November 2020 Meeting of the York City School District Board of Directors

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uh president sweeney we are up and running all right good evening ladies and gentlemen excuse us for the late start we had an executive executive meeting prior to this meeting now we're going to start our board meeting for november 18 2020. we'll start with roll call please director breeland here director brown here vice president bryant here director kennedy yeah director liggins director orr yeah director riviera here director thompson morgan here president sweeney here now we'll have a moment of silence and reflections directors please join me in the pledge allegiance to the flag i pledge allegiance to the flag of united states of america for which it now we'll have approval of the minutes did you have the minutes before you this is direct to kennedy i make a motion that we approve four minutes from may june july august and september this is director riviera i second that approval we have a motion by director kennedy second by director riviera all in favor aye aye aye opposed nice habit dr barry are you ready for your superintendent report i am good evening everyone this evening we have a little bit of a different twist on the superintendent's report as promised um the assistant superintendent dr gloucester will be presenting on um the principal milestone meetings dr gloucester thank you president sweeney and all directors assembled good evening um we are super excited to share with you some of the work that we have been prioritizing for all of our schools in reference to our school improvement plans and how we are prioritizing that we're to continue to keep a laser lens on equity excellence and academic achievement for all of our students even within our our current status of the global pandemic so what we will be sharing with you this evening is our school improvement planning process which embodies much of the work from our recovery plan process our school improvement process and likewise the work that we have been embarking upon with uva over the past several years to help us to continue to move our schools from good degree next slide please so beginning this summer well as you know our school has been identif our school district has been identified as a school in recovery a school district and recovery in as early as 2012 and many of our documents have highlighted um the the work that we should be doing to ensure that we move from that status um now in 2020 it is imperative that we recognize that the notion of being in recovery is not a life sentence right our goal is to ensure that we move academic achievement um and prioritize our leadership moves to support the work to move out of recovery and demonstrate um to our students to our communities and to our families truly their their ability to demonstrate academic achievement and academic growth so in an effort to prioritize that work this summer we work very closely with central office members excuse me as well as many of our school leaders collaboratively to build out our strategic planning process our strategic plan as a district which is used directly as a through line from the district to inform the work at our schools and then likewise to inform the work that is happening directly in the classroom so this framework that you see is is the notion that we believe in the spirit of the school district of the city of york so we're prioritizing safety and security parental family community engagement we're focusing on instructional continuous improvement which we'll talk more about this evening being reflective practitioners in the work being innovative and professional efficacy and demonstrating teamwork all of these ideas are being are being supported by the pillars of academic expectations the lens of equitable treatment equitable opportunities for all students to learn ensuring that we provide equitable resources as well as equitable accountability for our actions our behaviors and our leadership moves through that we are working to empower all of our leaders ensuring continuous improvement of instruction student support center supports data-driven human capital and human resources and ensuring that we allocate resources all grounded in the notion of high academic achievement ensuring that we have great leaders and great teachers as well as focusing on those non-academic indicators which we'll look at in a few moments to ensure that we embody the spirit of the school district of the city of york next slide so the dis so the district was identified as a tsi some of our schools were identified as targeted supports and improvement um this was identified by a calculation that was um shared with us from pde um and those designations can happen in four major lanes either economically disadvantaged our english learners are students with disabilities or hispanic students um as you can see this chart here pretty much identifies where our schools landed which again continues to inform us how we support our principles so that they can support their teachers in support of our students so the through line is very clear for us on how we support our schools next slide so what we have created is this milestone process and the milestone process that we have created is is in an effort to help us to progress monitor the school improvement goals that each of our principals have developed with their school leadership teams it's important for us as we work through this recovery process to turn our schools around to ensure that we are continuing to process monitor and use data to inform our decisions around the instructional moves that are happening in our classrooms even through a virtual lens um so what we have adopted is this is the data wise process and the data wise process was created or really birthed from harvard university's college of education and what it is is a process that allows us to organize um coherence around the work of school improvement it allows it is a specific process that allows us to facilitate intentional thinking around using data to inform our decisions and helps us to analyze that data in a manner to help support increased student learning next slide the data wise process is not a declarative it is not a directive where we are pushing down and sharing with principals how they should do their work instead it really does um support this collaborative democratic leadership process where the answer really is in the room so principles are present district leaders are present and eventually the process will spread out that all stakeholders are present where we are looking at this all of the work to inform our action steps to help us to glean the goals that are identified in our school improvement plans next slide so we recognize that this is the first year that we are implementing our school improvement milestone process um i want to give kudos in deference to our high school they are an atsi school they have they are a year ahead of our k-8 schools and they are demonstrating a phenomenal job and really serving as a model within our liu footprint on how they are continuing to to facilitate that work in the school so our k-8s are now on board because we received our designations um you know prior to the pandemic and so now we are prep prime and ready to move forward in this work so um in an effort to do that as a district office we are really scaffolding out um at the beginning we are working side by side elbow to elbow shoulder to shoulder with our principles and really spending a great deal of time with individual principals and assistant principals for that matter um really taking a deep dive and looking at their data resources our milestone meetings are occurring approximately two hours uh two and a half hours for some of our schools and we are really committed to dedicating that level of intensity and time to help provide that one-on-one support for our for our our principals and our schools as we scaffold it out at the beginning of year once we get to the mid-year there will be district office uh members who have already been assigned to the schools to support school leaders and their leadership teams to help develop out their milestone reports um and then at the end of the year when we host the milestone meetings the idea is to have again all stakeholders in the room so from our district leaders our school leaders our teacher leaders um parents as well as students that are identified at the school level to really be able to engage in this work next slide so step two of the presentation uh we will host really open-minded conversations around around what the data is really sharing with us about student progress student achievement and student growth it is our expectation that you know we continue to find the answer in the room we continue to ensure um you know to host uh you know equitable opportunities for all voices to be heard at the table so that we can work together in harmony and in unison to support the work of our of our schools the the the notion of principals carrying this load on their shoulders in isolation without the support of central office is a is is something that we are ensuring is no longer the case instead we want we want to ensure that we are a part of the work process with with our school leaders and so the presentation allows the principals and school leaders to share with us what's happening in their buildings and how we as central office members can support them in gleaning there and capturing their goals so this is a quick deep dive into what the milestone reports um represent um it is it is broken up into three very specific areas the first part as i spoke two moments ago really refers to the non academic leading indicators and they refer to as leading indicators as research has shared has provided for us because we really want to be able to look at these leading indicators to identify the extent to which they can be in support of or impede the work of our academic goals in support of our if i could go back i'm sorry i was distracted um so first we look at uh i apologize we look at the uh teacher effectiveness uh by looking at the pvos data and what that reveals to us and the extent to which we're providing support for our teachers we're looking at um the possible vacancies that might be in our buildings and we are super excited after we've gone through all of our ka schools many of our schools are 100 fully staffed and that is is something that we need to celebrate to ensure that every teacher that needs to be in front of our students are absolutely there so we are excited about that um we also look at the number of first and second year teachers in each of our buildings and the extent to which uh principals and school leaders are being intentional about providing support to them to ensure that they are able to embark upon this work with fidelity we also look at the demographic data of each of our schools in each of our buildings and really do a comparison or crosswalk if you will of the number of students per demographic area that that exists because that really helps to inform us on some of the decisions that we make as we look at the academic data that is provided next slide the next piece that we look at and this is still part of part one we look at the non-academic goals so some of the pieces that we look at typically as principles we pay a lot of attention to our daily student attendance and we really want to make sure that we're above the threshold at that 93 95 98 percent um but we what we also did this time is to really look at our chronic absenteeism rate of our students and we know that the state defines chronic absenteeism as being absent ten percent of the number of days that they have been enrolled at the school if they have if they