COLOR OUT OF SPACE (2019) - An Insane Nic Cage Movie

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[Music] [Music] very spooky I know do you guys like the new setup I did I did it specifically for this video I know don't tell me you're impressed I do I wanted to do something special for this video because I was looking forward to this movie for so long if you've been watching this channel for a while then you know that this isn't our first time watching a Nicolas Cage movie we've seen mom and dad and we've also seen Mandy both movies I love dearly for different reasons this movie kind of leans towards the Mandy side it's a little bit more eerie it's not as heavy metal it's a little bit creepier you know it's more on the horror side you're still gonna get some of that goony Nicolas Cage yeah this movie is something else and I thought you know it might be fun to react to something that I actually liked once in a while and there's still gonna be some goofs don't worry this movie has some ridiculous scenes it felt like this movie was crafted by the gods for me because I love Lovecraftian horror I loved crafty and horror yeah the author himself not so much I hear he's a bit racist don't believe me look up the name of this cat let's go yeah but when it comes to weird [ __ ] this guy had quite the imagination and that's what he's known for so yeah I'm a big fan of Lovecraft horror blood-borne is my favorite game of all time and that game is heavily inspired by Lovecraftian horror if you haven't played that game shame on you go play it right now I even play the mediocre games like the sinking city and Call of Cthulhu they were okay you know I probably liked them more than the average person would just because I liked what it's based off of the reason Lovecraft decided to write this story is because he's not a huge fan of humanoid aliens he didn't think it was very realistic and I know this is Lovecraft we're talking about but he thought an alien should be something that is incomprehensible to the human mind and his goal when he created the color was to create an entity that was truly alien trying to describe a color that's outside of the visible spectrum one that can alter matter and the things around them a truly strange force that is unlike anything that we know and I think he achieved that very well to me Nic Cage is such a weird actor he goes early on in my life I respected him and the roles he took you know he was in some good movies like face off and stuff like that and then later on in his career he started to become a little bit of a meme I mean he was always kind of a meme but he wasn't as much of a meme as he is now but then he started Mandy which is a [ __ ] awesome movie and then he starred in this movie which is also really cool so basically what I'm saying is give Nick Cage more indie horror please put this man in really weird movies because he's made for it this dude's demeanor just complements these movies for some reason and oh my god the jacket that he wore when they premiered this movie look at this thing it's pretty cool I bet he felt super badass I don't think color out of space is Nick Cage his best performance but I still think he was pretty good the director Richard Stanley is a huge HP Lovecraft fan ever since he was a kid I read it when I was 13 years old my mom introduced me to Lovecraft it was my mother's favorite author and I think that pass really shows in this movie and apparently Nic Cage is also a really big fan of HP Lovecraft and he brought a lot of that passion into this movie as well and you can tell how are we trying to do my best I myself love the short story if you haven't read the short story you should they give you a very basic rundown color out of space is the tail of a meteorite that lands near this family's farm a husband his wife and their three kids lived there this meteorite is very strange it's not like any rock that any person has ever seen before and it slowly goes away over time it like dissolves into the land as the story progresses a lot of weird [ __ ] starts to happen like weird plants start growing the livestock around the farm starts to go insane the alien thing that was in the meteorite finds its way in the family's well and it poisons their water so as the family drinks the water they start going insane and then it starts like deforming their bodies it leaves behind this huge area of just nothing but death the dead area is known as the blasted Heath and the people in the surrounding area called the strange days so yeah that's basically the story before watching the new color out of space movie there's this older version that's in black and white it was directed by someone named Huang Buu it's a more faithful adaptation of the story so if you want something that jumps from the page onto the screen I would almost suggest it over the Nic Cage movie if all you're looking for is an adaptation from the book I don't think it's as entertaining as the new one it doesn't have Nic Cage for one in some scenes in this movie look like they were filmed in front of a really terrible green-screen like the background looks like it's pulled away from the people and there are some scenes in this movie that have terrible ADR like really really bad heystop but the director made the movie black and white for a reason because later on in the movie when you finally see the alien color it's the only color that you can see in the movie so I don't know I thought that was kind of neat and the acting is pretty decent overall if you're a fan of the story or a fan of Lovecraft I'd recommend it okay so we're finally gonna talk about the new