Dr. Abel Damina| Soteria: Christ The Substance of The Practice - Part 1

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the service when a word of His grace is already being preached happy viewing your Bibles were still dealing with the subject of sotiria hebrews chapter 2 verse number 1 therefore we ought to give them more energy heed to the things which you ever heard less at any time we should let them sleep for if the word spoken by Angels was steadfast and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him how shall we escape if we neglect so the only undoing of any man is that is the neglect of so great salvation how shall we escape if we treat lightly or if we overlook the subject of salvation when we talk about salvation the first thing that comes to people's minds is the sinner's prayer for so many people that's what I think salvation is it is not just a sinner's prayer that is salvation actually the entire teachings of Paul is salvation the entire teachings of Paul the revelation of the Apostle Paul is salvation doesn't attention support and Peter acknowledged that you know Peter acknowledged that Peter acknowledged that the depth of Paul he had depth in the subject of salvation all the depth what made Paul the opposed to stand out from all other apostles is his depth in the understanding of the subject of salvation that's all it was in any other thing it was his the depth he had in salvation was why Peter even Peter - until it's a competitive the tree verse 15 even Peter the Apostle bowed bowed in submission to the understanding of Paul's teaching on the subject of salvation and account that the long-suffering of our Lord is salvation the long-suffering of our Lord is salvation this is Peter taking note of Paul is an account that the long-suffering of our Lord is salvation even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him had written unto you on this subject salvation how do we know that that was a subject matter vast line of the same chapter we talked about protects postage and context for the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness but is long-suffering to us-ward not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance so the long-suffering of our Lord is salvation the world lumps of remains the mercy of God why God is merciful why it looks like God has created a long robe for the wicked why looks like God is patient he's not in a hurry to to judge the world he said the long-suffering is salvation even as our beloved brother Paul was given depth of insight in this subject of salvation which is the long-suffering of our God I don't even talk in the summary oh yeah he said our brother Paul was given depth of ISA look at it verse 16 and also in all his epistles in all of the Pauline epistles speaking in them of these things these things this subject of salvation that was the depth of for the entire abyss to support are encapsulated in one word salvation Pauline has any party has any new revelation no it was not a new revelation or a new doctrine you know Paul just went to the old testament and pulled out the dance of salvation and saturdaya on his life so the teaching support are summarized in one revelation one depth of understanding salvation are we together here yes doesn't a summary of the of the Pauline epistles and all the teachings of all this great teaching support they are summarized in one word salvation he said also in all his epistles speaking in them of these things in which are some things hard to be understood which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest as they do also the other scriptures unto their own destruction he said the teachings of Paul are so deep even Peter acknowledged that we are taught salvation but not with the depth which is polished diginity he said we acknowledge that our brother Paul has said things that even we the Apostles find it hard to understand which the unlearned and the uneducated and ignorant they wrestle they read through this revelation the revelation is it mesmerizes them most people when they cannot decode by virtue of understanding the epistles of Paul they teach things that are no scripture he said they rest with the scriptures the unlearned and ignorant they rest with the scripture the ratio the three knees mob is stronger than a struggle with the thing and when they can't understand it they just settle it somewhere so the depth of the New Testament message is salvation salvation is not something to treat like the reason when many are confusing the church is because they are they have no clarity on the issue of salvation it's not a subjective limit if that is what Jesus left heaven to come to attribute for she shall bring forth a son his name shall be called Jesus what shall I do save save save save he came to save the entire mission of Jesus is salvation is not a subject to consumer return that to be born again that is the beginning of a journey the entire Christian journey is salvation are you here Amina yes very important very yeah this is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Christ died for sinners of which I am chief so this is the ordinary here Islam is not my way and I need you to listen carefully the reason why there's a lot of confusion in the body of Christ is because of the lack of understanding on the subject of salvation that's what people are doing all kinds of programs who time a good good time a good what is good go to God to do it is this give me a spouse or I die what kind of thing is that what kind of thing is that am i teaching here if your enemies are here you we know our brother Paul how that respect things he had debts in the subject of salvation which it is not easy for the ignorant and they only need to understand all the dead that's why Paul's prayer was at the eyes of your understanding they liked him that you may know the hope of your column what is that salvation that's the hope of your calling salvation his hope of your calling you are called to be saved say yeah he said the Lord is long-suffering to us as God permits everything to delay because it's not willing that any social perish but that all should come to repentance salvation so God's will is to save everybody and Paul's epistles when a Pistons of salvation what was the summary of the Pauline epistles that's right salvation salvation amen amen and this salvation is God's plan for Humanity you know God's plan for Humanity I'm talking about it open it up in Colossians chapter 1 verse 25 we are off I am made a minister according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you to fulfill the Word of God even the mystery which had been hid from ages and from generations but now is made manifest to hissings what is that mystery to whom God will