were enrolled for 100 days for example and they were absent 10 days or more they're considered chronically absent um and chronically absenteeism is not just for you know if you know unfortunately if they were ill but if they've been suspended if they've been expelled all of those pieces fall under chronic absenteeism which really does now um principals were able to engage in conversations and taking a deeper dive as we look at the suspension rates and how does that impact um student achievement and student growth specific to chronic absenteeism we know that if students are present they are not learning and likewise if teachers aren't present students aren't learning and so we want to also pay attention to our teacher attendance as well we want to ensure very similar to our students that our teachers are present at a high rate so that they are providing that our teachers are highly qualified teachers and we want to ensure that our highly qualified hq teachers are in front of our students at a high rate so that they can continue to provide the the level of instructional pedagogy that they give to our students on a daily basis from there we take a look and look at our successes any challenges that we've had and how we can work with the principals and school leaders to identify specific action steps to support the work of those non-academic goals next slide parts 2 and parts 3 are relatively synonymous we look at our ela that's our english language arts goal as well as the mathematics goal and in both instances we look at their specific goal for their school improvement plan we identify what assessments are being used to progress monitor student achievement and then we identify what success has had can we see when we look at the demographics if we're looking at african american students if we're looking at our economically disadvantaged students if we're looking at our students with disabilities what successes are gleaned from the assessments right likewise we're looking at the challenges if we you know how what are the areas where they were most perhaps deficient and they have most challenges and how can we as educators support their growth so when we begin to look at the implementation the timeline and likewise the action steps we are being very intentional to identify one to three highest leverage action steps we're not identifying 19 23 action steps that we can do right we really want to just choose maybe two or three that we can really push forward on um press the gas on if you will to ensure mastery of that skill to support teachers and developing those strategies so that they can support our students so we're being very intentional about building out those those action steps but not only are we helping t principals develop those strategies those action steps central office members we are also a part of those action steps so again they are shouldering this alone we have our assistant superintendent of special education at the table other members of special education at the table our ela supervisor now our mathematics supervisor our uva recovery officers at the table data assessments team all of us are at the table our instructional technology administrator all of us are at the table to really provide that high level of support for our principals so they aren't working in isolation again it is a collaborative process we're being very intentional about providing that support to our to our schools next slide again this is the same thing similar to the english language art slide we do the same process doing that root cause analysis work with principles next slide upon conclusion of the milestone meetings what we would what we like to do is to have principals share their milestone feedback out with their staff and their school leadership team to review those action steps with the leadership team identify those short-term term goals based upon those bite-sized action steps that we've developed and then follow the work of bambrick paul bambrick santoyo who um supports excuse me the work at uh uva um i had now we had an opportunity to all meet him and i was like a whole like fan girl like super excited i have his books and i was so excited to get a picture and his autograph in our books it's like my quick nerd moment but um with that said he talks about in his text you know the notion of assessing instructional time analyzing the work analyzing the data and then putting that work into action so really being intentional about how we assess the work how we use that and analyze that data during our plcs and then how do we intervene for those students that experience challenges and likewise how do we enrich those students who who you know demonstrated success um and so our work is really around that that cyclical process next slide our data and assessments team very quickly i won't go through all of those um links but um special kudos to steve patrick um aaron and dave kopp who really have done i mean they're a small and mighty team they built an entire data dashboard specifically for each individual school to be able to go in to review our teacher reports uh through pvas to be able to look at sapphire to look at the teacher attendance to look at our cdts and all the other assessments right there at their fingertips to help them use this use these data tools to inform our decisions around the work we need to do to support our students in service of our students as well as addressing the notion of being a district in recovery next slide so now what i'd like to do is to share with you two principals who have gone through this process all of our principals all of our ka principals have um gone through this process um but we're going to highlight two of them this evening simply because they are currently also in the uva cohort and they're going to make some connections for you how this milestone process has informed their work not only so that they could you can see how this process is informing their work in connection with what they are learning and being supported with from the state from the uva work that we are doing so i'll start first with uh principal mathis at ferguson ka and then follow immediately following her would be principal keith steele at debra's k-8 principal mathis principal mathis i think you're muted thank you dr gloucester thank you board of directors for allowing me to present this evening and thank you to all of our york city state coders who are streaming in and listening into us i am natasha mathis i'm the partner and principal at ferguson pre-k 8 community school here in york city school district i as dr gloucester just stated i went through the milestone meetings recently which has really allowed me to be intentional on my focus on which data points we are using to focus on student performance growth and engagement and i really emphasize engagement right now during this virtual time because that is a huge part of the work from not only our staff but also our families who are acting as learning coaches for their students what i feel is that this process is trying to create data-driven administrators and we know that we use data every day but this process has helped us to zone in on specific data points that will move students towards academic achievement not just growing them in some ways but in all ways based on our targeted support and as you saw ferguson does have identify all four areas for targeted support so it's very important that i am able to take this information and use the collaboration that is being offered by central office not only collaboration but the fact that they have already been out to my building twice to support this work to dig deeper in the data points that were provided it is necessary for us as admin to create urgency and what the milestone meeting was able to do is give me intention around high expectations academic and social emotional support and engaging our students during this virtual time it's allowed me to be very specific in my action planning dr gloucester did give me guidance to choose only two to three action steps which i then did the same for our leadership team and our teachers to only focus on two or three action steps that they can gain some wins which just like our students is gaining confidence and will help them master things and move on to the next hard and maybe challenging topic that we're doing for our students these meetings have helped me push my thinking and also think outside of the box on how we can support students but most importantly as i said before engagement our staff our families our students all need to be gage in this process as we see the increase in students attending live sessions attending zoom meetings also coming into office hours to ask questions and support from their teachers we know that it is our job as admin and staff to share with parents the expectation that they are being the learning coaches that we need and although this is challenging for most and we're all on a learning curve including admin staff students and families we also have some booths that we're seeing with students and i want to acknowledge one of my students aisha sorry aja oki and her mother her mother has been a amazing learning coach not only making sure that she is engaged she is on her live lessons but she is coming in and advocating for her own support so although this may be challenging for many students now that we are one to one our engagement is increasing daily um we are communicating more confidently with our families and we know that if we continue to use this process that the district is supporting us from central office and preparing ourselves to do the work we will continue to grow our students and with the hopes of student achievement and proficiency good evening madam president and school board directors uh i would like to take this time to talk about the process as we went through with devers um one of the biggest and most important things that we will see uh was that the opportunity in the milestone meeting to analyze data we were able to analyze data from the pssa pvas and also cdt data that is allowing us to be intentional in how we move forward with helping our own staff through the process in the milestone meeting we actually did a root cause analysis looking at both math and ela and attendance and to really dive into one of those areas uh we went through the five y process for mathematics and through that process we were able to determine that we need to do a better job with conceptual teaching and how do we move forward to make sure that we're using conceptual teaching and so that guides us into our professional development how do we go and build professional development to make sure that we have and our instructors have the understanding of how to teach concepts instead of just skills and that was one of the biggest foundational areas we were able to obtain through our five why process through that we also were able to look at developing individual teacher action plans um looking at and analyzing the data we knew that each individual teacher has different strengths and weaknesses and how do we move forward well we have an individual teacher action plan that actually they are using to guide their instruction moving forward and so using root cause analysis and our individual teacher action plans now you have a pathway to success that each of our teachers now have as in in their tool bag to move forward so two things coming from the milestone meeting was one us having the ability to analyze the data and two to actually develop plans to address what we're seeing in the data and so now we have a pathway forward to actually help support our teachers and in the fact that we support our teachers we know that that support trickles down to our students so that we will see gains moving forward so