A Conversation With Omar Isuf

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I started doing them again we're live now by the way so everybody this is a read stuff I think you guys know the [ __ ] he is Roberts Marie M de fitness I thought we'd get together I wanted to talk today that Omar about the about-face about YouTube I was telling him when we were in the green room as I call it you're one of the first people I was watching on YouTube I find it amazing because as like a YouTube Oh G now you haven't really changed your changed your style and that's rare because most the people that are old-school really if they either change completely or they're gone yes sir and you pretty much stick to like who you are so first of all introduce yourself to anybody that doesn't [ __ ] know you because I'm sure everybody [ __ ] knows of it go ahead thanks alpha intro in the first place I don't know if that's a good or bad paint the fact that I haven't changed in over a decade but yeah my name is Omar Esau I've been creating YouTube Fitness content of them formative nature over the last decade the goal has been to become more educated on my part and trying to still useful practical information for the masses a little bit more with a strength focus so I'm interested in powerlifting Al's like weightlifting showing me and so some strength sports and strength and thoose as well as body composition so hypertrophy and losing fat but overall Fitness information more skewed towards men versus women but still for a general population now what so what got you started on YouTube accident man and there's a big difference and we were talking before this one life just about youtubers and how people approach different things when I started on YouTube which would be 2009 at a high school you know in University and from University I do usually out of high school 2009 look like you're 14 in my first videos guess what player on 14 it was one of those things where I was a trainer I worked at the University of Windsor I was working with some athletes I was working in the kinesiology department my degree was actually an economics degree it was a dual degree Business Economics I come from athletic background where my mom was a sprinter putting on sports growing up just wanted to keep active training and then from training I want to start training people and I thought this is a hell of a lot better I like the self-improvement aspect of looking it's a hell of a lot better than serving people is also a bartender and so I want to do that thanks for then to working for about a year and after working for about a year I work in a big box gym which is for some it could definitely be soul-crushing where they can put the metrics mode and the statistics as opposed to the people that's it that's a huge problem of as a chief Conrad calls it the fitness industrial complex always a short summary I got a promotion was then the fitness director of this boutique gym I wanted to start helping some of the people that would come in because we do fitness assessments the you know ascertain how fit they are I wanted to create some content around the training to flesh out what they should be doing because everyone has the same general questions how should I warm up what type of cardio should I do so very basic questions now rather then let that interfere with the training session which we only have 45 to 60 minutes let me provide that in addition to it and so I wanted to film some content I never from content before it was 2009 I remember I first discovered YouTube off of the Andy Sandberg SNL skit lazy Sunday and just googling and it was the only place that I found there's a few others but it seemed like the one those the easiest because main technology do not get along double videos so in 2009 I decided to film my first video and then you had to make it public there was no unlisting there was no private group you could share - so just has to be public and then I released that and then from there kind of just accidentally happened then I mean it cuz I remember I was watching you in like 2000 I guess 2009 Wow okay that your oh t no not mm excuse me wait 2015 or 2014 some with that I really I really didn't watch YouTube like 2014 started you to like mm I guess 17 or 16 mm it all gets to be a [ __ ] blur realizing does dumb you know like people refer to like the old school the og youtubers like you I think Alan thrall was with around fraud came in a little after you guys yeah and uh stuff like that like do you know most of them yeah so it's fortunately there at first there was really no community because you just had these different individuals trying to film content and as we're talking about a little bit before I thought a breakdown YouTube Fitness what happened since probably 2007 I see it as five distinct phases at least four but basically what happened you had as people nobody remembers the sky but I was that guy on YouTube there remember this remembers this called staying firm who we used to use he was the og thumbnail manipulator or a punk you'd have a shot you'd have this that and you was a fitness trainer just wore a red polo shirt I'm pretty sure YouTube removed him and removed all his content because some of his thumbnails not that they're just very sexual but they were not representative of his content and YouTube was a lot more like the Wild West back then was you had all these fracturing communities that were trying to post their content and then over time I think like does attract like were individuals of a similar mindset or also people because it's a social media aspect people want to share they want to talk about things they want to communicate with one another people want to collaborate and they you got to be particular with who you collaborate with because in a way they do coaching for them when they're on your channel you know but there has been a gradual over time unity actually amongst us sorting lifting individuals Alan's a good buddy of my mind saw Mike or a bunch of people then there's the evidence-based crew I say that came out guys like Jeff nipper probably John see that's what's interesting when you said that appellant it depends on how we want to find things has been making content I said I think since 2012 some comments saying way you can turn down your mic like 10 percent there's a little distortion I don't hear it but apparently then there is yeah it's a guys I honestly apologize I'll try and fix it isn't one of those things man where I have my actual mic but I need an external source or this guy let me try and adjust it here this should be really easy almost like me technology's not our [ __ ] thing no no this is making this happen like I cannot even begin to tell you how [ __ ] hard it was for me to do this you know it's sad is um you have figured this out better than I have just give me one second buddy gave me the thing we're on right now somebody gave me the link to this site and I just [ __ ] used it so I didn't figure [ __ ] out so we figured out for me but I'm good at like helping people at their nutrition and their diets which I like that if it's mechanic I get somebody to change the oil in my [ __ ] car you know I mean like you know I'll figure out how to do like a [ __ ] you know 50 inch box job but like believe it's like I have to change the brakes we're gonna die no way we're gonna [ __ ] make it we're talking about the different phases of YouTube yeah let me know if this sounds better I try to switch it I honestly know [ __ ] about this and I'm just in you know our stream yard or whatever I'm just in that house I can that sounds great that's very cool yeah and I think when we saw them officially deaf now shut the [ __ ] maybe I'm just yelling I was gonna say we might very well Alan be the only people that have not used stream yard for cam shows it was just used for so we're the first of its kind alan thrall he started making content in 2012 his channel popped off in probably 2015 and that really explains how content works for most individual to Jennifer at his ice cream for PRS I think it was called podcast since 2013 he's probably making content since 2012 and his channel took off in 2016 well there's been a gradual unification of certain groups of individuals like-minded individuals that I think care about rying to change the industry I would put a you I put James for signs in that category of people now I'll call you guys part of the fourth and fifth wave which is really good I think overall the fitness IQ has improved on YouTube and that links to individuals like yourself other people putting in the time and effort so it's very cool to see from - if people were around 2009 they would be surprised at the dearth of content yeah I thought I think that like my generation if we want to call it like me and James a few other people I think art we haven't like we've came out of necessity because the generation after you guys was like the V shreds and people show like that like people do it's like you know cookie cutter putt and putting that [ __ ] out there ads ads ads and all that trying to just [ __ ] get the money the money they can like you and a bunch of other people you put out good quality content then like when it's the whole you know take my body type quiz [ __ ] [ __ ] like it constantly like I mean I think that that's why it was almost like a necessity for people like me and James and stuff like that to be like hey that's that's stupid you know like yeah because it's at the time all of you guys had larger channels and watched a risk by call it by you know putting you know putting your name on like this guy's a [ __ ] idiot you know like like you know at the time what he's gonna sue me what's gonna sue me for I mean nothing to lose is the most dangerous person yeah I was gonna say Alan that is it all so sadly enough from being in the industry or on YouTube for a while I see how it's sort of cyclical were these let's say these asshats will just gradually emerge because people find out oh you can make money from this thing and so they start plumping ads and ad revenue they prey on people's insecurities because you know even from the overall fitness industry that insecurity is emotions are some of the things that are easiest to manipulate in order to make some money and that's what happens with some of those people I think it's one of those things that the cream does eventually rise to the top or some of the content that's out there and people gravitate towards it I think the niche what you've done and we're speaking a little bit before about this that's cool is taking the general population and trying to educate them on a variety of different topics where you see things once again in the media being talked about and you're like oh wait a second let's try and reframe these things let's think about these is this in fact healthy how do we define healthy right and there's an the core it's the idea of self improvement which is very important yeah and it's it's that's what's sold to people like right now right right now my wife and I do mainly weight loss coaching well specifically weight loss coaching you know for people with more than like we don't get people stage ready because I grow I personally don't think body boeing's all that you know healthy now but litigant power with it it's not like not like powerless needed great great good [ __ ] for my body either yeah but I just see like so much randomized [ __ ] that's one of reasons why I started watching your [ __ ] because I bought like I I've known about like known a lot about nutrition for a long time you know and I liked your nutrition content but then when you I made a video about you about your supplement because you were very much railing against kind of like the supplements don't like why the [ __ ] do you need these things here's the basic [ __ ] that works and you know in reality it's just like people that say something's don't work or idiots because supplement ingredients like creates and works caffeine works you know blah blah blah all that [ __ ] works right but you were one of the only people that it's not they're saying you don't need all this extra fluff and you made your your pre-workout that's basically it was basically just like a bare-bones here's the clinical doses this is what I'm gonna [ __ ] give you you know people lost their [ __ ] [ __ ] I remember like reading comments on like they were bitching at him to say you know well what do you suggest instead he suggests it and now they're [ __ ] bitching like sometimes the audience is just [ __ ] dumb you know like they really like sometimes they just for a while it goes through cycles also too they just look to really hate people you know yes I get hated fairly enough anyway because I don't try to make friends I don't think that to me like that's that's an interesting concept where it's like you're kind of damned if you do and damned if you don't and how have you dealt with that through this your channel continues to still just keep going chugging along and you know you still have content you'll continually gaining or that and you've never gone through a period of like harshness you know like where it's like it became very popular to hate you tried it like the day I caught the Taylor Swift effect where it's like you're so [ __ ] popular that they [ __ ] hate you you know yes and you how did you avoid that because I know a bunch of people who went through [ __ ] like that like I even like because it's like disappointment like you know like sometimes like I was I was disappointed at how enthrall when he gets the starting string certified because I was not the [ __ ] starting shrinks you get alan thrall certified but his content was so good and so beyond you know because it's well known i'm not a repeat of but you know it's like yeah I felt that allen thrall like almost diminished himself a little bit by going starting strength like I really did he like kind of let me down cuz I I used to like you know tell people like well his squat tutorial you should go to it's [ __ ] perfect you know no sudden he's like [ __ ] talked about rip Potomac [ __ ] Todd yeah you're supposed to be smart you know yeah and I think he is I know that they're not together anymore and I do believe that a lot of starting strength is moved away from even Roberto but how did you how did you avoid that [ __ ] so great point that you brought up Alan about Taylor Swift the whole goal in life is to always be underrated first overrated so people to