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[Music] if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your feet [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] revelations [Music] i am what god says [Music] says [Music] is [Music] [Music] when the holy ghost [Music] jesus is my salvation say jesus is my righteousness is [Music] peace [Music] never [Music] i take [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody [Music] it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend dr ava [Music] come on you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tale you are above and not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost it's your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favor give the lord i would never know [Music] the same [Music] [Music] so mightily grew the world and prevailed so mightily grew the world and prevailed the world prevails over nations the world prevails over continents the world prevails over the hearts of men the word prevails over our community the word prevails in our land lega para katish catalina the darkness cannot comprehend the light the light of god's word shining in the hearts of men and women all over the nations of the earth in the name of jesus father we rejoice that we have the privilege of fellowship in the light of your word we pray for people who are honest and sincerely seeking for the knowledge of the truth that they will be somehow somehow connected to this service lord will arrange circumstances to bring those people into the service so they can receive the entrance of your world and we decree that your people are built up equipped edified by the end of this service and jesus is glorified thank you for the blessing over this service in jesus precious name and every believer sees it powerful amen lift your right hand to let's release our feet together to say these words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this series i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer sees a powerful amen we want to welcome everybody connected to this service but we have kingdom life network facebook youtube instagram twitter and all of you that are connected to this service by way of comfort fm and excel fm in acquire bomb state right here we're so glad to have every one of you connected listen our radio audience calls somebody ask them to tune into the radio station right now grab a friend call a family call somebody make sure that people around you that you love are part of this service because something good is about to happen something good is about to happen to you today let me also welcome all our social media community i want to ask all of you the social media community our family and friends on social media do me a favor share the video you know all the groups on your facebook and all the groups you have around your social media community whether it's telegram monogram you reach out to people on whatsapp you know just drop the messages everywhere create watch parties let's flood the earth with the fragrance of jesus grace and love you know and thank you for doing it and thank you for all that we all do together to see that the purpose of which jesus died is carried out to the nations of the earth and i want to welcome everybody in the house centers and campuses he said judge have everybody connected i'm truly excited to have all of you and all of you in the service here it's a joy to have everybody can we celebrate with a shout and just get excited glory grab a pen and a notebook and your bible and your sweet smart self you can be seated as we get into the world of his grace we're still looking at the legal and the vital work of salvation the legal and the vital work of salvation and i'm so grateful to jesus that we had an extension of the 30 days of glory right up to 60 days which gives me an opportunity to really navigate through the scriptures efficiently and effectively so we pay attention to every minute detail in scripture so that you are equipped you are well grounded established rooted so that we bring clarity to those hazy areas in your thoughts where questions arise and where you still need clarity and understanding so that you become a walkman that needs not to be ashamed rightly divided in the word of truth the book of hebrews chapter 2 from verse number one therefore we ought to give the more energy to the things which we have heard unless at any time we shall let them sleep for if the world spoken by angels are steadfast and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation which was at the first began to be spoken by the lord and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him god also bearing them witness but with signs and wonders and with diverse miracles and gifts of the holy ghost according to his own will so we've been looking at this subject and we've been you know studying this in the past few days and weeks and i'll encourage those of you that are tuning in for the first time today this may be too advanced for your mind so my advice is listen carefully and see how you can get all the materials especially of the last 30 days actually 30 something days now so you can listen to those 30 something hours to be able to understand where we are properly even in this service all right now look at the book of first corinthians chapter 10 verse 1. and brother paul was writing to the church at corinth and he said moreover brethren i would not that you should be ignorant how that all our fathers were under the cloud and all pass through the sea and were all baptized onto moses in the cloud and in the sea so they were baptized unto moses they ate spiritual meat which is a passover or what you call the branded holy communion and did all drink the same spiritual drink for the drunk of the spiritual rock that followed them and that rock was christ that is as they were eating and they were drinking all the rituals was a medium of communicating christ remember it says the rock that followed them there is no such mobile rock the rock that followed them there is no rock that follows people which means out of the rock there was a message out of the passover there was a message out of the eating and drinking and manner there was a message that was following them through the rituals but they were busy eating and drinking and baptizing themselves with water without catching the message there was a message intended to be communicated that could not be communicated to them in worlds because of their state they were dead spiritually so there had to be a medium of communicating to them because they were dead men you see that now look at the outcome of using you know rituals and using articles and elements olive oil what a baptism you know rebranded communal look at the outcome of it in verse five because they have all eaten and drunk but with many of them god was not well pleased with all the drinking and baptism god was not well pleased with many of them why they were overthrown in the wilderness there's no life in those elements why look at the book of first corinthians chapter two verse nine but as it is written i have not seen not ear heart neither they entered into the heart of man the things which god had prepared for them whom he loves next verse but god has revealed them unto us by his spirit not by eating not by baptism not by elements by his spirit now who are those whose eyes never saw whose ears never heard those that were involving they were eating but their eyes never saw christ they were drinking but their eyes never saw christ they were involved in rituals but the rituals overshadowed their senses that they could not catch revelation but we god is not using rituals for us because the rituals have no power to bring you to understanding so god has revealed them unto us by his spirit the new testament is a spirit testament the new testament is not an outward testament the new testament is an inward testament look at me everybody in the old testament they went to physical war in the new testament the weapons are not carnal in the old testament they add physical things in the new testament we eat spirituals in the old testament they use olive oil symbolic of the holy spirit in the new testament we don't use oil we have the real the substance the holy spirit you see that now because the new testament is a spirit testament look at it but god has revealed them unto us by his spirit for the spirit such at all things yay the deep things of god pay attention next verse for what man knowing the things of a man save the spirit of man which is in him even so the things of god know it no man but the spirit of god next verse now we have received not the spirit of the world but the spirit which is of god why that we might know the things that are freely given to us of god now pay attention verse 13. which things also we speak in the new testament is about speaking not about doing it's not about elements it's not about bread wine water baptism olive oil no which things also we speak not with words we are not speaking words which man's wisdom teach it motivational speaking keys to surviving covet 19. how to get to the top those are men's wisdom but which the holy ghost teach it now in the new testament comparing spiritual things with spiritual the bread and the wine is natural olive oil is natural you can compare olive oats that i speak we compare spirituals with spirituals look at the next one the natural man the natural man cannot receive the things of the spirit of god the people fighting to keep oil and keep baptism and keep you know elements and natural men they are natural men than him it doesn't make sense because a natural man thrives on what i can feel what i can touch what i can eat what i can but we walk by faith not by sight the closer to the senses the far from the spirit the closer you are to the senses the further away you are from the spirit that's why we compare spiritual with spiritual am i communicating at all the new testament is a spirit testament it's a testament of the spirit not of the later the later kill it the spirit give it life the natural man cannot receive the things of the spirit neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned colossians chapter 2 verse 15 pay attention and having spoiled principalities and powers the redemptive walk the sacrifice of jesus completed he made a shoe of them openly triumphing over them in it give me the amplified from verse 16 colossians therefore let no one sit in judgment on you in matters of food and drink bread and ribena bread and zobo bread and tasty time or with regard to the feast like feast of pentacles feast of passover fish or a new moon or suburban let no man judge you on those matters such things are only the shadow of things that are to come and they have only a symbolic value but the reality the substance the solid fact of what is foreshadowed the body of it belongs to christ is it getting clear next verse let no one defraud you by acting as an umpire and declaring you unworthy and disqualifying you for the prize insisting on self-abasement and worship of angels taking his stand on visions he claims he has seen vainly puffed up by his sensuous notions and inflated by his unscriptural thought and fleshly conceit next verse and not holding fast to the head from whom the entire body supplied and knit together by means of his joints and ligaments grows with a growth that is from god next verse if then you have died with christ to material bread wine olive oil handkerchief to material ways of looking at things and have escaped from the world's crude and elemental notions and teachings of externalism external external they call it fit extenders external oil cloth sand from your village externalism why do you live if you really say a child of god why do you live as if you still belong to the world why do you submit to rules and regulations such as next verse do not undo this do not taste that do not even touch them next verse referring to things all of which perish with being used when you put oil on your head once it dries or clot cleans it it has perished if you eat ribena and bread once you enter toilet it has perish they perish with the using to do this is to follow human precepts and doctrines next verse such practices