the process in itself was an opportunity for us to really think and be attentional about the work going forward we were able to discuss ideas and concepts and how do we push the work forward all of us administrators are working hard and all of our teachers and all of the students are working hard but in this environment we have to be intentional about how do we move forward and this process allows us to actually be in an environment where we can think have a think tank and bounce ideas off of one another and hopefully get what is best for our students and so the process itself has really opened our eyes uh in combination with uva uh we already had 90-day plans we now are able to intertwine our 90-day plans with our individual teacher action plans and all of the analysis that we were able to do moving forward so combining those two things it's not just another thing on a teacher's plate or even even on our plate is actually combining those things to make sure that what we're doing instructionally is the best for our kids and so the process itself has helped us to open and expand our thoughts and how do we move forward many thanks to you principal mathis as well as principal steele for your engagement as well as receiving the support that we are being intentional about to support the work of each of our schools i'm certainly happy to to hear you make those connections um to support the words not an add-on it's not an additional piece it's it's to enhance what you're already doing so i appreciate your thoughts we go to the next slide so in the spirit of again the notion the work that we received from paul bamberg santoyo where we're thinking about this idea of that cyclical process of assessing analyzing and moving into action the the central office after we met with all of our k-8 schools and again each of those meetings took between two to two and a half hours but after each meeting after we completed that that series of meetings we then convened as a central office team um to review our instructional leadership collaborative work right so we looked at all of those data pieces and some of the you know pieces that we received from our schools reviewed those action steps and made some alignment to our work stream for the next few months so we want to ensure that we're working in tandem with each other as opposed to working in silos or in isolation so once we were able to meet we were able to make some connections on how the special education department for example can work in collaboration with the ela work to support the work of a specific school based upon the action steps that were identified from each school so we're being very very intentional about closing those individual silos and working as a cohesive team in the spirit of you know really being um intentional being um and making sure that we prioritize um this sense of urgency to move out of a school district in recovery we believe again that in the spirit of the school district of the city of york that we have highly qualified teachers we have dynamic students as well as a very very supportive community all rallying together with us to ensure that we can move this work from good to great so as we think about our next steps our team always knows i say you know so what now what what does all this mean right so we are embodying you know this year our theme is to to lead through the lens of passion purpose and promise and so this this milestone structure that we have put in place really does allow us to work um and demonstrate our passion through this notion of equity and excellence to ensure by educating the whole child both mind body spirit we're working through the lens of purpose to ensure that we are accelerating our efforts to ensure that we are um using school improvement to move our schools from good to great and then finally we are leading through the notion of promise by promising to engage our families again as um learning coaches for our students to engage our community as partners with our schools to ensure that we continue to put students first in all that we do thank you for your attention this will conclude our report thank you dr gloucester this is director breeland i have some questions i don't know if you're ready for questions but whenever you give me a presentation that was that dynamic there's going to be questions very well i i really love the fact that we're putting our purpose and our focus deliberately and intentionally on data and how dana's gonna data is gonna drive instruction he started talking about the root cause analysis then leading to the conceptual teaching and then the individual teacher action plans that's gonna help them take a look at what their needs and their challenges are that's going to lead to that pathway of success so when we take a look at all those things combined and how we're going to look at analyze and interpret data and then use data to push us forward i would just like to know from dr from direct from principal steele and mathis what are their challenges and what are their hopes moving forward i'll go ahead and start um challenges where will be um in this environment is uh one of the things i think we're we're still working on is um directly working with teachers to work with students um uh at this time period being virtual um i'm not gonna have that ability uh to actually see that physical uh artifact that the students are producing um in in previous years or last year we were able to sit down with the teachers and examine all of the artifacts of the students and give feedback and now in the virtual environment is going to be a little bit different and we still have to work through that process of how do we get those artifacts so that we can really be intentional in how to support our teachers when i talked about conceptual thinking you can see problems that the teachers give up front but i really want to see how the students are attacking those problems and see what they're gaining from how they attack the problem itself and so we just have to work through some of the logistics of how do we get those artifacts in our presence so that we can help the teacher improve um what their their their practices and so that is one of the ways that we can be intentional in moving forward thank you mr steele and hello um again natasha mathis i would say some of the challenges are similar for a person that plcs have been um a big push for us in the buildings and now being in the virtual setting we are still able to review topics but it's not the hands-on the aggressive monitoring that we could do with teachers when we're able to be in their classrooms and be present physically in their plcs however i also think the engagement really helping families to understand that engagement is different in this virtual setting and that their partnership with us to be a learning coach is only for the success of their child so being able to go into google classroom and look at the assignments that the teacher has um assigned look at their email our bearcat emails to see which assignments they've missed because teachers are not only putting it in google classroom and on clever but they're also sending emails to the students so just us being able to communicate in every way to our families how they can be a learning coach in partnership with us how we can help communicate and also inspire and motivate their students in the classroom virtually but also through collaboration effort and high expectations for both our staff and our students thank you miss mathis thank you thank you dr gloucester thank you sir good after good evening magical services excuse me director kennedy and i just had a couple of comments and then um just one question because a couple of things mr breeland mentioned i highlighted as well and i just wanted to first of all thank you for such an in-depth um presentation that sort of took us on a journey of what we need things that we we needed to highlight and identified and then how we intend to actually be intentional about making some progress so a couple of things that i heard that um really sort of um warmed my heart or two things that i've spent in these last couple of years really continuing to put in in front of us all the time and that's authentic engagement and high expectations and those are two of the areas that i will always continue to push push push push because our students have the ability to do it but when they're not engaged in in a very real way and they're not provided with high expectations we will continue to not achieve where we need to be for student achievement and as a district so i was very encouraged to hear um both principals really sort of talk about that engagement piece and high expectations and then mr steele talked a little bit about um assessing the data and what you did as well in the presentation but specifically mr steele talked about assessing the data and the tools needed to um [Music] to address the data it's one thing to address i want to say it that way it's one thing to address or assess data but then being able to have the resources to provide um the need to move us forward based on what that data is saying is huge and important so one of the questions i wanted to ask for of both um principal principles was if they could identify where um we as the board have have um maybe some gaps in in the way of um decisions we make whether they're financial decisions programming decisions or system decisions that we could consider from your lens as the principal that would be of a support to you and then secondly what have you learned in going through this process that's been sharing tonight what have you both learned about um yourselves that you've been able to take into this role to highlight to your staff to maybe encourage and support them i can start this time i would say what i have learned to encourage and support them is just to be very honest that this is a learning curve for me as an administrator i understand this is a learning curve for teachers that we're so used to having our students right in front of our face but now having to instruct them virtually this is new and we've had hundreds of years to practice in classroom learning but we have not had that time um for virtual so number one is to give ourselves grace and pause think and stop and see which data points are valid in this setting and how can we engage families in this setting and show them that they are our partners i would say that would be my one um as far as what the board of directors can do is exactly what you're already doing collaborating with central office getting the information requesting information from us as admin directly on how we are moving the work forward what what data driven instructional practices are we using and really allowing central office to collaborate with us and not give us just directives to really see that every building although we're servicing the same population we all have our own unique strengths and our own unique challenges to piggyback on what she said i want to really um in the virtual environment to really have teachers experiment engagement is so important and what we're always talking about is how do we get those students engaged you can't do the things that you've normally done for hundreds of years the way that you taught before you can't do that and engage them in this environment and what we can do is continue to experiment to work to get better at what we're doing to be that that instructional leader that that lead learner because you go in every day and you experiment and you're willing to put yourself out there to try something new it is so important in this environment that you try something new these kids have so many other activities and things that they can uh get their mind into um when you look at all of the other