personally feel that you deserve more attention than what you're getting and I think that comes as a result of a grassroots movement such as people telling each other all we got check out this guy's content as opposed to overtly relying I mean we all do to some extent the thumbnail from speaking to know like Jeff Newport and it really hit home in the last year after I spoke to him he said man there's two things the determine if someone clicks on your video all three things - you can influence one is the thumbnail the second of course is the title the third actually would be views he puts forth in that it's almost a self-fulfilling prophecy they have two videos same thumbnail same title one has a million views if one has a hundred views who will be people gonna click on and knowing what you want right but in regards to trying to avoid or maybe not getting that phase of people hating or that criticism I think I've been fortunate I think it also is one of those things where when you brought up the pre-workout fun fact after three years of now having almost three years think we've almost made it or not this isn't a for me store anything no money because it is one of those things where we wanted to do right even wanted that PI clinical doses we wanted to have it be affordable I wanted to stand behind it and I think this thing to live talks about this where he talks about having skin in the game where he has a lot of great books one of them is called auntie Fran yeah where's the quani gets into the financial stuff he gets into the probabilities but essentially that if you do something there should be some sort of skin in the game I feel this way therefore I I have a personal investment or I'm committed in this way and I think all too often what you'll have online unfortunately not not people that leave comments I'm talking to actual individuals that participate and then it becomes lo gossipy and so forth is that yeah some of these individuals on the sidelines that are judging rather than trying to participate and the really why I do it this way I do it that way I remember this one person I'm not going to name the person's name only because was it there was or was in a private group Alan and we're talking about just the myth of being hardcore and what I mean hardcore like never sell I don't think is this selling out is this selling out making a good product see how do we define these things it's almost like to some people trying to be an entrepreneur or in business for yourself is antithetical to you know being a morally consistent person which is just not the case that I think that they've been so marketed to in any which way that any form of marketing or any form of branding but as an example it's interesting there's an individual and a private group powerlifter and she was just saying oh man I can't stand all these fit chicks like you know like growling and like yeah you know yeah like they post these ass shots themselves they're doing all these things for money man I would get if I became popular I would never do that and it's one of those things why do you think that so many people when it comes to power they're attracted to power once they attain power that it becomes this thing that they can't control and they become just like everyone else and if you could avoid that I think that's when you could truly ascend anyways she talked all this crap about this influencer school yada yada fast forward two years she's built up power think popped off on Instagram it's now become more relevant she had a hundred thousand followers what do I see her promote Alan basically a fifteen and she was one of the people that was the most against it and so the the thing I was raised for everyone else is you until you've been tempted with actual money he endorsements or other things you don't know one how the average person will respond is kind of like until [ __ ] hits the fan you don't know someone's true character and if someone can go through that process and that's why there's a gradual weeding out process as you said when it comes to YouTube guys I'll give a shout out to Scott hermie because we're kind of in the same you know starting class of when we started producing content if you can resist selling out in so many different ways I think then you become truly dangerous because your thoughts are independent and so for some people is sort of differentiate when it's not a simple solution is complex because it's a problem where it signal this person's also an entrepreneurial they're trying to do this it's multifaceted as opposed to black and white like this guy is good this guy is bad and people all too often mad you know gravitate towards that thinking you know that you brought me in front of Herman like he's busy doing his when I read Ross limitation right now you know like he's he's very very much trying to be enraged um yeah I see that I thought kind of funny I've sent him a bill in the mail for the [ __ ] lipstick but um yeah he recently his last video I hope Brad a lot to like the bradshaw sure I know yeah sure yeah what do you think what do you think about Herman [ __ ] that up Schoenfeld even busy renounce his name or just know he like Miss Ritter he misread the [ __ ] no he like dogged him he didn't know he was [ __ ] so I think well you know what I'll say is I think as educators we have a responsibility to MIT when we're wrong and that's maybe one of the other things we said hopefully I mean III think in the first place Alan people are too afraid of criticism okay honestly and I think I think it's good I think YouTube in a way can make you better right um I think people sometimes you don't have haters man you have a hundred followers or you're not haters maybe people are generally giving you a critique of something they don't enjoy when it comes to content so actually I'm one ear to the ground and listen up but I think the role of an educator is also the MIT when they're wrong and not being valuable where they're it's my way or the highway and so some of the videos I mean some are just so outdated minor things I'm not comfortable with that I'll unless those but all videos are there unlisted they're not on private alright keep some of the ones that are factually incorrect to show like hey this is the process and we want to keep going towards becoming more and more knowledgeable and I think in the instance of someone like Brad Schoenfeld who is just an absolute stud when it comes as a hyper tree research and everything context is key for a lot of things that he's publishing he's publishing over a hundred studies in terms of the relevance of an individual and the greater context of things that he's saying and we kind of live in a headline generation where people just want to read maybe the abstract they don't want to read his full insight they don't want to read his book like max bucks little plan to see what he's actually saying and so sometimes things can get misrepresented and I'm always cautious of that yeah I mean that's the I do like I try to do a lot of research before I [ __ ] dog on somebody yeah okay because because yeah I do realize like where it's at like especially as the following grows I see that like if I if somebody's name comes out of my mouth actually I mean I it better be correct or it's me you know because then I look stupid right yeah and I mean for to us to a great degree I've picked the [ __ ] easier ones like you know like when you don't know the difference between our deadlift Romanian deadlift I can pretty much call that [ __ ] out you know right but when it comes to study the studies and stuff like that I leave that [ __ ] to James and our oral consultant with James we are good friends and the reason being is I don't like I think one of the huge issues that a lot of the og youtubers have is they don't realize the [ __ ] they don't know yeah I think they really know like I said I have this phrase like staying your [ __ ] lane like I said I'm gonna talk about being strong and working at whitneyhl very basic working out working out the intensity and fat loss and get in helping people with with food behaviors because I'm a certified food addiction coach but I stick to my wheelhouse you know I mean like people are like why don't you talk about this because I don't [ __ ] know about it like I mean I simply don't like I you know I don't put I don't put up to squat tutorials first of all how many how many swatch tutorials is YouTube made a million you know apparently you know one more for me it's not gonna [ __ ] be great you know like yeah it's really really not I actually do send people Geoff's or I send people to soil enthralls the the guys can count Cali movement the cows thanks guys the squat territorial is probably the best I've ever [ __ ] seen it's amazing you know but how does it like there were people with the repeating of content and stuff like that no but over again I've noticed that you will have it will evolve your opinion I also doubt that that's a difference between you and some of these other old-school guys like when you you're at like when you're at like eight hundred thousand right now right there are some people you came up with are still like in a hundred like I was kind of shocked they're like a 150,000 you know only her I I don't understand how that works because technically and they're still putting out content you know you would think it would it would it would generate you know do you think that part of it is like the the YouTube algorithm has gotten so sick of the same type of fitness people that they're they're flagging it down because there was a big thing for a while or I noticed that if you put bodybuilding in the title any type of bodybuilding like that like it like the video didn't [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] so do you think it's YouTube or do you think the audience is we've we've done a good job or YouTube you guys have done a good job of educating the audience enough where some of the just normal bro [ __ ] is out like what do you think is the reason why some people are just still trying to put out content that gets leveled off yeah that's that's a good question I think that is a multi-faceted answer i I don't propose to have the full scoop I would say it's a few things I do think the algorithm is a factor I think a large factor Alan would be that there's so many entrance into the market over the last eight years and there's less people entering the fitness space viewers than before and what I mean when I say that if we talk about the real progenitors of YouTube Fitness the main a Popoff would be when muscle workout the hodgetwins and from there it kept snowballing in more and more people and then there's more niches you had guys like camp that came out for a panel of thing or just overall strength constant a few other people Alan throw as you said and they can't grow as more people and I think right now it's a reaches saturation 20 and as such there's only so much of one type of particular content an audience can watch let's say there's four million people in the pool they'll watch a YouTube Fitness video every single month so there's four million potential people well if there's four million people and there's only let's say a hundred thousand new entrants every single month eventually when people this is a journey maybe they do for a handful years I remember of my homies when I started training at the University of Windsor from that time there's probably six or seven of us Alan and now a decade later there are only myself and another guy but two people started and the other guy is a business owner he has his own gym that he runs and that's the trend so I think part of it is people falling out of love with Fitness I think it's not as many entrants I think people also don't try and evolve when it comes to their content and you mentioned something that's important knowledge being domain-specific and I think one of the things that I tried to do differently over time is realizing the limits of my own knowledge not you know that dunning-kruger effect and try and get other people to talk about things that I'm not as well-versed and or to talk about the people that actually conducted the study so guys like a Schoenfeld everywhere I came to strength Gregg knuckles and trying continue to evolve I think for some people to get complacent I think they get complacent allan content creators sometimes milk on the onus being on content creators because i think you always need to take personal responsibility before is admitting youtube's flutter with me you know it's like okay like wait a second here you know this is the opportunity that we all have yg I'd seen a few videos like that we're like you know you - it's YouTube and the Snapple wah you know and a few the og guys from great videos like that I was just like it at the time that's when I was [ __ ] like really growing I was like yeah it's not YouTube if I say it's absolutely not like if it's allows me to say [ __ ] every other word and still pushes me you know it's it's in your delivery you know I think that you touched on a huge thing I've said it before a lot of these guys just they act like they have to be an expert in everything no it's [ __ ] sad to me like they they've most these guys have bought into their own height to the point where it's it became less about helping people and putting Fitness content out which I think that's why the reasons why you're still very doing very what very good because you're very much in that process still - but I came to about them here's what I'm eating today here's what I'm doing today like I I don't know it's one of the weird things like people ask me to do like a day in the life video like why would you [ __ ] wonder what it would be literally be like me asking my wife for my keys are at every five minutes now sitting talking to clients I go work out you know scream at myself for a while and then [ __ ] do more clients like it's out sitting eating like eating over the sink and showing yeah I don't like the when I first started seeing these things come out and don't be wrong I'm sure several of them have extraordinary lifestyles like I think Christian guzmán probably has an extraordinary lifestyle yeah the only time I've ever really thought he was it was kind of funny with him was up the one time he like traded into Ferrari because he didn't wanna be materialistic and he bought like a ninety thousand dollar range rover like yeah you'd hit that one on the nail yeah but