Colorado movie I decided to bring the camera a little bit closer so we can get a little bit more intimate as we talk about this movie yes let's get intimate okay so before I start breaking down the scenes and stuff callin Stetson I love you he did the music for this movie he was the composer and holy [ __ ] I believe very strongly that music can make or break a movie and in this case it made it a hundred times better props to you Colin good job so the movie starts with this guy named Ward Phillips describing the area around the blasted Heath and do you get it guys his name's Ward Phillips because of Howard Phillips Lovecraft HP Lovecraft yeah very very clever so the movie sets the tone pretty well it's very dark it's very brooding so I'm getting hyped right and like oh yeah this is gonna be so sick and then my excitement kind of dips a little bit when they introduce Lavinia which is like this random witch girl that isn't in the story but Stanley decided to make one of the kids this random witch girl it did kind of pull me away from it a little bit because I was like what is going on this is not what happens in the book but that's kind of what happens when you read a book and then you expect the movie or the adaptation on film to be exactly the same when clearly it's just an adaptation they can do whatever they want with it as long it's like you know loosely based on the works so maybe that was just on me I think if I hadn't read the story and watched this first I would have liked it more but I still really liked it so her name is Lavinia Gardner and she's burning her mother's hair performing this witchcraft ritual thing this is before everything happened so Ward Phillips comes out of nowhere and he's like testing the water or something near the area because Ward's a hydrologist and he tests water he does stuff with water whatever that means he like finds the pH levels and you know to see if they're toxic or something which makes sense for this story because it's heavily based around the well that's near the farm that poisons the family so I think that was a clever move by Stanley in the book Ward isn't a hydrologist he's just like this random guy I'm not gonna take points away from this movie because it's not like the book in a lot of ways I think it stands alone pretty well as its own piece of art so then we're introduced to the rest of the family we get Nick Cage who plays Nathan Gardner this guy's name in the story is called Nachum for now whom na whom nom nom maybe Nathan was a good call I've heard the day he basically changed the names of everyone then there's his wife Teresa his two sons Benny and Jack and then obviously Lavinia to break down the characters for you Benny is a space nerd that likes weed so he's me I guess jack is the stereotypical dumb kid that's basically his entire character I don't think there's anything else to him Nathan is a caring father who carries this grudge against his own father who was abusive towards him and he tries his best to like push that part of him away but his father is still in him somewhere I thought that was a cool dynamic that wasn't in the book but it was introduced here and Nic Cage said and one of the interviews that he borrowed a character that he played in vampire's kiss to use in this movie because he thought they coincided pretty well Richard is a he really enjoyed vampires kiss and I said you know what maybe we ought to channel a little Peter Lowe here for Nathan's ancestor his father so that was where I was coming going with that it still here is intellectually abusive voice in my head you know there gonna be a paint in Nathan's he just kind of my sight Nathan I still wouldn't ask that person to partake in such a miserable job as long as you were around and then Theresa is an overworked wife the scene of the meteorite falling to earth is beautifully done I love the effects they used I love the way they edited it I love the colors that they used it was a really impactful scene and when you're watching it you're like whoa this shit's going down something's happening I don't know what but something's happening the color that's used to represent the color you know the alien color is magenta and they did this for a reason because it's a color that does not exist from a single wavelength of light as part of the color spectrum of visible light rather it's like an extra spectral color that is only perceived by humans in a specific interaction of the optical rods in their eyes that detect red and blue colors in specific circumstances to create the color magenta in their minds cool facts for you the look of the meteor sitting there glowing is really cool Nathan really detest the smell it really grosses a mouse going sorry smells but for whatever reason like nobody else cares about the smell except for Nathan like he's really grossed out by it I think that's something specific to his character for some reason I don't know why your character is also very obsessed with the smell something didn't ton of the other more than more than the rest of the family the smell affects them right off the bat and I think that was really the hook that starts to to affect him mentally and physiologically I think it might be because the color or the alien thing that exists in this rock affects everybody's mind differently so the police show up the next day and ward is with them for no reason like why is he with them he's a hydrologist he does water stuff why is he what the police that's kind of weird I guess they asked him his opinion of the meteorite I don't know maybe they're really low on scientists in the area so all they could do was use