things that they're engaged into and so our teachers can't be the same way you can't be the um ferris bueller teacher in on zoom you know saying you can't do the same thing on a zoom as you would in a classroom you know and and hoping that that one hook that one line that you said hook them you have to do something that is a actual hook whether it is a short clip or a video or whether it is getting them to actually converse um through the zoom and lots of different engagement techniques and strategies that they can use but they gotta go out and experiment and try it and no it's not gonna work all the time the first time that you tried you gotta fail to get better and so i want all my teachers to know that i'm not worried about you feeling you know what i'm really worried about is the end product is student learning and so yes you might go on it on there and i might be there watching you and you bomb that is fine all of us have been in a classroom and a lesson hasn't gone the way that we anticipated it to go that is not a bad thing it is part of life you know what i'm saying this is not a dog and pony show this is life i could get up here today and bomb and forget everything that i need to say but the truth of the matter is if you're here and you're there every day and you're trying new things that you're going to get better and they need that time to know that we're not going to kill them on that bomb that bomb lesson that they they they messed up on but if i know that they're trying and i can go in there every day and see them getting better and starting to get the students more in in tune to what they're doing and engaged then we'll see the the benefit going forward thank you very much mr steele and mrs mathis we really appreciate um your energy and your passion that you showed and and explaining your journey and sharing your your story with us and sharing the things that are working and and sharing some of the challenges that um you are facing as well so we appreciate the work that all of our principals are doing and our admin central office staff so again thank you dr foster for a great presentation thank you direct community much it uh this is director orr yes ma'am uh this is director or yes um i i just need to say this to principal matthews and principal still uh we're all going through a challenge here this this is a challenge for all of us and my hat is certainly off to all of you i i know just like you said the two of you said is a challenge for our children they're they're not used to this at all but god willing they're going to come through it you know they're going to be so well hopefully they will be if we trust and believe that our kids can do this that the parents will help them to get through all of us and all of us of course because you know this is my passion to do this for the children i wouldn't be on this board for nothing else but my hat is off to all of you all uh for for the work you're doing your presentation was right on point and just stay safe continue to do what you're doing god bless you all and and my prayer certainly goes out for our school district every day every day that our children will come through this with uh godspeed and and they will continue with their education and then give it their all to do the best that we can with the help from all of you guys thank you so much thank you thank you so much thank you and just to piggyback on what ms orr said myself and miss kennedy we had a conversation this week and it was exactly on this presentation that you gave we had questions and you were able to answer the questions that we already have prepared to submit to the administration so i thank you again oh wow i'm happy to hear that thank you this is uh director brown i also wanted to just uh echo what the other directors have already said and this it's just evident that this um milestone report embodies collaboration and with collaboration it encourages that inclusive environment which you know we're all stakeholders so um i was just happy to hear about the parent that advocated for a more more engagement so her you know her child could um you know have a more engaging learning process for herself so i'm glad to see the school district is uh catching up with all this technology and using these tools and um i just look forward to uh hearing about more of the results later you know see the outcomes of this so thank you thank you thank you very much director hi this hi dr gloucester this is director thompson morgan good evening to you um what a wonderful uh report i am curious um because you did uh bring up it um the data and also includes you know um black and brown boys and girls and just wondering that uh if there was any uh information shared um or information that was revealed about any systemic issues that we see that pervades black and brown communities uh with regards especially to student absenteeism students being expelled suspended all too often we hear about the school to prison pipeline and overall i'm just wondering uh has the data revealed anything that um that you don't already know and do you have any has there been any discussion of some possible solutions to attack that issue yes i'm excited you asked that question i think that is a two-fold question so one of the pieces of the work that we are doing obviously is this milestone piece where we are closely monitoring our school improvement goals and another arm that we're working on simultaneously with all of our district leaders principals school leaders district leaders is our equity work and we're all engaged in an equity course that's provided through the state we're the first district to really engage at it at this level with all of our district leaders so i want to just give kudos to dr jill kozer and daniel brown for helping us to launch this um and one of the areas that is being revealed that we're looking at um certainly is our our suspension rates uh we're very concerned about that and the extent to which it is impacting our chronic absenteeism rates right um so again if students aren't present they aren't learning but if they're being suspended at a higher level rate um how is that impacting their ability to to receive those interventions that they need um and continue supports if they aren't on site um so that is something that's being revealed and likewise if they are being suspended what does that what are the implications of the culture in the building um so as we continue to do root cause we're thinking about you know is you know is this really considered insubordination is this really considered disrespect um you know is there a way we could have mediated the issue instead of just jumping directly to a suspension and putting our students out of class and out of school um so while we are highlighting and really looking closely at our pbis work um we really want to continue to focus on the culture of our buildings we're also looking at our graduation rates um it's usually by cohort um and one of the pieces that has been revealed is that our el population um graduating and the cult in the four-year cohort is significantly lower than our el population who's graduating at a five-year rate so we're really trying to understand and get to the root cause of why that's occurring um we're at like 70 73 76 percent are graduating after five years as opposed to the four-year cohort so we're trying to understand the why behind that because that'll help us to mitigate um some of those issues early on k-8 and even once they get into ninth grade as well so it's implications there even around the ninth grade academy so uh yeah we're certainly looking at all of those pieces which is why when we first started out looking at those non-academic indicators first to what extent do those pieces directly impact or impede um the academic goals so we start off first step one is the non-academic indicator so teacher attendance student attendance chronic absenteeism suspension goals um teacher efficacy all of those pieces are the non-leading indicators that directly impact or impede um those goals so again some of those pieces are really being gleaned from the the equity course that we're taking and we meet about once or twice a month we have homework and we're really engaging in you know mindset and how that impacts um you know decisions that are made around culture around suspensions around expulsions perhaps um so there are a lot of pieces that we're still um digging into director morgan around that so i i certainly appreciate that because it's highlighting the work that we're doing well i really appreciate the work um that you're doing in that the you know the study and equity um that's taken place i think it's very important work and i think that communities across this country uh really should you know they would benefit from the second program um i think that uh because it is something that is so uh pervasive um you know throughout communities across this country and um you know i'm very excited to see you know more of uh what what you all um the some of the solutions and ideas that you all come up with and you know just to see the progress so i'm really excited along with um you know uh turn around in the uh teacher attendance as well when my daughter was a student at devers elementary um you know i don't have any numbers but um just um just how i viewed it um was that there was an issue with teacher attendance and you know she was always having a substitute teacher my daughter is one that loves to learn um however um that posed when she didn't have a regular teacher that did pose a problem for her um they lessen some of the excitement for her so that was a little bit of a challenge so i'm glad to see that that's part of the conversation as well keep up the great work thank you can any other directors have anything else to say yes this is director riviera um good evening dr claustro thank you thank you for a good presentation um i have one question though the presentation um now was that provided for the covet or doing for the covet 19 or was that for the just a regular you can't no you ain't got to do nothing if you say so you're mature man i apologize director revere could you repeat that was that this presentation was that presentation uh for the covet or just a regular uh school system like coming into school or was that a combination um if i'm understanding correctly it it's done it's done during this time of the pandemic we certainly recognize that our students are in a virtual learning space we also recognize that our teachers are now teaching in a virtual learning space or remote learning space but we but we also are still prioritizing that we are a school district in recovery and so how do we support our teachers to support our students to continue to prioritize student achievement student growth and academic success even during this time of the pandemic so you know we embarked upon this during the pandemic um we know it is quite ambitious but likewise is the priority of our students and and their continued growth and development is very important in a priority ambitious for us as well so um yes it did occur during we began to to start this work in the midst of the pandemic um we'll continue to do it once we come out of the pandemic so that it's just a part of what we do and who we are um but but as i've been sharing with many of the principals you know uh this as many of you all have already said that the pandemic is certainly um a unique time in our entire lifetime right um and i think it's important that we you know as as tough as it is uh we also begin to look at it not just through a deficit but how do we celebrate the idea that we're historians like we'll get to write the story of what education is going to look like moving forward um there is no blueprint on