have indeed the outward appearance that popularly passes for wisdom in promoting self-imposed rigor of devotion and delight in self-humiliation and severity of discipline of the body but they are of no value in checking the indulgence of the flesh the lower nature instead they do not honor god but serve only to indulge the flesh are you following next verse if then you have been raised with christ to a new life those sharing his resurrection from the dead aim at and seek the rich eternal treasures that are above where christ is seated at the right hand of god message translation colossians 2 16 quickly message so don't put up with anyone pleasuring you in details of diet worship services or holy days all those things are mere shadows cast before what was to come the substance is christ don't tolerate people who try to run your life ordering you to bow and scrape insisting that you join their obsession with angels and that you seek out visions they're a lot of hot air that's all they are they are completely out of touch with the source of life christ who puts us together in one piece whose very breath and blood flow through us he is the head and we are the body we can grow up healthy in god only as he nourishes us so then if with christ you've put all that pretentious and infantile religion behind you why do you let yourselves be bullied by it don't touch this don't taste that don't go near this do you think things that are here today and gone tomorrow are what that kind of attention somebody shout seller is olive oil not here and gone tomorrow huh does he not have a manufacturer an expiry date whatever bread and ribena huh does this stay in your body forever what about handkerchief huh all of them have expiry wait give me that seller that's all of us do you think things that are here today and gone tomorrow i want that kind of attention next verse such things sound impressive if said in a deep inner voice glory to god the anointing in that bottle they even give the illusion of being pious and humble and ecstatic but they are just another way of showing off making yourselves look important next verse so if you are serious are you serious in this church so if you're serious about living this new resurrection life with christ act like it pursue the things over which christ presides next verse don't shuffle along eyes to the ground absorbed with the things right in front of you look up and be allowed to what is going on around christ that's where the action is see things from his perspective glory to god i thought somebody would shut glory look at exodus chapter 16 now let me shoot exodus chapter 16 verse 3 let's visit the manner that was given to them in the wilderness and the children of israel said unto them woe to god we had died by the hand of the lord in the land of egypt when we sat by the fleshpot and when we did eat bread to the food for you have brought us forth into this wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger verse then said the lord unto moses behold i will rain bread from heaven for you who said it in that verse who said it the lord i will reign bread from heaven for you and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day that i may prove them whether they will walk in my law or no but look at deuteronomy 8 verse 3 and you humbled me and suffered due to hunger and felt thee with manna which thou knowest not neither did thy fathers know that he might make thee know the reason for the manner it was a communication that he might make thee know that man does not live by bread only but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of the lord that live remember that's where jesus quoted in matthew when the temptation came up this is the key point that is there is a communication that that bread was supposed to make that bread was a mode of communication but instead of getting the message they ate bread and were even hiding the bread and it was breading worms they miss the point and that's the problem when you raise people up depending on natural things they never see christ they become idol worshipers because they get entangled in those elements and they missed christ meanwhile the communication was because you were dull spiritually so somebody decided to use physical things to take you to christ then you stayed with the things and never saw christ why don't you search for spiritual men spiritual men we use words because words bring life am i teaching good here yeah we use words comparing spiritual with spiritual we speak words which the holy ghost teach it words which the holy ghost teach it now stay with me i'm still on this so the point is that the bread was to communicate christ that is there is a communication that the bread was supposed to make that is they ate the bread and left the bread they ate the bread and left the bread that's exactly what happened they ate the bread so jesus now comes in in john chapter 6 reporting the same account and teaching from it john chapter 6 verse 30. they said therefore unto him what sign shows doubt then that we may see and believe thee what does that work 31 our fathers did it manner we just read about that manner now in the desert as it is written he gave them bread from heaven to eat look at jesus now next verse then jesus said unto them verily verily i say unto you moses gave you not that bread from heaven but my father gave you the true bread from heaven i thought what we read he said the lord said he would ring bread but jesus said god never said it that is one of the assumptions in the old testament i trust jesus more than moses moses said god said he would rain bread and bread actually reigned that's what some people say but they use oil and they have results moses said god said you would ring bread and bread ring but when jesus came jesus said that bread didn't come from heaven so that you see result you need to find out what is the origin of the result so the thing is working even native doctors their own work even magicians their magic works so it is not that it is working that validates it it is where is this working coming from are we together here but dr darmina when even they use the oil it used to work moses struck the rock waterstick came out what was the instruction speak but he disobeyed and abused the rock striking the rock means preaching wrong doctrine and even in the midst of preaching wrong doctrine you still see miracles so miracles don't validate the message it is the message that reveals the source of the miracles am i talking to somebody here so don't be carried away by the miracles before you get excited about the miracles ask yourself what did he preach before these miracles came what did he preach what did he preach don't be flabbergasted by results what did he preach because look at it moses told them the lord would rain bread and bread came it's like elijah said if i be a man of god let fire came fire came the same elijah said that fire god was not in it the same elijah who brought the fire later on said it's true that there was fire but god is not in the fire he said later on god only came in a still small voice what are you talking about jesus told them moses never gave you manner from heaven look at it again john chapter 6 verse 32 then jesus said unto them verily verily i say unto you moses gave you not that bread from heaven but my father gave you the through bread from heaven so god allowed moses to use bread to communicate so that bread that fell was moses's teaching ministry to reveal christ so instead of moses succeeding in using bread to show them christ he used bread to block christ from them because they eat bread and miss the bread the elements keep you far from christ the elements keep you far from faith the elements reduce you to a man of the senses and the sense realm is where satan operates satan cannot operate in revelation knowledge because the princes of this world have they known so they can't operate in the realm of knowledge but they can operate in the realm of the senses i feel i think i i satan operates in the sensual realm god oppressed in the realm of revelation because revelation is a product of the spirit of god flesh and blood has not revealed so there's no revelation in flesh and blood revelation is by the spirit but my father has revealed so when you keep eating things and looking for things to touch you are staying away from christ you're staying closer to the sensual realm where satan can easily manipulate you comparing spirituals with spirituals it's a cellar point that's why i'm cooling down look at that verse 32 again then jesus said unto them verily verily i say unto you moses gave you not that bread from heaven but my father gave it to the through bread from heaven that's what he means by man shall not live by bread only but by everyone so he was telling them this bread you are eating is not the way a man lives there is bread from heaven that is spoken this physical bread has no life man shall not live by this bread but there is a bread that is spoken and that bread is called every word that proceeded out of the mouth of god that is the bread that has life the other one is just a medium of communication to point you to this one from the mouth words that have life so he was teaching them that same principle he was teaching them that same principle so they add the bread lived by the bread but did not believe the word of god they ate the bread lived by the bread but never believed the word of god look at john 6 34 this will bless you then say there unto him lord evermore give us this bread 35 jesus said unto them i am the bread is not from bakery i am the bread of life he that comment to me shall never hunger he that believeth on me shall never touch so how do you drink the blood faith when you believe you drunk you never touched when you believe you eat you never hunger it's not elements look at the next verse see kaladaba but i say unto you that you also have seen me and believe not he's talking to the jews you've seen me and believe not next verse pay attention all that the father give at me shall come to me and him that comment to me i will no wise cast out next verse 38 for i came down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of him that sent me 39 and this is the father's will which had sent me that of all which he had given me i should lose nothing that's when jesus you you are grabbed he loses nothing okay but should raise it up talking about the believer at the last day next verse now 40 pay attention now and this is the will of him that sent me that everyone which sees the son and believeth on him may have everlasting life and i will raise him up at the last day 41 now the jews then murmured at him because he said i am the bread they were looking for physical bread from bakery so now he said to them no more bread i am the bread they murmured they were disappointed that is collecting their olive oil he's collecting the rebranded communion he's collecting all their elements they started murmuring you know people that are used to those things it's not easy to collect it from them it's like a baby that is used to feed in bottle or mother's breast when you want to win that baby win that baby from the breast to eating food is a struggle that's why people are struggling i say what about using we are trying to win them he's winning you know you know you know how to win children we're trying to win them from elements to faith in christ we are trying to win them from religion to a proper relationship with god that's why they are fighting you know that's why they are crying that's why they are throwing tantrums some of them are even doing video and abusing me it's part of their tantrums we are succeeding that's why they cry we are succeeding that's where they are reacting we are succeeding so you know what we do we keep pushing we keep pushing we keep pushing we don't stop we keep pushing we keep pushing somebody shout i hear you we are winning them we are moving them from breast milk the reason why they are reacting is because they have seen that what we're saying is the truth so now the battle is between them and living that thing how can i no more curry oil and touch my head how can i no more eat bread and ribena in church how can i no more swim in the river how