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[Music] come on one more time if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your feet one more time put those together like [Music] this after us [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on come on come on come on [Applause] i am what god [Music] [Applause] [Music] i says do what god says [Music] i believe [Music] i would never [Music] but i would never never be descending with a holy [Music] jesus is my righteousness [Music] is [Music] i believe [Music] [Music] now [Music] it me [Applause] [Music] [Music] it is my pleasure to invite on stage our [Music] [Applause] you are redeemed redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost is your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your flavors [Music] i would never be the same [Music] [Music] of us learn tonight and we rejoice at people around the world the revelation of jesus flooding the nations flooding father we rejoice and we thank you for the privilege of coming before your word humbly tonight we come before your holy word respectfully and we rejoice for what the holy ghost is doing in us with us and through us even in these days of the glory of god manifesting among us through the teaching and the preaching of god's word so i pray that tonight everyone connected to the service across the nations of the earth revealed knowledge is granted everybody in the name of jesus whatever is not planted by god is rooted out every veil falls off clarity comes your people built up equipped edified and we rejoice that at the end of the service tonight jesus will be expressly revealed we thank you for the blessing your people will never live the same way they came we give you praise for answered prayer in jesus precious name and every believer says it powerfully man lift your right hands to heaven let's release our faith together to say these words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer sees it powerfully man we want to welcome everybody connected to this service but we have kingdom life network facebook youtube instagram and twitter and everybody connected within acquirebomb state by way of comfort fm and xlfm is a joy to have all of you connected to the service tonight do me a favor invite a friend a family member somebody in your neighborhood ask them to hook up to the service and it's going to be an exciting time of studying the bible tonight and all of you on the social media community do me a favor also help me share the video tag some people drop the video in different groups within your within the community around you make sure that people are tagged people are you know create watch parties drop them on telegram monogram whatever grams are available let's float the blue marble planet to the fragrance of jesus grace tonight and all our campuses and house centers is a joy to have everybody connected we're going to have an exciting time of studying the word of his grace grab your bible your birth your notebook and you can be seated with your sweet smart self as we get into the word of god praise god all right we're still looking at the promises of god the promises of god luke chapter 24 verse number 25 luke 24 25 when he said unto them all fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken pay attention to the fact that the reference here is they were slow of her to believe all that the prophets have spoken or not christ to have and suffer these things and to enter into his glory next verse and begin him at moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself so they established that they were slow of her to believe because they couldn't see what the prophets have spoken so it was an issue of sight not an issue of sound they couldn't see what the prophets have spoken they couldn't come to a place of revealed knowledge and of course we know why because of their spiritual state they were spiritually dead look at romans chapter 16 verse number 25 romans chapter 16 verse 25 now to hear him that is a power to establish you according to my gospel and the preaching of jesus christ according to the revelation of the mystery so we've established that the old testament is mystery and the new testament is revelation according to the unveiling of the old testament or the unveiling of genesis to malachi all right according to the revelation of the mystery which was kept secret since the world begun which was kept secret so the word revelation is the word apocalypse which means to know to know the word mystery is hidden information the greek word mysterion look at matthew 13 34 what jesus said concerning you know revelation knowledge all these things speak jesus onto the multitude in parables and without a parable speaking not unto them why next verse that it might be fulfilled which are spoken by the prophet saying i will open my mouth in parables i will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world so even in jesus teaching ministry he couldn't go beyond that level which is a parable level or the mystery level you know which is a parable or the mystery in mark 4 11 look at the way jesus will put it in mark chapter 4 verse 11. he said unto them unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom but unto them that are without all these things are done in parable so jesus mode of communication couldn't go too far beyond where the old testament people stopped now remember he said that his gospel is according to the revelation of the mystery the revelation of the mystery please pay attention acts chapter 3 verse 20 let's see brother peter simon on you know on the day of the day after pentecost and he shall send jesus christ which before was preached unto you next verse whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things which god had spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began did you observe the mystery was kept secret since the world begun which god has spoken by the mouth of all his prophets since the world began meaning the mystery was in what the prophet spoke since the world begun look at ii corinthians chapter 1 verse 20. ii corinthians chapter 1 verse 20 for all the promises of god in him ye and in him a man unto the glory of god by us all the promises of god the word all is the word great so the great promises of god are ye the word ye means satan and amen the word amen means fulfilled so it means that when promises were made they were made concerning the christ look at romans chapter 15 verse 8 romans chapter 15 verse 8 now i say that jesus christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of god to confirm the promises made unto the fathers to confirm the promises made unto the fathers now hold on acts chapter 13 verse 33 we will come back to romans 15. acts 13 33 god go back to 32 let's start from 30 to acts 13 32 and we declare unto you glad tidings how that the promise which was made unto the fathers god had fulfilled the same unto us their children in that he had raised up jesus again as it is also written in the second psalm thou art my son this day have i begotten thee so the promise that god made to the fathers in the old testament was that he will raise jesus again from the dead that has been the promise from the beginning of time it is that promise that was concealed in a mystery in the old testament now back to romans chapter 15 verse 8 romans chapter 15 verse number 8. now i say that jesus christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of god to confirm the promises made unto the gentiles i mean unto the fathers and if you look at verse 9 he included the gentiles so but to the fathers and to the gentiles jesus is is the truth of god the word circumcision refers to jews the word truth of god is the greek word alethia alessia refers to integrity the truth of god or the integrity of god to confirm is the word to ratify or to secure or to establish or to make reliable jesus is the minister that was to confirm to secure or to make reliable or to establish god's promise please stay with me galatians chapter 3 verse number 13 galatians chapter 3 verse 13 christ has redeemed us from the cause of the law being made a cause for us for it is written cost is everyone that hangeth on a tree next verse that the blessing of abraham might calm on the gentiles through jesus christ that we must receive the promise of the spirit through faith and on sunday morning day before yesterday we took time to say that we might receive the promised spirit or the promise of the spirit that we might receive the promised spirit the spirit of adoption or the spirit of his son the spirit of adoption that is what we receive and that was god's promise to abraham that was god's promise to abraham please stay with me now look at the next verse verse number 15 galatians brethren i speak after the manner of man though it be but a man's covenant yet if it be confirmed no man disappointed or added there too talking about the old covenant which is the covenant given by moses to the children of israel a man's covenant look at verse 16 now verse 16 of same chapter now to abraham and his seed where the promise is made he saith not and to see it as of many but as of one and to thy seed which is christ to thy seed which is christ so that promise was made concerning one person one person but who was the audience who believed the promise the audience who believed the promise was abraham abraham believed what god promised now who was the promise for remember the seed of abraham is christ the seed of abraham is christ now look at verse 17 of galatians chapter 3 galatians 3 17 and this i say that the covenant that was confirmed before of god in christ the law which was four hundred and thirty years after cannot this and all that it should make the promise of non-effect that it should make the promise of non-effect what covenant was confirmed before of god in christ that covenant that was confirmed before of god in christ was the promise god made to abraham the promise god made to abraham so god's promise to abraham is called the greatest the greatest now was it for abraham the promise that god made to abraham was it for abraham no it was not for abraham it was for all who believe the promise meant to abraham was not for abraham it was to all who believe now so before that promise was involved the law which is the old covenant and that promise of god which one came first the old covenant and the promise of god which one came first the promise good the promise came before the old covenant now so the new covenant precedes the old the new covenant precedes the old so when david said blessed is the man unto whom god imputes no sin was david you know was david using the old covenant or the new covenant the new covenant good now so those who were saved in the old testament books where they saved by believing the old covenant or the new covenant the new covenant because salvation is in the new covenant but was in was the new the new covenant was he written in the old testament books yes it was now so it's clear that the new covenant is what god told abraham look at that galatians 3 17 again please pay attention and this i say that the covenant that was confirmed before of god in christ the law which was 430 years after cannot disallow that it should make the promise of non-effect so the term new covenant doesn't mean it came after the old you will see that even