what education looks like to scale right during the midst of a pandemic um so we get to write that story we get to share you know 10 50 years from now how education will look and so you know part of that is starting this ambitious work right now during the pandemic i hope i made it yep you're fine thank you so much thank you thank you for your presentation and for your knowledge that you shared with the board as they asked the question and your fans respond um is there anything else any other directors would like to say before we move on to public comments i have a small presentation that i need to do that's three slides for an update so oh excuse me i thought that was it apologize for that dr barry it's just the regular updates with the covet numbers and um it's only it's actually only two slides three with the cover okay then sounds off so here's our transmission table as you can see this week which was the week ending um 11 13 i'm beginning 11 13 i'm sorry we have moved back to substantial as a um as a as a county um we are we are not in lone company as you can see lebanon lancaster dolphin and several other counties in the state of the commonwealth defense and the commonwealth of pennsylvania are also on this list this just simply means that the number of cases transmission of cases is increasing um at a high rate um as you see if you look at 10 30 and then 11 6 and then 11 13 we went back to my women to monitor it back to moderate and then now back to substantial so they do this every week and we will continue to see this go up and down probably through the holiday um there are recommendations as you see at the top and they are just that recommendations um this pde always gives recommendations but those recommendations are not mandates and i think it's really important for us to um highlight that um we get a letter generally when we move status so this um data comes out every friday but they don't report it until monday or tuesday of the following week so what happens is i get a letter sometime over the weekend before our status moves telling me and it's not just me it's everybody and all of the superintendents in the county get that letter and it tells us when we move on the transmission table and what it is that we need to do so um unfortunately we've moved to substantial which is the highest um as you can see on the table they suggest full re learning model for that we are remote but we do have our complex needs students and our el students in the buildings um i don't think we should i don't think we should divert from that right now but we are watching the situation and as um cases continue to increase there may be a different recommendation on the table later okay just last long and so i started recording um cases each time we get together so i'll i'll do them at the committee meeting as well as at the board meetings and so at the committee meeting we were at five cases and as of the 18th we are still at we are at five cases as well but these are five additional cases so the total for the month of november thus far is 10. that makes sense so um as you can see the schools that have the cases are there i will continue to provide that um that data every time we get together so you can see the trends and where the data is going i will also continue to provide messaging to the board when we have a active positive case we are looking as a cabinet at doing some additional things for communication um like a robocall blast for the community so when we have a positive case the community can know about it as well as continuing to um engage in prevention measures like being a healthy bearcat and posting information to continue to social distance and wash your hands on a regular basis so that is all that i have to share today because it certainly wasn't about my boring covet 19 report it was all about some of the wonderful things that are going on within the schools and i appreciate dr gloucester sharing that so if you have any questions for me i will take them now dr barry it's um director kennedy can you tell us um because you did include the the five new cases we were informed about today can you give us a status on on um [Music] um what do you call it um building closings related to these cases or um staff or students that are quarantined can you give us an update i i cannot speak of specifics but i can let you know that no buildings are being closed as a result of these numbers right here so we're not closing any of the buildings because we have two cases at one building here and then one at the other three it doesn't warrant a closure based on the data that we have and the um pde guidance as well as the department of health guidance we are deep cleaning at those buildings and we have notified those who were in direct contact with the folk that tested positive so and if there were um there were no children in the november 9th reporting or the november 18th reporting or the october 21st reporting so these are all adults uh dr barry will you please explain what close contact means if they're in contact with the person well so basically in order to be considered exposed um to covet 19 you had to be within six feet of a person or you had to be closer than six feet to that person or you had to be within a substantial a distance of that person without a mask um you had to have been around that person more than 15 minutes so there are a whole bunch of different scenarios to what is considered exposure but those are those are the main ones so within six feet with or without a mask um direct um direct contact like shoulder to shoulder um and within the same vicinity of a person um in exhibit or or exhibit a person exhibiting symptoms or who has tested positive so when we have those types of things going on as a precaution whether the person is having symptoms or not having symptoms we consider them exposed and if we consider them exposed in our contact tracing research we see we suggest that they quarantine for um 10 to 14 days thank you dr barry you're welcome any other query i do have a question i think i may have two questions um sure for those that are quarantined for those 12 to 14 days um are you as substance if they are adults and they are working for the district are you able to substitute them uh their that vacancy with uh another employee to fill the void in some cases um ms thompson morgan we are but in other cases we aren't when we are we do um honestly a lot of times those employees are more than willing to work from home and um the guidelines will allow them to do that if they can um and we and we do extend that courtesy whenever we can because it's not necessarily the employee's fault that they were exposed in most cases so we don't want there not to be an opportunity for them to still work if they feel up to it and they're not ill so a lot of folks that are exposed if they have a um if they have duties that they can perform from home we do um allow them to do that um just another aside um under the um guidelines associated with the department of health and um cdc when um folks are exposed um and they they they get quarantined they they they do not have to utilize their time if the district quarantines them so that is um a part of the process that they're not docked time for a um foreign exposure that's good to know and then my my other question is i'm disregarding the carers act funding um do you find that that funding is sufficient right now for the district's needs and funding is never sufficient we can only you'll never catch me in public saying enough money come on no but but seriously um we did get um funds for um covet covet 19 just as other districts did those funds were able to help us um effectively supplement they were instrumental in us getting one to one they weren't we they didn't completely do the job but they were certainly instrumental they were instrumental in us um providing ppe for our staff they were instrumental in helping with um obtaining apparatus to make our environment more safe so we did get an opportunity to do some upgrades as a result of the funding as well as purchase some much needed supplies to help um to try to help to slow the spread okay thank you that that um that's all the questions i have thank you anyone else and dr barry this one more thing um and we are requiring staff and um students to utilize masks unless providing okay and we do provide we do provide them if they don't have them okay and they have to go through the temperature check they do have to go through everyone and we are having those temperature gauges checked every 14 days now for accuracy and in the colder months um they are reading a little lower than normal specifically if you come in out of the cold and it's um under 40 degrees like tonight you walk in and you just get in the building you got to kind of wait a minute until you put your um your forehead or your um wrist up to the because if you're coming directly out of the cold specifically if you have some type of jewelry on that's catching the cold it tends to read lower so okay directors anything else thank you okay thank you just we have anybody in public comments let me check real quick yes we do mr jeffrey warner hi everyone can you hear me yes jeff weekend hi jeff werner here president of york city education association uh honorable members of the board thank you for the opportunity to speak with you again on behalf of york city ea i'd like to thank you and the administrative leaders who had the wisdom to keep our regular education students fully remote as the guidelines from the department of health indicated that we should this has allowed our special ed and ell students to properly social distance for hybrid in-person learning however we are entering a very dark winter for our community and our commonwealth one where my family has decided to make thanksgiving yet another zoom meeting and we'll likely do the same for christmas since the beginning of the school year the cove data in york county has unfortunately continued to get worse case counts are rising positivity rates are climbing and the weather rate the weather is pushing us indoors where this virus thrives and spreads as i speak to you this evening york county is experiencing substantial spread as you saw on dr barry's slide last week we saw 340 more cases than we saw the week before the incidence rate per 100 000 nearly doubled going from 88 to 164. positivity rate climbed from 5.9 percent to 9.5 percent even with our regular education students learning remotely we continue to see positive cases coming into our buildings the initial number of cases in our district for november reported at the committee meeting appeared to show that trend and dr barry just confirmed that it is higher in november than october yca believes that it is time to have all of our learners working remotely we believe that we should begin planning for that now to be able to provide the best possible education for those students who are currently learning in person and yca is willing to be a part of that planning it is not an easy decision as i saw the same presentation at the committee meeting earlier this month showing district attendance and academic data that screams for more in-person instruction according to pde's guidelines though districts should be wary of moving toward face-to-face instruction too quickly quoting from their website on transmission in order to confirm stability of county transmission when a county's corresponding threshold changes school entities should wait to see the results from the next seven-day reporting period before considering a change to their instructional models to ensure the most effective transition for students it may be appropriate for a school to wait even longer up to a full marking period to transition to an instructional