish I'm Capricorn I'm a goat Gemini and together we are losers I have heard that the uh the VR version of this is really good oh boy VR yeah do you get inside the blocks you are like it's a Transcendent experience I've heard could you [ __ ] it just gone from somewhere to [ __ ] you more more games need [ __ ] they're just effective VR is like better than doing drugs oh God I start getting tetrises to get that drop I'm trying I'm trying our meters are like not even halfway I know I know oh no oh we got him oh my God hilarious more like Sagittarius because that was really scary second nuts oh I like I like a 50 meter contribution I like that well done homie that's not good [Music] for three go three [Music] oh yeah no this this this Taurus guy's in trouble I can feel it I'm going back to back that's nice Kaboom [ __ ] guys nice we beat the Ford Taurus dude was that it did we kill I think that was all three of them that's all the bosses is there like a final boss like gemini or something that was it man D thank you what Deez Nuts oh outstanding oh my god dude got him holy [ __ ] got him much case closed next area oh my God can we even handle what's to come drop the beat yeah okay okay okay yeah baby 37 attack damn that's what's gonna happen to me in three years 37 attacks yeah I'm gonna have a 37 attack not to be confused with a heart attack I'll have to [ __ ] go to the doctor help I'm 37. I hope you're [ __ ] yeah there's nothing you can do I don't know what you want me to do about it it works one way baby oh pasta sauce There we go pasta sauce dude I went to Olive Garden yesterday yeah how was it I ate food there was there breadsticks did they end uh yeah there eventually was an ending I was disappointed yeah when I threw up when they wheeled me out on a journey [Laughter] [Music] oh [ __ ] all right this is good your breadsticks will come to an end Gandalf Grand Slam Dunk so funny Santa here he's playing a little Tetris oh no I'm scared hey it's cool where's Tales oh you're fusing mind body and soul oh my God three two one penis [ __ ] I [ __ ] up big time you sure did no I really that's a mess over there whoopsie you know what that sounds like you beat cancer that sounds like the the [ __ ] the lizard people in Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time oh yeah well done well done gentlemen I think I think experience oh oh God we have to go Libra okay bye we have to go home bye everyone boy that was really fun yeah thanks Ross rubber ninja we love you got a problem take it to Twitter I'll fight you oh dreidel dreidel dreidel I made it out of clay and I am also Clay buy some game cramps merch merge sorry I didn't add it to the song scheme it's okay I sold out my heritage thank you [Music] welcome Super Monkey Ball there's a new Super Monkey Ball out it's bananamania it's Bananarama Mania which I mean I don't know if you've ever overdosed on potassium but you do get the banana Mania is it bananamania I think that's what it's called banana banana it's not Bland banana Blitz or they didn't they didn't go with for the alliteration game Banana Bonanza oh that's way better banana Bonanza is amazing all right you can use that Super Monkey Ball people this is like this is pretty easy yeah they really let you cheat hardcore is this a game for children um yeah it's possible it's pretty obvious well now you gotta get this nine bro yeah that's that's it across the world kind of shot yeah but hopefully they have a real pool on this one we can do a rematch and real pool instead of nine ball Billiards nine ball billion check the [ __ ] out oh my God [Music] yeah oh and I even centered it in the monkey head giving him an eyeball monkey eyeball that was amazing thank you go to the right are you ready for a fancy [ __ ] shot right here kaboom I am the king this is meant for children the right stick you know I don't know maybe one of the triggers I'll pushing all the buttons all the buttons don't do nothing all those buttons ain't doing nothing cool my mouth tonight gonna pee up in my mouth [Music] we're going to boil it down to make phosphorus I can't believe we can say [ __ ] and [ __ ] at the first 10 to the first minute amazing [ __ ] [ __ ] that's great I know hey that was clean dude you must be a goddamn maid because you're cleaning up clean it was clean thank you Aaron yeah you must be a butler because two Butler's clean I don't know or do they just like stand by the door or do they just bottle excuse me sir like some kind of champagne no wine no but that will be all the battling I require for today it doesn't require any more bottlings um very well you know what will make it harder is if we don't change the view really yeah if we don't do the overhead I think that'll make it a little harder okay we can do that now that you're too ahead this feels a little like the overhead view no way you could do it too I don't know man if the point was to like make it not super easy well it's still kind of weird hmm well we're tied one to one okay so let's do it truly with no camera oh my God okay this next round yeah is all no camera moves how about that I like it so there's the last time I throw caution to the wound break it dude I'm about to break uh I better take another step oh oh my God that was the worst break I've ever seen in my life oh no I'm about to lose this game I know that's game is it in some rules oh no not this one that monkey's feet is are disgusting what's wrong with his feet I don't know it's a weird horizontal slash underneath both parts feet are weird in general um I actually find them quite beautiful do you or you're just pandering to the foot fetishists in our audience I don't what dude just not wanna we have foot fetishists in our audience you don't you just don't want to lose your good score on Wiki feet that's not true is it not though it's 4.6 I called you gotta hit a button first how do I do that wait what do I do with my thumb [Music] can it be done meatballs [Music] oh friend oh every inch is agony Strays me further from God's light holy [ __ ] nice [ __ ] rule yeah that was great how's your finest shot of the match [Music] what now can you that would be a ballsy move no really that one yeah all right watch this oh oh that would have been cool as hell very awesome if true [Music] um picks or didn't happen [Music] oh this is the worst help [Music] look at this straight shot oh my God look at how straight that is is it oh you are going to get reamed [Music] well done Aaron Aaron is Victorious yes he is the bad I'm the true ball of monkeys she's the gifted boy but he's the one who's won I don't think I have the gift of sight clap clap clap would you even want to not have cakes in this world I would do story mode because I want to know the backstory of these delightful Little Monkeys trapped in balls I need to know the full story of this game we'll be playing for one more episode you don't know that maybe you'll [ __ ] love it okay Dan what's up Aaron this is gonna make me look like an idiot but I'm gonna present it this way anyway okay why do they call it a red eye I would assume because you get tired and sleepy overnight and your eyes get red yeah is that it that is the answer yeah well what did you think well when I was a kid I was told that and he's like growing up in Florida is like by the way okay just you hear all kinds of wrong information and then you're like I remember that for the rest of my days and then I look like an idiot on a show every day it's okay um I I was told as kid that it's the the red light on the plane and then you're flying over it's like you see the red light on the plane all planes have that though yeah but you don't see it during the day you don't see it at night I mean it's it's ready it's not like that far off where it's on you for being like I'm that sounds pretty sassy buckish oh my God boy that Stakes are high all of a sudden but anyway feel free to make fun of me uh you can write me at P.O box [ __ ] you I don't care it's okay I used to think when when I saw new moon on a calendar I used to think like we were getting a new moon like a new moon was coming into our our our solar system yeah but that would be [ __ ] sick it would be sick but it wasn't it it's just it just means the phases are starting over and um well I'll be damned if [ __ ] everyone everyone in class didn't wasn't like you're an idiot how did you not know that and kids are mean yeah and so are adults on the internet that's true and kids on the Internet it's true oh it's more of a bananas you gotta collect the bananas that's what you got to do you gotta get all of them and then you eat them up now you eat them up now [Music] in my mouth in the butt and in the mouth mostly in my mouth there's one in my book there's five in my butt and one in my mouth no two in my mouth [Laughter] I took a lot of practice took a lot of practice got it down and it starts uh Nighthawk what's his name hawk owl night owl hawk owl that's just two different types of birds look it's a hawk owl my God crossbreed yeah you probably can't reproduce that's a superpower and it's also super strong it's dead now they had a really small lifespan because his heart was weird the hunting powers of a hawk and the hooting powers of the battle but his heart's weird unfortunately so we can't hunt or hoot for very long hawk out well the T just means spread gossip that's not my business to hear yeah but it's cuter so it's not as bad exactly it's like if someone like instead of like shoot that guy they were like fluff the gun oh my God Jesus oh my God way too fast am I supposed to go here nope yeah all right damn bad I'm missing banana bunches bro yeah but I'll fall off the studio you're missing bunches oh my God all the nanners not missing Nana's anymore brah [Music] not nice to come back his face is all back peeled like it's been rolling around just dead monkey falls out oh my God [Music] oh that's where it is right there yeah right [ __ ] here and I'm about to [ __ ] launch my goddamn monkey ball right into there [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] damn you need a clean shot right in there clean shots all right that's got the clay let's go nudge let's clean you're gonna wipe it clean not as clean as I would have focused it's wipe it clean it's not stinky anymore unless you let out a little healthy food Aaron please sorry you know like my toilet humor dog super [ __ ] monkey ball God dang your douchebagginess is complete yes I'm aware of my master yeah yeah go get me some coffee you look like an air conditioner extra sugar yes my master yeah could you could you watch it the plan today yeah one more thing yeah yes my master yeah could you go to Trader Joe's and get me that dude oh natural peanut butter chips dip to open the bag you have to snip yeah that video yes my master get done that skateboard and do a flip grip and rip [Laughter] how am I going to get this lightsaber all the way across the Galaxy my master ship so dumb all right hello everybody hello uh welcome to what is either our first or second Mario Party Superstars playthrough depending on whether or not we lost all the GD footage from the first one you shall see in the meantime we're gonna have a Mario Party we're all gonna have fun everything's gonna be good we're all gonna have fun it looks like Luigi is [ __ ] himself and screaming I mean is that too far off at any given moment also I'm not super down with Donkey Kong's fingers like they're way too long yeah the ones that are like fully extended oh yeah that's a disturbing hey Dan yeah say something that you like for 10 seconds okay Aaron I like it when Aaron walks away says something cryptic and then needs to walk back and did what's what's happening nothing's happening what are you talking about okay cool I was just checking on if my lunch was here no don't do it also in the background it looked like Daisy had her hand in the air like yeah Luigi's shooting himself all right respect for peach I'm going to try somebody else this time what I'm gonna do Rosalina what she's a pretty gal I love Rosalita I also love roses beautiful Cosmos or whatever screw the customers or whatever I'm gonna do Wario and then I'm gonna do [ __ ] Luigi because nobody likes Luigi except for everybody hey okay I'm leaving can I just tell you something real real quick yeah and it's it's okay to say because I mean whatever what um it's such a drag that we probably lost the footage of the first one because I finally won I finally won the goddamn round hey we'll see it's it's gone dude I know I know it's gone because I said 90 for a reason okay 90 that it's gone yeah because there's still a chance a one a one in ten chance I don't like those odds you know when you flip a coin that's ten sided sometimes it lands on the number you want it what that's all there is to it man you gotta have nowhere to hold them but nowhere in the troll I didn't say 100 15. all right fill me with it you know when you go to a Hibachi and they throw their like the eggshells in the Hat like the shrimp yes that's what was happening I yes it's falling under correct into her tiny little Crown open a box man I don't care about Wario this cake looks delicious ish parts of it look delicious which parts don't the parts that look like um the floor of a gymnasium you know what I mean yeah they kind of have that like painted stucco texture yeah like a like a basketball court that's them like spraying it with paint yeah thanks man this is like in that um Guitar Hero type of game where you got to do it with the singing oops rock band that might be it or singstar I think it's rock band I've never heard of saying star before starts just singing But rock band is like all the instruments yeah I'm bringing tracing back yeah was there any um Luigi's was perfect yeah it looks incredible but do you get any points for ending first I don't I don't know is speed a matter of oh no it's purely accuracy oh come on damn he was incredible one percent that's yeah well that's where all the wealth goes Aaron let's trickle up economics yeah economics Anonymous see that's the problem of a government owns all of it because I've never heard of the Asian philosopher economics don't run into the logs what did I say I'm gonna take all the sacks okay cool stop leading me in places I don't want to be sorry Holmes that's just how life be do that sometimes [ __ ] how could you get over here oh my God being in the front is so advantageous I missed the sack you know sometimes yeah it really do feel like yeah yeah because you were flashing bro oh this went terribly dude it's tough man yeah it's hard being in the boat you just said it was so advantageous a second ago oh man you have such an advantage oh geez those are the breaks man [ __ ] big disadvantage chance time give money to Rose Rosalina gives money to Rosalina who are you trying to do Mario give star to me I hate my life dude thank you so much you are blessed this game I'm dude just like McDonald's I'm loving it this time boy that was unfair can we lose this footage instead hey dude we're only on what the sixth turn I can't even see it because the screen's all [ __ ] up we run a tight ship here it's just because the uh the capture is whatever yeah it's okay I gotta get there what the [ __ ] yay holy [ __ ] I got blocks dude it's okay it's probably easier with one piece yeah I'm sure it is man those spiky dildos come right for you I don't know what logic in my brain was not firing I also got pushed around by Mario so that's my excuse It's okay dude you're completely wrecking shop this game but I want to be good at everything if I'm not good at everything then I'm a failure at everything that's a terrible way to think you'll never be happy like sorry yes [Music] but wait is that really twelve one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 12 yeah I guess yeah why would it lie I don't know it just looked like less okay am I gonna make such a big deal out of things I'm sorry I totally flipped out there I better get a hold of myself [Laughter] scary what's wrong with you yeah Luigi are you okay well then [Music] Luigi I'm gonna get some help [Laughter] oh my God Luigi stay right there no you're gonna steal your star yes they are welcome back everybody hello Aaron is in the process of whoop her ass I do what I can man yeah I don't I don't know why you're so upset about it no I'm not upset I'm happy [Laughter] okay yeah yeah uh let's do it sometimes that's dope [Laughter] wow holy [ __ ] I'm sorry I'm just so bummed out that we lost the footage of the one that I won that I finally won hey man you don't know do you have good news unfortunately no that's why I'm being such a fancy [ __ ] [Laughter] I'm all right hey honey how was work it's fine but Daniel's being a fantasy [ __ ] all day he's like yeah that happens nice boy you can even see Donkey Kong's cakes from here even even in fondant form half the cake is his own [ __ ] I'm sorry what you know like when you it's like a soft serve like coming right out of his butthole you're right it wasn't a good one I just move on I just didn't fully grasp where we were going he received double dice oh but whoever runs into that um that seed Choice the first is going to take the pudding Bridge into Bowser Town God this game [Music] that's exactly what's happening putting bridge to Bowser Town ah [ __ ] I really hit uh okay it's bad right I haven't seen it happen but it's bad It's gotta be bad it has to be bad what does this ever end there's no timer or anything God it's like a Jason movie I'm assuming there's a Finish Line yeah wow dude you're amazing I ping pong the round team thanks for winning it for us no problem that snowman's like finish me I thought he was like you two are both excellent I thought it was a Christ pose finish me how come he gets to kick it oh my God oh my gosh she's amazing because of the wonderful things she does oh I used my dish that was [ __ ] awesome you did the smart thing though like cover cover the the back end yeah secondary oh my God straight up just doesn't work yeah I don't know I we haven't maybe we're doing it wrong I think Wario is just the weak link is that what it is I guess that's what I'm assuming I don't know oh you're a disabled assuming no it's a bad idea I shouldn't do it a terrible move my dad told me you should do it but I'm going straight to Bowser town but my dad was assuming that I'm the type who assumes I had a I had a dream the other night tell me it was weird it was like there was like concrete and I was running really fast and then there was like walls and I was jumping and I jumped on the wall and like I started flying after I jumped but I could only fly for so long and I started like losing momentum so I started falling a little bit and then all of a sudden I was on like a cruise ship and then the cruise ship was like kind of like a school and there was like three staircases that went all in different directions do you want me to keep going you lost me start again all right so I had this dream about running in concrete really fast anyway we're playing Mario it's a real dream I had by the way yeah yeah much like most dream stories that has gone nowhere Martin Luther King I Have a Dream and like the sky was green but like I was I was kind of an eagle but also not I could also see the eagle and there was like a really long hose that looked like my dad all right are you are you [ __ ] messing with stickers right now while I'm trying to share uh no bombs away it's a four-player Mini-Game oh this one's fun you just gotta stay on the platform because the platform tilts I thought it said try your best out to fall off the island as it rocks your tits as it rocks and tits all right let's go okay I dude I can't I can't I can't read that kind of [ __ ] I love reading but like when I tried to read A Tale of Two Cities and there were like 14 footnotes on the first page yes I was like I this isn't for me what about a Santa born in the right time a sale of two titties did you ever read that and I've watched it okay about 10 minutes long I skipped to the end man that tall story a victory for Wario C was likely that's how it looks to me anyway you heard that right come on oh man I didn't even suck enough to get the benefits man all right it's fine it's just triple died because of [ __ ] yeah I thought he was gonna get a star you're gonna get another star yeah I have six stars good that's what I wanted yeah well I mean I'm hoarding all the wealth and then all you and then I will make you all fight over the scraps yeah and then while everyone else starves to death I'll go into space for fun I'm gonna go build my yacht that has a yacht on it do you want to do a couple extra turns can't take a spanking like this so you could work you can just give it a shot a shahad why don't you just try you never try just give it a shot why don't you just give me this time what the f where is it you never try because I one time only wanted to play the correct amount of turns in a game of Mario Party if you roll suddenly 12 years of knowing us each other dude if you roll a one this will be unprecedented everybody's rolled a one in this turn really wow all three of us so if you roll one it'll be an entire one round well great never cry that's that's like people do that all the time on uh on comments of uh any video it's like you say something or do something one time in like 10 years and they're like oh talking about my favorite is when one of us does something and then somebody in the comments says the complains about that thing but as if the other person did it oh yeah it's really funny that's I'm like oh so none of this matters yeah of course [ __ ] Aaron with his giant hair and his Jewish heritage 23 skadoo uh yes I'll take the custom dice block ah thanks guys [Laughter] oh we're not this one so if I do two and then Luigi does one then Mario is guaranteed to have the thing so I'll do two excellent it was like I wonder what fruit I'm going to get I hope it's delicious bees [Laughter] one strawberry thanks hi Apple we just need a apple pick me up grapes strawberries okay yeah it gets weird now that's my only shot oh oh no that's that's guaranteed to be me what do I do [ __ ] me over this of course I do okay [Music] [Laughter] I guess I'll do yeah just do it one every time I'm just yeah I'm just like that dude at home is really loving me I don't know what to do I don't know what to do when it's at this point I just want to keep it like ahead of me hey has anybody ever noticed these these are huge I'm [ __ ] yeah I got [ __ ] Luigi [ __ ] me Apple I guess there's a chance he could do one right now I hope it's that followed up by bees he's a master Aaron what's the play here [Music] oh [ __ ] dude I'm so sick of bees getting a bad rap I I know you say it every time let's make it wasps you know what it kind of is a wasp nest okay I'm gonna be giving you my stars chance time Bish it's my favorite drawing in the entire game Peach yes okay holy [ __ ] oh my God what does that mean I don't know um oh a victory for Wario seems likely that's how it looks to be anyway wow wow thanks thanks oh my God oh my god dude you know that was not my intent it's fine I don't care I do immensely yeah but for the sake of the show oh and for everyone to think that we're still friends yeah for sure yeah all right here we go damn okay beat that [ __ ] Luigi it's Wario oh he's not as good he's not as good I just