smells good yeah but he does have a probably pretty extravagant lifestyle so watching him wake up looking like a supermodel [ __ ] you know I get that I'm not gonna see where the appeal is for that but then you get the hundred and twenty thousand subscriber YouTube guy you know he's filmed his 255th you know follow me around for the day video like yeah why do you think people gonna tune into that [ __ ] you know I think oh man I'm I'm gonna say the wrong name with a book I think it's called not the age of narcissism it's from about 3540 years ago it's a fantastic read well all about just our inner narcissistic qualities and I think YouTube plays into that where people who want to talk about themselves and I've actually tried to keep myself my personal life as private as I can because I don't give a [ __ ] about that if I'm not personally interested in my own life that extent why would I be and I think I think only lifting these it's a little bit different and that's why I actually shadow because I do like Allen thrall is someone that I will stay publicly I think this content is gonna continue to be good because I see a lot of things that were talking about this self-improvement his editing game he shoots all his own stuff you know his journey but also showing him being a business owner that's a cool it kind of be once again I like supporting small businesses I like supporting entrepreneurs and he's not trying to over glamorize things interesting enough about Christian and that's what's crazy is I remember that Christian you used to leave genuine comments on my channel and I use a nice guy in person I actually think that Christian and its interest this is a distinction is that someone's content and their character could be different or they're not necessarily unified I think he knows the algorithm I think yeah I like Christian as a person when I met him and I've interact with him some of his content and you know I will say this not about him a but about that lifestyle in general is that there's a lot of people that are content to be followers right where they want to want to this sexy idea when it comes to fitness they want the easy choice more if I do this I can get the girl I can get the car I could get the gym I could be a multimillionaire everyone's gonna want to try and idolize me and that's when it becomes the cult of narcissism can become dangerous and sometimes I think that's what's good about some of the critique channels like yourself is holding people accountable sometimes tell you and there's no one in particular I'm thinking when I say this if you turn a little bit into a witch huh more like man now okay now you're just being a hater so say everyone I [ __ ] there's been several times for me it's gotten personal with you oh yeah [ __ ] yeah dude I I'm the first one to admit it yeah I'm I don't talk to many more but like at one point in time I was making video videos much scrappy I could about lobe liner and he said something about my [ __ ] parents and I was really oh yeah and we squashed after that and he [ __ ] up again now I'm talk to me more but yeah but that's just weird man like see that's a lie my the fucked-up thing is people say [ __ ] about me all the time my mother I was almost dying in the hospital when he said it and that's [ __ ] boo I mean it just [ __ ] blew up all over me like I would have [ __ ] I was happy to Estates away I think more than understand that that's just a weird like why would you ever do it anyways yeah and I said it's [ __ ] like that were and I try and like now that was when I was earlier on YouTube now people say [ __ ] about me all the time you know I'm just like whatever yeah some of it I find [ __ ] hilarious you know right before I lost the weight people were calling me that same I'm with my Uncle Fester and I was having I was having shirts I was having shirts made up with Uncle Fester on it myself you know who can you laugh at you know kids and I I try to be very rude funny you know right and a lot of people get really [ __ ] Beretta butthurt like they like you say something about somebody that they they idolize on YouTube I've got threats [ __ ] in the mail like I mean I'm a PA box now for a [ __ ] reason like because people look at my address and send me [ __ ] letters you know yeah I never got one I knew it one youtuber that got one in its mailbox without a postage stamp and I then they were happen to me because that means they drop that [ __ ] ha so that's a little [ __ ] crazy but um nah yeah I've had that minor stalker stuff one thing I'll say yeah and then I had actually there's this person that put my head on made basically made a video insinuating that was responsible for 9/11 and I was like nice dude yeah no joke yeah yeah send it to me via Vimeo there's some people that I think people want to try and cause a couple react out of you and actually not to get too personal but I'll I could tell what it's how someone brings himself up but you like you know just your operating and so forth where you got a good focus and you got thick skin probably honestly mom loving you like I could say my mom loved me too damn much how do you do it then I grew up with my mom not telling you anything it's like oh you want to become fast it's printing yeah your ass for the track let's go sprinting and we're gonna do that so I think you have to develop a thick skin for all this stuff and realize that at the end of the game at the end of the day for a lot of people one it's a game but two we're in this process of self improvement and if you can't take a little criticism oh my god it's like the the couch the couch those guys are interesting people and I'm friendly that much from now but I'm into made a couple teens my Chris area and I mean I think he's a hack you know he you know I personally try to as YouTube goes I've tried to incorporate little bits and pieces of everybody I've seen like even people that I've ripped on like familial I try to incorporate if it's not completely [ __ ] dangerous I try to incorporate some of their training so I and I've always done plyometrics in calisthenics I do jump training I'm actually gonna release a jump training program you know and you know he's like I've I've always been amazed by this if you get called out by a channel and it's not valid at all ignore that yeah okay like this like he left this long tirade and I was like he just gave me four videos to make you [ __ ] why would you tank your own channel at that you know like a of course he's gonna do well to see those ads and with that but I basically said like he's he was talk about spot fax for fat reduction and stupid [ __ ] like yeah it's just dumb you know but this point is a given like if you made that mistake a decade ago and all your knowledge came from muscle magazines yeah okay but as the standard of fitness IQ goes up then you need to do your homework as he said and that brings up an interesting point because now what's the way studies are because studies can be purchased right and and/or there's you know there's it's it's sad that two things get to be called studies when one has like a sample group of like a hundred thousand people and one is the same group of like fifteen now like and it's it's sad like right the despot that reduction thing I keep seeing people like well there's been studies that show that it's possible you know not to the point like you're not gonna be able to like I'm I'm not gonna get fat off of my arm by just doing curls you dumb fries or like they were trying to say it's upper lower body a good portion that had to do with blood flow you know all sorts of [ __ ] and again it was like the sample size was like 68 people that has changed so much because when you guys first started a study was a [ __ ] study you know like it was absolutely it meant it was [ __ ] a real period right now it can be just total [ __ ] like I mean that how do we educate our audiences to learn the difference because I'd see youtubers not understanding the [ __ ] difference they're like it's really bad and it's unfortunate because we have people with but don't put doctor in further name and they'll speak on something that's factually incorrect yeah and they're and they'll say it's from a study so now they have doctrine for the name and it's a study I mean it it might not be what their doctorate is in you know like yeah like I have family members are PhDs they're doctors they don't know [ __ ] about fitness yeah at all you know well you know guys are where you get down well I was gonna ask you how do we educate our audience so the thing that we have to be careful of is guru worshiping which we've all been guilty of where we find somewhere we like their content at verifiable information and then we follow everything that they say rather than taking a look at the data I I think it's hard and I agree with you in the sense that there's been a slight bastardization of science or hashtag signs where people we use it was a very good point you brought up about your family members PC knowledge is domain specific if I'm a doctor but I have never done strength training at all I know nothing but strength training right I have a general if I'm a GP general practitioner totally different things in the second case I only said that he's being purchased unfortunate for most people just because you know we want the easy answers dissecting a study takes a little bit of work the confidence interval the sample size is a cross-sectional link of so many different variables but take a look at how does it how many variables were controlled there's one recently and that's why actually I'm gonna give a shout out real quick I'm not paid by them I don't have an endorsement by them I do support their work monthly application and strength sports Greg knuckles Eric Helms air Chrysler and Mike Soros where they take a look at about a dozen studies a month beta a dissected make it generally applicable for people easy to understand they give you the context so that's very important I don't think everyone how Lisa suddenly is like yeah man has to make size learn though confidence Falls learn about statistics if they should be wary and this is the heuristic I would say for most people out there is what's the skin in the game for that person or what's the financial motivation where are they coming from it's someone talking about spot reduction and this study and then they want to sell you something a spot reduction or they open to criticism so if you take a look at individual right no one's invaluable if you have information that can be question is should be question and you have a discourse on it so if someone's 24th do they have the one answer and Andy Galvin said this on a podcast and is very good where you said I think it's Malcolm Gladwell wrote the 7 steps to being a charlatan essentially which is framing that the industry like they don't want you to know right there's something and that's unfortunate one guy will call up because he's no longer with them but Mike Chang Six Pack Shortcuts my my arch-nemesis one of the few people were you know I can be a pretty forgiving guy in ways where I think okay what's the utility here net benefit blah blah blah I'm also who my I don't want to be thrown stones from a glass house but brought that guy you know [ __ ] that content it was very that obviously misleading [ __ ] totally it was oh yeah something most horrible content like it's the [ __ ] I am the Roosevelt didn't and he just hit the Elgin ripping him apart was just [ __ ] glorious I'm sort of like some of my favorite you know yeah there was a long time coming for him with with Mike chain because you can buy what's interesting Allen is you also buy his likes and that's it's it's such a huge thing to unpack I'd say a short summary for most people is to be okay with questioning creators in question gurus taking a look more the source taking a look at how many studies to the publish go towards people that try and be as unbiased as possible so I've brought up mass when it comes to supplement a very good one is examined kama is an example yeah they may reference the studies they give you the context once again so how does this fit into the larger peter and then they go from there so I think the self education of a consumer is important because the difference now is that the knowledge asymmetry of the past has been erased you know like thirty years ago L we had the muscle magazines and they're telling what to do there's work for the best bodybuilder why is it not going to work for you well that's why I mean that's what that's why I used to eat like [ __ ] three doesn't equate today that's one fitness yeah just I know he's like as big a road warrior hawk you know like because that was my goal like my goal was the [ __ ] people like a professional wrestler so yeah but I I find it egregious that like it's almost like those publications are being rewritten almost in in in some of some of the content right now and that's I think that's just so importantly it's it's kind of sad that people people also equate like how a person looks to their knowledge you know and it's that that's to a certain degree that's tough I saw actually had a good video about this not too long ago where he said you know what's it like to own a business and fitness well you give up your training you know they're most probably I I don't like I trained really really hard last year yeah and I still train very intensely though my training is different I go to the gym like maybe five to five days a week but I have a pull-up bar right here and I can you know torture rack behind me and if I can show like that you know and my training is very different because I run a I run businesses you know we run a coaching business we run the websites we run all that [ __ ] right so it's very different he did a great video on that but with the people that stand up in front of the camera like look how shredded I am you can look just like me if you follow my program like that you've been working at that [ __ ] for 15 [ __ ] years yeah emulating you you probably you probably have like you're probably orthorexia probably have a horrible relationship with food um I always equated to Jeff like my Jeff Cavaliere yeah you know when you sit down to eat with Jeff he's going to eat the same [ __ ] like he's like I eat because I love food he it's like very it's very very very mechanical for him like he can go like all day me like okay we're just gonna bar I'm like [ __ ] no I need [ __ ] food you know in