can i so now they are seeing that they have to depart the reality is stunning so they are throwing tantrums but guess what the truth sets free can somebody shout i hear you we are not moved if we are not making impact you will be quiet look at the the jews moment didn't they murmur look at it they muhammad at jesus who is god the jews then murmured at him because he said i am the bread which came down from heaven look at verse 42 of john chapter 6 and they said it's not this jesus the son of joseph whose father and mother we know how is it then that he saith i came down from heaven this is new york it's even new york not lagos uyo not abuja how can he in new york be talking thank you for letting me know i am talking now that you have told me i'm talking i will talk louder raise the volume raise the volume raise the volume raise the value push it push it somebody shall push the volume up increase the volume brother increase this volume hey help me let's up the volume let's hop the volume i'm not dropping the mic i just pick the mic now whoa i feel like i'm preaching the devil is a liar the nations of the edge will be flooded with the truth of the gospel men will live idol worship and embrace christ men will walk away from elements and live by faith only in christ for the joy shall live by faith we walk by faith and not by sight while we look not at the things that are seen for the things that are seen are temporal we look at the things that are not seen for the things that are not seen are eternal man shall not live by bread alone that word bread alone means man shall not live by bread it's not one of the ways to live what he's saying is bread is not the way to live the way to live is the word that proceeded out of the mouth of god it's bible language it's like when he says he faced the kingdom it doesn't mean there is a second thought forth seeking first means seek you only seek you only the kingdom that's what it means by first it's not like first second it's bible language so when it says mind shall not live by bread alone the word alone means bread is out the only way to live is the word that proceedeth out of the mouth of god that word is bread symbolic so bread is the symbol of that word so we won't live by symbol but by that proceeded am i teaching good yeah it's bible language that's bible language look at that john chapter 6 again verse 43 now jesus therefore answered and said unto them mama not among yourselves mom or not next verse no man can come to me except the father which had sent me draw him and i will raise him up at the last day i love jesus next verse it is written in the prophets and there shall be all thought of god every man therefore that had heard and had learned of the father command unto me next verse not that any man have seen the father save he which is of god he had seen the father next verse very very let's say unto you he that believeth on me have everlasting life next verse i am gulab i don't have i don't have bread i am that bread of life next verse your father did eat manna in the wilderness and are dead because there was nothing in that manner next verse this is the bread which cometh down from heaven that a man may eat thereof and not die he's talking of salvation next verse i am the living bread think about that the bread is a person i am the living bread which came down from heaven if any man eat of this bread he shall live forever and the bread that i will give is my flesh which i will give for the life of the world his sacrificial death the jews therefore strove among themselves saying how can this man give us flesh to it can you see they are not understanding they are not catching it how can this man give us flesh to eat next verse then jesus answered and said unto them very live relation to you except you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood you have no life in you next verse who so eateth my flesh and drink my blood heart eternal life how do you come by eternal life that whosoever believeth shall not perish but have eternal life so faith in christ is eating and drinking yeah faith in christ when you believe the gospel you eat and drink so somebody said they were taking holy communion yes when the day i got born again because the moment i got born again i ate and i drank and i will never touch the day you got saved was the day you ate and you drank and from that day you never taste anymore that's a real communion give me the next verse for my flesh is meat indeed and my blood is drink indeed here i eated my flesh and drink my blood dwell it in me and i in him inseparable union next verse as the living father has sent me and i live by the father so he that hit me even he shall live by me are you living by him why you ate him when did you eat him the day you got born again this is that bread which came down from heaven not as your fathers did eat manna and are dead he that eaten of this bread shall live forever more this thing said in the synagogue as he taught in capone look at verse 60. many therefore of his disciples when they had had this said this is a hard thing who can hear it jesus told them men shall not live by bread only he's talking about man to come to a spiritual life for a man to come to a spiritual life will be by the word of god by the word of god man shall come alive spiritually by the words that proceed out of the mouth of god hebrews chapter one verse one god who at sundry times and in diverse manners spake in time pass unto the fathers by the prophets that is they were words of eternal life communicated to the fathers but these men were men of the flesh so even though the prophets were preaching the gospel they did not believe it didn't make sense to them because they were men of the senses so jesus said does this offend you look at that john chapter 6 again i've not left it from verse 61 when jesus knew in himself that his disciples muhammad he said unto them he turned to his own disciples does this offend you that you will no more eat rabina and bread look at the next verse what and if you shall see the son of man ascend where he was before next verse it is the spirit that quicken it leave all those elements it is the spirit that quickeneth the flesh bread ribena olive oil handkerchief profited nothing the words glory to god the words that i speak unto you they are spirits and they are life are we teaching in the house give me the next verse but there are some of you that believe not for jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believe not and who should betray him because judas was in this conference next verse and he said therefore said i unto you that no man can come unto me except if you are giving to him of my father that is you can't really believe what i'm teaching until my father gives you revelation knowledge flesh and blood does not reveal this but my father which is in heaven so these are not things for crk boys these are not things for begging this is revelation knowledge these are things you pray and pray to look at you pray and pray to listen if you listen without prayer you will just be getting angry because how can a blind man tell you the color of your shirt how can a blind man tell you the color of your shirt so that's why they're arguing they're blind and let me tell you the more they stay with those things the blinder they get up till this day whenever moses is red there is a veil but when the heart of a man will leave rabina bread olive oil and turn to christ the veil shall be taken away now the lord is that spirit and where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty so we all with open face beholding the glory of the lord as in a mirror we are changed into that same image from glory to glory even us by the spirit of god we are changed into that same image into that same image so the communication of manner was to be a shadow of what the word of god was to them but they would rather have the manner and not believe the word of salvation imagine this the destroyer that did not get them in egypt got them in the wilderness because of unbelief they escaped that here and died the dead in front unbelief why couldn't the destroyer get them in egypt moses they were baptized into moses so moses faith carried them but in the wilderness they were to have their own feet and when they were put to the test they didn't have one so that same destroyer overtook them by the way they didn't have one how many of you understand that moses gave them all those things but moses never partook moses never partook in any of those things he told them the holy of holies holy place outer court yet he himself would enter holy of holies anyhow and come out he did obey all the rules because there was nothing in there the reason why i gave them because they didn't believe he believed in christ so those things didn't mean anything to him they went to kenya he didn't follow them there was nothing in canaan since i give you christ you don't want your travel travel i said let me pray for you to walk in revelation you said no you will go to village and charisma not only sand very soon you will carry it coconut tree on your head and bring it to a city for prayer you never start the punishment that he's waiting for in the hands of native doctors and charlatans called pastors that punishment is still doing pressure if you say jesus jesus is too simple don't worry don't worry don't worry you because the darkness shall increase as the light is increasing darkness will increase here that let it will let until it be taken out of the way we're giving you simplicity in christ you're looking for assignment don't worry you will do assignments satan you will use your leg and do assignment i'm not joking i am not joking at all i am not joking at these are very serious issues i'm not playing i'm not playing at all i speak to you as your pastor i speak to you as a spiritual father i speak to you with every sense of responsibility stay with christ stay with christ stay with christ my yoke is easy my burden is light simplicity is only in christ are you still following me now now pay attention to these are surrounded so the reason why these folks were destroyed is not because they're mammoth it's not because they rose up to plane they were already memorized here they were not destroyed they were natural memories they were even sinful including moses do you know that moses was not better than them moses was also like them remember moses did not have one wife i hope you know moses didn't have one wife he told him you cannot marry out of israel then he traveled to dubai for holiday on his way from dubai stopped by utopia he saw one fine girl ah you're an african it doesn't matter come come come he married and brought back so moses and them were all the same the difference between moses and then was that moses believed they didn't believe that's all remember all they say all of them were sinners none of them was born again he says that moses believed in the promise which he gave to them they rejected so since they rejected he kept it then he gave them the other side because you must carry one you look god forbid you cannot be neutral you must carry one you can never be neutral life does not allow it if you refuse christ the other side is waiting you will carry human being on your head in the name of prophetic you will carry and be sweating he will sit on you like this never start never start you remember the man that had good all night eating goat and vomiting you remember he said christ his heart so he went to one man they told him to carry goat to the bush 12th midnight and roast it then when he roasted he shouldn't open it he should start eating it with all the intestines and everything he alone was eating a goat through the night and vomiting that was part one that one is very soon his cow you eat you and the cow will fall on each other the devil is wicked if you reject the love the mercy and the grace of christ if you reject with all this teaching how shall you escape i'm not writing you i'm just showing you the obvious you know god told adam the day you eat it it's just stating the obvious it's not a threat it's not a threat believe me so that's why god communicated the word of faith to them for them to believe in salvation by nature they were