make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the gentiles and what is the mystery which is Christ in you the hope of glory that mystery is salvation Christ in you is salvation the entire mystery kept from the edges which sons of men could not uncover the process prophesied but did you understand the content of their prophecies they kept speaking and declaring but could not fathom what they were saying Jesus we can say blessed ie for many prophets of desire to see what you see but they were not permitted they pray to be part of this but they could not see it the mystery hid from the edges that mystery is Christ in you so belladonna kayo the entire mission from Genesis to Malachi was all pointless to Christ in you which is salvation the gospel is the gospel of salvation I'm not ashamed of the gospel for the gospel the gospel the gospel not a despot because DHCD the gospel is the power of God to salvation the whole gospel the entire gospel has one product deliver salvation so stop thinking of salvation as far as sin a permit in order to repent even the salvation of your souls that was for Tokina they say receiving the end of your faith so way of faith arrives at his end the product that it will generate is salvation cable ananga salvation the long-suffering of God is for salvation that's what God is God is long-suffering that's what God is patient so the subject of salvation therefore is a very heavy subject please wake up the spirit man and wake up your ears because we're going to order it a number of things tonight God punish the devil somebody shout hallelujah so you know Paul speaking said of which salvation the prophets had enquire Sajan of which salvation of first Peter 1:10 Pulido of which salvation the prophets have enquired and such diligently who prophesied of the grace should come to come you there prophesied of the grace they enquire the entire enquiry of the prophets was salvation they were impressed because that is a summary of the mission of Jesus thus eleven such in what or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify when he testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glory that you follow what is the glory salvation when God wants to give you something he gives himself give you a house and money anybody can get that when I has God or not so God does not come down to this material level it is bigger than that when he wants to give you things he gives you himself because when you have him the earth is the Lord's and the fullness here if I'm teaching shot I hear you yes of which salvation the process of empire such in what and what matter of time the Spirit of Christ which was in the signify when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow that is the summary of the message of salvation he suffered he rose is a writer or a father in all those that come to him by faith salvation the long-suffering of the Lord is salvation salvation hallelujah I said hallelujah Paul didn't come up it was not a new doctrine it was just a revelation of that which was which was coded or dead in the scriptures but didn't write a new book are the books of Paul we are a covering of the scriptures hear me clearly are the writings of Paul was that he study the scriptures and is in the scriptures he saw the mystery that was heat so when he saw the mystery that was heat in his writing he only L the mystery that's why the New Testament is not the scripture is the revelation of the scripture I'm teaching now yes is the revelation of the scripture it was what new books Paul was writing all these books were coming up from a revelation of the Old Testament he was making discoveries discoveries that was not known to any man men were prophesied and dying without understanding people we are practicing things and then without knowing what the practice was all about was kept from ages but now is revealed to since not to Kristin's to Saints praise God officials of the tree now just before we get into officials have to remember for lack of foot lack of enough time I'll just needed an pass the store interceptor to the 16 Paul speaking now said he said we have the mind of Christ they didn't have it for what known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him but in the Old Testament that was the question who has known the mind of the Lord who knows what God wants to do those ways are plasma that was their confession in the Old Testament then possible a part of them for us we have known the mind the meaning of known the mind of God is we have an understanding of God's mind we have the interpretation of God's thoughts it's no more a mystery it was a mystery to them but to us is no more a mystery because we have the mind we have the understanding we have the interpretation of the thoughts of Christ say here you yeah lift your right hand and say I have an understanding of the mind of Christ that's right we have an understanding of his thoughts we have an understanding of his mind we have an understanding of the of the thinking pattern of Christ it's not like we have the mind of Christ for writing examine passing this mind of crisis we have an understanding of Christ we have what we have an understanding of Christ we know the plan of God for man we know the plan of God hidden things have been revealed to us hidden things have been made known to us Ephesians of the three verse one for this cause i paul the prisoner of jesus christ for you gentiles they have heard of the dispensation of the grace of god which is given me to you-ward how that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery as i wrote afore in few words he said when the mystery was given to me rather less came to me on the mystery it was not a new thing I was writing my writings was a revelation of the mystery the mystery of the Old Testament I was granted access to the revelation of God mystery which I wrote afore I wrote before time on this mystery when you read the writings of Paul is an unveiling of the mystery that is in the scriptures and all of this is encapsulated in one word salvation so from Genesis to Revelation the message is what salvation no not to me the mistress I wrote afore in few words Nexxus we are by when you read well that is why you must read it we are by when you read it is normally do anybody can read it we are by when you read you may understand my knowledge I have the knowledge inside the mystery of Christ but the way you can understand my knowledge is to read my revelation we are by when you read you may understand my knowledge in the mystery that is knowledge as it pertains unlocking of the Old Testament what they saw and could not understand it was granted to me to uncover by revelation sub-region revelation yeah the supposing I went up by revelation when you read you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ I have the knowledge in the uncovering and the unraveling of this - what Peter said we know a brother Paul how that the kind of things he said very hard to understand because Paul who went into the realm of bringing out dance Peter did we see what Paul is saying is not important Peter acknowledge that what we are saying Paul has gone deeper paulus and todd where we couldn't enter when it comes to unraveling the subject of salvation see I hear you that's right that's what we are by when you read you may understand my knowledge that's why reading is important that's what I make you read the Bible because you can't understand without reading yes they were telling us to read in telecom whereby when you read that's when the devil has cheated many believers they cannot read they cannot read and when you when use that doing without your Bible you are a victim for deception when your Bible cannot be open for you you will be cheaply deceived by a rebranded native doctor you didn't hear me there is the net who read it there is the need to read it because that's the only time you can come to understanding say I hear you whereby when you read you may understand my knowledge the same knowledge I have in the mystery of Christ verse five which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the spirit that I told you apostles and prophets and the custodians of Revelation what about evangelists pastors and teachers they have their own but when it comes to the custody of Revelation when you see man intimately with revelation it is his seal of the Apostleship you can call yourself an apostate until it is given to you a postal ship is giving Paul said I was made an apostille by the revelation of Jesus Christ so a pass to ship is a product of Revelation apostille is not a title no it's not a title by the time you call yourself an apostle it means you can uncover debts not a local oh yeah yeah that's right you must have some knowledge you must take this Bible and make it look like you other one I wrote it yes you must carry it and teach it like you had a writer because that's what revelation does revelation makes you look at the book and see what everybody that is looking is not seen everybody is looking none of them is him but the moment you talk they all see because the mission of an apostle is to make all men see see I hear you about am ananda to make men see to make men see the said the church foundation is built on the apostles and prophets they are foundational layers because when they open revelation even if you are not learning to be a strong Christian you become strong why you can see it and be seen you can't suddenly your hunger for the word of God begins to rise suddenly you're no more excited if you don't need the word suddenly you're hungry to hear the word what our postures have triggered an appetite and they have uncovered some things and you are beginning to see the reality of everything it's not yet I too is a colleague along with the colleague comes revelation along with a colleague Peter so Jesus since to this Peter saw Jesus face to face Paul never saw Jesus face to face Paul so Jesus by revelation yet by revelation Paul spoke things a bit Ahuja Jesus Estevez said it is hat beta was Regina's physically he was avoided looking Jesus I am schooled in Jesus Paul never saw Jesus for once but when Paul's got a revelation of Jesus he spoke things that Peter was struggling to uncover why revelation is the model of it all it must be refuted it must be revealed it must be refuted and that's what we're enjoying here the eyes of your understanding be enlightened revelation is coming alive see I hear you that some things we see here if I'm outside yeah it you be angry because to an outsider we are speaking nonsense but to us it is the power of God the preaching of the cross put them that perish foolishness but unto us it is the power of God that's why Paul said I'm not ashamed of the gospel for the gospel is the power of God unto our salvation salvation salvation is the power of God observation so those that perish were foolish how can I tell us not to eat not to not to sprinkle water on people haka tell us not to carry water coconut is foolishness to them but we know that there's no power in cocoa because the Reapers are not Kanna what I talking about all this extra extra curricular practices taking place in the church is a product of the absence of Revelation Jerry Harrison is a function of what the absence of Revelation tell you go to your village and bring sand for what am i distributor is an now let me live the sight I have something to do with you thank you Jesus I say thank you Jesus Peter summarize what Paul was talking look at verse 6 verse 6 the 6 that the Gentiles should be fellow heirs of the same body and partakers of his promise in price by the cosmos what promise in Christ salvation so the summary of the polite revelation is salvation that that appalled the unusual mysteries of Paul was in salvation the gospel is power to salvation Jesus came to save hallelujah I say hallelujah officials do it by grace are you saved by grace are you saved innocent by Chris are you being saved he said by grace are you saved that means salvation is a state it's a state it's not a continuous activity it's a state once you are saved you are in that state it's not something that continues it's a once for all event did you yell at I said by grace I what save save not said no not by grace are you going to be saved no no not by grace will you continue to be saved by grace are ye saved one self served four times by grace are ye saved don't you understand English by grace are you saved is a lack of the understanding of this subject that makes believers answer uncountable articles by grace are ye saved it's a state yes by grace are you saved somebody says hey by grace are ye saved and that not of yourselves it is a gift of God you are saved by grace it's a state option amen so Paul was writing official scepter to two saved men two men that are saved helping them to know how it happened not of works lest any man should boast somebody shout I hear you I said somebody shot I hear you so the insight of Paul was about salvation the Bible is a book of salvation the Bible is God's revelation of the redemptive plan of God for man a revelation does the entire Bible is a revelation of the redemptive plan of God for man the redemptive plan what kind of plan documents chose the redemptive plan of God for man so therefore everything must be interpreted in Christ because Christ is the savior so since the book is a book of salvation so to understand it the entire book must be interpreted in price so is a Christocentric message is the message of Christ Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy all those