Are Modern Women Doomed?

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[Music] that's a yes or no question i grew up christian are you a critic i mean are you still a christian are you practicing christian or not no all right hello hello how are you i'm doing well how are you i'm great how old are you 33 33 all right so why'd you come on saying what's up oh um i didn't even know you saw that so literally as soon as i pressed request then i got accepted okay so uh would you rather be writing would you rather have a man or you plan on living with a woman for the rest and we're living with a woman till the end and those are my only three options that i have to answer right well either you're going to have a man but if you got to be right you ain't going to have a man so if you don't have a man or lady going to live by yourself that means you got to be rich or you gonna live with a woman got it so if those are my three options then being right is not necessarily what i would put as top priority but it's just that it feels like you're forcing me into a box yeah what if i wanted to live with a cat there are other options right not really because regardless of what sort of animal you decide to live with the point is uh what is your ability to live with a man like most women like women of other races can tend to cohabit with their men what you gonna do i mean i would love to cohabitate with my man if when when you know and and so being right all the time seems like that would be something that would not have me cohabitate with anybody you know you have to be able to compromise and [Music] being right is not necessarily important that's not something that you should prioritize it's it shouldn't be but how often do you know realize that when i go back and forth with women they need to be right first off i am one of those women who are in support of women so i am your feminist stand you're a feminist no please don't put me in a box mr sam well i'm gonna know we haven't seen first of all i need you to back up off the camera you recognize i'm talking to another adult and adults realize that things get put in boxes we don't do this over here everything is subjective and variable and everybody's a special snowflake there are general things that are generally true and if that's not what we're going to do then we can't have a conversation because there's nothing to be talked about okay so then no you're a supporter of women what does that mean that means that i understand where women are coming from when they talk to you the way they do i i did it i get it i i would not i think that we or the the women that i've seen speaking to you may be getting in there you know getting emotional about things um but i understand why people could get emotional yeah those are wrong generally because they're wrong when they're losing their argument or maybe something that they haven't identified about themselves is you know being triggered and they may not understand what what that is either way wrong not what people who are winning an argument don't typically get in their emotions because see i i get i get spoken to by several groups of women right with the women you tend to focus into the focus on are the ones with the combative argument well i'm sorry i can't see i really i really did not expect so okay so mars black back to the back to the origin back or where where we go now where do we go michael jordan i saw you on this nike commercial back in 1984 that was the no seriously though seriously you said you're a supporter of women um yeah i'm a big supporter of women oh i i think i you know what no no i'm a supporter of women and i'm supportive of your rightful place okay where is that i would like to know what you think too i mean my right no no where where is it woman's where is it are you a christian that's a yes or no question i grew up christian are you a christian are you still a christian are you practicing christian or not no all right what is a woman's place on the planet thriving and surviving what i mean i don't you know what your questions are so where can a woman survive what can a single solitary woman survive on her own in nature i mean i guess if if that's the case then we need a partner to continue life you cannot no no when i ask you where is a woman's natural place in society you say thriving and surviving next question i ask is where can a woman do that on her own and you contradict that point meaning your point your point isn't thriving and surviving your point is under your men because without us you can't survive without you we simply can't reproduce well what if i i mean i that so in order to survive that means that i would need to learn how to grow my food drink get get water uh you know set up some traps or something so that something okay so let's start with number one three minutes without air three three days without water three weeks without food do you know how to build a fight yes okay so what's what state do you live in i have a tool there what state do you live in michigan michigan detroit area yes all right so if all the problems if all the waters stop shut down right now where would you go get water i would have to go up north to the fresh lakes to the lakes okay it's a lot of lakes around here how far is that from um the the freshest lake that i would drink from maybe two and a half hours two and a half hours to get water okay you go drive two and a half hours all right now the power grids and everything else shut down no man's running it's just women you go out there and you get the water then what do you do with it after you acquired the water what do you do with it i i would drink it i would store it i would you would die why kept mr samuels well you tell me you think you can just drink lake water yes you do yeah and you would die the micro bacteria will kill you okay