it's not really like in the average person's lifestyle and I find that to be where we're missing the boat right now because we are getting to the point right now that for a lot of people it's the for a while as bodybuilding but now like also I'm strengthen the empower thing got to be so big ramps like if you can't dad the 600-pound you're not [ __ ] [ __ ] like you know how every 600 pounds this like it's it's something that you don't see very often at all yeah you just don't you know in the huge lifts we see in or that I've see you you lift on camera but I don't see you doing anything [ __ ] stupid has ever like been in your head have you ever like film something washer be like no no man you gotta be so I think ultimately when you chase and to quote someone else now Van Halen which I'm a big fan and David Lee Roth had from it they released that 2012 album a different kind of truth by like the line that he says in the song as is where he says lower the craft or love the money and I think if you're comfortable with the content from the outset that you're creating you won't run into those moral dilemmas or Quagmire's with a girl like this should I be you know sometimes let's say for comedy Alan like if I do a parody and you know it's a [ __ ] impression I'm not an actor I don't know what I'm doing that I'm like let me let me do another take but when it comes to actual lifting in the dim no because and you you said something and I think what's good about your content in your channel is you give also some legitimacy there's some of the things that you're saying were for some people they think YouTube oh man it's a free ride right wait wait a second oh you just you guys just sit in front of camera talk yeah but there's a lot of things that go on behind the scenes think how hard you try to keep your business afloat to grow it I think most people would be surprised and when you said Alan just um about your training suffering that's a unspoken truth for so many people and that's why I you know I'll just say it here and it's uh cool to say this I've been trying to open a planning to open a gym for about 14 months and it's taken a lot of time a lot of effort sitting over 150 places like applications all those things in addition of the things that we're doing and so I've been waiting for some of the training goals and it's been a little bit unfortunate as a result of that but it's it's secondary to the knowledge you're trying to communicate and you shouldn't just be your lifts you shouldn't just be your looks your knowledge to stand on its own and that's where the best intersection is usually the people that walk the walk and talk the talk mm-hmm that's what I see that too like I to me you know the the selling of a lifestyle just sitting in front of a camera to be real people just just so you know if you do that if you want to be a youtuber and make your money on YouTube you better have a back-up plan we were just talking about this hog off-camera like any money I make off YouTube when I do get monetized any money I make off YouTube is sent to the other invest or something like that like you know anybody depends on YouTube revenue is a [ __ ] idiot you know good conversation Alan maybe for your chat or know if you've ever posted just yourselves talking about being an entrepreneur I always find that stuff interesting I try to make I try to keep it very much not about me generally I really do I try to keep it very very much from you know on the lives which one thing I'll talk about you will talk about situational stuff when I make videos I try to keep it very very much not about me you know and I I think that that's one of the reasons why the channel is grown because in reality like I'm just a dude well you know I I'm a guy that like I can be I can be a horrible [ __ ] like I mean I know I can like I like I've even like looks at that so my videos like now I'm just being mean you know like I look back at some like I run videos I'm like [ __ ] I'm really mean to this kid but then he does so stupid I'm like okay yeah I'm good with it you know yeah you know and like I there's people that are popular that I don't like I think that that's refreshing for people you know I mean like because they're popular doesn't mean they're right just because you know anything like that I'd find it crazy like I see Herman in the [ __ ] comments right now I think he's a little tweet that I [ __ ] mentioned his name but uh they said what up Scott I can't I can't see the feet ow I'm focused I'm just focusing and I'm focusing on you TRX in the back drop I was gonna make a joke do you know David Carradine her about I do not know him no okay I'll leave it at that gone yeah very funny um I know I see RX t-rex is good that's actually no that's good so he's from Kill Bill Quentin Tarantino's movies right on a lot of stuff but is Thailand auto-erotic asphyxiation whereas a bell to the against the door you know I guess the doorknob yeah well I mean it has a dual purpose my wife and I talked about it yeah healthy but to me I think the debts were I mean that's where it goes like I I'm not afraid to say something about you if people also hate it people hate it you know and yeah I you know I can speak factually about the content I makes most about which is weight loss and stuff like that I just be factual about that and when I talk about other people's exercises that I think are dangerous I make sure that they're dangerous and I'll talk about and that's eat to me that's easy pickings like when you see somebody on a BOSU ball [ __ ] benching you know whatever all that stupid [ __ ] yeah BOSU balls like wow I even have one here which at the house which is you know and we use it how it's properly supposed to be used but when you it's like at this trainer thing like this nerdfighter personal trainer thing like the very first thing they do when they have somebody that they start a train and put him on a BOSU ball cuz they need disability if they can't do a squat don't [ __ ] have a squat on a BOSU ball you've done [ __ ] it's no bad like unfortunately anybody can be a personal trainer and anybody with a body can be a youtuber yeah like anymore you know step on it they have next to they need next to no qualifications at all right and to me I'm gonna talk about certification zone with that but if you can't listen to the quality of their content and think wow that this person is very fundamental basic then you might be looking the wrong way if somebody's trying to show you on the tricks yeah that's where I find it to be the the problem because for the most part you know like you get to work out for a living you know I still get to work out for a living yeah people the stuff we probably do in the gym is gonna be different than how I'm going to Train something it's just like you got to 9:00 to 5:00 and got three kids and try to get home right I find I find that to be the content that's kind of missing almost like because it's not flashy and people don't wanna see it you know people want that trick right now what is it what is the weirdest thing you've seen on YouTube yeah some weird I've seen some weird [ __ ] I think Alan people attempting to stand out and as a result of them attempting to stand out them saying things that are just flat-out false kind of what you're saying about the weird trick so the red Mike King reg Frank I'll be probably the most offensive video I saw was one he was eating a sushi with a fork and he was talking with his mouth open just chomping down on that [ __ ] and I thought how uncouth this individual is just how just the way he's presenting himself I was thinking it's thing all right so I bet your marketing guy because fun fact I think a lot of people don't know this Mike King was the face he wasn't the reader of Six Pack Shortcuts know and so I'm thinking I'm just imagine before the video I ma'am want you to be relatable because people respond to relatability they want to see a shredded guy eat food they think that they can't eat and then three for once we're not gonna cut what you say because you ramble on your incoherent we're just gonna let it roll because it shows authenticity and they're like yeah man this is a good video and then they release it and it's just garbage I think I think when you disconnect from Katt Williams talks about your star player or he says that I am the cat Williams fan and uun don't you think I'm just gonna pop off I'm gonna make this content and we're gonna love it I said what's utility of this that's the question I think I asked myself we're trying to ask myself on you know how I made a bunch of mistakes but what do you tell you this is this useful right we'll just help people that's not that's a start and then we go from there I see I told you I tell you agree with that like the problem I think is you know people bastardizing the basic lives like this is no [ __ ] dude I when I was still training people in person I trained elderly elderly people in the basic lifts because it's LITTLEST it's a literally a simulation of an act of daily living yeah like a deadlift is basically especially like a hex bar deadlift is like picking something about the [ __ ] ground a squad is sitting down like you need to push it up over your head you need to pull yourself up you know pull-ups you overhead press I mean benchpress is not even all that important in relative terms to for you know active daily living but the the thing I thing I wonder about it's like we get all these trick exercises as if they're gonna [ __ ] do something like the the the the multitude of band exercises and the [ __ ] you know reverse double triple banded on the [ __ ] squat like I have never put a band on the squad like I'm not saying that they that they don't work but I've never done it I've used chains occasionally but I've never never done the bands like I just don't like why it's what I don't like if technically if you put if you use chains as long as they're the same distance apart from the from the medium of the bar from the middle the bar they're gonna weigh the same but the elasticity of the Bands could be completely [ __ ] different on each side it's weighted that's a good that's a good minor point the strength curve being different on a band that elasticity was actually exponential I'll goes up first and look at these 20 pounds 20 pounds what I mean novelty Allen I put forth and that's what I asked you before we began if you were trainer before because I see that where there's a vetting out process and maybe one of the biggest differences that I see with YouTube content creators they don't come from having a professional background I'm not saying you've got a PhD or that there's a few years trained you know I've trained people for a decade you've worked in the industry health nutrition training people before so it comes from a real living experience and I think maybe the answer I don't know how you feel would be novelty is partially why people want to gravitate I think they want I think I think they think in their head that lifting is supposed to be this joyous accurate every time it's oh my god it's so fulfilling where I was having so much fun sometimes you just gotta do the damn thing it understand it's a part of life and that movement is just a part of being humane and that the process of getting better is what you should focus on rather than the novelty or enjoyment of a single act or a single session III agree like the the the issue like fall revolves around or when people just want the flash they don't understand like I'd rather somebody work out it like sixty percent capacity for twenty years then work out it 110 and burn themselves on a month I say that all the [ __ ] time I really do like I people reach out to me about my programs because I do some programs and like they'll be like well you know which one of your programs will help me lose 75 pounds as you know anything about the basic lifts no don't buy any of them yeah my programs are not for beginners or for intermediates you know yeah you need to be proficient in the basic lifts I don't even want you to like I it's in it's in the the nomenclature of it because it'll bury you and it's not healthy like on sets the last I got in this to help people you know and I find that to be where people just get lost with it like people are willing to try to like stand out more than they are willing trying to help people and then we're supposed to be we're supposed to be fitness professionals you know like and that's the thing that's like you and I think you can see when somebody knows what they're doing and is in it for that actually help people you can definitely tell the difference between OG youtubers that want to be famous make money and help people it's like three different things famous people will sacrifice helping people and money just I mean just to be mentioned right the person that just wants to be make money there after every little scam they're asking their audience do you like this video if you like that video do you like this video which would you like what would you like me to see me do that's right that [ __ ] drives me crazy like do what you feel like you just right don't ask your audience because your audience came to see you know like we were talking before you know like why the [ __ ] would you ask them you were supposed to guide them you know and then some people just want to help people people just want to help people oftentimes sacrifice the popularity and the money just to help people you know because they put out content free advice and content instead of charging for it you know not that I don't you know I put out as much weight loss free content as I can for a lot of what we do people hire us to actually help them build skills like that ability skills which can't be done on video it has to be done on an individual basis you know and I just I wonder like why each one involves so there's the people that want to make money does people wanna be famous and then there's people like you they wanna help people yeah why do they vote like that because I've seen them all start out from the same way like all you guys started out the same way you know and back then there wasn't even much money in it you know there were definite wasn't a lot of fame because it wasn't popular right I remember Alan filming my first few videos so is a mom and pop gym and so I was doing it for the clock once again for a first year and changes for clients well I remember filming the content were them were the rough