books they are contained in a mystery the message of class to be uncover in the New Testament by the Holy Ghost all of them they have one message the Bible is one book with one message it has 66 books but all of those books get item 1 they have only one message salvation if I hurry Missy I hear you yeah that's the only message in the Bible the only message is a message of salvation it's not it's not a book on how to make money if you want to make money party Business Administration rat exams pass and graduate but this one is a Alesha teaching good for Harris outta here so Titus 2:11 the grace of God that bringeth salvation has appeared unto all men Jesus the grace of God Jesus the Savior so to interpret the Scriptures we interpret the Scriptures in the light of Christ we begin to look at the Feast of the Jews when we start to study the Feast of the Jews all the assists you will see cries in it all their offerings you will see cries in all the ceremonies all the Jewish ceremonies and festivals they are pointless - cries OH everything that happened before Christ him was a figure of him that was to come say hey yes please follow me carefully everything all the official festivals their ceremonies were all point us to Christ they were all pointers they were toys what were they Toys Toys Toys why were they giving toys because they were natural men natural man cannot double with revelation so when you're dealing with naturally what you give them you give them toys Jesus could not speak to them in spiritual matters so he gave them parables because they were all natural men but you are spiritual men so we are not giving you toys we're giving you substance whatever you want yes we'll give you revelation see I hear you I'm not yelling you see I hear you I'll give you a village I don't give you a toys here no room for toys we have one mission here to give you revelation the revelation of Jesus Christ whose revelation the whole Bible is a book of the revelation of Jesus Christ is a book of the revelation of who the revelation of Jesus Christ now that's the beauty of Bible study that in Bible study you cannot cover the plan of God for salvation as taught by Paul that's where to start from you start from Paul then you read the other epistles where you have understood the writings of Paul and you have understood the order it pistols by the time you go back to the Old Testament it is clear very clear very very clear you start from Paul then you read on us because other commentaries are complementary to the pool and commentary when you're through with those commentaries then come back to the Old Testament you begin to see the clarity of the revelation in the mystery see I hear you yes that's how to study the Bible and every every reading of Scripture must be read in the light of Christ must be read well in the light of Christ now let me jump into something now and all that was introduction thank you Jesus first Corinthians chapter five verse seven look at it very carefully watch out therefore they all live in that you may be a new lump as you are unleavened you are all livened for even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us you are all living you know what it means it means you are without sin all living means you are without sin when they say unleavened bread it means bread without defects it means bread without contamination now Paul speaking speaking about Christ being our Passover said because Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us you are on living bread you are without sin why the Lamb of God taketh away the sins of the world shout I hear you something is boiling inside me I've been on the mountaintop the whole day Satan is in trouble let me professor anything making noise around you now I command you to shut up [Applause] lift your hand I shot crisis my Passover can I hear he shouted very loud shouted louder shouting loudest now sailor I am on living bread we taught you that bread means the body of Christ so if bread is the body of Christ and you are on living bread in the same member of the body of Christ without seeing you our own living bread now take note of towards there in that vast look at words for even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us follow me number one Christ our Passover their Passover the Passover there means eternal security pass over means eternal security osmond of passover pass over those lonely sacrifice passover means security you with me I said are you with me yes then there is another were there atonement the word atonement there means sacrifice he is our opponent he is our sacrifice atonement means sacrifice or sacrifice means atonement so Jesus is both our atonement and our security is our atonement or our sacrifice and he is our security what is the mean of security amazing is our immunity immunity Jesus is our fascination is our atonement and our fascination Christ our immunity is sacrificed for us did you hear that Christ our what is know what his sacrifice as an atonement for us now when Jesus got to the communion table look up to him because I'm gonna be dealing with a lot of things on communion today when Jesus got up to the communion table in Luke chapter 22 the 22nd chapter of Luke when Jesus got to the communion table and that is where Paul Paul through his teaching of 1st Corinthians 11 from Luke 22 now get to fast intense 11:23 for I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you that the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me after the same manner also he took the cup when he had supped saying this cup is the New Testament in my blood this do ye as often as you drink it in remembrance of me can I hear amen in Luke chapter 22 when Jesus came to the table the table of the of supper he came before the supper table immediately got to the table he observed protocol he didn't tamper with the protocol he observed the protocol what was the protocol the communion table used to have four cups it was not one cup is four cups four cups then apart from the cops there is the own living bread apart from the only real good bread there are haps Jesus came and took up one cop two up three Italian bread and perhaps then the flood clock he said this cop I will not take with you today until that day in my father's Kingdom he took three cups he took the unleavened bread and the herbs then the flat cop he told this particular one is not for here I will take it with you on that day in my father's Kingdom pesto what did he mean by that day was it his coming second coming that were waiting for or was it the day he rose from the dead think about it think carefully because we'll get there in a short while I'm just setting you up is that this particular cop I want to cut you now until that day in my father's Kingdom then he