this hydrologist who was randomly around at that time I don't know or maybe he was testing the waters in the area the same exact time the police were around he was like curious I know what they doing over there in the book and in the other movie like the scientists show up and they knock off a piece of the rock and they bring it back to a lab and they test it and then it shrinks and dissolves - nothing and they're like what the hell where'd it go they find that the rock just keeps shrinking and shrinking until there's nothing left and it's like this weird material it's very like plasticy it's unlike any rock that exists on earth but in this movie they don't do the scientist thing instead the police show up and they're like okay what happened they report it and then these news vans show up and they start reporting on it so I don't know maybe that's more realistic I'm not sure if scientists would actually come out to get the meteor I'm not sure what happens in that scenario I don't know if you get to keep it because it lands on you our land I'm looking that up US courts have ruled out if a meteor hits on personal property through natural causes it becomes the landowners property okay so I think I figured it out in the book it's back in the day you know it's not current times the rules might have been different back then but nowadays if a meteor lands on your property it's yours so yeah it actually does make sense good our news family that is if this takes place in the US which his movie does Ward says something like most meteorites disintegrate in the atmosphere looks like a meteorite usually they disintegrate before they hit the ground which is incorrect a meteorite by definition is a rock that hits earth so it wouldn't disintegrate in the atmosphere if it was a meteorite a rock that burns up in the atmosphere is called a meteor and Iraq randomly floating through space is called a meteoroid and I don't fault the movie for this really because it's likely that a random person could easily make that mistake so in my mind Ward just made that mistake in that moment it wasn't like a writing mistake for the script then there's this hilarious scene of Nathan milking the alpacas and for whatever reason he brings Ward with him once you get him warmed up nice one dad like yeah come on random hydrologist come watch me milk my alpacas I know you like water do you like milk and he refers to his alpacas tits as boobs and of course the scene is so weird he says it's so like sensually he's like boobs you gotta squeeze the boobs warmed-up would you like to know lactose-intolerant Ward wants to know more about the surrounding area and the water there and apparently this random hippie guy that lives near them knows more about the surrounding area than the family so Benny leads Ward to this random hippie guy the hippies name is Ezra and he owns a black cat named a g-spot what's the name [ __ ] named g-spot it's totally hilarious I'm guessing this is got like a weird shout-out to H P Lovecraft's cat I can't imagine it being anything else like naming your cat something vulgar and weird is like quirky when in Lovecraft's case it was obviously just racist I mean he probably thought it was funny but it's definitely racist then there's a cool scene of ward looking at plants in trees late at night and he's seeing the color for the first time and it's warping his vision and it's a really cool scene I love the way that they did that and it's really trippy it's like he's on drugs or something if I were him I would just think someone like spiked my drink you know I'd be like what the [ __ ] did I eat a magic mushroom by accident what's going on so this is when weird stuff starts to happen in the movie so the meteorite shrank a little bit when the police came and then the reporters came and you know the shrinking and shrinking and then it's gone entirely just shrank and disappeared how can something that pictures disappear I don't know I'm glad so then the phones and the surrounding area start getting their signal interrupted because the color is like starting to inhabit the surrounding area then strange magenta plants start growing out of nowhere the color starts affecting Teresa's mind so while she's preparing dinner she accidentally cuts her finger off when she's cutting carrots it's a very anxiety inducing scene while you're watching it you're like oh god stop it no stop stop dinner's ready then Lavinia and Jack start hearing something strange come from the well it's like these weird noises that they've never heard before very alien noises while it bothers Lavinia it kind of conquers Jack Jack starts imagining like a child would you know that the well is like his friend or something and it's talking to him so it's like corrupting his mind and it's doing it much quicker than it would the adults because obviously he's a kid there's a scene where Jack draws this Lovecraftian monster in a coloring book which I thought was pretty cute and then he sees this praying mantis hatch in the well and it's very huge it's a huge magenta praying mantis it has these like tendrils coming out of its mouth it's super weird they even show what the insect sees and it's really trippy looking so then Lavinia starts seeing things that aren't there and you can even see that the colour is starting to affect the water and you can see like this stuff oozing out of it you know so war does a test on their water and obviously it turns out that the water is kind of contaminated so it shows up at the farm and he tells these people to stop drinking the water except the only person that answers the door is Lavinia and she's kind of