sinners so god sent from heaven that which was not among folks the word of life you know you know we read that they were destroyed of serpents let me show you a simple scenario as i round up numbers 21 verse 5 and the people speak up against moses and said moses wherefore have you brought us up out of egypt to die in the wilderness for there is no bread neither is there any water and i was so loaded this light bread versus the lord sent fiery serpents among the people and they beat the people and much people of israel died next verse therefore the people came to moses and said we have sinned for we have spoken against the lord and against thee pray unto the lord that he take away the serpents from us and moses prayed for the people next verse and the lord said unto moses make thee a fiery serpent and set it up on a pole and it shall come to pass that everyone that is beating when he looked upon it shall live look and live look and leave don't pray don't sing don't fast look all you are required to do is look and live look and live my brother live look to jesus christ i live is recorded in god's word hallelujah and thus only that you look and leave but many don't want to look and leave they want to look and do christ is simple he doesn't believe that he that believeth he either believe it look and live it doesn't matter the snakes that are biting it doesn't matter how you are staggering if you can only keep your eyes on jesus they may bite you they may push you but you will not die just keep looking the more you look the straighter you get after a while the staggering starts reducing you start stabilizing and you keep looking you start stabilizing where you were weak before you become stronger as you are looking you may not be perfect in one day but keep looking and keep looking and keep looking as long as you live in christ all your conduct problems will straighten out in the process of time as you keep looking look and leave local leave look and leave put the serpent on the pole so the problem was a question of believing the gospel because all they were required to do was to look look is symbolic of faith because you can look at what you don't believe look means you believe it are we still in the building here john chapter 3 jesus says as moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness because it was symbolic so shall the son of man be lifted up that whosoever the lifting means die and when we believe in the death burial and resurrection we receive life so christ is god's communication to them his sacrifice his redemptive work throughout their 40 years 40 years you know but they didn't accept they didn't look at hebrews 3 18 they didn't accept and to whom swear he that they should not enter into his rest but to them that believe not next verse so we see that they could not enter in not because they did bad things but because of unbelief because of unbelief then look at chapter four verse one less a promise being left us of entering into his rest any of you should seem to come short of it next verse for unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto them but the word preached did not profit them why not being mixed with faith in them that heard it they didn't believe the message so they were not saved they didn't believe the message for so from the beginning of time from the old testament to the new testament the problem of man has always been faith in christ the problem of man now did you observe that that 40 years 40 years of preaching preaching they didn't believe through symbols there were two people that later on believed joshua and caleb joshua and caleb didn't believe at the beginning but as the message kept coming kept coming eventually two of them believed and two of them entered the promised land and the bible said because they had another spirit they had joshua and caleb had another spirit from among the crowd what spirit is that you know brother paul calls it another spirit of faith another spirit of faith second corinthians 4 13 we have been the same spirit of faith as it is written i believe therefore have i spoken we also believe and therefore speak we speak we believe with the heart we speak with them out the spirit of faith was what distinguished everyone where did faith come from it was communicated by hearing because jesus the word of god is the author and the perfecter of faith so by hearing christ faith is communicated to them they ate the meat but there was no consciousness of faith in christ the rock they drank was christ and christ followed them but they did not commune with christ they refused to commune with the essence of what god was doing to them so in first corinthians 10 16 which many people always stumble at first corinthians 10 16 and they think it's communion the cup of blessing which we bless is it not the communion of the blood of christ the bread which we break is it not the communion of the body of christ then he now explains what he's talking about in context verse 17 for we we are that cop we are that bread for we being many are one bread and one body for we are all partakers of that one brain they refused to see the substance in what god was saying so the people ate drunk and the destroyer at them they ate drunk yet the destroyer at them let me tell you something about the destroy before i pray the destroyer is not as intelligent as you think if he located unbelief he would have trapped them long ago but he didn't even know there were an unbelief for many years he didn't know that those people were in unbelief because right there in egypt he would have known that the people were in unbelief he would have known that it was moses that was keeping them but after many years it became obvious that they were not believers that's when he took hold of them because it's not that intelligent it's not that moses carried them for a while that's why you hear his says they were baptized to moses and that's what you observe is a particular age group that was destroyed the children were not destroyed the children entered the promised land the children were not affected they were not and the bible now says to you that if joshua had given them rest he wouldn't have spoken of another day because canaan was not the rest but they remained a rest for the people of god and we that didn't go to canaan we believe in christ we entered the rest the rest of god abraham looked for a city whose builder and maker was god he thought it was king and when he got there discovered it was not canaan but you are come to mount zion you have come to the heavily jerusalem you have come to the city of the living king you have come to the blood of jesus that speak at better things than the blood of evil you have arrived you are right now in zion where are the zionists in this building can you jump on your feet and shut glory lift your right hand father i pray for everybody in this building everybody on television everybody on radio everybody under the sound of my voice that revelation knowledge continues to grow we cast down imagination we bring down every thought under subjection to the obedience of christ we command the eyes of your understanding flooded with light receive the reality of christ in the name of jesus revelation knowledge like never before we call men to this light we call nations to this life we call ministers to this life we call believers to this light in the name of jesus and father we give you praise for answered prayer in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen on a note of finality are we excited amen listen to me don't go away i'm joining mr michael bush in the studio he's already in the studio we're going to open up phone lines and we're going to answer questions and interact with you you know in the next one or two minutes but i want to take up your offerings every time we come to you with the word of god we come to serve you the grace of god all you do is to respond by making your monies and resources available so that this gospel continues to reach the nations of the earth so that through your giving we can raise the volume of this message you didn't hear what i said so that through your giving we can what raise the volume tell your neighbor don't drop the mic bring out that money don't drop the mic bring out that money don't drop the mic bring out that money don't drop the mic we need the money to keep the mic going up and we need the money to raise the volume very high somebody didn't say good evening so get a good offering in this building on television radio audience mr michael bush is going to read the banking details in the next two minutes all our campuses and all our house centers is a joy to be able to serve you the grace of god and to be able to ask you to partner with us through your resources so we can do more for the kingdom remember only what you do for jesus will last any other physical investment ends here the only thing that carries with it eternal value is your investment into the gospel of christ i want to pray for everybody if you're partnering with us today you're investing you're giving whatever kind of giving you're giving we want to thank all of you partners who consistently give to this ministry i'd like you to lift it up let's pray father we pray for everybody in this building those in the campuses and house centers wherever your people are connected to this broadcast television radio and all the various platforms we thank you for your people whose hearts you have stared up thank you for those that are giving joyfully and willingly today all over the nations of the earth i pray that everybody giving your needs are met supernaturally you lack nothing you have everything provided i speak grace upon your jobs and upon the work of your hands in the name of jesus i declare that this week opportunities open up to you connections are released your way you have ideas concepts and insights and you lack no good thing you know exactly what to do and you do what you ought to do you are blessed in all things your going out is blessed your steps are ordered by the lord great grace is upon you and i declare that this week will be a week of many sided testimonies father we give you praise in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen on an auto finality hey guys we love you don't go away don't adjust yourself whether on tv radio or social media get more people to hook up share the videos let's get more people as we go over to the other studio and until i see you in the next one minute enjoy the grace of christ let's celebrate our viewers around the world for being a part of this service that you have been blessed by this message for these all the messages and books by dr abel dominic please call lost 234 806 800-9939 email power cityoffice church in the air and church online join doctors abel and rachel damiener as he brings you sound bible study through the month of july to september at 60 days of glory 2020 exegetically examining the fundamentals of the christian faith salvation in christ date from 5th of july to 6th of september 2020 time 6 pm to 8 pm from 1 days to saturday 8 a.m and 11 a.m on sundays hook up live on our facebook and youtube page and also live on kingdom live network tv on my tv or strong decoder and live on comfort fm 95.1 rural by 6 pm to 8 pm mondays to saturdays and 11 a.m to 1 p.m every sunday and live on inspiration fm 105.9 8 p.m to 9 00 p.m daily also listen to a rebroadcast of the services daily on xlfm106 until 1pm to 3pm daily join the study to find out in 60 days 2020 don't miss it i got a story i wanna share with the [Music] world [Music] [Music] oh [Music] take the time to share the gift [Music] thank god he lives [Music] oh [Music] jesus is [Music] this love [Music] with is [Music] [Music] i got a story i want [Music] do you wanna know [Music] i got a story [Music] oh [Music] i was [Music] the revelation of salvation cannot be subjected to visions it is not given to encounters of heaven or things like that you can close your eyes and teach marriage anywhere in church and in the public and in the community hall but salvation requires the wisdom of god that has been communicated to us already in the letters of paul is not left to subjective reasoning that subject of salvation is not left to subjective