but why are we going so survivalist with this right because it's the point of you women don't you can't survive without us because you can't even get the basic things you can breathe because the the creator is giving you enough oxygen you said i would have to get my own water grow my own food before you could even grow your food you die first in 72 hours because as soon as you drove two and a half hours up to the lake burning up your gas burn up your financial resources you go to the lake take the water and because man and civilize the world in general y'all just think just drink and as soon as you do that you be dead the microbes the bacteria knock you out oh my gosh mr samuels man i've just shown you just like so many women y'all you guys us because you can turn on light you don't realize that you need us for survival it is not even your instinct to think about how your instinct is just this women's natural instinct is to say there's water not is the water safe is the water possible you don't even think this anymore yeah but you know what i i think there's a lot of men especially like and and i was about to say exactly here's what she's gonna do next she's gonna say well men do it too see here's the thing if the man were to drive up two hours there'd be another man what he said you can't drink that we understand how to manipulate look i don't want you to think i don't need you i need you well well it's not so when i said a woman's natural place is under her men not thriving and surviving your place is with us or else you don't live okay don't say all men don't say that well i'm gonna say oh man i'ma see our women because the bottom line is this women have gotten to a place in the world to where you honestly men are to you guys it's like almost a luxury until you realize that unless you're making enough money to replace two incomes how you're going to get from the age of 65 to 85. you have enough money to to survive or like most women the government somebody will do it for us men live in a world that we know that nobody's coming to save us okay i have no issue with saying that um women need men but i just you know i mean i would agree i would disagree with you when you say that you don't need us and you just need us to reproduce i mean that's a continuation we don't need you to survive that's what we don't need to survive okay that's what i said we don't need you to survive see why am i making this point because many minor women think men are a luxury instead of a necessity i said many modern women think men are a luxury because you have a job and because you could earn money but you're but women who think like this their man is the government the system if someone would to come to their house their apartment whatever and to try to enter it the first thing they would do is pick up the phone and down 9-1-1 they would not expect a woman to show up they would expect a man to come if it was on fire they'd call the fire department they would not expect a woman to show up they'd expect a man to come everything that a man used to do has been outsourced just because you could pay for it so now it's like well i'll only pick a man that i like he has some years to ask me that instead of having a man for survival the average woman earns what's in this country less than 30 thousand dollars okay so even if you take in our community let's say the average woman let's just say for sake of argument 50 000 and that's that's high how does a woman get from one part of life to the end of life on a 50 000 income after retirement am i supposed to i just feel like you have the answer for everything well i want to know she's made 50 000 every year 65 she has to return how how does she go from 65.85 i mean there's multiple ways to make streams of income like i pride myself on how many streams of income i have like there's there's so many i just think she made fifty thousand dollars man like most women don't have multiple streams of income most people have one stream of income it's a job she made 50 000 off of however many streams 50 000 and that's almost twice as much as the average woman makes at 65 retirement age how does she live the next 20 years it's just so many options you can invest your money you can you can like right now crypto is a great game to hop in you're not getting it you're not getting it if she's making 50 000 she is able to pay her rent mortgage a car note she's living effectively paycheck to paycheck man in detroit you are not living high on the hog at fifty thousand dollars there's no investments at fifty thousand dollars it's paycheck to paycheck it's a thousand dollars a week right but you what i'm saying is she can take some of that money right that she like she's she doesn't have to spend all of that money that's here she knows okay let's talk about how much okay cause you have to let you live how many people making 50 000 a year in this country have investments i mean i i don't know mr samuels i don't know what i'm telling you is what i'm showing you without this my point is the average cost to live that is why you need two incomes because it is physically impossible to get enough money post retirement on one salary so if a woman is making fifty thousand dollars even if she has an apartment and it's fifteen hundred dollars a month that's eighteen thousand dollars a year to cardinal at thirty fifty thousand dollars you're bringing home after taxes what 35 36 that's not that's three thousand dollars a month if your rent is 30 to 40 percent of that car utilities groceries health and insurance you're not getting rich it's a paycheck to paycheck effectively the working poor and that means if nothing happens and she just has to retire she's not had any you don't can't invest any money if you're living paycheck to paycheck there's no investments so that means when the income stops where's