you know losing it a little bit so she doesn't listen to what he's saying some kind of contamination sorry what so then Ward goes to Ezra's house you know the weird hippie and he talks to Ezra you know he's trying to tell him not to drink the water in the area and Ezra is like this typical conspiracy theory guy he's kind of a whack job you know like Alex Jones one of those people that wears tinfoil on their heads what do I do Lord destroy the child drop them all but it turns out obviously that what he's saying is true he's talking about how like all the things that we're out there are now in here they're all around us and they're in the earth and if you listen you can hear them you can hear them down there you know obviously Ward thinks he's going crazy but he's not and for whatever reason he knows about the alien I'm not sure how he can know about that they came on the rock no offense Ezra but that's pretty out there it's not out there it's in here this weird device that he has just lets them listen to aliens I guess that's kind of cool need to get me one of those then there's a scene of Nic Cage singing in the car and he's a pretty good singer I watched the interviews of this movie and he starts talking about this song that he sings on set when everybody starts to get a little bit tired and worn out you know to get people energized again and this is that song cameras rolling my lights are on the director calls action the director calls Koch he's quite the character I kind of wish I knew him in real life he'd probably be really fun to hang out with so as the color starts to affect Nathan you can see a little bit more of his dad come out of him and it's very apparent his demeanor changes his voice changes he gets very irritable what the [ __ ] you talking about the little part of him that he inherited from his dad he like transforms into it it's kind of funny though you know his voice is really weird you think ya know yeah he talks really strange do me a favor and get the [ __ ] out of my side actually I'll save you the trouble so then Nathan takes a shower and he finds this like [ __ ] monster in the drain and he picks it up and it like attacks him it's really weird like I thought it was just a light where'd this come monster come from is that like the light affecting the shampoo like the shampoo bubbles what is that is that the water I know it's affecting the waters maybe the water turned into like this little [ __ ] monster and it just like chilled on the drain who knows the next day Nathan starts picking vegetables and fruit from his garden and they're huge and ripe looking and you can tell that the color is affecting everything at this point like the insects the plants literally everything even the trees you can even see it like in the air you know the air looks weird and for whatever reason Nathan doesn't really care about the insane bug bites on his forearms that he's getting you know from like the oversized insects that are out there they're like biting his arms and his arms look really gross like he's a burn victim but he doesn't seem to care about that maybe it's because his mind is being warped by the color who knows so he brings the fruit and vegetables inside he's like oh my god they're so huge and ripe this is awesome this crop is great Tracy peach and he bites into them and you know they taste rotten there's something wrong about them and then he tweaks out he starts like slamming them into the trash bin I love when Nic Cage freaks out I bought every [ __ ] rule in the book and this [ __ ] tastes like you know what slam dunk he says his wife gets mad at him because she can't work and she wants him to fix the dish you know fix the internet when obviously he can't fix the internet because the color is [ __ ] up all the signals in the area so she's losing it he's losing it everyone's losing it so Nathan's watching TV and then he goes to bed you can see that the colour is affecting the TV let me get a shot outside at night and everything is this magenta color you know the color is taken over a hundred percent and the music swells and it's this really cool woman as Lavinia starts to lose a little bit she performs another protection ritual because she's concerned about her family and this time she cuts herself all over Lavinia has a copy of the Necronomicon which I thought was pretty nifty huh that's a pretty cool nod to Lovecraft right there and it's cool that they named her Lavinia because that's a name that Lovecraft used and another story of his called the Dunwich horror which is another movie that Stanley is making he's making three Lovecraft movies and this is the first one so it's like this trilogy of Lovecraft movies I'm really excited about them and I hope that they both star necklace Cage so Jack and Benny here the alpacas like crying in the barn so they go and check on them and what they find is very interesting is this like [ __ ] up looking abomination their flesh is all fused together it's [ __ ] but also awesome so the color is like [ __ ] with the alpacas but as the boys enter the barn the colors like oh look a new victim so it chases after the boys the mother comes out of house and she hears them so she runs towards jack to protect him she gets him in her arms and then the color attacks her and Jack as she's holding him what follows is very very strange I like Stanley's adaptation of the story because he's making it a lot more visual he made it so the color really started to [ __ ] things up and you get to see firsthand what it's doing and it's really weird it's like contorting these living creatures making them into abominations in the book what