the book of hebrews describes the old testament as a shadow now you cannot have a shadow if there is no substance because it is the substance that creates the shadow so for the old covenant to be a shadow means something predated the old covenant which is the promise so the old covenant was foreshadowing the promise that god made to abraham yes before the law which was a shadow showed up now look at galatians chapter 3 verse 18 18-19 please pay attention for if the inheritance be of the law it is no more of promise but god gave it to abraham by promise next verse you will love this wherefore then served the law it was added because of transgressions till the seed shall come to whom the promise was made and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator the law was added the word sharing the word was that i mean the law was added is a greek word sharing that is it was added on account of transgression it was added on account of transgression like the way paul explained it in verse 17. i like brother paul's explanation look at it galatians 3 17. and this i say that the covenant that was confirmed before of god in christ the law which was 430 years after cannot design all that it should make the promise of non-effect so it was confirmed before of god that word is the greek word pero curio por ocu it's p r o k u r u o prokaryo means god is talking to abraham and god ratifies it god is talking to abraham and god ratifies it remember we explain the word ratify as the guarantee that it will happen the word ratify that is a guarantee that what god said will come to pass guaranteed now so the word guarantee means it is reliable it is dependable that's a guarantee so he said before the law came god does not just talk he guaranteed what he was going to do before the law came so before 430 years after what god spoke to abraham in a promise was guaranteed integrity it was guaranteed now we will see two things that happens with a promise number one you wait for it number two you believe it two things happens with a promise number one you fight for it number two you believe it that's why their faith is called the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen hebrews chapter 11 verse 1. something was said a covenant was committed to them but they had to wait for it and they waited and did not see it so in hebrews chapter 11 verse 39 and 40. pay attention hebrews 11 39 and 40. and this all the old testament saints of faith having obtained a good report through faith received not the promise they didn't receive god having provided some better thing for us that there without us should not be made perfect so hebrews 11 40 says there without us we are not made perfect so meaning that the new covenant was before the old covenant mark that word he confirmed it before he confirmed it before so the question is how did god confirm it he confirmed it by speaking he confirmed it by speaking so how did he confirm it we will see few days ago if you remember we were reading a drama in genesis 15 where abraham said how will i know put it up for me again let me read genesis 15 verse one genesis 15 verse number one after these things the word of the lord came unto abraham in a vision saying fear not abram i am thy shield under exceeding great reward next verse and abram said lord god what will thou give me seeing i go childless and the steward of my house is this eliza of damascus next verse and abram said behold to me i was given no seed and noah and lord one born in my house is man heir and behold the word of the lord came unto him saying this shall not be then heir but he that shall comfort out of their own bowel shall be then heir verse 5 and he brought him forth abroad and said look now toward heaven and tell the stars if they'll be able to number them and he said unto him so shall thy seed be now watch this abraham god said to abram i am your shield an exceeding great reward and abraham said how will i know that it will come to pass so god said to abraham come let's do something abraham came and slept off passed out he was not awake to see what god was doing but when we got to genesis chapter 22 abraham was awake abraham saw everything in genesis 22 because he had matured even the way he spoke showed spiritual maturity i see the wood i see the fire where is the lamp and he looked at isaac without being ruffled the lord shall provide himself as a mark of growth in chapter 15 the man was panicking in chapter 22 the man was giving answers to his son isaac he said we will go yonder and worship and we will come back we will go yonder and worship i and the young lad we will go yonder and worship and we will come back because abraham knew it was a teaching meeting they were going for he had grown spiritually he had known that what was good what he was going for was a teaching meeting so he came on that trip knowing that the only person that was ignorant of what was going to happen was isaac his son and you know after they left and went back home isaac still didn't understand the drama that happened on mount moriah you know i mean if i was isaac i would not even understand what the man was doing you woke me up in the morning and you say let's go and offer sacrifice we're on our way to go and offer sacrifice i say father from the way i know when we're going for sacrifice there's supposed to be an animal i see the wood i see the father where is the animal and the father says the lord will provide himself that's strange to isaac he's never had such a thing before now they go to the place moriah and then abraham takes isaac and puts him on the altar and i'm sure abraham must have told us don't worry i'm not going to kill you i'm just trying to prove something put him on the altar brings out the knife to kill him and then a voice came from him don't touch the boy look up there and abraham looks and he sees around he brings the boy down takes around put in the place of the boy if isaac wouldn't understand what is all this what is all this europe it's like we're playing games here you take me put on the altar brought me down and then suddenly there's an animal but abra isaac will know that something supernatural has happened on that mountain now they finish everything the father said let's go home that's the end of what we came for let's go home i'm sure isaac was still struggling to decipher what was going on here now you know that everything god told abraham isaac was in there so isaac now abraham now says this is jerry isaac was looking at lamb abraham was looking at jesus isaac saw lamb abraham saw jesus isaac saw the animal abraham's provision jesus provision abraham is rejoicing that he has seen christ isaac is confused about what are we doing here [Laughter] all right now it means therefore that the promises were unfolding to them in beats and pieces believing in them was sufficient to make them righteous believing in the promises of god that was unfolding to them in bits and pieces was enough to make them righteous now observe galatians 3 17 was confirmed before confirmed of god before we will see where it was confirmed look at it again galatians 3 17 and this i say that the covenant that was confirmed before of god in christ so where was it confirmed before of god in christ look at me everybody where was it confirmed before of god in christ look at galatians chapter 3 verse 8 galatians chapter 3 verse 8 and the scripture for seeing that god will justify the hidden through faith preached before the gospel unto abraham saying indeed shall all nations be blessed while abraham was told to circumcise his physical body what god was teaching abraham was a circumcision of the heart so even the circumcision was still a teaching service for abraham while others were arguing paul said look the promise was given to him before circumcision so the circumcision was not the promise the promise was given long before he circumcised abraham believed long before he circumcised abraham was righteous long before he circumcised but the circumcision was a teaching service to make abraham know that in the reality of this promise you wouldn't circumcise physically it would be an inward circumcision of the heart that's the lecture god was given to abraham now that circumcision was an early description of what happens in the heart when a man believes the gospel what happens in the heart when a man believes the gospel you can see this type this thing you know it's scattered the old testament has it everywhere until you come to the epistles that is when all the scattered revelations are put together and you can make meaning out of what was communicated whereas the jews took the riddle so they were circumcising all over paul says no it is not the outward circumcision it is the circumcision of the heart at the point of faith so abram was circumcised when he believed but in the flesh as an explanation of what had happened to him at the point of believing god confirmed it so question how did god confirm his promise to abraham to a point where abraham believed and staggered no more hebrews chapter 6 verse 12. hebrews chapter 6 verse number 12 that you be not slothful but followers of them would through faith and patience inherit the promise making reference to the old testament look at hebrews 6 13 now for when god made promise to abraham because he could swear by no greater he swore by himself this is how god confirmed it and this is how god ratified it look at me for a minute this is how god confirmed it and this is how god ratified it god told you don't worry hold me responsible glory to god don't worry oh god how will you do it don't worry oh god when will you do it don't worry oh god are you sure you will do it don't worry oh god what sign do i look for don't worry just hold me responsible my word is as good as myself or my word is a reflection of me there is integrity in my world god confirmed it he confirmed it and he ratified it god said i will make sure it doesn't fumble so who was going to be personally responsible for it god who was going to be the lamb or the sacrifice god that's right now so he swore by himself in blessing i will bless you in multiplication i will multiply you now look at that scripture where we are hebrews chapter 6 verse 14 saying surely blessing i will bless thee i'm multiplying i will multiply them look at verse 17 of the same chapter verse 17 wherein god willing more abundantly to show unto the earth of promise the immutability of his council confirmed it by an oath confirmed it by an old look at verse 18 that by two immutable things in which it was impossible for god to lie we might have a strong consolation who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us so there is the immutability of his council and it is impossible for god to lie two things his oath number one and his promise number two his oath number one and his promise number two that is he is at the back of his promise that is he will not ask anyone to do it for him that is he is not relying on anybody for his promise to come to pass so he will do it himself he will bring to pass his promise himself so whatever isaiah now says later is a reconfirmation of what god told abraham and abraham rejoiced to see my days jesus said and they said how old are you how old are you jesus said before abraham was i am they took stones 430 years after came the law given by moses 430 years after when they