Soul: The Problem if it can Journey (64)

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I've decided this evening to just talk about all of the problems that naturally arise if we can talk about something within us that can separate from the body and if it can separate from the body that means there's some kind of a trip or a journey and everything we say is really a consequence of this there's one simple statement I can only journey if it is if it is must have some definable limit if it can it must go from one place to another to journey implicit in this must be that it can then move from someplace a body to something that is not a body so all of the particular and curious questions emerge once your question once you explore this issue of the journey I think it comes down to four basic problems here we are now I'll take it first in terms of the journey if it can separate if it can separate from a body if it can separate from the body and then that is must be some kind of a collective it must retain some kind of for lack of better word form for I'm not in the sense of a shape but some kind of identity if it can retain an identity and there must be something then that sets its boundaries and what's interesting about this is that we just don't want it to retain an identity we want it to retain a particular identity which we call the self if therefore there is one authentic account of a soul separating from the body that means then if it separates there must be some kind of a vehicle by that I mean something just uh nothing other than what we just described I'm putting it together in one word and saying it's a vehicle so if I draw here a picture of a man let us say for the moment therefore I can talk about the soul represent it in this way with wings and since it has the capacity for we hope experience then we can say there must be an eye of the soul and therefore I put little face on there but right now I'll just put one eye in there of course that means it's a cyclops but it isn't intended that way all right now if we say then it can separate from the body then by necessity it's a body less thing right it's not it it can't your body separates from the body unless we have an operation and we remove a limb from a limb but this seems to be the question of whether or not if it separates if it retains an identity in its separation and if it does maintain an identity then we have a curious kind of question not only how did it do it not only why did it do it but what we can say if it does it now if it can separate obviously there must be a return so therefore if separation a return you guys otherwise there'd be some question about whether or not if there ever was a separation therefore this is talking about the separation of the soul from the body while someone is still living if that is at all possible then we have this interesting process of a separation a separation and a return if we have the separation and the return then we can ask whether or not that return from that soul trip is in any way similar to how the body got it in the first place because they can separate from the body then how did it get it in the first place so that's an interesting question how did it how did the body become and sold and then once and sold how does it function how does it function how does it function in the body and why why would it even function in the body I mean why did it even and get involved in the body well so we have one how did it get there - what is it doing while it's there 3 if there's a separation we are quite interested in that separation and for were interested in the return now everything we say is to try to make sense of some persons account of a separation and a return everything we say that merely follows this and these are all the problems no would you not agree if there is a return then we can ask was it worth it what in what way is it a positive or a negative experience we can say look here it's very nice to have separated but maybe the separation caused irreparable harm to the psyche in some way and therefore it shouldn't be done in the same way we can say what advantage accrued to the individual Warren was it a fall was the fact that the soul enters the body was that a result of a fall a negative or is it a positive one Sam sold how does it function is there something it does equally well that we can put in plus and minuses so when in sold how does it function because if it's important for us to have a body why separate from them now the separation the very process of the separation we can equally ask is as we did a moment ago is there a plus and minus to each of these each of these questions therefore require an answer looking for answers based upon just that one step whether or not the soul can is capable of making a journey independent of the body while it's still alive brings all of these issues up the way you try to answer them from the experience and filling them out into a rational whole if that is to save you can find some way of making hesitate before crawling making sense of it but making it into a rational whole because if you can bring it together all of these parts that fit together rationally then you're giving an account of the soul and that's the whole study of the soul eschatology right that's a whole study of the soul so when you make the rational you are then involved in philosophy but that's only true under one's one assumption and that assumption is that in that separation in that separation there has to be something like wisdom that's encountered and it has to have such a positive value that I in that separation that the possibility then of seeing apart from the body justifies the separation and the journey and therefore it must awaken some kind of intense desire for the object of its goal and if it in fact includes some idea of beauty then we can say clearly since all men desire what is beautiful there necessarily must be a love for beauty and again as we said before if we can say the most beautiful thing is akin to wisdom then we can say it naturally follows that a rational explanation of the separation of the soul from the body is philosophy if in that separation the soul encounters a marvelous and wondrous beauty which if it can be called wisdom that would ignite a love for it and therefore that justifies the explanation that this whole subject belongs in the field the philosophy therefore these