days let me tell you something uh where other trainers were you know you're calling me I'm looking at himself in the camera and there's no glamour about her there's no man like we're gonna get this brand endorsement I asked you and that's when you said about you having a job before going into YouTube how that's honestly the way it should be you shouldn't count on it as your main income and I think part of it is intent or purpose and so I stumbled onto YouTube as opposed to thinking I wanted to be famous I think your intent informs everything else but one thing I was gonna say is I accidentally and actually shadow to a Brandon Campbell here's the one that told me I didn't have monetization on for my first 50 million views even know Allen which is equivalent for most people like it translates to maybe seventy to a hundred thousand dollars yeah like the loss that my book I didn't even know that YouTube was a viable not by the Bible I shouldn't say but a way to earn money right um and I was making content the whole time without knowing that I think what happens is that people get attracted to the cult maybe of money where it's it's sexy its lucrative right it's the thing that is perpetually a lot in our society where if you want to be respected if you're one of this you need to have money or if there's some sort of inner anguish for a lot of people training starts parsley from a lot of us we want to look better we don't like the way that we look we don't like the way that we feel and so we want to try and improve that but then sometimes the demons in our head grow too big will you have an ace that Fame and it hits you it's like a Fame drug and you just want more of it right you want you want me to idolize and I think inside every human is kind of that conflict to some extent it's whether or not you let that demon take over and so for some people it's about what fulfills them and I think one of the if I can put one thing in this video some of the biggest let's say forwarded moments I had was actually training people that were the people that I thought I wanted to be so there's a neurosurgeon there's doctors there's lawyers so people that accomplish great doing their craft loving it having a legitimate profession so my god this is cool like these these are the people that I want to have a profession like that right look at me a lot of them echoed the same thing about fitness is a journey for them of vitality of rediscovering themselves of who they are the dreams that they had before before before maybe they could form to their expectations of themselves and so a lot of them said the same thing this is a tome are you young do what you love or do what you enjoy because in the end with life a lot of them even the people that were quite accomplished how the various regrets progressive right for nature's and so I didn't want to live a life that I look back on and I really like oh I can't believe you know you're surrounded Tony Mann on Montana style I love cocaine a lot of money or just think of yourself wow this ain't it yeah like they're like I fundamentally [ __ ] up some place you know like yeah that's the thing like I've it's the weirdest no because I I'm still by the way so I'm still gonna film in my car people but I've been busy you know but like people like you should buy a new car why I'd rather go in three cruises a year you know like like people people get so caught up in the money of [ __ ] I think that it sends an odd message you know what I mean like and they see YouTube and they and they like I know youtubers that rent cars for their videos like oh yeah like they actually will either that or they'll lease a car and then they'll rent it out for like three weeks of the month to pay for the lease and then I'll use it for like a week to [ __ ] film in it I think that's [ __ ] egregious it's like first of all it's so misleading yeah it really is like the only one that I think leads like an interesting lifestyle and shows his money in are like that I think it's Chris Jones Chris I'm a huge fan you know why I like Chris because he says whatever the [ __ ] he wants yeah and wow I don't always agree with everything Chris says he says whatever [ __ ] he wants but he does not give a like is I don't find him trying to pander to an audience at all I find him just being himself saying [ __ ] and when you watch his content he he's very knowledgeable when it comes to when it comes to fitness like he rulers he come from Allen he comes from being a trainer for a while - one of the basics man yeah and I mean that's why even though he talks about his lifestyle and with that like first of all congratulations on all the [ __ ] success - Chris Jones yeah because he literally said I'm gonna do this and [ __ ] did it you know I mean he'd never it's not it's not like he was like also like I'm just in this to help people who are that and also I'm like finally look at my mansion you know and he was he was always always always the same way you I'm gonna build a business I'm gonna grind he sells that lifestyle and I think it's [ __ ] great because he lives that lifestyle to like him you can tell that he really does grind really hard takes care of now he takes care his baby you know I remember I was ID and what you're gonna be a great debt he's like I'm [ __ ] terrified I know now Chris since Bobby 2013 he's an example once again a haunted character meeting him in person he wears his heart on his sleeve we had some very genuine conversations I like Chris a lot I sent him a message about this kid and he's a sick man I'm [ __ ] terrified dude I my son's not biological mine but Devon I met when he was five it's best gift anybody ever gave to me I never refer to him as from anything about my son because he's myself you know yeah but it's [ __ ] scary I mean being a parent's [ __ ] scary in today's world it really is like you know my thing is like you always feel like you're gonna [ __ ] it up I mean no matter what like you question every [ __ ] decision you know that's the next level responsibility i-i'll just before I forget I I'm mansions of people are things I never want to try and pretend that these ideas are my own I want to give a quick shout out to Fortis fitness gyms I go to the owner Sean just because he's someone out everything that you said live in the damn thing I'm not gonna say Sean's financial situation all I guys say is that he's a smart man he's been 30 years in the industry the man drives a 25 year old truck that's beat the hell the arrest of one-bedroom apartment in an area of Toronto owners Parkdale where rents cheaper and he lives just like that he wears oversized used clothing his bank account which shocked the average person that they saw but he lives the damn thing and that's that's the guy right because the person once again that is not attracted or not beholding to financial considerations all their opinions public opinions where they care about that is the dangerous person because they're an independent thinker right and I think that's a loss to skill like I like I say it in multiple videos but I find it like I find me having it like we're about to have 200,000 subscribers which I'm [ __ ] I never thought grab together right yeah I think it's because like how much ridiculous [ __ ] is out there that's just somebody that just cut like I just I say what the [ __ ] I want you know and I say it how I want and sometimes I lean into this wearing a little bit but I swear a lot I just [ __ ] do you know there's more more than you in this interview then you have yeah I mean all shocked no but I just find it to be you know an interesting thing where I think that people got so sick of the cookie cutters and the carbon things or stuff like that I try to one take my videos you know I really do and that's what that's a big thing I just try to make sure I talk you know I think that's one thing that you do really really well I think when you see dozens and dozens and dozens of cuts in the video people can say what they want they I heard one guy I think it's Brandon Carter like I added for dramatic effect you know they're like I've had conversations with you Brandon stop it but um you know if you can't eloquently speak on it or I'm not that eloquent but if you can't just ramble it off you don't know it yes I mean you don't know it like I agree with that a hundred percent yeah if we talk about nutrition I'm all over if we talk about weight loss I'm definitely [ __ ] all over you know yeah we talked about you know left-side barbell and their progressions I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm talking about like I've barely run Westside you know I haven't trained like that you know and I wouldn't [ __ ] talk about it that's I get that a lot where people are like you should make a video on this like I know nothing about it whatever how can I make a video about it so it's funny you'll see Allen also say for you is that as your content continues to evolve and you do different things there's some people I say the gallic why are you gonna talk about this it's like you should do this do that's like wait a second man it's like I know what I want I know what I'm comfortable talking about and this and these are the topics that I'm going to talk about no I definitely stay in my [ __ ] wheelhouse there's no I I mean I make I make a point to because I've seen to like I've blasted people out for not you know I mean like staying your [ __ ] Lane yeah I say that fairly often yeah because people that don't get [ __ ] up they really do like or they [ __ ] people up you know that's when when you see the you know the kind of charlatan people of the of the YouTube Fitness realm talk about heavy lifting when they don't look like they it looks like they would get crushed under the final weight they talk about you know why are you why are you speaking on that you know let let somebody that like let Allen thrall it let's let silent mic not somebody less but [ __ ] those people who lift heavy [ __ ] weight talk about it you know I am I also think though sometimes you know they need to take a look at you know the results of the person's endeavors you know and look at the long run of health I think you do a good job and making sure you don't push the [ __ ] envelope and you look out for your longevity and that means you're looking out for the longevity of your audience yeah you know we got there's several power lifters right now and bodybuilders that have really [ __ ] got themselves snap the [ __ ] out it's it's even worse for the audience it's even worse than people realize oh yeah publicly because a lot of people probably don't want or sort of publicly don't want to know what's happened privately because they think it makes him look weak but there's so many people that are really and bad places injury was well yeah I mean well and this is not to not to knock Ronnie Coleman airing with that but like you know he's very very very in a bad way and I've never made a video on it because I don't know bodybuilding at all and I don't talk bodybuilding and I'm not going to talk about any of the drug use or any or that because he's a freak no matter what and you got to give to the guy that he did what he wanted to do I just personally know he's only like he's won like four years older than me or three something like that he's like 50 something I think 51 or 52 and if he's that old and while he's like I don't regret anything let's let that marinate for about 10 years you know like because I know this like I much enjoy being very mobile you know I see people my age like that I with the high schools and [ __ ] like that I'm like what the [ __ ] happened to you you know I can we I think as fitness people also we live in a box people don't realize how much youtubers are isolated like you you probably only see fitness people think you know what I mean like how how crazy it is to go to the grocery store and then you look around like what the [ __ ] I believe people would yeah how'd we get so healthy you don't count your macros bro it's like man this is a this is like a single father just trying to pick up food for you know his family yeah I mean so it's it's our world is very different we spend a lot of time in front of a camera a lot of time alone in front of editing in front of computer and she like that and the average person that you know like watches the content our lives are very different than that and I think that's something that's not really said and when they don't then know your full picture like I I've admitted like every injury I have you know in my arthritis my right shoulder I have a fractured vertebrae when I was like 16 my [ __ ] tore my right leg up the only one big lifting injury I had was like was two years ago on my birthday I tore my groin leg pressing at all [ __ ] [ __ ] and and that changed the like they're like well what happened this net well you could I was stupid I was completely [ __ ] dumb like I overloaded the weight because it was my birthday and I had this big [ __ ] ego thing that I lifted heavy weight on my birthday every year I don't do that anymore because it took me to [ __ ] almost crippled myself there that learn you know do you think it's we owe our audiences that type of disclosure since they we're telling them about our about our training schemes our health and wellness do you think that when people don't talk about the injuries they actually have do you think that's an issue I did I do uh so I think when you're a public figure and you withhold certain private information that might be pertinent info for your general population so Ronnie Coleman not not slagging on him at all yeah we all pick our own poison right so I think there's I think nothing in life or a few things in life or an absolute net positive there's risks and reward and you have to balance that out and determine for you if that works we brought a body building before I met or really started interacting with Eric Helms it does natural bodybuilding I was like body building up for me like it's not one of those things and I can certainly see how it's very unhealthy and how it could feed in North Rexy and all those sorts of things but for some people the things they get out of it or greater than some of the negatives same idea with powerlifting right where we we know this alum from looking heavy you know some of your toys are gonna hurt and you can train as an intelligent as you want but there's a simple fact of the matter a certain amount of pounds under the bar there's