think Luigi's the only one who will oh my God he's incredible dude dude wow he almost broke five thousand isn't even humanly Paul I was going as fast as I possibly could [Laughter] enjoying their eyes this is nice up here it's cold you're actually making a run at this thing wow can you imagine if I still had the six stars uh it would have been Total Domination it's Wario wins yeah he does through sheer [ __ ] Insane luck from somebody else wow I came in second Neato holy [ __ ] Mario Party oh [ __ ] truly a farce yeah that was one of the most farcical endings we've ever had cars to be reckoned with yeah I shoot it and forested wow oh look at a little EG getting spit out of a [ __ ] piranha plant kill me cause naturally this big it Tasty's thinking what a freak oh dude sorry sorry sorry wow what a a pleasing group of colors we got pink we got green we got yellow yeah well they can all see what the colors are Aaron all right [ __ ] I guess we're not doing a show the show where we name colors Daisy's on Master Mario's on easy okay cool at 20 turns homes yeah we gotta go 20 Sirens that's the way to do it oh Ross is streaming animal crossing right now oh God I wish I was watching [Laughter] you're just like [Laughter] you're like oh you like that one huh yeah shut up dude I'm listening to rubber rods yeah here's some coins to get you all started all right you like slips you if you get 20. he's like you're the best this is for last night all right now where's the star I I made a reasonable showing oh I mean hydrated my score 20 70. you did better than I did yeah wow thanks Aaron man you did better than I did and you're practically an armadillo with a controller actually your way is the way to do it man the tides look at that wow what a monster don't buy anything you can't oh my God Mario he bought one coin he did it Mario custom dice block for what he's a silly goose what do you want me to do about it like like laughter under the breath time for a star baby no actually half what do you take just fine just give it two please let's talk about rock I'm not here to chitchat foreign like your dealer like your dealer wants to hang out you like yeah man this weeds the best whatever I don't care just one get high put it in my mouth I could be over here I could be over there it doesn't matter uh messy memory but there are no dealers anymore it's just me oh that's right because it's legal now the dealer is your government all right no event spaces uh-oh yo she's gonna steal your clothes no no you have the most coins no oh Smash It mash it I'm mashing I'm smashing do it finishing to drive the blue away seven oh my God 12. yeah well she's a master yo you got absolutely Reams okay Aaron please everybody saw it it's very embarrassing sorry what hmm hold on I don't want to play title toss God damn it excellent you're left to me wow this is a Savage beating oh yeah that's the total obliteration poop we do it thank you thank you thank you thank you my friend my partner and the situation that we left them back there to die they've been crushed by an avalanche Peach oh my goodness take my thing who got the heart I did oh you [ __ ] it was me oh no no no no no you oh my God so close yes dude I'm a master I'm a master oh you won outstanding Bowser better not take all my coins just because I randomly fell off the edge that just because he's a person doesn't mean he takes everything oh maybe it does okay he took ten coins he did I can deal with that oh back to 69. nice dude five [ __ ] five [Laughter] you couldn't see at home but that high five was maybe the worst high five that's ever occurred in the world don't you dare oh my god dude what the [ __ ] I it was sparkling it was such a big snowball dude you're incredible can I just say that oh my god dude that was like an assassination you're an absolute Legend dude get out of here Mario behind you can't hit me oh [ __ ] that was my favorite run of that game of all time holy [ __ ] can we clip that we put that as a YouTube short it was amazing this was that was that was fun but yeah he's like a top Mario car player he's amazing wow he taught me a lot when I was playing Mario Kart every weekend huh I got pretty good at it but I'm not good at it oh my God what the [ __ ] he just snaked you out of your spot dude wow dude that was my perfect play it was good it was really good this is the way to do it man just gotta Cruise the hitbox on this sucks I know it's bad I'm not letting you yeah I'm not letting you get that either that's what's up dude that's how you play this game like an [ __ ] yes of course you're supposed to win yeah no I agree that was [ __ ] amazing wow a lot of tooting of your own horn going on well you know what I was the captain of that ship so I had a full agency over that too it's my horn and I'm gonna Toot It you think because I got a cord in my hand I'm not gonna do it forget it sounded too Papa I'm just gonna think about it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no [ __ ] I knew it was gonna go horribly wrong oh man it hurts oh you had the same kind of oh oh stay away no oh I don't like this at all oh I don't like this at all no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay do it oh wait why'd I split the spoils never oh okay split the spoils dude this was so cool friendship um who's it gonna be for Marty or Daisy what if I did it randomly don't because it'll go to me you don't want that to happen but you're the person who laughed at me when I had to give my star to Mario you laughed you laughed loud don't don't make that face it's recorded it's on an episode but I wasn't laughing at you you absolutely were oh I was laughing at the circumstances the circumstance was think terrible things were happening to me you know what no Randomness I totally laughed at you what a dingus oh I'm such a dingus oh yeah he's right there oh he forgot to leave though oh my God he's going the wrong way he's going the wrong way what an asshat wow that was really tricky though yeah I would have failed if it wasn't a dumbass I was up against him Pro Gamer moves are happening oh my god oh what luck won like the last four games it's I've had a good run I don't know if it'll be enough coinage for me though is that it yeah oh geez all right who will win it all I don't know I don't know either let's make our guesses let's go over the bonuses I'm gonna guess that I win okay the first bonus is the shopping bonus oh I didn't I didn't yeah I didn't I didn't either that's not good that's like Daisy or something I think it's Daisy Mario and Peach give me a [ __ ] what you must have bought one thing did I I guess so oh yeah I bought a custom dice block once good for you second bonus we've got is eventful bonus who landed on the most event spaces oh gosh I think it was Mario I think it was too oh god oh it's me oh dude oh but you're gonna win because of coins yeah I guess so dank bastard you're a little bit danky I appreciate it but and that brings us to our final announcement would the owner of a white Honda Civic please move you are in a loading zone the winner is it's you baby hell yeah congratulations I was actually kind of excited that Mario was gonna win because that would have been such [ __ ] two times in a row the easy player one you are the Superstar Aaron I learned to levitate with my Newfound Glory hello welcome to Bad Ben everyone oh what is it or uh baby still separated slightly uh we're same building different rooms um for our safety yes last day of that um but we figured as long as we're separated we might as well scare ourselves uh by playing a super spooky game Batman all right let's do it let's see what I've gotten myself into okay there the previous owner and see what it actually disappeared and they mentioned something about a tablet and security system too I'm an actor hi there oh oh I can oh okay all right are you bad I guess so okay that's awesome can I like look at things or [ __ ] God damn it oh it's just like you when you play chess I should look around a little before I go upstairs this guy's voice is killing me is that you doing that it is yeah okay ears all right please [ __ ] it's another one of them damn portals there the tablet that controls the security system let's see if the camera and motion sensors are all working are all working this is the kitchen this is the foyer and this is the Ace ass [ __ ] [ __ ] office is working [ __ ] God damn it if the game was just that I'd be totally fine takes care of the first floor [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this who made this I'm gonna check the door maybe oh no I can't open that door oh my god dude just damn it man and Fedora walks around his house and curses is my new favorite game God damn it that takes care of this floor I really should have called this game I would have totally oh whoa whoa do you see that what the [ __ ] there was something behind you that one oh [ __ ] it's locked I guess I better search the house for some keys it's like I'm in a lazy horror game made by a bad developer be a beard developer a game yeah heck yeah [ __ ] all right I know I have a feeling they're not going to make it too difficult for us let's go try this key out all right then let's go try this key out nope that's not the right kick oh for [ __ ] sake or somewhere all right hun there's a baby on the chair oh there's a baby whoa why is there a baby what the [ __ ] are you sitting there okay cool oh what the [ __ ] what was that sounds like something fell over upstairs all right okay let's do that what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] nice there's a box just filled with keys you know what [ __ ] this I'm going to bed I'll deal with this tomorrow okay great what the [ __ ] is this damn it it's in my shoes and I'm not wearing socks I have someone else's ashes in between my toes my tears the [ __ ] did this come from he's just rambling oh what the [ __ ] who cuts God damn it is someone upstairs you better get out of my house you little [ __ ] this guy is the best horror movie protagonist I've ever witnessed God damn it oh wait I can't get in the basement though oh oh [ __ ] is that blood not your home why I got news for you looks like this subtle Blood Trail leads to the basement well I got news for you yeah looks like the basement is open you better not be down there you little [ __ ] it's you and me now I'm gonna record me kicking your ass wow oh dear oh holy crap the mouse though I'm gonna record me kicking your ass oh my God it smells like [ __ ] someone living down here well doesn't look like anyone is here now let's see if I can get that camera fixed we got a wacky dude oh crap oh man ah [ __ ] baby what's happening was that the end of her bad Ben oh he's okay my head the previous owner didn't disappear he's been living down here the whole [ __ ] time where did that [ __ ] go previous owner is a strong phrase oh no the trilby's off now oops just turn around slowly yeah all right yeah I'm gonna get the [ __ ] out of here yeah [ __ ] oh [ __ ] gotta get the [ __ ] out of here oh did it just take him right back yeah uh-oh is that you on the table you're wearing similar clothing oh oh dear are you a Google ghost what the [ __ ] is going on oh dear oh oh come on so I suppose I'm a [ __ ] Goose now I'm ready for whatever's up oh no no oh is this the guy oh that's awesome all right be aware of what comes after the departure show yourself wait this is a movie [Music] wow that's great oh my God that addict was the craziest I've ever seen so many hot ghosts in my life man that was like the highlight of this whole experience anyways moving on I love this maybe left oh everyone who says to me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but only the one who oh [ __ ] all right was that him on the ground earlier oh dear God damn it this is a clever game penis yeah that's you dude oh wow look at me yes because you've been here a long time I'm just in my room [ __ ] what's going on over here you were right this is your [ __ ] house the time Loop begins anew whoa wow yeah yeah Bravo Batman that was awesome very spooky and great Nigel Bach is a legend yeah genius yes God damn it something about like going into like the infinite white void and just being like God damn it it's like such a so relatable somehow hello and welcome to bikini Samurai Squad no this isn't that one oh this is this is ohnichon Bara uh chaos something Chaos Control there are multiple Samurai bikini games oh this is a franchise are you serious oh yeah dude whoa look at her go dude yeah that's crazy oh I can jump whoa oh no oh dude this [ __ ] is raw turn the music down I'm so tired what am I supposed to do here should I be listening to the characters speak hi everyone yeah hey how's it going my name's Steve yeah I am 35. oh do I want to kill that one hi [Music] what time do you open I read on Yelp that you're open now but it seems like you're not open is this is this covet hours is it a Jewish holiday is it Yom Kippur Yom Kippur where can I grab some yum yums for Yom Kippur never ceases to crack me up I like this Village person zombie yeah this isn't Fun there's there's there's a lot less when the cutscenes are going it's like oh this is silly yeah then when the game's going it's just like okay so you throw up I'm gonna throw up I think this is the moment of the game where they expected people to be like oh hell yeah both you and I are both like what oh hell yeah I love her [ __ ] stance it's just like [ __ ] come at me bro yeah wait some of these zombies are just like dudes they're just wearing like t-shirts and [ __ ] yeah yeah in fact most of them are so what world are we in I don't know is there like 7-Elevens in this world and [ __ ] I just came in for a coffee [Laughter] people working at Goodwill and stuff you really showed me what this game was showed us the what the gumption of onichan one chonbara wow that is not personally my thing but I'm sure it's a lot of people's thing what's it just like slice up zombies for hours just the yeah because I'm an old man and I just want to sit on a porch and look at Landscapes I just ate Shake Shack or that's not true I just had a milkshake from Shake Shack top to bottom instead of lunch and I feel like hot garbage oh nice wait what happened to your sandwich well I did eat the sandwich afterwards but that was there too much time had passed where my stomach was alone with the milkshake and the milkshake you don't want to be alone in the room with that guy no it punched the [ __ ] out of me from the inside which is what I wish you were too little angry hello welcome to Monopoly plus honestly yeah we're doing it I'm oh God damn it I [ __ ] up again oh my God Aaron please I'm sorry my dad is watching have you seen me lately there's gray in my beard I don't have much time on this planet I gotta I don't even have to dye my blonde streak anymore it's just Gray God okay go back three spaces is that good or bad I believe that's income tax sick paying taxes [Laughter] we like pull into a late night gas station that has Stray Cats I always get drop a little bit of Camilla's food on the ground because it's it's healthy beefy lamb which is good for any cats and those cats are eating garbage anyway so cats can't eat dog food no they love it they well of course they love it but they can't eat it but why not because it tastes gross all right all right come on man they're eating out of the trash Aaron well they can eat fish and [ __ ] I'm giving them high-end dog food oh God stop it why are you doing this to me my stomach is filled with gas probably because you ate garbage in Wendy's well you ate Shake Shack didn't you yeah yeah yeah so there's your answer what's what what would make me burp about Shake Shack I don't think there's a Time when I haven't yelled when I've yelled uh God why are you doing this to me to my stomach and it wasn't in some way Shake Shack related oh don't [Laughter] one down no hmm no no mm-hmm laughs ten dollars what are we doing man bitten for me we're going we're gonna go broke ten dollars I'm out all right okay chicken anymore all right I own a railed Road property oh cat's going to jail cat's going to jail how many times have I heard that before it's from eating too much dog food yeah I was gonna say you're under arrest for stealing Cabela's food well I still want money for if I get [ __ ] or if I buy something welcome to life in L.A [Laughter] all right foreign [Music] [Music] I've got it I've made a terrible mistake Michelle is gonna win them all yeah it's not good oh don't no well that's actually really nice you got a really cheap property oh goodness here's a chance did you get out of it oh I think he got past it oh don't [ __ ] meow you smug piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] all over everything derailing the trailer balls on my bed yeah ruining States Avenue with your muck spray laughs I would love it if one of my cats just started walking around the house all proudly like [Laughter] and Oliver damn his 14 plan is already paying dividends oh no that was to you I'm getting cash moved ahead of him in in Straight Cash that's right man I'm just waving a dollar in front of him like looks like I've got more many than you many I have many many [Laughter] we're each getting 50 bucks all right thank you chairman yeah I'll go I'll go 10 for 10 with this [ __ ] all right Michelle land on my [ __ ] [ __ ] could be is that oh no that's my first [ __ ] hey and you can't afford it Michelle so you better dig into that little [ __ ] cat collar of yours and pull out some [ __ ] Morty laughs language [ __ ] [Laughter] oh my God all right oral's out don't declare bankruptcy they did it oh crap Michelle is more powerful than you could possibly imagine excuse me foreign I threw up [Laughter] please don't tease me I have a condition well I see London I see France I see pee pee poo poo pants wow Aaron really impressive I gotta do it I go oh I'm about to break the big move out of this game [ __ ] God damn [ __ ] Michelle the property suck my [ __ ] dick you stupid cat all right uh is it can I trade with you first before I go bankrupt yes you can all right we're gonna do that all right yes you've got yourself a deal mister you want to trade uh not interested all right hell yeah and now it's time to declare bankruptcy looks like that's my Railroad nice it's my properties oh God what's that say oh okay wait what but that's my property what what the [ __ ] is happening is this game losing its mind I think it just like glitched it glitched you into having to pay 625 dollars to myself what [Laughter] happened it thinks I what oh Monopoly what is happening wait just a [ __ ] second here is it trying to get revenge for us like coming up with a deal to help each other out it's like not so fast humans it thinks I landed on St Charles which is what you landed on maybe because you bankrupted to like the game and not to the cat now it's like it's like in the queue and so like the next thing that activated an event was this instead because you didn't pay up oh my so you have to pay now but I can like there's nothing I can do is that because we traded stuff and you inherited my debts hold on hold on hold on let me see if I can what this is so weird that should keep you in the air uh yeah sure if the money goes to you that will be hilarious okay was that enough yeah why must they pay me shell what the [ __ ] what's that did it just shut down completely what is going on here holy [ __ ] that's a [ __ ] bug wow did you call a booby stuffed Ruby soft okay okay this is what happened this is what happened okay oh God we just got shafted out of an hour of our Lives well oh wait oh what is happening okay okay okay okay maybe if I don't do anything let's not even question it let's just keep playing I landed on a [ __ ] Michelle property guys oh my God Jesus wait wait hold on hold on hey maybe I could stick it out next time on Game Grumps all right good luck homie I'm dead okay I'll take a community chest feeling like I'm so tense right now no no oh my God [Applause] the fine I have to pee so bad [ __ ] let me kill you or you kill me I just want to be able to go back to my life and pee in a toilet like a normal person is that so wrong no can do and now oh God oh God Ten [ __ ] I swear to God I swear to [ __ ] Christ oh you he's going [Laughter] what the [ __ ] man [Laughter] Jesus holy [ __ ] hope you're feeling lucky yes hey whoa yeah yeah yeah okay awesome [ __ ] yeah that's the game Ender baby I don't know I think he can survive it well of course he could survive it but will he Thrive it okay draw the card advances no no he just put those there oh God oh that's so cool I think you could survive it I I think you could get away with this one oh that's gonna do it that's good that's that's all right that's that's probably gonna I that that was like God dates me I do like that you decided to like Jump Jive and wail your way over there even though you were about to owe seven hundred dollars you know what I love life let's just see if you can make it don't declare bankruptcy just yet let's just see oh what the [ __ ] is the point I don't know I just to see yeah second prizes beauty contest things are looking up oh good job Michael Michelle I guess it's French for Michael God an hour and 17 minutes wow you came in fourth oh cool yeah what do you how do they come in fourth I don't know I don't know how I got second hello everyone and welcome to I'm on observation Duty 2. are you truly on observation Duty too yeah Timothy's Revenge uh true to form for this game I don't know who the hell Timothy is oh geez dude I'm [ __ ] man this seemed like a fun idea when it was brought up I was like yeah I love that game but now that I'm actually doing it again especially in a room where I'm not a house I'm not familiar with God damn it I don't want to do this again I don't see anything different to you what I just heard something that was Ali moving in her chair freaking us out oh my God Ali please you're gonna give me a fart attack oh no it's happening [Applause] if you die in the game you die for real you know that oh that's a problem uh corpse ah [ __ ] okay um yard you better not jump up and start screaming and onto corpse he's not a ghost okay what are we missing sorry sorry all right uh oh no oh that's not good why why what is that oh [ __ ] man get rid of it that's an intruder yeah it sure is oh I don't like him I don't like him two three four five six seven eight nine go back go go back go back Ally says go back go back where to wear out bathroom Aaron bathroom oh that's not good what is that chitara [Laughter] that was an extra object are we looking at nine rooms right now uh uh one two three four five oh [ __ ] well we did one better I thought we were doing so much better that time I know I can't eat all this fish no well what did I see I I don't know probably nothing probably literally just my brain playing tricks on me God for needing too much fish oh my mercury levels are so high why do I keep hearing myself who who's who's too much too much tuna we're drying up the oceans where's the Pot Rose no the only anomaly here is that oh my God all right we're cool there's an arm floating that's a ghost [Music] [Laughter] all right salt and pepper red salt and yellow pepper painting painting's [ __ ] up yep toilet where is the button for cat head there's a cat head near my toilet clean the only thing I don't