the next 20 years of money gonna come from and what you're showing is that the next we don't know we're not playing for it we don't have enough i think that i mean people know there are people there are women there are multiple people who know how to live below their means there are people who know how to uh you know get into real estate or or or things that have a net worth but what's the what's the app what what is the average net worth of black a 40-year-old black woman in this country 40 year old also what are you doing black women in this country what's a network i don't know 60 000 i'm guessing five dollars i'm wait what wait what one two three four five dollars oh net worth gotcha okay that's that's that's terrible it's reality in the black community our dollar circulates less than six hours and the next community circulates seven days ma'am what i'm saying is to women you cannot afford to not have a man you're going unless you're making a hundred and twenty five thousand dollars or more from age 35 on through you're not going to have enough money to invest the safe to do anything to have any kind of retirement and that's the point because the world has told women you can have everything and that the end will never come women tend to think just like the water example that it's simple it's not if you make 50 000 as a woman by yourself women cost more as they age this is why our community is jacked up and our women due respect the questions i'm asking really shouldn't be hard but because no one's made our women sit down and run the numbers of all right if you don't if you don't if you're not gonna be with a man you're gonna have a cat who's gonna pay the bills you and your cat who gonna pay the bills fair question right me and my man that i need no no no no no you got a cat or a dog you you can't you you've chosen a cat or a dog you can't cooperate with a man listen i didn't know how far we could take it but if i'm gonna operate in your rules and you're you know in your world then i'm willing to do that i i just you know i just thought that there would be another that's all there could be another one i just thought it could be my point is the point my point is my point is man unless you are a high earning woman being with a man is not optional if you want to live to the end of retirement it's not optional unless you're making over six figures who's gonna where you gonna get your money from from from 60 plus i'm sorry i'm getting distracted in the comments um why are you looking correct listen hey i guess they just it's just popping up like crazy all the hearts and everything like that thank you for that um through the hearts of the comment the points i make about y'all i haven't thought about this there were a lot of different comments all over the place i'm laughing okay all right you're talking about i'm running the show and i'm not looking at comments okay i'm trying to have a serious conversation for the community and how do you 31 i'm look so listen can i how do you guys how do you 33 33 so what do you do for me i record audio books i work for a tech company i manage social media i i do was the last time you held a w-2 job i currently hold a full-time 40-hour like a 40-hour week w-2 job presently all right are you making an excess of 100 000 a year no you're making less than seventy five thousand dollars a year number no yes i don't know i'm doing my taxes this week though and that's the goal i'm i'm close for everyone to know so the bottom line comes down to this bottom line comes down to this how much if you're never married if you're never married how much money if you never want to marry how much money we're frozen you know you're frozen i'm okay i got five bars over here i'm frozen hold on if you if you were never to marry okay all right i don't know what happened man the bottom line so you're here you're back if you're back can you hear me if i were never to marry that's all i can he that's all i heard if you were never too mad if you were never to marry and you had to retire at 65 and you lived to 85 how much money would you need from 65 to 85 um how much money is that you will you i s you said it you've said this number before um you you said something the other day about a million dollars but then we would but i'm asking you 33 at 33 how much do you think how much do you think from 65 to 85 to retire um let's just say so what's that 20 years um and i'm like not that much of it so let's just say i would need like 300 or 50 grand a year to live off of for 20 years so then what's that like a million bucks forgive me i don't know what's the math well if you if you were making fifty thousand dollars that's a million dollars and the average fifty thousand dollar so that's what i just said the average fifty thousand dollar a year earner will not have a million dollars to retire on okay they can't make enough there are no investment vehicles and you need at least 1.6 to 2.4 because you have to adjust for inflation there's not enough money to put in the vehicle see there's no way to overcome the man you won't have enough to return understand something you have been allowed to go into the world to not have to take it seriously to be i'm at this i'm about to get some of that and rod and peter to pay paul and at the end of the day making money not investing anything and unless you and if you're not going to be with a man and really deal with a man and how do you plan on getting your 1.8 million dollars that you're going to need at age 65 to retire and it's 70 000 a year that is 70 000 a year you won't have it either well i have a question though so say there are women who have you know who are currently investing and putting money into different vehicles and they just so happen to fall short of that one of that million dollars you know like so what like what so i i guess i just