said this - I'm sure the last death till he comes question what does he mean by he comes because if you answer these questions now we can uncover things what does he mean are you in the house she had been taking communion well you take this cop do it in remembrance of me I show the Lord's death till he comes question this coming is it much is it second coming or is it when he died a ruse you need to answer that think the apostolate also open it buzzer Brazil's open it and one day people to think yes not that what cop that Jesus was talking about think about it he was talking about the cop of restoration in a church I will show you he was talking about cop the cop of restoration he said this particular cop I have like these three cops with all of you but this fourth one is not for now I eat the living bread why did Jesus drink and eat with them because he came to fulfill his mission was to fulfill fulfill means there were requirements that Jesus met to fulfill something means you have met the requirements hello Matthew 5:17 put it up this is not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets I am not come to destroy but to fulfill to fulfill means there are requirements that the law has required and I came to fulfill the requirements I didn't come to mess up your protocol I came to observe the protocol with you and in observing the protocol every demand of the law I am here to fulfill what you couldn't fulfill I am here to fulfill what your ceremonies could be fulfill I am here to fulfill what with all your festivals you kept doing festivals you kept in ceremonies the mall you did and the more you did the more you we are hungry because you are never fulfilled in it I came to stop the printing of God every year to the altar to cover since I came to fulfill the demands of the law and knowledge and take it out of the way and open up the better one I'm teaching here I came here to fulfill it that was what Jesus oh say I'm not yet to destroy it so when it came to either commoner he observed the protocol he took the pub's he took the bread he took the herbs and every other team that went along with communion he took all of it are you here he took all of it now the Passover they killed in Exodus chapter 12 that Passover be killed was Jesus but they didn't know because they saw animals but it was Jesus heat in a mystery that is why when they put the blood mark on their doubles the angel of destruction cuneta a Passover why that brought mark on the doorpost was Jesus on the other post it was a ceremony that in a mysterious form was pregnant with Jesus himself but it was a mystery because they were killing animals without knowing what they were killing it was a mystery so look 22 19 now and he took bread and gave thanks and broke it and given to them saying this is my body this is my body which is given for you these two in remembrance of me likewise also the cup after supper saying this cup is the New Testament in my blood which is shed for you if you had a shot a good man now he said this to a remembrance of what this doing the members of what in remembrance of me now he was not acting for a memorial service when he said do this in remembrance of me he was not acting for a memorial service that is to be done every year in memory of Jesus that's not the meaning of in remembrance of me the meaning you must understand Bible language stop using English language in remembrance of me means do it with the understanding of me not to remember but to understand doesn't mean of remembrance not a memo or memoria do it when you understand you know the surprise what you are saying is if you eat the body and drink the blood and you don't seem you have taken breakfast what is simply saying is I am the communion the communion is not the bread and the wine I am the communion you have to understand who that bread and wine symbolizes is a symbol of me the bread and wine is not me it symbolizes me so when you take it take it understanding who it is talking about John 5:39 search the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and they are they which testify the word testified means they give witness the scriptures a witness of me you know what Jesus is saying anything you see in the Bible is trying to talk me the entire message of the Scriptures is me whether it is animal sacrificed blood put on the doorpost bread and wine oh what a baptism or 90-mile all of them are toys what did I call them toys pointing pointing that the real team is coming we are just here to act on his behalf all of us are actors they testify of me such them such them I'm teaching they testify so where you eat this thing do it in remembrance do it with the understanding don't do memorial service you taking on the crying no it's not a matter of crime if you understand what I have done you won't cry do it as if you're catching cold if you understand me you will cry because I'm not looking for sympathy and they said do it and sympathize with me no is not a matter of sympathy only does hand me and what I have done not what I will do what I have done for you I'm teaching now if you understand see here because this is these are all the rudiments of salvation were penetrating the rudiments now thank you Jesus so Jesus also saying the feast is about me do you realize that other times at the communion table they will have been asking questions but in this particular instance nobody asks question but suppressed the moment Jesus entered on observe the protocol he took the first cup to the second took the third took the leaven bread took the verbs and then he took the cup and he said this particular one we will take it together until that day in my father's Kingdom they were in shock because by protocol all shall have been taking they couldn't fathom what he was talking about so because they were in shock nobody will ask question including Peter they were overwhelmed it was not what is he saying and then he said something else he said this is the New Testament so automatically he melds the Old Testament and all they know is the Old Testament and he is this man talking about another Testament and he say he is the Testament what is he talking about he's announcing the birth of a new day praise God oh I say praise the Lord oh I said praise the Lord he was announcing that something is about to change a new era is on the horizon look at verse 20 likewise after the pop also after the cup or likewise also the cup after supper saying this cup is the New Testament in my blood which is shed for you let's get back to Paul because Paul 2 Corinthians from Luke 1st Corinthians 11 26 let's see how Paul opens up these things to our understanding for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the Lord's death till he come now Paul changes it Paul II didn't