the absolute risk kind of tends to go up as you're looking more and more weight or just over time is the probability game cool with what we do and we have to understand but I think everyone needs informed consent let's say honestly when it comes to lifting where it's a cape here's what's gonna happen here are some likely scenarios is this for you as opposed to saying man you know what I'd like pilot can say Mellie it's the best thing in the world I recommend everyone doesn't say definitely I love strength training I will continue to try and lift heavy but we need people just to understand ABCD and so I think it is absolutely on all of us to talk about these things and I never try and be a Debbie Downer because I'm I'm one of the few folks I'd say that in the strength community that is more public about some of those things I'm not trying to wallow in and be like oh man like I was dealing with I think that thing is forth this is part of the process and let me walk you through because you have to own all your [ __ ] as you said and I think for some people they don't want to have any imperfections so you know that's kind of social media I don't like it the Instagram lifestyle the Instagram ofin it's only I'm only showing the highlights and even the highlights are fabricated well I don't want to show any [ __ ] in my armor and so I think that is an issue I think training which we both really like has been so positive in so many ways I think people being more open and as I use mentioned Westside Westside documentary I think would be illuminating for a lot of people to see some of the things that they've gone through some of those lifters or the sacrifices they made and I think the more you know about what something takes the more you have a better picture if that's for you I completely agree like to me to me it's it's bothersome like it when you know like and I don't here's the thing I will never bust out anybody's injuries like I'll never out them for them like I don't I'm gonna be a horrible person I know I can but that's something where I would not do because that can negatively affect their business and all sorts of [ __ ] like there's that [ __ ] like and if they've if they're not giving if they're not giving up that information I won't say anything I I bust out I talk about [ __ ] be shreds injuries every chamber chance I get because like he [ __ ] trains people and [ __ ] [ __ ] himself up all goddamn time you know yeah but my issue is if you're gonna hide that [ __ ] and like if you're if you if you're training hurt you know and for you to still be talking to people about it like that's really like that goes beyond negligence that's like I'm as malicious you know and we have enough people that don't like fitness like I think we have way too many people on fitness and in an inherently unhealthy society yeah I think it's really really really really catastrophic when somebody that has a truck that is trusted by a large audience of people can do something that might get somebody to turn away from fitness in jail because I don't give a [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] if you like calisthenics or if you like [ __ ] swimming or I don't even [ __ ] with what you like I just want every I would like for everybody be healthy everybody to be active because just like I said everybody should be active right and when you give that one person that's really like really looks up to you and then they [ __ ] they try your training and the next thing you know they're all [ __ ] snapped up and they don't come back to anyway they they they don't trust online training of anymore they don't trust Fitness because it hurt you know and I think that's really catastrophic I think that's why I CrossFit to such a harsh [ __ ] shot for a while because I know plenty of CrossFit trainers that are very good coaches like yeah very good Olympic lifting coaches there's a there's a place called roughhouse CrossFit and Stanford Connecticut we go to every year with word athlean-x live and the trainers are the two people that own the gym are amazing they both have degrees and they either they're both certified strength coaches to both the Olympic lifting coaches and CrossFit trainers you know but there's also the [ __ ] Joe Schmo that kind of [ __ ] weekend thing that doesn't know shifts with [ __ ] that you know has you know 300 pound woman doing [ __ ] snatches her first [ __ ] day which she's never touched a barbell right and that's how they started to catch him so much [ __ ] because they were injuring people at such an incredibly high rate because of just the selling the [ __ ] the ideal you know instead of being you know intelligent about it and saying well let's learn to [ __ ] walk before we try to sprint you know in general terms I don't know how that's gets fixed because we live in such an immediate society that people want like that people want it to happen now they what they don't happen to right then that's why supplements we have you know had the niche that they have it does were wrong I use supplements [ __ ] I've learned rising my shirt right now it's Casey Michels brand and I took his pre-workout before I'm before we started talking about teaspoon cheddar and a whole [ __ ] time yeah but I I like it but I don't I don't even tell people when they're first starting out that use pre-workout like if you're gonna if you can't be excited to get to the gym you're not gonna find in the bottle you know much external motivation and get to the gym yeah it's gonna be tough I I think you come from a place of wanting to help people and so that's a consideration that's important in that there's so many mechanisms in our society we're kind of set up to fail right we're kind of set up at the be fat or to eat a lot of food to be inactive a lot of these things so if you create that path or you make it harder for someone to achieve their goal that's rough and sometimes when Dogma takes over Allen where for some coaches I think actually economic reasons sometimes can explain a lot of different things and for CrossFit why did CrossFit explode multiple variables but one of them is their box their franchise model is actually pretty genius where you know to open up a standard gym so this whatever franchise agreement you pay this amount it's a huge financial commitment yeah and then to open up a CrossFit box five thousand dollars I think you pay five hundred dollars a year in a membership and say that all these people and then you're given once again the solution where it's like this is we're gonna be different from that so every single person that comes into this facility we're gonna treat the same way a 300-pound person you said a hundred a person a Olympic athlete equate a second here in through visualization come on yeah like I actually like I like watching the CrossFit Games we got one people wipeout hard but but when people like it's because that's like an endeavor it's like watching pro football sure the problem is people think that they should train like that like you know like football players don't train with like full contact pads every [ __ ] day you're like yeah you train very basic movements and a lot of the cross that's the CrossFit athletes they train very they break it down and they don't actually do the whole wad every day you know it's the same thing that you look at for you know other aspects of it like the the labeling of it was the labeling of Fitness like the the functional fitness thing mmm that was a big for a little while and then then it died out we had people like naudi aguilar and stuff like that I used to dog on that [ __ ] Carsley but because I found it hilarious like function like functional fitness there's not much more that's more functional than a deadlift right to be real you know yeah you know when swinging a kettlebell is not necessarily functional and in function from what would be the question they grunt no functional fitness it's like as you said I think you hit the nail on the head we said I want to be able to do things in fights like what's more functional than that and so how do you approach that right oh it's training and I just find you know the the craziness of all that [ __ ] to be like kind of horrible and that the functional fitness people are dying out because people are just like let's talk about do anything what you've done a good job also your instagrams pretty big too so as Instagram came up how did you like morph like how did you switch you know switch that because I think that's an interesting thing you there's a few people that came that went from YouTube and are still doing really well on Instagram - yeah in it seems to be like if you want to be from with the old-school YouTube ground that had that you had to be able to pick up on that so like it's an evolution of social media and you should look about not being tech savvy but you obviously know the [ __ ] you're doing that comes to different avenues of social media and you're obviously super well researched on business and how and the marketing of everything like that and obviously you have a degree in business so but man I did not actually I took the two years and then I was training people then I decided that I didn't complete it but I am interested in this one I never want to we're on YouTube they'd like somebody right now is like typing furiously find out what your degrees in I just wanna always want to be straight up that's all oh my god I mean I said it because I said I was gonna rain went I'm like oh my god would you feel like I was in nobody it's like yeah I know it's very popular for people talk about like completely you know assassins and [ __ ] like that ice pretty much you mean like you weren't on the farm no I didn't know nobody was actually nobody was but how do you make that evolution because like you make squatches [ __ ] done a great job of transitioning over to Instagram but a lot of them haven't you know I think that that's one of the things while you're still doing so well but how do you go about that so you're absolutely right there's one if anyone's interested in reading anything about marketing someone that I do you like and I spoke actually with alum which is how I identified like tribes you write tribes set go to do this is named uh have you read alan any of his stuff I think I have okay yeah here's a purple cows another one it's just in just good stuff anyways um is that social media is gonna continue to evolve you know there's YouTube and YouTube has approved pretty resilient it's not gonna be around forever yeah Instagram at the start I went on it must like when snapchat was taken off and yet dj khaled like wait a second let's just it will be stays up for 24 hours what things can you in part that are gonna be sustainable for five years 10 years 20 years right Instagram was one of those things when I saw people get on it I still kind of treated as a joke with my Instagram one day mean a lot just that I like to talk about but I recognized that I could show a different facet of myself first YouTube save the same aspect but it's a little less informative and I think what it is is the more you show genuinely your personality not this that's a shtick probably the best thing that I could perceive from someone is again you're just like in the videos I'm like yeah why wouldn't I be like why I I see now if I meet your personal just really how we're talking how you're like in your videos right and so I think fleshing out an individual is important I think for myself I just saw it and I started thinking oh wait it's it's words plus a picture it's still content so I saw the utility and that's what stopped me from Twitter where I can't see some utility for sharing Twitter it was like 140 characters how much can I convey here so I look first what the medium is the message I look first wait a second what can we do here okay and then I try to I got on it and then it was people think that because you have established presence on one platform it's gonna automatically translate no I mean I think everything has every medium has its own particular language you have to learn and I think it's the role of a communicator to try and best learn how to communicate their information so I agree like the the I I use my Instagram it's like a you know I talk about the comments or stuff like that it's like more me kind of being mean to people but you know the Casey the Casey Mitchell case initials of YouTube he puts not good content but like it just he can't seem to catch you know but on Instagram man he's like [ __ ] his interactions rush you know like and it's very strange it's the same thing I talk about a lot about the fat acceptance community the phantom community thrives on Instagram it's a huge thing like coming they're they're protected almost like you Instagram gets pissed at me often but if you look at it on YouTube they mean all my fat stuff is videos have like when ninety-nine percent approval ratings yeah whereas on Instagram not so much you know they're not happy with me I think it's an interesting you know endeavor but I also find when people are not themselves like I I don't like when people are different on different social media platforms like it needs to be you it could be a different side of you but it means to be you still you know like yeah the person on is completely different you're just a [ __ ] fake but I you know the the interaction you do with it do with them I think it's funny cuz you poke front yourself a lot I think that's like endearing to people and I think that's a good thing I think it's a lost art to like I think that's one of the reasons why a lot of people from your YouTube class don't make it you know so say Alan do you play a you played sports growing up yeah I was a track athlete you just yeah when you talk about making fun of yourself all those healthy things that's just part of playing sports being the general banker that you have between a bunch of buddies and yourself like that's just so I'm used to I enjoy that banter right but for some people I think I don't know there are not experiencing group sports people always like the focus for a while when I was just doing the comment that like the ripa the roast videos in the comedy people are like well you know how long does it take you to write down I'm like man this is I took that's like me and my buddies sitting around having a bunch of beers talking about people like this literally how I picture it you know like well not you know when I would when I before