feel like i don't understand what means so no okay why this asking about what happens if this woman does have it and doesn't work does that make you sleep better at night i'm talking about women like everybody no i make everything so grown god damn real that's what i do and that's one thing that we used to do in our community deal with reality and our women sorry are delusional delusional to the point to where you think that dealing understanding the math of life is doom and gloom to telling black women the truth of 200 pounds is fat you're being mean and toxic are to the place in our community by simply being honest you want black men to be canceled this is how far we've fallen people it's doom and gloom to talk about retirement planning it's doom and gloom okay then um if we never talked about it if we never talked about it would it be better to never talk about it and then you look up and you're and you're 55 years old and you've got thirty thousand dollars saved up fifty thousand dollars saved up a hundred thousand dollars at the end of your career at the peak of your earning potential because it's nobody's responsibility forgive me i'm on my uh you know non-invested internet uh it keeps freezing so are you on the wi-fi i'm i one of the things i find interesting folks is this is what you hear a man who sits down and talks about verifiable facts data statistics it's doom and gloom so what are we saying that you were well we saying that it's better to allow black women to live in blissful ignorance y'all talk about it no no no what i'm saying is what i'm saying is that putting forth the effort and having these conversations so that women do know or you know everybody one knows to invest in these things and to try to and to have numbers and have goals set to hit everybody okay no no i didn't say everyone knows i'm saying that the conversation and having the conversation is is much needed and much appreciated oh the reason that i said doom and gloom is because it seems like if we don't hit that million dollars then man you the point is you're trying to do what if you choose to not be with a man one in four black women will marry the reason women marry is for financial security one in four of our women were married that means those three out of 40 don't better make the money that two people would have made or else they are going to die alone on the street there is no government coming to save you social security will be gone and see this is what's doom and gloom i'm asking all right if if every other woman in every other race a woman is married at a rate of 54 or higher because they know i don't make enough money to live this life by myself black women chosen to not marry so what is your plan for the rest of life and now that you're just simply asking acknowledge your choice you want you don't want to marry you want to be by yourself you can't be an average earner because what you're really saying is somebody's not supposed to come save me from my choices see as a man were to do that i'm going to be an average earner not have enough money to retire on because i can't cooperate with a woman or whatever you know what's waiting for him the street the park the tent it's a it's a serious sobering reality that our women are not where they're supposed to be with their men building saving planning for the end of life because so many black women act like modern children like it's hot girl summer and i'm a black don't crack and even though i'm 40 years old i look like i'm 20 you're 40 and you're not planning for life to where even talking about the stuff that we should be talking about in high school is doom and gloom who's gonna pay the price for it though who's gonna pay the price for not knowing these things we all are gonna pay the price no women oh no black women will pay the price for nobody else black women will pay the price for it because you got to admit you've been told oh you tell the world that you don't need whether or not you the message that the average black woman communicates is i don't need no man fine then you better earn what you you better you better earn his income because you do need a man you're talking about the image the the image i'm saying you need a man you need two incomes okay to get through the end of life and if you're gonna say i don't need a man and you've got one income that income better be 120 plus thousand because you can't do it on what most black what most women make it's simple so and why is this all important because when you start getting down to what's important this whole notion of being right and he has to be tall and sex gotta be good outside the country this is a matter of either living on the street you need cat food or actually having a comfortable life from fit from retirement to your grave and we're starting to see the first group of women living like this homeless dying alone how does your mother sixty one are all the women in your family no they're not are any of them independently rich or wealthy yes yes okay uh and any of them just average little income earners yes you know how they're going to retire i mean you're not going to like my answer my answer is full of uh optimism and and sunshine you know so what's that either they made enough money or they didn't see there you go doom and gloom there's family there's love there's friends there's oh so it's somebody else's responsibility so it's the person who did make enough money to come dig your grown ass out no my goodness gracious what does that mean family that means if this person over this this pig built his house of straw this pig built his house of of wood this pig built their house of stone so it's the stone pig responsibility for this for the wood and twig that's what you're saying that was just saying that it's this person over here who made fastidious choices to take this responsibility