are all the problems obviously you can enter into this anytime you'd like the soul would be indestructible then it's indestructible and if it's indestructible if the body is indestructible it must be the body must be something other now see whether I we're introducing another word right that word now we're introducing this there must be something about the body other than the physical form of the body stop what you're suggesting because that's physical yep then you're using the word body other than as a physical thing that's right that's right so you remember now you have two things you're talking about you're talking about the body and the physical shape of things so you're not I'm making a distinction to know in relationship if I in relationship to Bobby what is the relationship of the soul to the body description of the body and the popular notion of the body let's call the physicality yeah yeah what is interesting to see what you're talking about now is the relationship between the soul and the body that's what we have now right so here's the soul and here's the physical body and we want to know what after all is the connection between the two how does it function in the body why is it there is there something we can learn about that relationship there's something we can learn about that relationship No the whole development now a philosophy works on a series of analogies and we like to work up we'd like to work up from physical things up ancient philosophy always works down and therefore we always have a speculative jump sometimes called metaphysics when we try to understand these things because our natural desire is to understand things from the everyday world up but all of the philosophy of the Ancients and the Platonic tradition is the other way down let me see if I can explain that in this way we last time we work together we were dealing with the cosmology now in the creation or the whole development of the cosmos god or the demi Argos which is the God that then brings and that works that brings into existence the ordered universe you have therefore this element which is God then looks at what is in disorder and he brings it into order and he tries to bring it into order or he brings it into order using himself as the model but it is that he just brings into order a disorder he goes next he develops the next step to it and in that order he says look her we are going to create soul and this is the idea of soul of the universe we are going to make the soul of the universe and he does that remember out of being a being that is part 'less and the being that is partible he mixes the two and when he mixes the two he mixes it in a certain series of ratios and those ratio show therefore there's an intrinsic harmony to the entire development of the soul alright why are we doing this we're doing this for purpose and bringing into existence the soul of the universe it only had one purpose and the purpose was so that the soul then would have as its primary function the care of all the physical world of the universe that's what's goal right its primary goal the soul of the universe is the care of the universe and therefore in order to have care for the universe and soul then is spread throughout the entire universe therefore anytime there is anything or in any occasion anything happening in any part of it it knows it instantaneously and therefore is capable of knowing itself and all of its relative parts in any place here's the analogy now if this if the soul is to the universe in the same way as the soul is to man then we can then push out all of the analogies implicit in that if the soul is to the universe and respect to the fact that everything then in the universe falls into the jurisdiction of its care so to the soul then and in solling the body making an animate bringing life into it must have as its purpose the care of the body just as the world soul is said to have the care of all that is body all body now even its care for the body therefore it rules it's a ruler this therefore is a ruler it has the care of the body none necessarily it must have some intellect must have some intellect if it must care for it therefore necessarily it must be its concern must be directed towards the body there must be a sympathy for its care therefore there must be some interest towards that activity of Karen the interest is this sympathy a sympathy for all of its parts therefore when the soul is said to be unsold in the body at any point where you touch the body it immediately a signal is to the soul that there must be something going on since it takes care of the body then soul is primarily an intellectual must have some intellectual primarily an intellectual function I drove here up to drive there means I had to have a plan I drove here because I thought it was important for me to be here therefore I have a care I'm showing care I must command myself to do it in order to realize the goal that's care the soul is caring for the right it's caring for me caring for the body I drove here because I thought it was important for for myself to be here and therefore I had to have a plan I must be able to grasp the plan I must be able to put the plan in operation therefore a soul is primarily an intellectual kind of thing it's an intellect of kind of a thing well in if it's an in selective kind of thing then in its separation it must not only have the power to separate because that's a process in all process presuppose some kind of power but it also must have some in selective function because suppose someone were to say it's quite possible to separate the soul from the body that the soul this is kind of dumb it's not going to retain dead anything it's not going to experience anything of any significance because it doesn't have any mind when it separates well then we wouldn't consider it it too significant to journey therefore if there is such a thing as a separation the soul from the body then there must be some power to it it must have some intellect of sense to it it must have some unity to and separating and if it separates unitarily it may have some kind of a vehicle a form right an organization that it must retain because then when it comes back then in coming back that same intellect of power returns to the body and therefore it can still function and we must ask whether or not that journey had any positive or a negative component to it well