happens to people is they go mad obviously then they start to mutate a little bit and then they disintegrate and Stanley's adaptation it's a little bit different the mutations go a lot further like it's all about the mutations so what results in the mother and son being hit by the colour is they mutate but they kind of bond together right like they fuse into one kind of like what happened to the alpacas so nathan comes outside and he's like what the [ __ ] is happening like oh my god take them in the house so they bring this abomination into the house and Nathan is still kind of in denial at this point he's like call the police we're gonna fix this so obviously the phone's not' work so Nathan goes out to the car to start the car to leave and get some help but the car doesn't work and the color at this point is affecting time as well it's not just affecting like creatures and the ground and you know matter and living things so by the time Nathan is out there and figures out that the car doesn't work it's daytime already so all this time passes when really for the family it was what like five minutes so I thought that was pretty neat time stretches around it I mean how long have we been sitting here how long has it been since dad went out to the car when the car doesn't start Nick Cage absolutely loses his mind he starts like punching the car you start saying [ __ ] o'clock god I love it I love it when Nick Cage loses it it reminds me of that scene in Mandy when he's sitting on the toilet screaming so Nick comes in to the house and he's completely defeated at this point you know and his acting in this scene is really good car is so they bring the son and the mother up to the attic because the sunlight from the window is hurting them Nathan is sick of hearing the alpacas scream so he gets his shotgun and he goes out to the barn and then if you thought he lost it in the car well this scene yeah he he goes little bonkers I love this energy that Nic Cage has in these movies you know he really puts it out there and I love that so then Nick Cage goes back to his wife and child and he's like alright I'm gonna put them out of their misery but he can't go through with this so he's like are I'm gonna get you help and he kisses his wife which is a very strange idea but then again you know they're all kind of loopy and this like really like sticky gross stuff goes between their lips when he kisses her and it's it's a little weird you know it's kind of what I would imagine kissing someone with lip gloss would be like yeah really gross so the animal start going crazy you can see it in lavinius horse's eyes they're all like purple colored so the horse runs away and their dogs ran away Benny is convinced that he can hear the dog in the well so he goes into the well and tries to save it the color is mainly in the well so as he goes down there he gets devoured by the color the vidya sees this happen and she starts losing it even more she goes to Nathan and she's like oh my god help me but at this point Nathan's abusive father is coming out like almost continuously he's like almost nothing but his father Nathan comes out in little spurts but he's mostly his father so he angrily locks up Lavinia in the Attic with you know the abomination Ward and the police officers are driving around and they see lavinius horse on the road running without anyone on it and they're like what the hell so now they decide to visit the family which is weird right like obviously they should have visited the family before but whatever so nathan has gone completely insane at this point he's not even his father anymore he's just like an empty shell with like the colour inside him and what he sees is his family all sitting on the couch in the living room you know I think Nic Cage pulls off a madman pretty well you know he's itching his scabs from the insects but he's doing it mindlessly his words are coming out and slurs the sheriff and ward here Lavinia screaming in the Attic so they run upstairs they stand there in shock as they see this crazy monster sitting there and the officer is about to shoot this thing but before he can shoot it Nic Cage runs up there and shoots it instead and then he shoots his son it's a heartbreaking scene but also like a creepy scene there's not much family yeah it's weird Ward carries Lavinia outside because they're trying to save her from whatever's happening here Nathan sees the color coming out of the well and he's about to shoot it but the sheriff mistakenly sees Nathan pointed a gun at Ward so he shoots Nathan so Nathan's lying there dead and Lavinia starts to lose the little bit of sandy that she has left Ward tries to get Lavinia to leave the area but the color has infected her mind like a hundred percent at this point so then Ward and the sheriff pay Ezra a visit you know the crazy hippie guy and they find his corpse sitting there and in the room they hear a recording of his last words and this is stuff taken directly from the book which is pretty cool he starts trying to describe the color the best you can with the human tongue which is practically impossible as they leave Ezra's place this tree picks up the sheriff and kills him I thought that was kind of stupid but you know they had to get the sheriff out of there somehow so whatever I mean yeah and the story they described the color affecting the trees in such a way where you know they're moving without any wind which is really creepy and weird right but they never like grab anyone and kill them the stories are already super weird so whatever it's HP Lovecraft they can do what they want right ward goes back to the house in