say a remembrance Paul said as often as you take it you show the lost edge he said to a remembrance do it and understanding when Paul took it up the revelation of the New Testament he say you you testify to testify means to proclaim what Christ has done not what price will do are you catching this if you're getting a different shot a good MA yeah not what Christ would do what Christ has already done so Paul was talking about the finished work of Christ he said as often as you take this you do show their lost debt that is you witness you testify you proclaim to show means to proclaim you proclaim the Lord's death till he come support analysis by revelation you are preaching or announcing the lost debt till he comes and he said in the bread of women as any man so Christ has now come that show the Lord's death till he comes I actually before that coming was his resurrection going to the right hand of the Father and coming back to take us we ieds it's not second coming John 14:1 let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me in my father's house and many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you when I prepare I will come back and take you to myself that where I am there you may be also what was he talking about is the rapture no he was talking about when I die and I rise I will go back to my father's house and in my father's house I will create room for all of you then when I come back I will I will raise all of you up to be seated with me in my father's house so at his resurrection he has raised us up together to wear to his father's house so when he said do it and show the Lord's death till he comes is not second coming it is the return from the tune of majesty after the brothers Phoenix ahead as his coming back that is the end of showing the loss that because now we are not showing the death they did that they did this substance of the practice has arrived I'm teaching I'm teaching I'm teaching here if you're catching shot I hear you si si si follow me till sure the loss that Bridget so Holy Communion before Jesus King was a preaching of his bombing yes a proclamation that is coming when they eat it what they announce it is the Messiah's coming the sale is coming the eating of the communion tan was the announcement of his coming now he has come stable when he came the communion nama represents is coming what the communion was announcing the substance has arrived I don't know if I'm talking here if there was a representative of you standing to give speech and started telling porosity I am the plie to his Excellency on religious matter His Excellency said he will come but before he comes I must prepare you by announcing hamon of your engineers like your CV and give me how many of your architects how many of you are politicians his Excellency says you get all that and prepare before he comes he is coming he would distribute jobs in this particular church because he likes the church so the PA is busy talking while the PA is talking the siren stops then the penises is likely is here then we see the ontology coming in a salute the governor ain't asked what will the PA do the PA will vanish because the arrival of the governor the presence of the PA useless satella such the Scriptures for in them you think you had eaten a lot what is the mission to testify of me so when I arrived you don't need their testimony again because you only testify of a man that is here to come when that man comes you don't need the testimony I don't have to see somebody here the arrival of Jesus is the substance of the communion the communion was the proclamation of the coming of the Messiah now that the Messiah has come it's no more bread and wine the man is here if you understand the shout I hear you his arrival cancels what about this because water baptism was the announcement of his coming yes the water baptism was announcing that he will come he will die you'll be buried so before you come sundown be buried let's identify identify they take you to water put inside bring you out if you identify they take you to water put you down but then John says hey listen no this is not the maintain the clear that and I is coming the lodge set of his shoe I cannot lose I use water but when he comes he will not use water he will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with power I'm talking to somebody here if you hear me shout Soteria sit down sit down let Santa bestow sit down less interesting dodo Jana speak in tongues refuse acosta Jana Hill Abuja column oh la bellezza Chaka Chaka powerful Emma [Applause] christ has come as the substance of all things is the substance of all things so what Paul was referring to was that the Passover was before Jesus came because the Passover was an announcement of his coming what a baptism was before Jesus came because what a petition was an announcement of his coming when he came he canceled what a baptism his arrival put an end to what about is him I'm teaching here I'm taking time to open scripture because we are dealing with doctrine here and I want to equip you as and military men so anywhere you end up and you see any extracurricular activity across testamental application you tell them to wait face you open the book let's see Jesus but we see Jesus somebody shot is all about Jesus somebody shall bring Jesus back that's right churches have removed Jesus by bringing all kinds of ceremonies the same same or in ceremonies that we are announcing Jesus have occupied the pulpit and refused Jesus the place ceremony ceremonies ceremonies all over the place the main man is not revealed so people are holding onto ceremonial toys what did I call it ceremonial toys and as long as you're holding the toys you can see the main guy so that's why when Moses is read till now there is a veil on your face where you live all those ceremonies and you live movie saloon and you talk to the Lord the veil will be taking once the veil is taken you will see Jesus those ceremonies will lose relevance they'll become energy because when you see Jesus and you go back to the ceremonies it becomes idol worship it'll comes idolatry while it the main thing and the posture in the shadow hey am I talking here look transferred then said he unto them all fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets of spoken are not nice to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory they were arguing about the death of Jesus when Jesus enemies a you fools don't you know that Christ or to suffer intent and his glory verse 26 are not Christ to suffer these things and and time to his glory 27 and beginning at Moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself what things when he was expanding to them the things concerning himself who is he in the beginning was the logos the logos