okay if it is possible for the soul to turn about the example that you mentioned a moment ago if it can turn about and in that turning about know itself it either knows itself as a part or it knows itself in its entirety so if it turns about and knows itself in its entirety that is to say as a whole all right at once not sequentially like it dive into a pool of water you know the water as a whole at once immediately if it's that kind of experience when you can turn about and know yourself then that means if this is any kind of an object and we turn it upon itself so that it touches itself let's say we can stretch that and touch itself it will only touch itself at some parts of itself and never as a whole an ever at once no pretzel can touch itself at every place and every and every part of itself all at once and simultaneously therefore no bodily thing can do that if no bodily thing can do that and if it is done than whatever it is that does that must necessarily be not a physical entity it cannot be physical and if it turns about and knows itself not only is it not physical but it's not merely sensation for if it knows itself it it's not physical right it can and if it's not physical that means it's not subject to physicality therefore it's not going to be subject to change I had if it's not going to be subject to change then in one sense it's not going to perish if it can separate itself and it's not dependent upon the body for its existence therefore it's independent therefore it's independent of the body now if it can know something much more and superior to what it knows when in the body then we have to judge whether that was significant enough for the journey to take place and how it fits into our picture so therefore let's try if there is therefore this turning about and knowing itself as a whole all at once clearly Souls not something physical it's not physical right and it therefore must be independent of the body and it can survive the body because that's what we mean violent no if it can do that and if it can't if it in that separating it can recognize itself see if it can recognize itself as that which is doing it then the identity of the self is equally a part of the nature of the soul if it can separate and you still retains the either sense that hey that's me it's me I'm doing it it's a separation that's me therefore necessarily the idea the soul must include one's identity it didn't if the soul separated from the body it'd say hey goodbye let me know what it's like when you come back in that sense then the souls identity we would still be retained in the body and not part of the soul and therefore the body therefore in respect that one's identity would be built in a necessary part of the body if that doesn't happen but if it takes place in the way I just suggested therefore the idea of the soul includes one identity includes it in the sense that that's what it has or that's what it is therefore we can say in that sense uh it's an intellectual function it's not physical it maintains one's identity that means then whatever is experience one was know that oneself is doing the experiencing hmm well here's the question now if it does separate if it does separate then in what does it participate I mean what does it participate because if there's nothing then it's no journey if it's a separation we sold blue Boni but there's nothing which would participate so there's no journey at all therefore in what does it participate and what do we mean by this curious word participation well we sure need something and it's a good thing we have a piece of chalk to remove some of this and our first page right here's the idea of participation any participating principle gives to what participates or the patoot participant either itself right it gives itself or a part of itself maybe give it's part of itself then we can use the word bestows then it bestows life upon animate bodies and since it can no itself or revert upon itself therefore you know what we can say let's try to do see if anything any participating principle gives to the participant either itself or some part of itself and the example we used was right if you get into the water you participate in something there must be something you participate in and therefore merge in become a part of I've become a part of and therefore here's the one principle we need there must either be a resistance on the part of what is being there must be a resistance on the part of what is being participated in or an acceptance of it that is to say suppose someone were then to separate the soul from the body and take a very nice trip and came back and said you know what I encountered I encountered a sign as soon as my soul left the body and it said we don't want you the price is more than you can pay we don't like people who have 10 toes on their their feet 10 fingers we don't want people separating into this region well either there is a resistance to that participation or it's an acceptance the principle in this game is that that participation is entirely open if if whatever is participating is fit for the reception therefore it's always accessible it's always accessible if the individual is fit for its reception no nothing to overcome therefore there can be emerging they become a part of whatever it is and if that's the case then what does it find what then is that thing to which it finds now nearly all of the Philosopher's who play this game what I mean by that get involved in this kind of a discussion talk about perception now we're talking about what it is that is participated and we're now it looks like we're changing the subject to participation but we'll have to bring them together looker perception is only possible if there's some medium light light is not seen we do not see light because the only thing we ever see are things that have color all right if something has a color then we can see it but has no color it's invisible now once the object once that object is placed in the light then the eye then the I can fix on it the eye then is sometimes talked of as being held by the illuminated object and then the mind can fasten to it I see that statute right if no object no perception yet all visible objects are more than the color that is to say they're more than the light that bounces off it has some kind of mode of existence well then let's say now if we can do that for the solar is it