reasoning like somebody says i saw a vision and when i was arriving heaven i saw many women crying in hell because they were wearing attachment and makeup and they were wearing jewelry so they had been thrown inside hellfire and you that saw them in hell was standing where [Music] so you can't explain salvation by subjecting it to somebody's dreams or visions visions are never apocalypses never visions are never a full disclosure most visions carry many things that require clarification so visions are not apocalypses so salvation therefore cannot be subjected to somebody's experiences like fire moon water thunder planet no rather it's a revelation that is already written in the poland books thank you for staying tuned in we you are quiet boom states nigeria and we are super excited to have you for the second part of our programming 60 days of glory and um steady we go let me just quickly give you the bank details in case you want to do your offering power city international is the name fcnbc bank 2982 68 20 28 the next bank is zenith 10 12 36 5 9 1 2 and of course the last bank is uba 139 2 6 4 6 five if you need the number for sponsorship all you need to do is call up plus two three four eight or three two seven five six one or four or five an email or two to a belt damina papa is already in the studios upstairs here and any moment now he'll be joining me so can we just take a short break and get papa on set please stay with us church in the air and church online join doctors abel and rachel daminer as he brings you sound bible study through the month of july to september at 60 days of glory 2020 exegetically examining the fundamentals of the christian faith salvation in christ date from 5th of july to 6th of september 2020 time 6 pm to 8 pm from one days to saturday 8 a.m and 11 a.m on sundays hook up live on our facebook and youtube page and also live on kingdom live network tv on my tv or strong decoder and live on comfort fm 95.1 ooh by 6 p.m to 8 p.m mondays to saturdays and 11 a.m to 1 p.m every sunday and live on inspiration fm 105.9 8 p.m to 9 p.m daily also listen to a rebroadcast of the services daily on xlfm106.9 until 1pm to 3pm daily [Music] join the study to find out in 60 days 2020 don't miss it we're glad to have um pap onset the global barber helped me welcome dr ebell damien thank you thank you good to see you we take two anonymous messages and we go to another part of the uk and then outside europe and then run to nigeria anonymous thank you for the great work which god is using you to do more grace please throw more light on what happened in acts 5 1 to 11 since god does not kill acts chapter 5 verse 1 to 11 remember pentecost acts chapter 2 chapter 3 they are still learning their ropes they are still trying to grow remember 40 days of jesus teaching was before acts chapter 1 10 days before so the church was pretty young and remember they were coming from the law of sin and death which is the law of moses and under the law of moses you know killing people and cursing people and destroying people was very natural under the law of moses so in acts chapter five peter was still in that mixture and when ananias and sapira came and they didn't say things the way peter wanted them to say it peter just intimidated them and the bible says ananias upon hearing these words fell down and he gave up the ghost so it was what peter said under the law of sin and death that killed ananias and sapphira remember that later on as peter began to grow spiritually when the sorcerer when the guy came and gave him money and said i want to buy power peter rebuked him and he told me money perished with you and he said to them you better repent he gave that guy an opportunity to repent because he has grown but in chapter five he didn't give anal such an opportunity so his spiritual growth the church was still very young when peter did that okay another quick anonymous entry uh as we get out of scotland in a bit please sir can you explain why we didn't get to hear about tight among the apostles that offering we also hear that if you don't you don't pay tight now you will go to hell please just shed light on this well anybody who tells you if you don't pay tax you go to hell it's just merely manipulating and taking advantage of your ignorance and actually making a you're making you look like a fool that's all it is otherwise if tithing was a prerequisite for going to heaven that would be what would be in john 3 16 for god so loved the world that he demands tithe whoever does not pay tithe shall perish and go to hell but that's not what we have in the bible so let's stay with the bible and let's not allow men you know take advantage of us now why didn't we have our tithing acts of the apostles because in acts of the apostles is is the beginning of the new testament the new testament is a testament of sonship it's a testament of the spirit so therefore in the new testament it is god's character that finds expression through us what is god's character for god so loved the world that he gave in the new testament we give willingly we give generosity we give way and above the tithe what is tied ten percent if people under the law give ten percent how much more people under the finish work of christ to whom much is given much is expected so the new testament is a testament of generosity a testament of giving willingly for god loves a cheerful giver okay so let's just quickly take one anonymous one looks longish but i'll take that as i head out of scotland greetings to you seven of the most high celebrate grace and ancient sir i sincerely appreciate you for aligning yourself with the will of god and rightly dividing the word of god sir i've worshipped with my church for about 15 years now the passion to number of christ has kept me serving faithfully and with all dedication until i became a pastor with the commission one of my foundational prayers when i received christ was that the knowledge of christ was big on my inside about four years ago i became restless no longer satisfied with the content of the messages preached in fact i woke up from a revelation where i heard clearly that christ should be the center of all messages in my quest to be equipped with the knowledge of christ i started gathering messages and christian literatures for all days past years but all i got was was what i got that so far was just an advertiser two months ago a brother that would share the same button gave me your video message on my phone and that was my turning point after i watched the message my spirit was translated to a realm beyond human comprehension that message was preached just for me because you confirmed and provided answers to questions and things i wrote down as pertaining my spirituality the intensity of my hunger for more knowledge of the scriptures and the desperation for more of your messages made me to trace your church in my state after the service i told the brother i met that i need at least 1 000 of your crystal-centric messages for restart i got the available messages but not satisfied so you added me to the riot group and your audio preaching on telegram sir the death of the impact of your messages on me my wife and entire family is beyond human explanation we are part of the 30 days of glory that has grown into 60 days of glory now building our faith and increasing knowledge glory sir i'm going to tell him at the moment i need your counsel my pastor called me about a week ago and said i should prepare that i'll be posted as the resident pastor uh to one of our branches within the month although i have been waiting for god's appointed time to serve in that capacity but at the moment i don't know if i should upheld myself because i don't think i can now preach that their message syllabus in fact i can't preach any message now that is not purely christ-centered so what should i do thank you and god bless you i prefer to remain anonymous well congratulations we rejoice with you that you're coming into the fullness of the knowledge of christ now my advice is simple since you're just coming into these realities i will advise that you decline tell your pastor you will prefer to decline you're undergoing some form of training and learning and that you will want for now to take out time to study and learn the reason is because if you move in you you either have to preach what they are preaching or they declare you a rebel and if they do that you will not stop fighting unnecessary battles because you will be looked upon like a black sheep and it will distract you so my advice decline give yourself one to three years of study then you will become fully prepared for ministry and at that time you can do ministry at another level and be a blessing to the body of christ it's better to be late than to be early and wrong so that's my advice to you elsewhere um in the uk that's from scotland we go to bimpe at jalan says my name is bimplay i'm writing from london thank you so much for your message today that was yesterday i have a question on paul baptizing the stefanos family or household in first corinthians 1 16 and also with paul talking about not taking the communion unworthily i understand that these things are shadows and that christ is substance however i don't understand why paul mentions that he baptized that is that first corinthians 1 14 to 16 people and then talks about first corinthians 11 27 to 24 how the communion should be taken thank you for your preaching it's truly revolutional and it's helping me okay let's start with first corinthians chapter 1 verse 16. you don't stop at 16 you go to 17. so 116 then we look at 17 to explain what paul was saying and i baptized also the household of stefanos besides i know not whether i baptized any order for christ sent me not to baptize so what paul was simply saying is when i joined the church i saw them doing it and i joined them to do it but when it became clear to me that it was not relevant to salvation i didn't know more to anybody why look at verse 17 for christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel not with the wisdom of words why will i not baptize lest the cross of christ should be made of known effect because once you come to christ you don't need the water now the communion you're talking about in first corinthians chapter 11 where brother paul was talking about eating on wadi lee if you observe what i thought day before yesterday yesterday and today if you listen to those messages over and over again you will understand that what paul was saying actually was that now that christ has become our passover we benefit from the communion of the body of christ by speaking in agreement with the finnish work that's what he said and if you don't speak the right words you are doing it unworthily and when you don't speak the right words you create a room for satan to come in and make you seek weak or even kill you by your words that's what paul was talking about okay i'm still from the united kingdom still from london um kevin a blessing to a generation we thank god for you and your family i would like to appeal to everyone benefiting from babas ministries to become a partner if they have not done so they managed to reintroduce jesus to our generations a lot of work and requires a lot of money to reach many people who are still in the ministry of moses or elijah very little contribution can help with the soul or bring people to deserving knowledge of god i was born again for many years but i was only doing religion until i came across baba's messages online i'm forever grateful to your ministry kevin jacob in london thank you kevin and thank you everybody partner with all partners i truly truly honor all of you and together we're lifting the volume high we're not dropping the microphone we actually just picked up the mic italy next barbara i really appreciate you for the undiluted world you have been blessing us with thank you so much my family and i we love you we're proud of you please barbara say a word of prayer for my children more grace my name is helen in italy father we pray for helen's children we decree that you're taught of the lord great is your peace and nothing shall offend you there's no distance in the realm of the spirit so we speak the blessing we speak the