model that increases in-person instruction it is important to note that a significant and or widespread outbreak may require moving to a more remote based model more quickly end quote and looking at the data yca believes we are in that time period of widespread outbreak currently our teachers are doing whatever we can to make this work we are teaching in person we are teaching virtually we are supporting bearcat cyber we provide individual appointments and are making frequent parent contacts we are documenting in multiple ways learning new programs and anything else you can think of we have tried or are willing to try to make this new normal work as i said at the last board meeting our furloughed esp support staff could be utilized in ways to help address the attendance and academic issues a phone call or text at the start of class gives a parent more options than a phone call at the end of the school day that their child was not in class a knock on a door may be the reminder a student needs that day an extra adult in a zoom class could monitor a breakout room to help students stay on task as they work in a small group your staff professionals and support professionals alike is asking can we do this together can we do what is best for the health and safety of our students and staff can we work together to continue to provide the best education for our students in the safest manner possible why are we asking you to work together with us on this forward thinking and revised education platform it is because our students matter our staff and our community matter it is because we don't want to look back and wish we had taken more precautions we are all aware of the evidence that face-to-face learning is best and we look forward to the day when we can return to in-person education but right now particularly over the holidays it is just too dangerous for any of our students and educators to be in the confined space of a classroom please work with us to implement an educational plan for all our students to get through the 20 20 21 school year safely and successfully you all have my email and i'm willing to continue this conversation with you beyond board meeting comments thank you for your attention this evening and all you do for our students staff and community thank you president are there any more public comments just do we have anyone else i know we do not at this moment lori did we have any through email no we did not okay then when we move down to initial items of concern directors had a chance to read over them can't see all of them or items initial concern yes yes i reviewed them okay we're going to our committee report oh president sweeney oh excuse me go ahead this is something that the board has to consider their resolutions and the alternative so um i don't know if there's going to be any presentation from the administration mr diffendale on any of these or not but it is something that is going to require board action with respect to one of them one of the resolutions so the board has to decide is it going to move forward with the with the base presentation or alternate presentations as as indicated uh in the second resolution or the third resolution so again i don't know if mr diffendal mr dickendale or anybody needs to uh or if the board members have any questions about the alternative resolutions here so solicitor ghetto and to the board uh i've given three proposals the first is the original and there was concern at the committee meeting about uh the custodial management using a nissan sentra as originally proposed so i've offered two alternate uh scenarios one is where the ford ranger the 2007 ford ranger is replaced with a 2021 ford ranger basically a like for like uh and then the third proposal is to upgrade that vehicle from a ford ranger 2007 to a 2021 ford f-150 so they're the three uh resolutions or they're the three alternate resolutions one is a 2007 ranger replaced by a nissan passenger vehicle the second is a ford ranger being replaced with a ford ranger and the third is a ford ranger uh replace uh being replaced with a ford f-150 uh medium duty pickup truck so there were the three that was the outcome from the discussions from the committee meeting to allow some alternatives and to allow some alternate scenarios and i'd be happy to take any questions just so the board understands uh these resolutions here basically what you what the board would be doing if one of these resolutions is moved and second seconded and approved it would essentially allow the administration to utilize that approval to go to uh enterprise fleet management and actually get the written contract that would be in accordance with that resolution which would then be approved at the next board meeting if the if the contract was was ready and in place by that time this is director breeland question for mr diffendal which one of these do you believe will be economically more feasible and the usefulness from the vehicle for the district's benefit uh personally i think the third gives the district the most flexibility it gives the district ability to add an eighth plowing vehicle as well as a heavier duty vehicle for any additional buildings and grounds works that would need to take place thank you okay so nobody was hearing me okay directors so what we need to do is figure which resolution we would like to vote on so he can go move forward with it excuse me miss sweeney i think someone else had a comment i couldn't see couldn't tell who it was someone was trying to say something i mean this is riviera miss uh director of every year i got a question here mr different dog first um did uh you received did president sweeney receive your um print out of the fleet of your fleet regarding your snow plows and also now you said number three is a medium size a medium vehicle which would do the meteo and also like you're telling me that other ford ranger the 2007 ford ranger is the same that's sitting in the parking lot is a medium one also no it is not now a ford ranger is a very light duty it's actually a passenger vehicle based chassis okay so this so what you're saying is uh the a the one and two are light duties and if three is a medium correct yes a ford f-150 is more robust than a ford ranger okay mr difference or if you may want to explain i just explained to me that they did use that for plowing but they should not have been using this correct so ford ranger is it's a uh a breach of the manufacturer's recommendation that it is not used to plow given the light duty transmission uh in that vehicle it's really not designed to plow uh it is my understanding the district has used that in the past when it's been a very very light snow you know one inch two inches something like that you know not a not a significant snowfall just more of a dusting to a coating type of event but you still want to do a plow on the on the parking lots it was the was the use of that 2007 ford ranger it's certainly not something you're going to take and plow parking lots you know you're not going to go to smallsfield parking lot and plow with a ford ranger of snow of any considerable amount and so going with three we'll have more vehicles that'll be able to get out on the road all at one time to clean our schools yes okay so this is director riviera i make a motion that we go ahead and approve number item number three for the f for the ranger for the f1 the f-150 for the 2001 ford ranger f-150 this is director breeland i second that motion here we have a motion on the floor by director of the air second by mr brilliant is there any question no questions all in favor aye aye oppose okay mr different door um we'll move forward with the third one yes i will i will send an email tonight to uh enterprise fleet management to have the contract sent over immediately so we can get it to the board for the december meeting and i would like to thank you for looking into it and coming up with this one this idea thank you my pleasure thank you for uh engaging and giving our your positive feedback and we're moving to community report uh director or i got a text from director liggins are you doing her report yes i can do the report for her she had text me okay she had sent out with our committee meeting uh all the material was sent to the board members uh contracts and all the foreseeable future of what's going on in our buildings is there any uh added on reporting mr different doll is there anything else to report from buildings and grounds director ward there is nothing to add to what was presented at the committee meeting last monday okay thank you uh and as you all can see uh yeah on our report our committee report from last monday uh report was substantially given as to what's going on with all the buildings now especially during the corona virus uh endemic so that's her report for this evening i'm not a president thank you we'll move to the personnel report let's push now we have anything on personnel report no we can read resignations team leadership progress discipline policy director did you have any comment on personnel before we move on okay we'll move to consent items on the consent agenda can you show so the directors could see the consent agenda if there's anyone that want to be pulled please let me know all right this is director riviera i have um i want to pull p and then i also have a question on m oh i'm sorry i'm more mute i'm up here talking oh excuse me okay is there any other directors have any to pull i have pnm at the time can i get a motion to approve the resolution besides except for pnm this is director kennedy i make a motion that we approve all um cassandra jenner items exclusive second direct award seconds we have a motion and a second any questions call in favor aye aye opposed okay item m director riviera and she's acting as a human resource specialist to fill up the backfield position that is correct then jennifer dettinger um was the um hr specialist and she moved on to um west york so um we we usually bring up someone to who's taking on those responsibilities and give them the ten percent thought so she's going to fill this position then or she are we we're posting this position we are posting that position but she's going to assume the duties while we are looking to interview okay mp okay p here we go again p is we are creating a position we right now don't need to be creating anything that's my position i keep saying that we are not in a good situation to be creating anything we need to try to save money and we're creating a senior business officer why do we need a senior business officer okay that is uh the position um i was gonna pull p as well but not for that reason that is the position that we were speaking of um merging two positions together uh i wasn't going to pull it for the reason director riviera's pulling it i pulled it because i i wanted to pull it because i believe that we should wait to uh create that position i don't think this is a good time to create that position that that goes with more more um that's that's that's some more discussion yeah on that one yeah okay so um so i'll take a motion on m to approve m i'll make the motion that we approve m second director kennedy okay we have a first and we have a second any questions no favor hi hey hi opposed everybody didn't vote moving on to p i think we should uh table i would like to table p okay boy remembers y'all need to speak up well i i also if you want to tell i like the table because i need more um i need more discussion on this as far as the board members also their input more input with them to get a better view of this situation this is director brown uh mr diffendal could you just uh clearly describe the job descriptions for this position since there are two different positions that are going to be merged into this