mind I will keep the cat head it will be the one anomaly that I do not report [Laughter] I will name it whiskers it was there all along oh no man there are two in here God I hate the painting oh and the pot roast yeah also pot roast the pot roast is for the man it's a painting he wants to get out of the painting so bad why would you let him come right to the edge of the painting from the Netherworld just to look at the pot roast no damn I'm freaking out I'm doing my best door open oh [ __ ] Google go back uh was that tire yeah yes whoo oh [ __ ] ah dicks man they are so close ah dang it too many anomalies you failed oh we were so close so close to be our show record I know all right uh [ __ ] sucking he didn't come and warn us shut up um hello things could I get some change please what is this Obama's presidency all right all right please foreign okay it is admittedly less terrifying the second time though not relaxing hey man if that showed up in my bedroom I'd be like where's that hand going to stay right there all right I gotta do a handstand right now it's so dumb if you're gonna fart fart it into the room oh no that's not good uh corpse I guess corpse I guess all righty Ally says he's fine probably he might have survived that was scary wait go back Aaron fart and then fart in the fart chamber go back Aaron [ __ ] please obvious anomalies please change my mind duh I changed my mind on that quickly recruiter look at him I hate him [Music] he's trying to eat this yeah I'm not I'm not I'm not the hugest fan what are you talking about he's outside he's outside ah God damn it uh uh uh uh outside send okay great [ __ ] dog come on come on did Timothy get his revenge I don't know [ __ ] man sympathy suck my dick Timothy God we're awesome yeah dude ah we survived our work shift oh God that's great that's great I'm so happy I'm so happy did Timothy get his revenge I don't know why don't you explain anything in this game ever yeah we finally beat it I'm on a Risha Duty game did we not beat the first one on the show no no never beat it oh my God I know man we suck all right next time on Game Grumps okay next time I get gross that was fun hi everybody hello welcome to Ken Griffey Jr's winning run that's okay it's baseball it's baseball I don't think we've ever played a baseball game on that's impossible have we never I can't believe that I want to be the Marlins from Florida yeah you're a Florida Marlins man and I like the Mets does that mean Mike Piazza is going to be on it uh well depending on when this came out damn look at that animation is it this whoops shut the [ __ ] up no no no no no okay bolt well this is going very well yeah dude I got Bases Loaded I'm about to hit a home run with Al Hunter these are not real people nice guys my Lord Buck Newfield Buck Newfield that's a porn star yes such a tip that's my only move okay this is going really well Terry Mead whoops [Laughter] nope Mickey Howland a little early just a bit outside cool love it I wish it was longer whoops oh run [ __ ] row run you [ __ ] run oh oh there's confusion there's confusion I think can I run to get you yeah okay [ __ ] all right [ __ ] throw me a good one whoops oopsie poodles oh that sucked you didn't love it okay you're out we're here in the bottom of the 26th Century still a zero zero I [ __ ] love you're out it's like he's in the Outfield like I can't even hear him you [ __ ] guy I'm about to [ __ ] [ __ ] [Laughter] 53 miles an hour pretty sure I could pitch at 53 miles an hour oh my God oh Mickey Holland whoops yeah there we go oh yeah yeah that's what's up he's going for third he's down Jesus Christ God damn it wouldn't have even mattered if he got on third holy crap [ __ ] if I was watching this game in the [ __ ] stands I'd be like what is happening aren't you professionals it's like oh apparently I love injuring my players oh [ __ ] God damn it it's something [ __ ] happened Jesus Christ yeah hey the idea of a coach walk it off Billy oh I said all [ __ ] goes right to the goddamn all right anything here we go oh my god dude there have been 24 hits no runs oh man hot okay no change your mind no no oh my God please make it stop hey we [ __ ] go oh [Laughter] please Jesus hell Hunter ready for this boom run okay okay did you really have to declare safe just need a hit just need one hit to win the [ __ ] game son of a [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh my God oh my God this [ __ ] came oh my God unscored what is the game why didn't the obvious Guy Do It Jesus Christ the last second really I was the dumbest game of video game baseball that has ever been played hey dude you edged me yeah congratulations the Mets Edge the Marlins like a bunch of Lords wow that was incredible yeah great great game I'll never forget that one oh no never [ __ ] Jackhammer over there hello and whoops uh today is Lemmings yes it is today is football I I played this game when I was a kid me too this this game was hugely popular um when I was I guess like 13 or 14. early 90s are you a big fan of lemmings I was at the time I really liked it are you implying that you're not now well I mean I it feels disingenuous to be like oh [ __ ] yeah Lemmings every day only floaters can survive this that I'm good all right I have to save at least one lemming float okay he has a floater already okay oh this is [ __ ] easy yeah this is we're still in tutorial town floater only floaters Will Survive you should just not float one of them that was exactly what I was thinking yippee oh [ __ ] I couldn't do it I couldn't do it to him I just I needed to see him live he's straight up at the [ __ ] like Sonic Unleashed scream [Laughter] creature are famous for um one walking off a cliff and the rest just blindly following um even though that was staged I don't know I don't know if it's true or not but that's what uh the famous thing yeah the famous video of it that was staged huh they like forced them off the cliff it's nothing sacred in this world they forced Lemmings off a cliff yeah that's not cool I know bash God damn you thank God hey there we go all right something oddly satisfying about this it's like a little Ant Farm yeah I know tiny dudes Crossing each other's paths don't go over there you totally stormed that level see if you could storm the next all right 90s maybe I will damn you schmummed that level that that level was absolutely squat you are the chosen maybe you can build that them out of it maybe it's possible hurry hurry please no that's okay we're gonna all right bricks yippee dude yeah see if one of those down there old dude [Music] boom there you go I'll just need to build a little winding staircase there you go well this is totally adorable oh come on perfect look at you thank you this is the big brain version other people would just be like yeah it's good enough check out you not you big old Blaine look at the big buoying on this handsome guy yeah blow that [ __ ] up no why did it have to be me sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry okay and we're back all right hey where'd Steve go um you're walking on him oh yeah yeah they're all landing on like squished lemon corpse it happens I guess they don't care as long as I get little umbrellas oh yeah what is the plus or minus button still here yeah well hey what does that number mean what happens when it gets to one do I get a prize I don't like how he like grabs his head in agony before it happens please yeah like his brain explodes let's make him explode oh can they bash all the way through that I guess so holy [ __ ] yeah man whoa do it that's some serious [ __ ] bashing dude this guy's a [ __ ] beast he doesn't give a [ __ ] he's bashing through solid marble yeah it's like no don't mind me guys you just do your thing right this might be too high I guess we'll find out with him yeah although I don't know how you would adjust I think he can make it well then oh I that's an odd font for heaven and it's this way your services are no longer required but Zion I could still Block in another life [Music] [Laughter] wait this really is like a [ __ ] just die for the greater good kind of game so Aaron before uh before we go can I uh can I say a little thing I just uh wanted to share a little good news going on in my life for the for the folks at home I mean you already know this you finally got your detachable penis reattached that's it oh man it took some time and some energy but no no about uh four or five months ago depending on whenever this uh episode goes up uh my fiance Ashley and I got married wow are you the lower pitched yippee or the higher pitched I don't know I don't know I'm just getting over known this so I think it's lower by default but yeah I mean it was a it was a long time coming we uh we got engaged back in 2020 but couldn't have a ceremony because of because of sweet covet because of what oh yeah sorry the Backstreet Boys yeah they play weddings they've been playing nothing but weddings yeah seriously but luckily this was a little while ago before Omicron so uh um so we like managed to have it in between spikes you know and no one got sick and it was wonderful so thank you for being there oh yeah it was a fun time man you looked so handsome I did you did well yeah you touched up the the pink streak in your hair oh yeah I did that right before I went yeah yeah you look great yeah everyone looked great it was it was fun it was a good time it was very uh positive experience yeah you have good people in your life thanks man I definitely do and and it was it was a cool like full circle thing because I mean like right before I joined the show I was at your wedding oh yeah like almost a decade ago and now God no it wasn't before you you had joined the show already had I really been doing the show for a long time I know that's crazy but um but yeah thank you thank you uh I love you homie and uh just a just a good life moment so I hope hope you're all doing well out there and uh just wanted to share it hell yeah gamer yeah rampant ninja related crimes these days White House Is Not the exception [Laughter] are they saying yeah attacked the White House or that the White House is be like being run by President ninja I think yeah I think there's ninja related crimes happening in the white house which means president's probably getting injured oh man all right well let's do it then Bad Dudes versus dragon ninja oh this is the guy yes this is the classic president Ronnie has been kidnapped by the ninjas are you a bad enough dude to rescue Ronnie oh man look at his little shimmy you see [Music] [Laughter] ah I'm gonna sweep the leg I'm a sweet leg Yeah uh oh wait like did I miss shaving I'm on my neck can you see it I don't know hey what's up [Laughter] bad oh did they say I'm bad yeah oh it's fantastic say it after every victory hey get down here what are you doing up there man you don't get to tell me oh my God you know what I'm not afraid to say best game ever [Laughter] I feel like I am a bad enough dude yeah I got it straight it just repeats Oh I thought it said Dan but it says danger why does it say Nam [ __ ] it says danger it does say Nam [ __ ] it's a great point man this is some damn [ __ ] was that like a stab at Namco or something like Namco more like damn [ __ ] I mean I don't know was this the one that foreign or some [ __ ] like that what's he actually trying to say he was trying to say we had a baby it's a boy but he's like it's like collect call from we had a baby sorry wrong number he hangs up and he's like it was it was dead yeah they had a boy oh man that's awesome you all right man going through a nasty divorce right now she's trying to take everything from me I can't believe it I can't I can't I can't believe it Sandra Sandra wouldn't do that yeah yeah well she's doing it so is it's interesting let's just create a whole back story oh oh hello oh [Laughter] oh baby fall down oh too much this is way too much [Laughter] so many dogs baby the scrambled eggs are calling Tough scrambled and scrambled eggs the scrambling eggs maybe I seem a bit scrambled but baby I'm scrambled I don't have enough eggs [Laughter] but I don't know what to do with scrambled eggs and scraps all right so I'm Plum Golem 826 and Dan's player two do I get to change my name I don't know it's it it says to press Y and I'm pressing Y and wait a second is this now the mo well you didn't even turn the controller on oh wow wow look at this it's classic it's cute I love it it's got nice shaders maybe the eggs [Laughter] scramble scramble all right here we go this time it's not just about money it's about who you choose to be what the f I don't want this [ __ ] cuddly-ass cuddling [ __ ] in my game of life it's about cut throat and money it's about real estate life is about Cold Hard Cash when will people learn video blogger of a blogger that's terrible but I don't want to be an athlete I'll just yeah you know if we're living in a fantasy world I might as well choose exactly what I do for real yeah um I don't know you know I'm gonna go to the [ __ ] risky gambling route all right that does track it's been the highest number seven beat that [ __ ] you did pretty well dude I have like a half a million dollars since we're playing laser tag well done it's [ __ ] rules being a vlogger is awesome next round oh [ __ ] me man we're in I don't pick up the phone you know he's only coming mow the neighbor's line oh watch My Stream now watch My Stream [ __ ] that I'm streaming right now subscribe can you give this sub [Music] stay single or get married I'm gonna stay single bro I'm a single vlogger bro I can like go to Europe or whatever I don't need anybody a little kids or whatever it's not like there's gonna be a crazy disease that prevents me from going to Europe well what is Hearts we need to learn what those are what is Hearts man [ __ ] charity I'm going to a concert okay cool spoken like a true vlogger it would be like well no I gotta I gotta do the charity thing and then be like oh look at me I'm so this is what I've done past year it's amazing isn't it wow post about me no no critical rock paper scissors duel it's been the highest number oh what is it literally just the same thing yeah it's the same [ __ ] [ __ ] five means Rock I just all right our lower level five this isn't rock paper scissors this is just Spin The Duel [ __ ] wow yeah so I take a hundred thousand from you you sure do hell yeah being a vlogger rules winning rock paper scissors going to concerts dude you're like in debt to the school and [ __ ] living the life hell yeah now it's my turn you gonna get married are you gonna stay single I'm gonna get married hell yeah yeah I'll come and I'll be like the crazy uncle you know I'll show up and be like I'm all like I don't have my [ __ ] together I'm all drunk people can I play your Retro Game Collection no we sold it in a rock paper scissors duel hold on I have to lose another rock paper I'm gonna go into debt rock paper scissors you can't afford it bro oh my God oh my God [ __ ] awesome oh Christmas holy [ __ ] yep all right that's that's how that goes what do you do investment of course I'm gonna invest what are you talking about family we're gonna make a ton of money and die alone like all legends I Could Be Like the Wolf of Wall Street get that [ __ ] house and just be like they have a Coke field parties could be awesome this cat what happened you have to you get to choose who you're marrying what's this a boy a girl or a non-binary partner but what are they wearing on their head it's a veil aha but they're also wearing a suit so it's non-gender specific I say uh I'm marrying a lady so heteronormative all right oh no I have to pay taxes nice but that's good though is it yeah I'm [ __ ] supporting the the infrastructure of our city taxes are necessary in order for us to have a civilized Community to then it's a surprising take on this game of life I mean yeah I had to pay 30k and it doesn't really affect anything in the actual game but you know [Music] damn you're gonna be like [ __ ] Gordon Ramsay by the end of this I just want to be a good chef and [ __ ] try my sushi I wonder if there's like a like a life you know how when we play Monopoly oh and now I'm a brain surgeon sorry what you know when you play Monopoly oh yeah you can use all that cutting skill to get uh to use any brain surgery I was gonna say yeah if you like my Sushi you'll love my brain surgery come on come on nice oh oh you feel so goddamn good well done Aaron oh my God my dad's gonna call me up and be like I'm so proud I'm such a proud man and I'll be like big yeah I love you you're so proud [Music] nice it's a nice little bonus I am the king of hearts right now though which is pretty sick no hey all right damn I'll have to talk to you after this episode oh no I don't want to be over no I was having so much fun oh well you got a quarter of a million dollars for being the first to reach it that is pretty cool the risky Road oh well yeah I gotta catch up Trace that's bad that's bad that's bad oh well Lux doesn't smile upon you today hmm your wife's like why did you have a [ __ ] safe route I'm sorry I'm sorry Aaron was being an [ __ ] and I got [ __ ] worked up about it and the game's got to be over right yeah okay thank God the game is over who has the highest score crab man crab Total Money you had the most money [ __ ] yeah I'm feeling Rich As [ __ ] total attributes oh okay I had some more attributes who's holding the bodies about this oops oh you stole that one right at the end from me total loans oh oops bye oh the fact that I had a wife didn't matter but I loved one person happily my whole life cool well then what are you gonna do sell your wife I don't know I just thought she'd be worth some points oh yeah it probably does okay good game Aaron yeah good game congratulations on having a happy life yeah I had a [ __ ] happy life I had a lot of wealth I had a house I did something that I love to do what happened on your screen doesn't matter death is the great equalizer the only thing we can really rely on is that death comes for us all right [Laughter] you can be a winner at The Game of Life for a period of time eternally over I gotta tell you though you're dead for much longer than you're alive I did have a colonoscopy and they put me under general anesthesia where they essentially like turn your brain off yeah and if that's what death is like I gotta say it was very relaxing it's really nice I welcome it frankly I don't welcome it I'm just saying like worse things have happened [Laughter] geez they're all great choices what do you think um I don't know I like the tropical ones Sandy Shores yeah that seems I could do it baby let and yes the shirt oh the chicken man uh wow these are great choices whoa I love the [ __ ] the like Jetson's ass 70s hair these are great but this is definitely oh my style dude yeah yeah [ __ ] Batman why would I like taxes are low for the Shipwreck scavengers I guess so [ __ ] you know what [ __ ] it let's see how it goes like I don't mean I hope this isn't an offensive statement but isn't shipwreck scavenger just like a homeless person I guess that's why the salary isn't even minimum wage I guess so no I love my wife and I will spend tick tick prices that's that's pretty [ __ ] expensive yeah that is well this the convenience charge is where they get you yeah I mean the band might as well [ __ ] suck you off for that amount of money six that's the VIP package very important piece oh fake time it's a baby oh my God Mazel Tov no pets I'll take the pests all right wow all right they die way quicker wow Aaron where are you guys in your family [Music] yeah I gotta show my salary in my package [Laughter] you will even believe how much calorie I got for my job uh uh I'll try my luck well yeah you can't have a worse job it was like the lo oh sand castle built her filter what kind of jobs are these honey I'll be back in nine hours gotta go back to the Grind just sitting in the sand with your legs all spread out like Yay it's a crocodile peeking his head out of the sand I can't believe it makes more money than a fisherman of course suitable job goodness me I'm gonna [ __ ] build some sand castles man all right oh a Seaside shed that sounds so nice 180 000 yeah right that thing's like three million at least yeah oh unless this unless Exxon just spilled into that exact part of the city oh man okay a marine biologist hmm hoorah laughs that is unbelievably stupid I love it look how low the taxes are though on hang glider pilot no oh you're going back into debt I don't have the money for this jeez Aaron yeah I'm [ __ ] I'll take out my fourth loan sure oh no God damn it gotta spend money to make money continue life sounds good to me so that I don't like that yeah baby oh my god well done [ __ ] yeah he's back baby I'm on the [ __ ] board look at this [ __ ] boom jams I'm gonna play big girl oh my God this [ __ ] guy so much love in my life how many more happy can you be laughs your lucky number is now too hey all right as in how many fingers you can fit in your butthole Child's Play all right I'm working my way up Dan okay I started with the pinky I think that finishes the game for me oh [ __ ] you're gonna be doing all these extra rolls congratulations to me oh boy you're a [ __ ] millionaire and you're so happy let's first quick sell your houses I don't I don't know if I can handle this emotionally my costume's better my costume is [ __ ] my costume when something could be desired wait okay I roll up in a trash bag but I rolled up in two trash bags I'm The Matrix [Laughter] all right Jesus thank you you have a million you have more than a million dollars more than what I have dope I say and you're so happy [ __ ] you for being so happy oh now you get things I'll visit the pyramid no [ __ ] I'll learn to paint [Laughter] no that's too many hey I got a hydrate County Towers the game is over [ __ ] yeah your life is over like you look over at me like do you really think you're in there total money it's just such like a ah life who had the total money where's all the money coming from [Music] uh uh who's holding the bonus ground I did win on the grounds of bonus said that's pretty cute [Music] that's not so far off oh oh jeez [ __ ] and once again I get no points for my lifelong partner cool you do you want to eat happiness oh that's right how much for getting married I think it's it's probably two right no I think it's actually one just one it's like less than winning a costume contest bingo I think you're 100 000 Bingo buy-in I thought you're gonna say your 100 000 Bingo Bongo oh man that was fun hello everybody Welcome to Game Grumps this is a very special uh episode at least in my opinion hello I mean it's it's gonna be like any other [ __ ] episode of game rooms but um or bleep that out uh we're playing a a demo of Yacht Club games new IP uh Mina the hollower oh my God I love her which um I was I was part of the release event for this I helped reveal this game to the world uh which I was a great honor of mine but they were playing a demo that they graciously sent to us to play on the show and since and I didn't know this by the way um they told me this while I was there uh so like year one of Game Grumps was when uh Shovel Knight was announced yes and the kickstarter went live and uh apparently it was kind of struggling uh until we played the demo on game grumps no kidding and then suddenly it got