preservative hand of god over those children that they grow in the knowledge of christ in jesus name amen okay still from italy our friend lot screws blessed afternoon to you mr bush and to the entire pci family that's power city international i would like to appreciate this great family for the love and prayers i received on my birthday it was simply overwhelming bless you daddy for your labor of love over us this generation is blessed to have you as your doctor eradicate ignorance from the body of christ you are strengthened continually by the holy ghost in your inner mind nations are flooded with life by your teachings and the word of god is prevailing bringing down strongholds and imaginations and christ is glorified i love you daddy big thank you to maori and triple j plus thank you baba lost cruz in italy thank you logzy thank you thank you quickly we go to spain next time my name is mary from spain i just want to appreciate the work of christ that he was showing to the world god will always bless you i have three questions what does the flesh mean in romans 8 8 romans 8 8 and then we read 9 so then they that are in the flesh cannot please god verse 9 but you are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be that the spirit of god dwell in you now if any man have not the spirit of christ he is none of his so what brother paul was dealing with in romans chapter 8 was the flesh meaning the unregenerated person that is not born again and the spirit meaning the person that is born again so in that context he's talking about the unregenerated unbeliever and the believer in christ jesus spirit and flesh let's get back to winning with spain that's where we are and we continue with mary who is live there how did god baba anoint jesus in austin 28 if god is jesus yeah because jesus was he was a man jesus is god who came out of god to be a man so since he came out of god to be a man so god anointed jesus of nazareth it establishes his humanity if the devil is the creation of god why did god create evil that's the last from mary in spain mary god didn't create the devil god created everything good in genesis chapter one look at verse that one everything was good but among the angels that god created he gave them the freedom to choose and because they were free they had the free will to choose whatever they wanted the angels that rejected you know god's plan for them became evil in their in their choice that's where they fall that's where evil came so the interconnection between the angel and adam produced the devil out of that so that's where it came from okay raymond is still in spain raymond is in spain so we're still in spain i just want to thank baba for this great revelational knowledge of christ i tell you the truth the devil and his agents are not happy at all because baba this message is breaking grounds and penetrating territories persecution will arise against you baba but we praying for you that you'll be delivered from the hands of wicked and reasonable men who do not believe the gospel we say men to that but i think we should go from from europe now we should go to the americas we'll go to minnesota yeah can i go to minnesota on your phone yeah we can uh the mail is there yes the mail is there right okay so this comes from minnesota and it says hi baba this is daria bassey martin akman watching from minnesota united states of america to extend my appreciation for the amazing teachings you've delivered to us during these past days and even being honest my entire life i write to thank you baba for investing your time in our faith thank you for making these teachings available to us through social media i also want to acknowledge mr michael bush thanks for your media contribution to this major event i was overwhelmed with gratitude after reading you are abel damina when this agreement becomes hate article in your column the other monday would like to thank you diabetes and we hope that the people in minnesota love us the way we love them too but let's go quickly now from there from minnesota we go to we go to washington we go to certain washington where maker rights from glory greetings to you baba dr abel damina and honorable mr michael bruce have been following your teachings for about a month now after another brother here in seattle brother tunde shared the link of 30 days of glory with me on whatsapp and my life has been transformed ever since but by the things i'm hearing reading and learning in these 30 days of glory now it is have completely turned my life around after 26 years of practicing on sound doctrines and listening to empty religious messages i want to use this opportunity to ask all sins following these seconds season of 30 days of glory to share the links with everyone whether they are believers or yes friends or enemies pastors or bishops as there are many people who carry the bible as i did they didn't don't even understand what they are doing please don't assume anyone knows this true gospel we have a privilege to hear if someone had not shared this link with me i would have still been lost in religious tables even though i have always had the zeal to know god thank you baba for showing us the gospel of christ and thank you mr bush for your great work glory glory amen yeah okay from there i don't know do we fly back to nigeria okay one last one from the united states steel and this one comes from atlanta georgia when do they say good afternoon dr corinthians 3 17 i'm trying to explain to my friend who's a christian that god doesn't destroy no kill he came to give life not destroyed thank you first corinthians chapter 3 verse 17 if any man defile the temple of god him shall god destroy for the temple of god is only which temple you are next verse let no one deceive himself if any among you is meant to be wise in this world let him become a fool that he may be wise givers 14 and 15. if any man's walk abided shall build there upon he shall receive a reward next verse if any man's work shall be bound he shall suffer lost by himself shall be saved to us by fire next verse 16 know ye not that your temple of god under the spirit of god dwelleth in you if any man destroy the temple of god the destruction there is not like god destroying the destruction there is you know by virtue of defiling the temple you create a room for destruction on your body which denies your body the privilege it has by the life of god so the destruction there is actually the inactivity of god in the circumstances okay you quote in aqua boom baba please i need your advice i'm about to marry and we intend to do just traditional uncourt marriage but a great number of persons including some pastors are against it saying it's not right to wait without going to church for white women my pastor's given this concern but i'm still confused well the truth of the matter is marriage is cultural marriage is cultural all this idea of white wedding is just a white man's culture there's no such thing in the bible marriage is cultural once your family and the family of the person you're intending to get married to agrees and give both of you your blessing that's what you need majorly the other thing is to honor your pastor by letting your pastor in so that he can also speak a blessing over both of you and maybe have a say you know that will give you counsel and wisdom and help basically that's what it is when it comes to marriage that's basically what it is so my advice if both of you are persuaded and convinced to get married you're persuaded and convinced to be married my advice is go ahead with it you know um there are other ways to do it in the society so go ahead with it if you're convinced and you're of age to do it just go ahead with it and trust god because ultimately after all the wedding and after all the white wedding it is still you and your wife that will have to live together and face life together okay from a quiet boom state let's go quickly to worry john is there baba we appreciate you for being a blessing to this generation please sir how can a pastor be full of grace or success in ministry full of grace and success for ministry i don't know what you mean by success but i know that ministry is the teaching of the word of god and prayer so if you want to fulfill ministry give yourself to the ministry of the word give yourself to prayer success in ministry is not measured by crowd it's not measured by the size of your church it's not measured by your popularity success in ministry is measured by the soundness of your message and your prayer that's why the apostles gave themselves to prayer and the ministry of the world forget about this branding that has been going on in the body of christ called ministerial success forget about it when brother paul finished his ministry there was only one thing he said i have fought a good fight i have kept the message and henceforth is laid for me a crown of righteousness not for the crowd not for popularity but for keeping the message so at the end of the day your reward will be for the soundness of the message that you preach and the number of souls that came to the knowledge of christ through your ministry that's critical and that's what you should be bothered about so my advice give yourself to learning give yourself to study give yourself to prayer and teach the word of god with a pure motive and a sincere heart that's the way to succeed let's go to potter court next doctor abel damina my name is edemek i'm eight years old i'm writing from protagon i want to ask how can i tell when it is god that's speaking to me and not my mind and please could you write a book on it this one was already answered though yeah but yes yes but but what to do is as you continue to grow in the bible listen the first surest way to hear from god is in the written world as you study the bible and you study you get used to the way god deals with people especially the new testament and for your age i will recommend for you the book of john the book of john very well when you have understood the book of john you can move to other books in the new testament that's where to stay in for some time when you get conversant with the way god speaks through his written word it will be easy for you to hear god and know that this is god and this is not god it begins with the understanding of the written word potako still matthias dr damina and mr bush my questions who hadn't pharaoh's heart pharaoh hadn't deserved simple i did a full teaching on that in two kinds of righteousness pharaoh hadn't decided but why the bible said god had in pharaoh's heart was because it's a figure of speech that means when the gospel was preached to pharaoh pharaoh rejected the gospel so because it was the gospel preached to pharaoh that made pharaoh to had in his heart that's why they say it is god that had in pharaoh's heart because if the gospel of christ was not preached there will be no occasion for pharaoh to reject it which will result in the hardness of heart so the inactivity of god is what they call god hardening the heart of pharaoh is a figure of speech and still from matthias in potara court river state why did sarah and hannah not give birth early enough the bible is not about people giving birth and the people not giving brought the bible is a book of salvation so don't bother yourself with that evangelist yes says according to first corinthians 14 1 desire spiritual gift especially prophecy how can i activate the gift of prophecy in my ministry to prophesy sir thank you uh you desire you desire the gift and then you convey the gift they give yourself to a lot of praying and studying and as you desire to serve the people of god and you begin to pray in the spirit and grow eventually all those gifts will just be finding expression where they need arises for them okay don't make the gift your target make the word of god you're talking because if you start pursuing gifts in a short while you will just go off into the bush let the world be the target as you keep teaching people where the gifts need to find expression they will come along with the word okay still around potako to take this doesn't say where it's writing from a big shout out and a thank you to baba for feeding us daily coming from pastor shadrach ray sukata