possibly we can use the same language what is that we want to know when the soul separates that it encounters and what is it it encounters to what degree then does it participate in it participate in it suppose it right it either loses its boundary its vehicle or it is capable of merging with it and still retaining it on its return and that's one of the most interesting questions there is if a boundless vision occurs then why the restricted why the restricted returned to this to the everyday world the everyday sense well what is it that's encountered see the I can see the light right no I've sees the light it sees through it light is not visible the only people who experience light are these people who separate the soul from the body they experience life and that's what we have to find out what is that how do they talk about it what should we say about it now I'm going to use this these words what is encountered in experience what is encountered in the experience is a luminous radiance now I'm going to add to it that is a light experience smell occur what counters in that light is not just simply luminosity what encounters in this that this is in fact life it's a life that's brilliant and perfect therefore it includes within itself a life principle and an intellectual principle why intellectual principle because in this seeing see in this it's a seeing it's a knowing it's a knowing and therefore it's a knowing experience and therefore it is a knowing or an intellectual the use of intellect the eye of the soul is the intellect therefore brings together life intellect and in that the universal group from everyone in every tradition that needs nothing seeks nothing that is simply just as it is perfect being exactly what it is and it contains within itself and the key word we need is a goodness not the good but it is good not the good it is a good now what does that mean then the soul has suddenly taken on light this therefore is the first real experience of light it's therefore called the source of light therefore in philosophical talk now we can say while things are illuminated we can turn to the source of it and discover the Sun the biggest problem in philosophy is if that parallel if that can be said to be parallel on the level of the soul then in the same way in experiencing this light there must also be a source to it therefore what can we say the soul has suddenly taken light it's recognised as a supreme it's taken therefore as immediately recognised as life intellect it's brilliant it's perfect it's a source of a vitality and here's the big word we need one recognizes through it all that this is a higher sense of what we mean by real than anything else because anything else in comparison with it is a shadow that comes with the experience therefore it's not merely luminosity that luminosity is real or reality it's a goodness to it it's a life principle it's brilliant perfect needs nothing requires nothing and yet for this fantastic experience there is still something that is said to be the very source of it so therefore this is seeing the supreme by the supreme now we're back to our question nice journey nice vision but how can this be helpful to man was the trip worth it to know this well that what does the person recognize them that in this separation that the nature of reality is good that it is good that necessarily it allows any participant because if the participant participant in any way is capable of the experience it is graciously provided therefore it's open and accessible to those who are ready for it and therefore it is a natural Avenue an actual journey into a higher and ultimate reality but if that's true why is it so significant what's so significant about it why you come back and you recognize the nature of reality is good apart from all the struggles and stripes and Wars and all of the difficulties in pain and suffering going on endlessly at the core of reality the nature of reality it's perfect that gives us a problem therefore we when we come back which is how is it possible that in my everyday experience I perceive things that are less perfect and yet in the highest vision open to the mind I recognize in reality that it is perfect to be able to carry this as a question by the way is the very heart of Zen Buddhism or Buddhism it's a : so not which one I did yes I want to make sure we have that fit for the reception no let's go back to 1 2 3 4 why in Seoul one why why what follows once in Seoul three the separation for the turning around the vision and the return according to this reasoning then that in the idea of Seoul in the classic world we have a good number of them so let's take this out and they were said to be there for the world soul and they're said to be in the intelligence the and the intelligence they're said therefore to be messengers and are that's a Greek word for that is angel de mom's not demons de mons heroes intelligent beings like you and I and solos are also occupied with anything that has life but it need not have intelligent life run it can be non rational life forms they say in the Greek world heroes are archetypes Damon's Socrates were said to have a Damon Damon is that inner voice which if we listen to the inner voice needs to be cultivated that's a diamond a messenger or angel is that which can bring obviously messages from the divine world soul is called a God because the whole universe is set to to be in the end of the creation of it a living God now if throughout this entire thing there is nothing other than goodness unfolding then with that return journey return journey then therefore we have to have been benefitted and what we've gained by that benefit is to know that we're living in a universe in which Providence rings now Providence is a word we don't usually use anymore very seldom used right it's that which video right to see it's that thing which comes before prior right before seeing or it is prior it is a goodness prior to the operation of the intellect so therefore after that experience one then is is that the universe on the basis of reality is providential and that means prior to intellect even before intellectual functioning there is a beneficent quality to the very heart of reality which one kennix cannot speculate about alone but can encounter through this kind of an experience now what's it like to describe what did people like how do they describe it well I have a