yes director brown so the proposal would be that we would combine child accounting and we would propose payroll to be combined into a senior business office staffer we have done considerable process improvement in the payroll area by migrating uh the es primarily esp folks onto the electronic timesheet and the electronic absence request so for for example this morning the last group that has not migrated to the electronic timesheet and electronic absence request by the paraprofessionals at the buildings supporting special education we trained this morning i trained along with crystal bob train jackson hannah penn uh good endeavors uh paraprofessionals as well as the english the bilingual aides at william penn so some of that efficiency has come to to fruition by having people put time to put their information electronic timesheets and getting away from paper paper time cards and paper absence requests so that has allowed some efficiencies to be created the positions marry well together because there are there are times during payroll of a two-week pay cycle that time is made available and the same holds true in child accounting uh the current incumbent in child accounting is what i would consider to be a subject matter expert uh she does that work uh quite easily she's been in the position for we're speaking of the position not a person the position is yeah the the position has been there uh and uh the incumbent is a um a very strong performer uh in that area this is director review could you explain to me exactly what child accounting is child accounting takes care of charter school payments uh also takes so we we receive invoices from uh so two things one is charter school payments the second is inbound or placements that our district kids are at a non-district location so those invoices come in uh to support children throughout the area third is there's pde reporting that is required uh as well as sapphire reporting that is required mr different all director or yes um financially speaking turning two positions into one yes what's the financial uh outlook for this uh some of it is dependent upon the medical insurance because that is such a significant cost driver for the district yes uh it would be in excess of eighty thousand dollars okay so is this cost efficient for us to put these two positions into one yes what would the salary be uh i would have to look at what that is i don't know in order to vote on that i would need to know that what would the salary be as compared to what the two salaries are now i would have to get that information together until um until we have all the information this is still direct or i wasn't actually finished with mr different doll but i mean excuse me where if we're paying two employees now and i know our medical insurance is high i know that for a fact so it seems to me if you're gonna just pay one employee for medical uh that in and of itself is a cost saving right there uh salary-wise i think i think the medical would override the salary in the case the the salary is higher than the medical costs so for example for a family plan the district incurs uh about thirty thousand dollars cost for a family plan it's a little not quite twenty five thousand dollars for a two person uh plan and a single plan is eleven thousand five hundred dollars mm-hmm so i i think uh that it's my opinion i i think that we need to just because this was brought up at uh committee meetings so i i think we just need to go ahead and vote on this and my opinion is if we're going to give them if that salary is going to raise up 20 000 no that is the south what's the salary of the two yeah i would have to look at that i don't have that information in front of me um of what the increase the increase would be nominal um it would be uh five hours per pay period additional so we would be moving uh the job from a 37 and a half hour a week job to a 40 hour a week job so 2.5 hours per week at the at the hourly rate okay and again i'm asking what is the set what is the salary i don't i don't have that information in front of me i'll be happy to get that for you okay this is director riviera uh mr different dolphin we really would like to have that difference within the salary and as far as the medical insurance i would like to know the difference as far as the medical insurance is concerned um also when you're talking about uh this child accounting and you're talking about payroll we're talking about something seriously something totally too seriously different types of accounting two types of mathematical projects um and you want one person to do this type of work okay which that person is actually going to need some help so who's going to be in the office to help that person that's going to be one problem because that person cannot do this by herself or his self i'm gonna let you know that as a fact um [Music] okay i don't share your assessment but that's fine you're welcome to your opinion it is my belief that that position can be done by a 40 hour a week employee this is director brown um for as far as the child accounting i can see where we've uh i'm not sure the person financially financially that's doing it but when we when we were when we successfully closed two of the charter schools that took away some of that uh child accounting duties at that time and then along with the uh the payroll uh processing being more electronic less manual um input of the data i mean uh all that is is ensuring that it's a more efficient process so i don't really see an issue in merging those two different job duties into one when you have electronic uh data going into the system you still have to come out with it you still have to do manually work taking out that electronic data okay there's still work to be done you just can't put it in the computer and say computer go ahead and finish the work it's still less uh manual um input exactly i'm not saying this is uh president sweeney um i'm not saying that okay i do believe that that's too much work for one person i don't i think they'll be overwhelmed and during certain periods we'll be hearing other people are not hiring but having other people doing part of that job uh i could see merging child accounting into another with another department but um not directly in payroll payroll is really touching all right seems to me any time that i go to the admin building um the person that's doing payroll is always busy very busy this is the director thompson we're going to have a question has anyone been privy to looking specifically so in particular the directors that are commenting that it is too much work for one person have you seen the job description yes they consider that micromanaging i yeah yes i have even though yeah i have i looked at it i had it i was told i couldn't because it's called micromanaging but yeah like okay that's why i haven't looked into it and i haven't i'm not prepared to make some type of assessment that something is um too much for one person i have a tendency to trust in the um in the process of the job being posted um whomever may believe that their qualified candidate may put their hat in the ring by way of applying for that position and then if uh whoever is in that process of um choosing applicants then therefore that person will be chosen for an interview and the best person um will be chosen for the job that's the process in which um i would believe in instead of making our own asset assumptions because um um because it is uh something that is it you know it's just a varies from one uh opinion to the next your opinion is different from mr different dolls different from um director um orlada sweeney so it's not incumbent upon us to say you know what's too much for a person i would just rather trust the process that's already in place director thompson morgan um i also got another question uh regarding that um position uh mr different door if you could give us a job description for that position combined combined together yeah um then i i would be more pleased as far as uh my voting situation on this then i would actually know exactly what is a curtail into this position yes that's that that job description has been done for probably six to eight weeks and we will get that information to the board thank you i do have salaries um jeff um am i able to share them what's the third one the one they want to create oh i don't know the salary for the one they want to create i have the salary for the two existing and then i have the difference between the two okay okay so the salary for child accounting is five eight three six three point fifty the salary for um payroll four four four nine and the difference 13 455. and there again this is director orr there again you're talking about insurance uh for family for two separate employees am i correct that particular number includes insurance yes no no so the number is dr barry you referenced our salary from whatever salary only so that does not include medical correct where two separate positions does not include medical and as we know our district has the highest but well that's why they love our district because they have good medical benefits that is strictly wages that does not include medical benefits does not include any taxes social security medicare medic medicare does not include teasers uh the retirement uh charge to the district so that is just wages and that's another area to look at pieces i think that we need to have more information before we vote on it but it's up to the board you put the motion in then we have to vote this is mr breeland mr breeland makes a motion that we vote on this position being created and i second this director or i second that okay we have a motion that we vote on the position that's created can we have a role call please and and a second i heard you and question i would like to um when in that question i would like to make a statement um with the vote that uh the duties that both jobs share that uh we don't come back to the table in three months and have to create another position to share this dude to uh fulfill the duties with that being said can we have a roll call vote please okay director breeland yes director brown yes vice president bryant no director kennedy yes director liggins is absent director orr yes director riviera no director thompson morgan yes president sweeney no so the position will be created and i hope we're not back at the table in three months create another position to help out with this position i agree with you president sweeney that we should not be coming back i agree with you i believe we will be because i do have the job description i had him yeah okay moving right along we are at excuse me oh where am i at could you move it up bill chief recovery officer reporter the chief recovery officer okay good evening uh can you hear me okay yes okay thank you uh just a couple quick things uh one is we continue to meet bi-weekly with the department of education and provide status updates on the recovery plan and our next meeting is this friday and so far things have been going very smoothly the department is pleased with the the way the things are rolling out uh mr diffendal has been praised for his uh reports that he's been sending up ahead of time once you reprove them such as tonight's financials he'll give me those tomorrow and then we'll upload those to the department and they're very pleased with that and as things are going on our federal programs are going smoothly also and that is also questioned every month by the department uh i just want to make another comment on the presentation that dr gloucester did this evening first of all i agree with all your comments it was an excellent presentation by dr gloucester and by the two principals who represented all the principals who have gone through the