allah boston and jessica izuku um baba we are here online watching delhi ambassador bush you saw it for your splendid anchoring baba we have no questions at this time we partake of your meals moon morning noon and night great grace abounds towards you thank you great grace too our first caller my name is moji sumo calling from our local government at five on six yeah i'm very grateful to your teaching especially to this one and all of your teachings and today's teaching has really opened my eyes in terms of breadth and what jesus was telling the people telling the jews and i'm very very grateful apply to may god bless you and may god continue to bless you and give you more strength to preach this gospel in jesus name amen thank you okay so let's make progress we go to abuja next evangelists are definitely bola baba why do the churches of today not support to engage in missionary work just as it was done by the fullness or as it's done by the fullest missionary work we engage i engage in missionary work i support missionaries who are in hindu parts of the world preaching the gospel there are people i support their people reach out to so you cannot just accuse because you're not a missionary or if you're one you're not the only missionary a lot of missionaries getting support from churches however sometimes missionaries just appear from the moon and say i'm a missionary support me it doesn't work like that you must build a relationship with ministries that are that you know ministries that had church bees build relationship let them know you serve among them then let them be the ones that sent you forth so they can support you because most churches wouldn't just accept the fact that you appeared from nowhere and said i'm a missionary support me you must build relationship in fact in everything in the kingdom of god things walk by relationship so if you're a missionary you're not getting support maybe you need to look for a local church get in there be a part of the brethren let the person know that you're a missionary and let him know what you do and then begin to do mission work around that church let them see the impact of your missionary work let them see people getting saved and growing in knowledge of christ then if you say you're going on missions that church will gladly raise support and support you because they've seen fruit of what you're saying just be nice we are up with you in a moment first though this call hello hello thank you for joining us where are you calling from go ahead yeah i'm calling from ghana yeah yeah i am i am reverend and i just want to start administration i started watching papa's program just three days ago and i am touched with her his message in fact i am yearning to steal him personally and then i go and do some training and that is okay that is why i am i am calling this afternoon okay well uh if you send us a mail indicating a trust to be trained and all that we'll hook you up with our training department and they will give you all our various training programs and you see what works for you god bless you josh plato state emmanuel writing glory glory glory baba thank god for the gift of you to our generation god bless you baba my grace my question can a believer's name be blotted out from the book of life referring to revelations 3 5. the thing is you're thinking of book of life like the exercise book you use in secondary school or university to write notes the book of life is a passing when christ enters you the entrance of christ into you is what we call your name in the book of life and jesus said he will live in you forever so the believer cannot be blotted out of the book of life okay from um just we go quickly to keduna anonymous baba if everything we need is in christ of which i also believe why do we still conduct a fiscal drinking of his blood and eating of his body in church today because of acting in the spirit confessing jesus openly as we have thought please ask those churches that are drinking and eating because we don't do it here so i can't answer for them okay is shaya chi roma this another caller this is probably the last call i'll take today hello hello thank you for joining us you know where you're calling from my name is esther okay i really appreciate what you are doing the grace of god upon your life esther calling from from my back okay go ahead yes papa please your words have been inspiring yeah i want to ask is it wrong for me to confess my sin before i pray why are you confessing what value does the confession have confession of seed has no value now you're confessing your sin is like bringing animals to the high priest every year it has no value what forgave you your sin is the death of christ once you have received christ and you begin to grow in the knowledge of him there's nothing like confessing sin your confession does not help anything confessing of sin simply means you are in sin consciousness my advice for you get my teaching on overcoming sin consciousness overcoming sin consciousness and it will take care of all that explanation including 1st john chapter 1 verse 9 which is where you have read you know overcoming sin consciousness will explain to you how it works and how you can overcome all those things in the kingdom that's my advice overcoming sin conscious is a six hour teaching it will help you a lot so boring finally we take two messages one from ishaya churuma says baba i used to be very strong i used to be very strong in prayers and always happy during doing the work of god but now i'm cold please pray for me to regain my strength in christ your strength is regained by growing in the knowledge of christ as you begin to grow naturally you will love to pray as you grow in knowledge so my prayer for you is that you come into where you begin to abound in knowledge abounding grace and that as you grow in the knowledge of christ you become effective and efficient in your relationship with god in jesus name amen still from borrowing this time from medieval the state capital solomon i've been following your foreign since 2011 my prayer and hope is that one day i will see you face to face to the glory of god and also to see you at the minister's conference at gumbay state my question is in the book of romans 6 4 and galatians 2 12. please shed more light about baptism baptism there is born again that's what he's talking about the baptism there is born again when you are born into christ you are baptized into christ that's what he means okay let's um dash to the southwestern part of the country to shubho next i'll take this one joshua baba please where can i get the original text of bible from where the english version was translated from look for a greek lexicon greek lexicon but it's not enough to get it you must be taught how to read and study it so it's not just enough to get it that's why people go to a whole university to learn greek and hebrew it's a whole course in the university so that means you can't just casually learn it they're you know it's it's a full learning my advice however get our teachings and keep following eventually you will get there okay babasti from mushubo i guess pastor femi good god bless you dr damina and your ministry thank you for the light that you shared on the issue of one wife for bishops these are the truths church leaders have not been able to air but have been brewing so many deceptions even though many individuals know thank you for your absolute truthfulness pastor femi thank you okay let's go oh no we switched back into the north central part of the country reverend sam oh yeah paul saini lauren quaresty thank you so much sir you're doing a great job the revelation of jesus that dr damien is bringing to us is awesome the lord will surely bless you and reward you sir amen okay thank you bye everyone who's praying for you today and um i don't know where it's writing from it says you are boy scared kate byuska agbo yes scared he's a very powerful guy he's probably you yeah too much he doesn't think okay so his name is he's a good guy i think he's in the in the u.s oh it's in the u.s yes okay so we'll go to the us and we dash back to okay the middle is good so so he says same greetings dr abel damina my barbara and the mabel mr bush the best anchor in the middle east in africa in europe and the americas okay thank you thank you baba for your labor in word and doctrine words cannot capture how much you do for the family of god you are humongous blessing and a gift of a pastor i wrote to you just to show your appreciation for all you do thank you sir god will continually deliver you from wicked and reasonable men for all men have not faith christ is your sufficient sister and his graciously not for you i love you eternally your boy scared by oscar abba thank you scared bless you and thank you and we love you man i just wanted to be a free guy yes i'm free now yes you're free now so from the americas let's go to sri lanka wow sri lanka yeah that's some that's some distance yes sharon salgado baba i'm watching you on tv for the first time thank you for this knowledge baba please pray for god's plan in my life to be fulfilled sharon in the name of jesus your steps are ordered you are led by the spirit you walk in the spirit you are not you are not confused you have clarity of direction in jesus name amen okay but let's fly straight from sri lanka to where do we go south africa south africa let's go to south africa baba my name is god angel prophet of the lord your son in the lord it's been like several years that i've been listening to your teaching and it's improved my knowledge of god through christ to the benefit of knowing my identity in christ my position in christ and my inheritance in christ at the point even of writing a book and organizing back to school services where we bring people back to the understanding of these fundamental things as believers but have a concern dr damina has been years that i'm dealing with this in ministry god using me according to isaiah 61 1-3 writing and teaching and preaching about this for years and i'd like to know you are in your take on revelation about it i've dealt with several kinds of things received testimonies even from former witches and wizards who have been saved and paul in the bible spoke about this but you seem not to emphasize much on it while it seems to be deadly reality of the christian that's spiritual warfare this was also answered already this is writing from cape town south africa but just would like to say where or two before you need to go neither give place to the devil we focus on christ and not the devil the devil is not a message when you shine enough light in the room darkness will find its way you don't need to pray for darkness just shine the light bubba we must go um the 60 days of glory studios from the international headquarters of power city international here in new york acquire boom state nigeria pastor ige aquarius thank you pastor dr young thank you pastor doctor adoring thank you prophet so imagine thank you professor excuse me pastor obama you never know tomorrow yeah studio hands cameraman sound engineers this is michael bush inviting papa to bless us for the road the intercontinental mr bush we love you guys looking forward to spending more time with you and everybody else here for share the video let's get this message all over the world until tomorrow enjoy the grace of christ and be blessed amen jesus is our god i say jesus is our god and i didn't hear a shout of amen i said jesus is our god if jesus is not god to you you're not a christian if jesus is not god to you you're not born again if moses is not subject to jesus you're not a believer if elijah is not subject to jesus correction you're not a christian jesus is the reason for elijah he's the reason for moses he's the reason for all the prophets why all the prophets came to testify of him and he came physically to correct the impressions they gave that were not accurate and to reveal himself to you because god in the new testament culminates his plan as the father and his family but when you don't read the bible in the light of christ you end up in a religion you end up in another religion or a cult or in idol worship the scriptures must be read in the light of christ first