like a huge amount of attention that's awesome um and I had no idea until like a couple days ago I just thought you know it's like everybody's excited for this game is [ __ ] awesome um but uh the yacht club games is now this amazing studio with like several games under their belts they were always amazing yeah now they're uh uh established and amazing yeah um so this is their latest IP that they just announced like two days ago uh called Mina the hollower and it's a cross between like Zelda and Castlevania which is sick yep and uh hell yeah dude yeah can you hit pause again uh so duh look at her she's so sweet she reminds me of uh Mrs brisby from the Rats of Nymph yeah it's very very Nim yes yeah uh I knew you would like this of course because you are in fact a furry a big Dink and furry that's a big dinking furry just because I'm a married man doesn't mean that I don't still love cartoon animal people and want to [ __ ] them that's not that's don't put words in my mouth that's neither here nor there hold on or anywhere really so the Life part down there is that red thing um and you lose life obviously but um if you like attack stuff and you um there's like a little yellow bar that goes back up okay and that's like the life that you could gain by drinking this like yellow vial that you have so it like promotes being aggressive that's the only way you can get life back is by killing that's clever yeah it's very bloodborne outrageous Crips too full they said can you believe it I understand my life taking Graves can't even find them all it'll take all day at this rate God damn [Laughter] she's [ __ ] in the distance somewhere you looked a mile away remember when we played Castlevania 2 on the show many many years ago yes and I was like I love this game and you were like it sucks yeah and then that became a running thing for 20 episodes wait I I mean yeah it's terrible I made a whole video about how bad it is you did before you were even on the show right you gotta believe me man no I believe you I already like articulated why it sucks yeah yeah like very succinctly the question wasn't did you actually feel that way it was more did you have to keep reminding me well the game was reminding you what do I look like a beautiful lady you do Aaron uh well thank you I wish that's like my [ __ ] dream to be a beautiful lady yes isn't it everybody's dream some why wouldn't you want to be a beautiful lady they're beautiful [Laughter] hard to argue with that logic what don't you get much like squirrel like any kind of like small rodent one by itself is freaking adorable and like a little gift from nature and like whoops 500 are like a plague a horrifying play I think I feel like that's true of anything yeah you know like five million horses and you're like oh no if you ever see that video of like the 5 000 mice pouring out of a guy's car so it's like oh man these are not as cute as I remembered I'm not blaming them I've seen Ratatouille I just it's pronounced wrath to tweel I'm just saying man one of those rat mice could be a Master Chef opening a restaurant in France or whatever ah yes the rat mouse are there rat mice hybrids like like dog wolves there's Rat Kings I can't remember how I got here and what is that horrible stench I can't even think straight it's you isn't it you absolutely reek of death ew rancid meat weak old curdled milk you stink oh my God that Cappy bear is in a lemon bath so cute holy [ __ ] there's three of them now oh they're chilling man oh that's so nice they're [ __ ] chilling God I love them it's like oh to be a capybara and a Yuzu bath I love them as if they were my old furry children yeah this [ __ ] fellow Hey Brother I'm just thinking out loud don't mind me oh by the way here isn't here anywhere I'm assuming I'm gonna run into a guy in a red shot pretty soon it does seem like it yeah what are these things what am I looking at um they're like they're like walking buttholes well that's what I thought I didn't wanna I wanted you to say glad I didn't wanted to be the thing the guy says that you're the one who says such things I won't be a record saying a walking butthole such nonsense mean of again they're not paying me or anything nope they didn't even ask me to to do this they just sent me a demo and was like here you go we're just fans of them and then as soon as as soon as I found out the character was a cute rat girl I was like just sold that's right I I I think we have it on camera of you seeing no we don't actually we weren't recording when I turned it on and went to the menu for the first time and you were like oh I love this yeah it's like the moment you saw her little face of course of course um but yes all right uh we will see you later good luck to the yacht club folks and uh yeah have a great day kisses and hugs yeah goodbye wasn't sure what was happening for like 90 of that interaction and welcome to game grubs hi hello okay so we are back with uh the third uh round of kukiyomi they just keep making them yeah it's great I don't know who's making these or what they are or where they came from but here we are this title is partially displayed in Japanese and English please enjoy Japanese culture I would love to enjoy Japanese culture if you would let me into your [ __ ] country oh my God kooky you wanted to let the other person do it nice it's you oh man yeah all right it really made us wait for it it's just such a suspenseful oh look at me look at me squirm okay oh wow we did it I like that hell yeah we said oh yeah we sure did oh whoops all right number eight okay um did you land could you land on my hands please thank you I didn't expect to float up again that caught me by surprise my hands I'm gonna miss you I'm gonna miss you I love you I'm gonna miss you I love you oh this is nice nicely done Aaron yeah man well I wanted to be sentimental you know I was the window oh I have a day with my boyfriend today good for you oh geez uh uh whoops that's riding pants oops um I think you want a messy outfit there oh there we go hey [Laughter] you look great oh this guy was so cute yeah all right let's get some lunch I'm starving with the cow oh uh I'm just gonna block the cow stop moving that's really adorable and funny but I want to see they're crying can we end this please oh [ __ ] this is gonna be rough I thought dude I told you it's hard oh God good God man well these things happen am I right now it's so bad let's just stand on the chair never break eye contact with what you're reading just exercising my right the wind I hope it reaches him it will whoosh I don't know if that was right I think maybe you should have gone for the hands yeah okay oh no no no old lady gets to sit down there you go I like to take the escalator because it's easy on my knees what is that that's you uh killing an elderly zombie during Dead Rising off the escalator click clack well that is very considerate of you [Laughter] oh my God I think that was very very considerate very thoughtful hey raise your hand if you feel any pain just a little more okay sweet I think I'm supposed to not yeah oh my God this is giving me like agita I guess that's it wow that was a rough one let's hit the field baby I didn't customize my car but that's okay do you want to go ahead of course I wanna all right [ __ ] cheese do you want a wizard hat of course I want a wizard hat like I'll be a pink wizard hat and then you no I don't like the wizard hat that's your thing let's do it dude you cool of course look at my look do you think I'm not cool you're like King Arthur and I'm like Merlin in your court oh that's so true dude we're like together at last for the first time again the only downside is that I can't remember how to play this game Paddy slurped well oh it's because they're missing a player no it's not it's because we're epic yeah I what's happening I don't know you're kicking ass that I I'm not sure these people know how to play the game where my daddy serves that poop is anyone here is anyone playing this what the hell yeah okay I kind of whipped on the ball but I'll just work it in and uh yep okay that's a goal all right we should probably find a new game what I don't think we can I don't think we're allowed to oh abandoned match okay yeah yeah we can do that yeah because we yeah we're not getting any slurp We're not gonna get any street cred oh whatever we scored like five goals in two seconds yeah that counts for something somewhere that's as credible as it gets because I just deflected and now it's time to respect oh [ __ ] [Laughter] to my name [ __ ] [ __ ] all right that's fine this is fine yeah we're doing great we're just kind of getting our sea legs back a little bit yeah exactly that's far superior to me oh [ __ ] I missed it man I'm a [ __ ] freak at this my dad's gonna kill me wait that's gonna be so bad when he sees how I [ __ ] pork did it rocket League yeah baby [ __ ] I missed wow this fish is called and b-boy are amazing boy I can't remember where his name is go get the ball bro didn't some company copyright tater tot isn't that a thing yeah I would assume so it sounds like a brand yeah great job Aaron did you see me video jumped off let's see that replay I'm like oh yeah nice flower explosion too all right I'm going for it here we go me too oh yeah bro outstanding is there a booster like a like a turbo button yeah it's the B button bro you haven't been using boost at all well I mean I was like I started to get suspicious when literally everyone was out running me to everything laughs yeah you could boost you can boost in the air too after you jump oh excellent that's pretty sick you mean like this oh what time I shouldn't have boosted no they're gonna get in [ __ ] off set it up set it up bro set it up set it up he was too smart no no no [Laughter] [Applause] you know ever since I started using boost everything's gone to [ __ ] oh this is [ __ ] absolute Daredevil status right there yeah oh my God it's coming right down to it huh you guys are there son of a balls son of the balls damn you [ __ ] so we have four seconds to hit it on goal Let's see we can do it yeah absolutely go get it all right here we go check this out [Music] oh okay keep it in the air dude what are you doing [ __ ] Aaron I'm half a mile away okay check this [ __ ] out help I'm upside down I'm like a turtle I don't think I've ever heard you say check this [ __ ] out there's a difference yeah oh hell yeah oh hell yeah yeah well done Aaron looks like somebody died is this pathetic What notes I guess one guy oh it's [ __ ] epic what don't you get we're kicking ass oh [ __ ] dude oh God Jesus I'm so ashamed dude let him have it you know yeah it feels [ __ ] great right now yeah he's like this was my fate and I'm a scorpion oh he's really going for it now he's really [ __ ] going for it dude he's doing it he's doing it fake scorpion [Applause] we can't lose to one person Aaron we I don't care if he's a Dark Knight we can't do it oh God damn dude [Applause] okay there we go yeah he's your [ __ ] face dude you ain't [ __ ] man fate El scorpion dude oh man he's a one-man who's the famous soccer player that Everyone likes Pele he's a one-man Pele yeah Lionel Messi I mean there's a lot oh God no huh yeah dog oh [ __ ] he's on a mission yeah dog oh Binger Binger came back oh bizer thank God thank God all right we got you this time okay close one he said go to space see ya no no no [ __ ] yeah I feel like we did very different things on that you just landed on your back I just did this crazy flip and then twirled around a lot and landed on my back but you're my drift Queen so good for you I got it I got it okay oh that's not good oh I saw you do a little spin that was kind of tried I was like I think I could block this not so fast hell yeah that was like the most perfect little spin I've ever seen thank you oh dear no oh my God that sucked I don't want to watch it it's embarrassing skip it skip it skip it no it's embarrassing it goes over my head stop damn you masterly action oh [ __ ] that's going in oh that's good hold on hold on don't [Music] [ __ ] I don't want to see if this is going well hell yeah good deal laughs definitely holding back oh we're [ __ ] that's in oh my God wow just you I don't know if people can see that at home this is [ __ ] embarrassing yeah oh my God that's [ __ ] dead on the goal [Laughter] s no problem no problem we're both trying to type at the same time I scored my oh that's not good that's not good go backwards [ __ ] it's never good when you see the ball drifting right in front of your goal while you're spinning wildly upside down I love whenever I look over at your screen you're upside down on the ground it always happens I'm about to score a goal right now dude [ __ ] nice dude I wish I could high five you right now but I may have coveted this was all May being friends having Charizards oh Story Goes On Us look at this look at me try so hard I'm like there it is oh [ __ ] [Laughter] oh man this is rough this is worse than [ __ ] action Todd or whatever his name was action Todd that I was coming at the ball but I wasn't coming at the ball I was pooping oh get it oh yeah oh yeah oh God damn where the [ __ ] were these guys all right awesome dude you've scored like three goals in 10 seconds only one minute remains oh my God you are the MVP of the world the world I say boom he left the match he was so mad oh yeah they Rage quitted that's fantastic maybe they thought we were actually hustling wow yeah no but not not even remotely no oh that's okay it's called the save it's pretty epic if you think about it if you think about it if you really stop to consider how epic I am you will find that it's very epic oh [ __ ] nice yeah not on my watch okay let's see that again a shot I did [Laughter] that jump button but I push Drive instead like Turbo oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no oh my God oh my God all right I would have loved to have done something about it but I was flying away [Laughter] [Music] oh that's a good one I like that what the [ __ ] were you doing I don't know beautiful ballerina that was amazing I know I just wish the ball fell to me you were like controlling the ball and [ __ ] I was doing little clies and [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh yeah here we go I'm setting this [ __ ] up you better be ready for this I am ready nice dude [ __ ] yeah all right that was our first example of actual teamwork that was some alley oopage right there yeah well done okay we have a chance I'm feeling pretty good about this now okay good okay [Music] oh man I know I can't help but feel partially responsible oh gee whiz you you did the right move I did no dead oh good game Aaron we did our best good job Macho Man and walks the Abominable throw man well we did our best Aaron and our best was terrible we got we got worse as we went on and uh at least we had fun yeah to a degree we had fun yeah all right see you later everyone hope you enjoyed goodbye oh welcome too who lunch today yeah we haven't done this in a while have we done this will be fun yeah no we haven't played this in quite some time it's fun too because we can play together yes wait there was a shop you telling me I could spend more money and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire was I Nadia Nadia come she let us dance like children of the night or hey hang we got everybody hang Chung Tonight We got Pablo we got Margaret [ __ ] kind of name is Margaret I'm Robin over here [ __ ] investing in crypto it's probably Margaret but her Dentures don't allow you to say it correctly a [ __ ] Massimo Julie's cute Julie seems nice I like it with Julie I like that little like fishnet all right this is you it was between Julie and Margaret I'll be Margaret it looks 69. am I right you kids think you invented something all right I was 69 before any of you I'm my my great aunt when she was like in her 80s said that to me she was like man you think your generation invented something I was like I know too much [ __ ] [Laughter] I'm fired all right here we go we just filled me in no it's just some guy no yeah remember this guy we were making fun of him because he looks like an alien that is like pretending to be human [Music] [Laughter] i-beams gargles gargles girders Gordons and gaps gurgles is that the new uh Guy Fieri show welcome to gargles girders and girls we're going to some of the coolest gargles you've ever seen But if you think for a second that we're not going to see any Gordons either you're wrong because we're gonna go to one of the top places that has gurgles and Gordons that you've ever seen so come on while we do some gurgles gurgencers Jesus Christ Aaron then it plays the stock music UA City's newspaper is called The Bee I actually know this one do you yeah I'm gonna think the one that sounds the cutest the Denver beat it sounds cute right it does sound cute Sacramento Bee sounds stupid how could you say that and obviously the right answer journalists work there Denver bee [Music] [Laughter] [Music] dude I'm a [ __ ] rock star she got her gun and then went into Show Business [Laughter] I know take the kids in the divorce which color takes its name from the French word for flea oh okay the rabbit again with your wings [Music] Tis The Hobbit my friends yeah what let's hope it's the the title is The Hobbit or there and Back Again what yeah man then why didn't Peter Jackson use that name for the 60 FPS movie that he made I don't know you won anyway did I fiddle faddle oh yeah because it's all about getting things in a row okay because it keeps like doubling I see yeah yeah well done oh and I got two little mini streaks you young disgusting harlot I hate you and everything you stand for let's play again yeah let's do it one more rematch [Music] that [ __ ] uh uh oh Dr Watson that's him [Music] Sam wise I made a promise a promise Don Quixote ah yes the legend of Don Quixote and Huckleberry Finn two peas in a pod those two well you know how Don Quixote stayed alive when he was fighting that windmill I don't want to know I don't want to read that book he boil him and smash him stick him no okay cool [Music] that was a good spot to bury my wife in the game is whoops that's not what I wanted to guess I actually wanted to guess what you put it it might be right though I sure as [ __ ] don't know and the right answer is the following I'm gonna [ __ ] oh my God yeah once again Aaron Hansen Falls ass backwards into victory [Music] like the right answer is the following I know it I'm just making sure if you know it I won the insignificant final question [Music] look at that streak ending strong Aaron thanks [Laughter] I know so many things like how to lose but it's all about the the streaks man I guess it is about this yeah yeah yeah well that was fun that's what I tell my my dry cleaner it's all about the streaks man good day hey ladies and germs and welcome to Who Wants To Be A Millionaire part duh um we're going to uh I want to see the YouTube caption of that yeah it could be anything d-e-e-a-o-u-o-u that's the one um yeah so uh we're gonna play single player this time we're gonna be on a team so we can try to unlock the Star Wars questions I want Star Wars Adam Adam Aaron does want Star Wars I'm gonna go easy okay no that's stupid okay let's do normal all right and then we can take away stuff that we don't know you're right like and we can always cheat on science and and history all right we're good right yeah you like sports oh dude it would just be Sports and Disney for me if I was choosing the categories [Applause] [Music] France really mm-hmm I'm choosing a I have faith okay I believe it we're waiting for me no it's time to find out the correct definitely finally answered what the [ __ ] yeah baby you are right we looked that one up next one yes I did Aaron we want to get the neurons and there's no way anyone will ever believe that we got all the questions right okay that was that was the only one we've used it for drizelle here is a magical is a gentle song what yeah it's a musical poem I believe is the yep that's right hey jiggle well no I love magicals isn't that something that isn't that like a man with like Beast arms and like a snake tail will be my final you're thinking of the magical [Laughter] [Music] but at least the results are there I was attacked by a Madrigal the other day oh that's not very soothing to the next question if you don't mind uh call someone appeal to the audience who will vote now to help you I love how it's like a common guessing game everybody knows this WOW Donatello I've never heard of it me neither he's a Ninja Turtle and only a Ninja Turtle I'm not even sure he's an Italian artist we can't wait to see the correct answer you can't Donatello on me otherwise nice oh no oh the audience was wrong well let's put things into perspective I didn't lose everything right the her husband stands up I'm leaving you the good news is you are walking out and lose everything right it just stands up and blows his head off oh my God you're walking out of here with one thousand dollars how many neurons is that 40. [ __ ] it's nothing I know it's it's truly nothing I think we have to cheat no I know we do but like I didn't even know how to cheat at that game like I don't I didn't know how to look that up just look up Botticelli game oh yeah look up Donatello game you know yeah I guess we're so close Okay audience we need some help the ice is wrong last time I know okay anyway oh God all right hold on I'm gonna look it up I've had a sense Shanghai scram they were wrong it's [ __ ] darts it's so [ __ ] rude I know that wow the audience is wrong twice now to the most important okay welcome do you want a hint that'll be incorrect here you are we surveyed a random room full of idiots off the street we made sure they were dumb as rocks wow hey Telly Savalas um oh [ __ ] give back all your money I don't know hide Virginia and who bad if I'm wrong it's just a million dollars I could use that to pay for my grandson's College oops I was wrong [ __ ] him right you know what my next question is okay guys we have to do that four times what it's four thousand for Star Wars did you get the Star Wars pack that sucks yes this sucks well let's do it one more time and maybe we could grind off screen what oh I said maybe we could grind off screen everything it's so stupid oh okay I'm going to choose to watch football every Sunday for the last like 38 years I love American football all I think it's yellow you got it right well done thank you the best you know I just bought me a millionaire I was walking down the street and he's so good he talked to me he said Theory [Laughter] no tightening risks [Music] [Applause] this is like the area where it takes place to get knocked out of it you lose uh you're burnt you turnt you burnt okay to make sure uh gerhilda is the Imposter Rhine Maiden whatsoever obviously floss here I've never even heard of this they're the three water nymphs I'm not gonna lie they look pretty good foreign there is a painting there is a painting with three water divs oh that was a million dollars yeah all right we did it I lost track of time while we were cheating sorry yeah 1 000 booksies halfway there one thousands well more than halfway there [Music] all right some [ __ ] day can I just pay money to get the [ __ ] neurons wouldn't that be great like what it's like the one time I want like micro transactions in the