did not believe the promise that god made to abraham moses gave them the law 430 years after because they didn't on the account of unbelief on the account of transgression moses gave them the law now the promise indeed shall all nations of the earth be blessed that promise that is why paul will say like this pay attention when he said that there was no circumcision he was not talking to the jews he was talking to all nations no circumcision will be required he was speaking to all nations and brother paul's teachings were logically explained from the old testament of course by revelation they just know that anytime you say nations in plural it includes the gentiles the jews know that fact so all the families of the earth remember abraham was told indeed shall all families of the earth be blessed and when god told that to abraham the nation of israel was not born so god wasn't talking to israel because the nation of israel was only born after jacob the 12 tribes of jacob so there was abraham there was isaac then there was jacob before israel when god said to abraham in this shall all nations of the ed be blessed it was not exclusive to israel it was god's plan for mankind the nations of the had been blessed it's not talking about material wealth it's talking about you know um righteousness by faith or righteousness devoid of works or righteousness by faith in god's promise now please stay with me abraham said that before the jewish nation was instituted that's why paul could say to the fathers and also to the gentiles to the fathers and also to the gentiles why because all he told the fathers was what he told abraham so all the things the jews were claiming and they kept saying why did isaiah say it was because god told abraham and when god told abraham who was he referring to he was referring to all nations he wasn't talking to jewish people so abraham's blessings was the blessing spoken to abraham on our behalf abraham's blessings were the blessing spoken to abraham on our behalf abraham how to believe it himself look at galatians 3 19. galatians 3 19 wherefore then suffered the law it was added because of transgressions till the seed should come to whom the province was made and it was ordained by angels in the hands of a mediator the word added is not to add to the promise it was added because of transgression does not mean that the law of moses was added to god's promise it means it was laid down the greek word prostitute prostitute it's p r o s p r o s t i t e htmi prosthetimide means to lay down a rule you cannot add to a promise that has been confirmed but the law was laid which was apart from the promise so the law of moses is not part of god's promise to abraham the law of moses is not part of god's promise to abraham till the seed it means as far as that means it filled a gap the law of moses filled a god who gave the law moses for who [Music] for who did moses give the law for those that did not believe the law of moses is for those that did not believe who was a promise for for those who believe the law is for those who did not believe the promise was for those who believe that's why the law was added in account of transgression unbelief the promise was made to abraham abraham believed so the law was laid down because of transgression who let down the law moses john 1 17 john 1 17 for the law was given by moses given by moses but grace and truth came by jesus christ so when you say old a new covenant is it clear now the old covenant was a promise in the old testament i mean the new covenant was a promise in the old testament the law of moses is the old covenant are we together here the law of moses is the old covenant the promise is the new covenant in the old testament now so what will be the old covenant the new will be that which is eternal the new testament will be that which is eternal so right from when god altered it it was meant to be forever is eternal and it's called everlasting covenant the new or the promise is eternal and it is called everlasting covenant but the law was temporal that's why it became old it was temporary so yesterday in the course of my teaching i observed in the service of last night when i said that i have never seen the name of jezebel in the new testament and one of the persons who follows us on facebook you know said but there is jezebel in the book of revelation so i now ask the person online what is the new testament and the person say please explain but by that time the service was over and i'm sure the person is watching so follow carefully the new testament is the promise of god to abraham the promise of god to abraham that is the new testament in the old testament and there is the old testament in the new testament so don't be carried away by books go beyond books and understand relationship the old testament is a relationship with god that is predicated on human qualification the new testament is a relationship with god that is predicated on what christ has done so when you read whether it is old or new testament by books don't look for books look for relationship please this is very important look for relationship now so by the law the law was temporal that's why it's old look at the case of abraham and ishmael the case of abraham and ishmael galatians 4 21 galatians 4 21 tell me you that desire to be under the law do you not hear the law next verse for it is written that abraham had two sons the one by a bond bead the order by every woman look at me everybody the question which one came first isaac or ishmael isaac isaac came before ishmael because god's promise to abraham was isaac long before abraham waited and waited and could not wait again and went to look for hagar to produce ishmael so isaac predated ishmael now that's excellent what did god tell abraham ishmael or isaac isaac so why is ishmael referred to as a type of the law does it look similar to added it was added it was added because of transgression abraham's transgression produce ishmael in addition to isaac who was god's promise are we together here now please stay with me wow so now ishmael was born of the flesh and the law is of the flesh so ishmael came because abraham doubted abraham was 84 years in genesis 16 he had ishmael he went to the flesh he went to hagar you know to produce ishmael the bible describes hagar similar to mount sinai where the law came from hagar is is mount sinai look at it genesis 4 22. put up for me i mean galatians 4 22 galatians 4 22. put it up for me quickly for it is written that abraham had two sons the one by a bombing the other by a free woman fought 23 but he was of the bond woman was born after the flesh but he of the free woman was by promise next verse next verse which things are an allegory or figurative for these are the two covenants the one from mount sinai with gendered to bondage which is agar next verse next verse next verse for this aga is mount sinai in arabia mount sinai where the law came from and answered it to jerusalem which now is and is in bondage with her children so there is jerusalem look at the next verse but jerusalem which is above is free which is the murder of us all we are using figures of speech now to communicate the old and the new covenant isaac is a child of god's word he describes isaac as jerusalem a child of promise a child of god's word ishmael didn't come by god's word ishmael came by the works of abraham and his wife it was their handwork it was their labor it was their effort so by genesis 18 abraham was now 100 years 16 years after at this point look at what romans chapter 4 verse 16 says about abraham romans chapter 4 verse 16 therefore it is of faith that it might be by grace to the end the promise might be short to all deceit not to that only which is of the law but that also which is of the faith of abraham who is the father of us all did you observe that when he said the lord there was no faith but when he said the promise he said abraham of faith the new covenant is a covenant of faith the old covenant is a covenant of walks walks walks abraham in romans 4 16 his body was now dead look at it romans 4 16 and 17. [Music] therefore it is a faith that it might be by grace to the end that the promise might be short to all the sin not to that only which is of the law but to that also which is of the faith of abraham who is the father of us all next verse as it is written i have made thee a father of many nations did you see nations that's jew and gentile before him whom he believed even god who quickened the dead so at the point where god was fulfilling the promise abraham was at no place naturally to be able to produce a child that is why he has to be by faith that is why it has to be by faith and not by sight he will have to believe his body was dead and the womb of sarah was dead against hope he believed in hope why he did not consider his body not the deadness of sarah's womb he did not consider he gave glory to god being fully persuaded that faithful is he who call it who was able also to perform the new covenant is a covenant of faith the old covenant is a covenant of human performance there's no faith in the old covenant abraham gave glory to god hallelujah being fully persuaded amen fully persuaded that faithful is here the faithfulness is in he who made the promise because it is epangelia it is a self-fulfilling promise give me that romans chapter 4 verse 16 again i love that text of scripture therefore it is of faith that it might be by grace to the end the promise might be short to all the seed not not only which is of the law but that also which is of the faith of abraham who is the father of us all next verse 17 as it is written written we are in genesis i have made thee a father of many nations before him whom he believed even god who quickeneth the dead how collect these things which be not as though they were 18 who against who believed in hope that he might become the father of many nations according to that which was spoken so shall thy seed be 19 and be not weak in faith he considered not his own body now dead when he was about a hundred years old neither yet the deadness of sarah's womb next verse 20 his target not at the promise of god through unbelief but was strong in faith giving glory to god next verse oh hallelujah i'm being fully persuaded you must come to that place where you're fully persuaded that what he had promised he was able also to perform that's the place where you are no more toes to and fro and carried about by every window of doctrine that is where you become stable in the faith give me verse the next verse romans chapter 4 and therefore that faith of abraham was imputed to him for righteousness amen there's a blessing there that's the blessing there the blessing is not cattle the blessing is not money the blessing is not horses no the imputation of righteousness by faith the imputation of righteousness by faith that is the blessing at that point if sarah had given abraham another young lady he would have said why are you bugging me he will have told her keep your lady away what god has promised will come to pass i don't need another lady to produce another ishmael mail if there's a name like that because there's already ishmael so the next one is mailman no i don't need don't bug me leave me alone because at this time the man is fully persuaded when he got ishmael he was still in the flesh he was still