john chapter 5 verse 20 pay attention and we know that the son of god is come and has given us an understanding that is our understanding is in the light of christ has given us an understanding and through christ that we may know him our knowledge is the knowledge of christ that's what brother paul says that the eyes of your understanding may lighten that you may have the spirit of wisdom and revelation where in the knowledge of him in the knowledge of christ and we know that the son of god is calm and had given us an understanding that we may know him that is true and we are in him that is true even in his son jesus christ who is jesus christ this is the true god who is the true god and the eternal life jesus is god revealed in humanity so when you read the bible looking for jesus you end up in christianity but when you read the bible looking for moses you end up in judaism when you read the bible looking for prophets you can end up in islam when you read the bible looking for incantations and how to kill people you end up in occultism how you read it is what determines your destination how you read it that's why the word of god says take it how you read take it how you read because how you read will determine where you arrive you can arrive at a religion somewhere how you read this critical how are you reading that's when they ask you the certain questions you will say to them have you not read have you not read or that is how are you reading because if you are reading well you should know that what i say is final if you are reading well if moses said an eye for an eye you should carry what moses said and check it with what i say i say forgive those that hurt you pray for those that bless you so me and moses who is god to you if moses is your god take moses own and if i am your god take my own that is where the robber meets the road who is god to you [Music] who is god to you when you read the bible who are you looking for if you are reading the bible to solve problems you will end up with native doctors whatever is your motivation for reading is where you will arrive if you are reading the bible to kill people you will end up in witchcraft that's when they asked jesus should we command fire to come down and destroy them like elijah jesus says stop that you know not what manner of spirit you are of the son of man is not come to destroy men's lives but to save them and they went to another village what are you looking for when you read the bible jesus in luke chapter 24 verse 44 he said to them these are the words which i speak unto you while i was yet with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written well in the law of moses and in the prophets and in the psalms how concerning me what jesus saying is i'm the reason for the prophets i'm the reason for the psalms i'm the reason for the law of moses they are all talking about me they are all pointing to my person jesus is saying i'm not one of the prophets i am not a messenger i am god so jesus didn't come to speak for god jesus is god speaking for himself jesus didn't come to show us the way to god no jesus is god showing himself he's the accurate revelation of god to humanity and until you understand that your questions will never end until you understand that you will argue the bible till you die you will never arrive ever learning never able to come to the knowledge of the truth until you submit to the lordship of jesus until you agree that jesus is god your questions have no end the bible is not a book of ideology so stop looking for how archaeology can confirm the bible the bible is not a history book so stop looking for who was the wife of king the bible is not a documentation on how the world started so stop looking for when the world was created did water destroy the world the bible has a singular revelation it has a bias such the scriptures they testify of me i'm from a child you have known the holy scriptures which are able to make the world wise unto what salvation through what faith which is where in christ jesus and a christian is in christ a christian is in christ so his search will be inside christ a christian is in christ so his search will be inside christ his conclusions will be inside christ his direction will be inside christ his destination will be inside christ am i teaching somebody here the bible is the borderline for all christian learning the bible is the borderline and the reason why it is the borderline is because that's the only book in the world that carries with it the revelation of christ outside the bible you won't find christ elsewhere outside the bible you won't find christ elsewhere it is the final authority when it comes to man's relationship with god almighty remember christianity is the only faith only in the entire universe where the worship lives on the inside of the worshipper christianity is the only faith i mean only faith i mean only faith where the founder died and rose the third day all other religions their founders who died in the grave waiting for christ to judge them what are you talking about historically it is proven that jesus rose from the dead historically over 500 people saw him alive documented over 500 before he died he told them i'm gonna die and i will rise they saw him die they saw him buried when he rose they saw him they touched him they handled him it is the only faith on earth where the founder died and on the third day he wrote i am the resurrection and the life i don't have resurrection i am the embodiment of resurrection when i enter you resurrection has entered the only way to read the bible as a true christian is in the light of christ is in the light of christ many religions endorse accept and agree with the old testament many religions in the world they endorse they accept and they agree with the old testament section some of them endorse matthew mark luke that's where they stopped but all religions back off when we say jesus rules from the dead no religion dares to read from acts to revelation no religion agrees with acts to revelation and that is why a preacher that cannot preach from acts to revelation needs to be born again again because acts to revelation is the family album for believers because acts to revelation is derived from the old testament as a balanced diet for the nutrition of christians and there are pastors who never read from acts to revelation they live their lives the prayer of jabbings [Music] indeed the prayer of javis the prayer of jabez is not for believers the prayer of japanese is not for born-again men the prayer of japanese is for men who don't know god so anybody preaching the prayer of jabez to you is insulting your spiritual intelligence it's not for believers or somebody said don't be like delilah there is no delilah in the new testament somebody said don't be like a jezebel there is no jezebel in the new testament in the new testament we have brand new men no jew no gentile but a new creation if any man in christ is a new creation all things are passed away behold behold behold all things are new we are the circumcision that worship god will in the spirit and have no confidence in the flesh you shall neither in jerusalem nor in this mountain worship the time cometh and now is when true worshipers shall worship their father in spirits what is born of flesh is flesh that which is born of spirit is spirit ayanama katholanama are you still in the building we worship god in the spirit and we have no confidence in anointing oil we have no confidence in bread and tasty time we have no confidence in water our confidence is in the spirit i didn't hear somebody shout amen [Music] the entire revelation of god is in a person his name is jesus so ladies and gentlemen the epistles are the game changer the epistles are the game changer because that is where you cannot understand except by the holy ghost the epistles are not outward the epistles are inward the epistles are the revelation of the new creation that's why jesus in john chapter 16 verse 12 said i have many things to say to you but you cannot bear them now because the things spoken of in the epistles are not for natural men comparing spiritual with spiritual natural with natural for the natural man cannot receive the things of the spirit neither can he know them why they are spiritually discerned brother paul said we speak words which the holy ghost teaches so that's why paul now will pray that the eyes of your understanding be enlightened that you may know that you may know that you may know what is the hope of your calling it's not head knowledge it's not theory it is revealed knowledge flesh and blood has not revealed this but my father which is in heaven so when the epistles are read in the light of christ the revelation of the identity capacity and ability of the born-again man are revealed to him so he can function in that reality the epistles are the diets for the bodyguard we feed on them and we feed on them with reckless abandon because they are rightly divided so a christian's life a true christian's life is clearly seen in the epistles that's where we see the rising christ that's where we see the resurrected crime many religions can handle jesus of nazareth they can handle jesus of nazareth in fact people like mathema gandhi said i love the jesus of matthew mark and luke i love him i don't love the other jesus of the epistles i love the one of matthew mark and luke because he said do good to your enemies if they slap you here turn the other side we like those morals many religions can identify with that but when you start speaking things as radical as we are the circumcision that worship god jewish people can undo that we start saying things as radical as we worship god in the spirit and have no confidence in the flesh natural religions cannot do that because that's revelation knowledge when you start saying things like if any man in christ is a new creature so a man like brother paul who killed christians wasted people made from people widows and widowers made children fatherless and motherless and after killing them he now gets born again he comes back to those churches and he says to them receive us we have wrong new man we have defrauded no man we have cheated no man it makes no sense to a religious man so religion will look at paul like this then paul looks at them and say the person that killed your people is soul of thousands this is paul the apostle if any man in christ is a new creation all things are passed away behold all things are become new there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are aware in christ jesus for the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death for what the lord could not do in that it was weak through the flesh god sending his son in the likeness of sinful flesh and forseen condemned sin in the flesh that the righteousness of god may be fulfilled in us not by us so brother paul will say and be found in him not having my own righteousness but the righteousness which is of jesus it is no longer i that lives but christ that lives in me the life that i now live in the flesh i live by the faith of the son of god who loved me and gave himself for me church in the air and church online join doctors abel and rachel daminer as he brings you sound bible study through the month of july to september at 60 days of glory 2020 exegetically examining the fundamentals of the christian faith in christ date from 5th of july to 6th of september 2020 time 6 pm to 8 pm from 1 days to saturday 8 a.m and 11 a.m on sundays hook up live on our facebook and youtube page and also live on kingdom live network tv on my tv or strong decoder and live on comfort fm 95.1 volume by 6 pm to 8 pm mondays to saturdays and 11 a.m to 1 p.m every sunday and live on inspiration fm 105.9 8 p.m to 9 p.m daily also listen to a rebroadcast of the services daily on xlfm 106. until 1pm to 3pm daily [Music] join the study to find out in 60 days 2020 don't miss it [Music] this is kingdom life network
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 3,717
Rating: 4.8532109 out of 5
Id: vmfs01RK_SU
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Length: 126min 6sec (7566 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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