I got married in with that when I would just sit around and drink beer for way too much way too long a period time with my friends that's literally like we would just like [ __ ] roast each other you know like we found that funny you know I find it funny I so the best jokes I've heard about me are [ __ ] hilarious I love it when they make memes about I find it's [ __ ] funny you know I the I see these people he's so pissed off about about show like that like first of all that is the way to encourage them if you make to make fun of you more absolutely is it's it's the way but like I make fun of myself like I what I remember that I caught it like Eminem the crowd like I'm everybody like okay I'm older bald like a baggy eyes like a [ __ ] up teeth what are you say but you know what I'm gonna say because now it's all true but it's it's [ __ ] all true you know and if the time I was fat too I call myself that you know it's it's all true I just don't I don't understand why people can't look at themselves in a mirror and accept [ __ ] you know I wish I wish I wish more people to be like you and do that because again to me it's about like looking at people that have the content on like I am gonna be inviting people that like I don't like on here but yeah I wanted to start off with like people I do like all the kind words man it's been uh it's been very cool to see the evolution of Fitness I'll say in general and so I think you're doing good work in terms of trying to educate people and I think most importantly sometimes people focus too much on as you said the language like oh you swear a lot as opposed to then intent behind the content where you have a genuine desire to try and help people and then informs everything else they'd rather have don't talk syrupy to them you know in a way that they want to hear the things as opposed to here's the reality of what you need to hear and hey man I'm gonna be here for you if you want to make a change I actually got you and I say that yeah I mean it's the I have people you know in the coments invite Tyrone invite test test holiday would never ever ever have a conversation with me I can guarantee that [ __ ] but neither would Tyrone like but yeah that's what I find I I'm waiting for somebody that I've roasted to say yeah of conversation with you you know I really am just because I don't I don't have a problem with that like I I i really don't I wish they would somebody just mentioned kina body I saw your videos about that by the way that's the last thing I wanted to talk about sharing before I let you go holdin a tea verified thing oh yeah I know I've always thought he's kind of a joke sorry I really don't pay much attention and I mean I'm you don't need to agree with me because if you're you know over for whatever but he's obviously I mean he's one of the people that lunch loves the fame for understand he's richest [ __ ] anyway he doesn't even need the money and that whole tirade like I wanted to like send him the number of a doctor get his meds adjusted because he like he was like people called him out on being a fake natty or whatever which I find stupid the fake the whole fake natty thing I find egregiously dumb because it doesn't in in relative terms it does not matter mostly people don't deny that they're that they're on something they just don't admit it you know like and to didn't be to be real if you're gonna try to think that you're gonna do his workouts and look like him when he can sleep in till 10 o'clock every [ __ ] day and [ __ ] like that like his life's different than yours right preferable genetics all those things he doesn't work out hard you know yeah he has like he could work out all [ __ ] day if you wanted to get a massage dupois that's right he's not a normal result of what he recommends right exactly but the natty verified thing mmm had to be the most ridiculous [ __ ] I've ever seen where he was talking about like they're gonna have to do this they're gonna happen bad oh man how did it get that detached from from reality uh your videos were very funny because I could see it in your face were like okay listen you've gotta [ __ ] it you were like talking to a child you're like okay listen stop Alan you know why it was tough is so a few things any any opportunity for tyranny and each time something to turn into a witch hunt worse trakone e'en in nature is dangerous where some of the language I mean this is too inflammatory everyone needs to do this something food check I've been on YouTube for ten years I'm one of the old geezers that came in I believe in informed consent be open I don't have problem with anyone that's enhance my in fact I've brought a lot of people on the channel that are enhance they talk about their journey it cool but I think you should be vocal if you have an endorsement and you're trying to say get this body and yet you're not admitting these things so I'm at I'm at the forefront I'm one of the oh geez of this topic and then to see someone almost kind of co-opted I'm not calling out key nobody but just saying like this is now the solution like wait a second man this is a way more complex situation I think you understand I think what happened is that he found out or maybe heard about this Cir carbon isotope ratio test and thought himself after he heard a limited bit of knowledge this is the thing people don't want it's alluring it's kinda like that area 51 thing they don't want you to take because people don't talk about it because it works was creating almost a conspiracy theory and then it turns into this which hum was that wait a second player develop being Bruce Wayne and now you're trying to actually be Bruce Wayne need I just say that the real thing about Bruce Wayne is not that he was rich it's not that he was attractive it's not that he got the girls is that he was a billionaire and that he decided with his time to be a masked individual that attempted to do good and did not take the fame onto himself so he spent his time trying to help people and so the whole natty bear movement as soon as I saw it I merely thought in my mind that there's gonna be some people and I'm not gonna name names once again there's a few people said yeah and I'll take the test look I don't know if you're a hundred percent natural you know there's there's clearly some loopholes and presenting it as a neat solution such a complex situation was downright dangerous I think is in ancient and that's why I look at people's intention I think he seemed a well-intentioned so that's why I didn't want to brag on him too hard or didn't wanna be like man but I was like wait a second Greg this is come on man we just slow down a second I'm glad there's people making content on it and so forth as done it was good and that's why when you said about staying in your lane I'm like I know some stuff I'm not well-versed on steroids at all let me bring on someone who can talk about these things and then everyone can know better yeah that when I when I saw him just like first of all it opens the doorway for people that have used stuff before then that built a physique and built a body or built a base off of incredible amounts of use yeah then even that have been off for a little bit or could find a way to you know get it off enough for the protocol to beat the test because there's not there's not tests that can't be beaten like that that's the thing then there that also now you're saying this person is Nattie verify would actually do more damage than would have helped you know because in a relative terms it's what we've been talking about how that person looks like is relatively insignificant compared to you know compared to anything else like it in reality stares like I always I always talk about this because the request I get is like what do you do for your shoulders because I've got broad shoulders right my my dad is so broad I can stand out he's old an old man now I can stand behind him you still can't see me it's just like he's just its genetic you know so there's a certain degree of that plays into genetics work out they were like that that might you know I've focused on shoulders way too much for years because I want to look like road warrior hawk you know they're like yeah it's what I wanted you know I wanted to be lift people up over my head and to you know place that much emphasis on what the person looks like so I find it's just you know it's sad that people do that but I just like I said I've always I've I've I know people that know him too like I have friends that are friends with him that I've met since and since YouTube yeah and I hear he's a nice guy I just really think that he like needs like lay off the pot a little bit because I have nothing against marijuana but holy [ __ ] he seems like he's just matched all the time cuz that was it like the one video I watched there was got sent to me I was like he's gotta be high I mean he's filming himself clearly [ __ ] up ranting about other people the 3m when you're talking about Allen music after being truck yeah that's so you talked about keeping it real sometimes you gotta you got a self police it's a stream of consciousness I'm like wait a second there man like slow deadly actually remove this video yeah but I was just like what the [ __ ] something it's it's such there there's so many interesting characters like you know I'd never run out of a tear if I still did Rose I really wouldn't you know and I still do them occasional but you know I just I find it an interesting interesting thing so what do you think YouTube Fitness is gonna go next like that's the last thing we can end up with Sherman yeah so I'll give a brief boring ass rundown of how I see YouTube the evolution to where we are and where I think it's going to be going so you have the first phase which is 2007 to 2010 which is the progenitor so the people that never quite gained that traction some of them did like Scott Herman I started during that time Scooby 1961 but there was no such thing as at the YouTube Fitness community it was a bunch of general information there wasn't high level of fitness information there wasn't a coverage of different niches so when it comes straight sports it was just general it's like people filming YouTube content but their cameras look like potatoes cool so that that's the start but then the second phase was hodgetwins from is a 2010 to 2013 they really expanded the door so they were around I was around first they started they took it to the next level and I again will be the first to admit that when they brought in a lot of general eyeballs then you had guys like August Chris Jones spring camp Elliott halls coming up and that's that that's the phase that I came up in to we're now became a community so uh the fractured community of different people talking about different things and then phase 3 would be 2014 of 2016 which would be the rise of the vloggers I called se of the Christian guzmán Z have max tuning other individuals you actually have also Nisha's being established however so now it's not just general fitness content you have strength sports so that's where Mark Bell was making content in 2005 but his channel actually took off in 2015 Allen thrall comes in that category Candido where he used twenty thirteen years popping off than 2014 yeah more cool niche just coming about phase four is now established 2016 to almost present where people know they can make a thing so now you have people that used to watch the clock making the content so it's almost self referential and then you have a refinement going on so you have guys like Jeff Nippert we've been around for a while but then you decided you know let me crush this editing man and let me spend 30 hours on a video editing one and this channel popped off so he had a following but then he really there was the expansion of the evidence-based community I am not as well-versed I'll say right now as you are or maybe James from sports bioscience when it comes to general YouTube so outside of my niche but there's been the rise of the evidence-based crew so yeah well the guys at Ruby and physique you know remain relevant other people coming into the fray adding information I say this is also where Allen you came in were on the later half I mean now the current I'd say phase five that were entering is and a further expansion and contraction in some areas so if you put a general content than everyone has seen a million times before and you have a bland personality there there are more criteria to stand out right now than ever before however there's a bigger audience part of the new phase or part of phase five in my opinion would be the juji move who effect and I have to give Tom Boyd in credit for this which is really when we talk about blogs I I like their videos a lot because they go to a lot of different people they go to arm wrestle they go to drama and abettors they go to the actual events they interview the people there's almost like a quasi documentary now you've seen the rise of the Giants Alan so we were putting out contact like you get good views some other people get confused now you have Eddie Hall Brian Shaw a little wheel so these superstars are spring sports getting more views than ever before three four five hundred thousand views of video and that's not preaching I think I think one of the things to be cautious of it's just a potential TV of YouTube which is as things get a little slicker as it gets less personal but as you guys you said you started out talking in your car for the people that's what makes YouTube unique so we have to try and maintain that right as you know production expands as more money enters the picture there's more incentive I think there's still a lot of opportunity for one people to enter the market I think there's a lot of uncovered unexplored territory out there I think you can still we brought up swap it is I made 50 videos but I see I think there's still ways and different is the proof of that I'm with a few other people that you can take information that people already know package it differently in a good unique way or way that people need to process the information more effectively and it still has that utility so I think I think we're potentially at a really good spot for YouTube Fitness who knows what's gonna happen like any other social media platform a land at first it feels fall a child but I feel there's more good however we use that metric to figure that a more good content a content creators than ever before it also honestly