couple of quotes here from Platonists and I thought I'd give you one of them and all the need is met by a contact purely intellect 'iv at the moment of touch there is no power whatever to make any affirmation there is no leisure reasoning upon the vision is for afterwards we we may know we've had the vision when the soul has suddenly taken light this light is from the supreme and is the supreme we may believe in the presence when like that other God on the call of a certain man he comes bringing light the light is the proof of the Advent the light is the proof of the trip the journey thus the soul unlit remains without that vision lit that possesses what its sought and this is the true end set before the soul to take that light to see the supreme by the supreme and not by the light of any other principle to see the print supreme which is also the means to the vision for that which illumines the soul is that which it is to see just as it is by the sun's own light that we see the Sun now how is this to be accomplished cut away everything what is this light all life belongs to earth life brilliant and perfect thus all in in it is at once a life principle and an intellectual principle nothing in it aloof from either life or intellect it is therefore self-sufficing it seeks nothing and if it seeks nothing this is because it has in itself what lacking it must seek it has therefore it's good within itself either by being of that order and what we have called its life and intellect or in some of the quality or character going to produce these now he's talking about what it is what is it say remember what we asked before if this is the light and if there is a natural analogy in the universe between natural forms and this we are left with this rather interesting and curious puzzle if the soul then can experience this luminosity and in the waking world right we can then encounter things that we see because of the light and if there must be a source to the light the Sun then it must follow therefore there must be a source to this supreme experience and that is called the one and it's also called the nature of the good itself capital right Doug good now the relationship between the good and this kind of vision or pure intellect or pure being because this is luminosity this is the luminous experience we talked about this therefore recognized as you see your intellect recognizes the intellect that is the very nature of that experience so recogni-- recognizes mind record mine recognizes pure mind mine recognize and lumen luminous experience the very source of vitality in life in that overwhelming experience phenomenologically that's an experience of what is called in Plato the perfection of beauty or beauty itself but now look what we have called it we called it mine called the vitality we called it live we called it supreme we say phenomenologically you know in terms of experience its beauty pure beauty I see it's one two three four five things we're saying about it therefore it can't be the one therefore the one if it is the source of that must hold an even more sacred position than this luminous experience of the divine now that of course is going to be another subject of the problem of the one and the many on the highest level why did we come to that we said in this magnificent experience this magnificent experience it has a unity a unity of vitality luminousness mind or intellect it can be then perceived as or recognized as pure beauty that's a unity of all of these qualities that's a many notes happening therefore even though it is a one kind of experience it is not the one if by the one we mean strictly speaking absolutely no parts so we've taken the trip of the journey of the soul brought you back to the one many problem and that's what I wanted to do so let me throw it open there no it doesn't no no castle no cancel no attendance well yes you can call the line coming out of the castle if you call out the abode of the Divine right we can put terms to it like that they've called it the abode of the Divine you call this the eighth akshar in picture they also call this buddha-nature some very fine descriptions of this are found in many works three pillars of the Sun is a good one for ya this is over this is the I think most I think a good number of people would agree I think it's the a dark starting picture or something therefore beyond it see the difficulty with this is that this is something you can go in and out of and therefore you carry it in your memories so to speak becomes part of you but it's also something therefore that you might cling to be proud of having think you're good enough to have had it build all kinds of images in your mind because of it why and Buddhism they have that absolutely great concept the stench of enlightenment right someone who comes back from this made may have a certain aura about them of holiness and they say oh my gosh that guy stinks because there's a state beyond that which is purer than this which is not an experience that you go in and out of those either czar go in and out of and Hinduism they have an equally beautiful experience called the Samadhi that you can go in and out of is no Samadhi at all this is one rasa beauty would you say that all men desire the good as they understand it okay would you say does would you say does mankind does that more acceptable what do you want to call men and women collectively okay I'll put them together to these things to these things to all of these things desire the good and whatever they desire do they desire because they think it may benefit them when they deserve there's a picture here are some people let us assume let's take the other case if we say that these people desire the good or good things and these bad things or harmful things suppose we define that this person who desires this bad thing does so because they actually think it's good and they were mistaken it's really bad wouldn't you say this person belongs in this group really desires what's good I see what you mean you mean something very important about exists don't you right and that is that they must fear that it's real I'm for support right for existence to you names that must be real and if it's real it must be eternal or immortal might change once all right just to help you in the language just for a moment just a convention all right there's a difference between existence and the word being