a last-ditch effort to save Lavinia but when he looks into her eyes he gets a glimpse of the origins of the color and like really [ __ ] with him and then she starts to get devoured by the color as it leads the well but then the color explodes add the well it shoots up into space at this point it starts devouring everything around it Lavinia included sabor Din an attempt to save himself rushes into the house and shockingly he finds Nathan alive in the house obviously the color is controlling him right now and the color is manipulating time so you're seeing the family scene there like they used to it's very very trippy this scene is so [ __ ] cool and then the color takes Nathan's corpse makes it stand up and he attacks Ward with the court and it's moving all funky you know like the color is taking over everything there's nothing but color around this place now it's just a hundred percent this alien force you know it's super trippy and weird and it's such a cool scene I love it Ward barely escapes by locking himself in the cellar so the color devours everything around it as it blasts off into space leaving earth in my mind I think the color was like absorbing all the life around it in order to you know gather enough energy to blast off into space so it could go back to where it came from you know there's a million other interpretations of it but that's just what I think it makes the most sense to me Ward wasn't around enough to get completely infected by the color so he was left alive but he wakes up and he's surrounded by nothing but ash everything is colorless like black and white just nothing but ash everywhere the life has been sucked out of every piece of matter in the area where the color was basically so yeah this is our first glimpse of the blasted Heath in this movie a dry desolate spot of Earth consisting of nothing but ash and the surrounding area calls this time the strange days and they plan to fill this area with water turn into dam or something I don't know so yeah that's the movie guys and it ends with Ward spilling some more descriptions of what happened you know straight from the book and I think it wrapped it up pretty nicely overall I really liked the movie I loved the effects I loved a lot of the decisions that Stanley made some of them I didn't really like like the sheriff overall I loved it it was a great watch very entertaining that scene when the color blasts sad the well and Lavinia is standing there with her arms spread and she just devoured by it is so so cool I loved it it was pretty much exactly what I thought of in my head when I was reading it so yeah if you liked this movie then you should look forward to Richard Stan Lee's next Lovecraft movie based on the Dunwich horror that should be pretty fun I'm looking forward to it I have to mention this okay there's this interview of Nicolas Cage you know he's wearing that ridiculous jacket and the woman describes this incident that happened at one of Nicolas Cage's homes basically he was asleep when he woke up there was this naked guy there eating one of his fudgesicles and he freaked out because apparently this guy was like squatting at his place when he wasn't living there like whenever a Nicolas Cage was away doing a movie or somewhere else this homeless guy was like chillin at his house he was like breaking in I guess eating his fudgesicles just told me if any of these are true Nicolas Cage awoken by naked man with Fudgsicle sadly that's a true story it was terrifying so I like to imagine the scene with the alpacas you know Nicolas Cage shooting the alpacas kind of similar to how he reacted when he saw the guy with the Fudgsicle stay there naked in his home and I woke up and there was a naked man who had gone and got my leather jacket eating a fudgesicle in front of my bed and I I just I woke up and I used verbal judo and I just said get out of my house and I what are you doing in my house I don't know what I would do that happened to me I would tweak out so yeah guys that will do it thank you so much for watching if you haven't seen this movie go watch it if you haven't already I would recommend reading the short story before watching the movie it shouldn't take you too long I think it took me like an hour maybe two hours to read it so yeah this movie pretty good if you like Lovecraftian horror and weird movies like this then here are three recommendations that i think that you will love the endless annihilation and coherence these are three movies that I completely adore and I think you'll like them too so yeah go check those out if you haven't already and if you made this far thank you so much because these videos when I'm just kind of like gushing about a movie that I like don't normally get as many views as my other ones but it's always fun to do this sometimes so thank you for watching speaking of Lovecraft horror I have some really cool Lovecraftian designs over on my merch store my personal clothing brand called alien clothing I think there are some designs over there that you will like a lot and as always thank you so much patrons for supporting this channel I love you guys so much and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Elvis The Alien
Views: 1,265,815
Rating: 4.959898 out of 5
Keywords: color out of space, movie review, nicolas cage, nic cage, nic cage elvis the alien, nic cage elvisthealien, insane nic cage, insane nicolas cage, colour out of space, elvis the alien, elvisthealien
Id: PzMay-OmXVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 21sec (2181 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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