game I know let me see if it'll let me do that Star Wars I think it's making the lightsaber noise yeah I gotta get a neopixel lightsaber anyway please don't pee in the sink everybody have a wonderful day yep um well I mean if it's your sink you can just not my sink that's where I wash my cabbages hi everybody we're playing Pokemon Smasher pass hello you stole this from Markiplier yeah what's up Mark great idea and uh hope you don't mind we're we're gonna do it ourselves so let's begin smash really look at that pose oh yeah he is presenting a little come on pass though uh pass it's a gross caterpillar shut up all right let's pass okay smash what he looks like a penis pass all right dude man all right pass uh pass really that's a butt plug uh absolutely smash wow a speed drill do I somehow have high standards that I wasn't aware of well we'll find out all right pass pass Aaron please no uh smash really look at his face I'm looking at it that tongue what that tongue do though all right we have different World Views uh pass well maybe just for clout [Laughter] yeah really uh totally he's the king he's a king yeah you dropped your crown pass okay uh pass pass uh pass pass you're getting close oh uh smash that's my first oh gorgeous uh I you know what I agree smash okay marvelous pass pass what that Mouse do no way too much pass smash smash really oh yeah what's under what's under those britches lives with them fast uh smash smash he can jerk off four dicks but you only have one yeah but I could invite others pass pass hey smash no what dude it's just a hole oh my God yeah nice Aaron whoa Aaron any port in a storm Hanson pass uh this one's got teeth so fast all right yeah God pass pass [Music] that's a smash for me abilities thick fat yes please dude hydrated in her in his own lane all right there we go grimer smash yes [Music] looks like fun but pass I'm gonna pass okay pass pass pass pass uh smash really yeah it's got big milf energy that's uh uh pass there's so many of these to pass the heart is passable ah smash 100 smash really yeah I think it's [ __ ] awesome I don't know there's too many pointy Parts yeah but like come on man that's you didn't provide an argument it's a mantis uh smash pass what oh smash you know what look at that face yeah it's it's the look back smash please 485 pounds yes ma'am that smash 100 pass what it's what is it ditto can transform into anything it can actually transform into a human woman well I didn't know that and I'm sorry that I already put in my but that's a that's a smash for me oh oh yeah that's cute but no pass smash smash smash well 100 absolutely smash yeah obviously uh hey uh Smasher packs I think that's a pass that's a pass a pass but it's a smash for me good for you Aaron yep that's to pass even though clearly those that that that's like that bottom of the sea creature move to like attract you in with the light yeah and then but it's a pass look like two perfect titties [Laughter] it's past uh pass disaster smash really oh yeah Quagsire yeah he has an easy going nature it's a fun fun guy and he's damp I'm gonna pass okay that wasn't exactly a selling point 100 smash of course what you're gonna have to fight me for her that's a smash all the way smash uh pass on that one oh okay yeah yeah you don't like Goss you're not going golf is that what that is pass pass smash attitude okay yeah a little fun attitude you'd have sex with a lot of creatures well you know that's what they say okay what they've always said about me pass pass if I close my eyes as a smash wait do you close your eyes a lot of things are a smash uh dude I don't know he's got a job that's a smash for me that's very attractive well you've got a job so I guess if I close my eyes pass but badass smash that's a smash view oh yeah yeah gorgeous yeah that's a beautiful dog right there uh pass you put it that way uh just turned myself into the police yes uh oh uh I'm gonna have to go smash really yeah okay that's a pass I feel like Tyranitar's got a soft side yeah if you get to know him yeah spoink oh that's great uh pass though okay Grump pigs I love him fast okay really I'm gonna go smash well well well Spinda that's like a little like alternative well and and also I guess like the the color patterns kind of look like booty shorts oh yeah yeah an approving nod from Ally yeah uh pass that's a that's a smash for me okay very attractive all right [Music] [Laughter] are you telling me you wouldn't [ __ ] the moon if somebody gave me the option was like you this is a once in a lifetime opportunity you get to [ __ ] the Moon I mean it's easier said than done yeah in theory Sure that's a real pass I forgot this [ __ ] existed um that's gonna be a smash for me really that's gonna be a smack I love the clam shell Brazier but uh it's a pass it's like a worm on a string [Laughter] the relicanth uh pass I don't know what I'm looking at pass pass pass pass pass that's a smash really that's that's a smash strong yep chimpser yeah chimpanzees look hell yeah they will uh uh um that's a smash yeah I although if you go back one it does look like he's like right this way to the love nasium I will be sure to take care of you tonight ladies and past pass Napoleon's a smash for me really so yeah he's [ __ ] Regal he knows what he knows what's up the pass [Music] age that's the hardest Smash If you say Pez you're a liar a Snapchat okay well you like the witchy girl that's a pass for me Smash uh pass hmm yes but close that is a close pass but it's still a pass pass that's a pass [Laughter] from its rear it sprays a foul smelling liquid at opponents it aims for their faces and can hit them from over 16 feet away we're gonna slide that into the past fast it's all so fast I'm just gonna smash I like that I like the [ __ ] guys yeah yeah yeah uh pass pass yeah you had to think about it but yeah pass pass we can pass over the magnet ones I don't want to have sex with a maggot pass Aaron that's a smash really yeah all right if I'm gonna if I'm gonna smash the guitar I'll go I'll smash licky licky like no questions oh well pass on this one smash yeah that's a double smash for me yeah that's a full smash all the way through serious pass pass pass pass [Music] stop with these snow pass uh I smoke weed with them yeah it's starting to get like cool like Austin Powers 60s style but still passed that is best what uh pass pass this actually has a funny story I don't have a sex with a piggy bank that's just a bird just to pass that's the larger bird pass um now we're talking but still fast now we're talking uh I'm gonna say smash abilities big packs you sure pass yeah yeah pass I'm gonna go smash why defend that statement look at those giant forearms come on what those arms do I don't even know if it's alive yeah who cares okay pass pass what the [ __ ] are these things yes it would seem like half of these and I played these games I can't wait to get to the car keys once yeah what is the smash that's a smash no no the car keys as well yeah uh pass it's garbage yeah larger garbage that's a smell very cute smash yeah no question yep look at that [ __ ] demure uh that's a smash you know what making the most of what they've got but it's it's passed for me personally but I totally get it yeah also smash yeah that's a queen yep and it's a pass for me but no question pass that's a Bad News Bears pass the [ __ ] is that pass pass uh it's a chandelier Aaron it's a pass uh pass pass yeah [Music] it's a lot of presentation in this photo that's a smash that's a that's a pass though the tempting is hilarious it's a unicorn is it really yeah it's got a whole it's got a horn oh well pass smash yeah we'll be smash won me over with that last one hell yes smash all the way never lose your keys a real prankster uh I'm gonna say pass on this one oh is the category key ring pass pass I still don't know what the [ __ ] Zygarde is that's pass that's a smash for me really yep there's there's different forms too really there's this goodness no I like the weird squishy one this is the complete very cool but let me see the first one that's the one that's close though yeah it's cool that's a smash that's a pass for me oh okay surprisingly uh pass pass gigantic smash like like jumping from the moon landing on them smash pass pass past what the [ __ ] pass pass depends on the day but you caught me on a smash deck it's a pass is a 2 000 pound horse pass yes [Music] pass smash it's it's a pass but how horny was that was the artists oh my God I'm in a gasoline with pheromones to Captivate male sandalism oh my goodness pass this is a smash for me yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm feeling like Never Ending Story kind of cute Vibes yeah yeah all right Marvel that kind of dragon I'm into it that's smash yeah really cool I've never even seen this one that's a pass yeah wow wow uh actually you screenshot that actual boner right here it's so bad that fake Pokemon smash that's actually uh I need you to leave the rooms [Music] it's a path that damn smile Smash It seems way too deliberate for me yeah that's why I get it it's like trying too hard well they got me so uh yeah yeah for sure [Music] it looks too much like a dog like like a regular happy dog oh animals Dan I know but you can't say that at number 836. no there's some that have like more humanish qualities and that's a it says category dog pass pass [Music] that's smash I'm gonna go pass okay but I get it yep I totally get it what are you gonna do uh that's an extreme smash that's that's more of a smash for me sad sad little like got a lot going on apparently I want to [ __ ] a horse yeah uh Cali Rex has a head full of pee so that's a that's a pass pass also ice rider oh I see how they fit together Shadow Rider oh it's so cool fast um and that's it wow magnificent can I actually get you guys to go back to number 428 and look at the other version of it holy crap all right um is that thing that I can do can you fast travel uh name or number no no it says it in the search bar what oh oh what was it 428 the whole opening yeah super adorable yeah they've got the ripped tights yeah tights as well of course an extreme smash yep this one definitely is you know that's that's uh that was made for people to come on next time on Game Grumps we're gonna do something else uh bye have a good one [Music] who is hello hi and welcome to game girls you started it who told you you could eat my cookies stop it that's two different movies where he yells [ __ ] like that that's amazing it's because I had the Arnold Schwarzenegger soundboard when I was me too younger me too so it's just all the things it's the best yeah tell me who the wolf is I can do the chopper hello and welcome does he ever actually say get to the chopper he does and uh Predator does he yeah to the to the woman um when she gets injured yeah and he's like I'm gonna fight the Predator you you get to the chopper okay [Music] simulator yeah I don't know borf sent it to me yes it seems fun it does I mean I have a long happy history with power washing this is Vernon's dad so yeah for anyone who is familiar with the uh subreddit oddly satisfying um I haven't been in Reddit in a very long time but I used to love that uh is it still going okay oddly satisfying yeah yeah oh yeah yeah it's just like a hashtag now that everyone uses Yeah It's oddly satisfying is all over the place man freaking wonderful but they used to have power washing videos all the time on that and just like I don't know something about like the the gentleness of it mixed with like the geometry of it where you're like oh it's a perfect you know rectangle yeah well that's what I'm doing right now I'm making it absolutely perfect oh look that's what I'm talking about dude see this [ __ ] yep are you is this making you want to come that's a strong where were they driving this thing the uh the mud flats this last one percent is killing me just like our economy okay yeah man look at me go oh sweet instant replay that's what I look like a [ __ ] freak Aaron it'd be very unhealthy to do this without a the proper damn that's more than we paid for the game God this game pays for itself immediately when do I get it yeah dude I opened up what all you need is my address and Bank numbers coming right up yo this takes way too long let's see dirt bro I don't think this is a I don't think this game is about like blasting through it as fast as possible I think it's about like relaxing and enjoying the process but I don't want to do that I want to get it clean I know I want to enjoy the space I don't want to [ __ ] make this a thing because I have to do it every week [ __ ] that noise this isn't really you could probably imagine what my house looks like I don't want to clean it's a waste of time when I could be using the space it'll just get dirty later yeah same argument with my clothes and hair why have mushrooms growing on me it's a great source of protein and it helps me taste colors anyway let's continue talking about my balance nothing will ever be and I know I've referenced this on this show multiple times but nothing will beat you telling me that people online were telling you you had ringworm because of some something you were talking about along these lines and you were checking your own fecal matter very closely for rig women after about 20 minutes you were like to yourself in an empty house I don't have ringworm something about that story kills me it's so true though it's just like [ __ ] mind your own business man a lot of experts out there on every subject on the internet experts Aaron was like God man I haven't looked at Ram Ranch in seven years so let's uh let's just uh take a little peek and laugh at the stuff that uh was in our lives in 2016 or whatever and uh and then he realized that a new one had been uploaded yesterday you're like oh my God there's a new one from 24 hours ago oh yeah well it was it wasn't even Ram Ranch he's like obsessed with some real guy now oh he makes Ram ranches about this guy like Dylan something okay but anyway there's been over 500 Ram ranches and they're all available still yeah if you want to listen to them but he so it's it because it's like royalty-free music he doesn't have like control over the length so like Ram Ranch the first one is like seven minutes long but the actual lyrical part of it is like a minute and a half yeah so it just like loops and you get the idea really fast yeah but it's the Artistry of it it's true I mean and you know what good good for that guy because he's absolutely found something he loves and he's going with it I wish that I had that kind of joy in my life the commitment yeah where I'm just like [ __ ] I'm gonna make another Ram ranch today I know I've made 548 of them but God damn it I'm gonna make 549. [ __ ] man it makes me want to go to Ram ranch we're using the showers 18 naked cowboys out in the yard [ __ ] ever so hard Ram Ranch really rocks I know I know [ __ ] no just I like I was just being silent for the joke of it you know I I love red letter Media stuff I wanna I know they only have like celebrities on but like it's my goal you're gonna be on best of the worst you would be considered something of a celebrity oh I'm not Patton Oswald I had Oswald it's Brad I'm not [ __ ] Macaulay called again he's rad too [ __ ] Aaron Hansen of Game Grumps sorry not to that's a cheap thank you but like you know what I mean anyone involved with that show has got to be a [ __ ] loser um you know I've been in things I'm I'm Gatto and mighty magiswords I like celebrity dude did you realize that while we were talking about random [ __ ] you accidentally became a professional power washer look at you working the grid down like perfect angles on every shot oh shush up it's great it's really funny I just missed this whole situation going on here I gotta use the the wide fan for this but it seems like it doesn't get it done fast enough you know what I mean well it's it's all about uh creating a good um cut coverage yeah it's it's about doing a good job how come we don't do a podcast this show kind of is a podcast I know but like a podcast podcast that we like put on iTunes and then you know [ __ ] we tried once didn't we skillshare or whatever yeah but it wasn't like us we talked about shin Godzilla one day and yeah yeah never did it again right how come we don't do a podcast this show kind of is a podcast I know but like a podcast podcast that we like put on iTunes and then you know [ __ ] we tried once didn't we skillshare or whatever yeah but it wasn't like us we talked about shin Godzilla one day and yeah yeah never did it again right well I mean that was like that format was like everybody else on the show when we had other people on the show I see um I'm talking like just you and me it's like the game bro podcast and then and then we sell ads that's where the money is Dan is it I don't know when you you know it's like you do you do like Dollar Shave Club and they give you like five billion dollars because it's a podcast and for some reason advertising companies are like podcasts are real and YouTube videos aren't huh that's interesting yeah well if you want to do a podcast clearly purely for the money uh I'd be happy to cool we should make it like as more as as much for the money as possible though right like I wanna like what what like 90 ads well here's what I don't understand about podcasts too is like most of the successful ones right they're they're about something right it's like oh we did a six episode podcast where we talked about uh the the George poopy trials and then once the board George poopy trials were done then we stopped doing that podcast right it was George poopy found guilty or innocent you gotta watch the podcast um but but uh but I don't know what I would do but you know it's like I don't want to be like the one where it's like two white guys talking about movie you know like I don't want to do that because that's just everybody does that how else could we talk about movies for uh will always be too white guys well I mean I'm just saying like I would want it to be more about like oh well it was like a dewy it's a topic we talk about a thing specifically every day you know it's like even my brother my brother and me they did it was like oh they did like Yahoo answers or whatever like that was their thing oh I said what would we do what would be our thing I don't want to just be like hey what did you do today ooh did you eat tacos I don't know I didn't put any thought into this podcast idea that you had why don't you come up with what we should do and then I'll make the money that's very Noble of you I know what are you a CEO well it's More Money More Problems I just wanted to keep you from having such a bad uh problem situation in your life but if you have too much money it's like whoa no way Jose that is very thoughtful of you I want to see Markiplier's video did he like crush it um Mark did this and uh he there was always there was like like two percent that he couldn't find oh so he's real frustrated but yeah I I I I should go watch Mark kill it at this because he's always good at every game and everything he ever does yeah yeah if I had to guess how he was at this game I would say uh excellent deep voiced and handsome well that's just all of everything always he could be [ __ ] falling downstairs and he would be doing it in those three ways oh I'm falling down stairs yet with each bruise I look cooler and cooler no ah look at me oh God damn falling down stairs really hurts oh did somebody animate that he looks good man yeah well so do you all right oh are you kidding I'm aging like Mexican food [Laughter] aging like any fry that you get from anywhere like [ __ ] you can get your food delivered it's like oh man that was quick it only took 15 minutes you open it up but it's the fries are just like goo it's just like a pool of fry juice wow yeah you're seeing this you see what's okay you're getting that under understone Funk getting that that under Gooch which I believe is a Bruno Mars song don't believe me just washed in it don't believe it just watch that was I mean truly one of the scummiest ponds I've ever seen yeah that's what my pond looks like you think of scum [ __ ] you till I die watch you should oh I didn't let you listen to Three second rule what's that that was I was telling about you the other day what yesterday I was telling you I was going to show you a three second rule what is it refresh my memory it's a [ __ ] music video I'll I'll show it to you okay if Ram Ranch is the radical left three second rule is the alt-right I'm sure that'll make more sense once I see it right now that's an extremely abstract concept I don't understand when you see three second rule I think there's still a cluster underneath the grill ing to allowed us ready yes here comes the ding yeah oh mama man you're twerking like it's your last day on this Earth yeah that's all I ever hoped for in life yeah if I realize that like I've got 24 hours to live you better believe I'm gonna spend at least 23 of those hours twerking like it's the last day on this Earth God it's so profound though you can name whatever song you're going to play in five notes like let's say it was Aerosmith and then they play five notes in an Aerosmith song and then they have to guess it was a fun game show I couldn't do that I did grow up on Aerosmith not because like I was an Aerosmith kid so my parents would always play Aerosmith I don't want to grow up I'm an Aerosmith kid drinking vodka leaves with all of my heroin I always got confused when I heard Dream On because I was like that's not him but it was yeah he did some substances along the line it's like there's a point where it's just it's it's not even like relaxing anymore it's just like I just want to get it done it's very relaxing yeah for you this is you just get to watch it it's been one of the nicest experiences I gotta move my wrist up and down and [ __ ] this is exhausting you definitely made it sound like a conversation someone has while watching someone else jerk off going up and down I wish I could just watch you doing it getting it done making it happen Captain it's only really good at the end when it's finished meanwhile you're lawn edging I'm like a DOT away oh there's this is like a mess back here this looks like [ __ ] [ __ ] what did I even do where did I even think I was doing that looks like talk [ __ ] my dad's gonna kill me oh no it's my dad son stupid power washing all day why is my shed still look like a festering pile of hot garbage do do like grab my [ __ ] collar and steam comes out I'd say I'm mad at you son but that would suggest that I still have a son oh my God I'm mad at you random person in my life controlling controlling gotta wash the underside too yeah clean the sun you got to put on the extra nozzle for that she's like and then just start snowing a million Souls were suddenly cleaned my God I'm not amazing we should definitely make that two episodes because that went on forever check it bra check it bro look at the best this is this is satisfying to watch What A Hard Day's Work great work I love it I got 550 now doc the yard looks fantastic oh you get like Yelp reviews thanks again on a great job and if I hear of anyone in need I'll send them your way nice what the [ __ ] is muckingham all right uh bye everyone Sheriff from Robin Hoods from goodbye hello everyone hi uh so Aaron and I uh