probably more [ __ ] but you know there's more good yeah I appreciate it man like I would I would agree I think it's gonna be an interesting future I I do I do always wonder how YouTube is going to see us now that YouTube's doing YouTube TV and stuff like that know I can now that now that they're getting more involved it's like the actual like TV shows I see them pushing that [ __ ] more then not necessarily that the actual youtubers yeah because but you know it's kind of sad too because the platform was presented like you to like unions do YouTube you like you make video and now it's not it's not necessarily like that I do I I agree with you especially when comes to fitness like when it comes to fitness I do think that you know as the audience gets wiser I think that like some of the ridiculous bullshit's being eliminated it's just eliminating itself it really is you know but I do unfortunately see that like as we like it more unhealthy as a society it's almost more important now than ever for people to actually be speaking about you know just like you like one of the things you said I find it awesome like you're talking you know people to be active like actives good actors good you know that's that's it's it's the important [ __ ] you know like don't be so tribal that you can't recommend somebody to do something else like I like I am NOT big into running I'm not it [ __ ] hurts the [ __ ] out of me you know I like sprinting long distances are just not fun I [ __ ] hate them you know but if it's what you love [ __ ] go to it like I mean you know what could it help you you know and I think that that's where we need to stay and get to I think that's where we need to do it in a entertaining fashion and as I think that that's partly where like the word cringe has come from where some people tried to be entertaining and it's not you know it's really really not you know um let's see what else people are asking me asked about Elliott in the in the comments section I'm not gonna talk about Elliott Holtz did something happen or you know I've made videos about him before can I think he's complete that [ __ ] crazy we know yet but um you know but yeah I people are asked about I don't even want to give him like he's he's a whole other level right now [ __ ] yeah I mean some of the things I'm not as well-versed I went down there in 2013 I had my experience you know I I like I try I try and let people make up their opinion is to be more inflammatory before more direct you know I thought since I prefer everyone just to come up with their well I mean because they did a video with him and people were asking about in the comments we're not gonna talk about the extent of what we're gonna talk about because yeah oh god no I was gonna say something I want to say I've actually thoroughly enjoyed this man and I want to say for the record I think if you try and establish this into something because I recently myself and Eric we got into podcasting I really enjoy our culture that we do what we try and get some PhD so everything scientist on culture I think you in absolutely carry a podcast I think your questions were very well formed I think the flow was very good here and I'm not I'm giving you like live feedback but I'm just saying that I think I think this has some potential likes on it I like him it well thank you I you know I just wanted to make sure that like because I did a podcast I actually put on like put on Apple and stuff like that for a while and one of the things that my wife and I've had to do we've had to pare down like certain things like we run three businesses basically you know and so the podcast became very much for pain in the ass you know like know this now I can like have yeah it could be a content for you to like it's like birds with one stone type of thing I don't know but I also want to make sure that I'm talking to people I plan on using this to talk to people that have really good weight loss stories too because I do mainly like weight loss but I also want to talk to people just like just in general about fitness like from YouTube from out of youtube that sort of thing I think it's important that we have conversations about like about fitness because it's almost becoming like a lost you know like in reality about 10 10 to 15 feet of the population really gives the [ __ ] about fitness you know I mean and that's that's kind of sad and I think it's important that even though like and I in this goes out to anybody that's out there that's watching this that might you that I I sent an invite to that might be afraid to come on here you know I mean I'm gonna speak my mind I'm always gonna be me but I really want to bring people on here whether I agree with them disagree with me like that because I think fitness is something that is related to different people in different times and different ways you know and I would rather have somebody on here that really does [ __ ] can't stand me and me try to even you'll help them you know have an avenue to just yell at me if they want to as long as they can get their fitness message out and it speaks to one person I'm good with that you know like I'm not I'm not right all the time and even like people are asking to have Harry on I absolutely have Chris area on here even though I think he's like it's not those kid and he's basically just a bar athlete and [ __ ] on our feet i he's my [ __ ] but you know I'd have him on here to talk about calisthenics because I think it's awesome I plan on trying to have Austin Dunham Davos Saturno yeah I'm you know you have a bunch of other people on here from that realm because I really think that talking about fitness just us talking about health wellness fitness is more important now in our society than it's ever been you know I we have more sick people and more people that are in ill health than anything else so I think it's important that even people that you know I mean I obviously I have obviously a fan of your work but even people that I'm not a fan of I think it's important that I offer them an avenue to come on here and if nobody else is going to because I that's what I don't see I don't see anybody else really doing [ __ ] like that like I mean I I'm almost like amazed at how I gotta be honest when I when I sent when I sent you the message I was shocked you're like yeah let's [ __ ] do it because so many people would be like it's like I can see their reddit like I can sucker and you're not answering back yeah and like and I've seen like I've seen you comment on my [ __ ] I know yeah I know you know who I am you know and I understand to a certain degree that you know some people might be hesitant because I'm not necessarily the nicest dude but in reality I just want to make sure that everybody even if I like them or not has an avenue to have you know verbage they can discuss with me and they or the audience what their beliefs are and if if you're out there and you're hesitant about it my only you know thing I gotta say to you is how I'm never gonna just make up [ __ ] so if I'm confident with your content you're confident your knowledge it should not be an issue you know it you know and I just Landorus at all eyes I think if anything what I appreciate or what I see what the content is that you're transparent and that you're vocal as opposed to people you know the slickness of once again a marketing or saying syrupy things and you're saying what you feel what you think yeah well there's a could we be right a hundred percent I'm hell no but that's the point of having a conversation well hey man let me try your perspective a little bit more and then let's see if we can reach an agreement here's what I think you know for someone you said you disagree with here's why I think it's potentially harmful and then go from there yeah IIIi absolutely agree like this is the best best part about fitness is like I learned [ __ ] every day I really learned something that's what not to do and a lot of it's what to do like I learned all the time from it I just think that you know it should be more open like that and you know to me it's never about trying to hurt the person it's trying about making sure they don't hurt somebody else yeah thing you know so but me I want to thank you for coming on I really did I really [ __ ] enjoyed it did I absolutely enjoy her we got to get you on my channel well I guess something figured out yeah where you're situated in Connecticut oh no I'm in Pittsburgh huh I'll taste burger okay that's not that far from is I went to the Arnold for the first time in thousand and eighteen and that's from Ohio you're gonna tell me they nah man it's like a nine-hour drive no no it's like the Arnold is in Columbus it's like three hours yeah I'm gonna be at the Arnold this year it's my first it's my first ever Expo and I'm actually gonna go I'm gonna hang out with us nice yeah I all I gotta say about that man is enjoy I'm probably gonna go just to check it out it is madness not I don't mean that a negative way but just amount of people you're great at talking like you'll be completely fine I'm horrible person though dude like I really yeah like I've basically monetized like social awkwardness like like you know I'm like in first like first of all this is all very new to me by people but people walk up north man how you doing weird I don't mean that in a bad way people approach but because they feel like they know the you as you said they come right up to your face I'm like I don't know you at all man yeah bubble bubble my buddy and I get noticed like I don't get recognized in gyms it's we tried recognizing like Petsmart nice smart yeah I get your pet smart are like this Mexican restaurant it's science it's so bizarre for me like me and the wife were out last like last week and we're sitting there and we're having our chips and nacho there are chips and salsa right you know yeah and like these people are like looking down with their phone looking up at me you look at that at the phone look at me like oh no you know like what the [ __ ] yeah you probably like the chip in my mouth you know I think it's neat but you know I'm almost 50 year old dude who yeah like four people in their life yeah with their wife like hey man I just want to eat over here with my wife I don't I I wish they would have just come over you know instead yeah I really wish they would they would have come over like the that's but for me it's so so very fresh to like people I can't wait to meet you like really as an example I love interacting with people that come up to me I had someone send me a DM on Instagram saying saw you and he just sent me like four photos he took only cuz I take the subway um off on the subway and he never like he was just on his phone and either like I guess he angled it up like that but just there's like four different ones for different times I was like you didn't say hi it's creepy yeah are you call you click the strands of my hair that's a little [ __ ] crazy you know like we've had we've had [ __ ] - before works like I have a closed group every day for this Facebook group and I'm like we're at athlean-x and we're sitting there having dinner we're having we we actually employ some coaches for our weight loss or weight listings we're having a meeting with our coaches and like all of a sudden like I get a notification that somebody posted from a from the athlean-x convention in my facebook group and it's that reads like I'm sitting right next to Alan and crystal crystals my wife's name I'm sitting right next to like I'm like come say hi but yeah but I'll be at the Arnold this year for the first time in probably last time ever it's probably I'm not a fitness expo guy but now so you're there if you think we can maybe do something there or you ever want me if you're with me on your channel you know so ever wonder if any of your friends are ever pissed at me and I want to yell at me we can help we can hook that up - no I really said Scott Scott's good he's chill I think he probably just like about that video everyone I think if you've been around long enough there is kind of that the proofing that happens where a man if you have a thin skin or anything I see I see him trying to change his content though like that's it I really think that he like ain't no key wrong deep drone but I see him trying to do this whole call-out thing like like like they look like to me and a few other people do and that just doesn't like to me it just doesn't come across as genuine you know and and it's one of the big things like you got to be very sure like you get the contact like I write I don't just I don't ever just like sit down a programmer start ranting about people I what I research [ __ ] yeah to to go he he he just you know he commented that he's gonna I think address the the comment he made about Brad she'll feel it right now that was you know if you look at the comments in on his video it's pretty [ __ ] clear like everybody knows he got it wrong that's what you don't want to do you know here's a great opportunity Alan for Scott if he's listening to get Brad snow fell this great guy he has a Skype he has his camera we gotta set up this time all the tail then you know absolutely that that I think more [ __ ] like that needs to happen now like that I have a note like I have open invitations like I'd have been sent on here today like suck dude like if he message right now I'd [ __ ] fly be like I just I'll send you a [ __ ] link you can get out right now I don't even ice as poss you know I have I think more people should have conversations about it like if you've got an if I have an issue with somebody's content I would never ever turn down talking to them everyone because that's how clear I know I am about it and I think that would be awesome but alright man so we've been on for like almost [ __ ] two hours so I thought it'd look this is my free workout l and I'm ready now that squad good good good I'm ready to go have some dinner and I'm gonna [ __ ] lay down no no no no no you're not keeping me up I mean I'm not that old it's almost 7 p.m. here but I gotta have like 4 o'clock in the morning so I'm [ __ ] yeah all right man I really appreciate it well we'll talk soon okay definitely Alan thank you very much proud of me on and
Channel: Alan Roberts
Views: 25,786
Rating: 4.9516277 out of 5
Id: XeoWy8Bzz08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 16sec (6496 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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