the logos the locusts was with God the logos was God watches logos they taught the idea there is in behind he said I am the reason behind the Scriptures the scriptures we are written for me now that I have come it is nama scriptures I am The Living Word it's no more an encounter with the Scriptures is an encounter with the word how many of you remember some time ago I told you that the Word of God the Bible is not the number of you remember that I've taught you that the Bible is not the Word of God but the Bible contains the Word of God because the Word of God is not paper and in the Word of God is surpassing the word is quick powerful sharper than any two-edged sword and the word became flesh the world is a person is not a book the world is not a book is a person so Jesus is the idea the thought behind the Scriptures is the reason behind it it is for him it was written and it is by him it was written so when he shows up the scriptures are no more paper and ink they become a person now and count out with the world is different from memorizing description I'm teaching now salvation is an encounter with the world it's not memorization of you memorization of Scripture leads to religion that's why see Erica teaches all over the place majority of them are not born again they drink and smoke and in their drunken state they come and deliver some cold lectures why they are not they don't know the world but they're not the book if the Word of God was scripture all crk teachers will be bishops some of them will live drinking Paulo with fly following them with chalk and they were intelligible Jesus passing Capernaum right now do you know kappa no kappa no nam kappa right now riga all the students know the man is drunk and he's teaching what crk giving them not just parables lower class parables he expounded on put them in our description is peta oh the things he did expand the whole scripture but in the skill job he identified portions of truth concerning him and he brought it out because any other thing that is not about jesus is geologists what did I call it Cal and God does know Jesus God is not easy stuff that is why when they Messiah when he was talking about the thief on the cross they give you their names because God is not exist if you're suggesting he will have given you their names and their CV you understand and I hope you know that it was not two people that were crucified with Jesus they wear for I hope you know that the fire won't go too far I hope you know there were four people crucified with Jesus not to you didn't know there were two thieves and to malefactors college yes two thieves and to malefactors four of them were on that cross is just is only two - poor worried and the Bible didn't tell us anything about the order of about the malefactors why God does not give Jesus there's no time for just if the stories of the world had to be written the books in the whole world cannot content what Jesus did so the one that you need that is presently the light you require is the one compressed in 66 books so scratch them only 66 groups so in them you think you have eternal life and they are there which testify of me then you say you do because you know not scriptures know the power of God hey somebody bless your blessed he said you do you make mistakes because you know not the Scriptures nor the power of God look at that same look 22 so every thought of the scripture and every essence for the practices of the scripture is Jesus some reasons about Jesus look at verse 44 of the same chapter and he said unto them these are the words which I spoke unto you and I was here with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses and in the prophets and in the Psalms concerning me right then open he the understanding that they might understand the scriptures what Jesus is saying is everything written in the prophets in the law and in samms are fulfilled in my deaths and in my resurrection the death of Jesus and the resurrection of Jesus was the fulfillment of the Scriptures because the scriptures were written about the sufferings of Christ and the glory that should follow so when he died the scriptures in the law the Psalms the prophets we are fulfilled so somebody showed me Jesus is the fulfillment of the scriptures now suit me very now Jesus is the explanation of all things now certainly Jesus is the message of the Bible I didn't hear you shout very loudly men show you upon their understanding to know what well you know ready he opened the understanding that they might understand what the scriptures thank you lord every serum everybody told me Jesus is the fulfillment of the scriptures say it again very loud louder Colossians 2:15 and having spoiled principalities and powers so Brasilia spoiled shouted let every weasel the u.s. a time on something that is wild that's where brain and Colleen Satan's name is a waste of energy is the display of ignoramus ignorance the man is piled why was time on a damaged cable something has been damaged then you go tell you are struggling with it of what benefit the bastard is spoiled say he spoiled and only afraid he can follow you home he didn't parent in that house and the bastard cannot parent because he does not control natural occurrence useless idiot if they Bonham well make a block me for root let me send him to hell before time idiot I wondered why people with diamond Sita he's not a she's an angel he's an angel and a fallen one for that matter that's what Michael and Gabriel taught him a lesson for people that have knowledge like us when you start talking sit and we get angry it's like making a big deal out of Sasa pan is not say it the Bible says Satan is not Jesus is Satan is not is a true these poor principalities and powers talking about the triumph of the fulfillment of Scripture I'm teaching here this is talking about what the triumph of the fulfillment of the scriptures because the Scriptures is about his death his burial and his resurrection somebody shot I hear you so how does four principalities and powers he made a show of them openly triumphing over them in it next verse let no man therefore let no man therefore judge you in meat or in drink or in respect of an holyday or of the new moon or of the Sabbath day why because all these celebrations we appoint us to his death and his resurrection so now that he has died and resurrected let nobody judge you on death on feast on celebrations jetwash a blood of Nigeria handkerchief let nobody chachi the boiler which is shot Oh toys for babies did you hear me if there is I hear you if you don't like it take from your Bible those inside your symbols and many people are cutting it as if that is the gospel that's not the gospel the subtle shadows and instead of pointing you to the shadows let's point you to