have just been man that sounds like such a dick thing to be like I don't know we've been working really hard I'll say I'll say it for you all right we we decided silently amongst ourselves that instead of 30 minute episodes for Danganronpa we're doing 45 because we want people to be able to experience the game we want to be able to finish it before we're [ __ ] 78 and that's basically it but it hurts it's killing us so we wanted to do something that was a little chill yeah so we're we're just gonna have a nice relaxing um mini golf Adventure I mean we've also got like 800 other things going on in our lives which is yeah really more of the problem than anything yeah but look at all these golf balls flying and look how many how many people are playing this of course yeah man so let's do a little hot seat action Jaden had one and I was like what's the big deal about the OLED switch I don't really get it and then she showed me it and I was like I one wow the screen is so beautiful um OLED is just way better than regular lead um so so I went on Craigslist so well first of all I went to like GameStop and stuff and just never was one in fact there was I had this experience where we were at Best Buy looking for one and we couldn't find one and then uh James the odd one's out runs up to me all excited and he's like dude Aaron come follow me you have to see this and I was like oh did he find an OLED switch so I'm following them all like dude we're gonna get one hell yeah and then he just like stops and he's like points over across this door he goes look nuns they were just two nuns wow love it I was like thanks man it's pretty cool huh [Laughter] like if I got murdered outside of a wall if I wanted to murder somebody it would probably be outside of a Walmart like if I had to check the stats on how many people have died in a Walmart parking lot it would probably be all of them but he uh every single one uh but he was really nice actually he just showed up and he was like all right let's just get some money from my kids and I was like oh that's nice all right so really I always you know it's always like that it's like you go on Craigslist or some other thing where it's like you're meeting a stranger and you're like oh oh they're gonna kill me and then you meet him and they're like hi very yeah I'm raising money for a a baseball team that my children are in and they're they need or else they're going to lose their uniforms and it's like oh that's really sweet very few people are actually interested in killing you yeah it's it's kind of like a narcissistic thing to think that you're gonna get [Laughter] a kick it's like grow up get over yourself nobody wants to kill you oh damn wait wait this isn't right that's not good no they can't be you're gonna look at me and tell me that I'm wrong oh well it respawned in the same place some [ __ ] oh are you serious yes that's awesome do [Music] wow dude nice yeah well listen I got a lot of time oh no this is awesome this shouldn't be this shouldn't be allowed to lose a point every time you go out of bounds so you're about to lose the one point you have [Music] oh you're so clever oh my goodness gracious such a clever boy thank you thank you I solved a mystery I'll eat your balls does it look like a face oh [Laughter] gosh salty salty and different than I thought it would be kind of not unpleasant just different I had to rank them they'd be about the same number it would just be like a different description below nine out of ten salty nine out of ten savory oh my God we get 24 Strokes awesome this is this is for the birds because these courses are [ __ ] eight miles long walk in that Eight Mile Road mob spaghetti make the moves at the booze at the blues I'm a chicken [Laughter] that's your chance foreign look at that clean hit dude I'm getting the hang of this you're one of the most self-congratulatory people I've ever known only when I'm done Game Grumps it's amazing in real life I'm like that's [Laughter] that's Aaron you're such an idiot did everything what the [ __ ] is wrong with you everybody hates you your dad hates you you don't know that yes I do I'm your dad the voice in your head is your dad took me thousands of dollars of therapy to understand that all right here we go [Music] [ __ ] next time nope whoops this is not how you do it uh-oh oh boy whoops whoa oh I'm [ __ ] oh my God oh my God yeah how do you there's God you gotta hit it and then and then pause it right afterwards you give me a [ __ ] I think that's how you do it man this is the dumbest [ __ ] I've ever seen [Music] nope it looks like you'd get over just fine nope definitely not oh man [ __ ] this is so stupid [Music] now dude welcome to hell you just have to sit there while I go through a 17 stroke horse maybe we just shouldn't do the stop thing yeah maybe maybe we should just like throw all cautions of the wind well I think we've learned our lesson whoops that's even worse I was just hoping it would hit it and then like pop up in the air you know oh boy oh well it looks less hopeful now almost there maybe I can make it to the end on the outskirts that's a great idea and oddly possibly your best chance there has to be another function they're like has to be right I mean like how like what loving God would allow this to happen [Music] oh God why are you doing this just end it sorry I don't mean to it's just very I just don't want to like blast it and then like you know what I mean you're doing this on purpose I'm not dude even if I hit it in immediately like you'd still just sit humiliatingly through all of your shots yeah it would take less time okay how about it go with God oh that's awesome all right we did it we got a great game four four zip but that's fine yeah all right next time on game grubs all right how many stars did we get I want all the colored balls I don't think you get Stars if you play one another because you can just cheat or God can cheat you life and time that's that's definitely something that could happen and did happen uh goodbye everyone goodbye have a wonderful day welcome to Super Soccer oh man Aaron and I have had a crazy endless day uh and uh we're just gonna make it we're just gonna make it happen we're gonna do some super soccer man you know it seems like we always have fun playing these sort of like old school top-down sports games yeah I mean this is we've never played this before but this is a Super Nintendo soccer game so how bad can it be I also don't know anything about uh sock soccer so well the player versus calm okay that's that's why soccer's so popular it's incredibly easy to understand really you just kick the ball in the goal right ball and goal yep oh my goodness all right which one's me uh you're in the white I am the blue stripe oh whoa okay it's like kind of 3D whoa this is bizarre hold on I can't dude I haven't figured out how to do anything yet whoops [Music] Lucky Charms oh Fiddle Faddle freaking goalie rules dude oh [ __ ] why did I do that oh no that's no no oh what an incredible save of course never get me no I'm [ __ ] personally I don't think this is gonna yield any goals sucking and [ __ ] [ __ ] 18 Cowboys we're definitely gonna get flagged for that one that's too many in a row all right cut that out oh got him away how do you always get there first you're amazing thank you [Music] by Diego all right that's gotta be man Maradona ARG San Diego about whoops oh it's half time oh my God [Music] quickly everyone who looks exactly like us March March March March all right do you want to switch up the old formation yeah you know I'm actually gonna go heavy on your end all right that's the sweeper okay got the ball he used his hands that's against the rules unless you're the goalie oh [ __ ] oh that was silly hey at least you hit the Game Boy I did that's pretty cool oh my God I'm incredible like really went out there why didn't anyone tell me how incredible I am the kick was was immense oh yeah I hit it with my bod just no no give me the Jukes you give me the juice give me the juice your juking so hard oh man oh dang how are you how do you steal it from me if I'm juking you because I Juke in the same manner I we are similar jukers foreign God [ __ ] Let Me Love You holy crap oh [Laughter] [ __ ] what are you Argentina Argentina and Brazil are unbelievable Argentina yeah they're really good it's exactly how it works soccer games are only 10 minutes long [Applause] how does it works [Applause] oh Argentina I forgot the rest oh sentimento yeah something like that we're the best okay wait so you invite people over for like a soccer day or it's like we're gonna watch the game and it's 10 minutes long no it's an hour and a half not even enough to make a barbecue happen all right the hot dogs will be just done by the time the game's over let's do one more um I don't like how America is in the second to bottom row well we're not very good [Music] but I'll be America oh nice dope yeah Paul Polo is the best ah yes who could forget the Great American lineup of Rich Brett Gary Barton Spike [Music] don't forget Greg Jason Kevin John and czar and uh let's do it I am from America wait so how does how is it how's the soccer game structured what do you mean like there's two five minute rounds in this right so what's a real soccer game uh 45 minutes 45 minutes a half and then there's a little extra time but so they're out running around for 45 minutes oh yeah soccer players are in unbelievable shape that's ridiculous yeah I know there well have you ever seen their bodies they're [ __ ] like carved out of marble whoops take it in oops oh yeah the prophecy that's true I can see and whoops get it get it oh you [ __ ] freak you didn't get it you didn't get it I'd be the worst coach you didn't get the ball I told you to what is wrong with you stop it stop this this activity is wrong no haha did you see that little trick I did a little card trick whoops oh there we go I pass it I'm pregnant with my ex is in my goofy uterus oh I'll dive no no oh that's a goal oh well done oh my God that's amazing yes I didn't think at all I would be able to do that you did it dude thank you for that opportunity you're a proud man you made it happen by choosing USA you know a hundred percent that's why I got it in there's no way I would have gotten that if you played a [ __ ] team that had good stats uh and Epic no no no all right keep your eye on the time what am I gonna do eat popcorn maybe a little rest of March all right I'm gonna choose a different formation now okay I want to be full aggressive all right who's up first now I gotta go down now I gotta go there I'm gonna go down yeah I can't do anything against this five Brazilians against two Americans that's not a good that's not a good thanks Pliny got the ball I could just score one time yeah no get out of the way dude [ __ ] get out of the way god dude Jesus they're all closed this is the worst of formation they just stand there like goons blocking your own shots is this what is this like am I playing like the little brother team right now uh uh America yeah probably no no no no like it's like oh the the overpowered yeah yeah yeah I'm winning yeah good for you Stephen [Laughter] get away from me oh I got no d ude can't get it holy [ __ ] up front pass it up front and then I'm gonna go forward all right I'm clearly inferior as a player so I don't think oh my God oh my God holy crap good job Bart he's a USA 10 in my book oh damn look at that going from my backside because I knew I was going to Juke behind what that was you're not using any soccer terms that's what I was doing though you got you caught it I was doing like these Crescent Moon Back jukes it was it was clever thank you thank you [ __ ] [ __ ] that was my last chance you've on Aaron yeah baby they're good they're really good yeah well clearly still to this day you were like 100 the better player in all cases you just were slow my thumb hurts uh yeah well I think we all really know who the winner was the game of soccer um hi hello it's Lily's well this sounds fun it's a good happy fun game with nothing but good vibes and fun happenings feels like it Lily's well it means that Lily is well yeah she's fine her well is where she keeps all the candy she's looking down in her well and she's thinking I'm well how much delicious candy is down there for me today we'll find out when we play Lily's well I don't actually know anything about this neither do I okay just forget the intro that said there was graphic content and everything you are Lily Lily is a young innocent girl nine years of age her eyes are absolutely gigantic they're green as [ __ ] you live in a modest home with your papa on this cold and rainy day you are knitting on the couch while Papa packs his things tonight he needs to go to work in order to teach a night class on murder as Lily is a good child Papa trusts you to stay safe while he is gone before he leaves Papa makes hot dogs and the boxed mac and cheese he helps you pour the cheese sauce on your hot dog in order to make it taste better you enjoy your meal together ignorant a future events diarrhea [Laughter] you awaken to the sound of a voice Lily the voice seems to come from outside you look out your bedside window nobody there's nobody among the rain in darkness was a dream you open your window okay losing clothes the whale someone is in the well the Rope normally hanging from it you are a good girl so you get out of bed to go help read instructions yeah using items so all I'm doing is finding rope pieces yeah just to get down to the well I think so what the hell is this Papa's clothes take there we go yes I want I want some more ropes you uh you going somewhere no I'm bringing something in okay are you ready yeah are you guys ready uh-huh what's happening are you ready uh-huh cool what's happening you know what's happening oh no oh it's been a while hasn't it oh gosh okay hey why are you wearing gloves man hey it's uh it's a box eh it seems like a lot for five dollars do you want me to get up and I think you should do it Aaron I'm in I'm only wearing socks I'm wearing nothing I know I know wait do you know what it is specifically because you're talking about sockage no not a clue that was just my random excuse is there a creature inside no I just should be careful what foreign [Laughter] yeah did it get broken in transit [Music] I just smell weird so each one of these was oh yeah these are different but this is three dollars and this was three dollars so that's already going over budget it was on sale this is the source of the voice all I can be heard now is The Echoes of raindrops you wish to save the person trapped in the well you would need to construct a rope oh oh I have to actually have to construct the Rope yes okay uh knitting needles use knitting needles you can probably knit the yarn you have into a stronger rope yes yes fudge yeah nice tie them together a minute yes well it was really upsetting wow you got a lot of yarn on you that was quite a bit of yarn oh rope has come to an end what mixed with your sweat making your hands uncomfortable you decide to give up and climb back up task is much more difficult than lowering yourself down pain in your hands and the moisture in the area create a terrible combine oh crap that's not good you lose your grip and fall good job Aaron I think I just died yeah pretty sure we're down to four lilies mach four we're gonna need another Lily wait dude oh my God is it really oh Lily Lily Lily had a bad day not looking great okay I can't push it anymore wait what yes I'm under the stool yeah boy [Music] shed backwards is this scary it's a letter just to Papa yes dear Tony I hope this letter finds you well [ __ ] you sign Vic I am writing to you from mother's home as she required extra help regarding the pig farm she is personally doing well and has asked about you and Lily mother is especially curious about your project on your research project progress product when mother heard that you was pursuing her specialty she was delighted to see how you would do please write to her and possibly send samples I only expect to stay on the farm for the next year or so before returning to Maine with your permission I'd like to visit your home on the way thank you for your time Vic it's a book on the local plant life you read it yes which section would you like to read oh my God Vines those are like ropes hmm find plants of Bethany's mirror can be some of the most dangerous and most useful for foragers when looking for forged materials the most dangerous Vine to stay away from is the overcast Vamp Vine this fine can be identified by its bright purple suction cup like leaves that only open rainy or overcast nights okay so avoid the purple leaves touching these leaves will cause the vine to grab its new prey and attach as many suction cups as possible to the hand skin life is tough for Lily yeah it will then use these suction cups to rip the victim's skin open and suck out all of their blood until they're bone dry they should cut these down keep reading yes another Vine that can be dangerous is the womb Ripper oh my God despite its name it doesn't actually rip out wombs but it comes close but his danger still cannot be underestimated the womb Ripper is only dangerous for those who eat the bright red berries off of its Vines okay touching or squashing the berries appears to be harmless after being consumed the berries will latch onto the inner Linings of its new host's stomach and intestines like a tapeworm the seeds inside the berries will steal nutrients from the host before eventually sprouting I bet you have to like pick them and then feed it to something oh sending the sun outside of the body the new plants will violently burst out of the host organs likely leaving the host to bleed out and the new Vines to grow on the nearest tree or other large objects the body will be used by the womb Ripper as extra food throughout its life luckily the Ripper Vine becomes very brittle shortly after separating from its Host this makes it easy to incinerate [Music] I'm okay it's for freaking route oh God damn it oh what's this spare extension cord excellent there's some pruning shears that you can cut down vines with excellent take those bold Cutters hmm yes all right I got bolt cutters I guess this is a spider um all right nothing more than dead weight [Music] can I use the mulch too smelly a cute smelly I'm sorry too smelly oh there's scissors oh yes squishing many berries in the process [Music] check it real good this is such a cute game except for when Lily dies horribly well hopefully that won't happen again might be able to serve as a possible Rope Cut and take the yellow yes oh yeah uh okay oh good job Aaron how the [ __ ] was I supposed to know there's a [ __ ] car that's gonna run me over it said don't play in the road you would have done the same no vehicular manslaughter alternate ending damn it all right pause the episode whenever Lily does is a chance for a new letter to appear in the mailbox oh okay that's nice yeah let's get the intro we'll be right back oh what happened um uh I don't know uh bring us back in Ellie yeah yeah oh wait never mind never mind we're good okay we're all right we're okay okay are we back or not I guess not I'm I'm a Frog now just FYI the [ __ ] happened I'm a Frog uh take a look at the memorial oh okay something seems to be written in an unknown language [Music] okay I'm at the memorial it says oh boy some things some somebody's something that's what it says great it belongs to Something I'm assuming it says somebody's Memorial on the top of the stone is a strangely shaped hole it's narrow and seems to go down a little under five inches oh do I have I changed my outfit by the way you look great do I have oh I can put knitting needles in there maybe oh yeah yeah I'll do that all right okay I've knitted rope I need to put something in the memorial oh probably a flower take it's probably gonna be heavy we'll suck it up buttercup I just carry this rock over such rockage we got some horrifying thing waiting in the well that we need to get there yeah well you know maybe it's like maybe it's you maybe it's a big party maybe you died already or something big party it's your surprise that's [ __ ] Bugs Bunny's birthday blowout it's all the Warner Brothers characters [Music] yes hell yeah dude all right now let's go to the [ __ ] cave excellent whoa this seems chill I don't want to like die you know I don't know what any of this is this feels very ritually there's a knife with a strange blade hanging on the wall take it yes there's a worn birthday card read it yeah front of the card has a picture of a black rabbit holding a flower happy one year of being here on the inside of the picture of even more black rabbits holding flowers Happy First Birthday Lily July 20th July 20th 1985. it is Bugs Bunny you've grown so much in just a year never forget that you are surrounded by people who love you with love Auntie me for you uh knife might fit in the memorial yes it's a perfect fit but you lost a knife [ __ ] I mean awesome whoa what am I looking at I don't know exactly Stone cases fills of black liquid oh it opened okay filled with a black liquid and long tangled hair I'll take the hair yeah that'll be good for a rope it's impossible to tear where the Heller begins in the OR ends inside you don't know if the hair is moving on its own or if it's a trick of the rain so take it [Music] seems to be attached to something this could be gross so do I cut it shears couldn't take the oily hair hell yeah as soon as you cut off the hair the rest gets quickly sucked into liquid below ew neat look raindrops fall into the stone Memorial but don't mix into the liquid Instead The Raindrops sit on top of the liquid as if it were solid gross Neato that's fun okay so I could probably use the bolt cutters [Music] do that bull cut his baby break the lock anyway yes hell yeah oh okay everything's good oh that might be the purple vine not don't touch oh it'll kill you that's really upsetting yes okay uh it was oh seven um 20. mm-hmm 84. yes yeah boy oh look at this long whip taking the Rope all right using some of that bull pizzle dot dot um your rope is crazy oh crap something is very wrong wow man well then oh Lily what a payoff so dead okay hello we're back we we realized the errors of our ways yes um the problem was we we took weak rope materials um the the the vines that were in that little Forest you're only supposed to take the blue Vine with the Thorns uh the other two are not strong enough and uh cause your rope to break yup let's give it a shot I needed I knitted the stuff I knitted and farted and descended so far so good yeah feeling good feeling feeling frisky three knowing that I'm not gonna oh okay knowing that I'm not gonna be able to go back up is making this eerier I know yep why is there windows I don't know there's a lot more well than I would have thought it's like a bunker all right we made it to the bottom of the well is this the bottom I don't know it is oh those are the oh it's the suction buns yeah that's okay stay on this side yep creepy [Music] keeping on keeping on here we go feeling good on a Wells day Ropers come to an end you did it made it to the bottom it's great in here oh dear nobody's here oh boy your only company's bones rotting meat and maggots fun we should have good conversations so what's it like being bones should have