staggering he was not sure you know it's like people who are still struggling to please god by their efforts they don't trust in what jesus has done because once you believe that what jesus was did was a perfect job you will not want to add your walks to spoil what christ has done so people are staggering because they have not come to a place of full persuasion in what christ has done that is why what god did with abraham was called the promise the promise in a promise you can only believe you're either wait or believe you either wait or believe if it is a promise god has already ratified it by two immutable things by which it was impossible for god to lie so if it's a promise all you're required to do is believe all the recipient does in a promise is to believe so what's available in the promise tomorrow service what's available in the promise tomorrow service is going to be brutal and cabadogia we will trace all the promise to adam to noah every one of them we're going to go through that whole chronicle and we will arrive at god is faithful he has never requested for man's help god is faithful he has never requested for myself he has never needed man's help and he has never used man's help oh no he has never he doesn't need your help your help is vain your help is vain the help of man is vain god will use it god is self-helped he is self-help he has never placed a burden on man man is only meant to believe that is that when a preacher preaches that you have to give god money to do something it's a disservice that means god cannot do anything without man's help when you do that you are assassinating god's character god doesn't need man's help to do what he has promised to do amen man is made to believe what god has done man is made to believe what god has done and let me tell you something god takes care of us in his promise god takes total care of us complete care of all of us in his promise he does not need anybody he doesn't need any man's contribution he takes care of us all so what does god expect of us we're to standing fully persuaded yeah fully persuaded we staggered not at the promise of god why we have seen jesus we have seen jesus and in jesus we have seen god's promise fulfilled so what do we do we receive from the fulfilled promise of god we receive we just stand up and begin to take delivery we are not in doubt we are not unsure we are so sure when we lay hands on the sick we know that they are healed you didn't hear what i said when we lay hands on the sick we are not waiting for the sick to walk when we lay hands on them they are already walking whether they walk or not in our hands is evangelion the self-fulfilling promise of god is at work when we lay hands on the sick when we pray we know it is done we don't pray and say how far no in the name of jesus receive healing thank you lord it's dawn fully persuaded when you say right now doors be opened thank you lord it's done why you are not the one making it happen it's not your prayer that is making it happen it's not your shout that is making it happen is the fact that god is behind his word and all you are required to do is say it say it the way god will have said it you you stand and say it the way god will have said it god does not say it and look back to check jesus took those gentlemen and said tree no man eat fruit of thee forever goodbye they left it is the disciples that said come come come master he wasn't look he had forgotten it because he knew that when he said it it was as good as dawn you begin to speak the way god will speak you take the word of god put in your mouth and say it the way god will say it and behave towards it the way god will behave towards it we also have in the same spirit of faith as it is written we have believed therefore we speak so let the redeemed of the lord say so hallelujah being fully persuaded did you observe he considered not his own body nor the deadness of saraswar no when you speak the way god speaks you don't consider you don't consider are you following me you don't operate like this look at everybody you don't operate like this they say this man has headache pray for him headache be healed in jesus name thank you lord go your okay they say this woman has cancer pray for her i cancer no no the same way you spoke to headache is the same way you speak to cancer nothing makes them different it is not dependent on the condition it is dependent on the strength of the promise of god i don't know if i'm talking to somebody here so what it takes to take care of the headache is the same it will take to take care of the cancer why you speak as though god was the one speaking why because he's the one speaking through you why he lives on your inside somebody blessing at your glory it's not dependent on you so that's why abraham because he believed he believed it was credited to his account righteousness he's targeted not calling the things that be not as though they were you begin to call them you'll begin to call them things you begin to call them things and you begin to see them happen we receive somebody shout i receive say it again i receive right now every promise fulfilled in my account i receive say with me i am anointed as jesus was anointed i am as blessed as jesus was blessed i walked the face of the earth in the strength of the promise of god backed by god's oaths say god swore behind this world that is the potency of god's word god's integrity is behind god's word so when i speak the word of god i expect nothing other than the world taking preeminence can somebody shout hallelujah and ladies and gentlemen all over the nations of the world we see the word of god growing mightily and prevailing prevailing against religion prevailing against darkness prevailing against the minds and hearts of men that we are locked up to the gospel the gospel is breaking through the hearts of men and penetrating the hearts of men light is shining in the midst of a dark world if you believe it shout glory in the building yeah the glorious light of the gospel is shining into every man's world men that are forsaking god because of aeronauts teachings men that have turned their back on god and had gone into ethiopia and into all kinds of things the loving word of god is grabbing them and dropping them back there is there is a shaking going on all over the world and men are rising up and waking up and responding to the love of god that won't let go through the preaching of the gospel of the finished work of christ because somebody shouted powerfully man father we pray for everybody in this service everybody online everybody in the campuses house centers all the people watching by kingdom life network and radio tonight in the name of jesus the enemy has no foothold any longer barriers are broken obstacles are broken the minds of men are open for the elimination of god's word in the name of jesus and we rebuke sickness we rebuke disease we rebuke oppression satan get your hands off in the name of jesus sick body be healed be healed be healed barriers be broken in the name of jesus and those who need a miracle wherever you are hearing the sound of my voice whatever area of your life you need a miracle in right now receive that miracle now receive that miracle now in the name of jesus thank you father for answered prayer in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen on a note of finality glory to god forever more tonight amen i'll be joining mr michael bush in another two minutes who's already in the studio and we will be answering all your questions and open the phone lines tonight for an explosive interactive session but just before that i want to take up your offerings every night we come here and every day we come here to the 60 days of glory we give you an opportunity to honor the word of god and honor our assignment of flooding the earth with the fragrance of jesus grace and honor what christ has done through your givings and i want to thank all the partners and friends of this ministry who has who have continually given tirelessly consistently constantly in and out of season made their resources available for this gospel i want to thank all of you and it's a joy that we we are on this team together we are together as co-laborers in this assignment of flooding the earth with the revelation of jesus like never before reintroducing jesus to this generation equipping the believer to know who you are in christ what you have in christ and what christ can do through you and i want to thank all of you for your selflessness remember god is not unrighteous to forget your labor of love you lean up treasure in heaven where thieves do not break through and don't forget there is a reward for everything you do in the kingdom of god so thank you for giving and thank you for not being weary in well doing knowing that in due times you shall reap if you faint not thank you again and as we give tonight i want to thank every one of you giving those of you on radio mr michael bush read the banking details for you and acquire bomb here so that you're able to send in your offerings but we thank you all for your love for the gospel let's pray together father we pray for everybody giving tonight thank you for everybody online on television on radio all those that are given in the house centers and campuses we give consistently and continually because we believe in the assignment that has been handed down to us to get the people for whom jesus died to hear this message and be built up in righteousness so i pray for everybody tonight that as we give we give a joy we give in faith we give it confidence and we thank you for the opportunity to serve you with our resources and lord we rejoice that tonight through our givings many are coming to the light thank you for the privilege to do this in jesus precious name and every believer sees a powerful amen oh hallelujah hey guys i'm going to be switching you over to mr michael bush and i'll catch up with him in the studio in the next few seconds and until then enjoy the grace of christ let's celebrate our viewers around the world for being a part of this service glory and you have been blessed by this message for these all the messages and books by dr abel domino please call us 234 806 800-9939 or email church in the air and church online join doctors abel and rachel daminer as he brings you sound bible study through the month of july to september at 60 days of glory 2020 exegetically examining the fundamentals of the christian faith salvation in christ date from 5th of july to 6th of september 2020 time 6 pm to 8 pm from mondays to saturdays 8 a.m and 11 a.m on sundays hook up live on our facebook and youtube page and also live on kingdom live network tv on my tv or strong decoder and live on comfort fm 95.1 for yo by 6 pm to 8 pm mondays to saturdays and 11 a.m to 1 p.m every sunday and live on inspiration fm 105.9 8 p.m to 9 p.m daily also listen to a rebroadcast of the services daily on [Music] from xlfm106.9 to 3 p.m daily join the study to find out in 60 days 2020 don't miss it okay thank you for joining us it's the second part of this edition of 60 days of glory i'm trying to walk down to the new studio that we're using just for a tv audience if you can see me just behind me this is the staircase that leads to papa's office upstairs right here at the global headquarters of power city international and um i spent my