training on the milestone reporting this is really good to see in the fact that after the four years of uva and all the different plans that have had to been put in place we are finally coming together and seeing things become cohesive we now have plans put in place that are full of structure that are looking at all aspects of the school district what we're doing as teachers what we're doing as administrators and what we're doing to meet the needs of the children while still engaging families so i want to give kudos to the administrative team for all their work they've done and especially the data team because that was something that when we first went to uva and they told us we had to do all this data collection and presentation for staff uh dr holmes and i both had to be talked off the cliff because we were scared to death that we would never be able to do this and in four short years the district has come a long way so kudos to all you for doing that and thank you for your continued support of those efforts and that concludes my report for this evening thank you dr phil miss lulu are you there community progress counselor excuse me i'm sorry director river here got this route through um yes i'm new on the board as chief recovery just where actually do we stand as far as recovery where actually do we stand are we at the bottom to middle or the top or what do we look like no we're doing fairly well with recovery what occurred is that we were showing growth and until the pandemic hit the department wanted to see another year's growth and we were well on our way to that and then the pandemic hit and we no longer have the data to prove it because we didn't take the pssa and the keystone exams the thing that held us back was the fact that we were spending money off out of our general fund balance and the department said no they wanted to see us balance the budget without using the general fund balance and that's what they will be looking at mainly because we are in financial recovery first academic included with that okay thank you so much you're more than welcome okay miss lulu are you there yes i'm here good evening i'm sorry go ahead okay um so you will be receiving a copy of the cpc board minutes from the september meeting tomorrow it's a pretty standard report i do want to just make you aware that cpc is reapplying for the wic program and we learned that wic will be flat funded next year which we were all very disappointed about given the pandemic we were hoping for an increase but it's been decided above us that it'll be flat funded like i said i'll email the report to laurie and lori will get it to you guys tomorrow that concludes my report thank you director or did director liggins give you your liu report director or sorry about sorry about that i was unmuted uh she just uh said that she'll have a report at our next uh board meeting um next month director kennedy psba legislative advocate representative report thank you president sweeney just one thing tonight um we actually discussed it in um our last board meeting which it was under house bill 703 and now that it has passed both the house and the senate it's called act 84 and it is the um the bill that indicated that all email addresses for school board directors must be posted on all school district websites and for public charter schools the same is required and that's all i have for report tonight thank you thank you director brian your county school of technology votech at our last meeting they um stated that they were still working on the gymnasium and they're also having evening zoom sessions a couple times uh of the week to work with um students and parents if they have any questions and need solutions so they're meeting a couple of times a week with zoom sessions with their parents and students and they also have uh they have a girls basketball team now so yay for vote they now have a girls basketball team and that concludes my report thank you president sweeney but president sweden is the director or let me just piggyback on miss cassandra lincoln's lincoln intermediate she did say however she will be like i said reporting at the next board meeting and the meeting will be in regards to their new health clinic that will be coming soon at your learning center just wanted to add that that's what she sent me thank you thank you director from president sweeney this was director kennedy i had a question for um director bryant from uh york county school of technology if she possibly knows um director lee go ahead do they talk or share with you um their coveted numbers and i ask because my my granddaughter is there and i get a notice a couple times a day that they have excessively high coveted numbers and i'm wondering um and they never never have yet closed for any case so do they discuss any of their code numbers and their protocols no i don't recall them saying that they have had any now oh well they yes they they've had i get a name i think i got three today so um very regularly um almost every other day now i get emails a couple of them with um with cases so i just was wondering uh what they are sharing at the board level yeah i'm going to look into that because my the email that they use for me is down right now so if anything has occurred i would say in the last um week i haven't gotten anything yet but previous to that i have no recollection okay thank you and i would just appreciate it just to see where um their mindset is as as um with dr barry explaining in our own cases there are certain circumstances that may not necessarily warrant a closure however in the last two months um and i have all of the emails on a regular basis and sometimes it's multiple cases and one letter and so this week i've gotten three um letters already and it's only wednesday so i'm just concerned about their process thank you for that information i would definitely look into that i appreciate you thank you mr different dog do you have your adam's tax bro yes president sweeney there's nothing to report thank you director kennedy dollars for scholars thank you president sweeney um dollars for scholars we met on october 28th and just a couple of things to highlight um any new members will be voted on uh to be returning to the dallas for scholars board at the december meeting also the average um scholarship amount of 500 that has been the past amount that students could be receiving as a scholarship will be increased to 750 dollars particularly due to financial strains of coven and then second semester awards went out in september for those students who receive scholarships and then the final thing we discussed was the um the next three to five year plan and budget for um the dollars for scholars plans and those numbers will uh have changed of course again due to covid and that concludes my report thank you mr miller are you with us today does anybody know did mr miller log on today not that i'm aware of no i haven't heard from him i don't see him in the list of attendees okay so we don't have a report from york joint liu authority all right so we'll go on to other business and other comments do we have any more else other comments yes this is director riviere i have a comment all right i would like to take this time to officially apologize to the york city police commissioner mr michael muldrow for the remarks and comments that i made at the last york city school board meeting i was not one of the school board members who were properly informed regarding the commissioner's resignation the information regarding the school system should be communicated to all the school board directors and not to song i was also told that honesty is the best policy change is hard we have to open our arms and embrace the change being a school board director is a challenging experience i again apologize to the police commissioner and the community if it is up to me this will not happen again thank you and that's my apology thank you um i don't know if we know other con i have a comment um there's a report card day york city is holding i don't know if we're aware of it but i received it as a text it'll be saturday november the 28th from 11 11 a.m to 2 p.m at veteran memorial park they'll be handing out uh different goodie bags for seas and ups uh gift cards and things like that uh i'm not sure if york city received any information on that but i would like to let the board be informed of it and i received it in a text do we have anybody in with their hand up jess um before we go there i do have a a comment more more of an announcement if i may okay thank you um wanted to just uh say thank you to um dr barry um for getting me in touch with um i believe her name is alana barnes um counselor with the york city school district i am uh i am a supervisor at upmc and our director um that's over several hospitals has launched an initiative for students for hire in our housekeeping department and particularly the students that are interested that are interested in the medical field um we had a student that is a a dental um in at votec um interested in um dental hygiene um also interested in the position so um there's an initiative along with york city school district voltec that are reaching out to students and we've lowered a higher minimum age to 16 years old so that's pretty significant um it's a pretty decent wage for 16 year old and older so the job has been posted upmc i'm sorry if i didn't say that uh upmc york memorial and um so it's a part-time basis and including some weekends or after school and uh pretty much it's a great opportunity for someone that like would like to be in a hospital environment so particularly shout out to alana barnes am i saying her name correctly dr barry and okay i am um she responded very quickly um she actually has some names of students that are interested in applying and we just really thank her for really being proactive and gathering the students so you can feel free to apply i encourage that also any adults we do have several housekeeping positions open for first second and soon to be third shift so i encourage adults to apply as well and i am a very good and reasonable supervisor of my dad thank you so much so so director thompson morgan if i come and apply for a job i cannot get a referral from you if if you apply for a job in that particular department yes can i give up get a favorable response from you it certainly depends on the person i'm talking about for myself for me something that you would have for a seasonal seasonal older person sure and i would i would give you strong recommendations in fact my word holds a lot of clout so you would i would present you favorably yes ma'am well i appreciate that but you you you actually know i'm i'm joking with you on this though right no hey look don't play with my emotions the school district is my job my only job that's understood but we do we do encourage our more mature applicants to apply because there is a strong work ethic that we find with our more mature employees as well so um any of your friends i'm not including my mom because then she'll think she's my boss so but any other comments can you hear me oh yeah do we have any other comments hearing none items for distribution salary list all directors had a chance to look over this is everyone satisfied can i have a motion for adjournment don't move kennedy i make a motion to adjourn i get it did i hear a second second directive round thank you i have a first and i have a second all in favor aye aye and there's no executive session
Channel: York Bearcats
Views: 822
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: stKQ4IdrFS4
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Length: 130min 10sec (7810 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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