maybe waited for your dad yeah oh dear again someone cut the rope what it's up to you now to decide what to do oh that's awesome I don't know if that's that I think it's supposed I think it's blood yeah oh maybe there's an out of order sign with the door additionally being locked that is a fire hazard because your priorities what are several problems boy this is a very involved well yeah oh um is this Papa sir there's a man sleeping on the couch there's a light dusting of cheese powder on his fingers and beard give him the jerky Freddy fungus I don't know this is getting weird oh [Music] um okay variety of photos and notes litter the cork board on the wall the notes are connected to pictures via thread and push pins it's going to detail the names ages and blood types of the people in the photos that's always a good sign additionally there seems to be extra notes detailing capture risk level for each person do not recognize any of the photos but something about their faces makes your body shake makes you want to dance shiver and Shake oh [ __ ] is that hey uh whoa whoa whoa is your name Lily puppy said not to talk to strangers but there's there's bones you think she saw the pit man Derek shut the [ __ ] up your dad is he professor tabachi do you know Peppa yeah yeah he should be in the humor the lab Follow Me Kid I'll take you to him dude what about our project this will be like five minutes relax [Music] oh my god um uh okay Papa's into some weird [ __ ] oh Peppa father hello oh what the hell what the [ __ ] Lily oh Lily what happened to you fell down a [ __ ] wheel you're all wet you're out in the rain geez what are you doing here did you see my satanic corpse pile yeah they're they're with the voice in the you heard the well voice again no we didn't finally get to the bad this is the first time I think you made it down here wait take a look at this Lily take uh look good girl oh he's growing lilies oh no Peppa what is your next iteration Lily it is it took years but I finally managed to recreate your body I'm sorry I couldn't get your hair color right but that's just the price of working with azoth the only difference that needs fixing fixed that needs fixed is your soul you can't help it being underdeveloped you always promise to be a good girl but you always end up breaking my rules one way or another the first iteration I made fell down the well it saw me throw a delivery down there and thought it was someone who needed help the stupid thing didn't even figure out the body was already dead didn't even listen to Papa's rule of not going outside alone at night it tried doing what you did made a little rope the Rope snapped but the iteration didn't die at first as it screamed for help I realized something I'm hilarious what you act at if you act out as a bad girl you can die and have your soul put into another iteration with a clean slate your brain doesn't remember doing anything bad but your soul will eventually remember that only bad things come from being a bad girl why bio no one day this will make you the most perfect Lily without any of the actual trauma in your brain what the [ __ ] is this game my assistants and I recorded the first one screams and I decided to begin the experiment I of course had to wonder how many times will Lily die before she realizes that nothing good comes from disobeying Papa we call it generation iteration development or a kid each new generation of Lily becomes smarter and smarter we have enough meat so we can keep developing more bodies I hate that someone I bet someone needed help here you are again you think a voice coming from outside is more important than Papa oh god let's see if this is what it takes for you to put your fingers in your ears and just wait for papa to come home oh my God Jesus Christ what the [ __ ] still I gotta say Papa's proud of you for getting all the way down here tell you what you can be my little Apprentice again when you finally learn okay I'm dead yo Next Generation [ __ ] is that like the real ending I didn't get like a little bonus thing that was like ending 17. all normal items in the stuff menu need to be found in order to except for one [Music] oh okay oh my lord well we did it did we though well I think okay I see so I think the actual true ending is getting all the iterations and then making the phone number oh so let's just look up the phone number yeah I think this is just an ending uh uh four two six thank you hey all right uh hello who is this I think you should be that voice hello purposes I'm not supposed to talk to strangers huh then why did you call do you know what time it is I don't know all right who gave you my number um I I don't know little kid just go to bed don't call me again wait she hung up oh it's a [ __ ] that's it what what try the phone number again uh I get oh I guess I should call it again yeah probably shouldn't use the phone again well that's not what's supposed to happen that was a whole lot of nothing but but no I mean that's what is this uh looking at this causes a sharp pain to go through your head take it you don't really want to be around this plant for some reason wait does every ending create more flowers it creates more things oh but oh my goodness all right I'm a little creeped out let's see if there's mail nope all right well you know next time my game grabs no I I as much as I want to explore every [ __ ] angle I feel like that's uh yeah maybe that maybe the phone number doesn't work unless you actually have gone through the game like all 10 times or whatever it takes I literally just found that yes you have to get all the Rope endings oh man all the Rope endings oh that's so rude so it means you have to die going down the well with one piece of rope with two pieces of rope like you have to get to every like level yeah oh gee whiz wow okay all right all right I guess I guess we'll we'll try dying a lot uh off Cameron move on with our lives okay all right but yeah check this game out folks it's pretty creepy and cool that's cute I think it's free too nice so yeah go uh get all the endings bye all right goodbye hi hello and welcome to I'm on observation Duty 4. yeah man um we have had many many requests to continue playing this game and three sucks can we just put that out there we we didn't we didn't really give it a shot it just it three was a different format and um like you're kind of walking around taking pictures yeah it's not the same game and but they seem to have gone back to their tried and true formula for number four and that was exciting to us and that's what we're gonna do I was doing it we got three houses this time we got the city house the country house and the station oh let's try the city house okay yes and for anyone jumping in if this is your first episode of I'm an observation Duty Aaron and I are um we are in charge uh we're sort of like Manning these monitors and we're looking for anomalies which are ghosts uh strange Intruders odd happenings and we report them and uh they get fixed somehow and our goal is to survive the night because if there are four weird things happening that we don't pick up on at the same time we uh die uh it's death so Stakes are high everything looks fine in here fan and Diggity Jamesy you know my boy Randy he was having supper with his brother there's a thing missing oh yeah something was on the bed uh bedroom object disappearance well done sir Miss Allie I apologize I might need you asked to ask you to turn the lights back on are you scared I'm not it's not that I'm scared I mean I am scared light through the window is reflecting on the TV and it's messing with my ability to see the rooms stand thank you well I think it's just gonna let's see what happens you all right yeah it's like maybe that is worse that is worse all right and we're back yeah it's the glass one okay the sun will go down tomorrow so I'm not like picking up on any differences okay what is this the hallway this is the hallway uh yep that's easy though it's a little bit of a discotheque feels like man the ghosts are raving in there I've started a building up before like the bass drops uh to my dog to get her hyped up but like just keep going up and then the tail starts wagging oh my God something's about to happen it's great it's great yeah that's cool that they recognize like Rising pitch I I had the same thought it's interesting how it doesn't matter what species you are you can just you can sense the uh the intensity growing oh that's on the ground now that's different yeah uh what would that be object movement or painting anomaly let's go let's try object movement yeah there's definitely gonna be someone in here oh did this [ __ ] pardon me [Laughter] I don't know what no I thought that was oh man okay uh hallway and then painting anomaly this was this wasn't crooked before was it it wasn't it was oh yeah maybe we just didn't notice what so that painting was on the ground before I guess so we're just getting used to these new rooms yeah what happened something's gone there was stuff on top of the microwave potatoes uh kitchen object disappearance your fingers what do they smell like rubber I don't know man do you want to smell my fingers no you tell me I'll take your word for it it smells like rubber ah iron Focus I'm focusing but I'm gonna die my sight and my smell are two different senses I could process them differently send it [ __ ] it yeah why not sure ah there's a head oh there's a head on the on the couch there's a head no uh uh Intruder and I think that's actually yeah extra object to say the least okay what's up I guess these anomalies are really coming to a head hard to get ahead on this couch hi guys I'm Julius Caesar's head yes oh yeah not enough room for you and to go what's happening Distortion I'm looking at it through pudding please move the pudding out of the way [Music] wipes the pudding from the camera lens it's just distorting the image something happened yes we caught that object movement yeah I would I wouldn't have said anything first was the head of the couch of the pudding and then the tire moved he was gonna watch out for the politic wait what oh okay never mind wait was there something here I don't think so are we missing a room oh hallway sauna bedroom oh whoa whoa whoa what what the heck was that there's a ghostman there sure is yeah that's a creepy one Oh Daddy no love ghost s I am a coconut man fix me awesome oh there was something there good job Aaron nice yeah he's still I'm just gonna you know something feels off about go for it dude oh no what's up guy no I don't like how nude he is nope I guess that was not it why did the lights go off outside I don't know I hate that just do just get rid of this guy intruder about necessarily an intruder by welcome here this is my home you're the one that's rooting that's good though there is nothing in my attention like maybe you know what I'm just gonna like yeah to file some reports man object movement because maybe this move around nothing wrong nothing wrong with it nothing [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm such an [ __ ] oh the chair turned around the chair turned around what the right one it rotated I think you're right oh wow you're right that is it's so dark I can't even [ __ ] uh chair turn which one's chair turn it's just something over here good job Al I gotcha take a look at Cher yeah chair no turn no more oh that's too dark that's too dark uh yeah that's a late anomaly or is that the abyss well it's the abyss oh yeah [ __ ] man I [ __ ] hate it when Abyss opens up in my living room all the time with that [ __ ] all right I'll fix the abyss somebody reporting Abyss Cindy bits demon he like bends over like they've got the Plumber's crack oh yeah you definitely got an abyss in here there's no question yeah this was going to cost you at least a thousand bucks missing chair are these blinds always closed yes okay yeah sound I see nothing different no everything is as it should be which means there will be a painting oh yeah oh there's a person in the painting oh yeah wow that's a sneaky one because I just kept thinking train tracks are there oh the fridge is open oh the fridge I didn't even process that as a fridge yeah I'm gonna be honest I didn't either good Lord uh what is this door openings yeah was that waste basket always there what is this one yeah yeah [ __ ] dude I'm telling you the more I should the more I fart yeah the harder they should the harder they fart oh there is look at that extra objective sweet extra mono nice that means thing in Japanese is was this always here I don't know yeah okay it's starting to mess with my oh that's different so different it's a skull scary make it the flowers I don't like the skull bring back every so heard 18 naked Intruders all right is that moving down there what uh I know I I get nervous like spending too much time somewhere are we missing a room oh that's not good oh you're banging his head I think uh let's just uh Intruder intrude there oh [ __ ] weird [ __ ] I hate it why'd you have to go back to that I was doing something I don't know man son of a [ __ ] I'm all cold now man you made me all cold yeah my heart skipped a beat oh all right oh Cowboys in the shield [Music] s now we're so close 45 minutes I can't play that for that long I know that's so much time it's a like a minute is every seven seconds I think nervous oh that's a different painting oh hello uh painting anomaly still [ __ ] not fully settled oh I would rather watch Romulus blow up a thousand times oh that painting's different too this one yep oh should that's not the right face I'm about to fart over here don't it's just a little baby City apartment because you Yeats dude yeah sensitive little baby head Remember When she said that about you Aaron and you were like no who um oh my God I'm blanking on her name from Frenchies oh Lacey Lacey thank you [Music] yeah we did it we beat that we beat that room on the first uh on the first try that was pretty good yeah great great work everyone didn't are they gonna tell me like what my results were 29 out of 30. oh damn we did pretty [ __ ] good that was awesome that was well done everyone a very successful return to I'm on observation Duty that one wasn't so hard no no that was fairly easy that felt forgiving yeah um although it did scare the [ __ ] out of us and throw some weird stuff in them want to do the country house yeah yeah yeah all right cool Hello we have returned for I'm on observation Duty four two great Aaron thank you excellent contribution 4-2 um so now we're gonna we survived the the city house and now we're gonna try the country house how about observation Duty 4-2 here we go loading the house I'm assuming oh yeah this is much creepier you got lots of paintings back there there's like a bride or something I don't like it it's gonna be something in the window for sure of course don't look at the windows um chairs music thing oh there's so much stuff in there and all right this is a kitchen okay there's already a table missing yeah that's try give that a shot I don't think they do something that early but well you know let's see let's just see what happens there's too many paintings in this house no oh no there's a little head this is definitely like the creepiest by itself house that we've experienced yeah this guy doing discus oh yes the graveyard oh yeah love to see it all right let's head back baby face oh [ __ ] this no that's not good there's a guy out there hello is that does that count us outside oh yeah I guess it is outside eh um intruder oh they moved has a TV radio or not he's so jiggly no no no really old he's just shaking to warm himself up [Music] he's gone this is outside super duty was this pole always here I think so dude I was trying not to say anything are we gonna do anything about that it's a statue historic statue I don't know what are you gonna do I don't know I just feel like it shouldn't be out like that oh that's different what was different uh back that painting on the the different one yeah yeah oh my gosh it's all right I can't remember what it was but it was some kind of like other thing that's not that I'm gonna [ __ ] cry right now can we go back and look what what it's supposed to be yes it's that okay cool a bunch of peeps hanging out yeah in a hieronymous bosch-esque type of orgy yeah just vibing just vibing in that orgy was that moon always there it was [ __ ] because I actually have the thought what a beautiful moon and if the moon ever disappears because these [ __ ] ghosts we need to quit and go oh something felt different isn't there less stuff where's the phone the thing in the middle no who was phone then who was phone oh and oh wait no hail of apples is this crooked is this crooked I don't know yes I feel like that crooked checked move yes this is my imagination are we getting better at this I feel like we're doing pretty well uh was not crooked the Snowman is having a great time was that box there back near The discus wait no yeah that you know I noticed that too so let's try that I thought it was there might have been it seemed way too inconspicuous hello hello what are you I guess that's TV radio anomaly yeah or no it's just object move well maybe it is no okay it's object movement then right it could be Distortion or it could be other Distortion Distortion that could be it well this will be a learning experience for us Jesus yes distortion and I'm sick of it oh axcon oh good job don't like that don't like to lose track of an ax in a haunted house that's fine they're probably using it to cut down a tree the DX back boost excuse me ghost could you return the ACT please [Music] um object missing yeah I feel like was there an extra bottle of wine in that cabinet on the floor that's not there anymore maybe no something changed here right I don't know man this is [ __ ] yeah this is a tough one this house is upsetting baby fish this house is giving me agita just a moment every time I go to that room it's just like Babyface this game does play games to your games if there's a game within a game it's gameception everybody a stand and applaud something missing no is that was that box always there what box uh close to the arrow that clicks you to the next screen to his that box that's very [ __ ] yeah that would be real sneaky if they I didn't even know that box was there didn't even know that box was there and start putting in reports quickly uh object movement I don't know [ __ ] [ __ ] it hello sir oh God I hate it when you've just reported something yeah big strong man I'd like to report a sexy anomaly it's got kind of a flat head I don't know what's going on there what did you mean huge man yes oh my God oh my God that's really [ __ ] funny wait wait that lady's holding a baby now what oh she's not she's not let's just you know what something does feel different though let's [ __ ] [ __ ] it sorry I was thrown off by the huge man that was so funny no Intruders found did you mean huge man fun fact he's from the first game oh really yeah he's a recurring character well I love huge man he's a good guy I was sad we never got him so it's great to see him here excellent does that rug always there yeah try it quickly we're dying because we're about to die huge man's gonna kill us [ __ ] is there a person in the end of the hallway is there under that window was that black Square always there the TV is it a TV yes I think so but we're in a kitchen this kitchen everything on floor living room try radio anomaly I feel like the radio was [Applause] fine I told you the [ __ ] line was gonna move right you were [ __ ] told you all right wait are we missing a room wait try the radio here because I feel like it was on oh God it was on yeah because that's an option and we haven't seen it before and it's just like maybe we're trying things the radio was like the first thing I looked at when we signed in are we missing our room Aaron what's that on the floor the shoe okay yeah is that shoe there yeah it's always been there okay something seemed weird on the desk the library one two three four five six okay we're good cool someone's desk I don't know what it was something felt different uh uh different nope no seems [Music] dude we're terrible it's over fudge boy that was tough we only got nine that's what I'm saying it felt like such a slow click all right here we go again and they were like nine obvious ones the lion was in our face [ __ ] huge man showed up out of left field all right let's let's let's take stock all right I question my reality yeah I'm not sure of anything anymore it was like the ax is gone wax is gone [Laughter] okay we got one did you mean huge man [ __ ] love huge man he's my favorite dude he doesn't come at us that's right Crazy Life he just stands there with his flat head he's like yeah did you notice my hugeness couldn't help but notice that you were noticing how huge I am does this different that does feel different face I don't know I think that might be a ghost it is a ghost it's blinking oh okay yeah that's a that's a man that's no window [Music] you found the obvious [ __ ] oh that painting's different oh okay it's a ghost is that a ghost Daddy no likey yeah let me Miss skin crawl look at this silly little eyes oh I hate it gun never moved no they always have one object that just like you look at and you're like it's gonna move yeah that gun is the guitar of country house yes exactly oh jiggly man somebody get this jiggly bat off my property excuse me 9-1-1 there's a man jiggling outside of my window yes it's the same bed as last time but it's a new window that he's jiggling in front of first he was over there and he was jiggling over there dang it oh oh books bookshelf bookshelf move oh yeah that's or is that Distortion that is Distortion hello 9-1-1 yeah it's me again uh my bookshelf is goo having goo properties oh you've got goo shelf yeah yeah I don't want to listen to guy out there we'll be right over bed Shake did it was that just my my face vibrating I think I [ __ ] I feel like there's something about the pattern of it that like messes with your eyes when you look at it too long oh man oh man it's got to be something that happened in here man nothing's changed there's got to be something in here take it easy whoa whoa whoa whoa freaking out man dude's peepee's out [Laughter] I don't remember I feel more threatened by her yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [Applause] oh man I missed you should we leave him there God look at his quads hi I'm TV's huge man is he like moving slightly or yes I'm a huge man you know we did although if you really wanted to fix that anomaly you'd send him to my bedroom [Music] Mr Potato face it's like that uh painting they tried to fix right around yeah multiple active anomalies get it I get it quickly make sure all the rooms are functional let's look at the kitchen object movement okay okay one two three four five six yep we're good okay good damn it stuff there gun please I'm begging you move you know right it's like excuse I want a gimme you know okay don't come close to the screen please totally jump scare you in three seconds [Laughter] I hate you wait go back outside go back outside okay there's an extra Rock extra Rock in the far left top by the wood pile that's an extra Rock do it just do it there were only four what the [ __ ] are you are you serious so serious right now if I'm wrong I'm gonna