time the moment i arrived and i i had to go into the main bowl of the church to see what papa was doing to listen to his teaching and then had to come back to start preparing for the second part okay quickly for the radio audience i'm just going to immediately do what i always do before we set the stage for the second part and that is give you an account detail or two for the offering so if you're ready i'm ready the account name of course is power city international free banks for the price of one fcmp it's number one 29 82 68 2028 um zenith is number two 10 12 36 5 9 1 2 and of course uba 100 3 9 2 64 65 one quick information that i need to give you as you progress there may be need to you know allow you to call in we'll see how that goes tonight the number to do so it's plus 234 if you're outside the country otherwise it's um 0806 800 9939 that's the number for you to call us from any part of the world you can just hook onto the program via that number and the number for sms is plus two three four seven oh three six nine one eight six four two and finally for sponsorship yes i know that um people are calling with uh all sorts of ideas to sponsor all sorts of things and it's important to give this number if you want to be part of them the number is plus two three four eight or three two seven five six one or four or you just them wire an email or two to abelldamina okay so baba is downstairs um he's out of the member of the church and he's waiting for me to join him so i'm just going to take a 60-second break when i come back the second part would be up next please stay with us church in the air and church online join doctors abel and rachel daminer as he brings you sound bible study through the month of july to september at 60 days of glory 2020 exegetically examining the fundamentals of the christian faith salvation in christ date from 5th of july to 6th of september 2020 time 6 p.m to 8 p.m from mondays to saturdays 8 a.m and 11 a.m on sundays hook up live on our facebook and youtube page and also live on kingdom live network tv on my tv or strong decoder and live on comfort fm 95.1 oh yo by 6 pm to 8 pm mondays to saturdays and 11 a.m to 1 p.m every sunday and live on inspiration fm 105.9 8 p.m to 9 p.m daily also listen to a rebroadcast of the services daily on xlfm106.9 from 1pm to 3pm daily join the study to find out in 60 days of glory 2020 don't miss it church in the air and church online join doctors abel and rachel daminer as he brings you sound bible study through the month of july to september at 60 days of glory 2020 exegetically examining the fundamentals of the christian faith salvation in christ date from 5th of july to 6th of september 2020 time 6 pm to 8 pm from mondays to saturdays 8 a.m and 11 a.m on sundays hook up live on our facebook and youtube page and also live on kingdom live network tv on my tv or strong decoder and live on comfort fm 95.1 oyo by 6 pm to 8 pm mondays to saturdays and 11 am to 1 pm every sunday and live on inspiration fm 105.9 8 p.m to 9 p.m daily also listen to a rebroadcast of the services daily on xlfm 106.9 um 1pm to 3 p.m daily join the study to find out in 60 days of glory 2020 don't miss it church in the air and church online join doctors abel and rachel daminer as he brings you sound bible study through the month of july to september at 60 days of glory 2020 exegetically examining the fundamentals of the christian faith salvation in christ date from 5th of july to 6th of september 2020 time 6 pm to 8 p.m from mondays to saturdays 8 a.m and 11 a.m on sundays hook up live on our facebook and youtube page and also live on kingdom live network tv on my tv or strong decoder and live on comfort fm 95.1 oh yo by 6 pm to 8 pm mondays to saturdays and 11 a.m to 1 p.m every sunday and live on inspiration fm 105.9 8 p.m to 9 00 p.m daily also listen to a rebroadcast of the services daily on xlfm 106.9 uyo 1pm to 3 p.m daily join the study to find out in 60 days 2020 don't miss it [Music] welcome back formally good evening from uyo nigeria is the second part of today's edition or tonight's edition of 60 days of glory baba has done his beat and now he has come into my own space to share my space and even to take over the blue marvel we're not taking over we're sharing this okay so bye say you can hear his voice my name is michael bush by the way producer ig aquaren was off the beat a couple of days he's back and we're fantastically super proud to have him back he's joined by the rest of the team and we are set to go baba it's a quarter past seven in you nigeria the time to welcome the global barber they i was going to say intercontinental yeah somebody's going to be with you mr bush what a blessing and a joy to share fellowship with you every day and the rest of the world thank you so much fantastically so um i enjoyed you earlier on um this evening was earlier today yeah it was very fantastic very very good yes thank you for having me i don't know whether the director has a producer i don't know what are those photos from that football match is that people have been discussing saying we do know those photos are not there okay i hope that we're able to show the people especially on television because we're watching on social media let them see the pictures because some people don't believe i don't know okay by the way there's some very good news coming in k l n m k l n that is the kingdom life network the tv station owned by power city international um has extended to the middle east it used to be all of africa before all of africa and now is the middle east so gradually full black city very soon it's going to all of asia and then europe and then america yes and everywhere wow so i i as more of a to have there's some countries i see here they're not supposed to be in the middle east so i don't know so you can it reaches all those countries absolutely so now now the the um list of and ln um countries spain portugal tunisia algeria western sahara libya sudan china egypt turkey syria iraq saudi arabia south sudan ethiopia yemen oman iran pakistan afghanistan greece italy mauritania mali yeah my my my yep so even that's where you're watching us right now in those countries oh my god so where is the network going we're we're working on satellite space wow once we get satellite space and the money we need to pay bam we get on it wow fantastically so i also need to even while we're still doing opening ceremonies just quickly thank i just saw these gifts okay but you haven't received any gift on on set i'm receiving my own keep listening okay so this one this one comes from i'm suspecting my producer our producer papa because it's the ottobon oh i'm suspecting oh i'm suspecting my producer and the way he he was going to carry away the gift i told him to give it back to me it's my gift so i don't know i'm just suspecting my producer because it's a query i'm seeing the surname yes yes okay so we're set to go but we spent last night in the uk so we're going to set sail there from hello my one and only baba and professor bush that's right sitting under your teaching ministry baba has been the best thing that has ever and will ever happen in my life i'm one of your sons in icma newcastle branch in the united kingdom thank you for accepting me as one of your sons and for sharing with me your revelation of christ i was worried that covet 19 stopped our homecoming to you this year but you have replaced it with an unprecedented 60 days of powerful teachings but you are too much the devil planned to call to use scovit 19 to interrupt our homecoming that you have turned it to be an eternal blessing through 60 days of glory i've listened to almost all your teaching several times but each time i listen it is like i didn't listen to it before it's always new thank you my papa the only thing i miss now is the wonderful reception in your mansion and the delicious food we eat there that reception will remain with me forever i related it to my leaders and my wife and i promised to bring them in my next trip to power city or the same baba i don't want to eat bread and miss the bread of life as you taught us special greetings to your family your leaders the president of power city international and don't forget to great pastor praise great pastor of praise okay holy kisses to all your spiritual son pastor austin newcastle england wow thank you pastor austin great man they are great doing a great job i was there last year with his church they're doing very great okay from the uk let's quickly see what i will go to to okay let's see other countries in that continent or on that continent and that is same europe so my name is vowlet baba i write from italy my mother sent you a message the other day about her daughter getting married soon you advised her to inform the grandfather since her father is late so we invited him to my mother's family house we told him about the wedding he apologized for his wrongdoings and agreed to come to the traditional wedding baba two days after he called my mom's elder brother that he wouldn't allow them to do the traditional wedding in my mom's family house that he wants them to do the wedding in his own house please baba what do you advise me to do and please pray for the wedding to be successful and for my new home to be peaceful and fruitful thank you baba god bless you wow well my advice is simple what's the culture what's the culture of your people the culture should be able to set the tone because marriage is cultural however make sure that everything is covered everybody is part of it and at the end of the day the marriage is glorious the couple have what they want and they're happy that's what it should be well my prayer for both the the guys getting married and the parents i ask that there'll be harmony peace and understanding and i decree that the blessing of god is upon that marriage that they will begin their journey together through life and experience the grace of god in jesus name amen okay two anonymous entries as we make to leave europe in a bit baba about the ten commandments should people follow it or not if not then why did jesus talk about it in john 14 15 which commandments was he referring to thank you well in the new testament there is only one commandment and that command commandment is to believe in jesus that's the commandment of the new testament now when you believe in jesus the the commandments what you call the ten commandments are written in your heart as a fruit of the spirit the fruit of the spirit love joy peace love actually is one fruit love that expresses itself in eight ways it will be written in your heart it becomes the nature of the regenerated person in christ jesus so we don't say that i'm beginning to look at it set of rules and laws and all of no it becomes our nature which gives expression to the life of god in the born again okay another quick anonymous uh entry um says hello dr damina i wish to request clarification on the script below but women will be saved through child bearing if the continuing faith love and holiness with propriety first timothy 2 15 niv it's talking about delivery you know delivery for women who are in faith it's the same thing you believe god for everything you stay in faith for delivery you stay in faith for your marriage you stay in faith for everything you do it's the same thing peter was just admonishing women and that's