with a capital v existence often means is used for things that come in and pass out being is often is most often described as the way you use the word real changeless immortal that's right that's right that's right using this language yeah so now you're saying I can answer that question if I can find out that men and women share and this stuff not existence yeah would you say men and women though each one of them could you credit for something that has would you say these things can set a direction for themselves do they set directions do they plan do they plan on eating do they plan on walking across the street these things men and women men and women just for the moment do these things plan well yeah maybe we can do that if we first just ask the existence question do these things that come into existence and pass out of existence men and women right when they exist coming in do they in their lives set plans right right and then they set directions for themselves and they also command themselves to go ahead and do those things right whether they're successful in are to something else do they do that because they seek to gain something they think is significant for themselves in that sense if they seek to gain what they hope or believe may be a good then these things taken together say there must be something inside of them right insofar as they have existence that cares they may be mistaken about what they choose to be they're good but they're all seeking a good no the thing in a person that sets plans and directions and commands go get it because it seeks to gain from that a good that thing that does that in us is called soul that's the definition force all right right so now if the soul can do all of these things we described tonight then the soul is immortal and therefore these things have not only existence but being and therefore not that they say well let me make one more step we can perhaps help it there's a part which is immortal we're calling that being there is a part that is very mortal and that's see all of that is activity isn't it that's it well it's all activity so they're mortal partisan activity and would you agree not only is it inactivity necessarily it's seeking a goal it's seeking I makes plans directions write commands it so it's in time it functions in time but that part of the soul that we talked about that separates from the soul from the body and that experience we described that's real immortal and it knows simultaneously the whole what watch up anything that you can know simultaneously as a whole all at once is that is the word for eternity or eternal therefore there's a part of the souls a part of the soul therefore is two parts one is immortal therefore it must have some kind of thing called being right it it must be real eternal and immortal and the way in which you can talk about that weird thing is this curious word you see in Greek right which is that thing which is capable in us to turn around and know itself that takes on the word in English essence sometimes they translate it as being so therefore there's a part of the soul which has an essence that part which can turn around and know itself there's a part which is mortal in its activity therefore the soul has an essence and an activity essence is an eternity or eternal and it's activity is in time Wow okay we can then do this we can say is that curious because being itself that luminous reality that moon is radiant right of what is ultimately real right that exists the essence of that right the essence of that is eternal and since it is it is a dynamic it's activity right it's being is eternal and it's activity is eternal both so therefore its essence is eternal and its activity is eternal therefore soul its essence is eternal its activity is in time now you know what there are other kinds of things like this chalk right all of its parts is subject to change nothing survives therefore its essence is in time and its activity or what you do with it is in time so you see that's a that's a mean proportion both are in time both are eternal the soul therefore has one part and like these other things one part that's in time therefore it's something proportional or been right dumped right right right if I posit the existence of median or actually I'm actually positing is the existence now mediator you're saying are you not but there is something common to us all right that's what's real welcome to the degree that we can participate in that real drop that's right totally true that's right say what you just moved from is is the idea of individual souls to the idea of soul to the idea of what is real as reality and then you saw immediately that that has to have to now consider something higher than that since that's a unity right and therefore there must be a one above it all and that is what really is that's right that's right that's right you've gone through these categories now if we had more time the question of the fun thing to explore and to put into words and see whether you can make sense of it is how there can be individual souls can you talk about a collective how does that relate to world soul are they parts of it do they share in it do they participate in it that's a one many problem then on the level of reality of each of these souls is capable of experience the nature of this reality then good heavens if that's true then if they experience the same thing and recognize in that experience it discloses something about themselves that is they know themselves and they know the same thing about them all and we should take some time out and do it but see the part that you're talking about is very important because that's the return say after that vision why aren't we totally different why aren't we totally changed why don't we tell people that that was me yesterday I'm no longer me yesterday I'm totally different we can there's still something about us that we still recognize that has some kind of continuous identity that's the problem of individual soul I hope that's the one many problem per se sienten okay all right thank you very much you
Channel: PostNothingness
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Keywords: Philosophy
Id: 7es588o6tMU
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Length: 74min 47sec (4487 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 24 2015
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