the substance let me actually shatter sometimes which one you want [Applause] substance produces substantial Kristin's shadows produce shadowy crystals what does the signal arrives done a create one by my offices an apostille no man George there are fish you know the feast the Feast of Pentecost feast of weeks feast of passover feast of tabernacle the feast Easter is a hidden practice is a feast day he brings do my jacket where do we do it in the church because since the world has accepted it we take advantage of it to get people born again finish is not because it has any scriptural significance every Sunday in this church is resurrection every service in this torch is resurrection there is no sadness you come here where we don't talk Jesus died and he rose and the victory is not true so our services is celebration of his resurrection so there is no specialty every day a special day because this is the day what we do and be glad why because he's risen shout email at Rhonda touch I never sent let no man charge you let no man George let no man George you when they were doing all the feasts they were announcing that he was coming look at verse 17 which is shadow of things to come pastor please look but the body but the body the main thing the substance is Christ the akivasha live the shadow come to the substance period coming to the body somebody's I come to the body let the mediums live all those toys due to the substance let me show you the past ago do you know I was reading today ray knock it will under the Old Testament pathways go toward Israel when I spoke to you I use words I didn't come in simile cute I didn't show you if you go and I didn't come in a particular manner all I did was words is it therefore never you ever draw objects to symbolize me you know some touches when they throw they look of their ministry you see Bible open you see a door on top you see a cross he said it is I don't wash it is there but the Bible said the spirit descended on Jesus like like like it was not a roof like like you know how dogs descend gently so the Holy Ghost came on Jesus gently didn't come he's like he used the mannerisms the gentleness he didn't come as tooth you are not hearing Jesus a aiccm falling like lightning he didn't say Satan is lightning he said the way like they used to fall that's how Satan fell prey and that fall was in Genesis when he fell from Lucifer to Sita it was like like him he didn't say lightning king he said the way lighting used to compare that's a little fairy so don't be thinking of Satan as lightning he didn't yes if it if it it I'm teaching you now you must understand Bible language summer say Bible language draw something draw symbol I will say don't do that you are creating idol worship because you are trying to put images in people that is not God and when they see the images and begin to worship they're worshiping an idol Gover 17 now which I shadow of things to come but the body is of Christ verse 18 let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels he didn't see that include him into those things which he had not seen vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind and not holding the head I'm not holding many are not holding the head they are holding the substance you in the house they are not holding the head so they have left the head they are holding olive oil they have left the head they are holding their abdomen about you and the college blood of sprinkling they have left the head they are not holding the head from which all the body by joints and hands has in nourishment Minnie's dad and me together increases with the increase of God is called glutes namaka the next verse 20 we are for if you be dead with us from the rudiments of the world why as though living in the world is subject to ordinances why why are you subject to ordinances why if you are related with Christ I'm teaching now why is subject to ordinances now he tells us what the ordinance is very clearly next verse touch not taste not and do not which are all to perish with the using when you take a right be now it brain you go to toilet and throw it out that's not the body of Jesus where you anoint yourself to olive oil how you bath you wash it into the stream the with the using I'm teaching my when you bring cocoa to service and you staff login system if you break in the Sony's they will use broom and sweep it out it has perished and touching now if you don't like it take from your Bible which have to perish with the using after the commandments and doctrines of man these are commandments and doctrines of man they do not represent price judging good here next verse which things have indeed they have indeed a show of wisdom in will worship they had a little shop we saw they look like it is wise yes it looks popular every church is doing it if every church is Bennett wise Papa preaching like this is that the only man of God shut up I'm on a path to hell I came here to open your eyes and that's my mission to the body of Christ to open your eyes of the body of Christ they will hear me by false because Jesus is taking back his charge he said I will build my church upon a rock and the depths of hell shout fire fire and it doesn't matter who is injured the keep must be cold I shall not [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] thank you my father thank you my father I prophesied russian-american Lokhande from this day I release you to manifest ourselves nos manifesto sources which also said I hold the head I live the shadow I hold the head your eyes in me the hope of glory if you build it shout Amen wanna give the Lord a praise keep the Lord a pleased with those sons give him a face my goodness what a world what a world what a world don't go away please don't go it is important I want to thank all of you that have sent emails to partner with this ministry and those of you that I here to partner with the Ministry want to partner there's an email address right now on the screen if you should have seen me indicating interest to be a partner of this ministry partnership is a relationship
Channel: Kenyanese
Views: 9,972
Rating: 4.7551022 out of 5
Keywords: Abel Damina, Abel Damina sermons, Joseph Prince, Antinomians, Antinomanianism, Grace Message, Sincere milk of the word, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, winner’s chapel, David Oyedepo, Christ Embassy, African Pentecostalism, prayer points, syncretism, Sunday adelaja, Adeboye, E.w. Kenyon, prosperity gospel, bible teachings, African Calvinism, eternal security, conditional security, soteria, #Soteria, life of God, Zoe
Id: kQcI0hXiCC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 26sec (5006 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2018
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