why he made it specific in that verse of scripture i took the last um or two i have actually have two anonymous entries then we leave europe or then we take another one and round off our trip in europe hello dr damina god bless you continually for your labor of love this is the true gospel concerning what water baptism i totally agree on what you're preaching i pray other persons come to a place of realization because i was wrestled with it since i got baptized in my former church i think meant to say i wrestled with it john john's baptism was an introduction of jesus as recorded in the bible only the only the baptism of the holy spirit is sure which has to do with jesus god will continue to strengthen you through the message that men will come to a place of understanding and will be accepted by all god bless michael bush for his labor of love amen baba i believe in your prayers please pray for me for open doors of marital relationship for me to find a life partner thank you oh in the name of jesus we have the circumstances and situations are arranged to bring your life partner in contact with you in the name of jesus you have favor your steps are ordered and we call that miracle manifested in jesus name amen amen okay the last um anonymous entry we're taking from europe comes from um okay it's an animal so you can't come from anybody but says um hi mr bush and greetings to my papa in christ baba i'm writing to you from germany okay comes from germany i've been a believer since i was a little girl but since my family and i started listening to your preaching it has helped us in so many ways i have a question concerning speaking in tongues baba is it possible for a believer not to speak in tongues i always admire people who speak in tongues and wish i had the gift to speak in tongues i don't want to start saying something because others are speaking in tongues i just want it to come naturally what can i do baba to receive the gift of speaking in tongues greetings it doesn't come naturally i waited for it to come naturally for many years of my life then when i discovered it was not coming i began to make inquiries and thank god for the man kenneth e hagin i came by his book and his book taught me that i i will wait forever if i'm waiting because on the day of pentecost it didn't come naturally the bible says and when the day of pentecost was fully come in acts chapter two from verse one they were together in one accord in one place and suddenly there was a rushing mighty wind and it filled the whole house where they were sitting and they appeared unto them clothing tongues of fire and sat upon each and every one of them and they began to speak in tongues they began to speak in tongues the holy ghost did not speak in tongues they were the ones who spoke in tongues as the spirit gave them utterance so the spirit will give you utterance but you will have to speak that's why brother paul will say i will speak in the spirit and i will speak with my understanding so it is within the confines of my will to speak if you don't open your mouth you will never speak so you have to open your mouth however the reason why you have fear is because you are afraid of evil spirits but what did jesus teach jesus said you cannot ask god for fish and he gives you a serpent you cannot ask god for bread and he gives you a stone then he said how much more shall the father give the holy spirit to those who accept so if you ask for the holy spirit don't be afraid what god will give you is the holy spirit and once you receive the holy spirit at new birth once you receive the holy spirit at the point of regeneration the next thing is for you to yield to the spirit to give you ultra when you sense the ultras coming into your understanding you open your mouth and you speak it out it will not sound reasonable it will not sound sensible it will sound very stupid it may not make sense the most stupid it is the more anointed it is that's why it is not speaking to men but unto god and how be it in the spirit you are speaking mysteries so don't wait for it to come naturally you are born of god you are born again the spirit of god is already in you the next thing to do is to receive the gift of i need to achieve the ability to speak in tongues by the baptism of the spirit and open your mouth by faith and speak as he gives you utterance don't be afraid at all god has not given you the spirit of fear but of love of power and of a sound mind okay so go ahead speak in tongues the more stupid it is the more anointed it is that's right you know that doesn't come from me it would never come from that comes from me that comes from apostle bush okay so our last take from europe as we make to fly to the americas since my name is october i write from europe glory hello papa and mr bush papa i am happy to listen to your teachings i always watch you live on live broadcast i am blessed i have a question i made a friend who says he's a christian but doesn't believe in jesus christ he believes in god and that jesus christ is a storybook that white people used to deceive us that's referring to the black people he went on to do a quote written jesus christ is white not black do you think if he was black and his name was to kozani meaning we as white people were going to pray to him or put his picture in our home chinese muhammad white have jesus blacks tell us where is your own black messiah i told him that jesus is not white or black jesus is the son of god i also told him not to look in pictures that color or not color jesus is son of god baba how can we bring people like this to believe in jesus christ so tomorrow in europe well preach the gospel to him tell him about the love of god tell him the story of redemption how that god created man man sinned against god and the wages of sin is death god in his justice cannot overlook what justice demands from man but god looked at man and man didn't have what it takes to pay so god became a man that god said that became a man to help man it's called jesus he died he was buried on the third day he rose again and now that he has risen he has paid what man could not pay all he demands from man is faith in what he has done and all that he has done is credited to man's account if you explain the gospel like that to him and you pray about it he will come to an understanding in 60 seconds who starts taking phone calls so keep them coming if you can but in europe rounds off now with two more questions first i need your prayers i'm believing god for my documents pray things work out for me and my grandmother died yesterday or condolences from the 60 days of glory studios rio nagera says the grandmother died without receiving christ will she go to heaven well we can't say yes or no because even you don't know what happened at a dying moment so you really can't see it's like the thief on the cross so well you just trust god and be at peace okay so he wants prayers for his documents and for things to work out generally right now we agree together that those documents are approved and released receive it in jesus name amen from europe baba we're flying straight to the americas the united states here we come in central washington michael rise glory greetings mr michael bush and baba dr ebel damina god richly bless you for your labor of love in jesus name but i've been following the misunderstood god series and have come to understand that a man does not do anything to earn salvation it is a gift and that god's sovereignty is only sin in salvation john 16 excuse me john 6 4 44 john 6 44 makes us understand that except god draws a man no one can come unto him this is also emphasized in john 6 65 1348 one baba will it be in line with scriptures then to say that god chooses who to save and that those saved are saved because god has chosen them for salvation no it will not the the point is you are not understanding the doctrine of election the election is in christ the election the election of god is christ christ is the elected one so now the gospel is preached to everybody once you believe in christ you yourself you become you become elected there is no preclusion there is no exclusion for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son the elected one that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life i recommend for you my my teaching soterius is informed it deals with a predestination election for knowledge and it deals with the entire concept it will give you more light okay let's continue with michael's entry from central washington the united states of america his second question barbara is will it also mean that when a man believes the gospel god is not reacting to save him as god does not react but that god has chosen that man for salvation no the salvation the choice is in christ so since christ is the chosen one the gospel is given to everybody on the same platform christ has already died he has already potentially saved the whole world potentially so all men are required to do is to receive from the salvation that christ has already provided ahead of time okay so he concludes finally baba will it also mean that those that are eternally lost are lost because they are not chosen for salvation as god chooses who to gift the gift of salvation how does unbelief play a factor in this thank you baba for enlightening our understanding of the scriptures glory god does not choose who to save and who not to save the gospel is speak to everybody god's choice is christ if a man goes to hell he chose to go to hell by rejecting the gospel and rejecting the opportunity to be adopted into christ my 35 hours or more of teaching on predestination election all of that concept will do you a lot of good it's so terrier season four soteria season four we're waiting for phone calls and any moment now i'd like to apologize to if you kept trying and didn't quite get through we had a little technical hitch there but everything is fine now i hope that now you can connect with us let's go live to canada and the yes ecoli is already there okay hello hello good evening mr bush good evening from wyonira your name where you calling from my name is wisdom i'm calling from lagos papa good evening evening wisdom bless you yeah i i must first of all thank you for this um undiluted meal that you are giving to us it is causing us to grow rapidly i i have to confess um i have a question um galatians chapter 3 and in verse 13. okay galatians 3 15 no 13 okay galatians 3 13 yeah yes the word there christ has redeemed us from the course of the law yes you know i read one of your books and you said we are not of the jew that redeemed is he really talking to us or is just um for us to know what christ has done for the jew why will the gentiles coming in to believe the redemptive sacrifice of jesus is for everybody but when it comes to the to to context the context of scripture when he's talking about the law the law was given to a jewish man so that's why that in that context again don't forget there's no omnibus application to the use of scripture so the word redeem will have to be explained within each context so the jewish man redemption was made available because the jewish man was the man who rejected the purpose of god the gentiles were without god without christ without hope in this world but again when the gentiles accept what christ has done the gentiles buy into the redemptive