i'm saying this because i'm actually seeing it in my family right now i got aunts that are dying alone broke penniless banned off oh man but see nephew no don't you want no don't give me that ah nephew my ass grown damn women who are rebellious their entire lives and still rebellious to this day you need a car here's a car oh i don't like that car it's tv it's a free car you know what stop stop here's a free car person who ain't worked 20 years they can't do nothing and still still rebellious that is our culture [Music] you can't even say that because you know it's true well i'm waiting can i say something i just had this conversation with my best friend about values right because we were talking about how values can be you know how people in a relationship have different values and identifying those values you know can help as far as if if the relationship can you know be compromised get up be healthy you know just like completely eliminating toxicity in the relationship if you can identify these values and i think that you may not value love i don't give a about love but and neither do my grandparents they didn't care about love they cared about survival duty and respect we care too much about stupid like love that's why excuse me that's why black women are the last to marry the lowest married and when you do marry you marry less than five years about love it ain't about love it is about it would you rather have responsibility and duty and get your ass from one end to the lifetime of this one y'all can y'all can worry about love y'all can deal with these disney notions dude listen i'm sorry i'm just gonna say let me finish this y'all can deal with those disney notions our grandparents didn't worry about love they needed something else i'm not talking about love i'm talking about altruistic love love that is all about caring about well-being not romantic lovey-dovey love yeah i get that that what do you mean what altruistic love from whom from the people that are around you that i'm saying like a familial love like that you need a family for that that's why i called you nephew because you was talking about your niece you was talking about yourself no no no no no no no a nephew is not responsible for his aunt who chose to be rebellious see that's not what that means you don't get to go muck up your life and then go to somebody else just because you share last name in dna because if my uncle had done that he couldn't go to his niece and yet see y'all black men do not exist to fix your mistakes if you could not come under cooperation and leadership with a man during your life don't come asking us to fix it now that you're at the end okay hey okay because these very same people when you try to give them advice hey what are you going to do about retirement i actually had an auntie pass and i was like you know what you have no children you never made i'm concerned why don't you get a job such and so forth oh i ain't got that all these jobs that offer me what i think i should get something you need money now you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day you keep some cigarettes you keep some cigarettes but you can't get no job all right then what happens i can't afford it my mom can't afford peter paul blah blah blah blah what are you gonna do with no one in the family well if you're ollie gonna help me i guess the jesus house will be there i'm sorry so i got to go out and work myself take from my family take my dog take from my future because you got a grown person that don't want to do their part because of commitment no see that is not the woman or the kind of woman that my grandmother or my great-grandmother raised they don't recognize these sorry ass women i can dig it you're out you're talking about self-accountability and people being able to take responsibility for their own actions that sounds one that sounds great grandmother and grandfather did not have romantic love they needed one another and in our culture women have been saying that they don't need the men and that's only cool it's only true if you make enough money to replace his income you can't say you don't need a man if you don't have enough money to replace that income because when it's over where's the money gonna come from and the thing is many in our with many women in our culture have not thought about it because it's always been something there the government the system the system ain't got nothing left it's the system you know who i who i'm being when i say i'm just saying i mean and i'm and i'm joking but i'm like when you're 33 years old do you ever want to be married whether you do or don't if you don't how you plan on getting to the end of life that's all i gotta ask with a whole lot of love and hope and praying and everything like but but honestly though honestly like praying got nothing to do with this look you just said you weren't even a christian pray to who i prayed i'm pray to god and my ancestors and everybody and no the whole collective that we are that we existing flip it put it on world star are you serious oh you're ultimate i know i know you are and i know and that's scary that is tremendously scary well i have a my mother is praying for me my my christian mother and grandmother and all the christian women that and men that came before me and my family they have all covered me with a christian love jesus christ we have failed
Channel: Kevin Samuels
Views: 645,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fragrance, mens fashion, mens style, grooming, relationships, askevin, kevin samuels, influencer, style blogger, networking, self improvement, motivational, high value men, high value man
Id: RufktjANHg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 35sec (2255 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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