jump off of something okay oh my God I'm just gonna stay here to see if you're right no extra Rock maybe Rock move oh maybe maybe maybe maybe around because we're running out of time [ __ ] stop moving lion on the floor phone's gone phone's gone phone's gone phone's gone phone is gone the phone's gone how will I call 911 to tell them about the potato face okay there's been a crime against Art laughs oh oh dear God dear God here is gone wow how did I not see that looking at the [ __ ] horseshoe imprints in the wall oh wait wait wait wait there was actually this is different you're right that does feel different is that like extra object or is that like I think so yeah there's only one this is good talking about a bedroom not having anything and now it's got everything yeah now it's haunted as [ __ ] [Music] yeah okay oh that's not good lighting them oh no I think that's our TV I didn't see yeah I was like what are you doing oh are you serious yeah everything went red for a second on our on our television yeah great we look like jerks is there something up in that last room yeah wait go back to that last room was that door on the left like there's a door right is it that normally open am I crazy I'm crazy well there's no option for door oh that's right was the fan always on yeah it's been on okay lose there's [ __ ] big oh my God this [ __ ] baby face the Horseshoes have flipped the Horseshoes are flipped oh my God I'm so glad that finally paid off been looking at those goddamn horseshoes for 45 minutes [ __ ] Geniuses great call Al I got you holy [ __ ] well done wait just go back is her painting feel more like pronounced in a weird way say that every time I guess so no I was talking about the other one last time oh this one yeah I can do painting and demolition like yeah give it a shot I guess dude no we made it to four four a.m holy [ __ ] two hours left oh my God except we don't get a warning anymore we don't oh that's right we used our warning so unless I changed her toes I guess not [ __ ] well we made it to 4am that's pretty good ah damn we got a lot more than nine yeah 17. that's almost twice oh God this game is good all right we'll have to try this another time I really want to beat it I really want to beat the country house well you know they took my observation and they threw it over there all right then they took my duty and they threw it over there all right all right this this I think we'll do a little bit better now now that we've kind of got a sense of what the country house looks like whoops oh laughs this is the scariest development of all right okay here we go and we're back and Mr Posey man is there what's going on with his foot here I wish I could zoom in it's like the support for the Statue I see I see it's my favorite drink to get from 7-Eleven support for the Statue I see oh we've got a Coke Cherry Coke support for the Statue wild blue freeze I'll take a little support from the statue that sounds pretty good grind that up interesting ball stays same ball remain no roll single testicle multiple testicle where does distortion where does G's come from where does jizz come from yes you're like you haven't even gotten to where babies come from yeah hold on start that source stork right stork jizz maybe stork shootages do you think never really thought about that stork fly overhead do I have brother tomorrow [Laughter] where in mouth uh is this Poco is there oh there you go you [ __ ] did it I [ __ ] knew it man son of a [ __ ] that's perfect I hate it hey I guess I'll throw the discus oh I hate when [ __ ] looks at me through the camera that was good man that's kind of creepy gonna [ __ ] I think that's part of the sales object extra object sure why not we got the painting situation is she doing Circle Game right here gonna punch 200 years later I flick your dick [Laughter] I've waited 200 years for this moment now it's time did we do object move here try it it's just you know um object you're on it movement got it now we got mad love hey what what what's gone [ __ ] this oh oh oh it's it's the snow yeah it's snowing yeah [Music] we're about to lose we are about to lose I don't know if this this yeah it's over man that was terrible it's over it's over you fixed down anomalies yeah that was Jack [ __ ] dog let's [ __ ] do this all right here we go easy this is the one we're doing it and we're back let's do a quick click once over it was darker over here yes light anomaly I guess where's two big head my head's too big my spoon is too big my anus is bleeding all right [Laughter] for the love of God I'm the queen of friends oh man I wonder what Don hurtzville's up to now probably playing on observation Duty yeah he'd be perceptive I think every time that I say something out loud it's probably the opposite you know what I mean yeah yeah so it's like everything's here it's like there's no there's something missing just oh that's the ghost oh god oh look at that that's silly yeah I don't like it good don't love it a little face you will be missed he's just having fun man he's just vibing he's like oh yeah I mean this painting yeah movie [Music] please the face is weird face is weird oh that's one of my least favorites it's anomaly face is weird am I still pretty enough to paint I've been fixed now I'm much more beautiful oh what nothing dang it come on man holy [ __ ] oh my God that's so much crazier than the paper towels [Laughter] this [ __ ] game dude swear to the Lord I kind of wanted to not report it and see how close it would go oh it was already too close all right keep moving keep moving I don't want to be in this room anymore oh my God that was awesome baby face oh yeah um object movement or is it light anomaly no that's not that's not a trick of the light that can is [ __ ] exploding Martha the damn cane is moving again well then eat the green beans Ted they just want to come out they need the green beans did you check the cell bye I'm not gonna be eating moving greens [Music] yeah boy yeah like a breed of ram no no this is no time for Ram Ranch Aaron Ram Ranch really rocks hang in there have we uh are we seeing all the rooms sucking 18 Cowboy cats and there he is yeah intruder he's always a jiggling he's jiggling me he can't stop jiggling and it's like we should all be so lucky to be such to be free such frequent jiggly frequent jigglers I thought you're gonna say like free to jiggle oh yeah you said frequent it made me laugh faces God damn it oh [ __ ] and this is medium huh uh uh opinion anomaly done is anything bigger is anything smaller was there size differencing okay back to two hopefully yeah right okay we got what like what was it camera malfunction Abyss light other other yeah what the [ __ ] is the other let's just do other on all of them yeah painting uh painting quickly okay good job this is PeePee shrink who knows I wasn't looking at it so how would I know dude God damn it uh we well we made it to 5 A.M we fixed 20 anomalies that's the best we've done it with that one so far it's hard it's hard it's too hard all right well let's give up okay bye all right goodbye everyone so we failed horribly last time yeah the country house is too hard for us so let's go to the hardest level yeah let's do it the station sounds fun and learn like a whole new area I've never seen this location before me neither I've never seen the location of the station is it going to freeze again I think the game's gonna freeze on me again is it choking I think so I don't think you can stay on this uh this screen for too long do I have a lovely bunch of choking nuts oh close the program yeah I'm really good at speaking Shogun D's here we go the station then we got a painting over here there's a sexy lady above a toilet my favorite place to look at sexy ladies egg in there wet floor cuidado piso mojado it's sweet Auto is it I don't know no [Laughter] three Windows lights yeah this is tough wow this stuff isn't sinking it at all well I'm sure it will the more we look at it I say these lights we should hang a blanket over the uh the window because this one's so dark um I don't even know if that's possible there's no Awning or anything we can't just like tack something oh maybe that's a good point is this a light anomaly was always like this uh give it a shot give it a shot slide anomaly give you the shots there's no light anomaly option damn it down [Laughter] oh man I don't I'm not familiar with this at all I know it's so unsettling to be in a new place piso mojado oh boy oh cool how far is it gonna go [Music] [Laughter] all right well we got one hey and even I'm struggling to see it on this screen yeah so dark is there an adjustment for the gamma in the menu of the game of the game yeah just especially since you guys are oh now that's cheap Oh Aaron I'll just say if it's something silly goose [ __ ] well [ __ ] man that makes a total difference yeah all right let's try that again yeah I was gonna say it sounds like it's cheesy but now I need that good call on that Ally Jesus Christmas Aaron what I didn't [ __ ] do anything the lighting anomaly was that we didn't turn on the lights when we walked in no one make the [ __ ] game holy geez all right oh there's a handsome guy over there wow the nude pictures of people in this police station yeah well you know [ __ ] cops love whacking off in their office [Laughter] possibly know that it's a thing I'm just saying sure thing Captain did this open yes it did yes it did yeah because I was able to see the nude man more clearly uh excuse me ghosts I'm trying to look at a nude man could I get my whack on please thank you was laptop always bright yes okay [Laughter] I don't know this one left yeah this one I think it's always been like that really I don't know about this though that's been there forever oh really yeah this one maybe that's been there it says you pack on it [ __ ] God damn it does say you pack you're so right you packed these nuts in your mouth thank you everyone wait wait did this move did this move object move no toilet object move maybe object move [Laughter] oh goodness there was always six chairs that's not what I remember I know it feels weird but it's the truth I thought there were four on one side I thought I literally said that at the beginning I'm not you know it's fine it's fine it's fine yo the station is hard as dick yeah yeah this is really tough was there always toilet paper there was [ __ ] well wait wait her face is weird her face is weird yeah toilet the painting picture anomaly tasty tasty picture yeah go back and let me see what it normally looks like yeah yeah okay a weird painting yeah um um hallway picture done all right now we're cruising yeah we're caught up kind of chair chair chair chair magazine around the corner poopy ween I think great job Aaron I I really feel like something's up with the mirrors in the bathroom I don't know what it would be other than like what would it be gosh oh now that's cute that's a fun ghost I don't know actually if I was alone in a place and saw that I'd probably be upset wait what what are you doing it's probably other right yeah was this not like a wall yeah maybe I'll just try door cocked there's not that's not an option it is door cocked oh painting yeah there she is that's the one that it was every time we see that painting we're screwed it's over you fix six oh my God and like we suck we are not very good at this like really bad do you guys want to go back yeah it looks pretty nice now that it's not dark yeah we might as well that's like a that's not a baby face that's an old face see maybe this thing has been disappearing we didn't even know because it was so dark baby what has changed look upon the room this scrutinizing eyes ghost there's a ghost biggest Ghost in This scary window goes giant [ __ ] Foose hold on I have to talk to window ghost um excuse me eat Windex my [ __ ] neck hurts it's because it's craned non-stop trying to play this game but rotate my chair so that I now I'm looking to the left instead of the right there we go that's how you fidget Jesus and then we've noticed it yeah I'm gonna rotate my chair and oh my God the chair's been rotated chooses shoes good Mr ghostly with shoes [ __ ] you know what I'll play your game I mean why not [ __ ] balls Man painting that's different is that Satan it sure is Satan my friend Satan he's always showing up he said at the most surprising times and places and and why wouldn't he he is the lord of the Damned there's lion rug and there's other rug very nice very good it's like I kind of want to keep it roads are expensive that was like oh man oh oh yeah outside is different outside Abyss presence yeah or just the lighting anomaly oh there we go oh no that's the abyss that's the [ __ ] Abyss cool that you can see it through both windows yeah well the abyss is large and in charge man some fun things have been happening on this one got some Abyss we got some paintings we've got an extra rug come on living like kings over here face wait cheer head oh God he's gonna come he's gonna come no please don't he's gonna do it he's gonna do it just [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I reported the wrong thing oh my god oh man you goofy bastard I think he only runs at you if you report him well get ready Ben clench your butt hey hey how's it going it's been here unless you're gonna report me is that what we're doing is is it just because the light or is this wall different to the right oh yeah oh she's kind of fine Ally please who is she is she gonna do something that's not the time is that an intruder or a ghost or a corpse Intruder okay oh oh maybe oh it's not it's an object it's like it looks like a mannequin yeah a mannequin oh yeah extra object that's not going to move then so I'm not going to stay on the paper okay good get gone I know they did it I know they didn't I I know in my I know they had to do it to me that they did not do anything with the baby face I know in my heart but I want it to be are you sure go back what look at her guys please Focus I've been looking at her every time I [ __ ] go to that that's the number one thing I'm like did baby face change no flesh is an idiot please keep moving oh the TV's on look at that that's new hello David Lynch [ __ ] happening on there please stand by wow that's cool it's like ringu gonna fly out or something I would definitely if this was my real job I would constantly be singing to myself like Popeye to keep myself calm it's a ghost [Laughter] I don't see any new things do you see any new things Dan I don't [ __ ] [ __ ] looks like worse [Laughter] looks like I'm going to retire from game Grimms until we clear this level yeah oh jiggly man that's what he's saying out there yeah is he like visible somewhere else nah no I wish I want some [ __ ] continuity [ __ ] going on you know ladies can we get some action please oh sorry I keep thinking the one on the left is smiling more oh yeah it really weirds me out I always think that her face is [ __ ] up hmm that's nice I I feel bad if she was watching that yeah she's like what the [ __ ] do you mean shut that [ __ ] up what the [ __ ] step the [ __ ] up oh I want that gun to just like load itself and then point itself at the screen oh [ __ ] I like the like the [ __ ] movie of the train coming at the people and they're like whoa and they get out of the way yeah and the gun floats into the room and lands in the paws of the lion along I was like crap dumped on [ __ ] around more books oh yep good job oh my God oh my God this sucks 50 minutes away I thought we were in good shape the shovel's hole is thicker no it's not I'm going crazy so much anxiety dude okay is there an extra object on one of the shelves ah [ __ ] man [ __ ] this game is so hard I don't even know I don't even know what it was okay I know I know we got farther than we ever had before though that was our best hold on I want to just do a quick scrub you know like uh-huh everything's there and checked everything pillows yeah I got it thank you kitchen the kitchen was missing oh my God was it really yeah you're right we forgot to look at camera malfunctions okay that's was God damn it God damn it no shelves shelf stuff stuff on shelves I wasn't paying attention to this um I'm looking I don't think anything actually changed I was wrong um okay well [ __ ] [ __ ] man I don't even know what was wrong aside from the kitchen being not there yeah hello everyone what all right all right Aaron and I are going to uh give another shot to the station because it's been bugging us that we I mean the country obviously got close but we played it a lot um and the station we just got our asses beat so let's let's try and I think like if we if we give a little consistency to the station it'll be we'll have some we'll have a shot yeah well now that we got that brightness situation settled it could happen used to it it looks like I had it open for oh there we go yeah all right so this is it's on the brightness right it's bright okay yeah it's as bright as yeah we're good hold on wait actually a full desk I'm gonna stand up and get closer to the TV and look at what that is what what is this okay the situation so what do you got it's just a bunch of crap Dan you're really blowing my mind over here no problem that's that's definitely within the realm of cheating well if not entirely you suck oh that's a problem that's an issue the corpse yeah oh yeah so if it's a corpse then it won't move sir sir so that's nice he looks relaxed chilling and good for him you know yeah you know what treat yourself he gets to rest a little bit in this dog eat dog world you've had a long hard day of being dead were there always three Windows did I just hear something did you I thought I heard like he's jingling maybe that was in the room it was me it was me really sorry quit jingle janglin over there Mexican with my jingles Oh Oh missing computer hey good job [ __ ] getting actually seeing one and being sure of it is like it's like [ __ ] orgasming there's something in the station I found out normally homogeneous okay oh man we're gonna get oh that's uh let it zoom in for a bit I want to see what's at the end of this haul not that it'll actually show oh I got I can't it'll Zoom away actually oh God you're right I forgot it's this one [Music] we just got the warning try that light thing in the back what are the other what is something else that the the light that we submitted and we don't know what it is like well there's no light thing you know God damn it okay we're good wouldn't say we're good well I just want to make sure we're almost halfway there we've never made it halfway before on this one oh the locker door is slightly cocked yes it is on the right what that one lock the door is slightly it's always been like that what oh my God I mean I can try it but I'm pretty sure it started like that no the one on the left actually this one no behind that one yeah no no behind that one wow I'm gonna die I'm gonna have a stroke okay yeah I might die I'm gonna pass away I might die oh my God that's what is that what is that I think it's distortion well uh are you sure it's just a fire hydrant it's a drone oh yeah yeah or the fire extinguisher I thought it was a snowboard anomalies like to cut loose likes to shred that sweetener different picture yeah I am uh it's a postdocs new slogan Morgan as this is this different here I think that's been there I don't know yeah I don't know either unless I'm sorry all right I don't remember that Apple being there that's cruel why is that girl Apple's cruel because it's so tiny we both saw it though and well it's only because I thought something was here and then I tried it and so I looked really hard here you know I was really hired I'm just a little baby boy who doesn't know [ __ ] about nothing little baby boy over here need a little kiss for the baby boy We're alone here with ghosts oh man can they bring back large man or big man excuse me I'm sorry big man or a huge man God damn it well one two three four five six okay we're good ever so away eighteen I think this is if this is a door then it then it looks different oh what some feels different nothing I just I think I might like a neuron in my brain might have just exploded what does that mean but like I just like something died inside I'll never get it back cool there's like a pop in my brain that I could feel [Laughter] it was no good I can tell you that wait was there always a chair here no I don't think so oh there's a new picture hey all right dude this is we're like [ __ ] shotgunning anomalies over here damn picture and I'm like okay this one yeah yeah okay soap soap soap oh yeah oh void either void or lighting malfunction oh it is Abyss yeah cool is it a visible on any other ones void void void yeah it's coming I wonder what happens if you just let the abyss run wild for the summer probably get that [ __ ] a business a weekend warrior dude yeah the abyss is like whatever dad you can't just suck up everything okay what is under the door there you see that like the blurriness what's up with that I don't know man what's up with that blurry dude don't ask me yeah what am I the maker of abortion bore more what's a good Escape called Observation Duty something does the lighting feel different that's what I was thinking too okay I'm glad it's not just me is like but what would that be yeah there's no lighting thing maybe just try other oh others are good I feel like we did that oh there's the corpse oh there he is hey buddy Ted man are you resting uncomfortably oh wow there was another thing it was a lighting thing was it yeah it was like darker in here oh you're right okay corpsey boy no he's definitely not another because yes yes for sure it felt like super darker it was really dark okay great now I have to look for freaking Darkness he's always coming he's coming don't do it oh he's coming don't do it I'm reporting him don't do it he's gonna come Maybe not maybe not I don't think he's gonna come he's just hanging he's just looking around in the dark man I think he had no head so I don't think he knew to come yeah foreign [Laughter] is it darker in here than before um I don't think so no okay we're making good progress I do the jail dancing my new vest the chairs will move by demons when they're all possessed oh man was there a phone always there Maybe not maybe so just try extra objects yeah office extra object phone keep moving oh oh the cheeks locker room cakes is he gonna turn around please don't Shield your eyes yeah please don't turn around I do it I don't I don't need to see what's on the other side of that he's gone okay he was so oily yeah for a ghost he was that was a post-workout ghost yeah oh man you guys just caught me sorry sorry oh you caught me in the middle of flexing my glutes it's a glute cooldown I do oh [ __ ] I know I'm so stressed out I can't if only we could turn back time 20 minutes left I couldn't see a [ __ ] thing though like we were really scanning oh we did so much better that time than we've ever had oh ARG that's fine it's fine it's fine
Channel: GameGrumps Compilations
Views: 180,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game Grumps, Best of Game Grumps, Game Grumps compilation, Game Grumps compilations
Id: jdsvZxzkNDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 346min 56sec (20816 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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