sacrifice of christ that's how to explain it i'm told another caller is um on the line in quick succession so i have no choice hello hello hello mr bush hello papa okay i'm seven years old i'm calling from chinese back okay i'm brother shepard son oh brother shepard that's our pastor in johannesburg all right go ahead we're listening to you how is your father doing are you there thank you papa for teaching me the word of god i'm growing now i'll teach others about christ praise god praise god okay thank you wow that's really good just one of our many children i'm telling you you know they're just going on and on there yeah okay so we're going to take the last caller and see if that if that's possible now for this round so that we can make progress otherwise let's go to canada canada is fabulous kevin writing baba there is this teaching about crowns that will get in heaven some say that there are five crowns others say seven are this counts physical or please help and please pray for me i'm not feeling at peace please pray for me now thank you daddy fabric kevin in canada another call up about just hold on there's another caller hello hello mr bush thank you for joining us and then where you're calling from i celebrate yourself my name is pastor raymond from manchester wow pastor raymond again good to have you with the cold wine for you your wine is your one is chilling that's right and i've got the good news that nigeria is opening their air by 29th of this month yeah that's what i heard so hopefully you are seeing me in september that's right i just want to thank you and appreciate daddy for what that is also doing i don't have any questions just to say thank you for what you are doing for that because you have made a daddy not to miss us in this 30 days of glory amen thank you pastor ray appreciate you fantastic okay so baba let's get back to canada by the way we just hold on calls there we'll come back to that in another 10 minutes canada fabrics cave in baba you you'll see that we speak peace to fabrics right now we'll rebuke every storm every confusion sees in jesus name amen thank you father amen in jesus name amen so he talked also about crowns it's figurative figurative the crowns are not going to be like crowns it's a figurative way of communicating that there'll be reward for the things we do for christ okay baba from canada we're flying straight to nigeria abuja here we come hello baba my name is bro chimex i write from abuja thank you so much for all you've been doing in the body of christ my question is some posted on social media and said our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name lesser truth our father who is in me hallowed be thy name i had truth he said that heaven is immaterial that is just a figure of speech sir please clarify him on these statements thank you well there's no point to play around with words the scripture teaches that our father is in heaven you know heaven is wherever christ is so instead of bothering yourself with higher lower truth whoever is doing that classification he's still having a lot of work to do with his knowledge as you grow in knowledge you start throwing away some things that really don't mean much that don't make any difference it's like what i call non-essentials our father is in heaven our father is in the believer because the believer is the father's heaven so instead of going into all that you just go like our father in heaven we bless and praise you in your understanding you know what you're talking about that's what matters okay how about we're making progress an anonymous entry as we zoom out of abuja in a moment says hello mr bush good evening my question is about the story of the woman caught in the act of adultery in the bible john 8 1 2 11. so bible versions say this portion of scripture was not in the early manuscripts should we use this version of scripture since there is debate about his existence what portion of scripture is he talking about the one about the woman who was caught in adultery well she was caught in the act of adultery it's the law of moses jesus gave that that that you know illustration to us and showed how loving god is and how forgiving god is you know that's fine it's fine for it to be there because you know it passes the test of being in the scriptures okay so out of abuja now we're heading to plateau state and that is jaws baba compliments mr bush happy birthday how long has been my birthday is still on until my own that's right that's right it says sir a witness is required in fact two witnesses before a matter is established with the fact of culpable crime corroborating it with them literally seven six the death sentence is to be carried out only if there was testimony from two or three witnesses he may not be sentenced to death on the testimony of only one witness but joshua executed on his own account without any witness in fact including his family that way home and knew nothing about the rules of engagement in the battlefield not too long after he took over leadership from moses joshua 7 24 to 25. baba please what can explain the conduct of joshua in this text nothing joshua is not the subject of the scriptures and joshua is not the highlight of the scriptures and joshua is not the message of the scriptures so you won't find complete details on such actions so you just you're silent where the scriptures are silent you allowed where the scriptures are now but when it comes to doctrinal matters it's at the mouth of two or three witnesses of doctrinal matters a word is established that's how to apply that scripture i'm learning something myself i just learned to say nothing because it's not centered on christ yeah fantastic yeah because the book is jesus the only complete thing you will find in the bible is what concerns christ the rest yes they are just scattered they're just activities yes they're just activities okay so what did he use martial law uh who that's um i think joshua it depends on what was available at his time and why did he suspend the judicial precedence i don't know where he's getting all these questions they look like questions for like i said you won't find full details there so it will be a waste of time to try to factor all that out stay with christ you're safe so musa in just continues also according to biblical legal legislation act on sacrifice all sacrifice has to be performed in the central sanctuary in jerusalem but the mount carmel episodes first kings 18 we saw elijah carrying out sacrifice on a mountain outside the temple knowing about the law and also being a custodian of the law but he violated it sir did he also like joshua expunge deuteronomy 4 2 in order to obey the misfort of adonai you are god which i'm giving you do not add to what i'm saying or do not subtract from it sir not to mention solomon on the day of dedicating the temple declare the first and suspend the first which was the day of atonement pleaser in the context of the aforementioned passage what are the precedence of those in today's christian life all quotations are from the complete jews bible exactly so you will continue to be confused as long as you're looking for joshua you're looking for solomon you'll be very confused you're looking for elijah you'll be very confused the bible is the book of jesus the only details that are accurate and precise is anything that concerns christ it will shock you to know that elijah is not even mentioned in the entire new testament there's only one statement casually made on elijah by james elijah was a man of like passion he prayed that it may not rain he prayed again and it rained case closed there are no other details on elijah so like i said we're silent where the scriptures are silent and we're allowed where the scriptures allowed especially if there's a situation in the old testament that the new testament is quiet about it will be wisdom for you not to bother yourself on it you know since the main message of the scripture has all the details you need which is christ it's redemptive sacrifice and the salvation that he has offered to you be contended with that however i recommend for you a teaching that will help you with all those judicial killings it is so terria season six soteria season six about 40 hours of teaching it will help you a lot to come to a place of understanding fantastic okay to borrow new states next mediocrity is the state capital hello baban mr bush my name is dauda usman i'm in medullary i would like to thank you baba for transforming my life and the lives of others and truly growing spiritually through your teachings i'm enjoying the ongoing 60 days of glory when i started listening to your teachings in 2016 you once said that when the bible is read in the light of christ the bible becomes alive and truly this is how i now read my bible unlike years back i used to read my bible from genesis to revelation in a year without understanding what i was doing but now i'm blessed spiritually through your teachings by his grace finally baba i want you to pray for my mother and me for healing thank you baba may god continue to bless you your family and your ministry in jesus name would have used man amen and your mother will rebuke sickness and disease from your bodies be healed right now amen from your head to the souls of your foot in jesus name amen amen okay so still from boron no states greetings us my name is ibrahim terma i mean boronus state i mean bill precisely thank you it wasn't long when i discovered your channel and since then my life has not been the same keep up with the good work sir my question is about dressing according to first period three three is there a thing to put on earrings makeup and hairstyle because my wife stopped doing all those because of experience in the past when we first got married we were told that she had a spiritual husband after struggling for so long she was later delivered sir help me so that i can explain to her if she doesn't want to do it but she should know whether it is good or bad thank you sir looking forward to hearing from you god bless you i agree with you she was delivered from using those things so now we have to deliver her back to using justice what brother peter was saying there was that a woman should not make the focus of her life dressing and wearing all those things shouldn't be the number one he was not condemning it he was just saying that when it comes to priority a woman's priority should be the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of god of great price however if a woman is meek and quiet and she has the money to put on gold and jewelry and all of that she should do it number one number two because you are her husband she should dress for you she and all that she has are yours just like you and all that you have is his heart whatever will make you happy as a husband if you want to see her on a jean you want to see her on a t-shirt you want to share with gold and diamonds and you provide them for her it would be full hardiness for her to be cheated by religion and treated by you know a myopic mindset so you have to show that that scripture wasn't talking about dressing per se it was talking about priority when it comes to the spiritual growth and maturity in the things of god that you put spiritual development in front of wearing and dressing it's not counseling dressing in fact dressing is important because the bible says the priest should dress for glory and for beauty for glory and for beauty look at my rings is gold and diamond so tell her that there's nothing wrong with it you should go ahead and wear all the things you have provided for her that makes her beautiful for you her husband okay baba let's leave the northern part of nigeria as we try to come closer home let's get into the southern part and our friend noshobo that is reverend um sam themselves you are 20 no 17 questions are back on the show 41 now jesus asked us to give our left cheek when the right is slapped when some of us refuse people quote this they say gentleness is the fruit of the spirit no jesus was just figurative didn't say i should give you a physical cheek for slap it's figurative somebody does you bad you pay him with good that's all jesus says 70 times seven times should man offend us and should we forgive kindly explain so 17 times seven means you keep forgiving and keep forgiving and keep forgiving that is there is no sin that should not be forgiven however if people are hurting you after you forgive them create a reasonable distance so that they don't keep hurting you and hurting you unnecessarily 43 i perceive men and women who know they are handsome and beautiful ones when looking and appreciating the physique dressing attraction instead of pretending is this loss of the eyes loss of the flesh etc especially some gifted spoken voices first john 2 15 to 17 then as are several guilty well let me be honest with you if a woman's dressing is making you miss your steps you have a problem it's not the woman's dress that has a problem is you there is lost inside you all the woman's dress indeed was to bring it out so you've got to deal with yourself first because women are not going to stop dressing beautifully and attractively because you have a problem so you have to deal with yourself first 44 people say the birth etc in the stream or river for miracles because jesus asked the boy boeing blind to go to a river john 9 he seemed to pray on is it a sin to pray on my birthing water cream oil etc at home he will soon be a native doctor that's where you're heading to because jesus didn't do it more than once meaning it's not a doctrine it's not a precedent so if you continue very soon you will not only pray over your body water your clothes you will soon pack your packs and you will carry cassava in your head very soon you upload a three and carry it and pray you'll get into native doctorism stay with the word of god we pray in jesus name and anything we touch is blessed because we are also blessed so you know stay with the word of god and stay safe i'm to be taking my second and last rounds of telephone calls tonight in 30 seconds but before then let me just round off with reverend samajala you know the man that sent us all of 70 questions with so many branches this 45th question tonight baba how did stick turn bitter stream of mario sweet people followed this example today it was just a miracle that's a miracle and that it doesn't mean you should be doing it it was a miracle and it was only done once in the whole bible so okay so i'm trying to see i'm trying to come back into you okay if i can't do that let me take quickly or couple let me come into aqua boom and i'm doing a cupboard this is called on the line hello thank you for joining us where you calling from go ahead yes where are you calling from i'm coming from burning cinema state okay go ahead do you hear that i want to thank her for the kitchen which i received from him which makes me today i'm not the same again because of the message the message really transformed me a lot i want to thank him to keep going on with the action because i'm enjoying the message i want to bless you thank you papa thank you thank you for calling okay fantastic so we are in kabul akwa boom state hello baba thank you for your teaching sir i want to know why did god command abraham to circumcise himself and his household that is male as a covenant genesis 17 1-27 i asked because circumcision is a major requirement in the law of philippines you know in the law that's philippians 3 5. thank you baba mississippi new york power city international or kabul well god didn't ask abraham to circumcise himself as a standard for people god was teaching abraham it was spiritual growth and what god was teaching abraham was that that physical circumcision was symbolic of the circumcision of the heart in the new testament i thought that this evening in the service so that's all it stands for nothing more than that okay so let's move now to another caller hello hello are you here hello good evening papa evening bless you all right god bless you thank you sir but i wanted to ask is it right when pastors preached and asked people to come and so see recede on the altar after preaching is it okay to so see if persuasion should come and sow seed after preaching well if there's a level of understanding they have in the church you attend again a congregation deserve the kind of pastor they have so you have to look again very well if your person is asking you to sow seed after his preaching go and sow the seed because in some churches they see money as seed that's the understanding they have so within that understanding it is okay since you are not suing it to bribe god you're just giving to help the work of god but as they grow in understanding they won't call money seed they will call money as support for god's work okay are we going to take another caller can we just round off is another caller hello hello thank you for joining us you know where you're calling from my name my name is stanley and i'm coming from my two states okay call you from education i'm i'm coming from a good state right so so i want to ask i also really appreciate about kappa for making me to know christ jesus so now my eyes and open my eyes are open my mind my spiritual mind are open in christ jesus as soon as i appreciate what he has done not but i want to ask that what is the difference between paradise and heaven i think are they that they think hello yes you are listening number two most of us today we are we are talking about the blood of christ the blood of jesus christ that that we are covered with the blood of jesus christ is that is that right okay okay right i think it should be i've heard it the first one is paradise was symbolic of heaven and it was a place that was in the underworld where people who died in faith were kept but today we have heaven that's what we have that's what the bible teaches us the second question what about people who sprinkle the blood of jesus that's a whole doctrinal teaching first of all you don't sprinkle the blood of jesus because the blood of jesus is not liquid the blood of jesus is jesus himself is a person so you don't sprinkle it also in the old testament under the types and shadows it was not the people that shed the blood it was the high priest today jesus is our high priest and he's the only one who has shed his blood for all of us so what do you do today this danger in the name of jesus wherefore god has early exalted him and giving him a name that is above every name at the name of jesus every knee bowels the name of jesus is the authority of jesus and that is the name that we function with in exercising our authority today not some sprinkling of blood somewhere okay we're actually heading to eckerd to make to meet glory who's always been on this program but because of time of lack of it we're dashing back to you hello baba my name is eddie young i mean who you have been following your teachings on the salvation of christ on radio it's a life touching experience and a revelation to me but when it comes to part two of the program the question answer section i don't always get the numbers to call in it's either michael bush is faster than me or i will just miss the number please help me baba i have so many questions in my mind thank you baba so the number is oh eight oh six eight hundred nine nine three nine iridium oh 0806 800 9939 thank you lydia but i'm a good presenter i i try your name okay baba we need to go we need to go we're in new york so we should spend the night in new york yeah i'm tired of flying around the place i'll tell you with baba even though the real flight begins on the 29th of august absolutely okay so let's say you need also to know that we're doing everything some sponsors are speaking with us so if you want to be part of that come and support us the program is not going to stop even when we're going on a small break baba and me the program will still continue to run on radio we're doing everything to make sure that should happen everywhere he's gonna keep on okay the man who's always pointing out time to us says we should go from those days 60 days of glory to studio crew thank you for joining me pastor i j a query the producer pastor ig okonkwo this is pastor igenko okay and pastor as well pastor oppong cornell thank you that's my friend and my brother studio camera man studio hands sound engineers i'd like to thank you this is michael bush being joined by a senior colleague on excel fm that is st she's live here she just came to see things for herself so that she can report it well so thank you for coming by we need to go yep mr michael bush what a blessing again tonight being with you it's been explosive and thank you for the time i want to quickly announce for pastors all pastors in acquire bomb state church leaders who want to join us in the bible study we have an exclusive bible study every thursday for pastors and church leaders right here at power city 981 iba root if you want to join us this study this thursday for bible study the phone number to call to reserve a seat for yourself is zero eight zero six zero six six six eight zero zero i repeat that number again zero eight zero six zero six six that's the number to call to be able to reserve a seat to be part of our bible study exclusively for pastors and church leaders in our quiebum state this thursday 11 a.m on thursday we love you guys join us on inspiration 8 to 9 and don't forget to be part of tomorrow and until then enjoy the grace of christ and be blessed good night from humanitarian praise church in the air and church online join doctors abel and rachel daminer as he brings you sound bible study through the month of july to september at 60 days of glory 2020 exegetically examining the fundamentals of the christian faith salvation in christ date from 5th of july to 6th of september 2020 time 6 pm to 8 p.m from mondays to saturdays 8 a.m and 11 a.m on sundays hook up live on our facebook and youtube page and also live on kingdom live network tv on my tv or strong decoder and live on comfort fm 95.1 uyo by 6pm to 8pm mondays to saturdays and 11am to 1pm every sunday and live on inspiration fm 105.9 8 pm to 9 pm daily also listen to a rebroadcast of the services daily on xlfm 106.9 uh from 1 pm to 3 p.m daily join the study to find out in 60 days of glory 2020 don't miss it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is kingdom life network
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 4,226
Rating: 4.927928 out of 5
Id: vxcdT-_VPC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 46sec (7726 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 18 2020
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